Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 16, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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r.st" ftFTSff KOTOTTr
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t,jlv fair anil cenllmtcil cool le-
nihf lowest nlwtit 25 degrees; aunuay
rleiiilv, probably snow or rnln
1 T; AiU.lt ATI ki: AT MAt'H
Entered aa See-end-Clami Mutter at din T'oietenloe nt Philadelphia, Fa.
Under the Act of March 8. 18T9
Publlahed Dally Hxcept Sunday, Subucrlptlen Price 16 a Tear b llall.
Copyright, 1022, by I'ublle ledger Company.
Dougherty's Fees. Unable
te Lit rlub te Hit Him
Would-Be Impeachers Haven't Half of One
Per Cent Chance Before Velstead's
Investigating Committee
i I
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r-5iii no l W-i I i l - ; 4 el I
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VOL. IX. NO. 81
-"""'"" """" .
Thirtieth Outbreak of Nature
Recently in Montgomery, Del
aware and Chester Counties
Weman Rescues Cattle, Said te
Be Part of Finest Herd in
Section Herse Cremated
Firebugs early today evaded read
patrols maintained In Chester County
by State police and Mt fire te tlie barn
en the estate of Catherine, Merris nt
Vlllnnevn. The building wns burned
te the ground, ltli n less of $8," ,000.
Count v Commissioners tednv offered
reward of .$1000 for information lead
ing le arrest and conviction in this
ceuntv of the barn-burners who have
been terrorizing Lancaster, Chester nnd
Delaware Counties.
A small army of State police and the
entire field force of the Stnte lturcnu
of The Protection' have been nt work
In Chester. Delnwnre and Montgomery
Counties for two weeks In nn effort te
capture the mysterious torch wialdcrs.
The ham en the Merris estate Is the
thirtieth te go up in flames In the
three counties since early October. In
r.earlv nil the fires there has been evi
dence of the work of firebugs. Twe
men have been seen te run from several
burning barns te an automobile and
ipprd away.
Lieutenant Mullln and Sergeant
Went!!, of the Lewer Merlen police,
lth State troopers, started nn inves
tigation immediately after this morn
lug's liie. They nnneunced the barn
was deliberately burned by nn lncen-
!nr.v' . . , . ,..
The Merris estate is leased liv AMI-
mn Bernard and Matthew Itamble.
Mr. and Mrs. Itamble were preparing
breakfast tills morning when they saw
smoke coming from the bam. Mrs.
Rnnible sent n call te the Itryn Mnwr
ire company nnd te the police and then
joined her husband at the barn in u-s-
cuing the livestock.
Weman Keseues Onltlc
Mrs. Itamble rescued twenty-one
cows and one bull. The held Is said
te he one of the finest In Montgomery
County. Mr. Itamble saved thirty pigs
nnd four of five horses. One horse was
Mr. and Mrs. Itamble were aided
m the rest ue of the livestock by the
tact that the fire started in tint see
nml story of the barn. The tinmen for
-evc-ml minutes did net descend te the
Inner portions, wheie the cows und
lieisps were kept.
When the Hrjn Mnwr firemen nr
ilwd the barn was n muss of flames.
The firemen were compelled te stretch
.i lung hose from a plug along Merris
-(net nnd could de little te light the
In nn hour the barn wns burned te
the ground, the stone walls about the
sides standing ulenc. I'lremen wen;
able te save u number of building) and
tlie quarters of the fnrm help.
Bam of Medem Type"
The barn wns of the modern type,
built of stone nnd with the side? and
i oef shingled. It was one of the luig
ist In Lewer Merien Township. Siles,
ribs nnd ether small buildings built
fuljuceiit te it were destiejed, tegethei
with a large stock of modem farm im
plements, including several traeteis.
It was equipped with an electric light
ing system, running water nnd the lat
est sanitary improvements.
Lewer .Merlen iwlice will continue
tlielr investigation today. According
te Lieutenant Miillin, the lighting bvs
Jem was in perfect condition. Ne one
had access te the bain except the own
era at that hour of the iiinrninj,, he
said, nnd the cmpleves of the fnrin
W'P all in bed when the lire started.
r T."e. ,)arn wni dUibeintely set en
nrc," .Mr. Itamble said. "When I
arrived nt the barn I could see that the
ware had started en the second lloer
'"he haymow.
"The fire could net havn been caused
faulty elect lie wiring because,
'Itnetieh the barn is equipped elec
1 1 ically. no wires were near tlie deer
"ii the second fleer, where the bhue
iituully began.
"Anether jeasen I have for believing
jt te have been of incendiary niiglu is
'cause the two large left doers wen
Ihing wide open, as if te give plenty
"(draft te thu ilames."
Mr. Itninhle said he was at a less
"' understand why nnyhedv should want
" damage his property.
I have no enemies that I knew of,"
i said,
Insurance Man Returns te Find
Clothing and Jewelry Stelen
Thieves made it clenn sweep of cloth
"S In the home of William II. Arrett,
r 1M)I Seuth itlttenheiise square, dur-u-i
the absence of the tamlly.
Mr. Arrett, who is an insurance man.
'tuinecl home jesterduy after a
'lejith i absence nnd found the dwelling
''I been enterid from the rent- nnd
Ktually all (lie clothing and some
,';"S!"-W,C Ktulc"- ,1r ' the less
The house has been closed since the
ummer. dm lug thu family's absence.
