Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Image 39
pfwi- vyr tap IF " 'jv. .r.A !W"' ( -.-gtjiteggf THE GUMPS Who's Afraid? ?7te Subconscious Courtship -M1 bre.U. TERVIKPS VUOOHfT HKVE, WtVtJTttt'WQ. A,MT! MTL M?GMt? VU CEMD VS TVt)ftMt(,S, LtVtEfc.. TOSETUfft. WVm MV ANSWER, TO Te nmuSVKnBS- VLU "ONE VUfA TO .G ME IMTO COUfiT- i mefern toenan' extraordinary icheme te keep tailor from intnfor intnfer n ing with her lift it cW iii (A faicinattng novel By BERT A RUCK NOW WANG WVTaH M &Dr4'T SEE. WOUlfOO cjkH vtcT tf wvTMeirr oeMPftofAN6 Meers tLT B)T OOWT tVC MC (MFtUEXce WOO- T)ON"V .rr" n. tecMft ftP k fLN - WH?.N GET -WV.0U6M A)VTV VUrA HE tAKH STLU 6 A COHGSCSSftlW 60 INTO CONJRt V? NOU Ik-fttT WRM- Auther of "The Wrong Mr. Wright," "The Arrant Itever," Ete. Copurteht, lSSt, Oedtl, Stead A Ce, tUT HELL CG W.&tN& ON fcV AW Mt-tAVI- (JOT TMKT UTTtt.. STtJW fRQAv . SKmk'S fcTTORMtM (M KHftUJefc TO Hfc COURT UN&SS RLTACt' 41 tUBOUGU S WHO'S WHO IN TI1K STORY JLOVIM, M.PMS8TOXn. charm. JM iriieic tche has tnhcrtteA r 'ffl'&W by relative, and mi, "the want te upend her inenry, ?,e,1,.". ..i imiiI e mums fter or fJK e mew ,w6nd or '.i.Ce." (e end ejT "the fterplM," C,Ot enff iS'S&. rriPHV flAiaiWnAEL. VcrtdWar veteran, man of personality. tf...-r'A 'infill "H""""' '- 1,I3V - ITerM "crZj,teYrche 1a Invented a eu eiSJi, ,'v ......I. .it., Ji.ini" tn-oneai- ,UROSUUARY Mi:AnOV8. Clever's 0lt, fiawi. "ifi .v;;.viieus, aunf. ., u,em. Mrinifl Clever In advcrtity and ts "Funny?" Z ,l irM orer BAyitMt veunger she imiit drown thctn by the tetind of word. "Quite like old times, isn't it?" she exclaimed brightly. "IitiM night, T mean, mid turning ull tlie lights dead off nud tlie fuss nbeut leaving the tiniest chink of window. Wern veu in the raids?' " here in Londen, yen mean? "Oh, no. I forget. Yeu vera nbread." ( es, 1 was ubreitd ' In iinicli nc tinea, of course. "We were in several '' "Oil, were you 7" " i....t it ium i.ijtj- -nas so-se mnm ever Tuuntr hh noed-natured cien, I V ! i . ,'. ""',nR VWiticnee, with Ihuin'LewfthKmmaru. ,lm,t Q'"1 .lin, of ""tl-nlrrraft guns juy m lete iciiw "01"fi" mi shrapnel dropping going en out- daughter, Mi?.' jn iuW TJiIs Ijenclines rtTpUN'O. Xe; H isn't n Chanel JuifrerU us n matter of fact." Clever nplied In a elce which te her unuey ncc sounded strained nnd unnnturnl. Yeu M' he- Slr Algernon guessed Chanel," I theiipht it veuld keep him in abetter umper te l" told lit' was quite "I we. Tucttul of you. "Chanel." volunteered Clever, "isn't doing these thlny, tjcqulny kind of frocks at all just new." ch0 nMrly ndde.l, "ImaRinc your Jnl, rill the frock:" Then i-eit- ....II.. .i,.. ilmiiffht it weuMn r (I 1 Vni fcJirt MAit ...!.1 il et . I'll lintrMlii 1...u..tl.. . . . ...- ij'j uujuij- in me niR ua-e bldl1. nilCll 0110 OHO Jllcllt She Imnnml the card and jumped up and acrrumctl. "Uv Jove, did hIie willy " 1 cs, but net beenuse of ibe guns at ull." babbled the pirl whose band was In bh, nnd whose mind wrestled te keep down, down thoughts she would net allow herself (e think. "Xet iiiijthliiK te ile wltli the raid, but just beenuf-e ihr'd neen a ineime i run ucrew thu hltdieii hearth-ru:" iteallyf A seeend later Cnr- mlchael gnve the expected Inugh. Then esses "you nren't catelilns cold, are ou?" , "Celli? nv, ,. Celd? Oh. no, 'I theupht .miii were Milverlns." On, no j net ut nil. thankt.. I nm never cold, jeu knew. W-nsu't it ijiih;iii. ,)i nuni. rosy, l mean. SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Kid's Clever ltciristsred I I'atent OfT.c By Hayward Ha-ha! its allrigkt BET&Y YOU DOTUSE YoeR EYs: HE ATE. TH(?E& SERVtAiGS JOF FRIED OAJIOAIS: THAT P(?OVS HE AlAiT QOrl TO SEE HEX 7bfl6fH AiiVlliV WECAAIfin TO THE ZftlOW AND OT WORRW. iri-ht t'ldnk J.e war, IryliiR te be JW huni.