pm W - frw" 'tie --w --- -TvS?? H'ety S-d t I m ,1 Ki 1 i fffii m Mi l. m :if BJ i i n IB: k U m i I i- Hi 1 m pi ? PI' m i 'Ail ' v IS is i EM liV 'J Re iV . . rv. J- ,vr : ft tf Ettf r u, l 38 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE ,1'F,NNM I.VAM -HDHPHII N J'liNVLVNIA-MillUHAV-" lauiciDinMiiiiipn urn iiniiiiiiyiyiiiiiiii! iiuw inwni raniPKS.iinraiiiiiii'iaiiiiiiiiiii mmmm r m wieji 1Te Heme Yem Want is surely described in our complete list, covering all suburban and semi-suburban sections. Our list is a practical directory of "Philadelphia Hemes for Sale" Geitrmntewn Chestnut TIUI Reading Main Line Pennn. Main Line Delnwuic County West I'hila. Ccntial City any section ou prefer is thoroughly represented. TO BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE SMUILILEN (a BARRY Liberty Bldg., Breaa fllllilMJiliita m i 'ft '" nuiiiiniifilirmw M, dl.HMA si HI III! N II nn m in s itr ca enrn r-t)1n Iierj u ft .r n iMnjr ft .1 nsr re J (bn ffC for tlie famll he 1 u new one Tfantiliinii i i lti it kiv tli it ii !i4 nhere ptire iir nnj u n h ' 1 1 - urn tn 1 11 tniniml are te le enjojed UUV7Mm tmm . .K..l m&wmmmm. JGROOMh M RTH 111-, T BH IV V I,'I.JVU W PROPERTY VALUES , ifw fl ..,,., . OA itl,fj..l i-ll.i.1 nlin . f , fci r.. - .iu .., -. .. j ... , . Delaware Him H- 'fi enlj h the ferrlei LARGE LUTS. 30x1 bninarj(. pun water, gem, etc.. en property. tt I It in h ptep.rt lae HnM biII r Her r 11 n trm ih . ,. 2 V.itVet street f.r- .. auden t le, ,, w... mii ,M j r?'in. r. ' ! fl I Is idjtren' te stet"i "' ' IIADDONFIELD r n 1 1 11 riNi 301 lludden Ae. cs jritrin gWlliBIBIE'lP,!! I I . li1. i ' II i 'S Queen Lane Maner 1 - & l--s'n' i h -'!' - 'i 1 room ni . iitu . pir4r - ( uJ t J heatcl from li j Id t xll. 4 M il Westvicw Street m M In the j Hi-e'n n- se tmr e (S tacherl 1KJ en In- I lir 11 1 1 is t.j . ,...- ... . .... ! a heu4 m i'l-' cm d n 1 t' i.( Q q ou' O $1000 -4 "asiv y (ini . i i i i 1 1 H hen' '-', - r r B1 tjsj SHI If; -il K I ft P. LYNDON PRIESTMA XI ij an h tf J ' h Ue R m a n t e wN I 7J J,-07 ",TN WE '- ( 4!' pi J iU.ia r P1! i T a - ji L . . jg aniiuimifliuii'iiiiiii mi. .n. it ji. " i ' iim'i. rillfflMIUWI 'III, I Mlll'.l II I'M 'I IJJJI., I T?,IP I " ' ' , . ' ' , ' ' ' ?4 atie-eiTi, 1, el. c i.' ra S ui - i i ' ' ' HERBERT I lOPi; 1 "5 S2'U - FreaJ ! . " i-,; g ylntiiminiMi.. Ill II.. .111,1. ., , .,..,. n , . aafc'ill'lltilllii. itriniitiiiwiiiiriiiiiiiui ii m I. 11 in nil . LUI in 4 (UN 1.1 ilUilJilll'liW llll" 'llillllJllilAJ.I'lll , Jlil .lii,i 1 0LNEY s IP nil 'It " a " "2 tlen ll rmi 1 e 1' -.,. -r I - 4 perch piragi -irln hifinu"! 15 flOOr" rnfierteit tQ 11 A h trelle, jw.fni B 3 Tssw np-df n t -. 3 ic-v . 0 iec bith i H- " 1 HERBERT HOPE W :,dii v nr."VD s , -. , , . i.lli.lillllllllilllll..ll'in,li Mh 1 1 I... i ii evii i m; I'lLlllilllllllll , .'in OAK LANE i 3 r"- i n ' k Pei ,' i ' i 4 re-u, ba h J' h-t-it; Jl" ua 1 HERBERT HOPE n,uinaMw,iii'iu hi ""Ma ' " i i fl . pntinent'. I (JBD'illE'WIIIILiriiriJfJi.lii ' I i I'M (7 .".," il , I APARTMENTS Hi? 'f H Te,- be- c ' s 'ie i i.i i k f- MfjB. I H roetr V Ur bin i m lrrl 5, ( i w percr si e , t ijt it . J lettuf. . u e. f ' slat en i ii - iiisIm e i roses ' nr i it ti ii. 'T i . 5&0I s 15-u 1 "l.l- I'h.-K ti, aienue g jiuiymuiiitii ii i .ii i s moekh M00RE mm ru, ..'- I u ' r n i . I nictdni into . ii r i . Aurrti ' 1 liz e nd L i i n r i e f'lU3r u r ) in t l u i ' s th i i It r i ) n ii , 4. . i : .1 e 1,500 n l mu I rq R.H.Allen. 819 Prospect An. tner Pi Plots p lie Prtt - 111 .NMtnpitni NARBERTH IVr -a'e New Heme. Ej t b7 bmedle) Jcnkin3 Molnlieltl .Mcrien Con&trui'tieii v,e. Prices -$7500 Up ,OHN A. CALDWELL . e Phmie Nh 1 , rth li.'l .1 re I' Nireer'h lts7 1 , ej a tie .Narbert . la j "lu atiiTlleinvuti In bj1I tipe '- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE & Chwtnut Sis., Phils. ii Hin n " iiriuliiiJiiiiP i tf'U'Piai m .ir.Hsi: si in miN 1 The Dawn of Independence and Happiness r nmre of t J1 ?i tf' mn c t- s,f .i. t t i K-. . . ., . c .... iuiu'miIh! ncjlil ors una i hipii!m m ;. rli0:r;t . r," ',1 " ! .reie at n.irldenlliMd n we B . m .... . .. a 1, eii-ii ,i Pining nr npnt l , ,'i , . frw mlnuttj b trnln r rvilr w 13. Send for free folder. kIi n all:s, rvrbinu, c(crtnc:(i, ESTATES CO. en n j'ji t ,. Haddonfield. X. J. (i i m; M i I'l I llll I Hi I i Ji - NEW BROAD ST. HOMES I 3 1 J f i i'ulei iai S an. rooms. 2 r "th 1 fqmr ts or C i ten s HERBERT HOPE 1 ' 'Oil N Hresd st Wn 4S37 5 . .in j ni" .in ii i "v i n mi J M.W .IM!s s III liuw M 111 Mils Opp Station, u luI'O'i, . I. ,bVsT(.v '. - s . r l1 . .- I TlNWirll. J Sffi f, , , , , . , , ,, , e f ,, , ,, k, , e ,. f i l." ' f, iW-V "! l' ' ,V'f'-Al r-thr'.(V. . (V . u. i ,",',,., "LOT. $44 and UP S 1 1 1 r .- is.rl . . , ,,1P . K int ml . 1 - 'iped ii ' v- . j - '-Ruem"' Bath Buntralew 00 PAsIlJ $JUU IrtjH t . ' - -i nr ni .ii Ilk. - it 1 r .1 I I I ' f r SI. ie - ., . t I ll z i vr Si-rn t ri. !" - 1 r.t , l pii'i i in.' i i. nj run in-.- ri i'"v fj 1 O i-. 'ill' ns t i i jr.. in I I "niiriii i in . , n, ,, sr. , I 11 1 -J'i -1 "P e ,r il,, at tl etijie ,' ABBOT r rv I foil i "."A nep I. P CO :. e P fit in I en. V j r- :U .14 lln t Hi Wi-nill. s t H el I N PMI imi -IMH1 rt I' nil r j fc v ti t oil , Jm., ),. nhei t cuii nt in mu . I ni In fidtnwlnj in1umn m ji:hsi i i ueis THESE 5-ACRE RICHLAND GARDEN TARMS - T'-ca - . . -', s-e ; y-fit rv !. se i - I r .