Mr. Arrett visited his home u month
'K and found everj thing i.eeure. He
'' net been there since.
An apartment house is being built
'"vt deer, and the police of the i'if
'"'Mii and Locust streets stntien be
'"' the noise nnd confusion of build
"i masked the operations of the
"i eves, who must have used a tuick te
'' the loot away.
Weman Falls Dead In Street
i Al',Pr1 "'turning from a short walk
bertly before midnight last night. .Mis.
Iiarlcs Hang, sixty-live years old, fell
uiininsWeiiH en the steps of her home,
-"-II .Neiilh Seventh wtieel. She wns
lZn,u tlie Episcopal Hospital, when-
l lr,1;L's,l w,lH " w ''" ""' "'"
"wng with her son who was net home
at the time. It is believed death wus
"'e te heart failure.
ia.f ".nd '? tha JIe'P Wanted telumne en
kcs fcj gntj 23. Adv,
BSH fHB ?S- J Silpy'
H JKL-: -::7' ?H'
iH .itiHBiliBr;!H''
i i flPVBakH..''
President Nnrtitew Icz of I'elantl, who was assassinated today, just one
week after his election.. He was Inaugurated last Monday amid rioting
in Warsaw, in which four persons, were killed and mere than 100 Injured
Navy Beard Can 9t Find
High Jinks but Slaps 'em
Denby's Solemn Prob Preb
ers Issue Hep-Scotch
Verdict en Post Pest
Game Celebration
Say Sufficient Precau
tions Were Taken
and if They Weren't
They Will Be
The Middles' "high jinks" after the
memorable Army-Navy game nt Fiank
lin Field were regrettable if they oc
curred. That is tlie net result if the very
solemn investigation ordered by Secre
tary Denby after he had seen "or heard
nbeut nntlcs which he called "the
most llagraut, as far as I knew, that
have eer been churned iiL-nhist. the
If Secretary D'enby is right and hU
Investigating beard, which has just tiled
ifs findings, is right, then the Jav.il
Academy's conduct in the past has been
something mere than angelic-.
Fer the geld-braided beard, which
held dignified sittings at Annapolis and
heard a great deal of evidence, has just
reported that measures had been taken
te preserve order which In the light of
previous experiem e should have been
sufficient, and if they were net sufTa-ient
"it is te be regretted if the steps taken
did net meet the lcquircd end."
Which ends the incident, apparently.
It is surmised that certain knowing
gentlemen ih New Yerk will find much
dissatisfaction with tlie beard's find
ings. New Yerk wants the Army-Navy
game, and had it for some jeurs be-
ause the old Franklin Field stands
weie net lnrge enough te held the mul
titudes who wished te see the game.
With l'enn's new stadium tlie advan
tage In seating capacity is new with
Philadelphia. And Midshipmen and
"West Pointers weie tinanimeuslj- agreed
this season that Philadelphia liad New
Yetk backed off the map in ccry ether
The report that some of the Navy
men had, te exptess It Imdlv. taken
tee much te drink nt tlie Navy ball
which followed the gnme, first appeared
in the New Yerk papers.
Hut the facts seem te support the
Middies' contention that it was u geed
party and evorjbedy behaved as If the
cadcls merely were en parade.
Witnesses before the beaid icpeited
that there hail been some civilian
"drunks" who get in despite effeits
te keep them out, but that tlie worst
Continued en fane Six. Column Twe
Resolution Requesting President te
Act Put In Naval Supply Bill
Washington. Dee. 1(1. (lly A. P.)
lly a vote of 151 te 1) the Heuse tedny
adopted a institution making in order
a ptovisien in tlie naval supply hill
lequestliig the President te negotiate
with foreign peweis lelative te limit
ing the construction of. war ciaft of
10.(100 tens or less.
Hy this nrtloiithepiewslou itself
lemained in the bill, secure from
diminution en a point of elder as
unauthorized legislation and insuring
thut tlie whole question will he passed
upon tinnlly by the Heuse. It pmbably
will be reached late tmlajej; Monday.
Thlrteen-Year-Old Lad Causes Ar
rest of One Suspect
Quick detective work bv Dnniel Lit
tle, -Ir., thirteen jenrs old, 18IU North
Lambert street, resulted in tlie nriest
Inst night of a youthful highwayman,
licensed of robbing, Peter O'Hure, n
snlesmnn, of 1020 North Cniuac street.
O Ilaie was carrjtng n large lentlnv
hag en Norwood street above .AIentKOiii-X'l'"HM'" Kt ' Tlllie underneath. On
ry avenue when Little saw two veung fmere he aimed the pistol, this time
.Negroes aiiuc-u aim wuu stones lieiu an
allej .
Little watched and waited. Finally
the two Negroes i.ppreiiched O'Hare anil
tlneW salt 111 his eyes. When O'lTm-u
dropped his bag, the bejs seized It and
Little tolieucil tlieni. They euteied
n poolroom en Diamond street. Little
then called Patielmnn Atkln and (old
him of the rehherj ,
Chile Prndlcy, l."..l Stillmaii stieet.
one of the alleged -lehbers, was found
, theie, His companion t-sinped. The
i bug Lentallied clothing weith $200,
I Knllu. nillearlll. Dee. III. lit., t
P.) A bomb was thiewn last night as
the automobile of M. Daskaloff, Minis
ter of Interior, chew away from the
Parliament Huihlliiif. where the minis
ter had attended Vlie Session, Ne ene
was hurt and nodemngc was done,
It Sounds Solemn
and Whafs It Mean?
