Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 25, Image 25

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    tS!(vSfvp JKfJ
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y,CT75:lTJTTA,V5VsO,3 4
it- ',w'v,i!fi
EvfeNWG MlUM) 'ilEDBllr-PHiLllililii'HIA.BIDAY, .DiMffiVilSfiR 15, fi22
.Ti. -
, Ji'-yi
25 .Jfi
r -J V4M.I
AMher of "Youth Triumphant" ami Other Successes
Copyright, lBSJ, 1). Applcten d Ve.
Remance of
Rise and
fall of nn
and lis
Comeback (
"Tmvs Willi IN T11U STORY
tiiMt.'Y t nil US', uii-to-diite'jtrl.
rich and ehurmimj,
Arc Flappers
as Had
as They're
l All Limbs
of Sr.tan?
at once irritated
I llnntt tl hit
nlll N.'lltbt:. veuna American
flhnolejni ,nul uar vctrian, amazed
l chan'jes In manmrs and ''"'"''
bought out by tie war, but inter-
me imritrd irith hir father, ,
ItU MOM'S'. t tclI'Mndc financial
leader. Toe busy te think of Iiih
ihlldien he lanes them te
URS MOM'S, irlie Inn sueicitfuUy
cullirtited the social tide of life.
TtnVVi: COW AX, Mefnrcnr salci
man. of vnrc-hian ;( of xclwm
Chriru imiininri ale w enamored.
BOH MelH'V. ion. is a twically teck-
tts )inii)Wtcr.
OEOKOli hYCV.TT. elderly piemm,
nhilntfiphuinu ai the atom dcvclept.
mils l mriWSTr.K. tr.ew, Mrs.
Mehtn would like te coil sen-m-Mic.
nnt stniRnle of the" iiinii wIiohe Jinnie
Itur mother bore, Ids rmirtiirc, lilt Iwlli'i
In himself find his Impe In tliein nil.
iircscnted mere Hcni-ly her Mether n
rntlinr litlill!l:i lii fill lint iniiM. She mi
net mliiil if AlU'in iIiem' tillt Willi Mih.
Ili'jwoed, or if clie Went ter iiftrrnoeji
ten te tin' bennes of old hiciiiK or if
she accepted tliclr invlUilleim te luiii'Ii luiii'Ii
eens or the theiitre. Nhi-e Mip wiih ob
viously tmhnppy within the liense. It
vvuh better, even if her liit'.hnnd wan
licjflectcd, that she i-liiuilil fiii out of tt.
liul Cherr.v did ruient Hie ntteiitletiH
of .lehli ('lilclietter, vhlei t tinned
te be iik perulsti'iit us I hey were Incem-
ircbeliHiUIe. Tlie fiiellity wmi vilili-n
k Iitifl trnnsferred theui fiem Cherry
te her mother, nnd Alielu s tnrlt ne ne
(.cptnlieu of theln, led Clieiry int'i he-
dent when they were seen together.
be (enllniiril tomorrow
wilderliiR iiiiizen of IhetiRht. It wni In Iho nick nmti. Chciry renllzcd for
Ime tlml Jehn Chichester hud never I the first time, with n htrnrwe ipinlm,
tiretiOHiM In I lien .v. All'l MH' reiiir.eu llilil ner meiiicr was Minn' jenrc jeiiHH'
(hill It had nlwnyH been her mellier er (hull her vi"Iter, a fact quite
who hud cultivated this InMimiej as u
put I of her (jeneral catuplKU for her
dntiRhter'H Kiclnl mi reer. Cherrj could
net believe, cieii new. that her mother
tad been actuated lij any ether pur-
jiebP. Hut tin' tieipieney of .Mr. Clii
elieslel'V vlsllH and tin evident pleas
ure which (iicb tool, in the mm Iet of
Iho elhir had heeeine meic and mere
dlsturbliiR. Al t lie ery least, her molli melli
ci'n lieedleexiii'iM was iiudlRiilllcd nnd
unbeciimiiiKi al the most, lusenslble
and dNle.Mil, in iplrit. If net In letter,
Mie was cmtsrlniis of lier bands, of Iter feet. Tlicy were le.iden object
which Nhe moved with rrHllcully
Alicia lls
flierrr rrmemhercd the name of
fumeiis "'ever" of many picture!., thrill
In gnitly mi KHlu did. and enteied tin;
taudtim of the meat mnn witli heiii"
npprthen'.leii. McKaigh was tail anil
thin, with n hooked mi'C and a thnip
ehln. He smiled politely, c.liiblilnjj
leldcn teetli. ,
"And '.till tin (enle1 he 'aid.
