;Wi r...L?r tw; ' -'bbbbbbi Hffl?StiMA.?B " 4immw,. v rwst?e N4A I m:"- eLi r. 5 Wt. B8t? 'iffiriET; pz: ipii i 1 1 inn i iiinii rtnnpA nnnuiui iiiiun hiiiiii pimLi luiiLiinni Meters Continue Favorites. Hayes Wheel Steady Oils Off Fractionally j-civ Yerk. Dec. 1.". The etiib mar- lt was nu,rt ,f,pr ,lle 01pll,,,Pi "'- O general tone firm. Slut. Moter 5r,.prevc1 's. te ICi. vhile Duiniit. rftfr teui'tilMK the previous high, rased (f ill-litly. lla'cs Wheel ruled Mendy (ire'iiifl S,v. Cities Sen Ice told c -dividend nt a iiilit upturn. siniitinni vu or iri.nnnn r"?,'- - v ;,. Yerk rnn eit trnrrienniiy. rv , ...iinenls (tin, 'Mien issue.!, mil- t,niiI "tie of the n.cllve features, yield ' -bem ,. Mnraealbe wns n shade 1 ih'r. fiulf Oil wns slightly loner. vhllc a nun" upturn WIB "''own In Menmrtli. Isnl.STRMM ilU-'i L"'v 1 r m " 1001 A-m rrUiw . . ' 00 Ilrneitl: n r liy Ky. ' tnd Cnv'n tush !ter ?. 8, ';'' 108S t' 71't U 8' 14'. ri.' IIS ir." naij as 8U 108. fAM'iilinn leiii piiBr Ji'i MO lurn' Met . . lOODurant Met Ine.. 1.110 Kf.l Tel Tel inenflb A IMi' 1. id'l HuJ"n ' rt P' inn XUrr.r Met . . . 72 m 17i tl' 8'i US 17. "!' US S US til!'. D.lS as . 3't . )1 .112 . . 38 '4 501 N' riclleii 1'ul). snNiv Yerk Tel pi. 1 00 l'linnlx lleslT.v . JCO Rlle com .. . . lnnencpet'l fin1 .. JO'Hrlifl Het I'lii'l:. STAM1AKI1 OILS I00 1ntrnall IX . . 81 l."jO h O Infll.im '!., !,n ii , T i I 4 ' i .110 i jinn oil v 1. 404 at no. 40S 4 21 mis vi S 10S IMIKIT.MIt.NT OH.M Jfl'tll llrtOll Oil ni 1 arlli Sni'l . 1.1 C it ."rv "t 10 i rf ele S: n . 00 1 H ll.nnl (Ml tee Olfnre X Ull llll)filllf oil If SO') Lli liiette" l''t .-.00 l,ens I'e . moMummetli IM Murlanl SIii tn itf.h-n oil . .. 100 Mountain Prs'l leurt Jltituil oil V.K . .lOOOinnr Oil . . IO frlmms ivt i.iei ?euthrn P & R .'MO 8eulh fli OH iiei runn O ,V L . I'COT'iriniu . a 17V1' V l' r.as 84 e 42 a ia ms 11s p.v iai, jiiS :!lc l, ."is .17 17 1" 1 .'I I.V j. is Ad- 42.S av 'i 10s 11s tin- 1:0. 7 Ill's 01. 42 S 1 s ins MS nv las li)',' air ia 3II.M.MI J POO P s 1 "IE ImOii 1 -Itiirrt .I' ll! 20. IS in 12. 7P) ( nnn-nria -viin. . :00 t'11 t Mines '0 1 ' ir 1 re i0 1 r en i.'H'i . . MiO r"ili mi' Ijenfl irv(ln Held rc ine) En. 1-1:1 ?ll iii1 f'srlunn ...... ,'.0)fli.1dn SO'JO Geld li-ep .. . POOil r.nlilfleld fl'jr . "1.00 Hard S-t-i"l I ..... flu .Wern.' Veril DU penn National Tin '010 Rii'liinvml 1 'op 1000 S-il Kc Tiev ItO'K. inose Am J" A (1 . 1010 8pearli?ad (leld KiD TfW lluches . . JWITonepali HI ion TnnntMh EM . JiOO run'uniiii -.lOI'iill-d Baiu,i is A I" li. 58c ?r inc va-j f.i 2S aei 2 In ia. an 4'.' 71c 70. as .in.. ' , 81r 8r- 10' '.e IV .'", 27c 2tr l'i" P 74.' 711 as ;.e. 21c ..i. I0e vn--. 2 an 2 In ia.. US , I. 7Jf "11 as A lnO) Vw red 111 . . "i llll.Mis 1'int Ant Smet i 1' .'"" !" ti-eSAni Tel B- '2t 101 MOO Angle Am Oil 7S teaS 000 Armour t i'e ""...mi. TOO.) H'th S ?l 7 J, '2.1 I04S toeoi.an raelfu il . 101 S 1000rOppr lUv 8). ".''..ion'.. joeo cu'iahj r'k rn . en Infti) I"t Clt Ona Us. 1"0S 1000 Hair nelit 7 H7S 1O00(lalna S O 7j. . .I03S K'OO K'.irJi Oai lis. . HIS ii(inv Ni( & ir 7s jv us', .000 Thll l't 7S - 'l.l 'US lOOeSheft Kiirtim llSn ini' SO'OO S Uell 71 102 I11OO H O N 1 7l 8.1 IPS', J'WO ''ii Oil T'rr.d 8 .1001, tUOV Va 11 1 ea' il3 72S ntHKIO.N IIONDS ( 00 'JMllll'! 7 . fe t'0' r lir.S t.O! t ;,!;s I02p I..1S leO'l ions IMS 104S mis 1"3S !"l 1110', 07 S lull... I"".', 'is', 101'. IOOS 102S 101', 1'jn'i P3S 101 inas 104-S IMS 101S mas 00 tee'. P7i, 1"".', I'dS nsi, mis ions 1II2S 103S mm, 72', ldll 1').'". inn 102', I BAR SILVER i' as (i pld le- er Ir. r.ir . e V tl .",0. Londen te On January 1st. 1923, and Until Further Netice . WE WILL PAY 4 On Savings Fund Accounts NORTHERN NATIONAL BANK Germantown Ave., Seventh & Dauphin Ste. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS, 7 te 9 o'clock Jenes & Baker publish a very com plete directory of the stocks and bends trad ed en the New Yerk Curb Exchange. The December "Price Range" contains (a) range of prices for the month (b) high and low for the year (0 high and low sale prices for 1921 (d) par value and capitalisatien (c) dividend and interest rates Cefy Jut er. rtqutit leNESci Baker . WJ New VerJc Cure EntVmj;.; tiirerV Private virea" "; 1 etU CLIcir e Benes rhlladclpM '"i-1:1 Ilelle.l Ballyme'e Clrve n.d I'UIJ.ADEJ.PHTA OFl-Ki: Widcner Building TfleplioeBi !!eU ' lxicuit47"0 Keyitenc Race iBUl BAI.TIMOR1- OFFICE Lniersers Hetel Icleuhene . PU-aft45l ll u. of lu Illrh Sine Date. Rimee, 22 Date Illrli 1-mv Jun 2. 'at )n:i.e. nt.st Jul" 11. 21 1(12,70 D4.82 jin in. 'je iei.nn 0.1.70 May 1!), '20 101.30 Ii7.0 M.iv ::e, '27 Kiu. se fin.iw Mav 21, '20 l(ie.,-, n.l.M Jutie 7, '20 102.011 i8.ei) Mnv 21, ':e 101, 7S 1'd.oe .1 iiv ;in. '2u jfii.10 se Uv 20, '20 101 (10 IW.IIM !'(. 2.1, '20 1110,80 . IIR 8 i;ef. se, '20 ioi.ne nn.7 1 May ID. 'SO Ir.e.Sri H4.72 M an. ':e 101.811 ii.ysti Mnv 20, '20 101 fia tir.,70 May 20, '20 Itin.tis 1IIO.02 Ma 21, '20 ltKi.ne IM'.SI .. I Ml" Oei. in Lew U.flU sn.ne HI ' '.I r.-i ii.' -. V ' '.'I lit. LAS' Julv i r.(i. 1 1 83. en 8J.10 81 14 SI. f.H 00 OH 81 fill 84,00 81.10 83,. -.0 81.10 82.40 82. 1 1 82.00 ,70 in ns or 101,80 .lull- "4. '22 100.80 10O.I14 103.00 101.7ft 101.(0 101. 00 100. SO 101. nil ioe.ro lei. co ini.ns 100. us lOO.O'J iiiiiv f;j, .J .TlMV 14, '22 Jill, .tlltl Jllll .lUIV .IlllV July .lllli' .lillv .Inly .Mm A lv. in. 22 a.i. 'z-i J4, 2 24. '22 2.1. ".'J 2D, '-t i, '52 7. 'na 2(1, "."J 10, '22 S, '23 Is alls iv i 00 01 reRP.ION MOMI Anion .lereen, i; Mars V os; UMi'li m.li t'CJiitcntlitid 7i ' f 'O'J I I , 108S 1 . . fi.lS nepublla Jlell- IMS Ma Ss , . . "3' J... . P.V, rrrn n Ind'ji r. . 037, tv 7Sa rctj ! (.mm n ,. f'O ! 1 .. . nni, , ' t'0'l 1 MU ec t rrnch R Chlle 8 '20 n vr.. ... m ;.. . 81 n si 81 s !!"i 81 1 81 7 .. . 81S Arse tttp'n . 3 'f 1 fin 1 . . , inji a.... loot, i, r 1 1 101S . 