While In the light of previous
experience the measures adopted te
prevent disorderly conduct should
have been sufficient, "It is te be
regretted if the steps taken did net
meet the required end."
This is the Navy Department's
solemn statement of Its conclusions
following inquiries into the middies'
frolic at the ball here nfter the
Army -Navy game.
Runs Wild After Addison St.
Held-Up and Empties Pistol
at Passersby
A giant Negro ran wild at Seven
teenth and Addison stiects nl S o'clock
this morning, held up n saloon, ter
rorized scores of persons en the street
and finally was outwitted and con
quered by n patrolman.
During nn action -crammed five min
utes the crazed man cmptieifthc maga
zine of nn nnnv nutematic pistol, but
did net hit nny one. In appearance
the man icscmbles "Alabama Jee,"
who barricaded himself in a house lust
J ear and was killed after a dramatic
The prisoner, who described himself
later as Andrew Ciessin. twentj -seven
jenrs old. nn armv cbnfTcur, entered the
saloon of Annie (iavaghan, Sew-ntccnth
nnd Addison stieets, about 7 :.'1() o'clock.
Streamed, Then Itati Away
Harry Stein, manager, 421 Seuth
.Seventeenth stieet, and ltiehurd Ward,
bartender, 1020 North Nineteentli
street, were behind the bar,
Cressln was in the saloon about a
half hour when he suddenly set earned,
drew the pistol mid ordered Stein au.i
Wind te threw up their hands, They
ehejid at once, but Ciesslu alined at
the manager's iiead and tired three
times as Stein dropped behind the bnt.
Stein beblird his head and shoulders
above the bar a moment later nnd fired
several shots nt Cresin, who was run
ning toward the deer. The bullets
went wild. A colored woman, walking
en Addison street was eidered bv Cros Cres
sln te threw up her hands.
She screamed and ran, the maddened
man then turning toward another
woman carrjing a bundle of clothes.
The second woman dropped her bun
dle and i mii tewnid Seventeenth stieet,
while Cressln speeded toward Sixteenth
stieet, just 'n time te illteicept Jeseph
Kester, l.'KMi North Twenty-scu-nth
street, who was dilvlug a team.
The crazed man ordered Kester te
halt and tluew up his hands. Ap
parently satisfied when the driver
ebejed, Cressln turned abiuptly nnd
tired several bullets into tlie tir.
Policeman Hears Shots
The lepeits had been heard bj Pa Pa
trelmun Deminic di Tlllie, of the
Twelfth and Pine streets station, who
was at Seventeenth und Pine streets
waiting for his da.v relief. He ran te
Sixteenth street and approached
At the ciiiiiuiaud te threw up ),iH
hands Dl Tlllie ebejed, but kept mov
ing tewanl Ciessin. He advanced te
within a feet of him und then leaped,
striking Ciessin en tlie jaw and knock
ing him down.
Ciessin shoved his pistol against Di
TUIie's stomach ami pulled tlie trig
ger, but there was no icpert. Tliev
w test led about for five minutes until
patielman's head, but again there
was nn explosion,
Dl Tlllie had inanuged (e druw his
blackjack and he belnbeied the man
ever the head until he luj gasping anil
helpless, He was taken te the station
house nnd nriaigneil at once before
Magistrate O'llilen, who held him
without bail for mil
BelowNermal Temperatures and
Snow or Rain Forecast
Washington. Dec 10, (lly A. P. i
Weather outlook for the week begin
nlng Memlu.v ,
Ninth and Middle Atlantic States,
unsettled with mievv or rain at begin
ning; fair following until Thursday
or Friday, when snow or lain is again
probable; temperate considerably below
normal. '
Successor of Pilsudski Killed
While Visiting Art
Exhibition '
Notable Career as Foreign Min
ister Preceded Elevation
te Presidency
Dl Msiecldfecf Press
Wa.-saw. Dec. 10. Onbrlcl Narute-
wics, president of Telnnd, was nssns
slnnted this neon.
M. Nnnitewleji wns shot while vis
ltine an art exhibition. He died n
few minutes inter.
There hnve been continuous disor
ders ever since President Nnrutevvlrz
was elected by the Nntlennl Assembly
ene week age today. On thnt occasion
there wns tumultuous clamor growing
out of his unexpected choice te succeed
Ocnernl Pilsudski, the battle between
rtvnl factions nnd the police resulting In
four deaths and the Injury of mere than
100 persons.
President Nnrutewlcss took ever the
supreme executive authority from Mar
shal Pilsudski only two days n-,'e, the
ceremony occurring nt neon Thursday
at the Belvedere Palace, the official
home of the President.
The opposition te the choice of M.
Nnrutewlcz as first President of Po
land, came mainly from the National
ists, representing the purely Polish
population, the members of this party
resenting the election of n man who,
they declared, represented the non-Polish
and radical elements. The Nation
alist Deputies, after the election, an
nounced officially that they would re
fuse te support Nortitewica or any ('ab
luent nppelnted by him. They ns
serted he was elected by the votes of
the Jews, Ukrainians, Oermnns and
Russians, receiving only ISO Polish
votes, while 227 Polish votes were cast
for Count Zamejskl.