- I r ., - 4 V l.e' i ' ' '.-i . ii 1 " 1 1 J.-' I , J' s H . - , - ' - . , i .r,H , ' i i j I - '. t -- . ... . , t3cat trCTATT xrrrrT' j xvrm i.-j.-. x. . vu k.r.j. a till Hil.lliei. I'n.itrtl. nil st(,rr N. W. Cor. Bread & Race Sts s rJ u '-- -i"e 4S.T- I Albert M. Greenfield & Ce, iTT-C A f ili - r .' T -Tb THE 1)00 DAIJSThinaii Loek Black for Xichelus f ' "' " v 1 r Ah-w-h' Wc'uri v ' ... Illu kl.., .., '.. . in Lu,n njvi Vit: uu ( set him.Tinv! See,- . IHftT i rrr . Ai..'. i.--- ! --ii r, ! 1 V Numv iiiisj inwi jpr' rut ljcx stove It's as )n (i' li . feytm I i vrOOO AS A TRAP y-i ' ' 1 1 ll i n c.T rwer TT'e. as EVEXfyg PUBLIC i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT , MTV Fnrtnrlcn Warehouses. Manufacturing Fleirl''rtnrc Wnrelinnses Manufac luring liners FLOOR SPACE GUARANTY INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 24TII AND MARKET STREETS TO CHESTNUT STREET PTOinen emi t.s . nr.MK room sienns 1 lnilT MSU'(I II IllMI GUARANTY' BUILDING N. W. CORNER HROAD AND CHERRY STREETS laheu emri a re hoi he t (ii'onAneN office poneicfl linth nf tlifls structures are modern In even partiriilsr, bcln nf re inferrrd concrete, ceu.trtn.tlen, centrally located, nurt nffenl splendid firllltles. llcntits reasonable. Apply GUARANTY CORPORATION ofeiuie t ni.T.en. hv.i ttKTAnr k manager MO NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hiilni'VrnieHle nnd Mnre 1 cwwrHiifiW i limn i ,irn arnramn mil ru Mum u . 1 RENT 1 1521 WALNUT STREET 1 ri 9 Just Completed Stere and Upper Floers Will Divide tlreKet we, it encc3 ltaiiKltw of Inniiiaii Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. t Tith und I li"lnut U i ii n'm uiiti irm i urniii Viiiwn n j'Biiiiiil? RENT STORES MAJESTIC HOTEL BLOCK SpnlM I atlen for dru;sM Adles' v la ' shop florist mid automebl.s h cvt cms Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. firtt a. r i-tifiim'i si" 29 Sri 7TH ST. uNTinu uuit.DiNn STORE ON 1ST FLOOR K ,- ien4 011 sei"nd nnd blrd fleirs. j leiHtlni, moderate rental Albert il. Greenfield & Ce. i'.th WD fiirrvi'i HT.1 6105-07-09 Woodland Ave. We di"RM teie cn b had lram d a'p -ultabl. for any bu'n.RB. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. Me Pr- uilfrt!rrnrn! In -mill ( in fntlelnc lehminH I lMerif urehnn.f, 1 mnfnt (urine llen"- " I 111) UN' 1 1 III MM !'! !"i:iM RENT ! i .00' inu.ire Peet 1 loci .pacr- I WOODLAND AV. NR. 52D s u x rm in' tj i M. t. BENKERT MJI ll'll Ilr-'STNt T -T fl! iHiiliWJli'lll i 1 1 ,ir Ne see udierilsetnents In Munll in rnllnwlm: inlninnv tj-pe PHIS KWIMS 111 'I he location of a man'' nt' I.CO, quite- se llllH'll tl1: biJ Iieiik', is an lntleK of hi tnndinp In the Empire Buililinp. at the nerUieat corner of leth in.d Walnut, ou nic ierj sure e! em itPiRhberi. We hae a feu - i j ft "V rhnii-i effii r HEVMANN es BRO. HI.M XN'" BLUir. A', Ji'i :- hhed m DESIRABLE OFFICES I ( ri'TIOVU. LI'.Hl, I-1, MOM RN PPONTMT.T FLLLCR BUILDING M. I'l - IM VI PRESb BUILDING j ( t,' -1 l -lj!Ssf' Albeit M. Gicenfield & Ce SHLBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street ' r PVf, i-,e-)Q OFFIfF Pfll.DP.'O ,n -" ideit'erments In sinill UV" In t linwinc (elunituw MORTGAGES MORTGAGES eryc hiJ-s for Immediate investment JOHN H. SINBERG a 1218 Chestnut $ a. .;,-!'-? "wraii!iiuii'rrfTTirrfsr' MOriTGAGOCNDS WM. II. WILSON & re 1C17 U U NT T d--ri I rdl ft.'e tei t f .ti pJ'J 't en et f t te '-t s fci Tu . utll i i ' ' e 2000 EDW. M. MOLL f,-j it mil c. cnl I A d r 1 1 . H. DALL, OC JUiX hi I r, N,i sec iidierltsfmi nib In sinill fie In I nl Ien I iiz columns. '?. THVIN4 - CROW f em OFFICE? A c-r ii - miti .iac " "sr 15 jeiNi Irrre that LEDOEK-PHjBXl)EliPBIA. FJ&Y, i i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT riTY APARTMENTS THREE AND FOUR renin apir'nientn Mltli latji. all xenieneci, reasonable P. J. LAWLOR Opposite IWtli SI "010 Oarrett read Theatre I'.ld. W Aln Me uiilrrl'siuieiits In M In following column. anmll tjp RI7AL ESTATE FOR SALE flTY ' SPECULATION INVESTMENT 17 1 4th ( int ft Mh st 14TIIldu bv.. en 711 N 13tb st 110 te 4",J N 711st si 2IH0 block Hewnrd st 7 houses. ir,.il(j(i V Mtih st. 110-. te 1111 N .",d sf 2423 21 31 W. llolten sf mil .V "Int st "eerl rows of rooms coleieJ section 723H te 40 Tasehall iie. , 2413 l llfferrt si MALERMAN1.0 12 F lMh et. I c E301. line. R1t7 32"iS t,i) nj i!4 LOCI ST ST Will sell crv leatei lie te uul-k bluer. ''-pi. ."" rmerald st.. near InstnBtpn ae i iiuntinKdmi t lek nt these tlrst. t i tench with me n reel bartnln DAVID L. SUBIN 1" 7 .... n ,nlil Trust Illdr It SPr.i 1 I up,-! AND INMlSTOns .1 ,00 nik N Mllller st f!!7 linnual moo nik N dr 11111.1 -.1 n luu-esl 3snO Hik : 1 airhi 1 st ( I heues 4ue n,! V I, u tr lil hnuseel 4 700 llll, :.. Itemiuit r (.", heusesl SLIDMAN . ntlHDMAN P4T JeejHMs I.embsrd 21SO fcAND'nr.Tv- ie . r no acres of KIM r III II.DIM1 iVM). 