Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 33, Image 33
BT?f V" VL A if'-E' Vi'jftvrv-" t'jfc! i BR '15, 1JK8 - i Dayton Power and Light Company 1st Re' s Bends Due June 1. 1915 We have been identified" with the financing of this Company and a prede cessor for twenty-one years. Prlce 93V4 and interest Te yield about 5.60 A circular describing the above, together with our December Bend Circular, wiU be sent upon request Harris, Ferbes & Ce Pine St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADEPHIA OFFICE Widener Bldg, Telephone Spruce 7040 SAME CONFUSING PRICE CHURNING Trading Professional and of a Typical Year-End Characler NEW YdRK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Lilt vPjSvuMSjsry II X4e5) II HAITI 30 Yr. Bend 6 Coupon Offered nt price te yield about 6.25 te maturity Direct obligation" of the Republic of Haiti Is mrd iMirstinnt te An Kreemr-nt with th Presi dent cf tin UnltH Stit-s clnular en rre.-sl TheNatienal City Company Philadelphia 1417 Chtitnut St. Atlantic V-liy -nitlluniw uibci 1ZZ3 oearnwaiw We have our own representation in the following cities: Albany Baltimore Bosten Bridgeport Lebanon Philadelphia Pittsburgh Rochester Scranton Springfield Syracuse Trenten Wilmington New Yerk. Dec. If!. There wan n coiitlminiiee of (lip ulitlrnliig price move ment n In leilny'i jiterk innrkt't, with Hlimiltniii'etiH (ixliililtlnns of streiiRth iind lieavlncHM oftentimes ecciirriiiK In nil' same group. As u inrittcr of fnet. ; the ti-nilliiR wns of n typienl .vi'iu-t'liil I clifirncter, incltitllnp closing out of many contracts for both long iiiul short m m 'ceunt, pert of the operations consist ' liiK of liquidation of peel holdings in it 1 number of "-peciiiltii'H, while nt the snme time ether Is-stirs ntiunrentlv were up- ciitmtlntcd in iintlcipii'' n of impertnlit developments expected te he ntineiinccil hi the new your. Considerable Irreznlnrltv mnrkeit the enily movement, with the imiitt tenil-l ency downward. Professional fdmrt interests resumed their pressure en -ueli speculative favorites ns Baldwin Locomotive nil I Stmlebnker, enrli drop ping n pi-fcit. This was partly offset liy the pronounced ntreugtit of United States Steel, Chesapeake and Ohie and Heading. The overnight announce. meiit that negutiatlens for the purchase of ('. & O. by the Vnn Swerlngen interests wiir under way easily neeeunted for the .1-point rise In that stock. The upward spurt In Heading followed an early bulge, in Jersey Cen tral, wlilch it controls, nnil unques tionably was prompted by the persistent rumors of a distribution of assets by tile latter company. Although the strength of these market favorites exerted n stabilir.inz Influence. looses of j te ! points were established I I In many parts of the list bcfeie the I decline wns checked In' the enrly pnrt tf the second hour. At that period J execution of large bujins orders stnrted it vigorous recovery. The rallies were accelerated by hiiirietl covering of t lie sliertw and the continued ease of the call money rate. Call leans renewed Inte next week at 4 per cent. United Satcs Steel assumed the lendctadiip of the rally, advancing te 1(17, the highest In ever a i month. The copper stocks were all ' placed in new high ground for the I month, Anaconda advancing l':. elid 1 Utah mere than vecevet cd the quarterly 1 dividend of ',. which it sold cv at the ,npcning. Inspiration was one of the active fcatuies In this group, met lug up l:,s te H,"i, American Smelting rose ever 11 points. The movement of Ana ren da was attributed te the expected acquisition of. Chile Copper, but ether copper stocks v. ere bought because of t lie continued Improvement in the copper metal trade. An Interesting Incident of the daV, which, however, came in for little dt icct attention, was the fact that ap proximately two hundred stocks sold cvc-dlvldcnd today, with about 10(1 of that" number being quoted ex -dividend en stock exchange. In a normal .vcir, December 1fi Is a dav en which main ! stocks are qiietcM "ex-dividend," but mi view of dividend resumptions, extra i asli pa.vmeilts and stock dividend dec larations this list was much longer today than would be the iat,e ordinarily. Wv. S1 In J STOCK Itlnh 100 ,, Advance Ittimciy .. 14 'J 300 .. Ajux Itubhcr 12 ft 600 ,. Alneka CJeld Mines. V 700 .. Alaska Juneau O M. Hi 700 4 Allied Chem ft Bye 70 S 100 -4 Allls-Chalmers AiVi .400 .. Am Agrle Chcm... 31 800 C Am Can 7314 100 12 Am Car & Fdv....104?4 200 .. Am Cotten OIL... 179't 100 7 Am Ice 10894 300 .. Am Hide & I,eath pf 63 300 .. Am Intermit Cerp.. 28?a 200 l Am Lit France Kng 11 Vi 500 .. Am Linseed 31 Ti IjOO 0 Am Locomotive ...124 100 7 Ant Locomotive pf . .121 1?W 3 Am Metals 49 100 4 Am Ilndlater 119 400 U Am Safety Razor.. 7U 300 .. Am Ship & Coin... 199J 4100 .. Am Smelt tflU 200 7 Am Smelt pf 9a4 500 3 Am Steel Foundries 38 700 .. Am Sugar Rat 75 H 200 .. Am Sumatra CO 300 9 Am Tel & Tel 125 300 6 Am Tohncce pf new. 103 Is 100 .. Am Wnterwerks ...iBU 100 7 Am Watrwks 7 pf 8514 500 7 Am Woolen 94i 100 7 Am Woe.en pf 10914 '00 .. Am Wilt Paper pf. V6J4 9300 .. Anaconda Copper .. 50H 400 6 Atcli Tep & San Fe.101 U 100 6 Atch Tep & S F pf 92 GOO .. Atlan Ulr & Atlantic 1 V 200 7 Atlantic Coast Llne112'j 100 .. All Gulf & W I S S 24 400 .. Austin Nichols .... 31 '00 7 Austin N'lchel-i pf . . E3 15100 7 Hal'UvIn Loceniotlvel 27 ? '400 ,. Baltlmr'e & Ohie.. 42 100 4 Haiti & Ohie pf.... E8?a 100 .. Darnsdall Class A.. 32U 400 .. Bateptlas Mln .... W 800 48c Beechnut Packing.. S2',i 200 C Bethlehem Stcel . ,. 61 'j 100 7 Belli Stent tif new. .. 95(4 ; 7S00 5 Beth Steel H t3?i s .. Deem kis leriea ma . Hrlt Km Steel 9 8 Brooklyn IMIsen . 114JJ In addition our New Yerk Office is connected by direct private wire Kith important investment institu tion in Atlanta Augusta Buffalo Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Jacksonville Louisville New Orleans Savannah The facilities of these connections are at your disposal Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. M.mfcers Weir Yerk Stock Erchmnf Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Commodity Markets $30,000 KENTUCKY & WEST VIRGINIA POWER COMPANY, Inc. FIRST MORTGAGE 7 AUGUST 1, 19S0 lVm- r:,idril Octebir Jl, lli!2 K(t .'ariiiiiii J7 SC, 7 I s I Bend Interest hU.IZO AMERICAN CAS . ELECTRIC COMPANY OWNERSHIP PRICE, 1C2'2 AND INTEREST, TO NET 6.80;i REILLY, BROCK & CO. - 30S CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Dec. IS. Wheat tended downward in price today during the inily dealings, being affected by appar ent indifference which the Liverpool market dispht.ved rcgaidiuj upturn hcic .vestcrday. Jtesldcs, it was on en teuded that both Argentina and Cnifail.i were under-selling the United States abroad. On the ether hand, domestic uilller.s were repeited te lie doing busi ness en a larger scale, and there was hopeful gossip cu n cut as te progress looked for in regard te expert financing plans at Washington. The opening, which ranged from &c te :,v',c lower, with May .Sl.li.'lli te S1.5KM.4 nnd July SLlt'i te .?1.14j. wns follewcfl by a moderate further setback. Cern and eats weie easier vvitli whent. Alter opening ,hc te nic lower, Jlaj 7.'t:lC te Tic, the corn market con 1 i ii in 1 le s,g. Oats started 's' te "'sc off. Mill -tlr'sC te l(i;iC, 'Hid later showed but llllle power te i.ill.v. FlriuucKH of hog values gave a little strength' te piovisiens. Cern l'rev clcae Open !)cv 7,i" , T.i '4 ii Mny 7I' ..I 1c a'j 100 100 500 800 100 . 100 1700 400 300 100 300 200 3100 200 100 600 300 300 5100 4'e 4300 Bklyn Rapid Tianslt 15 .. Bklyn It T ctfs Z'n 10 Bums Bres A 144 2 Burna Bjrps B 43?i .. Butte Cep & Zinc. 9?a H Butte &. Sup Cep.... 31 U .. Butterlck Ce 18 .. Cadde Cen O & R.. 73i 6 California Packing. 81 li .. California Petrel .. E6 .. Cal Zinc and Lead. 9 10 Canadian Pacific ..143Ji 7 Case .1 I 1st pC... 75 .. Central Leather ... .J-t'2 .. Cen Leather pf 0'a 8 Central of N J 133 .. Cerre-de-Pasco .... 45 U G Chandler Meters .. h4 4 Chesapuike & Ohie. 71 i 700 6 ',6 Chesapeake & Oh pN02!,i . . Chicago & Alten... 2Ja .. Chicago & Alten pf. 3?a . . Chicago & Or West 4 .. Chi & Gr West pf . . 9a .. Chi Mil & St P 22K .. Chi M & St P pf... 25 C Chi & Northwestern . 79 V 4 Chi Pncu Teel B2U .. Chi R I & Pac 32 ? 6 Chi R I Sc PC 6 pf P2!4 July .. .. vvnuai 73'. .73'. He.- 1.24 Jlny 1.23T July 1.14", Data ie 4(1 .Vuty 4rt'i Julv .tl'7n Itye May Illbe Muj . ...10.111 l.:int liny in HI .vt.ii- 1.21'. l.L'3V.i1.23 l.U'j-iil.H'. . ; C'i .hi1. 11! M .' I . .7i 1.24VJ I.'.'J 1.134 . I.".', .411", tir. I ii.:. 'J 10. l'j K, Kmmwmz, m O'iliiUVs! -IB 4U UvIUUHB .''' l3ar.MBBreg-' , COTTON MARKET New Yerk, Dec. IS. The cntlen mar ket was under considerable pressure Mils morning fiem spin ami cemuiisinu ' limises and Southern wire concerns, and I llrst prices were 4 te 10 points lower. Utilities which followed weie net sus tained, and the list at the end et the i first twenty minutes was back te in ! it till levels. Wall Street and Liverpool were the best liu.wrs. About seventeen notices , were issued this morning. rrew i,lin (i,)en I" M : L'.'i .'illiCi.'t a,. Ml in.:.7ct."s ..-..mi as. i-. I as 7si si l,-i 7.' :-i.'iis -.. s:i'i mi n sii a, 7t jr. iihi M.i Ti no i!,-i. n VI II i!.". IIS iim-lecl . tll.Oil .3 'J.' . . T1I.-U.V J.iiiu.uy Vlinli -Muv .lu i 1 Am, nut . vkm.iIi r .Nenunii NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk. Dee. IS. The coffee fu- Hires niniket continued its upward trend tliis morning, prices en the eiien- lug call bolus 1 te 7 points higher. 'J here was a tnlr demand ter March I centract1 at H.7S, prominent trade and commission houses being en the buying sole, l lie iiiienncs dime neni scattered Kanawha & W. Virginia 1st 5s, 195S 'Guaranteed lv tha Uyj Central) Minn. & St. L. Cens. 5s, 1934 F. P. Ristine & Ce. WhW Baildin,, PhiUclpbu Ucnltit, ,ew Yetl. ami l'hilut'.itpl.ul HI id. I. 7iiiuir.i " MIUMIIMI I IH Mil il Jl T Texas & Okla. 5s, 1943 Mich. Cent. R. R. Stock ' Kirby Lumber Pfd. WM. C. ORTON & C0 Vt'sli kt ,N Y. Id Hanover 8630-96971 seiiices. 1 1 i (Mulicr -M nil Via lni) St )h!rlu ii ii:rs or, 11-71 ii .te. ii ii S Mli.'il ft !l t ft 1.-, H.7 ltfi 7.1 Ii mafic III II "7'" in s usuym 300 200 tee 100 700 1400 000 200 700 100 1020 J 17D0 100 200 200 1500 100 10O 200 COO 800 3700 13700 1800 2100 700 910 30 M 15300 1200 00 100 1200 100 303 200 100 300 100 1200 100 100 400 800 300 400 200 GOO 100 , 100 1C0 1500 400 1000 3800 100 1000 2200 100 tee 100 100 500 im 100 1700 1800 500 100 100 100 1603 .100 100 300 700 2r0 100 203 24 25 0O 500 000 300 100 200 100 200 200 200 1903 2600 303 301 100 4JJ 2500 1600 900 200 900 aoe 2600 100 Chile Copper .- ?8 li .. Chlne Copper 25 . . Cluett-Pcabedy C-5 Ji ti Coco-Cela 75 'i .. Cel Fuel it Iren... " 5 ' i C Celum Gas & Klec. 104',-i .. Celum Grapliophenu 21a .. Cel (iraphopheno pf 9 C Cemput Tub Hie... 71 ti .. Cen Cigar pf 84 8 Consolidated Gas ..121 .. Cens Oas of N Y wl. 61 .. Cens Gas rts IV .. Continental Can ...112',i .. Continental Meters C 114 .. Consel Textiles ... 1 ? 'A 4 Cern Products Riji.131B 4 Cosden & Ce TO'i .. Cruclbe Steel 73 '4 .. Cuban Am Sug'ir . 26 'b .. Culi.i Cane .Sint.vr.. M'i . . Cubii Cane Suy ir vi 40 .. Pavlsen ChvitiL.il SI V .". Ueere Ce pf 71 3 .. Delivers C -Mln Ltd 3l4 9 Delaware & Hudsen 1 20 2 Deme Mines 3 6 Du Pent C deb pf 86 6 Eastman Kodak ... C4;a 4 Klec Sterage Bat... 55 i .. Elk Hern Ceal 23 !i . . Kmersen-Brantlng 8 B Endlcott-Jehnson .. 87 Vt 1 Endlcott-Jelmsoii pflttl .. Erle '5a .. Krle 1st nf 15 H, .. Krle 2d pf 1 1 5a 5 Funieu- Pliiven 1. '-O'.i . . Fed M'n & S.nelt. 1 1 '. C Fed Mln 'C Sni'dt pf IG .. I'id.dl.y l'lieeid. Klrc107 10 l-'lsher Bedy 204 8 Fisher Bedy of O pf l'9!i .. Krcepert Texas ... IfaU .. General Asphalt ... 47 ? 6 General Cigar .... 63 8 Gen Electric 181 "4 General Meters .... 13 14 6 Gen Meters deb 6 Ce 82 ?i .. Glmbet Ure3 41 J4 7 Glinbul Bres pf 97 .. Gllddrn Ce 10'a .. Goldwyn Pictures... 5 9s .. Goedi'ch UK 24 J4 7 Goedrich P. K pf... Vi .. Ginnbj Mining 5? .. Cray & D.iMs il 7 Great Neithern pf . 10JB 3 Crt Ninth 'Ire ett ;OJa . Greene Cm Ceiiper 26 '. . (lulf Mobil.- & North 1.3 .. Gulf States Stcel... '8U .. Hablrsbaw Klec ... 1 'i 7 Hartman corp .... 0414 ,. Housten Oil 70 Yi 2 Hudsen Moter Car. -5J9 1 Hupp Moter Car... i5',i .. Hydraulic Steel . .. 4 7 Illinois Central 07' 6 Ingersoll Hand ( ..104 ,, Jnapir.it en i,cn uep -a .. Inter ten v-erp.. .. Inter Cen Cerp Pf .. Inter H.ipld Titui .. liitr Agrlc pf... 2 J liter t-'eni I-"B. let ilre.U Js'euli. I, Int Harvester new j 19 31 ,4H 4'. 91 i,. i ll.irvc.-t new lltll.1 Inter M'-r Murine. ' 1 3.i "(j lutti Mer Marine p.' 51 ,. Inter Nickel HU 0 inter Nickel pf.... Cfl'i IntHi national I'aper 13 lj C Inter Paper pf sipd. 7214 Inducible Oil Cerp14li '.' Iren Products .... '5'a !. Island Oil !i .. Jewel T.a ' 4 .lenrs Hn-B Tea . . . . M M 7 Jenes & L cum pf wllOOi, .. Km c & Seuth.. I a' i ., Kansas " Uulf , . . K lyser I- t:" "ew ' 4 X.nvf 14'8 12a 4 VA 78 44t, 30 7214 184 17?4 1C84 62 V 28 H 1 1 31 Yi 122Ji 121 40'2 119 7U 19'2 55 H 991 37 ?4 74 4 29 yi 124J', 103 2814 8314 v944 109'i MYt 49 101!, 92 m 112 23 li 31 88 12515 41?, 50 J. 32 'A 51 ?8 611 95 62 4.14 9 114', 14?4 12H M4 43 9', 30H 17'i 7 54 Bl 6 9W U3J-5 75 41, 70' 2 ;32 .U34 3H 09', 102 2', 3?4 414 95, 22 H 24?, 78 Ji 82 32'j t'?i 27's r4U C51. 2-3 lC2'j 9 7114 84 12014 60 li 2 111 11?; 1214 130!J '.9 '. 0 Yi :5 14'4 A.") 20 1; 71 H 3 14 12014 43 05', H4?, 55 H 23', 8 83 34 117K2 10 i-j 15'4 11 U DO M"i !G 107 201 08 1 .. 18 45?4 fc.3 uer, 13 82 34 4114 97 101, 514 ?4'4 8314 5 514 13 6014 -0?, JG 13 W'4 Mi 1'414 70 !i .5 iSJ4 4 1071', 104 .356 1 ;ni) Net ' P. M. Chire , 1414 f V ZVi- U V n. .., 78 -I 14 444 '- H 31 ; 'A 7314 .. 182?4 ! 1794- '4 108?4 , 63 I 4 2334 -; '4 1 1 Vi -- V 31 Vs 4- J 1 24 i- 14 '21 . ;. 49?4 4 '? 119 714- 3 1934 4- Va 6 8 14 4- 29 99 H 4- 3734- ! 7434- ' y 30 4- 124- y 103 - U 28 1, 4- V 05 Vi- 2'i F4 34- 14 10914 . 7612 - W? 50 ? -: 1 Vi 10114- ! 92 1 H - V4 112 4- Vt 23(4- t4 31 88 4 1 1274 4- 1 41 ii 4- y EBJi - ) 3214- 'A 5214 4-'iK2 61 Vi - V 93 14 '- ' ' 63 li- !i 4?4 .. 9 11414- U 14?i4- vi 1254- ' 1 44 - V 43?4 - V 9H :- u 31 34 I ?i 1714- ' 7?4 .. 81 55 - li 9?,4- !4 1 43 'j -- 14 75 J414-;- ? -0?'8 ?5 J35 4 45 li ?i e3i, '- li 7014 -5- ' ?4 102'i-t- ?, 21i .. 394 414 .. 9?4 2214- V 35 M, - !, 7914- 14 8214- 14 32!jt ti 82 Vi .. 28 U ?4 ?5 !- 1 65 14 . 75Vi- 2 1 03 ?i -2 94 9 - 7114- 114 84 121 H4 60 ', - 214 4- 112 -;- " 94 4 1214 13134-:- 493 -73 14 4 25 ? -1 4 ', -40 -3134 : 7134 --314 ! .8594- f 4 ?', 4 5514 -23 , 4 8 87 Vi 1 1 H r ie',i : 1514 - 11-J 1 1'4 'i V4 I '4 i', U 7i ti 14 4 114 !0?i -It 'i : -6 107 204 9014 : 18 -46 Te -U3 - 181 -133; - 82 -41 li . 97 10U a 5!j 34 14 -83!2 -251? . 13 94 tO 1, -.0?, ' 26 ; 13 7!4- 1 !i 84 14 70(4 : 5 94 - -5(4 4 10715 4- 104 -4 94 i 1 ': 1 i 14 1'i 94 ? I 1 ' 13 ; .1 1 ; "J3 11-. 1MJ 49 '4 14 G7 "I. 7214 14(4 Oli H .'0), :i7ii 103f3 i'i . t 1 1 M4 19 - 31 J4", -?', 90J., I 115 11'j ' se ) : 14J4 ! 67 - 53(4- 'i 72 '4 -I 134 1415 . 451, 1 ' :oji :eji r.iH ' 109), 19 i, - M - 14 !i !i Pls ln$ RTO01C Hlcli 100 G Kelfiey Wheel 105 1200 .. Jfclly-SprliiBfleld . 4yi 3400 a Kennecett CepjiT. . , 37 (-4 1500 .. ICovsteno T & P..... 0'z 200 ,, J,ackawanna Steel . "6?4 200 .. Lake Erie & West.. 34 1700 31, Lehigh Valley t'4'i 10J 12 I.lKnelt & JIyerH...?l5'4 Liggett i .Myers piiie-M 4 Lima locomotive .. 58 94 . . Loews Inc . . 1 Left Candy. . , .. Slack Truck , 7 Mackay Ce. . . .. Macy & Ce.. '1 I ?i 100 100 1300 100 103 300 600 1200 700 100 1800 105 100 100 200 1700 100 200 101 200 300 100 100 300 20', . 1 ' !4 . L6 54 ..114 . G2 . 1934 . . Magma Copper .. Jialii-isen Ce ;' . . Mnmttt Sugar ! 0 .. Manhat JSlcv ctfn... 4214 3 Manhat Shirt 45 .. Market St Hwy.... 8 '4 C MVr Kl llvvy pr pt . 67 34 .. Mar St llvvy 2d pf . 2214 4 M viand Oil 20 ? .. Mnrlln Rockwell ..12 .. Max Meters Class A 46 3,4 .. Max Meters Class U 15 1 Mclnlyre Mining .. 18'i 12 Mex Petroleum ...?0 2 Mex Seaboard 16', 2 Mex Seaboard OP ct 15 '4 2 Miami Copper 27 'i 1700 1,20 Middle States Cerp. 113J '900 .. Mldvale Steel ?8'e 400 .. Me Kan & Te (wl) 1514 '00 ,. Me Kan & T (wl) pf 30 100 .. Missouri Pacific .. 10U. 200 .. Missouri Pac'flc pf., 4214 100 3 Mentana Power . . 07 i 7000 ., Montgomery Ward. 22'i 3100 Mether Ledn Mining 11(4 300 .. de cash sales 1134 100 7 Nat Blcult wl 374 600 .. .Nat Cleak & Suit... 65 .000 .. Xnt Cen & Cable... ' Vi 200 8 National Lead 124?4 S22 Nev Cen Copper. . . 15 '900 c N' Y Central "-'3H 300 C .V Y C St Leuis . 8215 100 C X Y C St L 2d pf 86 300 ,. xv All Brake 27 '00 4 x y Alt- Brake A... 48'i 200 2Vi New Yek Decl. . Z5',j -00 C New Yeik !V.ck pf. 50 '"00 ,. Xew Yerk X II & II 22 000 7 Norfolk & Westcrn112',4 100 4 Xer & West pr 79 100 c North American ... 94 100- g Xerth Amer pt 45 200 6 Xerth Pacllc 75 ?4 4300 .. Okla Pred & Ref... ? 200 .. Orphriim Circuit .. 1814 '00 8 Ot s Elevator 145 200 . . oils Steel 9 600 .. Paollie novel Cerp. 54 400 6 I'ac Gas & Elec... T6?a 2401 3 p;,PP(, oil '5 21700 8 Pan Anvr Petrel... f3M 15300 p.tn .n,er p, "8"2 200 .. TVtiliandle fVi 1030 .. ivrrMi a Bingham. 12't 200 3 JVnnsvivnnlri R R. . 4e4 630 C P.eplesGas Chicago. 414 300 .. Pctin Seaboard Steel 3(i 1600 .. Pere Maniuette ... 36 ?4 200 r. Prre Man prt 8 7300 2 Phillips Pet 42 100 ., Plerce-Arrevv Moter 11?, 100 .. PPrce-ArrowMetpf. 279a 100 .. pittH Ceal 5814 300 .. I'lerce Oil ......... 4 '-5 100 .. Plerce Oil pf 3934 2100 4 Plggly Wlggly Stere t9 100 .. puts & W Va 33 34 300 l"j Pend Creek Ceal... 5 3 34 200 fi Pestum Cereal KO' 1500 .. preduceis tc Ref... '3 V2 100 S Pub Str of N J.... Q3 2001 8 IMi'lman Ce 131 100 .. punta Allegre Sugar 4b '4 100 2 pur- Oil 27 "4 100 8 Rallvvav Steel Spe..114 200 .. Ray Cen Cooper... 13, 9800 4 Readlnn 100 2 Reading' 1st pf.... 1900 .. Replog'e Steel ... 2000 .. Repub Iren & Steel 800 .. Reynolds Springs.. ?C0 .1 Reynolds Toe B... a 1350 4.13 Rny.nl Dutch N Y 80 li 52 25?4 '814 30 li 48 34 5134 194 100 .. St Leu's San Fran 200 .. St Leu's reuthwest 299', 1500 0 Si L Seirhwest pf. . 57 100 .. s,.;,li All Ll:i Pt... 8'i 5400 .. Sears-Roebuck .... s5 t00 7 Seais-P.eebuck pf ..107 1700 . Setiec i Copper .... 8 '4 1400iCS4 Shell Transport . . 37 . 24uu 2 Sinclair uonsei ... ji ', . Shelly Oil 9 '4 0 Southern Pacific .. E63.4 . Southern Rail 24 C Southern Rail pf . . . 64 ?j . Splcer Mfif 19'i 4 Standard OH of Call 15?, 7 Stand OH of X .1 nftlfiVi . Stand Oil of X J wl. 40 3 Mi l HUM PiudiietB . . el 5 St in Hi os pf 1C9 4 Ste villi Winner spd co GOO 2700 400 400 200 100 300 700 800 200 300 1400 15100 300 900 300 300 3200 800 1300 100 4100 8100 100 100 100 600 300 101 305 100 200 100 4200 100 100 400 '4 ' 800 'i ; 200 'a ; 600 100 400 ti I 50100 100 1300 300 I I 1 1 I a 1 'j I 6300 200 ion 1C0 300 700 700 300 200 100 300 100 600 300 2500 200 1700 1000 200 200 3 JO 5 Sti' mlieii'Cnib. . . . C9'4 10 St.liiebal.er U-334 . . Suli Ite.it Cerp . . 7 '4 .. Supcilei Oil "i . . Superior Steel . ... 30 ., Teim t'ep & Chem . 'Mi 3 Texas Ce 47 ?4 C Texas Gulf Sulphur 58 1 Tex & Puc r a e.. 21 li 3 Tlmken Rell Br ... 33 ,. Tobacco pieducts . 6'5 7 Tobacco Pred A . . . . P4 14 .. Transcontinental Oil 1194 2 Transtie Wins Steel 33 ?4 C Union Hac A: Paper 67 .. Union Oil 1814 10 L'nten Paeitlc ....W, 4 I'nl.m Pacini' nr "4!5 7 I'nlen Tank c.n- . .130 . . Called te ug . . 7" 8 United I'i ult ..157 . , I'm. R'v v In st pf ?i". 2 United Hi tail Stores 71 3; .. U S l"e ul Pieducts 5' 4 . . I S Eniuvss ... 6?4 ..US Ind Alcol.e 67 G U S Realty i- Imp . 85 H . . US Heal'y & Imp rta. U .. U.S. Rubber. . ..5294 8 U S Rubber 1st pf. . ,J7 ..US Smelt & Ret... 9'i 5 U S Steel 107 i 7 U S Steel pf '21 ti 2 Utah Copper .. . f3'5 .. l't.ih Stciirltns .. 10 , . Vanadium C 'i . . Va-Car Clienilcal . . . Va-Car Ch- n pf .. Vlvatideu Ine . . Wabash .. Wabash pf A 1 Vviber .t HiuliiKi. G WilLs Kaige l.p .. Western Mai land . W. stt-rii Pacttlc . 4 Westlnpheusi) A B.1C4'; 4 Westing E & M ... ft', 2 Whlte Eagle Oil 321, 4 Whlte Moter 50 1, ,. Wbltu Oil Cerp 4(4 . , Wickwlre HP' nc Stl 1 1 94 .. Willys Ovciland ... 7 .. Wlllva Overlnnd iif 43 G, ;'4'2 tO', I4 3u 9 ' ?i h I ? ' B0' II 8 15', Lx-dMitoiule Wilsen ,v, e Wl.-cell'-l'i ' ' Wuolwei I i 1' t'.i' vv :8 . 1 )7 ' i I ew 103 34 6j 10', 7fi34 3394 63 94 215 'A 11694 C8 9, 1994 11 14 6 34 113 6114 2fl Vi 24 li 50 4094 45 81i 67 94 2? 14 2014 12 46(i 15 1814 240 tC'i 15 '4 27 '4 11 9, 20 54 151, 3914 1 6 14 42 !4 67 5b 21 11'i 11 V 37 94 64 'i Hi 124 34 . 1494 9314 81 86 27 48 !i 233 50 21 (i 11214 79 94 45 75 94 1?i 1894 145 9 54 85 94 5 I 0ri 76 3, 4 '4 11 4P94 94 36 C8 iO I1?i 27 94 50 'A 4'. 3934" 48 '4 ?33J .3'n 1 C 9 ' j 234 93 128 43'4 27 94 114 1334 781, 52 24 34 '$Vt Zi 48H 61 'i 21 94 ?r'34 6 B'i 3'i 107 7 'a 36 31 (5 914 86' 24 64'i 1914 115?, 116'i 39U 59 94 IO894 60 t.7: 2 1J2 7S '4 293, 9'a 47?i "'j i 0 ;. 33 53 94 82?, l"i 33 94 67 18 137 54 7415 129V5 79 156 Ji 26 70 5'4 CJ 6694 85 '4 52 9 38 Ii rC5Ii 121 li 62 (4 16 34 t8 --415 10'b I43 9 24 1, 1234 88 11 'j 15', 104 b9', 32 50', 4 1H4 6a :v 28 1 W 1 . Vi 1 :0H Net P M. Ctma 103 ! 1 .MB. - ' J-)a -37 ' 10V4 -76 94 4 34 63 94 - y 21 5 V 4 4V4 11694- Vi E8 94 - 9i 20 - ti 1 1 Vi -S6M4 114 ; 61 li ;9t4 : TRADING IN LOCAL ! STOCKS LISTLESS fi I Most of Operations Consisted V, ; of Familiar Shaving of Fractions '2 li 1!i Speculative inteiest In th'' l"enl innrket cen'iiiued nt nil extremely low ebb. The list was virtual! without 11 te - 42 4 45' 8 Vi 07 94 -' -4694 -15 I lBVi 240 -16'i 1515 . 27 Vi r 1194 28 94 15'i 4214 4 07 94 22V4 4- 1 1 1 94 4- Ja 11 94 37 94- 65 4- ' 1 li 12494-4- 54 1494 4- 14 9394 5 94 81 - 1 94 86-3 tettled trend 11 ml price movement, m a result, was ipiile mixed liuh nlt'igellici ji 'i H 94 2'4 '.'. 1; 54 27 - 40 14 4 '4 14 194 ti H 50 - 2' ti - 11214 79 f 2 94 - (4 45 7594- ti Hi .. 1894- Vi 145 4-194 9 Meaningless. With few exceptions n was met civ 11 case nf f ruction "having, which in 1 11111. cinricd mi ether sig lllfieiiliee e etil liT cinplia'-l.e the pie- neuiiced ii'irroivness iif tlm curieiil trading. ! The consldcinlile idiurniti'j of stock 1 prices in tlie New Yerk nuirket did' net help imitteis nti . 011 the centrarv .. , serve te accentuate the cautious splri nlrendv prevailing, and iiilluenee t lie ' ilefeiring of (oiitejnplntcd vetiluics unti' matters generally !i"sutneir a mine 1 trnmi'ill stnse. In most pints of tlie I ;st the market , ' leinalned thin. llliiMtrntiriiis of v hicli I was te lie found in the wide variation ' ! I of I'lintniiens of some of the less active shares. Anierican iiiis en limited euer- 1 inss ielded I - points. At the sauie lime Cambria Iren was marked up nearly n point from the previous sale. Odd let sales of KWenlehr caused 11 drop of n point, t'nited Companies of I New Jersey also surrenueicd 11 ' jmnir 1 en nominal sales. Mlnehill. en tlie ntlier hand, was advanced ij jielnt. Action of the usual active shares was disappointing. I'. '!. I. continued te meet light profit-taking sales, -tickling le SI1-.. iVniis.vlvnniii It.il'nind wns still handle.! pp'sl bv dribbling lliuida lliuida lien of speculative holdings. I. H. T. eased off te 'i(Ty. Electric Slel.ige lt.lt- tery, vvitli the ipiarterlv dividend of i'i mil an extra 7." cents off, was steady at i .i.r'i. I he I'liiladelphiii Electric slinres (entinued te lield finn. Philadelphia Stocks On January 1, 1923 And Until Further Netice' Interest Will "Be Allowed en Savings Fund Accounts (net Subject te Check) 4& I Vi I: 'J '5 in 86 34 44 94- 13'4 : 78 li 4 '4 - 1 1 Vi '-4-i?8 94 31i 36 -8 -41 ti -11 'a -274 -58 'i 415 3994 -403J -33;-234 - lOO'. -23, -93 : 131 J 48'4 I 27H 114 -1334 79?i 4 52 4 2514 4 40 4- 25 li - I 48 94 ?- M 1. 11 21 3; ?934 t. tG -8-5-IMI4-4- 1 NORTHWESTERN Trust Company "Ridge and Columbia Aves. Capital $150,000.00 Surplus $725,000.00 We have en deposit ever $7,750,000.00 WILLIAM FREIHOFER President ! fSnimrS (V Br? 1!' '? i '"Vl'.'J - T -"-n-mm rr. CIl 1 Ia . ,. 7 'laA. ...- ? et. IW Hf 'fi L'-iyJJi!ii& :i k cf ididk T . "sa JMSilw :i 1 sm a I hiki te . if . . hue j ;Ainli'i'... i'i " 7s'i l:,t .Mil Am Itiv.vs. Etij :;is El' ,-f 1 , . .'.". Am Sti..l"i' . 1".' . I.V1I..4- 1.. I till Comb Iren II (" 1 :!(l(i;C.M ;1 Stl' II II -l. ir"-' r.i4 1; 3i 1 '-4 2 '4 '. 'u 1 1.4 I'll I.". '', r.l-i.-f 'a 77 1 - KJ..'a1 I, .i-v. !1 .".1s.. 17", -I-'',- ', 1(17 :ki7s i 1 . .".l's tiret KlllfChile Cep J'v-s -,, 'J's'U-r I'JI KIce Ster. .".':, ."."a, ."."i", ltmiuii .ltr Car I'tl JO In Ce X A 4J . J'J Leh Xnv.. 7.-i LTitMidvalc. js7s SO .Mlnehill.. .VJ.. I." O RisenlV 77 10 Ilelin Cent Light pf. ,"i7 1S.-; IVnim It It -Itii.. .-.'j- Phila nice ::-u H5 1 de prf.. .".I'i 1110 Phil In W 17:', ICO Phlln It T ::()7S S CCes X.l.lil'.lL. I!l!l'.. l'.i!)l . i"i v J 1 .-i.-is .in.. ni. i, 100 de pref. . nti r,ti no .. lOft'S Steel. 1IM5'.. Hllil.. 101!'.'. " 100 Yerk it pf an .'in" .'in " u. Hx itlvldeml P.lee Plnr SI.7." tNet chnnKe mnje hv cnTipirlsnn with last nle en New Yerk .stock Ktchanue I'HII.VIIKI.I'IIIA IIOMIM 1000 Liberty I'd n,s 4J It's. 110 0000 Liberty 2d 4 '. s ' VJ. fi'5.14 .".Oil Klec & Peeples Tr 4s.. 70 1000 I.ch I gli Vallev Ceal ."is... 100 L'OOH Phlln Klectric 1st 4s s.1 12000 Phlln Klectric 1st ."is. lets Jl'.ii.. 100 Phil i Klietr'e nt.'js Illl 12(100 Phila Electric .-.... lets 101it ('.000 Plilli Elis'tric (Is lets liil", KM) Phlln Klectric lis 10V., i juuu Heading general -is ,v FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Dec. 15. At the opening of tlie market for foreign exchange to day the general expectation aroused of Impending prnrtlenl "international ef forts te improve tlie foreign situntien 594 i i. ' ctused an advance of 10 points in 234 linnes, ,i'j in itelglaiis, -i in lire, ;i in H ; Swiss nnd 2 in pesetas, Danish nnd 1 3 j I utcli. Murks, nt a new high en tui '4 movement. Old!!, show ;m average nf Is l points for I lie wt el . Sterling enhles weie I.li."i. demand l.fil"'s 1 fr.incs cables 7,.'tl'i. checks r :iO"i ; Piclgiiin cables l!,72. checks lile cables .i.tHi-.j, checks Swiss cables 10.nl. checks peseta cables 1.1.71, cheeks Danish cables 20 02, checks 20.S7 j Norway cables lll.Ofi, checks lH.411 ; Sw.slisli caliles 2il IM, checks 20. SO; guilder cables lu.12, checks 40.07 : marks 01 IP,. The iate 'if premium m Montreal to day en New Yeik funds was n-RJ per 74 i cent. the n.te of discount in New Yerk en Cnuailiai fuicls was ."-HI jhm j," icmt. - ' Central '"urepean ee!innge intes . , wcje irregiiku sng'ii advances show im- 4 , in Itulmiriai' lulls, ni.il,. i. n.t nf il.( t i nsi uus Miri i. 1,'i.i'iniiniis ; Muigaria. ..: Rumania. 1 : crinn, 1.20 Crocks, 1.21: Cechii-Slevakia, .t.O'.l , .luge-Slavlii. .."0: P.iland. .tienl; I'in mniks, 2.n."i, Ausrna, .0014."; Hun gary. .000 P's. YKSTEMiAVS I "ra "Jt'OTATICi-NH Si Ini; 1'r.inc I,l- Oulelern Iiennml 'MS. 7 Is r, fl xn n7 "allies 4 H3' 7 10 .. i" tu -in . 'lOIl.VV- uPllVNil iJfuT VTtONS .sii.r i 1'nii 1,1 e ilui.ilr DflVAIHl I'll , . .im .-.en In II? HI , i "li i 4" l.' wWS&Ltm nw ri riww v r- rkB w w wm ww IielIi.DolIlnes Companies RESOURCES $17,412,426.90 Ter the past nine ears we have been serving investor. Ne customer haa ever lest a dollar of principal or interest en any security purchased from us or recommended by us. 72,791 owners of securities purchased from us will verify our statements. If every one who sells securities or gives advice as te their purchase could make this statement, there would net he any complaints as te money losses. Nearly as many people have lest money by peer advic fiem these supposed te knew, as hove lest by fraud. When you can receive advice from a house with a 100"" record of accomplishment during the worst period of busi ness in the world's history, what is the use of taking chances? The R. L. Dollings Company of Penna. 1421 Walnut Street Philadelphia 11 1-11 .1 I I I . xl SSBli!!! ladelphia Em 107 0!i i :j6'a f 31 'i- 9'4 86 94 4- 24 C4!i 19V4 1 15 '', 1 1 R '4 - j'j'i 109 60 ! s-8-;, ' i;j"i - 7'i 41 . 30 " ; y'i - 47 94 -57 '? -21 ',4 -33 56 li J- Securities and Income We take charge of securities and collect income for persons desiring te be relieved of such details. 34 ? 111. 711'. I 5. I - - -. Illl i i).iS: i-i '"72: 94 84 1, '- 114 " 54 33 34 i 67 - 1 10 -1374 - 74 1; 130 ' ; 2 79 : 156'i 26 71 34 5'4 03; . 63'i 85 m ST. S Ce 1810 FOURTH & CHESTNUT STREETS New Yerk PHILADELPHIA Uosten BROWN SHIPLEY & COMPANY. Linden linanm 'I J1.LJ .iLIWLlWU ' iJU'UHLf U UW-flUH JUIMrj ncVSZTAfi L'.!,y I' u 1V4 i'a 52 9i 97 39 li f 1 1 07 14 1 Js 11 ' j -63 14 I 16 30 '4 r ."4', i0'a 14 3, 9 24' 1-34 -88 -11'i 15', -! 104 J j - 59', 32 - 50 (4 - 4 1 1 94 4- 6 34 "jii-. 37 1 4 ' 28 1 J'i ' v'uuli'a 1 iH" 4 ii- ll. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes ic iiii "1 Mniur I Ml -Mr 1 'i,4 -1 1 1 II "I I kl I .VV. ,T,., :.i, SHrt M" M.ir !, It, r '(si Mm l' Sept is 1 '! 1' 1 ' VsM V '"' II 1 , 1 .. 1 li ir ' 1 in n 111 .ill, , , 1"C. I 'Is Ml 1, If ! I 44 '. "1 IS. ill I I,-, t" '.'I .1.' leu 1.1-111 4 41", :'i 1 in i'i . 11. -ijM'inni ir 1 11 1 r ,, 1 .,-ini 11 "rn ii tA ceiitiilile tr, t , ill. Ml i- Milium I ,x Hlfj.e!i dale '' 11 1 irm ' 1 1. I ri.'l ri.l in!. lu' ."1 llijil ll'.'i, Prices Firm Uliet' il I' j . i ""i in 1, I Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Offli'liil reillainiinl rutnH at tlm tivelve I'eilvral Heaurvn Hanks au im follevva rt-iiw. .1.111, i.-um! Ilkm lunula Ilium Accept. 4 4 l'4 i llnslen New Yerk . I'lillmlell'lil.i. . I'leviilniKl ItliliinniiU Alliintii i. riiuiiRit r: l.eula Mill lie Hill K iiikiih 1 it HdllH ji' I iniii lii u C'tH. 4 4 4', '! 4'j 1-4 'l pi 1 4 4 4', ! 4'j 4', 4 l I'i l, I I ''' I! LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ImlfeiH weal., llsiu '. ' '' ,l ' ". , ".' ' f X' ',.. ., i,reViia",i5 wi?".""'.' .- v. ri4eivf;ru r:, '..' Alniilt '."." I-. Mill henrl 1. mnit ie-c.1 ".',';. v.,,1 imht lUhm iir.uiT. nriit un 1. sin :-":.. ...,,. .... ... ' .- .. ". l.ll'II ... U III I .. .-. k Q.i ihfi i.i.himI. is I 1 II", - ,....,...' II. Ulll'.l'll liutclu'rtt slni lh'1 iwunil llH'nim; iii.it '.s r.O- st id' . Iimlm. sir. lie; liitflifi .l. i:4 llei Kill, Jllll 1, Mil SI..I. p. stL'.r.e DIVIDENDS DECLARED Treasury Notes Over-Subscribed VI 1 1. 1I1 mi 1 1 Mm li I' 1 I ' l T.lll. II 1 f III I.I h n. . ,,.,,, , "i 'i'a mm iiul 1', 1. , K, m , I I 111 , Ulllil tin, ,l.r .(,, , id It'1' 1 nii'ft 'jn 1 n' ii '".ii i" 11 i iiiiiin). 1111., ijtiat -.. .1 . . .. . , ., I'ln j' 111 i 1 ii i.,, 111111 ,-. inr infit 11 tiimniiiBiiin, ji.'f 1.1 iivea-HiiiiMiiiuiiiii 1 ,, f rl,,i 1 , m u Miv.iltie l,imi.,. 1- . ......i. r 1.. i.i-.i ii... i,.i... .,,, ... . 1 It "' f iiiiieiinccil cnmtilneil iilturln; People's Gas Increases Dividend 41 anil u. IH.Si.1i s .-.. i!- ,?' ,u;?,, L s '-, 4, I: hiKiier, imih "' V, ' is'ls ii uu'kei 4-3 5ln a."., under, ",'"'i lOfll S I IJ I "stHir1'p",,itH.:. J.mS ... Nnnil.ii.il I1 j nllllr niM 'iii - hni"f I null I n 7ri, la'OVl'v SI ' " , ' I f ll..ir.il.i N. .. I 1C lTi - lATTl.!. . . i. if 'i 1.. . a-.iaiti iKii. i'iei - I lilr.lKU. I'" 1... 11111 i-nnppi'H li.l.H l.ltfl t I,.:,, , , jsn .,l 1 ..iillllini -m aiven ml I'.ike ('uiuiiaav Iiiih ileilareil h nuiirmrlv , , ,1 i i"u(l Liu ' ''ve r.Oi lntOier lei'Uii'l yf l'j iir 1 em, pajalili' .laiiuurj V-.Vf " -'11 17 111 Hlin.lv i'i ri'iuiii itiiiiiiiry a I'l'.vliilli lliitw llii-ili'i" liie'ii liiiiu. in ' m -.n' iiuirmrly illtiliiii-nuii-iii wuh I' rcr icnt ,!.., n"n s '" '''', Js .',0'.i s no iilvhl'Mids IiiivIiik Ijei 11 icau'iird at tlilu iate .iirKurs u il,v(i v ",l I'sht vuiI.eiH and iiIkm l lemK'r' "'1 VhUpiVa n.T EuihS"- lt'elA.ne neon Mutual Trust Increases Dividend usSf'Vtiiftwv,, . I 11' it '.. 'Hie Mut11.1l Trunt C'nnipimv Imi ilis'lanil """"i ' (. pi''' - 1 m ml .ilinil.ll illv ili'iul iif ! nP rrnl n.i. .. . . hIiIh Jnuuiirv- I.", lii "took nf leeeril Ilntin. flltsliiirch, I'n,, I1"'. I''- ,I"',S-,"";V . r an. mi" ul' I'"'!' ini- in 1 iwi (ant mpts, 7,11111 nenu. 1 m . uem -. ?;" .,r ine iir..i 1 hih -run iiiiiimi iiiie imci, ri s ri 1 riv .r-r s ... ., ... usm VI. 11 ill 1 Inr ilsn 1 r mil 'iiO.IIUO ili.ui a, ml nci i , 1 n s s , undivided prellta tu the aurplua account, bltUlU' ..M) '..UU'S li-e i'u we lwU. nf Hie ri'v utlv nf 'I'ieiv"iir iiii' i'm anil lertltlcuti'i v.ai an uur.,1 ...! ... ,u ,1... l'l nt. e nr.' I.. . 1.. .11.. I.UI.H VVUl.I l .11' lixinqij liil 1(1 I... I........ e Illl.il. .I..II ...I I I 111 "HIWIIIITII HI II HIIIIII'II Ili'IlKII. III ll'll''llll ' . . , Hull uf 1elii.- .ivt"" i.ili. ii'Utlnli ill mi-'1"1 -UlllnK e ilMlcites of llllleliUilnnUH anil imi- i li t.i I .In iiitn.-i'tii iu)iii"iitn. Tremury nlTlilalH .i tlinUKli Mi.liiMii ilili.llFil liifni'iiiallnti n m li.. iinuuiiit milisi-i 'In il lu the iuiiph niul twe linn uf ierlilli.il iimlm I Hint tin fiill M.I iiilltlt nlli'ii'll I. I 1 i'i'.i mlita i ) t.et iiii ksi ul III IV "rfK.lllO.lii lU'1-lllllHl llllll , Ul, 111 ill .1 'Ihi'i 1' liu'i .lis iisii'i ini i' M.i i nii'il mi Impi-eve 'in lii B"in'i,ii busini-HK llllll nil ii.i-.a. . III'IM us nt uu, nut tlie n in, i y. ii i run ' nun in it inn.it.i,, laiHurs N i, hin.lv if in nril lie. nii'er '.'U ami pr ei ml Is . mli'r 1!U in iiul; of ifieul n . til i r ir. . I'I n..rs-l,iklv i-iimiiii.v ni. i .'1 ITili'llnl IMHlhle IVIii,tr 1 t i i .1 J ilniiua. I.-, BANK CLEARINGS 1 'en i r.J unii -n Weel Market Quiet: Iteslnn. Pe.. i,-. up ' II. I I'tiliiirieiv i n . i I llitu l li i i .'. ir I ve Hi- . i- Ivl . Ii I'I i .. I i . j ' I. I I'.ts Jn i ii . ,- t I '. i. Inii'iiiN h f ' In' f.v III i li. f i. - ii ! l lie i n ul ., I I i.i eilti unit !,i i s i i i HUM Ul. i nil I I I M I -n'ln nf tin. ii. i i a 1 .tin s ' Prices Steady en Paris Bourse I'urls, Dec ),-, I', ., ,, . e ! ,,n ,(, 11.ni. ti te.lu , i. , , . .. .'ifl R.V, ixfluilis-. I . ij " il.l f. -1- ! .j i i flit In ii -1 .- I I., ,l nnuti J at I Ifi ; , December li, 1922 MESSRS. R. MONTGOMERY HAINES WILLIAM H. HAINES. Jr. JOHN J. COLLIER PRICE McQUILLEN ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE FORMED A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP T(3 ENGAGE IN BUSINESS AS INVESTMENT BANKERS UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF Haines. Cellier & IUBcQuillen 428 LAND TITLE OUILDING Tnlephene-SPnuce 6e3 ,. tiiilin n I ..i i. , I'i..' ni ' ' "i illi Mi'.'l li'in linn Moderate Activity In Raw Sugar New nt- I)c l.'i Tliit raw hubiii- inui l."l I.i me. lern leh mtlvn ami nieaiiy, v,,u I'lilns fur liciiiii'r ililpmcnt 1 1 u i ) I e . 1 nt ii4e. intn. iiiui irimni. ami or jiiiiunrv MONEY-LENDING RATES I'liii.vnr.i.i'iii.v - '.ii .'. p. i it miii"ii I il phi I. llllll' fi I' i '' it. PvM cell. . i p in 11 in tm Liverpool Cotten till riM'iil. Iiiv Ifi Spot rntiiin ELOPERS 'FESS UP , Glenolden Teacher a nti Dirby f.lan i Issue Formal Anne.ir.cement Misj, lipnivi ,ie I nlil.ii . ii (,li n "Iiii II. II I .11 ' r ill the I I. il .1 yi ' -'i linnl. mill ill via, I "iri'er .,' ''nl'V elereil In .New "lull. I.isi ,,,v -I ninl were iniinieil in il" m', Iiiii li Aii'iiiul ilie l ,ii hi i ,' ,i lt h, ; il Hie full pie leiiriieil lu. iin veu i, LOUIS T. KLAUDER CONSULTING ENGINEER PENNSYLVANIA DUIlv3ING, I'HILAOCLPH FOWER &. INDUSTRIAL PLANTb or sign CONSTRUCTION .iiiviiiitii ui .i i... .. ..j . ii-, ii,,i ini,, rieiKli. imlii 'Ill Iiii il. ilimmi iiii i.liin,; v '- HUH Illl lollllee in ni WMs in. ne KilPH liiclu.1i.il mill l;.m I'lllms. In iwrt. iit,u''ln n I u 1 t "il.t 'I Im .xnl. s . 'leim The eeiiu'i. lent tl, u...i,h.i. .,., , , I lil-Jile i eat ami fr.'IKlit. ami l:T.ii Ihikn I il.-s I ,. i.-iiih ,... s.ihie Ul I,. Ir i .-. Vi ' vv.-nln,' s,M i , ii, iiuii,J Cniiintiin Arrli iiiv, ,f " . '""-'" . "" u"" ",' "" '' ,,'" i"B .spot pi e, iiiiiieu ner mines ns ,.,u' ier . Ini: iMsineira'".'!.: tf,b;r,vft";Kr.,nrM 'IMi , ',". '' " m.I. v.iuili-iii sutf.i i(.'ilniiiK 'illinium urn i ii ii, ,,i , ni,, 1 1. tiii V.',,,', , fiolie.v nieiili tu Oithh Tin mill nre new l.uj mi Dem.nnu" te AibuUI. ilicill.gr.. ulu..,v 1.1 IIU, und u.ilu7, 13.41U ' reuidlllg ill Olcnuldt'll StOcltWell rCERTiFlF.D PUBLIC Wilsen & ACCOUNTANTS Linvill i-l-ls ,,. I REPOHI i Land Title Bld( Phila. C. b. 1-AliON & CO. 41. iv I Ill.slN! .n BANKhKS ! Sim irimi. h In I Sill I 11 .1 Wll'I'ltVunu , lln.iili, nil mnrLa liuiiiilit unj nu V A I5 m a i I I II m L'V. . (. - ..vSs.