Cnder the law the Speaker of the
Heuse, Mncier. Hataj. acts as President
in the ense of the death of the Presi
dent, nnd is required nt once te con
voke the National Assembly te cheese n
new Chief Executive. M. Hataj was
elected Speaker a week age, nnd Is a
prominent member of the party sup
porting former Premier WItes.
Gabriel Narutewie, was elected Pies.
blent of Pelnncl by the Nntlennl As
sembly nt WaiMiw en December 0. He
had been Minister of Foreign Affairs.
His election wns ,i vlcterj ever the ex
tieme nationalistic Pun-Polish views.
He was a lelative c.f General Pllsud
bki. tlie retiring President.
Nurutevvic-7. wns n member of the va
rious Polish cabinets since .lime, 1020,
when he was appointed Minister of
Public Works under Premier Grabski,
He was reappointed te tins position by
Premier Pomtlevvskl.
Nnrutewlcz enjejed nn international
reputation as an engineer.
Fermer Pi-esident Pilsudski, though
himself fenced out of office by the Cen-i-crvntive
opposition, scored a persona!
victerj ever his opponents thiettgh the
election of Narutewicz as his successor.
Opponents te Move te Replace It by
Farmers' Measure
Washington, Dec. 10. The fust test
of strength in the Senate en the Ad
ministration Shipping Kill appeared in
sight today, when opponents of tlie
measure announced thnt during the
duy's session they would move te dis
place it with the Norris bill te ciente u
government inpitnliKcd corporation te
buv and sell farm products.
The move te cull up the Norris bill,
the first of the agricultural mensuie-,
was opposed by some of the leaders.
Senater .leiies, of Washington, in
charge of tlie shippin- bill, told the
Senate a few dajs age that he was
willing te lay aside the shipping bill
for any agricultural bill having be
hind it "n unanimity of Sennte opin
ion," but he indlcnted that the Nonis
bill did net fall within that class.
Opponents of the shipping hill con
tended that, en the basis of a poll
made by one of their leaders. Senater
llienkhuit, of Iowa, they would com
mand about fifty-live votes, a safe ma
jority. LEAVES $25,000 TO ERECT
$280,000 for Charities Bequeathed
by D. F. Buchmlller, of Lancaster
Lancaster. Pa.. Dee. IH.a total of
;-n'U!!!! 'J' ,ml'"'' 1,,,,ui,ie''' 'minding
,fl.0,0lMl for u public pails and ifs
inaintennnee. is bequeathed In the will
of Dillen I . Iluehmiller, local uiniiu
faetuicr. which was admitted te probate
today. The bequests, the wilt Mates,
were "iiremptvd bj his love for his
native i-ltj and deslie te have his name
permanent l,v associated theievvith "
Mrs. Mary I!. Ledvvith. wife of W.
L. Ledwlth of Philadelphia, und
daughter of the lute .Mr. Urn hmlller.
is co-exiMUter of the estate with the
Cnieti 1 1 list Company, tliiH eltv. The
bequests include S'J.'i.OOD (n purchase
n rural park for use and enjevment of
the pnlille; SHKi.OOO te maintain the
pars, with a prevision that gieund
shall bu ic'served for thtee Weeks each
veins for camping put poses fee the V
W. C. A. and Y. M. l A. : IntCest
from .f2.ri,()(K) tn the Lancaster Cem.
miinlty Serviie, for peer and nceilv
lulerest ftem Slll.OOO te maintain ,i fi'ee
bed ill ticueial Hospital; inleiest fiem
$10,000 te (he Dorcas Secielv ;$'. (loe
te erect n monument te the memeiv
et the late Piesidcnt -Inuu-s liui-huiuiii
who lived heie; $10.0011 te T, iv
Lutheran Church. .$10,000 te W er
Army; 810,000 for a fountain at the
Masonic Heme, Lllznbet itevvn Sin nnn
ter scholarships in Shipper Scheel .
U 1
Check Up en Statement of
Powell as te Way Man
Was Slain
Phonograph Near Condemned
Cell Used te Break Silence
of Prisoner, Is Story
Wanamaker Editorial
in Mount Helly Jail
Printed en n card pasted upon
the doorway leading te the tier of
cells in which Harry C. Mehr sits In
the Mount Helly .Tnil is this quota
tion from nn edlterinl written by
Jehn Wnnnmnker:
"It has come te me as a geed rule
net te believe anything ngninst
nnether unless it is first confirmed ;
nnd even when it is nn assured fact,
my rule Is net te repent anything
thnt will be harmful te another.
"I cannot held ether people s
tongues, nnd it lias taken me a long
time te get control of my own
tongue but it can be done!
"And it is well worth while. If
for no ether reason, It saves a let
of time."
The jury which will decide the
fate of Mrs. Deris Urunen and her
brother, Hnrry C. Mehr. who are tn
trial nt Mount Helly for the murder of
"Honest Jehn" Hruncn, circus owner,
went tedny (e Riverside. N. J., and re
enacted for themselves the bcene et the
They spent nn hour in nnd nbeut
Hrunen's former home nt IUversiiK
where he was shot te death the night of
Mnrch 10 as he sat in the kitchen of
his home, rending a newspaper.
The jurors reconstructed the events
of the tragic night fiem the narrative
of Cluules M. Powell, the confessed
murderer, who accuses Mehr of having
plotted and urged the crime.