100, p. DlSlrt Chile 8. Ml n. .. !00' .. n 1 . r.. vl r I . , . . 103H fj'ifi Chile Si 4u i.. . ines i. p.... 10." "'il 4. . 103 . I'lS 1.. . ion ' ice-ii 1.. !'4. jpfii'c of lUltl irr,v.e (J, W ir-K Rtr m c.e--i 10 ;,i, 10... . mi, Republic hi 1. .. imu 1. .1. I. ;i 0" f. .. nrtS !'9Si in. . . . nei, MMI 4. . iinn f 8"i ISwIlirt Cen 8 "IS 1 7.... 1l8t. ,1?! ,'cii.v Hun .M S I " I "8 Cli" f.eril'x ! 1. ... 7!U ilty uf Copn Cepn liacen 0', ! 10 . . (ik 7.... 118 V i: Or'. 1 i- I 2. . . i.t.H 'Jap (..evern'i & I CSj :) 11 i: 11V city i.senii r,,' r. , . . ns. 10. 10. 1 1I3S 113 1131, a 78H 1: Bli:'m 7'4 Cty Rie de Ju.l .. , joeij iarle 8a "4(1 ' p 100", 1 .. (iCi'i' I. . 100S ni" r.ie ii Jn- i . inev, tii-rle Sa '47 I 1 . le.!"' 1. . . P7 IK llis;ui.i i as.. nut, 32 ... 113J. .'. .. 113'i .-e. 1,3-1 25.. . 1111 r... nas 1 111 , n. .. tins 7tfcjl9) H3S in . . 11,11, 1: list ui. I.. . im". t. y.. loot. 1 City of Set. ' .-., , . 10014! e;ia Us I P .. If.Ot, I 1.. . 78',, 1. . ICOS I'll" Zurich i Klrsdnrt Di. I I ... I US '' a Denmarl; i.iui ' I. .. cS ct A 8, b', 1 .. 108S K tlaly O'tn 1 Dmt Seine 7a ( I ..MS 4. .. . Mt,iK of Nettm. 1 . . . MS 1 land-i Ca tvl 1 .1- t .Mia 3 4. 103S in.it, 103S I 10.14 103', 1034 I 10HS I less I03S . 1 . :u. 1. 1. 1. 1." 1 . 8'f; 12.. . n. . . "i1', 1... . 1 8M. r. 1, 8n 1- p. .. T'u ' nn S, "8U I (a) 3 I'O', ! . D Car. 5V,i'2 ''... 1.. . 101 s, I .1 . . r. 10 i.l 4 . . De Can 5a Ml 'Kingdom nasi 081.1 08 v I'SSI PSI, I 101S 09', lU S tlrazll 7a n8.i 80S ess OSS I. . . SS "n'rt t Hrnsil 7is rcla 8.. .. nr.". 1 Ufa 1 - way 8a vl 1 P HO Oj Ca.i J." 32 1 .... Ji ', 17.. '. Hi I! . . 03 I '0111 Reli'0 5" 3 !T. i. Dutch K Inill'a ct Ci '17 1 P3 1 03S l'l. I.. 1 2 . . ney 00'. 100 100 si 21 0. 1 .en nn ea piii, O'lS tni Braid K S'ba Creatf ft Slert-'a 8a 8 ... 73 K sdi ni :... . 104S 7.... 104S 1. . Un'd fl Lars ft. . 8 , . iss 00 . 08 . a ... 00 ... tes tlrazll Ha ... 08S. 05', ie4s; 3." ! fi 3. .. 03, Tn-I'-Lyona M l'.(..'le) eaS Ralfy Oa 10.. .. ea s i-.. "au I. . . 03.' I. .. 7.1U I 113 S .I.. . 73S 1. ... or. u. . 73 s 3. u a 1 1)UMKTI; D(M' V S Clever n t I 1 ''84 lOlilrnsn ft M'l 4S, rct 1 a.. . 08',, ntti 11 10... no 7.' 1 . '. n8S in!) HO 7il t . . 08J til'. 78 Rrler II St-l P'.i.7 ' e B'4" rl I'O. 7? I.. .. Ill'- Chlcige Rail ii Ba 1. ..78 1. .. .. P',1.71 Rurfali) Rn.'li'r Chi Reck 1 & 2.1 HI). rts ft Pitts -14 4 Pae fd 4s l"0... . PP.081 I.... 02 I II 83S Calif'a. Gas A Je. . S3H Adam, V.w 4 Klee Ba I 8. .. 83', 1 .... SO 1 P7 I B 83'; 1 ... sei, c.imd'n Nth'nl '' 83S AJax Rub' - 04 a rcta Chl Nt 1'aul il 1. 01 I r... . Ill i, ft Omn .Is American Airr 1. .. 111',. I . PB1, piem 7S f'litjvl n N" 7s Hileage rnlen 7 ... 102 1 II2S f'lallen C Am Cot Oil .Is' nn'un I-ie Is ' I'O' le ... 7S Vinei smell 1 . IMS ' i. ... PIS :... . pi', 1" 0'iS l'l... 0.1', j American a... Ret' Ca I fi. .. 1024 i.... ie:, I 10.... 102 i 21 ... 102 ' l . . it'2'; ' A '1 l! ft Te 1. .. 08', 1 Os', 1 OSS ' Am Te Tel .1, uf '30 i I .87 A Tel. Tel C I 1 .1K. I Vrini.ur 41 , 1 . . 'OS Atch 1' A b r e ! adj la I i 1... . K.n. 1 O ft 70 , l'- 801, 80', 8 'I MIS lltl te) 'i'i, 'hle.iffn A " n Ini ani 4s 8 . 7 1 S Mhli t'ep'r da a. . pe, i no O ill . .. . Haale) 8!l mjt. 1.. . WIS. j.n ".Clill- I'ep'r 7a e's ft 84 . . , in.., 18. . I n. . I i.. 0. 18. . 30. . . 0. 40 I" 13. 1" IP . 1 a. 17 1.1... Clil ft O ev s.l 4.... II2S ;,4 .Cln Wa M U ni 1. .. 80 '' r,4' Ce.v,c'n Ctll . 11,,-. . 04 04 .. 014 St L im 4a 1.. . 101 Cl'd Cln Chi ft ' St Leula ds I I.. 100, . 04 . 01 'a Cole S tl 4t .. f IS II . . . 02 S . PIS Co'e ft S lt,1 04", t 87 . IMS Columbia Cl ft 'US i:in 1ft at'd PIS I MIS Hl Cenip'c Tab ft i .... . .. ., ... i i i', ' ,,,',-urix g 1.9 PIS' I. . 08 Alfn 3 Coiumenirea h Atch Toeeka ..' 1. . f'2 1'e-ser 0s 3. . .".:', 1. ... sp hi ft Alt 3S Cen'd Ceal co 8... . ? of Md Bs CO.. 23'v 12.. .. 884 2... 23 S i-ubn C'e Sus 2 .. . 234 cv 7, 8... 23SI 1 . r:. i S Fa 4a ' 17 80"; , :c... . 80s 1 .... s 1 ... 80S Atch T ft S 1 cv 4a '08 .1 814 , AH C Line 4e il. .. 88 Atlantic I'rult ! ct 7e a .... 30 All'c Ref'B .la I 8 00 i ua 1 1 i (j a . s 1 I'.'.S 1 !'')', Halt i. Ohie te 1 . . sr ......... . . in If K !.' lli0 3 MS 7. .. 00S J. ... R' chl Hurl ft , Cuban Cane 3 am 8a et'd 1 . 8SS P Chi U ii Q ,1 I n;i 113 , 10 Ret ft II fd et, 8 . 11 i 8 "7U "hlcat.i ft I"'n D'l A II .", I"s ts Ml 1 101 S M Dfnier das .1, 8'S i I .. S5S se'. Pen s. p. il 4s A " i 3 73", i Dtr.e id r.s nasi i ins l ii 'h, "'. Wed n 4 3 I V l. I ' , . e! rnit ft Ohie : 1 .., 84 1 ... 84 ': ,Det Ldl Ss '33 01S 1 OPS Halt t Ohie s'vJilcau Mil Det IWI Ba '0 1.... ions bt l ' I I . 03S I ... 1001, .1 71 U Det Kdl Ce 6a te .. loot, hlcdB.i Mil t 1. 103 B ft O P L C StP uv 4Ss Ms Securities ft W Va 4s 80.. il.l Si ct ns t.. . 7(1 I.. U.1S Kale) pi Bait ft Ohl'j s rhl,-aii Mil .. Mam'd Mitch Wtil'n 3S" Sir fd 44 se I l 3 107''. 1 . . op, :i. is , I PI', " r.s 1 e I ', elc 110 ll til , nf P.l 7b I . .''1 , 1 1'IS1, Cl IC1UO Mil A tieiliie'm Wiftil St V sv .".a .Is of Mfl I . 7S 1 .. Neineurs I'wur "4 s 1 I'i7' .1 I07, I 1P7S I- . 107't 2. in 1. . . . i'.7S liulu'h ft Iren 1 . . 0.IS 'i ineaee .Mil Ratigii 5H a . .. im s Iletb uteel 0 1 . .. OSS West'n Kill I. 100 4 10. 8.1': , I" 1'" ''" """ incurs finn the Man.! " "" nalhlc Iltisnin. . .. . ' ' " " "" """ l1"' " ,- .. B.II.Ml.nr........... . I i ' I 1 .1 I n I . T a . . . . ...... It A W"a T n WliifPAT . , 'V """""-n l.i" b" clur- Is th- t--- r- ! - ..- p . . da bveru Peppa Knows KlZT l rjr. 11 " ,';l;i;: n.e,Tv3b9(sTn,'4wWe. I ve-j Anu?T lixeBftisa. N S Aunifl-.iT.sN V 1 ' l ,''',' '"'' ' "TX7 . , xA-xs pr&mt - y ; r)Ve,,ri' . ;W l( J PaM'r OPBM T(.u:hbk,ttva ; l ANcrrHea TeB I ... ., ,'.:'''.. '"'- V ir uiemt ubt r? HM S ,c atf&l 3er iOe r see AMV0M6- V vs. rriV ' 'un, "I, , 'J'" ' ' ' f rs "l t C5T S S ' IHI.IIS .s-r-l -, .