1 feet of ar f. e s Ii emt '.". feet In dpth MI- mineieii pi . nui, en s.ri;r. ritANs- IMKlriiiN. or ten 1- worked en rejralty flgr.mi t l nti , nibllshed reniptny A K , TATNLL 220 Uare m . qtn. Jl6ll IN UV l'ATINtl VlR&T DEfOSIT ,14'IMeeift st 1 reiris newh renovated. JlHMIIfln S ruiii corner Norwood UM7 s 2711, irniied ?i-,11 t- Juniper. I'.l'l ! .'11 2. JO M.ffllr sf SIMON Wt:t.s He ill i it.Jfi I2l Preere k.e. .il N .Mil st ;, ,i r "n iiTeni" 3i wr I.MIBK , I reil M-rn' l-ln-1 f3r reOllllllB, prinien lius or i ' s-te i il in in i- lido price nwiier pn it - i It v U ulih te i I IIt IM. Ill I "ill PI! H 201 N t 2128 N.CARLISLE ST. ' Peaul'ul! Te flnt" 1- 1 hoi le Pj''i 11 1 1. elcetrl- roses,im Prlen rediii'd r rms tu su t iSr.T- s. i I'.ih in I irV sis N 1DHAI, ceihird Hf bw eetl c.einuint. sv ii r 1 1 1 einut mil I" ft drer I HI I'ltl- cal i i 7620 Germanlewn m- 'J-.tO i hestnut tilrei J M, 111 1 230 & 323 S. 20TH ST. ri.Ni: Iinir- pesqi-ssins t em.b ..IlilL' V'RI'.H.n 30ii7 '"-H I'E U TU'L I, new mlneirfl s'u e a m I ui iva ew 0 rooms, nnd lath ieil fir . tu rnvt Ji.000 Phene Opentj 1.10', or write '"' n(jl f-Ni JO"s(1N hl4 S Jtmd -t "V,Krt tetMnc tl' must i -r f ercl.nt f us i ess 1 Ine idlnc t r n !ri. tnpc t ('Oh st ncir Market I. t tii, e fir'a'Cl 1 M.'l I etlcrr Uffl Uir.HTlieuse" Iliuf.l N Palrli il M rn s .. hue p uml Ina ut.t Vt( mri3ik JJ4i0 ea.hJiree .'7'0 Poplar "I'll 443 '. PALI, rllctlir -siven re utis bull modern t. J Hill N rKAiIKK OUU N -,,), t W nmlliE J21 ,v "t r $1"" cih 2CIS "s Iltiti hlnsen , luitns. !'J700 Bd. M Oreliam Sprues 7.',4J . . ,1, iilii":, j.l Urn ail l ith nt ' , iljtwals si .337 :. 10th DREAMLAND Stories By relief mu '' uibhili nnd s'uirnh i,i Dailtl'i Uen s s-tool tu thdr .eicrn ,jr,-n uiiirr f)ie i"ou 7c Mtj them n '.,tt ae'iuf ie I f'lOh niftfciM ii.i tec' te rob ."nil " Uctwil. (. lupter Till- K(i.l TU .1 Ml, IIANpKATlir.U i:MA paused VT .. nit ii linvli of "(" li'fif Kcln en t'i liis -ten nl u lm tiWlllKll I il' I ln jobliel jebliel tlie iti.ine-. i f I,,' -l ll C Ilflllll' lln- niljlier- tlieti.'lP ili Kiulil li"'" il, iienif "f .Tii'm ill" li'n.iit in lln m ilium' lili?7ird In follewlns the seiin.l ,t t'.c tinkling vln.l b. II Hint u.imlh hut- in th" Icriuit s peich, t- ild "'.., .... .. r... ,ll.1r,'l 111. .11 I., .11. ter i.'r i. i. i ii'- 'in... n" t i n cnrriinL- ill" tunrt l.cll f( l.n.l tl.em nsll.1V si, lli I'.lllllln't loll HI.. frl. Il'l ' I'lie Mern ".I1 t.'tuli.-. riic 15117-.'u-1 Imp" Idfw ll'" snow about In ii'iniliPK ileii'l- 'lie tebi.iM retililn't u"n vlieie th i wi re pilnK. Tliei iiompefl en mnl in s( , l.lti t lit- beuse i I .lelm tin1 Hcriii f When Is tl IM le'ise'-' erled Olie ' tl " reblifi- 't li-' "Tli t lifll K'niii'- . i" s ivK ttiitli'r .iwuv all the tiut" ' We ,H e I,,r ! i tl)i- nietherlliK . ! I'.ii iltrri of tl" ro'lte"'. 'I ' . 1 fli'l i 1 1 1 - le'll ?: t ieir nil) PI I. ini'le ni 1 w nt; aimi'ld and ,ir i . i I in i ci." ' ' 'I nm cetti'u . ild iinl tired.' -jifl the third inblu'i 'W Hill pu sh 'i this fwtii!'J 'mless we get i ' 1. n hotise senf ' It Is a Eecd nuthf for i robbery.' -i ' tl," fir't reUr. 'Ne one etin fel-t-iv. t.s after we the hnnlt'p i..if The fcnew ui'1 cerr up our ir.ick.. Tinli.e' TliiKIr' TinKl"'.' sans the '. h II r I milled It thrcuqli tli -'in 1 in! le ' 'In k ' 'J h'.s waj ! i ' V.r.r. till- " ' ' 'I In. i h ers h I nl 1 e w ,, net ni ii I' - I ', is, 'I ii, i '" "' h.-i li' un 'f p lieu I av hi ' 11) W llC" Hi Ml I t I I d til" leblifl 1 .0? llll 1 1 Ilii t r, n(l tliflt til" II III" lien li et H u Ih 'iiplit ihej cte tiii!i(l te n.v- nw I wii9 feeling think I ivnti celng mi idM tlin liluh- W't s I puliief f - -.i " Vw s. New, Tiny-blew! ) l' ( Blew hard and ? -rr-rt YOU'LL 8LOW him fcil r-i, JQ I ifTVrTTL ( Qlrr at the pipe C jk f WmMnPirVri f" rTi-TTFrTLrn (IM ISOIIMAI IUIVU rUUITI C4 '' - l 1. . . I I I' ", . ' - " ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV B10O UTN. AVi:.. 3-eli, (tens iinil brick lldg.. suit, for wife, purposes, 30t2B0i rcaB, Derginalcr. 5202 N 2d, Kmi 2213 2227 Spruce 201 1 Walnuf n, A Davlea, 1420 Chestnut st sirnce 137H JJ4H llAINHHlDtlll ST. six rooms ftllil bath. bes Kitchens front vardi $4100. Phlno Phlne Phlno heiisc, ' Ou'ck Pales," 2.'d and lTtawaler, 1UTH AND LLIIH1II AVE. (vc 11 rms , geed 2.137 N. cenn , petcn, cite, ueuruia . i'"", utn et. 1000 HLK. X UOIUAt.S J4ril N ne rooms, ki :oed pond. HON. .337 N. lillh nt HUNT. 3d nt 30j price. 112(10. Pllles. 1020 N. II. W. C! Ol'E.NTHKR, '.Mai N. 2dt. 9111 W. ar.LTZKIl 8T 2-cty.. Mar Otn. h l.hlKh ne I2B0O. Call Walnut 5SS9. AI.UAKI.U tentral porpertv nt uttractUe rrlre: financed WeMnei jns i.iperiy iiiuk. lACI-'I'TinVil.rV nttrni f hrstntlt nt. bid. J r ' ca rl Klit. flu. Velny, 20.1 l.lly MjrJ Id , 1,10 CASH 2122 Ulenuuel llle V lenlllH! t inen. nnw. m euaham. Hpruci,ii. A I no ere iidifrtlsemcnln In larce 'Jl'e In preceding reliimni, . Hnlldlng I eta, ration HHfi T.g.. Him for bulldln:. all eireet .mpniNcnients made. N W ier 20th and UII.-inl ata . 32 WO ft It i' lriln. 721 Wain ill a t nmlneaa rreperilea nnn Stere. -1615-25 N. 5TH Hnd' te nceup! tan b financed wlti little rash fast grewlnc eectlen atere illnlnu room kitchen mid limdr en ftret floer1 4 rooms and batli en 21 uenr lth all ijiedern lm- prmeinenla larce nl inn sarrlllclnit LAT.iir. new, ierm.1 store for nole In en. dt rfiil business loiatlen sultalilu for hutclier. baker, liardnurc, drs ceeds 43j7 i" t .. Ijenra rnrterl. Anrelieiisr. Maiiurnftiirtiig l"A( TOH SITi: I.lndlev ue Cth st. and Heading Hallw.u. rii. 000 s tujru feet. 211 feet en railroad! 2 stre-t fronts KllrJU J UII.-,rt-ilt .'