They pulled down the kitchen win
dow b'lind te eight Indies of the bot
tom, nnd then while one of their num
ber sat back in a chair with his back
te the window the ether went outside
and one by one steed en tlie sloping
outside cellar deer and peered in at him,
sntlsfving themselves thnt Powell could
hnve 'seen and slain Ills victim from that
i:ainlne liullet Heles
Then they spent some time examin
ing the bullet holes Jn the walls of
the kitchen, wher the wild shots from
Sirs. Hrunen's ic-velver embedded them
selves when she und her husband fought
last Chrlstmus morning.
The jurors also looked nt tlie gap
in tlie hedge through which Powell
Mi's he fenced himself when he wns
milking his escape after the sheeting.
They went te the spot near the barn, '
where, according te Powell's story, lie
nnd Mehr steed the night before tlie
ci line reconiieitering. They went nKe
te the barn nnd saw for thcim-elves
the place where Powell .said the shot
gun, well oiled, hud been hidden until j
tlie moment came for tlie oeinmls,lon ,
of the crime. i
The house is new nicuided by Jehn1
Stemellski, who bought it for StJSOO
some time nfter the minder. Chnlned
t.. the i.eiiar deer was a frieiidi.v j.mng ,
lietind. owned bv Stemellski, which '
wagged its tail when the jiuers steeped'
tj, mf It. At the linen hnueier. cliev
found a collie which welcomed them'
vvitli snarls. The owner hud te chain
it up during their visir.
railieiiil station neiirbj. and saw wheu"'
Powell Mild .Melir awaited him m an
until mobile. I hen the-j letiirned te
Mount Helly, where the trial U te be
tesiimed Monday.
Italliffs Only Witnesses
Ac ling under J he eideis of Supreme
Court Justice Kailscli. who is trjing
the c-iim'. no one acceinpaincil the jurors
hut haililts
Assistant Prosecutor Pencil k wns i
then-, but was carelul te Keep at a
icspcctful eliitnnee ticini the juteis. H,.
C'eiitlniiril en lne 'I . Culuinn Twe
Teklo Cabinet Confirms Appoint
ment te Washington
Tnliiu. Dec. 1. (P.j A. P 1Ap 1Ap
peliitnienl of Vice Foreign Minister
.Ma mac Hnnihnra as Ambassador te
Vv'iislilngteu was eenlirmud yesterday by
the Cabinet.
Teki-Chl 'P.maka Micceed.s Hauihara
in the foreign iiiinistr.v.
Film Acter In Hollywood Sanate-
ineiiitlis UK" ane-r ins nc.iiiu nail lieen
failing for (luce veins, they said, ami
le,. several weeks lie- has been under
the i an- et ( plijsii'i.ins nud two
inili- liuises
'I'hej said lliev. ln-iie-veil 'Mhe bj..
snuggle was evei and that plans f,.
the Immediate tiiture- included nothing i
iw.ee than h
in,, ,- ii. .ii inn i, pi neaitii
Hi the motion pic-tiite
I,lll.,l II 1111 I..1 . I ... I . . .
and bu 1'hu
wet 111
Seme lime ug-i u was aniieuiu e, the
,1,0 - eves weie- tumbling ,, ,
later that he hud gene Inte the moun
tains for a lest. It was about a week
nflei hi" letiiru fiem tin- mountains
that his condition nece-ssitnted his go
ing te (lie suii.iieiiuiu. i
111) 101) M'ANT A JOII? TIIKIti: AltK
"i. ,!. nt Ihein aelvi-rtlkpd In .h. ,,",r'
rlum After vjuuering BreaKdewn walked biisklv up i the school ste.is. i-esseii ,j several ether iii-v-.imp,.,s
I I.e, Angeles. Dec. l(!.-(lly A. P.) , steeped swiftlv ,.i..l iniiv.ei mi, lie left ';'" 't is clear that il pinion's f
Wall.."' Held, lib" actor, is Might- behind n fat .-uve'.-pe -tulf.-.l wuh ' l'r'lx,V,s "'' net iie,.saiiU based
ing ler his life" in u small IIell.v weed newspiipe r -ci.ii-s I'.-elai-d and J '" susple,i ,,f (i,.rm. , TUl, ,, '
snimleiium. ncceiding te u sterj the Schaffe-i hid in a beuse a- i. the su. ,-t -llis dipleiuatie , oriespendein
Times published t.ida.v . quoting his .""I waited. ; "at one et the , enditi.u,.. p,,s ,.(,.
wli'e known piofessieimlly as Dr- 1 "t ''' minutes the l-lciivs ' anv c, (ierniaiij iNt , .1'.
ethv Daveiipeit. and his methcr-in- wutedii-d Then ih.-v m lit- slender ""-.iiing down ,,f t he- (Jennnii iiiden.iiltv
Invv Mis Alice- Davenport. hum ! a l -m '""ag ine s, n,,ei -" e hi im. newspapeis, is..ss ,i,.,
li'.-i.l Hulfeieel a breukdewn neailv two laillng-. The- bev iurn-,1 m .it the step -Uetien . dilui ially "' ""
Winied column, ted.y en paw. 22 Jna'W.' p. th. " WfinV
Aav' jjf;tliln under Situations or
Stuff C'nrrrMKinclrnt Ermine I'nbllc LrdKCT
Copvrleht 1022, lv
Washington, Dec. 10. Attorney
General Dnugherty Is fortunnte In his
enemies. Thnt much one may say safe
ly as one leeks nt the collapse of the
Impenchment proceedings ngninst Mm.