--" .3. y. (, A- , ' le. I I . , ,. , ,,, ' - ii' '" sli , , (JlvQh'lw k i AJmlltk Y V OMTH'MAAItye I V W - , f"' '' "'v Ms-v; ;.iV Li (I tFl Vis-sai 1 i vj( - ' 1 (- zS Jill W " the luasn.i I went" -- . W'r i ' W ' 'I Jlisr ,'"5 tit 11 a- I',. JJ"?," ' '--"- " "'. h'.hiwn , S -V . .H L - aaaaaVhaf . r iTl J'H.1 ' ( Kl' I ' ' !"M ' 'T"- "'' I 1 '1 untav.. lennlun. a, fmjL Em - ( JmWf 3S mmL - i iV iur "" ".-;," "?,v ,.. I aarsl - I Hkaaaal c. J ) nsanaaVi!' .'' .. 1 E"i s . re Mini I,. i,m,. , ,, . -4ss, ;-;;sHB - ,J!W-::--4H-: VN v . , Baaaai-aaaaW """Tf- -Us3 "v'72r lSr- t ' '--Zmwm Is sleH-. iB3 "" Wm W) ,. Chri3t'in.E,,d"ver SOc.cty I sJBB V H sa r s , i(r MiWii .dl , ,. i Li J 1 Wn ,- teru,,, via;,.,);;,j; -j;; Vn;a;i,;'iar:.i; " '- "' sp arw M&r ThiUdelphln n:en,l,. Vi '.,.. A ' JTl' 1)1". , . . . , 1 ih, society of cmutuu End.aver ..' NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS LIBERTY 'BONDS AND VICTORY NOTES JiU .In, 1D32-47 .. !'Sc. rfclnttrcl .1.. 1l rv li. 11132-17 , lft v i. iculeifrcil 2'l l. 1H27-42 2.1 4i, ftliit'rMl 1t 2.1 l'(. 11132-17 im w i.m, in,i2.47 ... 1l rv 4S h. rfnlMrcd '.'il cv 41. k. 11)27-12 .. I'd c. IS k. lpclntfrpil ' ".I 4Sc, 02m I'd 4S e. rPKltired . lib vm. iiih:i.;is .... Ith 4S. rrRliirtil , . Tin. 1022.2:) Ik. rCBhtcre.l ... l.lhrl l.lbrrlv l.lbMIV Lllmrir I ll.rru l.lhn Mtien l,llirl Mlxirlv Liberty l.lberly l.llxrlv l.lbritv t.lbcrtv Liberty Vlrlmy Victory l.'.st'rii CuSa t'uxar 7'4 I R... , si I"., .. I'" ' I .iiplr: C.ii & !1 lO'll M Kim A Tex IntPi'boie Hhu Tnn M .-, I 1... . 731.! I . . t.-.u 1 nj As 10... 1.. . 18 .-.0 8. .. Ml 110'i DOS HO S fiO', nei.. Ml ,i., 'tillrb(irn Hapi I "" Trail r. . 1 1 . 1 11. os, n r... nuS : imrnore Hap M Kan & Tx 10114 ' n SI'i .. 4 ..'llnlern t Agr'c, P.. . 0314 ''in'l Hie. vuii' 11 ua t i na n.t 1 : 1 in . ' iiVnil K 10). llilr'l (?,rui Menfn. Vnr ., re C N'n aj Ca wl f. ... 100 1 .7 i .'d.1 1 .... p.71, ! . .Vi I. I... . ns 2 .VJS Mentr' I Tram- 1 1 Mr.rliin w"i,i ;,a '. 80', t , . ,, Iowa miil'l f Muitjcl Funi 1 ... 72 I Oa, Ce f, .. . . - liHi'l Rfrec- ttirlps it tin t ... C8'i 1... . US Ueeili lc!i U !' CM a icta 1.... 10IS 8.... 101 Si IC',.1 l'.Ill'l 01 "J. . 0", 1.... 101 s .,. .. : -r.T 2" '" 10IS .... - .. M. in N ,1- 1 he 1 7 .. nit- 1. .. ei';' l r,v; TRn i' A ' .V i 1 f,.t 1 (J P... . 8HS1 1 92S 1 .. 8n, .V YCflcn la K O T n.'-.- In. 1 . . 82, 1 jedj-eir T A llub'r Sa "31 a .... 1 .... 6(nalc) 1 OSS 08, (18 , P8S IS"- CSS T A 83', N r Cent'I .-, Kelly Hprlns'd Tire sa I 1 . . 107'i,l .. P7'4 ... 074 . . 07 . . 07 H . 07S ... 07', .. P7 i'eni'1 il' 1 .... Maale) f.'oedyear I.ailede Clai (." 1Mb'' 8a Ml 1 of St L .I" 1.. I . HIV 1 .. MS 1 1 1 V l,KO I' p .11 11 . IMS (r'd 'I ru;il. 01 can fla ri'ti. let T" N I . MS 1 n 1U1'. La Ke .'Mern SI v Y (.onnecfr I ... 1 0.1 "4 I. .. 103', :r-d Trunk ul t'anada 7a I . . 112tj 'Jreat Nerth'n Rall'v 3Sa 0 ... 102S Client Nnrth'n ItalTy je a ... net- 12 HOS .. 110V .-. n HO -l IM, 4IV, f' MS 10. 18', FO l.nke Hiein M tf'n 4s '31 2 P3'4 1 . . . . US', 1 ... 1)4 I.lilg-h Val rt. 1. .. mis Lerlllanl C .' I. .V VerW Kdin OS a rots 10 .. 11014 8. . 1104 1 . 110'. .V V I lent II Pfr 4a 1 Pd', ine 82 S 88S 1.. .. en' 1 , ens v .-.i S Vk Light 11 I'wr 3s t. . Oit, '.' . . (IS'i Ne N II II 3Se Ml Cjfe-n nay . "( fii r: 1 ... in iuif .t. .s 1 ', 1 . . s.' I..I &. N 1 1 77 Maen'i Copper 'j romp'." 7a ! 1 . IMS ' n.'vur... .,1 c.. 4 1 fnlale Ce J, j , M Ifatl.,j Cf " ' l Metropelifin 1. T.'S ; ' 7 , "dlted Oa , N V It. 3 rt 1s I.. .. PS'i1 ,-,.. ,. op .. ,i Iludaen Man. j,,,, prt,n. . vw V i'.ya '.a In adj r, 1 2, , . 10711 1 ,, fill """"' V. I 107 I r,:.. ' n Iludaen . Man M'el, rt'i :ii..'v v.,"i, a.,. fd Ih ... I' 3 ., 81 I R,g lj,s ,MII L.- Ily ' 4 OS 84i Ltelit r,e 'HI V Y Pteani C 4. ,,- '' " I I. .88 3 . .. 07S Ilumbl, Oil ,MstlSflte !.. ,. 07s' ", I-'- Marie 4a ' t P7-S , , . ' " ' S8S,N II, Ms Leiil .-.1,. , ... ,, ' N.. ,.'..":'! M'a 1 . Mi .i fd r.s . . .in "ii e. .-in-! ,1, jf f,.p ,, ; e. v-,.. l.u-L Tel 1 nil'. ,.,.,. Us of 11 , Jiiterberi, Met r, . me 1 10.1' ' ,,, --fi . k A T 2.1 cl .1 10 tn-i .-. ... 70 1 '" in. M 1. ft lev 4s N K in;.' -,'la V i4 1 snr, in. pi 1''S 1 sO'i'.N'fl ft IV'n la 10i4 3 . . . . 00 S I. News for Investors , The average price of the twenty ,. Hi" industrial, declined u.iiii .., ,.pnt leMenhH te JSi.u. !,He ,, ,,,,,, rmlread, mlrnnee.l fin;, llrr ,.,, (' lhe Detroit nnd Markinnc ICnilrunii enipanj hns been grained mitheritj liy the Interstate Cemmeftc Cmmih'- -inn te -e .J-l.-itf.diMI fir.Nt lien 1 per ' ,u " ' ,,p"t ninrtsig, e bends nt. mil l.,-.a ll,-.., s' i per cent of par. If. Montgomery llnine.. William II. MiilneK. Jr., Jehn J Cellier .in, I ipi,. ' .Meyullien iinneiiiicp tlm) llm. l..-.. fe gli tinned n general nnrtnershlii' m en. i in business, ns inveMnienr ImiiLnra tinder lnilUK of ILiiiie i ',.1 . , lier & MclJ-llillPli. ' I lhe I!rie linilieml rnm..... ...... .... ' Ihunzeil led.l.i l,j th- Intprsnt,. Cum pierce I eniniissiun te ii.siiu.. ..I, fKritifin for lhe payment ,,f intPiesi Ht nrjn, j pnl of Sl'OIl.tltttl in i.,pilpi,n,,r tiu-i '"iiiiicT e. hip luiids ruin tin el the epciirltip will be u-ptl le clinse new loi'iunetiii's. -nil pur. -Lew, Dixen Ce.. of New Yerk, I in...- i ui-ii mi iiiicreiiup peel, en tilled "Invesne f,,r r Purpe.sp." The I honk contains :i I'miiprehenjlvc dige.st "f the functions nf no nnestnieiit firm and dlseusse.-, the inndev uf deterniin- ling types of securities te tit particular j needs. ' An issue uf Ri4.niie.nnn in 7 u. .,,.,. ' pieferred stock of the American Rolling .inns i iimp-iny preiiiiim whi ne ntlered within the lie.! few dn.i". Tlm crn. I ptirntiuti will letup , eimin of its bends wiin tlm precit'ii.s ut the snle. t is understood, and uc th Ii-iIjiic- for cipuiialen of its business. Decliirntlen nf a iii,irterl i-;ish diiidend uu Prnhii Pipe t.inc htetru will net be made until Mopl-heldi'i. lime t R U oil nctlnii en lhe In.. 1 1 "I uf piupesed i)ipi.',e m iiiiitiil -liicl nt t ... ......!.. 