-d en, a.i;tbin,' te kerp Yd niihnc uium ., tiilkins. for n-i Ieiil- n.x l,n l,.,.l in i,..t,i . ; ... i.ira v il, evnvv Men vi e tarUUI who ...... - . iv the feeliiiR of straiiBOiiess rvew. T?U' unV'my quiet in which the r wMrrb tweuikIciJ 1 his loneliness ThM attained the top of the llrt illfhf the ikier that led en the one md te Cleser's (Sold Salen, en tlie Other te Carnilchncl's lted I'arler. Here the niateh went out. The last i,ateli! Uirknesa closed nbeut them ,ign. Thick eurtninii before the rtnir r.i9 windows shut out even tlie pllin wr there mifilit have bei'ii from the hmp.s in titicn Street. All ni in iclvct libK-knes. "Xuiwinre." mmniured Carmlcli'iel. "I)(! jeu think jeu can feel your way Up. "Oil, e-." t're f'luver In the velcn Uch would net "come" quite natur ally, but which wen.ed almost bre.itli !w ai though she had elimbed ftishtB dftNp stairs instend of these fewgrnd ual ones. "I bave set bold of tlie rail, thank you." "IUght." lie foil ;i ftep behind, fol lowing in the durknees. He was nwnre of the breath an of rain-wet brier 'hat lleatml about her: alert te the filnt lu'tle of In r garments, re mi liinl; ft' lend-'. Time w.-a nI- leatin: of liii in Jiv.it t. whiih wenrlered that ilie girl didn't hear. He ilid net knew that ,tlif girl's nta heart was beating te that the in turn wondered if he heard it. Ter n deep-down fOt1-eonB':ieitPiiK talking, for a-i long as he had te held her hand, unything te Mop hwelf from irciuuiiiig in inij, aimurd manner, "se curious, the diffeient things that lieeplc aru afraid of!" - "Quite. Yes, quite, " agreed Oar mlchael, In n tea-party tone of uike nnd with an inward piayen that lliey were nearly at her deer. He put out liN hand te feel against the wall; bis fingers explored the glass of a pic ture, the melding of panel. "! I knew a iiiiin who was always in a blue funk of niethi, onre " "Of moths': ' Clever took up frvrr li.li!. "Imagine moths, soft little tint terlng tbingi like that! T cheiil, nrvcr be afraid of inetli!, or re kchniVrs, or even bnt., theucli they nre Mippescd te get into eiic'n hair, aren't tbe.v 1 don't think I've ewr ier felt ae tunliy afraid of anj thing reallj " "Here's your deer," Carmlcliacl said aurtiptiy. I An abruptly, he felt her hands drawn ! out of bis. I Then he heard her voice, with a girl- ! Ish shake in it. "Yeu knew, ( bheuld j never hnve known when- the miiin ' switch wnal" i '! a space of imetlinr Jienrt-lieut I... ili..nral.i .1 :..i.. t. .. i "1P I else. i ,ll' If she had i It- I., ;. i . ,, .. ... iiiiuui u nave niaiie all nif ililCr ence'.' Aftcrwaid lie wondered ecr i that. I jiut almost, ininicjiiiieiy upon Her Iiifet words canin her geed-night." In ' ( 'IXISJSI SJSl IfTwrlMKBae )S? pAIIFF-SAIIFP) 1 ALUFjlfiHT. SAMUEL? tK-i VjfRh? AH . FR IED OAJlOAiS . -bssjJ Tf?UE , HtS DOWNSTAIRS W, u T A6AIW TOA1I6HT : c- l U Atiw6 Alow SLfT- I 9 fVC4LEAC MS-TO (- I till 1 s i i sa l " i l i w. i tvw iiih BBiia rm.. u -. . a . .. .tz i t'Z 1W7a -" Tft ,ftMi.WHUHi? rBTtO THE Cnew AND rO iJ&&?s& I WWMiW1 1 - -' OO iiilB I A ( -?.liv CfTrU, Ittt, y ruhlt Irlf' Ce The Yeung Lady Acress the Way fllE POWERFUL KATRIXKA IJy FOMAIXK rex hi come upon Clever Carmiehnel. She u voice suddenly remKi.