Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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and Christmns Carels
at 9 and 5:15
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30
ml llrnin UuKrlrllr nt Noen
w 'tuti ,i
- i!A
I i-Mntfl fl
nM Christmas Things Everywhere and Minutes Seem te Count Deuble With
the Helpful Service at Wanamaker s
A Premise
"This block, put in place en
June 11, 1910, by Jehn Wana
maker, marks completion of this
structure, begun April 26, 1904.
Cornerstone laid June 12, 1909,
"Let these who fellow me
continue te build with the plumb
of Hener, the level of Truth and
the Square of Integrity, Educa
tion, Courtesy and Mutuality.
"Jehn Wanamaker."
The above is the
inscription carved for
all time en the
capstone of the
Wanamaker Stere.
Quilted Silk Robes and Jackets
are among the comfy and luxurious gifts that may be
chosen from the French Roem today.
Robes arc priced $10.75, $15, $18 and $20.
Jackets, $9 for plain and $10.75 for embroidered
Celers are Japanese rose, purple, Copenhagen and
(Third Fleer)
Women's and Children's Quilted
Satin Slippers, $2.25 te $2.75
The daintiest possible kind, such
Is could be Ecnt te any one.
Women's have either leather sole
er soft padded sole, nnd are in
livender, pink, cadet blue, rose or
black quilted satin with silk pom pem pom
pen, $2.75 a pair.
Children's in pink, rose, cadet
or light blue satin with soft pad
ded soles. Sizes C te 10 ,, $2.25.
Sizes 11 te 2, $2.50.
(First Fleer)
Fine Belivia Coating
Makes a Geed Gift
Three or four yards of it will make a beautiful
wrap or coat.
Better-than-usual quality Just new ut $G n yard.
Blnck, navy, delft, chestnut, golden brown nnd tan.
A rich-finish nil-wool weave, 54 inches wide. Boxed
if desired.
(First Tloer)
Seventy Best Songs in the
Christmas Seng Boek
Special at 25c
Clearly printed, nicely bound Christ
mas song books contain seventy of the
best songs, hymns and carols of Christ
mas, with the music and several verses
of each. $2.50 a dozen.
Gifts for These Who
Sing and Play
Well-bound volumes of various selections of Chepin,
Mozart. Uedard, Mendelssohn, Grieg, Dvorak and Cham
inade, $2 te $tf. Beethoven's sonatas, $3.40 a volume.
Vecal scores of many operas, $2.80 te $3.25.
Modern Russian piano music is bound in two vol
umes; paper, $2.25 each; cloth, $3.15 each.
(Second Fleer)
Stockings, Stockings, Stockings
What a World of Gifts It Is!
Painty things, beautiful things, ' novelty nnd the prices nre from
"lovely things. And te n woman $1.75 te $50.
"lere'h hardly a gift mere welcome. , Three favorites for Christmas
fcvery country the whole world i giving are:
wr that produces geed hosiery mii .terKin win, epm uerk .,i
"M Sent Its best here. (JergeOU.) , rmlirelilrry ronihlimllen Hetkt. nif.
a"K ones, fresh from the loems1 ".T"' 're,m1u"5' ,! ". "lock,
Slid nliM,,. f r t- nlilt' nml Mine hIihiIfn. Frlre $7.
we abreast of fashion. c i.iire,, iik mhUwi i blnck.
A i k'n'' s''k hosiery IS in , "llltr uml tlien mlr. 7.JO.
w let. from the most practical I ""m,1'""!1:!'' ,,0,f 1r. "'. hw
ry.duy pnir te the most extreme I lW, "i 'mtTie. '" " tw"
(First Tloer)
The Finest Lamps of the
Whole Year
l this moment there nru nt least fifty lif
fcrent designs of the finer fleer lamps Mime
aiu bridge style, by-thc-way and the designs
"re in thirty different finishes.
The lamps are of weed, and of composition
combined with metal j nnd every Inmp has a
'tade te hnrmonize with it.
Prices $48.50 te $1D.
(Fourth Fleer j
! $ t
Beeks for Beys and Girls
In the heart of this Boek Stere there is another
Boek Stere exclusively for the youngsters. And what an
amazing number of books there is 1
Here arc a few
"Tin. Aihcnfurc. of IMfrirMilr Tnn," by FJdwIn
P. Norwood. A story of lelrcuslnml. Illustrated.
" Olrln'-NVM," by Strlla G. & Perry. A sun
shine Htery for plrls. $1.75.
