Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 34, Image 34
)pT,'n' ' TTv7 "VsiK!KT't v" i?;J7yr5'v3T 7 VWVW jwmW7'-1 ?& WiS Jfyv H'Wf J i i ' t ! 841 EVENING ' PUBLIC LEbGEK PHlLiiBELPHlA: ' FRIDAY. DECEMBfclt . 15, 1922 SjtVW-VgpXT, -. .-y ? '! ' j -j m I 1H 1 !: w' k i 8 '" iK. m & i m I ! hftH I t ' r TheDailyNevdette Juggernaut of the Hills lly Martha McCulloch-'Williams HAD Mertm ttnppcil for eccentl thought he would nt'er lmve taken a Chance Then thore might hnv Icen a story, hut certnlnly net th one. Il ncgan then nnd iIhmv In n whimpering. Drcathleas rr.Uiij;, hardly mere than n whimper: "Hlp! lt-c-l-p. H-e-H'1." l?f win felhiwln? n footpath along thp nde of n Meep Ifilsrj- hill, rltinu n Juindred fV.-t iibuve his head, nnd drop drep JU1IK trp tlint drpth te (he shelf blasted out in the fare- of tr ndeve high Water in tlie stri'iim nr it- linm. Th" trcnm, dntnned low it down, uprend in a sullen glimmering kc. ilappled villi cjoud'Shaile,, j rt ivthvtinj,- grimly tnt Mjinbei" pinM and fvlnr-.. The t r mi: c.inm iiinn ilie M n-U- patch of pi ,.,. ivrring threngh iliei,-lliniii"-s Meimii mw a straining fieir In hoineipun. 1mm of Ihm.i and feel, urnend ngninM an outerepping Innilde-. curiously rnnn'hed in the top of slim Jilnij Mpli.igt.. A he rusilfil toward it thi. rry lanm again, f.iintfr. iimr-' ereatlilff. the oi.e of extrenilt. Mrucsjliti,; tip te its Iecl he under- kkhk tin re its ee he nnier, hii... . . Moe. - ,,.,., i i,,m .,"i i.l.l.;. dendlv peril nnd the TlVit - freight of the railway trim. 1l but due.6 The read ran en the seenprd helf --niu thing Hung from r would hind In the deep .sullen water .n.l only the lip,. her pints, t ? (itraming, pant'itig fignr-, hindered tins .lugmmnut of the hill-. Strike v..rk"' Mild Me-an'.- m.ti.l. his teeth ilinehmg. Ins Jr.ime lhrut. Ing with nil ,1- milit up the bill-' inee. He )new n dc-iieraty mine w.ir wua en there I.a.i br.. Moedsheu. arten, unny mam.ei of ill-doing, bur nothing te match this. The train In; Jieril wa taking the responsible hmda of the mine. long with high author-' ltlep. into tlie bent t.f tlie trouhleiw region AVh.ievrr bud plantied this wlieles-11 ibsti-netmi, of i hud er.if nnd rum ng et ''.e w!rl,-erea berf. 1 "Ke.l,.' liigciie; Sentcli if quiek ' the tig. ire jut. -1 ;,t sound of M'.ran t atipre;i. h bit w'ti.eu f irtni'j it head II.' wieueheii 'in fetie-' In. w( il.l hi rr.ld blend I' re ifeMglr twiee be. yelld his t-engtl , Ibl-.g then befete the teppl.i u- i,.!-- 1 hen thr'isr fitimiig tnem a -..nt tn.b-etit mh(, l.Mttg leady te lis hand. Still the figure 'did net rebiv. nor turn its head m i -prut nhilnnt hisper ,f ordered- Keteh held- en the tyjl ,,' that b'tlest rid go-it -he K..J null for all t wuth. N.. v,,m' the 1,14 r... k l'e ' e can st ,,- ,, i1 1,,,,-d c'n' 'till th. train g ts m .' 1 "It's e.'ing." Meran a. iu n ;.. Teiee e..r,nuM 'n' lie fel v'-ej te melt. 11 si.., tin- hail sudil'U.h come in eurt.i wi:u i.-e iw hnlf-li'inuin minds .'