-ed ugnln, and vas, after all, only twenty-three, and I llsu,Jl for all her assured airs of a woman I Ooed-niRht." he returned. Mlio-erM. tJie wa-, as far r.- real-1 t fleer nhut softly. Ity went, a- unteuchwl ns her iiap- i , SIl "I'' .""t turn the key. He knew PT-reusm. Yet hh; was "iiiarrled." I I,at ' .cw 'h" ''"I '-t Imie te Biiis mini following her upstairs! lu"1 "" up- , thretis-Ii the .liirktuw. was her "bus,-1. 'J Jvt wheeled about nnd. quietly, rand." il was an absurd situation., I fp, l ,,ls w,,-v ,,,w" ""- '""'' 01 ceuw. she pulled herself up quickly. ! "ia " " r"(,"v . . fi !t ni lull, mr-llv "nlwiiril.'' lieennne . . .AlOnilllg After it wnu net "a situation" at nil. It I A Ievf; !,,T"lr .,''' " ,in "llie1' tnlnlit hai.nen in anv house that some- u'.1" '? "u Handing still. Jt must go van new iles- migui u:ip pen in anv nouse inae some- v., -,- - -- " i , thing went wrong with the electric light eiV,l?r f,"nV",d, or, 'V"1' nmi thm i,n n,.in i.n.i tr. , i,..ir. nie (.nriulcltacl affair wm fay up te their rooms in pitch black- 1,m?'1 t0 S" l:aV1;.ivurI,J- . . . , N, llut-against that Wnekns. Hew was this.' Having get te th tin cu,.i i.. ... r'..,i..i,n..i' preinlMi.e lwint (for te nn.v onleok fac, with his ejes fixed In the book , H t have se.nnwl preniiMng, Inning loom, just before the light went out. i "'0' ,te thait point wh.i did it go back.' n-i tthHii she hud known that i,0, h.viT. if rdie Mid been iisked iibent at ker told mmi that it man Mill iiiKt-i.'rJ vm coin... In knv temi-llilm. i.. I,.... . , " '-'"'i oil. weumi inn What had he been' going te ' J"' l",'"'i'- the jeuii; .. ." ". h u oenni Inn ti nere, iMiililenl. , anil as it .eeine(l " - "i'i" ......... . . mh iiu .ibiunlug amount ..f noise i , ' '"' hiring tin ir daikMicI piegivhs Ifr feet npped en the third fleer of t,,.,w." ""'ht f-w janN -t ri.ler. the th UMiroem night. .t'"'1" i"1:"el,v;lu,j'- -;;11 'i'"1 .l,':n"1"1 "Uid miii fall'- V Tik. mv i, ,...i :fnr "'""Kh. lMirin-; that tiixsnl, llur i.r,' , I v. . , ' ried cenversitkui about raids, mice, jynt y-iu: (.anntchuel vigge-ted. ; b3ts ,, v.,mt el .,,,,,,1, veieP lllld Hi8 eice was Htendy and -olerless ) rrPd excitedly within her, "He is go ge go neush. Moie oelorle-v, In fact, than , ing te break the bargain. He is brink tiwal. 1 1 1-3 hand felt for he;. Slif i Ins the bargain. Of .-ourse I could M lilu. t; l.e it l.eeause fei. tlie inemeiit perfectly welllind my wnv upstnira and lw Inekeil ptlf-possesMeii te sav, "Oh, j "long these corridors without being led i no, thanks, don't trouble. I can man- Hl.n thi-j. He is breaking the liargain." i fe. 'J'he young lady across tlie way snj5 (he monthly statement fieiii the bank hardly ever agrem with the stub.! in her checkbook, nnd il'd strange hew the banks liiake se many tulstakis. VbUY f0MSHUy COT ACROSS THft ASM DUMP VHCfc ''Ht PeWCRfOt. KATRIKKA C0UJ.D CAO J.0TS Of THINGS Te TMKeW. 