"Slutkritpfiire mill Hut llrart of n Child," hy Ger
trude Slaughter. Introducing Shakispcare te the
yeunpr folks. Illiwtrntt'd. f2.
"Mimttr Skyliirk." by .lehn Bennett. Holiday
edition of thlp f.norlte. Tllustrutrd. $3.60.
"Tlirn-iijli tlii 1 Irml Meiinliiltn,'' by FInrence
Scott Dunard A charmlnpf story of the wcll-Unewn
characien of the chlldren'e favorlte classics. Illua
trated. J2.60.
"llnnnertnlt, the Htery of a flrey 8qulrTl," by
Ernest Thompson Seten Illustrated. $2.
"The Hey Willi tli I'nltril HtutfH Miners," by
Prancla nelt Wheeler. Illustrated. J1.7B
"I.le Mount. Tree Trapper," by Frank B. Llndcrman.
book full of action. Illustrated. $2.
"Sterlept," by Mrs. Mulvbwurth. The best stories of this famous story
teller. Illustrated. $3,50.
Fer the Younger Children
"The Single I.nnd of Neem," by Johnny Oruelln Illustrated. $2.
"Kubanipe In Or," by Hutli P. Thompson. Illustrated. $1.75.
"W nil, I el, Hie Weed Mentr," .y 'flu rrlen nuritcsn. Illustrated. $1.50.
"The I'limiycet Frlncr." by Udwerd Antheny. Illustrated. $2.50.
"The Swles ThIih," by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Illustrated. $1.70.
(-Multi J'loer)
A bey'a
Christmas Silks
Many a shining yard of silk is
going into holiday boxes te make
some woman happy en Christmas
Could you think of a better gift?
Or n better place te cheese it than
the Wanamaker Silk Salen?
(Flrit Vloer)
Br? w J
WHw'l I
mri j
The Schemacker
Small Grand Piane
rpHE most perfect of gifts 1
A Se rich in tonal quality, se increasingly
satisfying with the years that its name is every
where synonymous with Music of the highest
Se beautiful in form that it enriches any
room it occupies. Its diminutive size seems te
make it all the mere attractive as it certainly
makes it mere available for general use.
If ice could print one-tenth of the
praise owners of Schemacker pianos
write us, no ether indersement would be
In many music-loving Philadelphia families
n Schemacker piano has been in use for genera
tions, and will be in use for generations mere,
in the modern small grand form.
Sold only in the Wanamaker Piane Salens.
Priced $1150.
Other Schemacker pianos, $725 te $1250.
Convenient purchase terms apply te all.
MCRyptlen llalj, Second tloer)
Nothing Better en
Wheels Than a
Serving Wagen
The mission of n serving wagon
is te bear the geed things of life,
n jelly burden, certainly.
Serving wagons are one group
in n vast crowd of furniture gifts.
This one is solid mahogany,
with a top 17x27 inches.
It has n removable glass tray
and two shelves with betiding, or
meulding nreund the edge te pre
vent dishes from falling off.
And it is equipped with large
metal casters, rubber tired. Trice,
This whole collection of gift fur
niture embraces thousands of ether
pieces, from the lowest-priced that
nre worthy and serviceable te these
that satisfy the desire for luxury,
for elegance, or for odd nnd un
common charm.
(rifth rloer)
Cameo chocolates have n charm
of appearance added te the interest
of their many kinds and they are
always sure te be geed. Cameo
caramels also well deserve their
fame. $1.50 a pound.
There nre se many lovely boxes
many of them F r e n c h in
Cameo for holiday cheesing. One
may order all Christmns boxes
new and have them sent when nnd
ns you direct.
(Main Fleer)
Seme Magnificent New Coats
Would Make Marvelous Gifts
There is only one of each, as a ' There is a lovely Meused black
rule, or possibly one in each color, cashmere duvctyn trimmed with
which makes women appreciate I gray wolf nt $275. Alse a beautiful
them all the meiv. J corded belivia with deep facing,
A handsome silk-finished belivia ' cl'nr and cuffs of squirrel at
coat has a deep cape cellar nnd $300.
cuffs of beaver. It i. n new flnr- A number of ethers are In duve-
ing model with draped sleeves end- tyn with a lm.ng of squirrel fur
Ing in long tassels and the price is , and either black fox or gray squir-
$300. rel cellar. $250 nnd $275.