. i!, .1. lih.rntrlv j,h M'.s Whelcs.il. .mini. r. wintiv" unpr.uekfd. Was be.. ml i'i.inp;eher-i..n IWr. si lently bejfd er.b 11. sv U)Z -ill his neight iip..ii the us-eled top that iti terlaeed with felter tep.s mad! ifce restraining net for Juggernaut. 1 The sl"w -moving tram trejr.ed t-.1 him te be running erer his heart. It was past he diiw a cntrhing breath with n lurching bound the boulder jwept tV.n'.ird. twitching the pine top from h's hunds .. -..lentlj th" k-ti biirneil, then wen' i.r.nsl.n ;, bmimi. Ii-g. ieb. iiiding dnuuwai.l. Lienk". Lienk". threugl - s n-d feidbid .- tle;g' tlie.v u.i-e ...u. m d I in. Heg with". I reierS. r.i.it s. .., , .1 ,. , j h, ,, , I "Mern 1 ' i,... t - 1 , . 1 . 1 ',..,,!, he enn ,,.),.. ,,j, ,. ., ,,,i fn.sibb- f.i. e dninvji i en. .irui u' ' Hung ahe. .. ,, , e,rMi ),n.i. ' Knee; 11; , pjrned the fie e te ,... - Wtt'i -i s,iv etjn'.ii I,-. t;,.r ., ,vl, n gills fee, sun-bronzed n.f pmim ltu n pallor of .sujireme exhaustion. ' 110 Knew tne r.n he liri.l see nit e'. t the football ibid, wlii 'i it . u 1 .1, no., en eeiiruge jisnnut .ill rgi odd. , lifted bands "tef, p.ie t..r gr-n ', bit1 Pcrfe. tly In... leb ! t',,,1 - , jllei.sed' Wl'i, work A wi!i-'. ad ee,, ,r.- Leg. -ill uthi-r s' iit t.., t mi h a' :-,d' inch, tl . ..-' in .1, , ,,-,,. : x fPet l.-lti' .ng me, rtilv ,i'.,i.- !ir gr'i gr'i ieus b'lgili. he s.i , n ta'11,1 st.ning of breath. Instai.tiv his tinsl; was t.. her lij.s, i-s etitents trickling genth i down her threat, the while her lieud was pillowed in the helb.w ,. his arm. , He she ;,n f,,r minutes the scettip. years te M..iat, i;i..... began' t. si, through her bnd! jalb.r. Tr-se- wnn 11 gasping sign she snt u.i. snT.r.. imply. . lin.i-r npi., ill l.l'ie ! I f- .1 in hnid 1 . - . ig, i,, alM .r.. 1 ,. 1 II M..i-.. ., ;. ' I V . I l. , ' - I . ,S . I'O'I . ill . r ' ... ... .; nsked J ' . ' e lliisii, d ,i. 11 l.ilu t Of 111 (,est bilif. I rsf . .'r, t 5Ir-a- nrning Til g 51 v lap 1 bt.wed in riurd'nn' no ineie 00 1 Happen led lire.!, tl u luiuldn r -heer. ." "Y..-1 1 -.. who d i it1' She r ddnl. he: trew gethe- "Tell n e" e. tj ,i She -1 "), uprigl t white ,v 1:' r .'s.i s n-j can de a" 1 1. ' -c. ,, nil get pun 1 .- f 'sle. f.-en Afersn. driirlnj te- ! dnianded ,.ll,rn -'- ; . fl t.-" 'err . 11 irj- ' ' rn : dsir-f . Iir'r "l'e . --.. -u don't -nenn that u.-i Hre nbee sivh erim na' eetitr'vlpg " Meran began Shd 1 l I..1. i...r- V tji H en-if,! laugh nnd run'le te dnti awar Jn ten ntridfs l'- o-eifeok l.er. She was st!'. unsteady eM vr " . "Yeu I.iite done the noblest thing I ever km- ' In- ried "I ejn'' !e- r,,j spoil it Tel' nii.it you knew; it. r.ny lie the t n ,.i.' ,u(l!ri; n'l this litter trouble t t' ' f,' . ' I e rV.eits-- .e girl tltii',- nr I 11 . i.f em !. ! t g blue sp.u k- ""i '..' . r:'r3-:er 710t hlir' 1,1; 1 jt ,,1 ',.,. T '1st,, , reasnn I il !me t... ''Win' de y.j mean'" 1- e-k ; 1 She mn 1 led iilmest rompiisslenatH.r. ' I'm gii iv JOii 11 rhur.ee,'' jibe said. "XO'I O'lgl.t e de lis mi el, fnp- -the ether bev Held tight Mill let. h be thought tllf le'k fell . ,t b it (.elf. M . word pas, is. 1 ere'U tu t... mere ee., der I ti.ii.s s.. 0., npi,w tll tVn-gi1 all Mu -nv iitid dot 1 and t ,1 nt t iat I 1 ., 1 1 s . ' e ' r.ni .