. . iif.inut t"K, 1 Factories, Warehouses and Sites J PATTOV 1 Inceln l.ldg, I Ai U'ltllS" AND Mil.". "HIi rallrejd or without What de seu .nam WI.S1NK.V gna I 1i.ern Pldg 1 IVE MUItY factors . blocks ( Itv Hull! u tlnti faeter. I.lh n Hl.l en- low price creat 2'M Aln see iidiertlsemeuts In Hree tp In preceding .columns. RUerlrent r-rn-rtlr WHARF PROPERTY 'AV"'- j i,r;r: pxitev Mncntn bm Stores and Dnelllnca VACANT R12 Kenslnefen mt eoel loatlen for rs inurant will e -r flee if sold this . eeU. JAMHS I" .X IlfAM-.T n3 1 VI Kl ei ae 013 niAMi.i.ri "-T sim ."and dwelling, suit- abl ler auto i. ifii.n-' price, S)000 Mallen ilrnhmi t ', 1000 l.ernidiitewn axe. neth phone ! wi.vrriiii.nE(.i'.ii. SCH0CH 5c MARKER 1 'uggest for your cepslderat'm the Oierbroek dlstilct. 1700 block -' i:dswoed st , 0 rooms, tiled bath, het w iter electric, basement laundii fl'H.i Heck Jeff'pen St.. 4 lt.rnnrtiti rirtrf.,,11 .".IdO block NisslU St.. 3 bedrooms modern forage ilfiOO blect Ox-1 ford .t . 4 bedrooms Ki k nilrwa', parare., (,010 tl. u feiymtni ae , .1 bed rooms, tiled bub ..raite Inte Vic k MarHn I rea.i, e rt rret fjt.e i i - irm.m- ,.-h.ihi lit serlce ear ce --nit few cornel rilni .ifei 1 r' ........ ...X . ' i. ..,. .. lieunnnr n-'.i. iiAttuiwoen mi i-Ti! in loin New, lust built : mi 10 room (4 bid mulish Feuth'rn r ,n- i t II minutes tn " Ity Hall rr un-lem mipreM-ment UP te the minute. t,i n li j I ite.l firipe. Inclesed heated rer h ep,irit. tile show r ncpreentillve ft simr ! ,u" dill- und siindav 10 Jl te 4 SO P JI or bv no pelntinent I.0TH ST se-tieu -Tlie'cTl n-ii slntle stone homes tn till" seetifn JO,rf) e, JIO 2"0. en the widest streets i-i.e t it 1 se" west of 00th St. Terminal ti t all M.a.ter V Me i lately 70th h ml Jn t ket Tieitnent 3408 00TH r (.ectleii Hlie tu -u en hollow tile, twin house i Mnroenit garage p-c. liege new section, JtlVO ,ali required, bal "tii-s en 1st un J 21 ni rtgagen Wiltr . MeC litchi. 70th Sr Mir I ts lMmnnt :no'i I'Pr.AND 7 rn reet i en laundri ei built in pei tf. , ellt lluurcs, liwllit I'M! Ij 7"2S Wnen'mid Il ill all I nnd, n i O..UI. MAKI.1N 1W-V acanl "1 two st". steil"1 lesljrt . k T de- built e Ri ic Inch perch, es.el . end I i 3d st Pel 3777 J I .unbirt 105 N, "Jill ST. section ("or dwelling, vel lerful loc doctor, dentlit or unlertaker thre s no undertake- In this section Call rf'lee ef I W lter A MeC Int. h 7'UI i. M t De' IjdS I'FSlRAUI.i: corner store 510"-,0.) 11 room--. 2 baths, Ide il ..iitleti for druif, eenfe Lionel r- deihatrii. n ctmp conieul cenieul etit te Parkwr P sni I edg, r i injire -111 211 s 7 i ni. . m Itin i.,- i.ims I O-.en Hlrlurd V, Pi c . 202 w. ,-..1 ADVENTURES of the Snow PADDY nreiii.'i In n I Unnw just lr.'l"7 linp..l, I wis. I nat net. where- emc. And 1 it was if place the rehbtTS did net i m ant te Vfl-? ze. I .in you snot-) wlierc it 'I can l ei another tfp,' jtasppd tin- thud i libber Winn I hi ml thai I llew lln-01 te III" eLih(l. "lid ilnsli.l the bell loudly. "'Ne i.c tiliiie-t llif'ii." ..mi the lirst reblici 'lln Inms, is enlj n im steps nu.ti ' "Ship "in n :h llnie nm n 1 .ii- IcsO In II lln lir.llv,. l w-k j,,v mi,' for I (!"w into th jien h and I 1 f th" md h 11 llnplt- nir rrlli "'Here is tli" pi .'. ' MhiMirrril Ih' stcend lelilni 'Ne wmdrr p unildu t tind it. lit heus.. i, Inlf Inn u.,1 in new "'We iill re through .1 vlndew. 'aid the thin! n I her. ' Win the windeM-F ,ire bn red vith iron,' aid th" In it rebbT. '! b.. .,1 lit milt must lni. lets of nietici (.. gunitl it s,. Mf " "Hut 'mu lm. innldiri Keep them out 'iiii In,! -nUn, fll fj,fl. l()11 line, mid .in. kli sawed their mu into III" liens, (lu-V Oil P. IV In I Md" "And tin n I (Iidi,"il the i i ti find mis am th. r bell, 'flic i.iw. Hi hii; l.rll Inch wa an t Inm tmll Hin ieif hunt. in ti'" pet ' , " '( '.in;;' ( l-.ii,:' ( hut, : if v ij nhirn Inl' ttl u In n Un r 1,1,1, h"'ii 1 tli" ,ili-t. lull he cam niiiiiir,, .with Ins pisiel .nd te did lln nlcl t waicnin-in. .mi tlie urenicn, mei -,n thr- men of the llnz. Tht-i caei" run. I nins through tin blizzard ik'ht te th" heiiR" Inte which the robbers had brel.en j And before th" robbero Lnew whnt wnt happeninR the iron imis'it. Anl t , above I elideU'd lis I pid.ed up th" wind bell te n. it back te the h.u'pii s liuine, "W'hv did T i-'iur-UIe'' Can't e i q-ii lie lil.ii'f te ,1 h 1 hjil eniit. ih lubbers'1 I nu't r i liuii et.i vm 1 1 !- iOl" luis en til. un! w .' ", .-i.-, lln pluie was tin i'hise i Jill. And lln i" i -ir t'le leli'i"! 1 i, la i 1I1 lisllll lll-l li , wllll ll IMle 1 I-1 In K! they beler.'"tJ (In tlie iict (hipter ( r H.ifii tells heu (lie ill.ise liauib the set ret of .lehn tint llcrmlt.i DEGEMBEE' 15, 1922 i . ' '" ..I. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE west rnir.AnELriiiA. 3B3S TIIOMI'SON fjT. Vacant! S rooms and bath: (1000r key at r.BIT. KltlNEHOUbL, and "HUICK sales aaq and I Ittwnicr si" IIJI) Sf.. N , 141 Six rooms bith, nerf h front, modern dwelling. electricity! $3500. Phnne Market 0112.1. OVnil M0 lieuses. nil prices, eaav terms! automobile, pcmIi",- Ilellly. IS2 f Mill. . ....OKIIMANTOWW (ITN. v han the barBalna In Oermant n. Rchulte 20 Armat st, fl ermantegn 2il(ll. OAK LANK PAnK DTlf ST fliril AVn.