(ririt rioer)
Cornelian Ornaments
Frem the Orient
delightful necklace of large round beads
lovely in color, is priced $7C; and the
large hoop earrings te go with it, $38.50.
A string of smaller camelian bends, $50;
slender pendant earrings, $17.50.
A string of ribbed oval beads, $45; pendant
earrings, $17.50.
A long girdle of light toned carnelinn circles
en knotted cords can be worn na it necklace nnd
costs $150, while earrings te go with it are
priced $.12.50.
A string of pale yellow carnelians, $15.
Olulu Vloer)
ur if)
i'' . I
Christmas Lasts the Whole Year
When Santa Brings Rugs
Cheerfulness conies into the home with a new rug and it
stays with a geed rug. People by the thousand have realized
this and are giing Wiltens or Axminsters for Christmas
Superior nigs they are possessing a glory of color and
magnificence of pattern that ethers strive for but never seem
te equal. Such rugs are at their best at Wanamaker's.
K ft
8.3x10 0 ft
UiO ft
asms li
, .11)15
(Sereutli Fleer)
x2 n. m
3Jo.e fi t!ifi
" S.R0
lit In. ,,..,..,, 3,7s
There Never Were Se Many
or Such Geed Clocks
for Gifts
CLOCKS of every kind and every size,
from tall grandfather clocks te tiny
desk clocks or little folding clocks that
would go in a handbag as a matter of fact there are clocks for
every member of the family.
But one and all, every clock here is such as one would like te
give as a gift, for we have caref ully chosen only the best and most
reliable kinds.
All have been timed and inspected at the factory.
It is a real satisfaction te many people te knew that a cluck
has come from Wanamaker's.
Hall clocks in mahogany cases,
chiming en tubular bells, every
quarter hour, $290 te $850.
Mahogany mantel clocks, chim
ing quarter hours en bars, $55 te
Mahogany mantel clocks, strik
ing hour and half hour, $11 te
Ship's bell mantel clocks, $70
te $162.
(Main Fleer)
Hanging mirror clocks, $20 te
Banjo hanging clocks, S12.50
te $110.
Boudoir clocks in polychrome
cases, $40 te $45.
Mahogany desk clocks, $4.75
te $30.
Felding leather traveling
clocks, $18 te $48.
Silver-Fitted Suit Cases Are
Unique Gifts
There have never been such beautiful ones before.
Seme are intended for women and they are in the finest
black seal, cress grain morocco or walrus leather. Nearly all
have small removable trays containing the fittings which are
all of sterling sil-ver. The trays may be used as overnight
cases. Frem $225 te $325.
These for men are of black wairus leather with hammered
sterling silver fittings at $275.
(Mitln Fleer)
A New $5000 Shipment of
Splendid Irish Table Cleths and
A Little Mere Than Half Price
Frem the looms of Ireland's foremost manufac
turer, Jehn S. Brown, whose linens have achieved a
world-wide reputntien.
Prices nre a little mere than half today's market
values, tind it is unusual for linens of such quality
te be offered at a large saving.
There is a. choice of tab'e cloth in n full range of
sizes from 2x2 te 2Vx-l yards, at $12.75 te $10.
Matching napkins, 22,ix22,i and 27x27 inches,
nre priced $10.50 te $!!' a dozen.
The linen is of the most beautiful texture, rich,
entin-like nnd full of service, nnd there is un exquisite
choice of rich floral pa'.tcrns.
(I-!rt Fleer)
Right New It's a Diversion,
Sir, te Think About Shoes
Everybody else Is talking lacy,
frilly, gifty things for Christmas,
you knew, is just a little
But hew about shoes? Ever
since there has been a Christmas,
they have been the gifts of wise
And never mere thnn new have
they been mere useful.
Of course, it is wise te select
them where geed ones and fash
ionable ones are found and beyond
a doubt that means Wanamakcr'i.
All the shoes that all the men
like and the kind it pays te wear
$6.40 te ?1C the pair.