-..!. -n .n: ' .. lier at 11 - 'I l.n'e 1 t ike iuImimi.-. Of n t ., 's trtipth. sMejit n. x, must be Hit ",1 must . .n ,. v .th ,. and spi'uk ln fii'li t.. n.j fathci lie VfUS oil tl it trail,. U'e'tui he Itie lie ewes .mi li-s ; 'e '!, eap nl him almost am thn g "You're fUiu' te ew-e me 1 death," tne girl said f,.:ttlr, "Umg gin' of mini str'ngfh, 1,00k ' r.J feel," eluielilug li.ii around tie id die nnd slnf;nK ljln up,,,, ij.j. b , ,j. der. "Tf jeu lie'ler I'll nri'-e te b... ik VOUr lie. k bef.ee I ilr.e'fi ; I . j de if f.n 1 i..st at v loe. 1 'n 1 1 1 you plii.i. teeth, ill, I e 1. 1. id i.i ' whai li.'d I.... k mat e'd r .-h 1 in, Werk it i w .11 e eii A iniiiu'i , two, tne, Meran writhed nnd otrie' lie muld net free ,ims,.!f manhood ferbub1 Mrikmg even this ntnaziui who had shown n rare n enn enn HClence. lie Hind Niiietlieredly, the words mining hard; "I agree, V,.,f listen. Ter what jnu did teila; I nni de luy beet te H.e the strike seuUd without meie hurt te uinbedj,. 1' that linppeiie when thin buppen.s I Uln coming buek te nnd "O tliengn I don't nuk i" n- mime ' "Twe il.ln ' l. '"i air geed 1 1 ehanging " n. s'"' f-1'" ' '5 ' t. ' 1 cnid wi''i . -l.e sm.le "be u .n'l things down 1 1n" light wnv and I 1' i if ,e n hid te the weddin . W id '111 cemeV ' I "Sure." until .Mernn, adding te iiiiii- j Mtlf : "If for nethlriE ele thun te ave . thf man bruic ciiuugh te marry you.' LAMBERTON TO BE HOST TO HIS' OFFICIAL FAMILY i Sheriff Will Have 128 Empleyes nt ' Christmas Party Sheriff l,nmberte i planning one of (he largest private eflice fhri.tma, eole-, hratlens yd held In City Untl. The Sheriff N digging into hin en peeltiti te entertain the members of hla ellieel fnrm 1 "Q I,, ntl n.,.l ll,r.l pliil.lrell nnd crandehlldren. "S I , fhrutmn ir nmi!1 ire cream, nnd Sant-i (Miiiib linn prom ... ..... .. - .- 1-ed te be thrre " rnds the imitation nl""'T v"nr ' ' " "" "' ,,,n' u,r that the Sheriff 'has irnt t.. every one little people really exist, makes u of hi, subordinates, from i,lBh.K,lnrIcd rcRnr,i rw. Ms pho,egre.pl,H a, per- assistants te writ sen ei. i,i- ,i n little Mt illsiiirhiiii Twe weeks ng il,e .mpleye-. of thc ,',"lnp ""! n '" ' l" .... C' offiee were astounded when Menegra ' euld troulde us ftill mere te pliers eame and nsl.ed them te name knew- tlint thee tinv erenturea were their ehlhlren and ginndeli'.hiren be , ri,lininv. (,i,ut n-ir deer rnrds. (nuslble heriff'niTd the .mplere (.. I.rli g fbc "r '"',: ehil.lren and named thorn In his letter. ,.... ,,. . ,,. ' , n. . -l have been in polities thirlv-rHe'V n'' ' ' """ 'ak0 ' n! ' rear " iid mie old nttnelm "f tlie nntttr et ' "ire that n tungnet, efliee" ".nel this is t!.e nrt titn- nnr. wlueh is enN a bir vf iron, jdieuld nt- thing' l.ke tins has hnpp'nel te me. tr.net n nail.' which only another hit . . . ... .,.., .,.. , . . . ' ..' !.... V... ........ 