- A new. detached. Btene, Colonial home with 2 car Barn, en a let S0x20O ft.! prettiest part of InlJ uburb. IIAIIVKT T. JONES L CO. 1009 iJind Title Bide, ' Ot.NKV nuscuMHu NTiinni' iiumeh SIjc rooms, bdth, tntlesed perch, nil cenva I aarajre; let 13x101V llti.uiied, IIM'J'. v,' PTA.Il. lliillder, 3200 N nd pt Wn, B728 J, t.ODAN fc'. V COjI JTshera ae aTid r 2-atery ilwellliiB, nil modern Irnrr.s clnse te train und trellev, best residential section of Intrant Immrdlate pessessiuti WSt 31. nniNKWermr. snn , i.eiiuh n TK'OA , MODERN a st , e-r.. eer d'wc In Tleea. hear ht, Stephen's riiurrh. B A, HOHSO.V. :irt2S N llresd st PKNNSY1.VAXM HHIIimnAX MOYLAN ROSE VALLEY ni:w s.roem iiei'Hnsi. jie Min-ni.oen If. w. licat. KaM kitchens, Hreplace,', etc ! three hae, 1! lmthft all Inrce lets rnTCits . cHr.s.NfT ht .rinr UMMSH will r.ell 'jii.sierv modern home ferliiff Arenlmlnk iintf iMuh- has Inclesed I Peich, 2-cur K.rnge, old th ide .ind shrub br. l0, 1M,1M -D l1- nr.N' SOIfi MjtKH st . . ,Mni,,It -New tu-u-steiy bol.ew tile, eluecn, perch front. 11 rnmus nnd bath electric taraee prhllece; tot Lr.vl33 snoeti .-sewuian IUII :i2".e Oermaiitfiwn e I'hlla AnnMem: ATlRACllVi:. modern heuse.'hlRli locatien: 7 ttni, b, het-water beet, open fireplace, easy terms $10,000. ICev at 110 Orand vlew ril . nr phone .spr 4114 , iiitoeKt.isi: 5100O CASH te purchase $10 300 let 30x125. single f'olenlal tesllence .enter hall. Ilv lne room, dining room, breakfast room, hltchen. 3 bedrooms, tile bath unfinished storereom: abselutely nil cltv crnvenlenees. J. H. MHCKi:, Jr., tiuth an! Del inent 10SH iiiiimiii SINOI.K HOMi:s 1 bedrooms larce let: screens nnd mindes: et m slew ten this, open te effer: InrBe list (n Mils U'nn li ter A Mii'lntcht. 70th & Market IW 1I0S rnimi e hull l hOUS" 7 , nnd h I'AHOAIN venler c"s i.nly tr.Ooe. renin.,, uen- casv ternn, ("ol.eni, or Key rurbreth'i phone Spr. 41 1 1 lllfinlAMI 1-MtR Jlf.'iO CAtSH Menthl: dwelling, 3 rooms '.IT'L" ' "K.?"' lllinc roeiii. ni mi h room anl kitchen. Hi:eRUl I, II MINUS 1201 rh-stnut st ' Walnut 103 and Hlgli-I uinci r.irh 700 MODERN lnlf."steiin Unriuis, I l-dreem bit 100x130. .sill ,e f,,l,l nt i r II e ai:enai: i, hminl. pjei i if-iniM wi' ni!Li.rt;,51,ll;ll,,lJ. Vi"' ' u" rih '''- J.t.i t -T.r? I Wl- .t I, ..1 .In,,. .. I I r i I H n pi i.'ir a I t.r r,iii r A' i r ,. I f. .a I . .....ii...... i . . rr... .An. ... .v , ,'tiuiiiv.n . ci u ,. t.vtuj, t.t I'll TIaI..... . ,.., krTsvjr'u,n .- --V. r, i,n-u-Tr"Fr:ri t-UK.Nl-H HirjII .iv.1 n, JIMjO'l ALTJ.H A ?lnt AT HT 7"i . hi i Market i i.iimi-r ," I- ' . A HOMl. modem throughout H Urge rooms 3 laths, het i ater li md ele(t , y lirce eucn flrenlaces en tlrt fl hardwood Hours throuiheut price SJ1 U0O WM. A. McCREA, Realtor ARDMOr.P PA PH '.70 TON(iCHi: PXRK I.ON-OA" RI, PRi; (alleltitns Cuhbs freelt Park .md Maner Hilll- Restricted com. tnillilti . IT mill te rt . 1,,-impe nf ,11s. tlnrtleii nil med. coin It I. hen iinl het , wii. - ireiu central nam prices range rrem -RO te JJ loe s I Prumbiush 1 ullder ' md n cper t'h I Spruee "07n l .11 I 41 JO 1 IU0 It. ST. D U lis I .NKUl iir.l J i lulle l t in ' v bllA flll"ll true Orepin- tir nil llr-lf I IMs, tipli lOnMru tlun Ih n; roei i I ' VI rill heue i ili.' an I fl Mil, will. 3 lath" Inn 20 (1 i Innil "i . fleer het v r m II ..t c entr lid. nr iii.uu-ili One rlunillni,. v Id" tch alnl terrlcc fcued Int JLJ HO i m i iiu.Ni.rii:i.D t uwi- j-i V .!'. HI " MOIil.ltN lleMr, tlirujEleut," , bed clnn" hers 3 llths efc, hnt-Witcl and 2 epui flrcpLires let 7",?",n trie Mri ioe. WM. A. McCREA. Realtor MtiiMetin pv rii j7e Ali s.e iiilii'rtlsiii.cnis in Ijrte tjpe Jn iireiril'ngtejurnn. ! I!:i,''V MIHI KHAN itmiiTev " " ifxii i ui.iin .lilt iioe " Ti i et i li ii' , jf I i ,n li, i,t t , pi.rrii& mn ,ns i Hi'siM r st i mt v HI. si ( III.I.IM.stMlQl) li HiiUMS md I .th let .r..'-70 10 i niche ave 1 et w dtci Hern ele trie Jiise'i I nl i., Alse see. niltrrtlstmrnU In iireeedlnc column. In lares (jpe i rKM' Age Forces Sale Poultry Faun; 11UH LVYINO III3.NS I.Nri.I I)V-,1 I One of the best inl'iei In tun i eciulppcd ni ii e nidklni; teuitr f.u hi w j ever ntted rui ii inusi ni s en in i dl t n la ted, lery au u'ie no i e , rnuin (en u te tre,il.i., and suet fl i nmpiriinri t broedn. I 7 ., u !mk lull- s un I i, n iUci n ceni n nil perch pin ins- nna-', , ,lnn 1 en-, . 'h ' '2 enue i 1 - ir .j i' fn.t ! t i i frill urli C-1 i. t,. ti.,1 li i I en i rran.l . I ,ii, I "jn i i ..f - e 1 ni mln i i iju.,1 . i rt I - li .till et r. third i,f u I l.. t n i 7s nir old en . i i - n n j. Pi. . I.e tb tit. .f MCOu inr -. i mt:e i rsn i ill ih. 1-iei. I, 11 KL1.P. Plnffcrl J li. V I. Innil '. J l'i;sj.sU.V.M JHMS I lul-7C'U"i: CHESTER f'O.'rAnAII i i 1 1, l Qi'iPMKNir. iNi-niin :'nei II, me nm would te preu J I, en .In." I I '.del.ihii nnd HaltliTu.rH inark't- short i Ik dipet t bee,, bter.s , I ur lies cuts S.0 I 'tis I'd I iMllrei "l COW 11, c l, I wool ' I (J3 dl'Ple tnes bulldliiRs lniiire.1 j(,sen exeH'i-nt 'i room house fin da ri I rn, run ni wat i leultii heute i,ii,t iv Pic f tt i-pcr .us owner Cellrd awai i hIs Ien i I i Jsjiie lr Iiidlnit II IhKcii Inline lute I HM 1 hOI" Ml) pOulltl, tUIKr S full' tiDlein iniplenient when nm , eru bii. part c i-h ilet il.s this n ether , s l i ,ntisl oil i funns p.k l,' i . I itia"d iiita'eir li.00 I'.ii.ilm free, sTHDl'Tl 1 -K.M m. I Ni 1, 11. 'J J . I and TUN 1,1 k- . 1 1' m l 1 1 j L'i1 . .1 -fl.H ( eunl) .'" arte , n i ,,,1", i .eK with iMiiuicd telle hen-e, -nor ', 1 1 wite cpeuili te drl a '1.1 ,r . 'llll.