1 I. ..... .,r. '" riii'.-uii ii'i'i ip: Licrr 11 ' ii ' inrei'ter. ieeei'ii.1 proposed 11 -..'(Mi per cent increasa in stuck ns n dividend lhe (Jiuiimittrc mi Securities, uf ihu I Pittsburgh Stock j:chaiige rules thnt ' 1 inn sierh or me 1 iiiun .Miiurnj tjas 1 Corporation, pnr viltie ,?iut) n sharp, sunn sen i'-tnsii iiiMdenil of L'i ' cent December 1 1. hut thnt e. I diiidend dplhench, made after I date iiiiit lie a uipniilci! bi i 'bill. per -stock that 1 due I new ss 1 S.l.illin.DIII) ,,f ,"i pn I cent fn riu lupi. bunds of 1 In D.illas J-imt 1 Stuck I. und I'iiiik is hiirii; u'l rid b. 11 .'.indicni iniiipused ,.r I.e.. Hi-gji'- k.tn A- II. llliiniis Trust Mini s!.,.l.,.. ',,"- ', .', -. : ,".' ' -V "is.- , , Hunk iiiiiI th" .Mi'H'liniits I ejhP and Trust Cui.ipn Il.l. I'll"; ni" being uffcred ni ni't nnu nccriii'ii iiiiercsi m yield mnre run 11 i,iii per I'eni m iii.i; and I III, 11 nil' 1. "- - ....-!. ..' v. ,..,,,u , M.er . ll.'" NV1 CllKP Irish 1U0.4O Low Lew IOO.;)') 08.110 'lis!2S "(18.82 'I'lV.fle' iii'o'.i'ie 1I8.H0 'l8J0 "itV.i'i 'lIVM ioe'ao ns.ne 'iiV.ii 'l'iV.82 'I'lVne ien.ai .V A Kdl'n Cel .1.. 1... 8.1 HIS 8.... 1"l Sniitti'rn II St I, ill; It 1. ... 88 IN rets I ..". 03V, .1 . .. 03', I .... 03S Rem Arms ns 1 01 1... MS Stnim'il O.ia A 01 Klre Cj Hi JJ IMelflc Jl it 4 ,. 02 n 1 ncins li .1 8 tins 1 .... PD N faclflc It t 108'i 1 .. 108H 2.... 100S Nth fl Put it t... . 02 Rep'i Iren 3. ... OPS Steel r.s Wlnnd'd oil uf 4 01 I Cnllf 7s l,ei:u im .1 . 1 . . Hit A t lenS I0il, Iiul'a 4'4s . i.ae l'.M. 100.10 1 80',i I 1 lOti'l 3tl. ft a l'ra. Teim Lleetrlu adj Ca l'e r (in 4 7tl'i 3 04', t 70 .1.. . ok; 1 77 1 1 0.1 .1... . 77U I B. ... MS 3d... 77',l 10.. .. MS I . . . 78 iTet ft I'atlllu St;, tc :i Iran tit f.s In Ca 1 1 Pd 18 ,10 . rtilr.l A lef I 1 P2S Verlh Vet'n . ITU Te) 7 1 1 . . 107', I.. . 107, 1 .. 107S 11 ... leg O- & fall' ". a.. . nas Otten a I. 1 ' r.n 1 t it r.ss 'Third a 1 J ii8' 1 .... .im, 311 I 1 .-.us .1... 11... 10. .. 1... IB... 8(1. . . 10... 1 a ns', (ruar'd R, J.... toil', I Ore-lV R n A , .Vasl Ce 4a . fl 81 4 ... CIS I Oi lento 7a 7 P7S 'Oils Steel 74 r r.-t I . .. P3S i'-vlC.r 1 'a A r.ttf c, ' P'.' 1. 02 s , V.: "."? But, I u'is"cer 7s f,'i:Tei Edi,en 7 SI I. ft S Tran Serlea A 4a 3 (flat) 71 ir, 71 1 . f. . 111ns ions Tided') St I. IVest'll 4" 1 7'Jt 10.. ., 71' 71 ijlTolcde 'Crm;" 71 ij' tleu Ce n I' f. .... i'"-j I'nleti Ilai; A I'ai'tr Ca I 07', 4 ITS L'nleii Tae 4, 21 PIS 1.. .. HI', Union P cv 4i ft I. ft tl t'ru 8'rias t! .-, 1 80S ; 1 a , 2S StL ft K I'rftii 02S fieri", 1' 0 rnildi: Tel ft I 1.... tee T'l f.l Bs I 1.. . 100 ... '11P11.0 n i-ran u...i. .; i iw m ,.r.i u".pe'3i; L-nV-.rKr...: 1... p-t,!ttT.bnnl 1 . 112., IS Rem t,ai 10 ... TSH'nt'iI Tuel Ac, 1. ... 04 7.SS 0. . 02' 02 02; 02 R .'. Si 1. H V.'e'n , a C, 1st Is 3.. '.i7'4 1. ... 78'; k'fd ."teres r; MI' .11 (. M cm C'erp'u (Is '12 1 1 107 JO 100S 1" .. 1 ... rruin II I.... II .. 1. . le 1, ifinn Antonie I inii: I A V Illy 4, 1 1 urns Hei, te I" .0', S Alt L aj ,1e I.... .'2J "leal.'. I A 1, ! 8 BOS 1 ni Sharen Sltel Heep 8s 1 PIS t 07'; Sinclair ij Oil Cerp 7s ret a V s i.uu r .1-1 .. sse. PUS It tl'.. 11 or, 110', 110V 1ln p-, 1. 1 1 3. 1. 1. r, u a 4. .SS I , ' .,, 1 si, ' .. f,si. Ruli 74s . I''5', retin.t R R 7. 1 1101; 1 110 Pen ties Llcht Crin! p. " 02 Pere Manit 4 1 81 1.. . 10s United Stata Ptel Bs 3.. le-.i, V'a-iJ 1.I1 t 7- 7. . . till, 2... 101 loes 1'iOS 101 .1.... 1..!! 1 Oil I I'ri ,nai 11 I i,( n. ir,. lOOr, h-i i pern .-v 100V i 7Ss 'rar .1 I'rud", 1 .. ''1 , .1 4 e 1 1"e K 'i ' i e ." 08i,' 1 .. I-.7I, .10 .... Slncljlr 0 1J Ca I.. .. Sin. Ulr 20 .... P7 Phll.id'j, dm rany rd e IT"..., lip"; .1 ... pus '.' .. . P9. rhllartn. Rail am 4a I'lpe 3 .. . ii7'. Line Ce Wnbas i V I t ,Sfl. 1 S(UJ 'n ilell Tel .1 I 1 . 10.1 Wnrne- UR.-ir 's '01, 1st '.a. 8')', Ce ct " 4 17', I I O'l 1 V 4siW Pan 08 4 1 . . . . Hit '.In Chi AlSn I'ac ( l l.'J n ,.s i in. . . . a pt, 8.. .. P8S 1 os Pert I'd Rwj A 10.. ere-, i p.. , Mi, Sn I'ac eel l V Pa. Pnr .Is 8441 .1 . . li?"-- Pne fd 4l I. pat. Sn Light I ', inc.i; 1071.. . R v " 87', V I iilen im 8 .. . S7, i,. 1Ci'i', 8 87', Vetlne1is'q IJ S Perte R Pu .t m,"p t. 1 1 . . Predui 1 .. . . 1 ... M7', I hits i r'ts 7j .1 . 1117 1 .. I0O Wl.'k'. (w,. 107 Sn llillwnv I, St'nl rreduira ft R I is', war'd 8s I . , ,si, 1 IISS.S11 Ilj.il. av ",s 4. .. 1181., i , p;it P11I1 Serv 1 01 p 8 P-(ii N' Jersy ,1s in.. . 1171,1 1 .. 01 Vilsen I'ein- pony 1st 0 1 imu, 1 1004 1 10'lS 1 , 8('s Sn R-.ll'y 04 s, Wilsen ( eni- - .... & I ..... 101 1, pany 74s Readlne Ce 4s 17.... 101 I 1. inr.V - S3 ' 2 101 ' 2 , mjij LONDON STOCK MARKET List Cheerful, but Trading Light. Dellar Descriptions Quiet Ioiiden. Dec. .-,. -Jiuying back ,-f lines s,i. iccenll.1 bieuglit abiuit r. fnm- fi tune in the e' :iuup en the -ir.k I ei-change ti'daj. Ituial Dutch was ;'.:ji,. Shell Irnnspert iml Trading I 1-10 and Mexicnn I.'ngle '' ."i.J(5. The gilt-eileed list wns strung In simtf. en banking support. French lenns nle were firm. ' following Paris. Heme mils were geed, but changes were small. Dellar descriptions were quiet nreunil pieiieiit. leiel.s. Argentine rails receded after having scored pains. ' Industrials geiienill, were strong. ' Hudsen's Bnj wn.i 7 11-10. Rubbers 1 wcrcHtcnd.i In sj mpntli with the r-rtulr; nrtlcle. There wns moderate hu.iing of Kafliiv-. In the main. Hi" markets weie cheer- ' Ini. but trtidins mi.s light. Federal Reserve Ratios Maslilniten, lie. Ij Ratios 0f l.M.I ""ea te net dei.e t and r...!..., Re-ei i -.: ,.i iu: ''", T.,'0.t ".. '"en .-.- . : ."..,. 1, Liiur sis ceiiiurired ear nj-e icin as or i r-n,t-r 1 108 i rn 111 1 11 ieij !ek end r.'iien 1 13 5 l'ee. 14 T R.wuverK ie;i 1 78 t SO 4 '.I 8 6s 8 71. il 78 2 82 1 7u '.'