41....I m t'.vr.tn nu I... 11 .. ..r.11,. tin 11 urn n nrL ini.rii iir r'.iM 1 "u"1 . " ."".. " '..'. 1 ullvit ens' fee (linstmas ntlalrs anrl ",,,, 0,"",n r""M uet v'r WuM '" , v' en go te them ' . . w will be paid en Savings Fund Accounts (net subject te checking privilege) for the year 1923. THE COLONIAL TRUST CO. Member of 1'cdernl Rescne System 13th & Market Sts. Open i:ery Ironing; Until 11 for deposits nnd New Account. Hew jVIuch Meney' .. 1 rn !n : 1 fivfe la.' .,'; Jl-.ejg! 1 "J e 01 rar'y u.r f-.' ,n J rei r, P..1. '. t.u-c '-.a;-'.. I1' '!! 1 V 51. ee. J.- !. '. ' - 1 ''.i' e i.'"-.' s :.tictiur.r.. e; n u sr. . i.eit for ; ruie.-'.e- r.ira'.'e bT 1 ;v " .li "D17.DTTRT J7 SscrrSrbAiJv 1429 CAesfnut Stjvet HOURS 9AM-1OPM There Is a Tep Place Open in a Successful Organization for a Bend Salesman of the Bert Type. ttiT nn1 etj f town flelil l "lttng te be prepr!, wert-eil nnr! dPT'lupp'l iindfr ilil eutllttatti Cilli pt'cutlTPt nlll o e irrut nltli unit priMlile tlin fullett 1 empenmtlun forlntpl ferlntpl lllfiit mln rffert n nprrliufil bend mn srlie Upinetmtrutn ou tnter sftlng record nd n lutlral rnien te r.Utini will II ml u lite opportunity "Ith ninn'. tttl rewril for mrrti'i, h nrltlnc " n 011, i.rnf.rn urrrrr Geed Investments II A Firat Mertcrace Bend t Yielding 6' g A. r.atl.r. J',.-: . s S. 10erf .lias ire i v ur 7a Vi'e reee-iff il T.a" ':ie- ' -i I 1 ,J Durham & Company 5 Hadm LnginrrrM Is 1036 Mrkrt Street J J I'hiUdtdplua s s i 1 Tnf.m ,'Uj e ) Si..---- - --j ? l.ZV -',T ', V JANNEY & CO. INVESTMENTS 133-135 Se. 4th St. Philadelphia NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB members Nexu Yerk and Philadelphia Ste;h Exchanges 1512 Walnut St. WIEGNER,ROCKEY&CO. Certified Public Accountants Drexel Building, Philadelphia , Uncommon Sense Uy ,1011V rpiinun is llltle Oenbt that C'ennii, thnt Mist, bodies of wnler far greater I'eyle. .-enld he really prove netnnl t ' r ;-r ,!1l"unnl!S P'-grap of fa rle, phie, gnomes 'f WH fjem the eeea , mi. "'' M'rii. Mould he nrelnlmed u ,., ,nvn hill ngalti in the form of creator ,ir.nn-er thmi reluml.ti'i. rniii, nnd as inln wn!en te life the dry P'"f mmrlP8 than tl.N are '!1'', '"" J"" ''' I'lnntcd . CfMrlnl UIHllT Clllr CJOS rVet'.V tl:l . ntlll people r'gnnl them ns eoinmenpliiro. ,1 ,. " 1- '., . ',.-." .... .. 1, i,nriiii'r i- Kl't lull lM-itL-r. n .. -. t . i -1- ,, . i. ,..-. iiiiii. i r..iiii" ii'iiu .'i ..'.'. .in ...