tila tmnf-nntminnt . rt tin mnVn n
' . i , , , .. . ,
comparison which shows Its unwisdem. ,
Let us suppose thnt nn unpopular char- jerty. It was he who picked up the dub
ncter hns left the ice en the sidewalk thnt was tee big tn swing, or who pro pre
in front of his house every winter. Tt ;llr,,,.1 ")p, indictment for murder when
, ii. , , t should have been for violating n
is a town scandal. A prominent citizen I sl(!p.wnIk enUnce.
falls en this ice and breaks his head iPr)mp, (;empprH InPnnt It only as
nnd dies. n brilliant gesture, a dramatic demon-
New let us suppose thnt n feel of n , strntlen before the ejes of labor of
District Attertiey has the owner of the
sidcwnlk Indicted for murder instead of
proceeding ngninst him for vielntlng a
sidewalk ordinance. Thnt is vilmt this
impcnclimrut of Dnugherty was, In-
dieting him for murder when, nt most, l
he had only violated a sidewalk erdl
Impeachment proceedings have only
succeeded once or twice In the history
of the ceuntrj. They allege high crimes
nnd misdemeanors. And whatever one
may think of the Attorney General, and he hud net been the author of a oer eer
n geed many people hnve never thought tnin one-half of 1 per cent net. Seme
highly of him, no one seriously thinks one inserted into Velstead's brain the
him guilty of high crimes and mlscle- idea that it would be wise te compel
meanefH. j Dnugherty's critics te make geed en
nig Contract te Prove i ,h,elr. 1,n.rSer ll!",, ll',t lle "'"s sullty
,. t , , . , of high crimes nnd misdemeanors,
It is n large contract te i.reve high 1Mtber tbnn en their smaller charge
crimes nnd misdemeanors, tt he, jeur1 tlmt llP ,,,, mit 1)P, an ,.k.innt ,esJ.
antagonist Is trjlng te hit you with n ,,tlter of nr frm, te for,p ,',,, ,0
club se heavy that he cannot lift It ,,rnvp Krnv nci-,itiens ngninst him.
from the ground, I Is n geed t mc te , rathpr ,him I.ItIllt ,a,m u llttle itcr
iV 'ri-i . i . I "'"VV.L
blew. Thnt Is what happened te the
The personalities are interesting.
Westmoreland 3
Happy Hlllew O
Kensington Jrs 0
1 i
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Associate Justice Pitney, of the
Supiemc Court, today sent his resignation te Piesldent Hntding
te tnke effect January 1.
LONDON, Dec. 16. It is considered probable that the gov
ernment of "Premier Hughes will lese seven seats in the Aus
tralian Federal elections today, says an Exchange Tclegiaph dis
patch from Melbourne, giving the ceuntiy patty, the agiicul
turists, the balance of power. Pi tmier Hughes hlmselt has be.u
le-elcutcd te Parliament. -. t .
Youngster Needing Christmas
Meney Sends Death Threat I
te S. 1 2th St. Physician
Visions of a Itliiik I In ml oigain.itien
as the lllltliei of n thle-ate-uillg letter te
Dr. Jehn I! Ileinis. SO.-. Seuth Twelfth
stieet, hnve dwindled te the leullv of
a vei.v urn-Ii frightened sehoelbov who
wanted mom v tm Chirstmus.
Dr. Kemig ferme-ilv u Coinner's
..!. ..I.- I 1 . 1... 1..., . ',-1 i.. .
iy,,,.,.,,. .,. ... . ,,...,., ,,,,,.- ' ' 'ii;';
the n.lLe 'I'lie nhvsli inn u iw nritm.wl e '
place- M.'.i in a
n elope last night en
the fteps eif tl
llawilletlie cllOOl.
tvveltth and lii'VMiter stiee-ts
Siulilitii find mKtnriies ile-itli tutntil
evert.ike llr. Itemiir. the leller tlnent-
eilecl. If lie failed te obi-v tlie elder of
the "lllack Ilntid." He was told te
consider that sl'.'i was i meie tittle, com
pared with the pnvili-ge of seeing tlie
sun rise each morning
Htillel. Itemb or Kuil'e?
Dr. Itfiuig'x cvn neiii e in tu Cor Cor
oner's ettice had made linn familiur with
sudden and v teli-tit di-ailis in many,
fei ms. Ili pondered mi tin- p-i-siliilltv
of n beuili en the iloet-ie ps, a -het from
,u iiliaileweil doeiwiiv m a hiitte- thrust
, in tin- dark.
j Although iieir nie Iin-'d le tre-at the
' letter seruiuslv prude'iie--- elictal-el n
'visit te the Dete-ciivi. Ifuie-au. Ii.-tee
fives Peniaiul und Schnffer advised
lit in
te place- il ililinmv e-iive-lei i
school doeiste-ph last night.
It -vns s. ,,,i, ik wii"i ir lie-mig
av a.v .
1 Prisoner si.iied
'I'e-ll si-- eiiils l.ilei I e
Wlls l li
:i m
of the ii levtlV- -
II lib ie-' f.'iint.il
with fi ight. lb- v.i- Like i In ( it v Ha!'.
;v,.u. he li-uib.l lm "-If i- I'leel
Ibani - ulll. (ifte-en --m- "'d. nml n in-t.
di or ni'lgliiiei et in lining
"I had ii" iiiniie v in-i 1 I, n-w n wns
going te be u teiuh I 'in i-tiiia-." he ex
plained when lie gain-el niiiui.li eeiiriig
te till!.. "1 tlgilleel tli ii 'he doe ter llllel
pleiit.v II t il that lie wmtlii lievc-l lill-s
SL'.'i. I liad t--.nl a I -"it l'.hnk iliilnl
letters nud thought I weiilel lake a
cliniue-, loe "
The bej W,l" sent i- the Heuse of
l'OK IIK1.I'? l'KR.
ou want In mlvtr-
en pact 21, Adv.
l-p 1 He -'lie ' iii'i- null s',llle-i
Puhltc Ledger Company
There is Samuel Compere, who con
cedes that he earns his salary by speak
ing with no uncertain voice for labor.
Daughcrty had obtained nn Injunction
ng.tlnst rnllrend strikers, (lempcrs hnd
been rnthcr suhni'-rgcd during the
strikes of last summer. He hnd te de
something Impressive. lie did ; lie se
, lnMtn ,' tnniin,.i,menf of Dimch
He did; he set
what he would de te Daughertv If he
only could. The size of the club, even
though It could net be lifted, wns evi
dence of the will te net. Maybe Getnp-
ers never expected te be nsked te make
geed en the Impeachment, i engrei-s wns
lrlendlv te the Attorney General. It
Intel ret used te investigate nun. ftureiy
it would net, he might have argued,
linpcuch him?
Then theie wns Velstead, bend of the
Heuse Judiciary Committee. Ne one
would ever nave Heard of Velstead if
merely te reuse suspicions of blm.
,.,., ..... , , ,
Velstead we t at it In slew fashion.
Continues! en rate ixniinuT niTe
Hispcy Jrs
1 1
e p
Whitehall Jrs 0
Financial Experts Declare Cer-
man Indemnity Must First
U. S
Be Reduced
Hj 4 seef iuttii I'rri.3
l.eiiiiuii, lie,., it! - The diplomatic
and fmancil epert of the Londen
morning nev-spaji, rs nie of the geneuu
opinion that the- rumor of nn Ameiicnn
or intern. ttienal lean te (ieiiimny inns
far iiheml of tin- taei
Iteperts of pe,si0ie fiiuill-i.il us,is.-
""ll '" u' imatis, tegitli.-r with the
iiepaitllle of Anihassidhir II ir
vev te
I 'nshlngleii net
anil miimatieiH
t ..
."" "'"'Ung Ailmilijstratien
ill-. .
--sen re eeit a h- Ij.ful n,ll,i,.re .
l.urrtpenu nlTaiis ailt.-i. i wide att.n-
e 1, , 1 spat, h, beating ,!. ,.,.
.": "" "" leiKluiB ...Iimiiih of the
I lie- ONpe-Ks
V lew HIL the s.iei, u
Hull et
ti. Ism. ,,i", ",V'"..V ''nn.ie sU,.
. .... .nn eeiisiiiera i e
1 I'llCl I Hi. .,111. ...I ...I
II 1. . . . . '' '
t..P.I... -. " .''ill- lllM'll
J es .
... " ' .', M"I,H. !"' ' '"' ii.
IT lie, nl " ""' M"'"lllg I'e.l -
l.ieiiee ,,, ,;,,, ,, ;
i cntlv lest.M.d te ieiid.-i in itu,.,.,.,.
li'iinl lean te that , ,, , n
";;':-' r..i some ,!,,. .,,1(1Il '. ;'.'
PIUIJ impliati' ilnnl.iM
ashlngien, Dee- in
i I, I,, i, .
'!! A I' i
uiiiiij - iie-m,. e-uiiimuii
mi- e i inn,, (,, , .
silllll'lllll. I,..
-ne'ei tc-ii.iv in ,,11,, ,,,1
ell-pat, he-, ,,.
e'lei.eel 11 inm, :..,..
,,,, ', eiiiii- i. i,., ,,,,,.
I ''"" W',",I " '"..it in.r- s, ,
l''J'- "nil shortage i . k,..,,,,,," '"
- en-11-ll-.lilllll, Ms ,, ,(1
ll I's hi
ii-iiiiilll Idle te li
1" I e-ent, ( i
insimili-e stlll-l
slltie I llkinii ..i .M
' M-.MIHI p,.,ll,1.ls , an erteu te , , :
'all en iht di mands.
ii oii-neieii- lm,,,,,,,. ,,, ,,
null. Jle.itil.g .lei,,. II1W ' J." ,
1. in linn inui ii,,,, . "(..'.
....... . . ....... iii.ii kw. was re.
in-licil l lias total S.1'1 nun linn euui
marks i.- in
w","",'i inn.
' ,"' I'-ii-ili.e inns, w in-i have'
been rediscounted. u fact showing, P.
th?rn1., ""W" !. the straj.H of
the OeVernuieiit'ii linances 'ni,.. n..i,.i,.