. 71 7 ii n '.4 1 en n 78 I 74.it 70 s 74 0 77 fi 79 (1 12 fin li f7 11 711 11 Philadelphia 7fi i 7.1 .1 71 n, 48,1 ' nv lit rt 1 i mieiane .... Richmond . . . Atlanta . I'hicate Si. Leuis Minneapolis Kansas 1 11.' . . .in 1 l I Hillas . . , .3.iii Piaii'-lKe I'e' si . 4S I H s 7''..1 ;,i 1 Cuba Shlpa First New-Croc Sumc .... .. .. s..iycll .-eiv inrK. u 1., Reiiiiins 1 empni mbi I n Anierl. an s j n 1 tl fi lluhint.- kin i.e.nnshlii lUsini l'cfemlir 14. ui "JXi frV,m r'r a.'. 411 l,.irs nf l"22 10 .. in!.' Hin.nr. nr. ! V'.". B'.n. '-"nr"1 1'iiaBUi nnd Jainii.,u - line is ine nrsi enipm-nt ui ntwi.tiiii, rui,,,,; inciirn Omn lti l.laiu! -. .....I. ...A 1.I....1 ' '" BRITISH HOSTILE TO NEW NAVY PACT "Similar Treaty for Big Ships Remains Bit of Paper" Is Admiralty's View V'GONE TOO FAR ALREADY" ."ptki 1l,i"eis riiifin'.i. ( oi'UneH. f." fxinrieit. Hec. 1.. TI.e Aini'ikun si)CLe Inns 1 tm 1 the ine ,ic nivnl Pow ers ror"iieiip for Mm purpi.i' uf liinli 1 UK reiiHiniclluii nf wii' era ft of 10.000 l""' or less fnil 1.1 j-et 0 faernli'e U r'''.'!.i.i" rn,n "10 -'"ideii tievnriiuieiit. J lie unnie I'ewers ."luned n slmllnr, Hwity liertninlnsr in lavcer uliips; it re- ' I'liilns a mere hit of paper tlneuch tli rnilm-e of two nations te ratify it. Se what insurance is there nnnllier nn'h . ;;irtitiiiMit would nrnve niere effectlie?" I lint is the Atlinii'.ili.i "s view nn inter preted te the l'rni.lr. riniOMt rorre rerre 8piuiiliiii jefterdnj . ' it 11 net Inliniiiled that Ciegt Hrit- iiiii would dt't'liiie 1111 iniltntien te siieh 1 11 enferenee. 'I'lie lemleni'V liere Ih te ilnillil tlnit iiMitntii.il, ,,i i.Ver he i-ii'(I unless Hie treaties Imrn nt thr tux huiitntinn) (.'ntliei-ins urn tnnil'- I i.erUliijt neitinlitifM. ''hnt ntlitiidc 'if iiiuri.-iHieiii ni.iy ne les.irtleil ns n re I He-tie'i nt' the Konevn' iew e.tprefted ' ip,,."iill. ,111 eternl Londen jeurnalii ,in4 1 0. . in.'iS'"r" 1 aisp'l 1110 iieUimi. "Ilnvc w , I" ( pene 100 inr tewnnl fiiirillinc th , fj "' " IVIHI I HUH II 11 I IM' nipiilnHeiis of the Wnshingteti ngree-' inent lhe ehniiRe of .ventiment Is sicnifl f.mt when it is reenlled the IJovern IJevern tueiit had the hulk of popular opinion with it when Orent Uritnin nnneiuiecd it nrnp.jsed retting nn Pvnmple bv treat i ie the AVaHhingteii ngreenieut no bind- inc, "The Ire.lti se far Is null nnrl rnl.1 . Vi . ... "':. . . nr..la " ' nn'' r?" but (In moment Parliament ratified It 'Olintl'.i follewe.i - . - I'nitcd Ste.tes Mispended eonstruetleii .1 . ,, ,, new si ni hilt broke ill. nnne Hrnt r:,' "f- .', the '-eni'lfiirit in the I.ondei. .Journal. . IIip Atlliilrnllj Is replneing "old but -till eneet ve WWS Hint linvn Lnen loe haslily scrapped." as one paper term, them, with twrn iftw pest. Jut -hinders of r.."i.000 teiiK, the contracts for which have just been awarded. These cn?tiug H!.0(l.0rV,l 1,1 ,.nl,. pleic uitliln a threc-jpar period aid 1 111 iniili-" possible Piritisb.JiiJiiiilennricc ... ill.. ....... ... m .1 . n ...1.. ...IF . . . .1 1 i"'"-i i- 11,1111. as no oilier npi'il Hups nr" te lie built under tl.e "aeiiiiiBteii terms until la'tl. simp two hj J'rnnre, one In 1027 mid aiKther ir. Jflifl. . raris. ue. Ki.--(H.t ,. P. I-The , ANashliigten nnial ngreements will he I submitted te the French Parliament ler rntlticntlen inimeilintidi- fi.... .1... chamber reconvenes, e.irlr in .in,n, -,.-.- . ,. ; ... "i in M. llnibertl. Minister of Marine, i,',.' I formed I'nrllnment yesterdav dt'iriin-' iscU)sien of the mnilne hlldgef The Wtl'liinstnii n.iMil iiccerd-i have nothing In de with the present uid"et discussion," M. Unlberti said. "The iJnvernment will submit the-e .-lccunls I'm ratification ns snen ns Parliament meets after the Christm:i: reccvs se that full and complete debate may iie instituted upon them," Prnnce received n square deal nt uIP Washington naval conference mi fur 11. practical results an cenrerned. Vice. Admiral fiueprattc. a deputj and one of Pranep's must distinguished nnval etlicers In the 'ate war, told the Chum her of Deputies. "Tlie consequences of the accords undertaken nt Wnshlngten nn: pla- lenl". In.i-miii'h as thc.i prnhlhlt buildr iiig battleships of mine limn "u.fKIO 1 tuns, which owing te the ,'ruwin; m m PeriimcM uf submarine's pini airplanes 1 wuiild be uselesH." Im said UNDENFELD APPEALS CASE Man Claiming Knowledge of Wall Street Blaet Denied Entry te U. S. 8Ult. .Ilinnn niul Ihnnvii . ..' . . .' New Yerk. Dsc. jr.. Wolfe Linden- .,,a,s, '1ral(1 u bc spfaK-i in! up--.1 1 . , . r. , held ns the finn nssiirauce that the .Id. who was arrested in Poland niter ,,,eerles of radicals and Cnww nil I,., had claimed te knew- who was re- K,(11l,d never prevail in the I ni ted -pensible for the Wall Street explosion States tu and who was denied the right te enter! Tiie'.iiinUne. ste.nl n, i ... l.i ...". .. i... . .....i.., ippealed Ins rniii in Wasljingten". I.iiideiifclil I'.as tireughr te Kllis Ulan. I 11 'I 1 i''ii.iiiii.r,,i 11 .insin'f !iinnr Im )..! 1 ..!-.. ,.;.. : " ......... .... ..,,, 1 .... .,., s ,. ,, ,1Ira. nctien uf tl.p Speeuil liniiiicrn- Th lien l'.,.n..,1 l.nu ,,r. h... ..!..- !. .... ........ .... ..-. v.. .....,, .1 ... stated, mi charges Hint iniij be biuuj'ht ngnin.st l.iiideiifeld by the Department et' Justif e. WANTS MORE WORKERS I Secretary Davis Thinks There Is Toe ' 7 """ ' uu 1 Much White-Cellar Education ' James J. Daiis. Secretory of Tiber, ' belieies there has been "tee much in I Aiuenci of the tendenev te educnte nil ' our people ler tlie se-cnlled 'wh te- nl ar uci'iipatiens. lie cTiu-pstrs that ili-w in ,1 letter te Jeseph II. Ilagedern iiidursinv: the ?200.(l(li) ciimpnign for a 1 uilding mid endowment turn! fnr the N:iti"iiiil Inrni Sclimil, De.ilestuwn. Secrcinn Davis adds rliat "nnj thing we inn de 'u "iicuiirage uur jeunger geiieratinii te lcive the u; "rerun ded pei.;il and semi-professional callings anil te demie themselves te the eci'u- jriiiuiis ......I.