- , ... . ., ,. . imIHe a? tn. piMis. wmen nas nren , I"" it. tli- magnet beforehand. J We see j.nthing Mtange in the fa. t. - - E take pleasure in announcing that interest at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. J CrrtifieJ cPuhl ic,j;svuntattti Income Tax Consultants l.l1IUJil) thutca.UC. Scratilen (jvn si;iin 1. sari-: tjt idei nr rui. rn 1 si rpr,i:s or rnoReri,n. r;;$ - Ri:uuu,nY ax i ACCURACY. A Censilti'iii liveirei Iia OMixatlet. fl It ! B 11 EsiaieTrust Bid.pi.;i.i. I kisasnsssss OPEN 8:30 A.M.te Midnight! DAILY luteifit 1'aid ou Cliecking And Savings Account 1KVNK LIN TRUST CO. I.'ith St. Ucle .Mnrkvt llrlrtnarp Atp. Hnd Jerlltt Xttrt und 'Inrkft s r.;e.s ,iTinntertn .w BROOKE, STOKES & CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Philadrlphin hmiten ltultiinnri) W a. 1 THV hnf nolneiter cvfr let n delbr ofprinclrslerlntereit ennvfcurl(v tj Iieu jlit of S. V. 6tru t. Cn. J Wnte for I , ourbeotUtQ-iandleamlhe icnensh. S.W. STRAUS & CO. 5s If. 1 7 Walnut trr ct, I'lnUiielph.j L.--r 'j JSWJjy.'g ' J0.-.T.,; .Hi. In Continuous Busmsw seytp" MOVER Cr CXX MnnwMM rar 4 Bankers & BneKnim 801 nsrtmrt Mi i2,0UO Lite insurance at Aae 35 for $10.08 Per Menth In id OM-Lliit Compter. eiH Your Btt ef Jlrth nd 1m l,t 10 Menth Will De for Tm PEARL & SUDLOW AGENCY 1701 riHAKCE DLDO.. PUIIA. "D.p.ndtjlJte'""e "net Ha f Saving t Difartmtnt FrasT National Banic I fl PUIf.ADEf PUT L it eutivur r S5- Rieneet,uTCMOinTw.imMy Meant 5 SuvinR Pcaniylrinia Indemnity Excbang mmmm.Vi3ti St, i Be. ftnn Si'jsrt.. W 6 : Everythy Miracles IILAKC " J "'"'Y''"""" NV tire net nt all iifitimlntinl tlint the """."" n icnrn in time te Mng ciinn the enme tong Hint hli father ....l.:....t i .1. . . . . , '. " "' """ lllil ""era nryr jenrs 1'"'""' ef,tw;, w thrm theusnnd miles , e'Ipet wheVheL'ern " . .. LlG ' w.n uern. " """ "" ' 'l"Ite nlmple thnt he should have the hamu colored feathers nt, every ether vebln, hnf no fenthel "f "" I'ln'd or tinted like the fcnthria -- l.eeeme a. euteme,l te them. lf ' only tin tilings that we de net "'!' """" te us wonderful. Mii-jrles ure etiuned hefern our ryes with :v "prlns nnd winter nud fall. .md we Mill hehl'the world h rather .lull til.'iee. flliCtllf llltietl tin I'ttn 11 11 i i i ... -.... .... .. niuin nil .. -.. .. 1 .. 1 j. nere is ... mh, nnnin reuuiy we' liii.iw 1.0 mere M'eut It than Ur. Uejle kuowMibeut his luine. - - - . ssai SPECIALISTS We make a depeadibla market In alt iuuci of ' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 8ECURITIB8 COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Ktmbtr Frderit Retcrve VyiMtn City Hall Squar .!. M. & Ce. J ,0' Bendi tV Hanging in price from 5' p te 6.6') return M'lectcd for enfety and uttractivrnes arc iistetl in our licevmbrr Circular Reed A. Morgan & Ce. U '5 J ' In ' riltla . I'Mln. tc.Ltr rt t' r. . a hteck IJsrli. Telfrhesiv Epruce 3131 Investments Baker, Yeung & Company jesl.l'll ,V,IV. Jr.. Mauater Lnd Title Hldg. Ilotten Philadelphia j Safe Bends for Investment Halsey, Stuart & Ce. Inc. L ( TWt BWi. Ttbf km Ucmtt 74M Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Slecks and Bends Colonial Trust Iildg.,Phlla. bml for Cii of Our HMj Mtrtvtt I!lrr. Hlpi unit Deiint" qrqnrnririnnTT,.nivirrrrnirinnr'T AAIN and COMPANY B Cert med PubUc Accountants l CiwANr-C RininiNa PwiLAOSLPMlA I uliUljUUUUUliUUUULJ4tUUbUUbbuuuula LEE, HIGGINSON & CO Ktttbllthn! IMS ' rwflTO.'r M'.V TQIUC