Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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former United States Senater
Joins in Movement and Or-
ganizatien Falls in Line
Committee Will Raise Funds
Building Italian Institution
A tempernry women's committee of
the Columbus Hoenltnl, n new ltnllnn
1natlt.lt!r.r. f,.- 11 1.UI. n l.n 41,1 !.. . tu In li.i
I.ite... ....vii ii , lllV.il 11 llllllllllf in .r uu
erected nt Ilrencl nml Whiirten Mreets,
lina been ergnnlzed by Dr. Jehn (ill-
bride te ratHe building funds. The
officers of the rommlttce ere: Clinir
iiinn, Mli L'liullnc 11. Hu Vlte! Ice I
chiilrmnn. MKm Mnrv Mcl'mrNtuii tvec.
for,retno, MUh Mlldml 1)1 (lli until : ns-
r-tutnut Hi'iTctiiry, MIn Miirie I'liNetti' :
ticnMitrcr, iUics uiey Urncniicttl, nml
nnaiulnl fceerctnry, Miss Jehiite Dl I given in Hip Ilrendwny Thentrc, Hreiid
(.'nrle. , street nnct Snjcler nvenue, Mumlny nljtht
The hepitnl will lie under the nun- nt X o'clock. Curds of admission, which
plres nf the Mission, n.v SMers of the will be free, tuny lie lind by nppllciitleii
Sirred llenrt. A ".unplienv umceit , tn MIh .leiiule Dl Curie, of "oil Seuth
for the ben-lit. of the hospital will he Hlglith street.
Mew beards take held
Fermer Rennler David Ttntiil has de
clared himself in fnver of cemniNMnn
fOTernment. lie is the nckneuledecd
lender of the Heptiblicin patty in C"im
den. EfTertB wer? make te create the im
pression thnt the Hepubliean organln erganln organln
tlen wns oppeed te the change, but
Senater llnlrd's cmloieiiieiit dNpel
that false report.
The Republican orsnniratlen linst now new
lined up t-elMly fur the project. In
the afternoon members of the Camden
fount) Republ can Committee met find
decided te form a rtty-wlde oreanba ereanba oreanba
tlen te boost plans for the new form
of government. Moreover Majer-elect
Victer KiiiK and n committee of It t -rens
met nt tilclit nnd furthered plans
along the mine lines.
"I nm one of the eldest citizens of
Camden and I hnvi nlwajn endeavored
te aiil tver.vthlng pekhIIiIp for Its bene
fit," said Senater Raird. "The otti etti otti
zene of Camden are indlciitlnc thnt they
fnver comiulcslen ceeriiment. I nl-e
fnver Mich n chance nnd 1 will de all
in my power te mnUe this preKreHIp
move In our city government a success."
Twenty per cent of the voters in
Camden will have te i'n p-titienn te
held tin election. After tin petitions
are filed with the Cltv Clerk the elec
tion will be held en the third Tnsdny
thereafter. If the preieit pises an
other election will be held te (-elect the
live commissioners.
Twe beard of commissioners, nu-
therized b.v net-, of l'.MiT. ye-tirdny
took charge of n hrpc part of tin- mun
icipal government. The .e N were
passed for the ben.'lit of the nt.v of l'.it l'.it l'.it
orwen nnd the i1ij.oevtv nftir in iny ,
yearn that thev cffeitcl t'.imden cau-id i
n political upheaval. )
The two beard rganutd nt a meet-
ing held iti Cit.v Hall. The are m
Fire and l'elbe Heard and a Reard
or Public Works
Jehn J. Welsh. iVinnirnf wa elected
III rreshh-nt uf the 1'iiliee 1! iril
Captnln K. I). MeCIeng, ihnf clerk of
the l'ellee Departi'int. wns mimeil its
secretary. David W Point. Repuhli-;
ran, wns elected piesidcnt nf the Heard
of Public Weiks, nnd Merris edill
Cltv Clerk, was named se utatv. ,
Beth bem da waived the rlcht te ap-
point cever.il ptr.i efh' nils. Major Majer
elect Victer Kins mid the city mould
net be put te added expense b.v naming
of new effii'inls. The two beards will
bnre control of the pelne and tire de
partments and the Wntir and Iltghwav
dep.attment'. All deci-ien h;v the l'o l'e
llee Committee of Cltv Cniim il mu-t be
submitted te the Rellie nud Fire Reard
Tlie majority of twenty defendants
who appeared before JudgM Shnv in the
Camden Criminal Court entered phas
of net gu'lty te charges of violating the
liquor laws. Thev wire arrewed two
weeks age when the police innde a num
ber of raids. Several stilU and a lau'e
quantity of hemu whiskj .ind bctr were
... i
Mrs. Knoblauch Says Husband Gave'
Her Ne Large Sums cf Meney
Denial was made jesterday in the
United States District t'eurt bj Mrs.
Mldn F. Knoblauch. wn'. of Krnst A
Knoblauch, one of the n.enibers of the
bankrupt firm of Rerdcn .. Knoblauch,
brokers, of lift Seuth Ceurth freet
that her husband had transferred te
her personal bank mount large sums
of money from the tlrm s .icceunt. Sh
nlse denied he had given hi r large'
amounts nu i-ecurities and bought her
expensive jeweliy n 'Imit time b'f'.T
thB firm fulled
The denial was in the form nt au
answer te a petition bj Hnrrv Nathans.
one of the reeiverf, that Mr Knob-,
Inuch be compelled te turn evti the,
money, seeurltiei, nnd jevveU
She ld lir husbnnd heivrrn t.ij: I
Ut and November lh giv,' lier (Vi."li for
malntenanee of hef-i'f nod tl roe chil
dren. The enlj tew 'iv I e g.n e hei
slu said, was a dinneiul braider.
Hely Trinity's Renovated Building
te Reepen Christmas Eve
The Hely Trinity Kptvepnl 'iapM,
Trenty-s'end and Spum- ylreits,
which has been cleied fi.i fne months
-vjiile undergoing ri'tievjti will lip
reopened en f'hrlstniHs Km nt 7 'iij
o'clock, with a eirel serine
Tile (hansel his be.'ii iciiiinlelei' if
n cost nf 11.00) Nm ter k.,,j,t
altar and ni altar ni i f d ik ' v ;
"arTd, have bin ' sin .mI The flerr.
terT, above the iliniii.), iij. I..., i, M .
Isned in grnj nml f 1 1 nd ih '.Tin
Tlps !.T tiuered m ei iiinf'.rg ,, .
closes the choir siall
g Feum&rrPen i
Waterman I
I "Ideal" Pens
fjr sod Dependable Leather B
M Goods for Gifts I
W 904-906 Chestnat St. I
PS Everybody IflBI
1&3&3 Yule Tide Hi
Yi lb. Asserted
Fresh Cream Caramels
lb. Pecan Nut Fudge
l4 lb. Cream Chocolate
1 lb. L'Aiglen Asserted
Y2 lb. Pecan Nut Fudge
Y2 lb. Cream Chocolate
1 lb. L'Aiglen Butter
L'Aiglen FudgeSheps
Chestnut Above 15th Street
and the Neu Shep at
1604 Chsstnut Street
Christmas Gift Suggestions
Sterling Silver Articles for the Heme
A useful article of sterling silver is always acceptable. Yeu will be
surprised te learn hew many attractive sterling silver gifts can be had for
little outlay. An inspection of our large collection is invited.
1 1
Sterling Mivei coaster set
six individual coasters
nnd liohleis picrcc-d inns,
complete SO.
("f- -" '" ,N,
Stetliir silver candle
sticks, plain design, 8"
high, per pair $10.30.
S t e i I t n k silver bowl,
pierced border, diameter
J" 815X0.
Our new catalogue contains mere than 4000 photographic illustrations Call or write for a copy
S. Kind Sens, 1110 Chestnut Street
s&&&7:zu SJ&e
1 .
Christmas Sale of Fur Coats and
Fur Neckpieces at 25 Less
Than Regular Prices
fflR HERE can be no finer Christmas present te any
woman or girl than a fine Fur Ceat or Neck Piece I
And surely this is the time and place te buy them!
We offer our entire stock of thoroughly dependable
Furs at 25rc less than the regular prices I Come and
make selection tomorrow!
All of the Popular Furs of the Season
Are Included and the Savings Are
Chekeis, Scarfs and Stoics of baum marten, stone marten,
fox, skunk, beaver, nutria, mink, kolinsky, broadtail, caracul,
wolf and ether Furs all at 25 Ies3 than regular prices.
Fur Coats of muskrat, raccoon, civet cat, American nnd
Australian opossum, beaver, nutria, Japanese mink, Hudsen
seal (dyed northern muskrat), caracul all reduced one
fourth. Jacqucttes of I ludsen seal, caracul, nutria, krimmcr,
eealine and slynx at savingi of 25.
A 1 1 Women's and
Misses' Twe- and
Three-piece Suits are
new en sale at
Entire remaining
stock of Millinery
Hats of style and distinction
ffigl;3- s-.C-'..-',
v-v R i
4 W
Mi Tf J?flF
A Wonderful Greup of Women s
and Misses' Fur-trimmed
Coats and Wraps
Fermer Prices up te $165.00
EALLY fine and luxurious Coats! Made of the
season's best materials such as marvclla, gerena,
preciesa, tarquina, panvelainc, fashena, veldyne,
medalist! Trimmed with taupe, black and brown fox;
black, taupe and platinum welfe; beaver; Siberian squir
rel; black and brown caracul; monkey; kit fe. A score
or mere of btylcs, one of which ia shown.
AU of our higher" priced coats are reduced and
there are very special lets at $15.00, $40.00,
$50.00, $59.50 and $82.50.
AH Women's and Misses' Dresses Reduced 20
Medels for street, afternoon and evening. Many dif
tcrrnt prif es we have apace te specify only a few:
$10.00 Dresses $ 8.00 $39.50 Dresses- $31.60
$15.00 Dresces
$20.00 Dresses
$25.00 Dresseo Dressee
$30.00 Dresses
$35.00 Dresses-
$45.00 Dresses $36.00
$60.00 Dresses $48.00
$69.50 Dresses $55.60
$85.00 Dresses $68.00
$100.00 Dresses, $80.00
iMi'enmni, nijstex
ei' rui: main
Stere Opens 9 A. M.-Closes 6 P. M. Dnily
..., ivn uitrrni or weunx'a and GnthDnwa AVPAnnb
Each Department in the "Harris" Stere is
Brimful with Exceptional Values for Saturday
Coats : Plain and Fur Trimmed
at Clese-out Prices
A wonderful opportunity te select n high-grade coat at a low price. CtfmarveMa,
jcremi, onneiuljilc, Arabella. Seme trimmed with beaver, wolf and squirrel.
Formerly te 110.00
Chiffen Silk
Hosiery, 1.95
Regularly 2.95
Taken from regular stock
and reduced. All perfect.
Of sold, silver, Rtinrnctal,
bronze and black.
Blouses Our Entire
Stock at
25 Off
Ne exceptions every Ovcrbleusc
and Waist in stock. Make your re
ductions nt time of purchase.
Silk Underwear
and Negligees
Sprcial Values
Plain tailored, hand em em
breidci ed, real lace trimmed
some hand made. Enve
lope chemises, Night Gowns,
Step-ins, Sets, Negligees,
2.95 te 52M
Dresses : A Clese-Out
Fer Street and Afternoon
A real opportunity te save en a charming Dress. Of Peiret, Canten and satin
back crepe, velvet tailored, draped and embroidered effects. Alse light chiffons.
Formerly te 19.50
Fer Juveniles The Gift Practical!
Fur Ceals ! Coats Party Dresses
blown and giay ceney,
squirrel Auitialian
Racoon, muMciat nnd
nutJia. Ages - te lf.
42.50 te 125.00
Of nil tlie new materials;
plain and fur tiimmed. Smart
childlike ttyles. Ages 2 te 1G.
6.95 te 39.50
Of chiffon taffeta and Geor
gette, charming styles, very
gifty, ages 6 te 16.
16.50 te 25.00
Fur Reduction Sale
Unrestricted Choice of OKe? nv
Entire Stock "Oye Vtt
Reductions Made at Time of Purchase
We Specialize in Apparel Thai Slenderizes the Larger Wenwn-m
Why are
qc inner?
, 'A! cst -A
J5 rests simply can't roll
up or wrinkle, because they are
se long and shaped te fit the
waist and h ips. They stay down.
BESIDES, they are Italian Silk the
best bilk there is and Italian Silk,
se well tailored, hangs snugly te the
lines of the body with a feeling of
fitncbs that has never been equalled.
A'jvw Italian Silk Underncar
is the most lituirwus )it it
.0); let, became tt lasts ie lung.
It is in the wearing of the
Kayjcr Italian Sdk Vests thit
their superior quality ar.d ex
quisite tailoring are given ths
trucic tut. Just three inches
above the knee they de net
wrinkle or tell up.
2.30 and up
1 Tjj Pv
Loek for the Manelft rein
forcement in the notch of
eicty pair of Kayscr Italian
Silk Bleemers it uuutes their
Mcp, giving comfort and cut
Man etnt reinforcement
$3.50 nnd up
fy r'f j
Xll..C: ifln
cot or ilt iimtd
Mf'. One iijr jer
I'Jf for htjty ttiih.
IJevifjned for comfort, a Ka er
Italian Silk Union Suit fulfils
u purpose -with "room
enough" jet carefully fitting the
figure. Loek fee the Manctjit
J Underwear