Iieiisill-V Hills, W1ICI line
eyernment's finances, The lteiclis-
CdetlnHd en rune blx. Culuuin Four
Newspaperman Says He Tritd
te Quench Thirst of
Gives Vivid Description of the
Way Strikebreakers Were '
State te Put Twe Important
Witnesses en Sand
Ui a Staff Correspondent
of thr Evening Public Ledger ',
Marlen. III., Dec. 10. Twe of tha,
State's most important witnesses took
the stnnd veste-rd.iy and two ethers -ar
premls-d for Monday, te connect nt lent
two of the defendnnts in the first of
the Ilerrln massacre tilals with al
leged conspiracy te murder Heward
Heffman nnd his non-union nssecinte
nt the Lester Strip mine Inst .Tunc.
Theie will be no session of court
Up until yesterday testimony sub
mitted by State concerned most di
rectly IVter 1 tiller, I.evn Mnnn and
Jee Curniighl. Yesterdaj. the remain
ing two defendants, Itert Grace and
Otis Chirk, were Identified as having
beer, among the rioters.
The defense fiercely letight the ad
mission of evidence through witnesses
VVillinm Geedman, n fanner, and Don Den
nld M. Lvving, a Chicago newspaper
man. Their names were .submitted te the
defense bv the Stnte (is lute as Novem
ber 14. after :in erli-irml Hut- nf ,.le.
Lnesses had been prepared and pre-
semen with the- indictment. Judge
Hcrtwell at that time permitted thu
ntlditiens te the witness list, stipulat
ing that the State furnish a bill of
piuticiilnrs outlining the ehnrnc.ter of
testimony these witnesses would give.
The State did. nnd Judge Ilnrtwell
yesterday nllewed the testimony of both
witnesses te be admitted.
While these men weie en the witness
stnnd Goedmnn most of the morning
nnd Hwing all afternoon lawyers for
the defense fought against tlie admis
sion of testlmenv whenever it wur net,
clearly covered by the bill of partlc
lars. Tried te Give Drink of Walrr
Kvving arrived en the -.i cue of th
l leting en the morning of "Illoedy
Thursday." , '
"At the Hernn City cemetery I saxr
sit men lying in the- lead." he' said In
substtinee. "Thej were tied each te thu
ether by the neck with a stout rope.
Thie-e were dead, three breathing, and
of the- last three, two were writhing en
(lie ground as if in great pain. One of
these hail a jagged wound In his stom stem
al Ii. ami a slash ucres.s his neck. I
learned Inter ut the he-mtal thnt he
was Heward Heffman The two were
ir.ving for water. Men weie standing
around them with pistols.
"I went te a neurbj house. Pceplt
were smiling mi the penh There wns
i p.nl there I took it, tilled it with
v iter, mid went huek te the men.
Nvhi'ii I get there I saw lie-rt Grnce"
-the witne-s pointed out the defendant
"and he cntried n gun. I did net
knew In, name at that time, lie pointed
the gun ut me In what I took te be a
threatening way and warned me te
keep away from the weiindeel men. I
saw him put his feet against Heward
Heffman, lie s,ud, 'You'll get no wn
ter here, (.nil Veu." "
The cioss-exnmiiintieti of Kvving br
Atterile-v Nee v for the defense wn'i
long. It was in the nature' of ellrect
examination te discover a discrepancy
in the tune he thought tlie killings in
the cemetery took pine e. In the end.
just before- adjournment, Veelv nskcel
hew Kvving was able te remember
"I Vtlll Never Ferget It"
"1 took a leek at his face," said
Kwiiig, "because- I wanted te lemember
htm. 1 will never forget it."
W'lin I'wing lememberi'd of the detail-
of Grace's clothing en thnt dny
diew n bread grin from the defendant,
who appears te enjev the trinl.
William Geedman, the farmer, w
en his vvnj te the stiip mine from Her
nn, when he met a portion of the riot riet
ers ni Crenshnws 'tossing.
'I heard hele-niig fust. 1 saw let
of people," lie stated "I savv Otis
Cark there I've- known him for
twetav the veins. He- had a pistol."
It was evident elunng this vvirnesfl'
tistimeiiiv that In- was reluctant or
nlrnid te tell all he knew.
"De 1 have te answer'-' he asked
It iirluiti-il tli Judge, who said:
" I-- anil quick
This witness i eiiiiiiiiallv nualified his
statements und prefaced them with
( eintlllilrel oil I'iiei- .-It. Column SU
Physicians' Decision Final Attempt
te Save Life of Phillies' President
Herace Kegel. ferun-r piesident of
tin Phllaililpbl.i llnse-liali Club, who
-line Siuiilnv has been hiug nt the
point of death at Ills home. '-'(Mil North
Mwentietli street was lemeved te
Stetson Hospital teeluv te undergo an
epi ration Although lit le hope 1ms
been lli'l I mil !"l the H'eii-nrv of Mr.
I'egel. who is hiiflni.iig tieiii paralysis,
it was dee uled ui a i en filiatien te ,
one i.iie-
wne was ,i national ngure In
Iri-i-IiiiII. wn- sine kin at hi- home Hun
iluv, ii tnl has sine i been uucoiiscieus,
At the -inn of Ids Illness Mr. Fegel
was eugiiged in proinetloii vveik. He
was leimerlv connected with several
local uewspapi'iM as tperllng writer,
nud latei was manager nl the New Yerk
National I.eagui Itin-eball Club, After
ward he was i'Iiehcii president of the
Vut I'll UaUjIiili a dally O.SIYl'.SJSLJJft .' I
lleiMi soul" teWl l'h. . J K AiaV,iiJii ' 1
'3$ 11
(, :
vn,., -,;,ja.l.