- 1. H..I imtk wuu iiieir hands is a step in the right direction.' HELL'S HALF ACRE LOCATED I AVashlnsten, Dec. 15. "HelpR Half Acre ' Ini- been located and located I itlici-iis. It is tn Wyoming, and would i ip iin-ii te N'ntrena eiinty for park piirpn") iiiid"i' n bill introduced ,v ; Ri-pnsititat.'i "Mei.deil. Hie Hepuidican i 1 hi.. ' le hi ID Iiei'i thnt Mute. 1 Tractures Leg In Fall ( i'.ii ( a 1 pen 1 ci'. jttl.i -s, xm n,,,--. '.I ut' 111 liniers I'eiiit. Cniiulen. tripp'd and l'i II mi a tlllu of stair, in Ins Inline hist nirrhl nnd fi'icture.l hi. IES CALLED TOO COMPLACENT , Christian Education in Schools j Urged at Federal Council Conference BROAD ADVERTISING SCOPE n 1 Ai'nrlnlrd I'irt' lllillaiiaiielii. Iliv. J.". Flrl uf nil. 'Inirehes mii.t he jarred fiein their Lite of fef.roniplnrePV nil') niuine liiTer io.eit.ih!ilios for I'hrislinn rdili'.ilinn in the srhenN. deelnrrd I'r. Ilehert I.. Iny, president, of I'ntlhntn "ellpgp. in ..penkiiiK nt the minimi meet itiK of the '".eeutlve Ceiillnittt e of (lie 1'ederai feunrll of f'hiirclies of ('liri.r in Amei'iin liere today. lie saiii jv M'hoels he inenut net only S'iiidnj f'hiMiN, lint 1 he week -da MlioeH, tjie private mJioeIs mid the public srlmnls. ' 'IfpQti.-ttibll.llll, Tni h,Imi,.Ia ntl.ln ....-!..., .,-,.,.,,.,. ,.y, ,,.,, ,u,, , - ,.i.i.( 8' Itlv ill Alnerienn Pilnentlnti m.U 1.1, . - " the 8choeW." declniei (Im eellese tinul dens "lM11c.1tie.ml instilutlnns nnd nceiipjes are 8n.iins that when the M'hoels teauh the Jtihle ns elTeetiielj n they teneh ether subfeefa, Jtihle litem Hire will be nceepted for ndniis-lmi te enllece. The T'ollete T!nniiiintimi Itnnrd 'II' ,v I III - Vlir-fci- IJiMI III I I MI' 11 Ml J MJtl HI iti New Yerk has deeJared that when the sehoels are tr.iehitig the Uihle and presenting student-.' fur PAaniinntleii. examinntien iiiestieiis will lie issued them. The ejes of the lenders of Chris" tin 11 education are new in lhe s.-linela land there is n crewine demnnrl fur nn- (Picved i'uui-k's in reliRlcius eiliieiitiuii ' -"""' nm wasting n let of men-y oil advert 1IZ. deelnreil Arilnn- IV r . . - .. . ......... . . , iiungertertj. or iinltitnere. wlm is m 0.e , nil 1 1- iii iiii- 11 11 nr r it riru imi - . - ". .'. .,,, u!.lll in.' .in vert ising docs net pay. but heeause it peind he made te pa, mere, he aid 'IJpcjiii4 nf the I.T'k uf trained men i' is lmpe'siMe for th" niernge congre gation le have, cffecliie ndvertising and hip cost is ion ureal ter tin averncc liureh t" buy tniitiiiil iidiertisinj: ml ir.. tt e. , .P.... . ire. "What ' ,t gh . get her. 'iiiKiTiuru iniuiniicu. 1 the churches cannot nlTerd lieueier. the.i can carry mi m- Mistakes will Im madp ,.em , church iiilvertisln-r i,u it lu n I'limili CMC . . ..... --, .... ., .w .. "i nn liuinus 01 hip cnuicn tmin is 1 L'OOll IICW-S llllll the III. u blinnnra ...., ,1... Mreus of printing it. but the church has been slew in making it mailable .ur. Iluiigprfnrd praised the As ."-ncinted Pre-s n'id ether news agencies '"' hi manner in which n recent sterv 11 church tatKtics had been hnudled from Waslifngten and said ii had been carried le the farthest corners of the earth. due of the ititcrrMIng features of the ".-.Ien today wns Hie rending of greet. ing'j from ehiirrhes in ether lauds. GREATNESS OF MAINE LAID TO CHARACTER OF ITS MEN Speakers at "N. Y. Dinner Stress Vigorous Manhood of Statesmen New Yerk, Dec. l."i.--Pressinc preb lems of the dny. with special cmpbasin 1 upon the situation in Kurepe. were dis cussed Inst, niglit nt the twentieth annual dinner of the Maine Society of New Viik b. preiiiinent speakers before 'ine native sons nnd rhiiishiers of the stnie I P.ncadier (.encriil Cuv V. Tritin .ii-n- t sided and nmeng the speakers win Siiuitiel W. Met 'all, nf Massachusetts, 1 Dr. Cliften D. Uray president of Hatej 'College, and Jeb U. Hedges. 1 The stanchness of the New England I character, with its Influence upon the I thought nnd tradition of the Natien. ." . ." -.' "- ""!iin nir -inn me siwh, it was sniii. were im- plements tlmt hud rnntributed te n,, 'negligible cMenr te tlie urines ..f ilu. s- "..... .1... .. .1 .....- .iiL'i:.iiii , : r:.,nr i , .. -. . '" 'I'' eii- (lin.,(, as nI M111, rtitnf ,, , (if A i..ni. lifp vi ..Ji .1 , ., .S'.'l .'" "" "" "'""' "I II 1 clenics. , "Maine is .1- j..ed an r unple of a self-geierning Stale as there cvi.sts j teilny," said former Governer Mi (,'nI. 1 "The New Imglnml town meeting was J n nur.ser.i fur great statesmen, and I I would rnlher hnp lhe ct,.fi..,,i...i.iu --. -' inill'l 01 '"Vi J , ,i"V l,:e",n,rt'I;,", , rural gentlemen than the craftsmanship of some of the cunHuental per ins ,vhe nr" pel'''ur,,l!'l,i; "" "'" P"hli'' plntfenns of '"'I',1,5'' , ll,ose, iU . 'r "-P'-'TS table weic: '"'"1 cms", 'purge . llebl Henry It. (Juiiiln. l.'dwin !'. Merrill. P. Timier. I ". Pne.- 1 rus II. I. t 11-t.s, Hiiri'v Mrs. W. F. C..11M111. (.'I( and the Ke. ( 11 W ilyen. .LOGAN LEAGUEJNTERTAIIIS Improvement Association Head Oe cllnes Renominatien n. J. T.nffpriv, Hi" his been presj. deur et the l.ej.an L i,i..eiuent League since Its iirgiiii-nii"i', declined re- I nomination te tl at nftVe lust night nt i meeting of the l.e.igne in die Legnn Library aiidiiurluni. .irk rnmi -,.,,1 Wagner avenue. Mr Lntferty then ns elected honorary jireideni. Oilier uttji-ers c!nen for lfi2.'! were, president, Audifi l"nnder; ,, ,', 1 resident. J.-mes ,1 li im,n,d , 1 1 ...,-. . mer, W illpiin .1 1 I'miheis, ,i,,j ,,.. etaiM , Mliert 1 1 1. I rl" A fund of S.'.iin ler the inirclins.i of I 'III islllllis i1s,ri, .,, ii,,. j,,,,,,. new 11111, but in the pti. it will'hri'" M ,., ,ieren who... nepirni.eiw tewnnl tremendous intiiuti. e .,11 Hip eeiiiiiiunil.i . ' sclf-renlizatien must U- ipcngin.ed." "Then there is the news 5en ice. 