-ll 11 J.'MllN t"iutif'i H 1 n -1 1 r in p in 1 rat d I I ret 1 .. , 1M ' .riel ,. .t'-ls tise t.iMii 1 ou i0 ir., 'i'i,. heal ri t 1 n, , r haid 11 "I ft 1 hair farm tj rs ,. j i riniNi;riri.D u .m v l i.h',1 tuT s "in UI.K s7.l. 17 a e. lln f . 'ie faun dlntict hfw ,s at. h, . e , nbim Sprnr.ieue Aleutu-niliet 1 eijin saiurdav Dec 10 3 P. M . tine sunt hnu barn wdter weed, geed reid vtilinin Weisuei. exeejtur Telenhent Lenlul hull, lenklns atterpei. i uinmerciji rrUj, Bids Phjj "'i Norrlstev n usi) 1 '2 .V'l.l. 1'ARM. nniy 510 0.0. lol-ein ' luUnlal kten house, uiier 0,j . 1 Milldinss unall apple erchrd, I, acres nnic-ji .Inn te State hlkhway .ml tralm ile, 1 rropeet Imi that will enhuncH In lain. V II Mlll-r, .'1' Wist HUM 8t .Vkj, , .i. 1 1 7".4l 11 ftii iami rniiN DLCKINC GROUNDS i I l-Jt iH'Ki. mi I IS.. nj'-n 0N1--K1 M ii:if. i,t tt fri 1 1 liinl Unj.fc x'"l e h e Mt r ituun Is - tMit t ii lui Ml f 1 te ihei , lt nf, s S. .u t IIS ( IU sIM I 1 I llll Ml li' 1 l r I' f I !0!(ll platred bunsaleu I. durf i frniid. IS (jrilit.4 mil crane fruti tiff-M miles te )irart uf l.ti it .. " ' 1 -ni fnn. S-"ftO, Urin' n ) s A I "MM I u1 trtl pt . 1'iiUt I'h Jkl Jiin S L.J . . I'l YOU BUNstLFP YOU -YOU LOW sjnirinY awt YOU -YOU i REAL ESTATE" FOR BALB) NKW jr.KHKV FABMH Commuters' Fruit & Poultry Farm en edge of huetllrur town, en electrlp rail road! bO tralna dally! ceed .ehoeli. all churches, cut-rate eteres. bank. etc. IB Strei i bcarln- nnel?. acres bearing Brapes, O acres e""llent arm land. 7.rpem modern lioutef auti par or. heater, electric, water! met barn 3 peulrty heu". cerntrlbi fully equlped with horse wflBenf. farm tools, peul. trv only 5850OJ tcrmas ether farms. A. M. itLuusrfu, d22 a. lireaduay. riunan. N. J. V'AHMH In sunny Heuthern Jersey, yinelanrt. the California of the Hast! sjnd for hntid semely II ustrated farm cataleBiie, rnalled free, also details! peullri ranch! paxert Htatn read! new enil-buiiRalew.! rooms, al rltv lnirreements! BnrBte. ,l"fe Peultrv hldgs.s 2'4 acjesi mm. Pe;y.: J.i300. I10O0 cVsn rtrar A MarUeerge. Vliifland. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT NUW n-room home, semi-detached I ; let 28x 130! .(.Band $70 ter menllil ColenlBl bun- rslew dcslBii. 'or Ne. BO te 0(00 Illsine Qun axe. ItAN,.,N nuua,, REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS COLLECTED Tersensl attention gUn te th celleclh of rentsi tmmedlite remlttanre 8pruc ai-! KirtK a pi:nnnr. t4ite.he.t? . fHlIl'HMsENr 10 speculators, who will I 'euv any pren-rtv. single or tows. If f"' 'J riBht! aulck action nssurad. but llstln miiii 1e ".cluslfe. DU MEDIO. 640 VlUery Did.. inn (Testnui st Iir.NTH and Intsreits collected """'" I".; careful dally attention! w liae a weallli nf ep. In eery phase of thl worn. 1 II. Mef nnn.ll. 41B S 20th. Hpruc0L WILL 11UY for casn lows of small npamt anv est! r--.,. .... .rtiiiaf nr nerii. FClllUUi ViVIlt ,,, . ..v..-- - - --,.rt. nest: will Bl aulck replies una ' brokers P 017 l' HIT. I.erlger unrc,. .1 I l.K P.riON, apcilalljllie n ? "" hulldlnir eperatlrns. central renlty and lac- t r rles, 4 no Lincoln Pldir . iTipflAM.V eeulppM te collect nijinjce. W H IIW.TiA SOS Land 'llll?.J.g .. ltl'DMAN. SK.ntlTA H(JIIV l, sni eiinvin, TnttsT 1237 M sT. DPI Dh, mtffs. wli's rltien- e"er wj.rk. med. Vbaree K. V Belters 1201 Chestnut rueterl en. Warehouse. Majiufiieturiiig r ! fKXTH.K MI-U with 40,000 te M.000 se. ft of fleer spice. Including power, lecated In Philadelphia or suburbs! rtU J.u,;.r',a.1 same, with prUllege of buying atate. Pflce terms nnd location, rarty injUdhB Hiiulriea Is no agent P 827. Ledger Office. e.Ticr.M nriivi'ss TtoeMs, kit. , WANTHD Desk room lu neursi or near 1,'reid Hnd i hestnut st.s bv district rules tnnnacer. .,alei1lnl Ce.. New """.tTjl r,,m Hep A I ITill-r Hcil l'.ttate. 2118 Colum bia bio. Philadelphia REAL ESTATE TOR RENT J - - LITCHFIUI.T' SI' B!21 tnear Bid and ner"nc" aW Six rooms, bith.lne.le.el nereh: .01 lilmlertl, rent $,.e. Call " H1:DDIS0, r.13il CI ester ne i ..T.-;.. ... hh.4 i.nti. Miftde-rn. A-t ftlle-n- 'VcnVsSO AppW T iV ELUOTT. ,,,,,.,., I-llhnrt 3859 ' - -" -- - .-. . Alse see uiirertiseinenis m ". '- In nrecedlnc rnliimns. I- Hnslne. rrnnertie. nnff Bterm . I'llFT 2. v Ith store and basement! 20 by S'. light, ui: suitable for light tninurn:- tur.n.! imi'ilre 51 MAHOOUS. S15 Wash- ae .. .-.. I '" 2043CHESTNUT STREET Stere. 000 square fett fleer spare 1 Jifly rcneVatcd t.M UKKI' Chestnut at. hTORH thoreuRhH modern rcapiiibl rsnt-il near l.tli and Wslnut (all Mr n--r.'J;2Mjgnbrd MOO 13J 4th St H-!All '"0.3(1 N t- 3 firs eacii, neitne. lHrg2lMterIUnr3 T siunaers ii n.i u .M.n . aifiertlsrinenls In lane type In nrecedlnc lelumns raeterlea Warehouses, elaniifactiirlng noers TPACTOHV and Reor rpare Tcclallst for 10 sears. H. list of nillab'e locations, small or large will gladly be sent for sour inspection en receipt of a phone call AHTHPR H 1 KM-BK. 21 H 12(h st, . TI finDC ?'! e t; mt '. I "-vwi-i- .j ,j sJ. Y. Ks'Jl, Ar-li VERNON STANTON ?;?, ?y; 10 000 Pi. Pelt I I ie sldlnr. will ..Hide 111 line tt t-i fleer modern throughout, simcn- m:u. iin rf . -, Sl.luM) KI (Jcilt, heat, electric eleater pply 331 Market st . At.,, see advertisements In large Me In preceding columns, 1. H(tl. f-ult farm fai Ine oil Honseieit Heuletaid at llhiwii et . 