"Mr. Swift, Mits er--"
""Mnhwi." put in Hllle.
"MIh Jlehuii bobbed litur
iWninlv. "Toe bad! T.et'h se
profile, tint any pliotes'f"
a new iilijsleal vision, herself with a
new spliitunl one. The virility that
had nlwe.vs aiipealed te her. the physical
appeal of his bodily perfections the.v
be enced somehow te a past in which
she had been actuated hv n different
se, of Iinpul'-.M . His egotism then had
hen turned outward for her favor
had mode her iudlifereiit te the fate of
her fnmlly. If she had relaxed into that
state of Indifference t. pilled by dresuiiiR
micks, untldines and stiplnenes. her
attitude would have been easier te tie
line. Hut It was n mullein that her vl-
tnlliv liml been In no way linmmvt
! nnil "ll.nf nhe t'till elmiH te liie vertices
new It v.as Uirned inward only for nf her youth with un ardor In no ort
hi own. Like Dicky, he renounced I abated.' Te Cherry, the illunl ul the
ler. nut here I lie irenv wnt lew subtle l dresslin: lable"wns new the jmhel nf an
Hut mere perfect. hli- eeuldii I htivel r.i.nlrnrtnn ubleli. Iiciifirinif the wre-k-
liiui'i .u am prhc il she wanted him. Ulic flhi lit hei, still dwelt anions tin-
Shu was "tlln and peak.v." I section of lier former triumph-.
,. . " " . " ' If Cheiry had been dispev( d te he
1 he limit of the te-t justified i irnleiit she would perhaps have tlimiRht
Cherry s opinions and Kffic's feai. The!f J,er mother as a disappointed v.eiiian
still clniRlnv rather unpen ksij le tile
J ver te si'jj.,
f&arl JVecklacer
Appropriate aad Uitfal
Christmas Gifts
Complete Line
AH atylei and prleti.
Oak and mahefarjjr firtUh.
Rell, flat top and tff
writer detka, tablet,
rhin. cettumera, lek'
Kell and Flat Tep Deh JJ2-22 Vp
Chiilr, $3.00. Boekktaprr DmIc. . .$18.00 tip
Mirny ether bargalni. Call and Impact our Hn.
stationer 702 Arch St.
iw. l illiln'l hriti! any.
"Thiav"' "re very slew. Miss 'Mel.uu
Jfehnilv delus aujthiim new- "
"I thnuRlit. Mr. M'-lvaisli. "aid
KISi', "vu miRht be wllline, m r! her
, "()li -i' el', , it iiiisht bn hnmi','ed
Hurt; jut Ret it minute. Hareld'.'"
Mr." fvvift Rliiiiccd ar Clieiry
thi'eiiu-h his Ieiir i plashes and then
,il,iniish nt his w.iteh. He was u v"iv
frrat (ni 'en.
n.ti.1 I.. iiv
"Oh. s-'.v. .M'Uiiy. ne sum vim an
jbstriictcd'n.r. "can't jeu pet ionic,
tedv eNeV"
"Just liv" 1111111110". I. the wants tin.
Can't P'tiise l.die. Come nlciiR."
He led the wa.v out Inte tin
Utiilliivvith the listless Hareld.. ( heriv.
(irmly lisiuibisl, fellow Iiir with 1-llle
hlcp a'hinb te the sl.iuhli r. There vviu
little lime te --pare. 1ml I"(Tie nnile rp
li :u was uti'-alisfiieiery from every peln
i ei view. I he emotions reRlstcied were
sp.ineii-. J'Ih- Rlrl that cherry miw as
! i In- sal. lier hand In lCfi"'s. In the dink
project inn nmiii wai like an awkward i
( stranRcr fn.ni the imuitn Middenl; ,
ihri'Wii upon her own rcemees in a'
fir hinnable dravviiiR-ientn - all hand'.'
and ten. She taw the lips of the
'ri netful Hiirald feim into the words'
l "innie pep" and with p!!,v for tills
, peer ronttire v,ln v..i" liere'if. -lie "iv.
thai tbeie vns no rc-pensc.