C1I1CAQO 1.10D I iiuiiii-e OIcIr , l'liiladclphla HORACE P. GRIFFITH & CO., Certified Public Accountant UNAM'B IILll.lll.NG, I'Mladelplila I Jlar.i e V. Cirlfnth C. 1'. A. Yvmitri n. ftintier. c r. . I T'rn, Lwi McG, U. I'. I New Issue Dated November Coupon Bends and fully registered Bends, interchangeable, in denominations of $10,000 and 51,000. Principal and semi-annual interest (May 1 and November 1) payable at Bank of Issue or coupons may be presented for payment at offices of Lee, Hig&insen & Ce., in Bosten, New Yerk or Chicago. Redeemable at 100 and nccrued interest en November 1, 1932, or any Interest date thereafter. Joint Stock Land Bank Bends arc issued under the Federal Farm Lean Act of July 17, 1916. They arc engaved by the Treasury Department and bear upon their face the previsions of the Act whereby they "shall be deemed and held te be instrumentalities of the Government of the United States, and as such they and the income derived therefrem shall be exempt from Federal, State, Municipal, and the local taxation." The Supreme Court of the United States, by decision rendered February 28, 1921, fully sustained the constitutionality of this Act, and the tax exemption features of these Bends. The Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank operates by Charter in tlie States of Texas and Oklahoma. The Bank's policy is te restrict leans te the black land belt of Texaa and Southern Oklahoma, where land values have been well established for many year3. Within the leaning field covered by this Bank lie mere than one-tenth of the farms and approximately one twelfth of the total farm wealth of the United States. In these two states, comprising a farm wealth, according te the last United States census, in excess of $6,100,000,000, there are estimated te be mere than $1,500,000,000 of farm credits, assuring a large supply of prime leans for this Bank for many years. We Recommend these Bends for Investment PRICE 102!4 AND ACCRUED INTEREST te yield ever 4.70 te 1932 and 5 thereafter LEE, HIGGINSON & CO. ILLINOIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK MERCHANTS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY Tbf 1 tt'mtnt' cent Hired In Ih.i (ilvrttnrmrnl. uli.'.r net cur'rr.:ed, re bJird upon information &nd Jclvicsnhlcn wt bilieve tcctirte and rehab'- WU OFFER 2,000 Shares VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Common Stock The VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY manu factures Vlctrelas and Victer Records. The Company Iuih the largeHt musical instrument mnnufnctunni: plnnt in the world. The Company is a New Jersey corporation, incorporated Octo ber, 1001. The Company's factories and home efllccs are located at Camden, New Jersey, nnd it lma dIhe contracted for u contrelling: interest in the GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, LTD., of England, nnd the Cempai.y'p products are given world distribution. The capitalization of the Compare is ?Se,000,000 Common .Stock, Par $100, nuthoried and euftandinp, and 500,000 7',', Prcfoired, autherised, of which only a ery few sOiarc- am eutBtandinp. There has been no declaration by the Company as te the amount of the dividends that would be regularly pnid upon U prceiit Common Stock, but nrcerdinp. te the Company's jnib liaheJ reports for the Seven (7) years ending December Hist, 1921, the C'empanv showed approximate earnings of f.lO.'JOS.riSe, of which S17,750,000 was paid in dividends, wlille G21,45H,585 was Htlded te KUtplus. The li idendt paid upon Common Stock for the present year, IOL'1.', have amounted te the equivalent of hlij?l)tly better than $10.70 per share upon the shares offered herewith. These Seven t7) years inelude n considerable period where the VICTOR COMPANY c'lgagcd very largely in vrn work upon n basis far less profitable than normal operation. The Management of the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY is substantially the 6iune that has been responsible for thn Company's success, and there is every indication of a continuation of the Company's steady growth. Price: $162V2 Per Share GARRISON & CO. W1DENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA iitMi&r.s fhilade'iphU Stock Exchange New Yerk Stock Exchange 'lUf ilitrntB ri"nt3 I" 'il tu MtiiPt"! Ireni kwh M7i l M.Y7' OFFERINGS OF Franklin National Bank Girard Trust Company Phila. & Camden Ferry Ce. Central National Bank BARNES & LOFLAND 147 Seuth 4th Street Philadelphia, Pa. Offering Wanted Zanesville Rwy. Light & Power Company Firat Conf. 5a, 1924 Wm. H. Faut Land Title Building Philadelphia, Pa. TcUphene Spruce 7S7S-6 Exempt from Federal, State, Municipal, and Lecal Taxation $5,000,000 The Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank OF DALLAS, TEXAS 5 Farm Lean Bends Issued under the Federal Farm Lean Act 1, 1922 Net redeemable before November 1, 1932 Tximtesn rniWDKLPHiA Sfru( $ 8378 Niw Yec Ritttr 3G72 d"HUnnnt, whlle net trurntij which lit bHi tu lit I'lUblf. ubO.A.llUHN&SONS Kew Yerk Cotten Echn" STOCKS & BONDS bemht ma tela for cmii vv ctr,t.i en reniHTttlvr rrnrgin. ' ' B.lltvu.Cujt nHMM W,ut st. EDWARD LOWBER STOKES & CO. INVESTMENTS 20 Seuth 15th St. PHILADELPHIA Due i ! trust j 4 Interest On Savings Accounts Effective as of Dec. 1st i i Amounts vp ie SiOQ.Qn 1 mail be, withdrawn with out notice. REPUBLIC TRUST COMPANY X429 C&estnut Street HOURS Qam-iepm i Liberty Title & Trust Company N. E. Cor. Bread & Arch CHARTERED 1W Pays On Savings Deposits Effective Jan. 1, 1923 If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of slecks nnd bends every WudneH day, charging S1.C0 en trance fee fur each Urm. Our vb'veiily -JitiileKucs i4i,(l post pest card service reach every mar ket. ) e tfil:e plcnsurs tuuilMiing iiuotatiens Barnes & Lefland Nleck flrnUrra and Auctlenttr . . 147 S. 4th SI, November 1, 1952 4. TT fate interest A Complete Investment Securities Service HambletonCe Established 1865 CemmcniaWustDiMini PHILADELPHIA BaUiment NowYerh Wathin