5 G u C9. -c a1. vTf--'fyv?35k . .'''go i? & 0 b 3 -jiSP,)- ?5&&ZZ- " - JBPI!L (a '"f &J e VS rV - & 3gggg mmwr r s W '!', m r' Wit is s SCHOOL DAYS W By DWIQ ,''''r'''-"-'r"''-r'r-:irtfPK fli iffili'v fwKaam Mlftf y l - mmmK. iVK mmWmm"mmmmkmkm y''''na'iAmVwtnkvt i iT? 'BlSfciSKsKiiiijrii m It LH PETEY Thinking Ahead or Twe Hand m baud tliey went upstair's. Carmieliail. throbbing te the touch of n wa. vtru,.). i,y th fact that he 'U only bed that hand of Hlce b-feie. Tlie first time had been She was conscious of thinking Hit?. I'liit she would net have been nblr. te miuhse' this perfectly instinethn little jump of jej that she felt beenue Harry ,- l.n..l .... .I.n ...(,,' 1.CI..I. ..t h .. i arm.' inn i nun "il ii. i" '''.' i. .in. .i ,,.,.-..,., ..., .....u. Then, as she undressed In her fcelt. ,,. , . I I, I'll, ua rnu iiieii vv. ... , .'. tlie daiue. lit wmnlnerl 'tin." ,... .i. .i..t ii,.,,. .. .i,. .l, , . " " ", liny mum, u,i i in: lueii. i.t...... . .i niv : 'men. there had net been nnether , street lamps through the windows from wice the night ut thu Galleries.) The which Hhe pulled aside the curtain, ehu wml time had been in church at Uieir felt distinctly chilled. She told lier r .i J1R' ,lh'le lier serem' veie had re- self that she was very tired. I rented ; "1, Clever, take thee, Harry1 There is mi exquisite poem which Is I Armstrong " te have and te oenstnntb quefd by women. It was i,wil apparently written lis a tribute te, .uw, ter (he third time, there was women. Unit- interim!... I "1 could net love thee, dcir, se much, I 'Hum show," lie thought te him- l,ecil I imt Hener mere- " j f. "Tl'-s i, my wile. Thin U n.v "What." thinhs the wemiin thus ad; ) lles hund that I am holding; wo're diei-ed, "has ically put him off.' !"ie, couldn't be mere alone in n vlr- "" "f,,1"1-, J'urm.u,V:,;! , ,,,!,".nft 1 tertwt en a detwrt island I'm Iiep " ''',,P telling blnibeU : "Ne 1 ceuldn t, husband Butl-J. T reuWn't; I simply c..udn,t, terclng What "was the geed' The resolution "nM u"en a bl,au' ful L,1!'M c1' rt 'hat bin! ,, . 1 1 V iJ80'""0" I whose salt ene s ciitlng en the condi cendi ueBtJHtlmhL m fr that ,n" ! t."ii that one keeps oft'? Take udvnn- Te lm. .v!, room ,wa.', new Konc' tageV One couldn't." .. b0?'5 "''' this would have seemeil I ,w n the morning ther bad ceme ' "lenetj te le seized. He could , upon him the mood known te most men "Wjine thir view of it. Yea. He knew in ml te fill women. Violent reaction! Miat they'd de, and also what they Tim backward swing of the pendulum .""WW think be v.nj. a feel for liii-. that has been Hung tee inr in a ter- "S. Ibre he wan. within ,i .,,,,,', waul diiecllen . M0r .PoNeu IIKE jlHIS ONC NACJGC ? ) .. ' J -rXl wK Mm Wj-L & liWMk Jam M4iW&3lrr ty BBSBBKr Cf vlft vt JIA lWtt B If TZTm illl''Bu n!K . .11 X m. r - Hew m evEPi ceiua Te CeTThc Mem&y "Te Take care ncTuic Vmav LtsY I flnu'r Icuntii'f I VE CUT r DeVthl NOW lb THC UMit f && 5n By C. A . Voight GASOLINE ALLEY Beware? Certainly! Wm 0sr m,Jm vl Mmnft a '"x v r - Hely smekev'V? !Si VJJU DOMtMEAM heu've Oeucht Hats vitm "mas 'TStSHT OkjTep op tS .' V - ceTAui.v- VIe Kwewnaej? HEVeR GET -EKl AFTeR tffvTA '.' Q 1 i, JOK, ii frY Sffp ciVjU 'each of hue. u,...' .-.,.. .1...' .i' ..i As lie dressed and dnmU his ceftee, bei I Us life ' 'I'l.,. .V,rd. ... . .1 Iran evr in his mind the whole 01 the, C Vh M U,?K 'l0T ' evening before, and beheld! It wn n net cove, LnV'r b"tPOn ,,hm "l i iv bad Bliew. 'nireugh ull the diarm. wt cover bpr beauty from him. ler tr nrninscmcnti, of Cleer's dinner. gure could , plcturn Ml lnW.TIvl Inm.l., it,A , """ e tieT-u 1.1111111 , jiiciurt! iisf..u 'J nrms "irlnt her golden fni'v dar, ,,eatl abe,f' "" hClllli- -v.4 fcjiouieors, me une of her body. clearly n if nhn walked up under Ware of llBhtsj. He could even piivr e expression of her i'nee: n lit t S , . " littl expectant, Just fis .mi. ,, ''wn Mev 'hnt light went ' He could almost feel hrr breath-"I.- ; could hear It. mm k wa 80 MnsUtiiled that lie Si- turn ft II,ero eelclcnt like the SrV if Um "Bhtfl lnt0 ch""ce Caniiichuel counted every bone of the skeleton at that fenet. It wan nil a put-up job. Sim had "played" Cox. She had admitted her downright fib te liim nbeut that frock. She had chosen jier guests with the coldest calculation. She had u"t mom aim ug.iinsi nnntner as if she had been placing u game uf elites. Stripped ut its glamour, what had thai part. been.' Jcy-oeld busl I ness. . And lier attitutie toward win .' it was no tise deluding himself with nny Ideas of her being different there. She lutein t come 11110 mui noexroom te have a word with him, but te telephone becnune another mnn hed left bis ciga rette case. As for the walk upataini In the drK meitningteMi. Mm nail taken Ills linnu ns sne nitgiit nnve rnneu the butler's., Her husband was just 'l,nn. : i. ... . . ' , ..H,.tlnlinl M,l.t .V tt. , llin in liim i, 'Hi it l ever COtllil Iiiim, Meilied i,M ." ' .. . ' ." ' " 'It thein-lii l..- i.. '..'',". ' '"71"" ,.nM I ,in.ie!!e llrethers. I.t-ave t ut emm5 L, im-i , ., " " . that. !' " "iar- wl'0". ''en'"? " BeS, V, '"J5,"1"1'''1'."1",1 v."'", .l'.wi.siDirs at II.., unremautic hour of 'Dm ml , i ht'r''' ,'",li'' l""1 hnlf-pt 0. In. snw her In h hall, ''WBtlf r i T 0Vnn ,'"J"l;l1 h',ic '"''I , the whole alliiehphere was ehntificd, t. , "fp'ly that there wan no cause i , hanired as eeiupletelv as lier own at- . She rnllkl nnt tl,ll .,l.n .,.nu i ,1... inlin iinni n drnv nf Vllltted uill - . -.-- ..Vb .llllll PIIV 11.11 III. I f..'. ,,...,, ,..,,.'r .-- ...w.... k-t( Mether chance might come ffu -- Ul ims tir I'ei'lu cne ,Tcn though still her li Mj 1 ' "r,a ""'' unresisting, rrli Net net use hand in efM V,"i 'alhl net tllln, f" was j til I 'of? tt hat ,vns th,!re ,0 lj" nfralillrltv llieu-ht!1; 11?" theKhl-, her own uuilb! She inut net lUiuk them, I ud-gray ss her eye). COXTJ.NUKO 'lUMOimOW WAZ IHTROOIXEO TO YOO Buee one evening THEPG S A, MATTCR WHICH BOTH WHICH t HAVE ENDeAVOR'HQ TO GEE VOU JjiZpQ xs.i ill III lllll f I lllfl ,' Wll. .... . ' . r MR. WAU UJJJumuu n w QCTsH MUU HWHOOCT ' IT S FRIDAY BY MRS 4L!iWTHE FIPTEEHTH, HERe COMES HERMAm) CANCES. i -n-tw irtw-g nu (.nnnSL r-OW A. A 0OlSCeftN,2 Vr. Getaway . BEEM 11117" v . P' - "ar-gi aboets r MRS SlOSSOM MINTED TO MC THT YOO MIGHT Be iMTr.WE.STED IN ATTF.NDINO A CANONG CADEMV OP WHICH. I AM THf. HCAD. ALL MOPCRM V CANCES TAUCwr IN Six. LESSONS' By King C-irrl - Ml l.i 1 -r r, !' "f'i .. A .Vl'll'lii'lll' l "v x "i i i I 9 K I III IV V 4f jj i!,ii ii, y T i 4te. 1 1 i ,mm "L I . I M 'i 1 m 5 :S I I 'I1 f ' j 1 i - r