Tl.c I'lii-e-mn, tee. weie earn iitiiri" . !
he knew, and his moments 'H'ii.v had nut Miewii that lur cheek
piveleii'. ini.i"". n. in ouenie si )ireinilient . ne
vi piiiK.'. ,Min tier Diuc ejes enii
pliiileRraplied p.ilelj .
"It wie. the rotten r.?htin th"j R.ive
.vim." whi'pejcd Ttlie. I
"Ne." s.ild Cherr.v "I Rii"-s I
v.nn'i mtant te he a n.uv'e iiv.ecn.
"I'iii e -env. Cher,'). V(1ii knew 1 '
am. di n't jeiiV" the said as rl.cj vml
cur' I
temtinbrauee.s of snecc-s
After Januuvy
Chfm'r. f.uv while Mi'UmrIi .avi jiei
ler . etn.i ti ins uhieii Were, in hrii i .
te iinke fentimeiil.il advancis. linall.v
fiiil.n,- in a Ret t'iRctliei witti let"!
ieier i tii.'inv wemeii wlie ste.nl u- rr(lll, :i10 t,
Pllireimv iibiriuri, ,i miikui miii- '" i Aliihlin li.el nl
(loll, she iv
Clmrj piesscd HlTie,.- hand ami '
lau.'heil. It was the only thing Ih-u ahe
(n.ild de.
!drnl i-Miiilesecnsinn upon nis iin.
('Iirrij innved into the phu e im ti.unl
rmlcrt'i Rlnreef the li;;hls with ll.nnld
Swift beside her and sleml '.lining u
tl.e i nier.iii.in. aware ut the smiinl nf,
th lu.i liiin Other penple wire IneKlu:;.
rienj i b'e id turned te wnler. lie
llicvv'tiit 'h looked 'i fi.nl Sh w i
(ills' mi s iii r hands, nl h ". f i
'l!"v nt. b.ibti ebje is wiih h n
rii'i'M .t' iiirienlty HeIde her the
Hijrmtieciit ll-iteld I'stlesslj walled le
In imnj..ud. Sh" pri a hand timinly
lip.ni 1 h shf.nhler and looked tip im
Ills !:!'. lie put his att.i ureund lei
tcnnliiR I'm ward. ".Mele pep." V
i.liNpiiril Uinl'v. She I lied le think
tf lhlle Ul I all 'Mill she I. id (lelli Inl
lO', I 'I ill" seand lif tile lb kirn; ,
'ipier.i eereUi d nil e.'l"e. .ill Rt.iee. j
111 ihe "i Iiwe-ups" i lueli i'i.ii.i I
'le tiied l i smile, tn s,n pitnus, te
ui'lii'iit'' vnijliif; emetiiiiis. Il'id si.".
IpiM as ,eil fi fi.v sl.e wniild ptebali'v
'ne deie n. bee,, us" she kiuw t'nil i
III was a illlll.le.
Sh- 1 1. id u in Hflie's il'tstend l.n e.
iaiRh s blank cxi h shm. ,n the
kink ei i he i a iwnmnii, m
old Swift - siidihll eit I'lefi the i
X, ...... l ... i... ...... :.. 1 1... i:r .'.. . . ,i.
i'iii ni ' il in-" iiikiii in ine ini.i' i "i.u'.t
vus till. -Iii il.
"Ne i perieneL'." w.is MiUnijii's,
Tcnllit. 'A ear '. two in Mml i
v.hnt you med. Mi-s Jlehun,' lie s.,i, i
Und'.v. "Hm je.i inn emu around t . '
th piejeitiun room in a t v da.vs a. el
i"c this inn oft."
Cherry thanked him !'. I wm: into,
tie dressiiiR room where Hllle wined and '
Wished the Rie.ise paint fiein l.er t.ite.
She Rave i;ilie a llielul smili .
"I was retti n, ' she s.-id.
' Yeu veto as rikhI as Miss Siva;;!. '
Mel Htfie levally. "eii em no hi it."'.
I kite ) en cum. Hut jeu weie seitu
tiff, Cherr.v. 1 was like tl.u at titst
Vlll've ,-et te ,'et ll'l'll I i it, ell'll be
ell rilit the next lime."
"I don't ln'lievc ilnu will Lc .hi.
revt ilia ," -.iid cherrj v.iili a ui.v
Winn tluv went out of th dre"inR
t'leni lithe left her for a noinent te
mke nlaiis- for tlie lolIevviiiR dav and
"lurij was aheut te turn into tie
Huihn w ,in she nut ltruce Cew m I
' f.ue. 'ei- n moment he did '."t
KtOinie In i. Inn she tpel.e his n.iri".
' "Helle, liniee"' '
'"Well. Chi'lli I WLit nre ull de.US '
S!e' 'elil 1 in, ii ml tile 'iiu'ieiliie !'
'ihs ni th, , n-ilniiiit. He listemd. ,
He li.i i ,i sliRiul.v supeiier air, net su
cundeseniiiiiiK us . Swift's f which
Would (niai lutei I. She tlt in.it lie
vvI'Iim! bn i,i inidersiam! -llial i.ini"
ei'v 1 ml Ited ae li.. liinl bivei'ie u man
(f sun i- lepsen n in i- ti inierm her. K
ke h. 1 net .. .trd ! II. ih.'t b. w.is
I'inis te mil. u sueei s uf the pKlilsct
' vhnh h" had ,i 1I.IM.
l'vi eiiK bten delus it ler fve
fciitlis. I was with tlie Circle Com Cem
I'Jti tlrst Thev piekid me out of,.
tli''rtMs and Rave un. a part. Last
wik Mi-KiiirIi s.iu a,,. ,,-i; ani mude
'I1' a e!s ellei le i nine le Mi-adovvcrett.
1 e lllj hem ben .1 week. lint I'm
K'Urf Rtl.'l . ,a.v , in a l"W nienihs
1 la Keiiir te 'mek llaiehl n'f the mui."
' in Rind, Mrnee. 1 de bepi jeu'il
'iwc'd ,.u Up,,. ,,h ij.i teU beaut!
nil tn sell met.iis " '
, Hi- Itleiidlv
"ml. II
Vfl ine
,' '"i, I phi teR. i h rimm! And T
8'U . wnnt. d i i l,t. un in te-. It'n
"in ucj un nn . l ism
(iiiui'i., stun i ,!,, te., We
10 VV i i.i l'i , .., .: ,i..... .i.
".ni nn nun. i i;ai ) ii iii'vi
I'll! it ever Haleid."
Ills (Ket'sn' was, ,s ii,-, eotes'.-ll.
' Wllh tills ll.'l. Ii.iekstretlll'1 of
lin.li' it was setai'whiit llupres-
-pair with wliieh Alitin
ill -l faced th'lr situn
assunied an alil'mlc of
ar'i'lcvd iii'ipiic-ceiic.' in whatever
wis piope'cd te her. but she eentrlb
lltid little of ndvli'e of elif OiiuiK'-nient
te Chciry's imidiiet of affairs. It was t 3KJ-31S-320 Cht'Stnitt St.
difficult ler Clnrrv le dot hie whether
;ti( itiitmtivi' vvtncii li ii 1 1 lieeu n ion ien ion
i.itieii !n Alicia's meiiil pieKress was
new I, n kin;,' bv ineetitiide e." design ;
whether In v ialents, developed te ntus
! the lutili'Jii'Ks of an exotic nied" of
lif-. hud ourvjiewn pilmltlvu ouidltieii"!
). wlicMier ilu blew te her sclf-cncem
Accounts will bear interest at the rate of
Trust & Safe Deposit Ce
i i. ' t .v'i).. Iii ; v r n' ln i
533 Chestnut 17 S. 11th 17 S. 13th
114 S. 15th St. 19 N. 52dSt.
1113 Chestnut St. 9 Seutli ,"j2i1 St.
threat Pfage
tune soett
ln'Iumed inem-
bianes. allays i: i:
ritatie.is, subdues
ceiiRhs. Safa te
take no nar
cotics, no habit
forming drugt.
jaym:- m i;i
iiniy iv j .if faklm
Dr 7'1' Exp't
terant, firnnus vi
wmh smm&vmmb ni
AtYeiu' Diu
op Si'')
new bear a penalty of four per cent.