20i ores. 1S 1S renm heuse and barnr will rent (heap I'de'.tein fr s irth st IlKFIf JMlOMs FTP pTTrt IIKNT- Hill sub'e. huipss of prliata en I c finl.i lCnix lenn iquire fret of ettli. pir will furniture If ileslt.d cell irnl i if, 'I Iillldill8 HOlll" Jew-i C'ffl.e b iTlT of .1 'arse elTic s in I. ouch mute tee, OS 8 tin rt c ill Mr 1 mies, Lein iTTd MIO I'L' t- "ll." OPriiTl. at Ifni 1 tist si nrce"irl llihted exrclb nt In Tlen reisennlil. Call Mi T.iwnes. I.embii 1 SlOd l.T.'.s ih st. A I! HOT T Pl'II.DIN'O lie-lintle cutrlde eftue 13x17 i K c'en lllti'VD AND HCH Dl siHVHI.K erfliH mice, nriti!L.ef bulldln.- ei.nter spice n edejate rent Apply ?i! 1 H' Che.tnit hi CUNTHAI. OKncns Kiiiid llcht rea-enabfe ii.Lis M.Ncui:sTi:rt cn g-, a imj, ;, 'L'HM'iIIl'D OITK I. spice fur rent,4"0 11111 Ifltin IJIUK j ii'Ji n -in m - .'in. i 8TET HI.DO APPi . nil eutsla., rent reasrinable Rldi- 17th anl Walnut at a uFl P K '-2 v sjd tli i'ti .d fl front W II Hl jn J -""J Tltle.Hlde sip. "Vle 111 s t ti sin, II pinnte i.ff-e ,lrl . ifl :' 1 . Mlklil 1(1 I; 1 ty M.11 sei 111I11 rtlsrinenlr. in I iree lipe lnprillils.a!inins. "" iM.Air.r.i'iii fM riHCMrMiN' 'T -Mil s rooms anj bitl statlunen tula i.ey at ,',-,47, sillNKHdLs-E 2,'lanl I,i-"aier fts Mi's ( ONKSrOtlA M- muni und h itii nnjein $41 me AlPh .1 W (.raliani 117 ceiji 1 Wm SI Irr 5ls 1 01I1 lliulne.a I'rnpirtle. and ores 4. S.I I.ANC'AS-IKH AV Z l.l.te oteresult. able for any hind busir'ss, acuit, p-rt. Phnne telment .2(U. v Dl",sIHAlU.H dw-elIlr,ff. li r em impreirments, I7.'0 rnetiis latest med. 11th tit , J73 ninfifh Apply It 14 I'.rle aie I'P.NN.sM.VANlA s HI ItlUN 2 .5R' ATTKV(T'llU IllrTin h U' reTe t"leeiT 3 rooms Jir. liev 1 1!) cira.iditcw 1 r pi epe itll'll-. 1111 IIltjllK.NI) PMtrv ii'iiiAir; ' 1 lnu, b lie. u let 30x 111 i.ev 1 . 1111 . .eat i 1 . I. ihu-cti e- ni 1 rent ren'den . e v I r a Mc ' ni 7ftth i M 'le t. n , , -40S 3 j'tlNOXCHK PHK" TiNr,ACHi."pvp.i: (1 i mini , frir.t r t 1 hcMd-ii' - I t , ml let ,1 -f) ins 1 S. . bih, 1 11 te irr.11 Is med 1 e-i LiraEe A cen r di t hen te j7,', tlOO pr no In md 1 -s. Plrni ewn'r. s t. llrunibaiich Srr '.Ti or V. en 4an H 7. !.. 1 7771 lnireLNUV AVn Ueaullful. pied new-b 1 1 01111 h-nh gal Hit -001 ,N liread n. MORTGAGES "f: 'tj.',:.i '.ran "..' ..'". ? s Hen :. ."."i '.'. .':. ... ir hiinui . II. I I VV.M V'l 1 I1 s M-ei.ii i.t 1 1 u-t nils PL.N'DS - PI NHS IN ,N' WlOt M 1 PH DIAil si 1 1 I I VRs 1 PI II DINtl AH Mil I' I III.-.- ,si V Dnv'I'.HV t, it. .7 .- li.Itl hT 'r,'1,?Z.0'") "" ",,r" ''""-'sae-B 10 prep. tu i f-r;;f., ''v.". .'.irpn iiiii,., .V.i .-,... . -' .mil hllU.lln.. 1 !, , ' ",""' l-e I I. .Mil,-, Ki"l ( l--(mit .it COJlt'eJUTly.V , miw.J' ";? .s y .meTnv . ..., v. ,. , 1, m. -j 1 1 x( 1011N a nvi.m f"7 1 mil I He Hidi. s.iA-ira Fill Arch Dale , -7T Ll FED ,) - hFJ !!! r . && .. ea: Vs. HfcT''0 M "." ATJCTTON BALES 1 r KAIGHNS AVETMlSfbTmi 2rl and Kflltrlin A. Vt Camden, New Jcrsev AUCTION SALES SATURDAY ! ... . .'c. ID ni 111 J, AT S leads of household furniture h . aite. tnuat he sold. Men' furnfrhin., "llS."'' elieee. elc.i large let nf a .sort .""!!: ", rin mint ' ' "IIH .. .ch.7JLn..i "-'v -n- WaltrTsV.' IS." lalmed bMRtRV PewTn",; "' Phi. llete will b iaiff0! th. atia o'clock. ,a M. Ituucvr. inii-inuiicu .DairKSRa. nnw I. .S"B. Ien or Adelpli dav. Dee llh MORTOAaES- SEVEHAI. funds for Inimea. settnr.w nile , ir.00 10 riOf)0. Maurice S?Hi ef f'elnnlalTr Dldir., lillh nnd Mlq jj. I HAVE hldir. tt.a'n money fo'r'aeoanri: mle. nnd trust funds for ?,t .C0M Henold lIOreenberg.1121 Chest"." gJ'JRf. $125,000 ?sltyri&S H TATLOn MtDpiTnrl- l7 BSJtt LAqftTaA(5Wly MAMII IMllie'.r nrW.r.t:",ri.1.. ..?."e " TUN' DS rer 1st nnd ltd mtji.. ei,it,--.11. Matslnser. H?al eSIV. Vi$. Wt, xr, ESTATE .MONEY te lean en first i7rf- cltv property, P S07. T.edt. "rr?e,'r';a"'l aiTen INVTl,.NMTaE pTS r Lus-ene L, Townsend 404 Verrl. mffl s,?.H!?y.f.0.r..?r.') ,..flp't rnertaates." ll,l,in.ivi.W'in-.BTi:n pn n tt r. -. " " " IBtS M 1 ,..;1JHJn" .'" Tertiri-a-' nrnrn,,. .n.i wr i.inuer. iaai fneatnut st. "' APARTMENTS rrtAWTOHD IJfflcIen AptrltneMii Earasa for each tenant 12th st ,nJ iilney nie.i capacity. C rooms 1m bath, cierv modern cenvenlsrhi1 hl.h elevitlen location uiiiurpasiJS' escellent trnnsportntleii fncilltls, ' DANiut, r.nitvrenrj! j"f. buj',, APAHTMENT HEADQUAmEhef " Central Apartments a specialty Sherwoeit Apt AfViiev. 1334 Wals... ,, HHOAD below spruce, 314 f. EMhnMS apartments: elevator and Jsnller w2 indlvlduil leckera I.em 1S1 e" 'v??.'! PINE ST.. 1K20 I.lvlnir room withTr' flreplacei s bedrooms, bath and ki." modern te the Kst detail , ana Kl"ns 731 W. ERIE AVE Lnfurri" apt.. 4 r0.: and bath, all conveniences, convenient ! catien: rent reduced. menum le- i!f T,.1 vrY if" BAfi'A evmiZ(i ;ii" HROAD ST.. N. -Wnntlirfni tsf i7T7tr" Suhln Colonial Tr,,..'W.r 1 WAMflNCITON HQ. g. (704 and 7"nTr7f; st ) -apartments and rooms t.0 ,; WEST rim.ADF.l.Vnia HEIHENACIC APTS . r4th iiaPewMi ave. Twe attructhe a partrnenis rooms : baths. etam heat Apply w ... End Trust (Je 32 3 Hread (t Ml Tien.v 2031 V. ONTARIO ST. Modern am J rooms and bntlr excellent cend vaessi K .T. Martin 14r. N Mth st Helmcnt i PFVXst r.VANIA until nntv nOSEMOfs'T. LANCASTER AND OAHRETr1 Five room-i nnd bath, perch. Mcmi floer: convenient te PennsMisnla and Phil,. I'eiphla and Western n H. Telephens Brit Miwr S20 .1 WTSSAHICKOV" M'f.S.. Que,i ane, ". mantnwn Outside attirtment. tin victs. 