'I'll,, In line with thi- n.iil similar jlntc jlntc tinerite newspaper dofinll.eu of nep.. ' ments is the fellow mg specific repinlla in that it is what-ner will interest the Hen by these Southern white women (,f majority of iir. renders. New tlm story mob rielenep as .1 method of bettering "'leth llllSPll. The I.enu iiN.i In. 1 i's Christ nur , entprlniiiincnt. 'iiMsiing 'I a lautievil!, r ' ".'. i ..- ! ! ! .- IIIW.MM1I JT THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters te the Editor IJewlsh War Veterans and Ku Klux I te Ih' Editor nf thr t -"iilni 11W1' t.rile'r. , 1 Sir -The fellow I UK miff Iuih been, j.-ent te tli? Hen. JihIkp- .1. 1-et.i. cniiHl imnster of H'tltli -Mirnliriin. . I riiAitiCNt r iiiw;Nm;uj. 1 1 fhlladelphln. Ueremher 8. 1HW. 1 "Dear Sir Your nrtlele ns published j 111 flit irefs ren'i riling proposed netleii In veur orimnlntiei) ncninit the Ku , I Klnx Klnn. diiletl New '.erl. NoM'teber L'.'I.JiC'L'.appenreil in nil the lemllnirlnenl I ii(!W8p,'ipei-H of our fill. Tim 11 r Hide n lllllde II f'Ub.jert nl (ll.'i'UJSien in ""'-" no 11 .uu.i'M-1 1,. . .. .In..il.il reglllnr IlieelliiK'. und H .""',,'7 l""1 t our ergnniziiiiiui l''1"' l,s "" "." 1 our 11, fi r.rmnl nii.l ninnert le liiilvi'r ii'-iim I 'nil imu deem nec-esPnrv te tnk in 01 Ui.. ... ' ,1,.. InlniiitetiH liropn - lirepn - ' .,.!.' 1.:; 1.. ie,x elid ether re- kil'I'Jil IIKIIlliri .if '- ' ' , , it-: .....u.inVm, 1,1 rei-tnlii per- lli;i''IJ3 M'ri-i limn I'""' I' '.- , . . 80IIH iind oremiiziitieii", prtrtleiilnrlj nm Kit Klux Klnn. wlmw- ebjert It m e lirltiB the geed name of the J owl. ill 1"'" ple into disrepute, and te enuiie them te live nt 11 dlsadvnntitKP iimeni 'ltiw'nH "I ether rcl!si"i "i"1 nrtUennllticM in this native and ndepted -;01"n,vi,i.,1. "We nted preclnlm nothing ; history pnst nnd prefent t'ttines te our deeds j till IIUIW-5 '. i'- ........ . . . ervntien, the 1)leKri'8S and plery 01 iuih. n n lets ler tne mini. ''"' t I.-I I . our nrnivrti ivuim,, , - , Neither need we preelalm our AmerlennUm, our loyalty and vendlnews 1.... .....cm., ". j -,- -, , ,,.. le defend tut tree iiistiuinuuf i ."' I'euntry; te u'l fair-minded persons it is well known , , . "We assure you that the whole hearted support of nearly u quarter of. I II II ll"l ei'J'" - -.-,- . , n million Amerirnn Jewish nr ver- ... .. ,. .. plnnu In 11,1a ernns will an one up jum vi' " mutter. "Wishing you suceeh. lie Jl" "AMKHir-AV .TKW1S.1I VKTIiUANS ur tiiii weiti.D w.rt. J Southern Women Oppose Lynching , 0.erdift-roL'ir''iilFtDJ'.eii" i-'ec?-- ci. 1. :..u me nleimiirn te rnl te ,1 . , te. . . . .u' ,..---- ' n,n attention uf etir rentiers an uner- nnec from the Seuth which c.-eiirnges Hie hepe of Improved iiiiinnii reiiniene between llietl lld women et uic ,ei- , eied and white race. ' r"ir '" a statement mnde l a group of leading 'white women of North Carolina, 01 ' gnnized ns part of the Commlt-len en I Inter-racial Ce-operation. After acknowledging the rrspensibil- :.,. of Christians and memners 01 111c dominant race In the Seuth, the Verth i'.irn;nn women Hate their belief "that nrrv human being heuld be treated .. . '... i. n....il,n-'u xmls l,n! , , .. 1. in.-,.,... ,., ..,..' - . ..... race relations .11a l.ullnt- We believe Hint lielencn Ins no place where people lend then' 8iipMirt in every peible wnj te the. agencies constituted by the people fur th. np np prehensien, trial anil punishment of offenders ti gainst sneletv. We resent the assertion that criminality can he controlled by lawless eutbip.iks nnd woman's honor protected by sur.icp. acts of reienge." In view of Hie stntep'ent se often made that biiciimg 'prelects woniiin weniiin woniiin heod." I 11111 glad te call this repudia tion of lynching hv Southern white women te jour attention. Similar statements hne been nind" by similar groups of women in deergin, Alabama. ! Seuth Carolina, Virginin. Tennessee nnd Te;ns JAMKS wr.I.DON JOHNSON. Secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. New Yerk. December 12. 1022. Appreciates Clemenceau's Visit Tn It". fMi'er cf '8- Pre-Min Pub'i'- I 'lrf Sir The Uii te the 1 nitcd States nnd esjiecinlli te Philadelphia of If. j ( 'lenienceaii. tin old "'ir:n Tiger" 1 of France, was an ereul tuat we Amr- j icaris slieuld held dear in r"inembrajice. . 'He honored us with his piesence, like nian.i etlier grent 1 rencumen nnve done in the friend. ill the pa.st. and talked te US ns n true .. - While no mar differ with him en his ";iews In certain imnirs of the world, and especially the nttitud" uf France since the World War, we bejieve he is honest and means what he jnis. We held him in huh esteem fur his ceurace courage uf cotivictlene With it nil lie lias tin' mnrlc of n noble mind nnd Inch ! .1" ncter He has givii ns nmething te think nbuiit. and at our b Isore int'i pi"t le "lit niitselves. II. H. Ri 7TK.IL Philndelpbin, Decemhi'r 1.'!. 1!'."2 A Drastic Suggestion Te th' E'Jf'er "l f8X"' '"nn; rubil I 'da'.r: Sir As a dilli render of your piper, we ilu ask te ce tliese few lines in ntir columns 111 rec.ird tn the condi tions in the IJelniesburs prison. Would suecest these in charge seem te liaie tnken inhanlace of rhe mist ing conditions therein. Whv net impose the 8nmn tr"itinent te them for a short period for th human suffering te th" souls who ni" tl.ere-' Ne doubt. It would tender tin 1 .illn'..cil 'n)irt nf these 111 chare". Hint 1 bit' e r'id iiheiit in veur paper If any persu 1 i ies pa mi nv siif. lering in aiieihci ainuhere in .-ii i Iirn -11011. they ere diilv punished when feuml our nnd t' e n.ne should li" applied In rliec,. ri -pi'lisihie fnr $ijch "indltii'ii-s belnnd walls Discipline i. neceSiin ''l prisons, 'e knew, but net rii'c'cipnnbd wi'h i.:nernnt barbarisu . nud let i.. pray tbat proper men ni.d nn'tliecls will sen'n be established in ail prisons, wner" .1 lack of human inrelllgeni is ah'ent nnd prisoners will In disi-h'used with efter Htnl cleaner herm. ,m.i nnnd H (i Rl .