Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    !? tWii;
'-.... EVENING FDBlAci ' LBOMtlpHffiAlLPillA FRIDAY, DECEMBER le, 1922
Strawbridge & Clothier Merchandise and
Service Enhance the Pleasure of Gift Cheesing
ear Me Chorus Sing
9.30 Te-morrow Morning
& Cfptetmasi Cantata
written especially for the Christ
mas concert by Henry Hadley.
William S. Thunder sit the Sehmer Grand Piane.
Incidental Tublruux bi Maulers of the Stere Family.
Thu above program will be breadcasted through our Radie Station.
New Gift Blouses Include
Many Special Values
Few things arc irore gift-Hue than Meuse this season they
.10 mj daint. ; and. if you incline te the highly artistic, the pic-ture-iie
i gift1-, the new Printed Silk Mouses afford a rate
choice. JIany special values among these.
Perte Rican Hand-made Blouses,
Special, $2.00, S3.00, $3.95 te $8.50
White Dimity Blouses in Peter 1'an style, and white batiste
huide in vest effect.", special at $2.00 and $11.00. French Voile
Blouses, exquisitely line and dainty, some in fluffy frill effects, all
with the leve'y Perte Rican hnnd-weik, niul many trimmed with
Iii-h ami filet lace-. $3.05 te $$.50.
Silli Over-Blouses Separately Boxed
Fine Crepe de Chine Over-Blouses in barberry, muffin, eocea,
majolica, bobolink, navy blue, brown and b'ack beautiful effects
in tucking, braiding, ombteidery: some elaborately beaded $-1.50
te 1 10.00.
Printed Silk Bleu.-os, of crepe de chine and lailium silk, alie
biecaded crepe.-, and manj combinations" of different eoleicd lilies
- -S:1.50 te S7.ne.
Idle tailored crepe de chine and radium silk Blouses, with
tin lUinenient of many hand touches $1.50 te $8.75.
Weel Jersey Over -Blouses, $3.50 te Se. 00
In Mohawk reindeer. nav v Mile, brown and black. Scheel girls
ii k'e then' they ate all the fashion with plaited skirts.
- "li mlirjlt.1- .v. i luthli r S. mil l'lwr, Cvaf.'-
Gifts Frem the China Stere
It's a- pleasant choe.sh.g Gifts from this beautiful China Stere
a it is giving them. .Many countries contribute wonderful things
te grace American home-. Fer instance:
Justs of Italian marble in
i zecho-Slevakiu (.'hinawanv
hi autifully decorated v.ith
Dri len 111 wi'i's, --tart- with
Iluiilieii 'I rays at S5i-. .mij
1111; tin te Compete.-, at ?7.5U.
Mower Uev.l.s of coletod
lurlheiiuare at SI. 25, uihers, of'
'u-tre wine, at S.7.50, with scores
at iii-iietween prices.
Av.aji and decorated Tea
Set-, consisting ei teapot, sugar
and cieani containers, and 0
cup and saucers $0,00, Se.!!.",
SG.SO and 57.Cn.
subjects peasants
artists, etc.- $ 10.00 te
m Idiers
Selving Trays, with inaheg-
any-finished frames and decor
ated insei, size 12x10 inches
SI. 00.
Dinner Sets, of English
porcelain, consist of 107 pieces,
with dainty border decorations,
special 47.00.
- HtrjHniulK" A (lotul'i (letul'i
J". irt I'Itu, i:a.f
We Knew They Like Gloves
It is 'lie of the peculiarities of
uiiian naUiie that we frequently buy
"or ether what we want most for
luinclvet, and by that token thou theu
sniiiis of people would like nothing
better than Cleves they are going
mil as fast as we can put them into
Gloves for Women
til OVES, black, white and the sea
son's wanted shinies S-l.fiO.
reVNE' El I.OSET 1 E
CLOVES in a wide av-ett-iin'iit,
plain or fancy embroid
ery; light-button lenvth. fl.oe
and $1.25; twelve-button lengt'i.
"'1.25 and Sl.r.n; .sixieen-butlD'i
kiigth, il.etl and $1.75.
.I.OVE.s -l.i Ihkin: in black,
wlm and fashion. bio shad":-:
ivtl.e-butten- $3.00.
til 0 ES all Fiench l;id, ver-fiaiu-hewn,
Paris-stitched b:uks;
ah desiiable shades; also black,
'a lute, black with while siit-h-'iig
and white with black -t'tch-''g
' E J V E S, two-clasp, piijia -;'H!
black, white and l'.i-.i-leiiabk.
colors-- ij.'J.On.
''''' "p, i inbuiiilered backs- may,
'mi lui, neuM-r, biitti-rnut .
i.ul iM,i S!.ii,i,
MOCHA CI OVES, ! i.i aj
'"i; , sii .. silli-liniil will) P; i
''i-lii-d ii.-u U'- SJ.'.n.
. I I.N' - HI! T'l'i) N S .O.N
('J.C ES h blacl,, wl.ii . iv,
'i-'i alld COM t -P-J.ell.
I Si',n,sriii: ,. i im..ii
FABRIC CLOVES, two-clasp,
in white, gray, beaver, mode and
beige, all of duplex fabric of
line ijiiulit M.OO,
' Gloves for Men
.M O C 11 A CLOVES regular
or cadet fingers, spear or plain
backs, all desirable shades ei!
gray ? 1.50.
of giny, spear backs, regular
and ciu'et lingers $2.00.
-in brown and tan; one-clasp
style- $2.00 te Se .00.
of liii"d cnpcskin, in brown and
urn hades 52.50 te S5.00
Beys' and Girls'
.pleiulid n-seitmuil of tans, for
'icy.s and giiN SSl.fiO,
, LINED (il.OVES for boys
arid niilfi and ii.Uses; cape,
iiieili a. d n.eclui, uiie-iilasii
-lyli, lire 1 v.iist fl.tie te Se.
UACN'II l'"IS- fef lieyt, girls
,md mi . im; plain and fancv el'-
lut - Hee, .s I. '.") and Sl.Tfi.
i t .ii.il IU, MurKvt Stii'it uJ letr
MBPVlAia i 99ES H m 3 - 0 ."sWBKy
Just new, in Philadelphia's Greatest Men's Clothing Stere, are many
neeial value trreuws of smart Suits and handsome warm Overcoats
marked at savings that will pay for a handsome gift.
Overcoats $30, $35, SdO
An excellent assortment, of line wool fabrics,
at three popular prices.
Alce Suits $30
Theso Suits, made by the famous Alce tailor
ing house, are very unusual, indeed, at S!50.00.
Many styles, many patterns, many fabrics, at
this one price.
Fine Suits at $35 te $55
Smart models, peifee'ly tailored by Halt.
SchatVner & Mar:: and the St"in-IMech Ce., f
all-wool fabrics.
Suits, Special $25
Numerous new models; including spuria jail.et
tyles, of all-wool fabrics in several shades.
Suits with 2 Pairs of Trousers
$23.50, $29.50
Worsted and casnimere Suits that represent
extraordinary value at thee two low price.
Clothing for Gifts
Mackinaw Ceat, of all wool, in several desired
patterns and shade.-, are
:ilwas acceptable for
yeunff men SlG.f0,
Sheepskin-lined Sports Coats for the motor
ist, suburbanite or sportsman SllJ.'iO.
Fur-lined Ovei coats make excellent gifts I'm
any man $135.00.
Great Ccu!'ef vaccoei., for the motorist
Wickham Ewi.ir-g Drcf.fi and Tuxedo Suits
aie tailored i nlmeM e'liia! custom-made gar
ments S-le.OO.
Day or Evening Ve.sts Sfi.00 te SllkeO.
Separate Trousers, special SI5.05.
Youths' Suits, with two pairs of treuseif, will
please the young fellow of 10 te 20 jeurs
SI 8.50.
Tan Rublicrie.i Raincoats S5.00 te S20.00.
Gabardine weather-proof Ceat.s $10.50 te
I, . st i- 1 1 lily A. il.tliliv- ''ei.rM I'..- l..it
fft -y5' v a.v MkkkwU j2sB3SjHMtEl
vjSSKLM ii7rT
Wonderfully complete assortments of these little things se essential
te the wardrobe of the well-dressed man. Personally selected from the
choicest products of American and European fashion originators and,
therefore, in thorough geed taste.
Belts and Buckles
One of the largest and finest collections .f
Belts and Buckles te be seen anywhere. And a
wide variety at each of the many price-- 50c,
$1.00, $1.50, S2.00, S2.50, ,a.O0, S3.50, $4.00,
$5.00, .SikdO, S7.00 and $8.00.
t- stuviSrlilKi- .t l lufi ler Al: 1, M.i.i ": i-
Sleeping Garments
I'lijamas of heavy, lleecy eutintr llannel
S2.50, $:j.0u and $:!..r0. Other T'ajamas, of man;
materials, up te $15.00.
Night Shirts of tine outing tl.Mim. cl.l.'i,
Sl.(5 and 2.00.
Greup of neatly trimmed white madras Night
Shirts $;j.7.-.
..- Sfisl liil.v A I Idtl.IiT l..lit Mur. . Lis, -'i -II i-l
iSeckties at $1.00
Thousands f Eeur-in-IIauds, in sceii-n of
patterns and wanted colors, at this one price.
Many are of siik-ar.d-woe!
silk $1.00.
Anether excellent lei of well-made, altiai
lively designed V ur-iu-hands, at a very .-peeial
price Si. 15.
- s;. n! , !,.,. .1 t l.it.i i- - : , iii.ll' li.-'.'' s-.
Gift Sweaters
Heavy Shaker-knit Ceat Sweaters, will. rJ
cellar SlO.On and $l:i.00; with V-neck ste.un.
Heavy Shaker-knit Poll-ever Sweaters, witn
roll cel'ar- 12.00; with Y-neek S8.5U and Slu.
'-- .1- Is MiT. .'. I l. I..1.1 st. I Cli; ,-f. .
Hats and Caps
An excellent vele ir Hat from Czeelm-Sli ' um.i
for $10.00.
Fine, warm Fur ( ap- Sn.ji.", te S2-1.7.i.
Stel.-en Derby or Sufi Hats $7.fle and .sle.ni).
Special freup of V' Imir Hats at $3.35.
'- Slianlir'ilK-' .V i f . - M 1.. ..-. MiAi-i si 1 a-i
Thousands of Them, at Prices
That Warrant Immediate Selection
Men cheese Strawbridge & Clothier Shirts bmui.se ihev arc cut full
and comfortable, are made right, of dependable fabric, in patterns of
thorough geed taste. Any man will appreciate a Si rau bridge & Cluthier
Shirt especially the following, which are marked at special' prices:
A large group el guod-leoking Shiif s;i..ij.
Fin., laiuy-sfiipcd .-oft Shuts in many mlei
combination- -$1.-15.
Aiiet her 'ii of woven Madras Shin-, u1'
made and roemily cut, in all si.es at tin-, e-u
low ri''ice ; l.5".
White DiDiidclnt'i Si'"'- ili.ii a i
tinctKe in miali' .n-1 i.pp '.r..im
. 1.50.
Silk Shin., ei , h. .... :'.it .vi.iv
Sfitin -.ripi - s(!,."ie,
- S I I ll.li . .1 I . - s.
V..J dl--.su..'it
-en i' w-.i.i
r.c t.
Timely Economy News from
The Lewer-Priced Rue Stere
One-third is the average saving afi'orriedhero te thriftv iniivtiaser. iniivtiaser.
ef Kugs, who de net mind a few tiny imperfections in the otherwise excel
lent Kugv.
A:.iuin-le) Rugs, .I'ixO.'l inclie- -;,.,.-. Kxtra-laure .v , t , R.- . H,F a. , lf.N
Odd-siw Axmbisti'r Rugs, li.O.sll feel- lii.i. 12 feet S52.7-..
and $21.7.")! 7.010.H feet $21. i5; )P le.-t-- Semnle-., Frinred tlva Hues. 1KI2 fi
$25.75 and $:':'..70; D.10.(i tcet $28.75. Ml .75.
Vt- Stniwhr i , i ' '' 1!j. r I j, 1't ' rf Mre I
Gift Neckwear
Daintj lace -nnbreidi red
Ratiste and Organdie Cellar--;
Linen Peter Pan Cellar-and-Cuff
Sets 50c.
Embroidered Raliste unl
Oi'KCiidie Cellars hoc.
Pfler Pan Cellar-and-Cufr
Set i of fine eyelet embroidery,
also Set embroidered in colei
.Middy Ties, hall'-iuare, $1
te S2.25: full-square S2..VI
te S.'kDO.
Windser Tie.-, in plain
shades or plaidn 40c te SI. 00.
Ik'i-tha Cellars, $1 and S1.50.
Fiber silk Scurfs ?.'J.75 te
Hriishrd Weel Scarfs S2.35
and S2.85.
Jlrushed W .l ( up and
hcarf Sets for children
.f".UO. si imi uit-.. .v. i , .i, : - -
SI- II M ir.i ' -' nil. t,.
Gift Furs
They are gift.- that are sure
te pleae J eung girls partic
ularly aie delighted with the
gift fur.
Genuine SkuiiK ( eat Col Cel
lars, in vaiieits sizes $27.50
te $57.50.
Brown Ameriian Fex Ani
mal Scarfs $22.50 te sr,7.i"0.
N'atural Baum Marten
Scarfs, in two-kin tvle
$05.00 te S150.00.
Dark Xatuial Mink Scarfs,
two-skin style SliO.OO te .50.
Lustrous Black Lynx Xeck
picces, beautiful m e d c I s
$42.50 te $100.0u.
Stone Marten Scarf-, hand
some pieces in choker style
$:i:t.50 te 850.00.
Fine I hid -.en Kay Sable
Animal Scarfs $50.00 te $00.
Jai allege Fex Animal Scnri,
a favorite with young girii
s10.OO te S18.00.
American Red Fe:; Animal
Scarfs iinetiu r youthful fur
S 15.00 t S1S.0O.
Black Lynx ( at Scarf-,
lined with ailk :l.j.00 te k-j.
Kiddies Just Leve
Muffs $5.00 te $12.00 '
-r..n jr'lf- .C n.jtliir --
.1 I'., r t : 'i t s . vt i M "1 f
Aute Restaurants
for the Motorist
Strurg a.-. te be strapped
te the . -u :..' r beard of the
automobile, i. lilted with
knive. t nk-., 'p-'Oii-, cups,
plntes and feed containers,
sullicicnt fe'" live or six person-
S'Jrt.eO and S22.50.
Aute Rcfrin rater :nd
Restaurart, for si pi-r-ens
Smaller Rf-Luirani-, for
lvvi te si pi r- : S7.."ii; te
Beys' Blouses
Blouse '".v "' lip'-
InateiiaN, witn ...!'.. r- :. tt-n.be.!
-05c. $.".', si. no, M.'.ii, $1.75
.Mid .2.2.'-.
KiellM of li '. I ' .-.i .! -
gee in pmiu tan, wh Oella'
attached .si. 7..
Blouse .- ul m . i .: .; i. c
lin in plan, i. ii., c e ! 'a i
ittaclnsi - .-2.1'.'.
Blellfe- . f I'ms;.-'. bund
ivjth ir p!i,"i i.i- . i. . .a ..t
tllcili'l -Ti.l'li.
Bleu-i - of .i.'- !
Madras, att.u iv ! .
and S2.00.
Bliui.se of ! a:
iierci rized !. u- .
i ellar ..i 1.75.
Bleii.-.e W'ai't
stiiie.l elfecK, -v.r ,
Ften cellar SI. ."iii -.".
Bietis-e Waiht- if .
Mriped madia:., ,:tta. in .i
cellar Sl.2i.
ttleuse W'aisi-, i ' i.i ii.,
oxford mal.'iii.L :.'.'. .ci i
cnllnr jl.75.
v . . . .
s'.npi i
;.-. i -si
.Mac In l
1 SI. 75.
i d F.tei.
'Bed Spreads. .SUOU
iu. . ..ii .f ill iii i-ir
1 i IU Ifuriii-dini . -.'til
'" -I w hit - 1! d -s,ii ii:-, se.'
00 ie-ln-., . ,,1,1. I ,,
SI lilt't ilfc .'. lul.llci
Altle 12 I lib. rt sir e
Santa China
in Hen; villi
a lioeii (or
llniinml (till
Iptljiioe. tee,
in in thv Tey Stere!
And Thousands
of Toys
.K 9
Toys and Mere Toys
Thousands of Them in
The Christmas Tey Stere
Ji's .-mil tun M-iCng tlie Tey Stere! Beys and girls are
the happiest little folk you ever taw looking at the Tey. and
Gaines, the Dells and r urnituf , the Horses and Automobile",
anil seeing the Tiain- go whizzing around. Bring the children
te the En-y-to-Get-te Tey Stere.
Furniture Frem the Tey Company of America
Sold Here Exclusively in Philadelphia
Tland-'iecerated in iverj", pink or blue and easily wa.shed.
Tey Furniture of thv me-t fascinating kinds and Furniture for
tin t.ui-iiy and play room. i;(. sure te se it.
Lionel Electric Trains
at Special Prices
Many sets te suit children of
various ages. Yeu may add te
the equipment an you cheese.
Sets at $4.25, $0.25, S9.50. $14.50,
.$20.75 and S3P.75.
, '1
' -. .f
Dells i'nder Price
JOINTLD IJOILS, vtn lovely fiue-,
euilj wig , opening and closing eyes
cxciptienal value- -1.00 and $1.50.
LIFELIKE DOLLS, that talk and walk.
readv te be uie-sed as babies or toddlers--
unusual val.ii -$3.00. ' -' ;
Dell Couches, all styles and sizes, sj.00 te $3,1.00
Mechanical Trains. Engine, Tue Coaches, Track, $S.OO
floats of every land and size, $1.00 te $25.00
Seft While RahhitH, Cats and Deys, $2.00 te $7.50
Every Hebby Herse Reduced, new $6.90 te $110.00
Electric Liyht Outfits for Christmas Trees, $1.85 te $5
y .s-. j-. !s i..e".i r TJi.'-ree.t Wet
Werthy Furniture Gifts
1','ti- cf Furniture are la-ting a- well as u-scfui. And Furr.i-
-i; it'fts from this Stere are always well-c heseii because only
vrll-inesen Furniture is sold here:
Living - room
'1 hree - piece
Suit-, tir.ished in mahogany,
with cane backs. Ceiisit of
full-si.v Daviiipeit with two
liaci; pillow-, arm chair and
rocker, all with loee cushion
seats, t phei-terni in figured
tape-try. sipecial $175.00.
Telephel e 'I able-, tiuished in
maheiraiiv, ai quipped with
steel, uiifi l..v( i;ia-!.-int.'t tops
Manh.i . I-.i k',1..!" Si.vinr
C.'u'iufts, are as quaintly deco
rative ah they are useful. Of
mahogany, with drawers, two
large -ide pockets, button traj'
and spool rack $21.50.
Ciaic-leg Colonial Tables
have vepe edge and claw feet.
Tep .MxOl inches $15.00.
High-back Windser Chairs
retain the r popularity and
their "old-fmliienednoss.'' Fin
ished in ninhegauy. with high
c.-i.il) back $21.00.
- - strau ii !.). . i ' ! . : ,;. i l . .
i rm w t-v
Housekeeping Helps
a Hundreds of Lamps
c-. aiiu L.unps whose ncauty as-
i i . -s li-tb' 'en mi hundreds of happy
1' addphiu homes. Among the many,
. r t,ift-choe.s-rs, are thet'e few:
Bouiieir or Desk Lamp- of ivory-i"i:.-.
i metal with glnss-eaneled hhade,
.. 'ipUtc $5.00
W i ought It ei. Bridge Lamps (with
..t -hadi-i, tinishi'd in lilack with clashes
.'' geld, aie most unusual value at $2.7".
Parchment Shades $1.00 ti, $4.0u.
Bmidcur Lump.-., with iverj'-finish
..-.-., and ,-'!k shaiie, cemplet.'--'l.O0.
iii'iij. I linn- iwiilhiit .-iiaiK I are tinislinl i, various shade:;
combined c. ir'u g. Id. lempbte with wiic and secliet. without
shade s-jn.ui' 1 a.lv- e ha-'i.mM."' with all interior Se.00 tD
. j.'i.ne
uOilii'ej ing tiifeug
vi u wi'l see .sceic .- of
meie ''heinev ."
V A I t M
bt-at, a- lli. v
..'ei p. i . they i-'i-.,n, a
tin. ', tronelc ami bber $ '."i.
lARVINi". SETS :. ei
1 .' fusion l.nvv price-, licvr
.Lug i.t S'.'.'. ", an I laiiii, "
"l.'i.Uu for a I'l.'jiutii.i. i",
Mil ib'il, Mlvt'l'-t i-li' e Si
I. illsl. Stl. ,.
U MINI'-' V. L :.
Ilil'll 11 1 '1 i. .,,,, j; ,.,
'a . .- I i... . i:.. i
- ail .it hi ' oil-
w. ,'- "...ini-d He'.-i furiiieliingj htere,
fu i w uift-tbinr-, that make Leme
Pui'l.'-r-, Fi!-n Puns unj Ptr
i la'.ors of aluminum 05c.
'n things t have in the bath
room, liedr.'em, dining-room
I'll.- room.- f,. vhillv uays
. FI Kt 1'li If WAFFLE
ii;'S, u -.hie , ij:,t. ,.l.jSj,i
vv.'ii wuf,!i.i, ij.r 'ju'ckly and
i i-jlj no "e .l:ci I light at the
i ",l ' ' Highl.- nickebd unci-en-
i i-eiip'i'e with oerd, plug anl
i ui-e!i ; witch- $10.1)0.
5s- Sttttbr)Jsi! & Clothier I'uurtli Iloer, Ccntf