0402 1 efere 0 V M or fl P. M or juniti," WAYNF THE LUL'LI.LA APAHTME.NT3 r, rooms and bith. illnlni loom servlct V II HM.T. - SON. Land Title EMc Lufurnlihed THE -(VALI.INOKORD. 20 f: rpth St. pi', slrahle apts . 7 rooms, demur tsrvlcc HlOft. Phene Preston 347 W. Alse iidvertlsements In lane tips In nrecedlnc columns FURNISHED APARTMENTS VV AI.NLT ST.. 2040 PeMct nrlchberhMli near Hlttcnheuse q an, Qlh st ; ; b.,u. Mful hskpe. .1 room apartment, hardneel Peers, hardsemelc newlv fui Pb Prts Xt'i;, 2107 VVA1.NTT (Petri Allvn) Two-reotii-ana. balh eu'fe, thirl fient. well eiulnrd. fullr sent el 1 rooms and hith fourth fenr APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE f.TS Ansei.urE'.T riRErRoer APAHTMEMS, FURNIfSHED UNFUrtKP LONO AND FIIOHT TERM I.UASE3 The BARTRAM 33D AND CHESTNUT STS Apattments. furn. and unfurnished. Ien anS short term leases, hunie table Pbetl. Piesten 2310 V If. MAM .1. OVnVOn. Msr ' nder New .Mandsetn'nt "THE DELMAR-M0RRIS" VV 1 hell en ave (1ERMAVTOW.N '.0 MIM TES TO HROAD ST PTTI0V lintel nr inifurn suites housekeeping apt. APAHl.Mh.NT IIOIEI, HlRtTcla-s aitil most lentral location, eer room an out side 100m, telephone in cvfrv roetn: lieuis recentli- ther renovated, restaurant ostlentl T e Esmend f E cer I2fh ami Sp'ieest. S3 UNION AIT HOTEL Kenten ale. n.r Hlllrrest. Chestnut Hill 1. 2 or 3 rcerai, bath, furnished or unfurnished ( ud, din Inn and ballrooms' srarase. beautiful view: 3'i inlntiteH te Cltv Hall Phene Wall ut liOl or Whlf marsh 2s?2 the "i.TfrLE iierni,,":.',-, . nremi tt Quiet Bcrnpuleusls clean nnd veil con ducted n boeiI place tojlve while In Ftlli APARTMENTS WAITED ill.N Mil V.N wa iii apartment ur J r mi Hit henette ind bith dowineffl se tlnn (?nuih Phlladlphlg I refr. ecTWitil. teinis. teferenres M 0.".. I.'ilger Office LWlIAUVf.nr1I.MEMS KSTAIF. or HIAKLES II. ROB. I.ur.s. dcenuel Lettera tetamentarr isr en the abejia estate havlnz been grunted te the undersigned, nil persons Indebted te th. eaij estate are requested te mile pajment. and these having- claims te present tb tans, without ilelaj , te i-PENCER HOBERTS. t'HARU.3 II. JtOni.HTS Exeeuten. Otis ld, Phils. Or te the'r attern ev. V? NELSON L WEST. lOlh Meck Exchange Dldr , Philadelphia, , FOTItF TIIK 1'F.TITION OF TrU e-5 t'reerrnt Perfume Company for dljio dljie dljio lut'en and the account of the Directors ban een filed In the Court of Cummnn pieas Ne if phllnlelpl In ''snuty nnd illl be h.itJ "nn .11111(11 J . Ill.l, at 1 o'c'eetf P. M. III,,, n -y,b t.ity II ill. 1'hlla.lelphlj 1 plcj eierptlens 1 r filed Mfeie Mut date I-, ,-euut will be jppreied imi d saWU 'KCl CHEM LN1 PERFCME COMPAXT 1 IlVNUp HAvV LE JOSEPH s.V HENDERSON VttnrneiM fur I'etm nert eT r.siATi; ur lhri;.nck b. IIKOWN, del eased Letters tMtf mentary en the above estate having cms ranted te the undersigned, all persons P debteJ te the eald estate are reque.tad U inalie p-nient, ard these having claims te present the same without delay te jrillN D S.TINGBR ADDISON H. HKJVVN, Executers, Or te 'hell attorney, HAMILTON f CONNOR, Oel Haljty Hide. . . .,y- l n: (IF MUIIA I..' fc--' n-imeil Lei ers t.-s ,1 un n ur-'i f',, lute of .ilarU L West dj. fed htwf l, ni ur- I-' '" l-'DEIIIV ILL. si COM PeNT. all pcrsetn 1 del.iel t thu 1 e"tJ' ue i-Hi' t" en kn niimei anJ ttii w Inline cnlr.11 agnluut lie en e te P"'i 1... ..iu a ,ii. ..flip., nf trs tais ,i,,..- ... m;.s gf -.-"-- - " I,h,l. teniiaii; , 320-331 Chettlnut e. ,R'U"" WS1 I- OKST. Piss derj r7"iiATi:-eiJ0McFii i "iy- - deiensiil LetlerB tistamentirv uroe the estate of JOSEPH II WILsON 'j iciseil luMne been rrnntld t ) I pwj f'i rnt'hl CiiMPAN, all persona Indebted the hjI.I estati are renuestel tu nUKs rjt, inent, and thnje hailnu- ilalm. aialnit " ime, te iiresc-iit thtni. without d-Pe. J (Jf . rtic-i .1' tin s.ild cepiptuii. Net. J.'"' 1 lickluut street. Phlh delrhls. , en. WM P iiLsl. PiesldenJ p'KilAlF. OF"blMlI.L ;. s",n X'JC ilecciseil Le'tera test n'f'.i'JVs'.. UL. he estats et saML'EL J BII VNNON, ,l'r -iase.1 hailns ln (truiited "',,' 'VioL'ien iRU.sT CUMPANV and J Powell AiKln son, all persons Indajtcd te the eild '"t8!9,,!!,; requests 1 te tnaka paimeni. and th"'' J" Ine claims igalnst the sime tj """I'.'Jom """I'.'Jem wTtheut dla. at the office of Ine W3, ranv Nea. U25.331 chestnut etreet. Phliae'1" iMim WM. P. OEST. ' rreld.nt. f5 KRTATK Or KWiAnKTHS. AtlE. ileceiised I.ettera lestamentarv upon the estate of ELI.ABF.TH 8. ALLEN;.0. ceased having b.en granted te I IDElji n 1KUST COMPANY, all persons Vvi ny the said esiate are lequested te MJ'!j, ment. nnd (hose hailnr claims sgsintt ' i,srne te present thim vltheut d'la, 1 Li' office of the BUld company, Nes. "" Chestnut stleet l'lilladelphln. -eP '! ' 'nV-'rMVn 'Preildw j-5f LsfXTIJ OF CLARA II. A'lli s -nt.., ,,, nf fldlTll LsrTi: of ri.ARA 11. ad ;'? '. ; rcued Lttteis of a(l.nMP,,S. the estate of CLAHV H. ADAMS uiun tlie estate of CLAHV H. ADAii? ceased hulnsr l.e.n gninled le FipLk'l TRFSr (.UMPANY. all ver.ens Ifltf'W,. the said estate tire requestfd te ma,'I, ment. and thes, hiving claims atsin.i f ram te present them, wltiieut 1ly. "JiK office of the said company, ses.'"-"-' Chestnut street. Philadelphia, --. . til fuUsnt-s Ullll-Ul tyli
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