(Main Fleer)
Oh, It's Nice te Get Up in the
Mernin'," but Under
These Blankets
it surely is "nicer te He in your
bed." Ne need te give any ether
reasons why blankets se fine nnd
warm and serviceable, are among
the best of home gifts.
At $15 n pair, blankets of pure
California wool warp and filling,
in white with pink, or blue ber-
(SUth Fleer)
ders, weight C lbs., double-bed sice.
Can be had in plaids also.
At $10 each, Cape Colony wool
blankets, of finest construction
possible, in white, in solid shades
and in plaid designs, all bound
with satin, size 72x84 inches, sold
only at Wanamaker's, and marked
at the lowest price for which they
can be had in America.
Gift Umbrellas for Women
silk, in all the popular colors be
sides black at 5, $7.50 and $10.
Santa Glaus please take notice!
will be found In the Umbrella
Stere at almost every price
sturdy black cottons at $1 te $2.50;
silk-and-cotton at $3 te $5; all
(.Main Fleer)
Knit Ties That Men Like Se Well
Are Decided Specials at $2
The saving is close te a half en each tie.
Among them are the fine crochet ties, the accordion
weave, the fancy jacquard figures along with cress
slnpes and diagonal stripes galore.
There are a dozen color combinations in the let and
everyone heavy, well woven of all silk.
(Main Fleer)
Philadelphia at Its Christmas Best Is the Wanamaker
Tey Stere
I and Old Santa Is Here Every Day
Gifts Frem
nre aim ng the most delightful
je'i could send te some people.
Sten rooms are filled with
fnrcinating old chairs, tables,
desk", cupboards, cleck5-, mir mir
ren, candlesticks, tea-caddies,
bedspreads, Colonial shaving
mirve,3, and similar old things,
such ns many peeple de net yet
knew they can get in a store de
voted nlmest wholly te new
Everything in "Antiques" has
the charm of age, and often the
added interest of n history.
Yeu can buy gifts there from
$2 te many hundreds.
(Flftli I'loer)
A Framed
Photograph of
is the me.-t w elceme gift you could
give some people. A really lovely
collection of standing frames is
priced from $1.71 upward, in the
Picture Stere.
Framed te order, a few days are
required, and the earlier the order
is left the greater surety of get
ting it en time.
N'et photographs only, but pic
tures of every kind are being
framed quickly, satisfactorily and
(Fifth Fleer)
Anatolian Mats, $9.75 and $12
Bright reds, mahogany reds, blues, green and ivory tones.
I Sizes about 1.6x3 te 2x3.3 ft., priced $9.75 and $12.
The tiniest of Oriental rugs, the cheery furnishing effect
; being out of all proportion te the size.
Hardly any need te say that they
serviceable gifts.
(.SfTrritli Fleer)
are handsome nnd
Decorated Luster
Tea Sets, $17.50
A Bright Christmas Idea
Of fine imported china, with a
beautiful luster body nnd distinc
tive border in a black and white
cheek deMgll.
Complete tea sets, each com
prising six cups and saucers, six
ten p'.nte. suRar bowl, cream jug
ami teapot a handsome and
acceptable gift S17.ne.
Other tea nnd breakfast sets in
a UU range of decorations and
deMgn , s. 10 te $100.
I Fniirlh Fluer)
Mahogany Chests
With Cedar
Lininffs, $35 te .$90
New shipment ready in the Up
holstery Stere.
Geed gifl.s in themselves, they
will keep ether gifts sound anil
sweet, nnd they will keep the giver
In sweet remembrance.
(Fifth Fleer)
Big Cozy, Warm, Fur
for Men
(In the Londen Shep)
Mere or less a fashionable necessity with women and
certainly a comfort te men, particularly the man who meters
or rollicks outdoors in Winter.
Naturally, the first in popularity are the hairv-loekinp-raccoon
coats. They are lined with tweeds or worsteds in
indistinct plaids or else nutria. Price !?100 te $325.
Fur-lined coats with fur cellars have bodies of chc iet or
melten in everpluids or rich pkiin colors. The linings aiv
muskrat or mink and cellars beaver or otter. $185 te .$850
Then there are smart-looking coats in a score of pat
terns, with Australian opossum or beaver cellars. Price $75
te $135.
Even children can get a big, snug raccoon coat, for the
sizes range as small as eight years with prices proportionately
(The Onlltrr)
..i. . i..
J'jLiV , . ,-&