-..-I'LL Pbiladelpbn, De,( ,n ;," 1 Questions A nswered Crime of Burglary Ml, !' ,, j p.,i Mr !. indl that 1- lif' - 1 I. I, I ,1 .: . 1 tl.er I'llrKlir 1 I lv I t mitt. V ILLIS 1 iu irnu 1 "-"i.br 11. n.' eeii'iTitn l.i" b" dar- is is". -.., ia et !,:, K.ij.n t ar.iisr , witn ten- m r.i'iii 1 ,1 ,.,1 .,,. 8'ii"s burkl m Hi. V i-iihii i.t,.- 1 H. , eh, nil ar 1 in"., .ef-. i tetters (e the TJdlter should t nB lirlef mid te the point n possible; uMjIdlni; aiiytlilus Hint weTild open n lf iiemtnn tlennl or rcclnrlan cllB" cuoaien. N'e nttontleu wll( 1 paid (e nnony nneny Mi'iiiH lettcis, Names and mldresaus iniist ii. slf-'nri i,n en evldence of B001I fullli, Hltheugh naines will net be printed If rciueEt s innde Hint tliev he emltte.J, The pnhllriitleii of a letter Is net; If be taken nc nn Indersement of Ita vlewn by UiIh paper. oniniiinfratletiB will net lie re Hirii'i) iinlesa acenipanletl by liest '. nor will mntiujx'rlpt be eaved. 1 ''"'"" l'i' the Re 1'ranMa T. rinrV I "' of ih, Mllllsten r. rrera.tlcnal Ch'jrcli 1 " 'en"'tid ?i. ,,n .bJ-,r a. 1S8I. Fife " no, .rirN in in ih unster'a stud 1 " t'edg-d -inii(s 10 nitnd and tuV 1 1 '.""'. " "IA -l'- rrar me'tlnus arn I '" '." trenfMy mtlns of cerebration le dill in srvlee. Th. nAfY.l.-fthlr. nnrv 1. at''nntd at mere trlen 8,000.000, and li-re ar c'hrlattan Kndaaver eerlatles vir tuillj all ever the world. Poems, Songs Desired "Johnny's History Lessen" Te lhe r.diler 0 Ih- E'-enine pubUn T.tdatr: Slr--I'leasn rrlnt In your 1'eople's Terur 'he, rhmj ralie.' "Johnny's Hle'ery Irf' rei.' . aeiiMlmej. "1102." JAMES PAnEONH Philadelphia. DeeeniW 13, 1022. IN" 1432. OR. JOHNNT3 IIISTORT LTC-'POX R Nixon Waterman T think of nl! the tVlmra at e:hee. A ter he, ret Te de, Thet etudyln' Wat'ry. as a rule Is rersf of all, don't reu? O' date there are an awful a!ght An' tl.euh I atudy !ay an' r.lht There'tf only en-, IS irer Juet rlarht That's feuitan nlnety-t"-e. '.eluiibus rresd th DIaTar - In fourteen ninety-tire; W" whlnpt.) th British, fair and In fe-irte'n rlnety-t-e. ,aar. A' rencrd and at Leilr.aten i ,-, t.AH. ... ...... .. .. .. , ;;; - -'-- -'""; 5ef Ttnir , ei.n." in four en t Inety-t." Pat II I- T-'ih hla l;1n' trenth Tn fourteen r.lnety-twe. Sell ' Olmtn liberty or deathr In fourteen nlnety-tv-e. An Parbnra rrltehie. te 'tl eald. frl1 "Sheet If r-eu must this old h4d array i in- Put T d rather "tirculd be etead." f'rtirtn nlnl-( e. your Ir It Pilei-lms cam te ri; mouth R'-l. l'i feyrten rlnei,.t--e A-i the Indians e'endlh oil the deeit Ai'j. "ii ri- at- -ou cretrur te de nd Ih.v said. '".Ve ai -nur harbor drear our fhjldtn' ehlidrsn s children dear That May east tnit tlielr ferfahrs lnnde.l hr In fourteen rint;--lT,f.' M.ss Poeahentae aaied Uj Ill 11 nurtn niii'ty-tive. Of Jehn Smttb. an- bcama his islf In fourteen nlnet no An' the Fmm tribe etsrtd then thr An" rew th- at Jehn Pm'tbs ihr P.u tl-". dldn', 1ia any Smiths te -pain feurte-n ii'nt' e. and KntU'k -as .e"l.l It- Iiar.i-I R.. In feurtn rir.-f -iti An' I think the rv Jumped ev- ti moon In f.iurt-en nirt .t,.e Ven Frankll-i fl v hla kit re hish Jl drew- ih Iirfh'nlnf from tha s, ,. An' IViisitiniten couldn't t-!l a 1 In fnurt-en mneti-twe. A Ballad by Tem Moere Te ta Editor 0 th' Evnlna Public L'.darr; Kir Kindly p-lnt the re-iu centamlnc the i-"iild bs but rioem , s-thr If had ncthlns e'ss hut eprtnc I hard th-ni ,n a mir ion. .u?e v ADMIRLH OF l"er.l. Phllad-lpMs Ir,i- ',1, 11.22. Themas ''le -j th ir'.s r, t ,-. ,, Ilea nuei-d n c- of In ivi'iiereiu Im..44 it is p-'ierfsci j 11 .. r.e ii-' me fei Thfr nr. rtipMl . r len-in-r th rreecBltie' ' V ,," .'." ,JiT"'r ' P"'", inrluilnjr soma "Te .111 1 'Til Hoei ' TV. M t 1 . sui h ----- - -. w ..11. . j,e H I 9dl A.-. k...a W- ... .... . ..1. . ..".' .TX ' "". l"r 1 L"'" K"".n 'i"'e.,u,, ,, ,, ,( t. ada, ,hA, ,. nrr , additional vrs, all of a-ntlmental lone, Iniervenlnc hetien the tlrst thre nr, thi 1 ; '" " '" r"ii""-ii.if. Put tn, bai e s euns: is as c'ltn bele-r. I' -a th t. 1 II.- 1 Meere a Mf,'i n ,n of 111. ll'r 11 " cr hey i! ' .'"Pi r 'Ills i 0. i.r 11- d'te- . lie's. ", .!. S" Jm. - !. M 0 tl- aLthe- 1 pa," '" . f I. , fr. idi ' TC - - . j M 11-1 a" r-v seu! thn l-t us ji f. -1, ;r!i ,11 jtiiKU te be frc r1 I vjij ,n1 ou l-er.ie lour hee- I itu will scna back mire 10 me TV e had eeni happy heura tecther Thnuuh joy must often chinre ita TJln. An 1 p-lnr we'jlj h but ifloemy sreathtf If " e had nethlr.c else but e?rlr.. 'T's no that I eif"' te find, A m'r devoted, fe-.d mid true one. With rosier rh: or a sweeter mind. Eneueti for me that h'e a nw ere rrwll, jrd when s-r.i- future lever Hhsll la'm the heart which I reur And In eviltint; 'e il'-eir A'l th n:s that ence i-er m'ne I 'hln I if In a Teu'd -a; 'i", :ld 1. 1' p''. ft 1-11 r' s'ch " li'if ' . r,is tw.-.i pr. 11 t hilt si , '! as r He ie es MRS. WEBSTER HONORED Mrs. L'mnm Iieeckmau Webster wa elected president of the Beard of Dl rectors of the Women's Southern Homeopathic II 'spital at the twentv--!rh nnaunl meeting yesterday nfte'r nfte'r nfte'r noen at the hospital. 72!) Seuth Brend street. Dr Amelia Hess, the retiring president, presided Mm Louise Haese ler. presidenr ,,f the High Scheel 1 e.ichev,' Associntien, spek". After -Dinner Tricks X x .X X x x -' X I lu 'I e Sipuucs lour inntL'hea ate nnl ju the drnwlng, m, that ihe.i s.iinr,- 'I , trmk .s tn ie :ght mat' lies. , nhim , i -tin-' of til , I'lH''. il'.l im In , iii in . ' .' U i ir re I IlllO ill! ll "i"L I" - ...., ll... imu in 'i i .i,nii iiiwu.i' .im t'i luiwi 'hleh is iinpeanvj. Cei'lrishf, JH.r, tv Vullle LtSgcr Cemjiaay 1 C mi .i Ml! t ut 3' V III ft' fa J;1 ir w M t f i :li i, ft-. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers