TWTJ L ... . P-""Wr"""ilHi Ani'-W'T' .V4'H"1VVt"'' V' ' V 'J ' Bl tmnwuwS'M ., ' 'J ('."! ' - VJ-sW-'i"nsVJivt,V4K:,l-'Wl.i3SIWff'5aW ,.EHV , . - j.. I. .. - 1-i 1 i .I1 " "VHPiPaaMIIIMiHlHHIBIilHWMini . -. . ..i.....,l. Til 'fl JT1 w W?' .'$ -5B? YT 1W ' 'H t 30 '-- -" ' 'X " " -V 'I.? lHHW7"l,'Vil,1f ' iil.' a. ft- I'lVVTOr.. J ,-" '.' . I- I - 1 ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. KIDAY, bEGEMJBtell 15; 3,02? Frankford Secures Three All-Americans for Final Battle of the Season With Teledo Maroen 1 w m m m m v- m m 1 BM H I ill I '3? J. J m I I Mil MJ " V FISCHER 3-LETTER W1AN AT CENTRAL "Bill" Is a Plugger, but Base ball Is Where He Sparkles STARRED ON WILL RENDER DECISION IN MISKE-GIBBONS GO t1; ltv IWtX I'KKI 11KU1. are atliletrs in Hie seln'-'U Ills i'Ih mid n!M elsewhere tlmt B" 1 ..I ... ..... I... it. .Illil llllF llll I Illlfl. . . muni; liiiijiKini; "i".' """ "" ' ,, ( uiixt" even iiimiKii i"iir- ltlS il SHRVi'ss I'l m soltleip are lritilit into tlie limelight. there is mi ii tli- letp of thK tvpe t ( entrnl Uich. I It 14 Hill Fis-elier, :' three-letter man ' If l)u fnu Wp 1 lux jiprf'TinaniTH f thf iint his inline Mill c fl e n lli,t;J'ile of tllP ' miiiiv t'.'iiivniv nih- ll'tPM lllllt hllTP ll"- tiartfl fnin 'lie i i'in-1'ii nii'l 'x'l'l institution Fischer L-'s lp'ii stnisali"; nli'nc f"r i'nn"',l Pe "I I T. Minnesota Commission Wants te Knew Who Is Superior St. 1'aiil, Minn.. Pee 1. Hilly , MIsKi.' nnil Tem (!iblmnn. St. I'niil i heavyweights, will mret for the Ufth ' tiiiiij tonight In n tPii-iemnl boxing con test. A .speeln.1 rnllne by th" Minnesota Heming CeinniUsiiiti will permit n Judge's decision, it bring considered the ' I prevtens iuppHiirs el tlie two men lime 1 net established ilrllnlfn .iiperlerlty. One bout uiim called a draw, (iihhnn.t , PDiniPnW i hehk two pupKl.'ir deeifieiiM and MNKe ' unlUlnUIi rci-eiitlv wiii In V Veil; en a foul. MiKi' is tentv-eigtit cnrs old nnd l UMiglw ls(j tul" (iibbmis it tlilrt.- I three and v iglis 1 Tt ibbens' rrnch of is mi eiii -m ien hi' 'i'". "tie inch reatr" thiili .MNLe PUt n'llll'" till S -iculis rrpnl-'nl liiitll JOE LEHECKA TO CLIFTON TO PLAY OPPOSE TOLEDO MAGNOLIA IN FINAL Frankford Halfback Announced Will Conclude Independent Feet in Perfect Condition for Big j ball Season en Sunday by Op Grid Clash Tomorrow posing Big Green Team VISITORS HERE TONIGHT HAS WONDERFUL RECORD luiip the best possible llne-up, as Clif Clif eon is new in the best of Mump luiliii! been Idle for the ic umbltiena of I nil the regulars In tip-top form, Cliften hopes le put a crimp In tli m pi rfici 'ili'-i'il i I'luliti'ill. LEAGUE SHOOTS ON Virlur.i mcr the Teledo Mmoen to te to nieriow will gli the rroinkfenl Yellow Yellew jneKetH an i-itial rliilm ltli the Canten I'.illldecs for the independent football ci!.'iiiiien'-hii of lb" Tailed Stilted. The Teleilii tihi.M""- will nrrle here 'enlght and hae n hert worl.eiit te. i morrow morning. The two Stein Dieinrrx. liere iinu iiu". "u" ;iiiim-u The lfJ2 Independeill football peaseti will nilielnlly rli).e en Siimlny when! t'llften Heights meets Mrignella In the tlnal came of the scaMiu. I The contest will be plnycd en the i Cllf nn Hi Uhts preitn I-ii'iil the time ef1 starling has beili moved frwil .'! o'eleel; te I'. M. Miiiuiger itnllnghei- t-c- , I'lirrd Magnelia bei,aiiw he figured the i Maguela. BANQUET FOR GRID TEAM 1 Ridley Park High Letters Will Alse! j Be Awarded I 'I'lin AlhleWc Association of Itldlej Park High will ghe the members of ilm football team a baneiiet tnuiclit In the tchoel building. The affair will' i start nt 0:HU. ! following tne (linner. niinrPM es win i - - , ,, . f0 wncl,i,,g (.ystetn be mmle by the tiirinus elhcials of the i " ""W.1 '"tave hniTp"t jrar has be clicte.l nt llie nsinqiiri mill irirr- i. ".".' ,, . ' ,i., " II,, l Lnlnir HI IIL'M J'ill T 1 UllilM-ic - - - - ' PITT PLAYERS PREPARE Held Regular Practice te Keep In Shape for Leland Stanford riftsWirgli, Dee. jn.-Cearb Olrnn Wemer tint the Pitt l'linthers Ihrengl) their regular practice rBirnim... iheueli the weather was iinpioihtleus for hard and fast work. , , I The Idea Is mostly te keep the team In geed physical condition, J ln' after they arrive, at l'nle Alte en Christniiis Day it will be cns te round them into form In the five dn9 Intcr cning before the gnme with liPlana Slnnferd tTnlerslty. The decision of thf Athletic Council . ...I..... .1 ..!,. ..In .w.n.'lilllL- XVStPlll ll llllOlt IMIJ ,,(111111.11 .v....."r. -. - I after Warner leaves here "ct ear lias i assisted b. .lim Uend. Chalky Mil- llamseii ami I'athereii, former students jnnd new leaclilng ether teams. 1 Trlane Winner Over Fasano Illorrleon, N. .1., Dec. 1.1 rhaily Trlnne, of Hnrrlen, dpfntiil rrnnM Ifl8ne, of l.oenln. In a Iwche-reuntl bout here. Eddie Palmer Quits In Tenii. New Orlcniis, Uee. 1,", . e.i.iu n. Nw Orleans Negro inliliHc eight (, ' TluerV. 1'lewers. of Atlanta, no .. U flirt of His tenth ieuii.1 Hfter ha"'i'n,lJ limlly baln. fnliner una knocked xiJV the (lrtt ruund for a count of nil0.11. k I welshed 161, anl flewera 101 ' lM- jS-iSiiSjSjSiS' I RADIO SPECIALS We handle only such apparatus rus baa been tested In our laboratory J and jiieven satisfactory, It costs you no inore than Inferior grades. and numerals vill iiln be awarded. I'HONES Tt It.M.V. 3000 Ohnia. 5t.2ri il.r,i value ... MTKnMiiEnfM'Am.seN. S4.8S 57.r,n nlnr . . . 0 iTi:nN r.i.r.VTiuv. 7.95 HiiA.vnr.s hi rr.nieii. $rz rvr Urn. M.IIO tJ.j l'unNennArir 91 e no ATTArilMEVT .. . J-V.V Terr loud. Ne Tllimllen. VAIttAIILK CONDENsr.RS rinett iiunllty. heavy iiinnliiuui ulatea L'tiliaelb giiiirnnteeil. OK- S.l-nlate. lite. Kl.SO . 43.plnle. Iteic. U.M VARIO('OI'!LF.RH, Jleurad. lir-Kt ft,"i, nirilli ,. VARI03IKTKUH CtllTt.RRO. l,al,, tle. I.en( rnnse. Ounrinlred. HO -ir Mlk wniinrt. R- H.00. . 1& tr'Trns Ei.rcTftic. e ee Mirne,nvEs e V'ry sentltlTf. Her. $10.00. 85c 1.18 1.05 n MARVEL CRYSTAL RECEIVING SETS. SATURDAY'S CARD mui rir licit West Chester and Camden Wing Shots Will Furnish Feature Contest Tomorrow UllliT ill W ruM'en n.ret.ii viir.iii Un.lrnad. i ri- tin tbrer Mr. O'Brien, and in "n! el" -P",1'), does he nttrai t neieli nt,ntieii. This i baseball, lie is the ..m- of tlm outer. Rerdem-r in tV bniil lir.b school". for tbrep M"ir- he lias pbr I'd the iii field of the Hrevl and lirrcii s"lnet" nine, and in that line bai been nn All-SihelaStte selection twice. The hnnnr conferred illien Illllr his election as captain of the mm. - "- which lie will niume at tin- lginnilig I m ,,; ,.v .i -tni,s of the 10--. easn. I'hr"" Bilh's ether sports are football and hasket'iall. 1 luring the gridiron "v en. h!"h closed tiiree wieks age. rischnr was in theti- fighting most everj giine. Trm . tVn'rnl i".'d nei enje n "rv suecf.sfnl jour bu .n the bam" tune Pi-'-lier "'" ' '" trnl ph ' that --t" d on en All he did was l.l'K. I irl '...r-.n-l pnyes. run the tentn lute m the -m en and bu-'k 'he 1 ' t new -unl th , for tie tipfp's.'ir "i " t ! fi a !n--' down In the !-"t cani" wl'li Nei'n east lli-'h rii-h'r r i"d a br-d-' i DOS'. Fischer pl.i'cd ' i""-" " '''.", '' " f m,. imi, nrn.r ! lie' '''-- ' en but received enlj one ett wnu ,ne1lf-l1lln the tir-f Plir. Jcctbait he i' eulins lni initial an peiranee ns a lie n a ter ward et no mean abilitv nt.d. ale.ig with r'liibcis. frris a fin cninbitin cninbitin tien for the Miners. Fischer tips the scales at 17." pound and tald fi f feet I'll I'l'iieS. In 1(120, when the lnterchidiisrli' ln-u"!'' kept''ii indrld'jai batting re-'erd" t-i the firr time In their !en- bister l'ischer M th- ii-' t swattei-s ,w.i , mark winch came 'l'"" '" l'10 In the rreent drep-kiekin,: te-in.n ment held at Svartlinove Fi-bei "a--or. out of th four men ni'" '" '"'' r he pig'kin eier the bar from 'h 10-vard nnrk Up flnMied eighth nmeng the contestant", getting thnieen points. Fischer's athlelie nchlevements Hie net confined te I'ei.'ral High H fore rr.termg him cii,...l Fis. lie plavpfl seccpr, baske'ball and baseb-.'! Mt 'tlie W il'iani I'. Kel'y ;iiiiujir achoel. "'en. ir.r."'.'. - j" hi. i' i I ' '! a UJ.1 k"" i rvnn ' ub nt Vpi n, II r 1 nc'.T ,i r. ' p., i at .''' . !'l y '. ' bj' l.F.AOll. 'TAMMNfl I Ul-Aiiiericnn rank, will be with the ' UIK trreen team, et l rniikieriJ, was the i I'liltnra no ,.111 n link! nf Other former ! llCCt te lip rUVIirCll nt tlllS tlllie. cel'ege stars. Magnelia has n great record for the Mmineer IIewIipp also obtained three 'senpen. lhey will plar Hiverslflc. new men this week. The sre lieniiy champions of New Jersey, tomorrow in IloAnten, Jee Alexander and Temmy a return game and they are the only Hughlt. Iltit the bet news for fel- Iteetn that hna hern ntile te held Illver Illver lewers of the local team was given out slde tcereless all year. j 'eduy h Manager Itewker. He nn- ; Net only that. Magnelia traveled te neuiicprrtliat Jee I.ehckn. Frankford'" , Atlantic City, and Mlllvlllc, nnd lieTd most consistent ground gainer before theso clubs te ?cnreless ties. They werei his injury three weeks age. is In hape all contenders for the Seuth Jersey feet- te start the game, . 'ball i hniiiplntishlp, and Uiverslde dually : l.ehefkn's vii'leus efl-tliekle iiisip ' wen llie luinnfs. and his spcetjicnbir open field miming. Magnelia proved geed cneugti in bold were leatnres nf all I rani. lern games an uirei ie .rnreiess nes. i no rraiu-, lord lii'js- also surprised lllerten b. winning. I.'! if !. and nle holds vic tories ever the llebbins. of !." te i. anil (ire.iter Colllucsweod, 7-0 Hill Mnithews, of Magnelia, Is out in take the measure f Cliften Heights Pvm I VvSs. I t iy Complete with nntcnnn, Intulatert. jrreund damp, twitch and HEAD SET. Can be set up In twenty mlnutei $13.00 value. $7.45 $10.00 Framlnghnni Hheestate. Rhee3tats with dial....,, Brndleyemetera First V. T Sockets rirst Single Jack First Deuble Jack . ..49e WD 11 Tnbe Sockets ,..nlc WD 11 Adnpter.1 ' S,00 Switch Levers, 60c value.,., "".jj, , .sac J-'paRhcttl. reff. 10c per ft. . ...'.Sc ,. .33c, Crystal Detectors, Glast en- , ..40C ciesen 4fc WD 11 TUBES, Vz Velt Westinghouse. . .C Arf Requlrea no Storage Battery. Ren. $8.00 P JTTJ M hefeie his injur. Jee Ligbliii-r. hi: runntng niatc ni lialtbnck. ititrr ference ninde much of I.cbecku's werl. possible, also is In excellent shape Ughtncr is the most cumdsteni back- field pln.vcr the fellow jackets have hail the lendersl'in "f the I.ellSlie cotlllletltieli s . " lien th- ten clubs. I'titi'v Ivanin. 1 'elaware v eiitnpele in tin lllth i r II" r" i l,e, e i lu ba-- , i host i v c'l.Tice ,n Trap-In 'liter-' lilsil.v tomeiT'O' fPl'l-l SCIltlllL- I' aril Veiv Jert' j feries of filial meets 1 he ' 'nmdeii i bib. 'vhe'h baring first place nitfi the iinihcr Cit gnu. mis wttii four sir'UL'ht vi'turt's. wt', lri i i n tut tar le the Vi,l I lietei' ien. re"itatlves. , lriinii"ps ln-t se.s,,n Tl" boster i '"mil v inarkMii' n mv ni' l"-t "lie I illtell till" vi. ir lltiil im III s,,,,f pi.1i e If the liltl d!,v . I, ,ll rsilnl t ('"111,11. ,U s tl,t eiip.V lid plaee. It e ips I ainilce and tin loom ijitnki -s win. it "ill give nther I'enn preteg' - tirsr place. 'I'l," Wpt I h"stef-i '.nmdeii Mi' pri'ini'e" ie be nn "viting en' . and lvith i Jobs will miirshal big f.evc- fni the skiinus'i. 1'nili films 1,-ive n n , enl for hicb sei. ring nnd toninife -ciilltllii 'II be li I i, mill or. Fill- 111' i line ,l"h'i."ii. . Ii'isct. Maic.. .Inli.iis.m .'itid oilier ,'i Ji-rsevinen -v 'I -I ""I '"C ' '.'linden, 'il ," (lenrce'iwtn will lend the We. I l.'.ster men 'i te tin 1 1 1 1 1 r i 1 1 1 ini' Svlvester, l'"'il''.il . lflieijes, Ul'g-- Jehn .li'luisMii. rnr and iump limn iif etnei slin - tne, i i 'iipster "nni ,,. Bl'll"1: 'll 'be til I MS line fur llie We-! I,'ljes'e ' I .inttllgeilt. Fent reere matches sn ,.,, th" V.IL"J-'.'" eeli'dub. tiauiil, Febr i ar- li' Mnreh 17. jril 7 at"! '-'I Should tl'" r ' itv brigade an, I at . Ien hl-ie-i'ick ip"tient. w ,t ,l the;, li nf'-bes tip i'i pn! 7. thev we-ild .1.:.. .AnM IT.. 1..... ...wn.l ... ..M r.n,... . ... t .... mis j .-ii i. in- mi' iii, .-..-'. n,j ,UM ,.1Ve several wen -Known cel- 'at right- halfback and, with the even- h-ge stars In the line-up. cntreti Is Moti of a tew early rontens when li" f,.nK jt( hanhsl guine in the final was taken out te gie new men a chance nmt,.)l 0f ,, Kr'in.ii '" ?ir V"rPR h" l'"17r'' "lrn'IKh "nWr ell..Bh..r Is confident f the Light nor" is a wonderful defensive outcome and says lie wnntOlagnella in back, a sure hurler nnd iceplver of pasp, and the best man en the team .bowing interferon, e. i auuitinn. ,c ; CAMBK1A A. CLUU '&c5''m.r.e't st J I r'l I n1""11'1 kii I li" i mi' iii' glen's shoes in uuxculf, vussia cnlf. giinmctul or black russia calf. Our name assures you cannot get hettcr value. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Consistently Fine Footwear Since 1868 the Jee is mtiinih cer'atti of making vards everv time h lanics the line, i f.- ball lleilile Miller h:M bad the ."1 eleven pinctKiiig d.til.v this wiek nnil li" and lannger I'"'vk"r nie entidrnt that the pbivn- ate in shape te n.h"'d the tires. ' tic'' "t Fasiern fnetb.ill ;iguin"i the in Miller, tr'nn th" 'est Grand Circuit Stewards te Meet lelwle t' - !.-. -"li. ii e . - i 'tf i-' i . .1- e Ftennpl. ' - In Te t -Heill'l ,! ers 1 . , mi's- of l if - fe- i - 1I'"T -i n '' i '1 ' v thrt e: c - 'I i t b ' r I'ridaT ETnln. Det'nlirr l"-!- 191i2 AD bTONl" r TrX McCUNK Feur Othe. B-u a FLEMING, ud. Londen Clethes for Men T: 1314 Walnut St. t r 'it inn of L endt ! ibiP'-H th AnrMifin tit a 'J I un(jf" sMii' 0 rif-etft $35 up Phen Spruce "5930 Si I.' GREEN SOX SCORE SHUTOUT Blank Western Electric Girls m Basketball Game. 14 te 0 The t.reen snr basketball fan "I Mis", Le use in i i-.iriPii bla"kn' t e AVeMeni F'eefrie S'rls in the prelum nar te I'i0 Splint-Hoertenti . I isij Sevfntk stree- and ?nyijer aver ie I.te night b tie tenre of n t., n The drcn ?ex had ut 'nler Iias Macfpieen. and her work at t.he pi,,t.i pest stamris h"r n about the liest n round tl,ee par". The rlnfearn, cui played far better ball than the je.ip liidiea'e- lls s:. Webber ree- r one tiebl Miss Trm.'! iftllette one. Mi.s l.n-t in i two and Mave Ititiler "ne. f.s i, ' 'ettf and Mi-s Maeiiuei'ii each unde fouls. I's I einpe 'nn i.'ainpen p, , r a -enrlerl'iil came at cuni'l Tn the :l,e hetveen file Sp!"J ,q B'jvertewn the fernier wen .fi te 17 -i a contest featuied bj th,. pin ins " Eddie iiuttlif'b, who nude three leld Keals. 'I le 1(11 I "geilur 'ii th It tin I tct "t tin at i vni'f . e lire ",!, 1 1- i i VJ7 s 'tiiiei. , i' r ,i ! , . i : - i s .h""t i! g u in ,,i ;, ' ii'i'i. nei .- 'i jj. ' i u it i ,, l I - JfE.V i i i; -i . 'I -i f..rel e I?s s- . e ,1 ' ''7 Ml t' XK' -ret' r Vy DAVIS- fj Men's Seft Felt mid Derby il. J, J. JL s!5 Fer A'nmj Gift WONDER QUALITY. $2.50 DAVIS SPFXIAL, $3.00 l ? 1 N 1 ?K Qt x v i i". i sri.ii J College Basketball i Ut-sinus vs. Pennsylvania Saturday, Dec. 1 6th, nt 8 P. M. Reserved Scatx, $1.00 and 75c Keve en tali t .Mlil-t Council Offlce, 3301 Walnut street By Exclusive Arrangement I i en ment Automeii v !Telr M. i i. 'i lllte s 1 1 i .intHlltlt III HI te lepic- i -ii t'lem i-elllui: .t I lnllnl niiinrr ' tl-,. p victor llebeii tnei i itei Tepi i e.ii i ,i' tne n,in;ii5 Philadelphia Moter Shew .i;il s.-i'ii .!'' I" t'fit'iifi) i' fill I'M St"' ' VI Ml, .1 l fill, se , , i Ni"spaper hrrtislnt; sijppeii cr e ' I' inf t ii w.s :ir!"iiiiit ei t erdet uf re i,i of l'ttet i!dr ii cie, t.i en u t. genB Cellar. EK'eW K X- Cluclt Pcabafy&Calm: Hvyr ZiMxascsitmsitsmmiarmprmKvaaiTximsiBSBsmaM, llie I IC i t Cherry St Bsltlner". ibertsi ut -vht?e !' ,, h9 be. , ,! rnrti.ui.'s ' ether ',ir b. Jfllin Orioles Sign Beley !l- I " I ''s 1 e ' ,'q - Tl' IP'Tlfl' eml La?ij f '" 1" '- I'l'il)- '..ITU ,t l.f ii iOkt-.J e i, 1 . Hh i n,,. tt. th r , II !' i- V 1 ft Want3 Bun en !'arl. ' -. f. i -,i Itt'iir j !"' h I ' "W'til t i, . f , the Mai ,,' , n fiiht U' ' ii ' , j,, lit'r li "" ,j,j , mjtiierir 1 I trc - J- . Siki Lifted Scraps About Scrappers Id Men line" ' l,e heti 'llU'l I, l nmi r , , t a I,, , Me'ire. r een I Burk -i . Tem 1 rotator ft ' i 111'. M l'n ut srr- . fH' M tl 4IP k 'I'll pi, 1 1 rn l.ll.hnii. I ! 11 'f'J M or ffmsy em W WL A &; '.St- m W v , -I'rf rea I evment Tin of Coronas or Bex of Blunts Mm ,i fl 0e liieu ' WL-i -$M' V'J,-:.' 1,1 l,- I W 'ten tenlt, ti ) Tlaltili niijinenil, rf will et bi'Ml intu ami' will meet KijsJ'tl Tie man In lh wti,ii fje th ilinw 'jn-fiiiKerj te fi i ebli ei i:ikten 31d. 1'itsv Miiple Jnhiinv Irx'jli I. th feint iliHiIe Tull. e I'el hev'ne K fi Hi j ,,..i i, J... Marl r. el , J i Slaker vm .1... Wn'.en ere et'ier ini'nij'ia OIJi, inini' ' n N-ere ' eh wileh i in..' Prt-Hi, i llr-'A i f no rlt m , e in I no ,,f h 1 1 ,, , I irt , i , rue i i Vi'i.ti ' i it ' ,hl ''I , '" l,l K I enr llai e .l,.,M sn -h k ,M i,.i I ilili. ,,,n.'i,,i, Kill lie' 'I- .in I Hui L O'Kei'b i ie I aierttn Heur Htoy, I hi, ca'er Moud seutlipe" i , U0N ! imeipliiii itiul.eiiue tj I'llllllOillpllla liaiinniK AiveidliiK in llnierv (i kalil Sen jits Jeinit',1 l'at Wnllei-e. Al 'len!',i.J,, Nsen. rhlck K.rn Kenny 11am. MHu IJeran ana Teiry Martin I.llille li'.ln-tn. few Yerk flyw'Hht 1 Il tiarrcl In llw Plate of Sv Jersev f ,r runnlnit "Ui of 'h with r.inehu v m will eee' I'' r'' 11 u t el ruin! lieut I" I'ltien tunisln. Jirk llrlllun e'Jfieiel ., . 'i.l i' ! , whll" leniillliB f' ' 'en , "ilelnl'lnteil , oeie linel. a le.ult li" ".if fuii'l i" i.rn c. Ma i ui ii vi nn II.'IjW Ii.iriei ii Hi rm i t hrllllll'lii .ll" I-'""'' -al.ul 1 Iviiillillll ,,' box li I'llll' 'i '" J ' Mart' rliiiaiiiera. w'm -mi MlfMIe Xtli.ii M tnt nywel'Jl" cnaniulen In lu'.'" will uk ih. nlaee uf SjILb f'ertielt In repr-ntliiv tvi . Ptiil'idtfliitila airat-j- I'-jiIiu t-ani In tlie. OFFER them te your friends and you proffer sizes of El Pro Pre Pro ducte especially popu lar in this vicinity. Beth are free smoking, even burning, gener ous sizes that give full measure of the real en joyment found only in the distinctive charac ter of the El Producte blend. The Corena comes in the famous blue tin of fifty ; the Blunt is pack ed fifty te a box. O II. r. CIGAR i.O.,lns Philadelphia. I'.. 1 Tffl i S mJwiMi W i lit I grj Twe Tene 'SS Jp. S Fur Mixture feN JMk. W 8 --Kw 8 Vjgf fIVIeal l. vvltli ' I'litiburvli ut Wuhlnrteu y,ec '.iv;rrv ' ,'ii, . ii. vX r?U(3 vrSrrjf!. jfi&ki 7f A light, smooth-finish felt was the proper Hat for September, but this new Twe Tene, Rough Finished Fur mixture is the right Hat for December. Fer the man who always wants a Velour, I just want te say it's net necessary this year te pay $8 and $10 because I have the best Velour I ever had and it only costs $4.85. If you want te make a little present don't forget that I have a large assortment of Gloves genuine Buck-sUin, triple-stitch and rip-proof, also Mechas, Suedes, selected Seuth-African Capes and wonderful Fur lined gloves. ,S5& Aen.v ether shape and iizrt 0c te 30u 'F' fan ii 'ft OL PRODUCTO '.WATCH MY FIVE-FOOT STYLE SHELF 1307 Market Street (Opposite Wanamaker's) Oat of tne Cenfeited Traffic Dittricl We carry a. full line of standard Apparatus If AMRAD, Deforest, Westinghouse, Atwater Kent, etc. W Mall Orders filled piemplly. C. H. Burger & Ce. 1334 W. Girard Ave., Phila. Open Every Evening Zi "IS? 9 J M t!&gi&!& Fine Quality Anniversary Overcoats Typical of the same standard e f tailoring, trimming and fashion that has made our store -the most popular one in Chestnut: Street for the past ten years. $,Q0 for $1 and $8." Stratford overcoats. t-jJSQ for Si" and $7e British overcoats 45 fr I'liiladelphia-biillt $55 overcoats Jp3 7.50 fr 9",ft -crmania overcoats $28.50 for S .'." town ulsters ifi33.5(J f'' ?" overcoats and ulsters $43.50 fr $55 overcoats and ulsters NOTE This Anniversary event closes Saturday Christmas Gift Suggestions Clip This List Out It. ill prove valuable te you and will help you te moIve the problem of Christmas giving, with practical gifts for men the hind they like most. SHIRTS Uctlrai. Seil Ciiis '2, $2.51), $3. $3.50. Oxlmdi$2.50. Peplin $3. Cnnlith Rruadchlh, Plain Colen $1.50. $5. S6. PUal in While anil TanSe. Fiber Sdh-SH. $6. Silli -$7.50, $8, fS.50. Fancy and Plain Celers. Cellar Attached $2.50, $3.50. 'Full Drr.M Shirtt$2.50 te $10. HOSIERY Cotten, Plain Colen -40c. Silks 75c, $1, $1.75, $2. Slk end Weel $1, $1.50. Gell Hese- -52. $2 50, $3, $3.50. NECKWEAR SMOKING JACKETS $7 te $20. BATHROBES $5 te $20. SILK ROBES $16.50 te $25. BELTS $1, $1.50, $2. BELT STRAPS TOR SILVER BUCKLE $1, $1.50. STERLING BUCKLES $1 te $10. MUrFLtRS SILK $5 te $15. Weel $1.50 te $5. HANDKERCHIEFS White LinenSOr, 75c, $1, $1.50. Plain . Imported and Demestic SilhstiSc te initials $1, SO box el 0. $3 box el 6. $3.50. Knitted Scarl.-$l.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3 50. Full flrrsv end Titicde75c te $1.50. CLOVES Cape $3.50. Genuine Mecha $4.50. Buckskin $3.75. Lined Cleves $2.50 te $7.50. Weel Cleve.$l, $1.50, $2. CANLS Plain and Silver Trimmed $3, $5. $6. UMBRELLAS Plain and Silvrr Handles $1.50 $10. HATS Se1 Felts $3, $4, $5, $6. Black Derby Hati$3.50, $5, $7, Caps $2, $2.50, $3. Fancy SilkSOc te $1.50. TRAVELING BAGS $7 te $20. SUITCASES $10 te $35. PAJAMAS Vi te $10.50. I'ljnncl l'cjamas$2.50. $4, NIGHTSHIRTS 5.50 le $2.50. FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO VESTS u In While or Black-$7 te $15. WOOL VESTS $7' I SOFT COLLARS 25c, 35c, 50c. De Your Christmas Shopping Early William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street j I'at 2Jend-ur uUht, ri' s
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