H)JJ neiv hear a penalty of five per
WATER RENTS FOR in J new bear e
penalty of fifteen per rent, and notice.-
are briny served te deprive the property
of the use of water.
AFTER DECEMBER .mth City and
Scheel taxes, tot ether with Personal Prop
erty taxes, will be delinquent and subject
te additional penalties, interest charges
and the cost of advertising the neine of the
assessed owner in the daily neicspapers.
W. FREELAND KENDRICK, Receiver of Taxes
Your Government
Te Cost Y
Biuret Bureau,
with tlii. vu-eperaii'in of Cungrc??. v. ith the aid of
the 1'nited States Government seems at last tt'
editors read the messajjc President
aien'jj wnh tlie tnuiget for tlie next nscai year, even the
uid wrote cheertul. hanpv. and congratulatory editorials.
IIOIIV I lltM'll ( I
biOi-viil tint what she
fe i'T
sT.V pivtt,
"-aid ,
, ("-s S.tv.
I'1 rr .
n,."'"'. jts, siie'h all rigiit, isn't shV"
tua' . .".!!'' '!'" nlr el sudden ahs-trac-,
?" "."- ' '"'I'" J"" Rt " lioe'.
?.l;t' "ad. as li. Nheik IiiiiiiIk. ".Snv,
lrj. veuie bmlciiiB kind of thill
'''I I'f.ih.v IJiiav up 1'lie hi'Ht hii!,.,
,'wd .vcais me the hi.i'lcst Veil,
'y'Kei le be 'Il njfliv. Se leiii:."
iu it: w iich'd lib ili'iii'iishliii: line;
.'' nili.sl.il leclinKi.. Of tl-e Itiucc
'1.1, t iM. ,h, ,;!,. .,e Jeul u:n ,
.iSn!JI; v'r Tlifc-lbb. The in,-t
. i """"''"' thl'i I.c i. id (eiu.neil
Ins ah nrp I.e. m u wn linjieitp. it
,.,. '""'Up'ian' nivd. I wiin ,, ,.
,,J:,0Ufc ""' h" h'lil (hoxen te use ti t
iMiUr "" " .1."lflt''' '" i-i'iri'hs any nn
b,i , "",'""! r Vi part 'which mU-hi
ciiniir ,,"1 " urrence of thrli M'liil-
H.Li1' 1lu,,','''' "e i"iht haw nm I
leS?! lmt ?nx,,,t' ! ,,1 bl0011 '"t')'',l
ift"V '"' fnce na a wave of liumllla
wn rit ever her. film enw him w Ith
Only One Price
Only One Brand
Only One Quality
The Best Cup Yeu Ever Drank!
It is meBfc aaiisfying! Such a de
licious, real coffee flavor! Such an
aroma !
It has that smack e goodness that ia
at once perceptible as peculiar te Asce
Blend, se distinctively different from
ordinary ceffet
zsce Coffee
You'll taste the difference!
i it lirjMCE m
With the help ei the
continual preddinp; from the White lleuc.
be in a happy way financially. hen the newspaper
Harding submitted te Cen-re
Democrats premptlv sat down
Ter they learned that this prodigal Government el ours lu in three )cars cut down its spend
ings from a sivbillion-dellar te u three-billion-ti'ellar basis: that it is going te spend half a
billion dollar.-, less in the nevt fiscal year than in the present; that the expected $600,000,00(1
deficit for V)2l ha already been cut down by halt and, since it is only December, may very
well be wiped out altogether b the au of the year en June 30; and finally, that the elncial
Budget Bureau estimates fur the fiscal vear ending in 124, indicate a substantial surplus of
? 180.96.121.
Yeu will ti'.ul iti Tfll" U n.RAKA DKIKS'l" tln wfi'l. !' cn..ici l'r ln.w the reiii. '.en m gt.vrrnmeHt
vpenses li.is k'tn L-ttirtcd, vvlrir .i tiv tics li.ui liecn ftirttulfil, ..ml v. n t the pn h.l citivtN upon t!le t jpaj .-. ir.av be
Other in-.tiui.tiM" ncwi-articlcs "i tli week's issue of Till" DKiI''l tc " "'
"Wet" and "Dry" Gains and Lesses
When Greek Kills Greek
Britain's Mesopotamian Burden and
Up Ment Blanc by Cableway
Mere Daylight for Less Meney
Hew, Why, and Where te Pick a
Mixing Religion and Politics
Winter Travel and Playgrounds Descrip
tions of the Leading Resorts
The Spice of Life
Topics of the Day
Misgivings as te Progressive Bloc's
Uncle Sam's Prosecutor Prosecuted
Christians Ordered Out of Turkey
Hidden German Arms
Japan's Exit Frem Siberia
Holiday Feed
Why De Radie Waves Hug the Earth?
The Degradation of Christmas
The "Esprit" of France's "Old Tiger"
What the Breweries and Distilleries
Are Doing
Why Navies De Net Melt Away
Maiuj Interesting Illustrations. Including the Hest of the Humorous Cartoons
What They Say About the Motion Picture Novelty, "Fun Frem the Press"
"Th.' I.itfint.v niuestN '! ,, , , .. ,,! ai mv , ,.,, ,,., , su,,,... i.i -, i, ,,
noveltv Hint cue eenuim. inli.ytn.i," t ' I ,' . i , , r, ll,,.,,,,,,. '"i-.u'i.t.- - I'li.ladfljihla
Atlunti, tin
"' Tun l'mii
tl.e l'le-s1 iirm.,1 mi.
"f tin- ciutx.li. - A i In i
"An enii'tiiliiinc lilt is Tii I'r.'in r-..
of short liiimnrim.s ..unilii, whie'i rwt' in
ehnsen bv tlu tditurt nl Tlu I.iitinrv Im-
i ' .1
. " t .l-'l'shtfitl
lf l(ll(lllll.
I'1 i i. u!iiiti 7iV( fi'-J.
I. I'l'i ' IS I lnlilv
i c;
ii'i I
.a. iv
' l'l lliV I - a- ni
I ii'k'iiiln I.. i Iii. . ,i
'di'i'ti'il, mill I'liiiiint
l n nili- inn tlin .
' u iii. i'
:"! il ,t
t-'-inili-' hut, in a liner soiise. liiiirmiiiii
"The I ItiTiivy Iiiuest's 'I'un Prem
Ge te Theatres showing "Fun Frem the Press
The Lin-ran- Dijjct, Pr.-itlucei
"-liiil(l b.' en cveiv
iit 111 i' I ri nnil ti oil
l.'!. h.ii 1.. .ii'i!.-.'iai,.(i )n ,-, i,.tu,v (,fl
V Im llllliri'i IIITe ..'..nn . if n...l 1 ..
i'i,. i e i- i i "'"' "iiiiier. -
' " " -'K1' I'"-Il It. His,, MiumsVi
"lliiv.'j, vrai inl iuiii iii li,, i',...,.. . i... .. .
: " "" "iu in iri'is
"'III I. - II Sill in. - 1 i,ivim.nl !'.....
:lii an
m r.iv
and you will enjoy
ic entertainment
"il ( ' i; i"-.,tli li.
Get December 16th Number, en Sale Te-day At All News-dealers 10 Cents
TheT. . T-X.
Mark !
I Dlatlnotlen tel
1 B a Rpadar of I
V Th Literary
rarriers and
Mothers of
i ii
Why net make sure that your children have the
dvantaRC" of usini; the Funk & Wiiulls, Cetn-
iviiciuivu .inn vsiuwibe etananrcj Dictionaries in bchecl
and at home? It means quicker progress
Ask Their
I .
Allrlltewn, I'll.. Ii'. It". Tile Al-' iWimfSXn
Iciildvvn KivviiiiIs Chili Iiiih I'lccti'd mMfilJtieb teszs7
iiilMsleiicr. iitciideiit nnd Dr. S. C ID H 'if M fcT. a."&l vStmir&i
I-. .t 1lf...l ..... ..! fill! 'I'l.n .lll.llliri ll'u M 1 m M I.B1I I I II HI k ,i ' -MT '.M 11 1 11T l.ir' 111
HiilCrm tlWreHi.1,1 Uu. ntl-MitliMiH illHturWiW. Al tin. wvy ln.s . Iiw 111.11 - r 7. wrr .; -; -..y ;',"'"- , Q l, iCV m&ZZV
(IcorKe Y. Sliei'iiialUT nii(! KIwemI S. H g MJB P") I Ij 0
. 'I'ltitimiu. Wm 1 V Pi III li 1
K.I S . 1... .... ..r, ....... 1 !... f. ..... ' .riV M 99MM k Ut !.; - tm
-i SSy I Mill Ulllinn-llVH U i I I wni . ii. . , -- - mm mm k , W
f- S Yj4 10 liei IIMMIirr. iUHI illiriu ft lili'il ut- , , . , , , ' , .i.Tl'. ., ...n...niiM I
,ccitaiire of them, led Clieiry infi be- MlMill'fPilTillliy! I
r , ..'. m - " . BltCostsLessenAfChSt.
1 7iuiii!miiiiiiimiiHiJu"i!!!rHininiiiiu:i & ffA If If If Tf CN C I i aiViHaiHaJi
I w II l(WnflJl Civ AA rl
ill tVJI M" BROAD STREET "J VJ g " -
pi AT tff I ,
induct contact with bf j& iK -icSK
large pearl importers - fMBk iXHSH -
and offer their-pt?w,onel j. wffefxki. '
services and expenence r! l&M li jt m "mrm. a r rA. mi. x A
1 inebtamii pearls or Mj&M li I APA Utters Uitts ihat Are
pearl necklaces at ' - AWl il jJtm.M Slk Snminonhle A Pwnl
Y II : 4 Slctfir..Jj 3 -- wwwv.v, m, m. 1 mw.w ,
1 ravoraeio prices ps ifrisi7Af,r..l9 i -
1 AMUt. y. MEmm.vn$(. c ' le-A -afe--,"- ?!;. '7"" - Mmm.
JEWEL. ERS B AnmWmPm i I Ladi"' Cemf' Women's Satin 5,lk ??d We1 W
133-4 WIDENER BUILDING I Hi1 jAmSmWDaUZS 1 Felt Slippers Quilted $1 CA He8e 1A
m Jm8k!BSBI& i si 2S siiPPer. !" PLA'N,LOX
uniKtiW r jryrmiw Hi MuMSSmX QlO !2 ,COL- W
nut the v.iii- yj iMwkimmmmwm i 7Z I 9 v vw m
;- . . . - 'ja ftviMKsfmWMMBamtMaWK S fvVNv I jC?-? I I wtATI- fackep in n
StEeV-v ! fe HalBnilBwl . I W1 Jtv r mWr Parcel ImW
Tj'eS. ' M 9KHHJk4 s , .S -uae7 , Pest hW
& jO'A i kr HlHSraBlwll ' Mcn'i Cemfv iYIeu'i All- te i W
Wyillllllll!ll!!!!!!!!!!lllllllllllllll!i; ilP 1' FF se r
I srf 1 MEN'S HOSIERY Beet yJ3im
IJsl, lJO, CJUVni0.-J J. i.nivi ( ej if jM & Mp k :?llk hue-Id ert. ? . miUm ; ML M I
I P; I f !5 r. imlr- tn be. &.. I V """ BB Mgk . I I
, rj I 1 S " Z Z Z Z Z Z HI Z Z ZZT. Smart y L-MmH. -J I
d ffl the capa job nr Ga,esh V f JK
fl 'S it.-i.iiiiits n it i ni. r r qm mm tmry
j eat s ka ir-
3 "1
' Bay Seal (Sealine). trimmed j;
M with clear blue Siberian Squirrel. ij
I ie- ions:- i-
M a:,. en n eckiu i'
P-ti fed 'VKkTiiii'Ss-lCi'iSt"
cilr.'l.llllilllillliJilii'i", Onion Fun-v F.tjpntnrr Unfit Xmnx V-TntCCXw. 'j52&tJsr r-i-&BjiA-asaJ!
'.iLlllilluui-ui'iai j--. wj .-....) - .... ....-.. lujjjUL.Oi-Jld
I '
"w u