Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 22, Image 22
P?T?T" V v -i B, vv -ip , 1 ww j jyj A f v i -w A', W-WT!Ih RiVw.yvv yawT- "r rp tj ' U WOT j. -. , . - . i . i I: titl I Ktiiera aaR't&Q lit I Vj, 11' J mm wM (, rJ ? s'tL i: 1UTM l. 1 81. ' miH i";t m it iiu 'Miti tWLlf m fiS 13 VEXING PTJBEIC LEDGEBr-PHIKADBtPHlA: fRTDJ&t, bECBMBER 1022 FpsNickel Plating Still, Tank and Barret Werk PelUhlng and Ball Burnishing PREMIER RADIO MFG. CO. ieuu norm bin at. tz C.lnmMa 4984 Turk 2(169 N UatMmMVM.'.'M.w;. : :. ,. :.:. :. .y.'.yr mm MILLIONS I W 11 WW IK 1 1 QIKL I r $15 ' A Limited Number AN IDEAL READY FOR HEIRS $11,000,000 te Be Distributed te Rotations After Wait of Twenty-four Years LAST ACCOUNTING IS MADE Then hew en n you nay its mithlng with cm nrceunt of the wind. O, ntnt you ,V.1fllbrc,l, n,I(1 ,,per S t Ji the next. glaiUtH nel bcrglcrs? T sed. Ullyum mmiII hnff te pe down mull Hack te bed mid take this with veu, ware them nwny, no, dent you date, pep ted. Meenlnic n tVnrse ulnp it.n uji stny rite her de veu heer? lme he jtavn me jest them, feelttiR ;.... kvi. iTOim. x nnveiii starte.1 ie extur learte en nceetint of we having tnove yet. nep wd. -VIrh he hndent, en my tlilu pMJmnmers. itnd ma wd, Well yen weuldent calm- . j mi i ien ami let berBleri hrnke in H If they en tied the house, tteuld 3 en? v T net. C therei rnything In t Ures Abatlnence In Germany llcrlin, Dec. Iff. Kconemlo necessity ;.ou.;.i f ,;t,s , 'uef ,,cmn:f ,mt "!fV0,,rr b0 rcsar,,ed " 'iwt it in sdnce v?e went te Med in In n natlennl P" " Germany, naya a v'!',.. , letter tent by the Prussian Mlnlnttir of n-ieh lllltlir, M le-it then I remembered reme ..!..-...'..:... : """" ii mm iai M thN aftlrnoeu en n Mrlnp nr ldueatIen te the heads of all the pre vlr.clnl f.rhoel! In whleh he urpa them ! . . . i ,. .. r. n.,.1 !l 'V. i li.vwitih'. lliv-7.ll,-ll.u I1U1UI1! I HV MiiHt tM, li,,Wi,u nKenu t1(, M(e lIoer euth4 unrtrr thfir Instruction. loescmsmrisrm BWDYTYfVfP1IER(D &10.-4V?: Tree J Lighting Outfits $1.25 ud 'it All lmr'""'i"' V"JKi!JJfc '.tA-tU l'i.b rrnencri 'i.pu "u- ImnnvlMtJ kwmmea !.... m t. tiuiuiii;u uiuiitc iiuics A rr' KffUl &i. 4mfl 'f"t mM .iiji LAMPS !fc rier f Tl.l nrii-ce A sK s TtntiHelr tnrtrn Tlottdeir Tjimp j 2.50 "p 1 J,rffl Vf 't 1 7, am, i asserted e 1 n (i J 1 1 trhi" ii " 'or M r JI Up;n l.xtty ivnirtf n Tli Iimi and fird ,i. m.ntu - In the IXIVIAS GIFT 511.000 000 e-tatf .,( 'I'her as MrKenn. ' ll Wi iHr1 fttnft I'mn rniiM nei r.1u 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL. I YR. GUARANTEE ,jnlir(riH T,rr;lftT hs j lflw ,,f , T)nftlr In All MlHF .... .... niidaurur for Pertble "e Unilinn.' l eurt. I he I -'lei.fT 'I Hi' f'empanj and lrem-u McKeati. ' Tr . trnMces utid eeonters i'f flip 'ttatr. ihbiIe the acoeuntinjr. lMk'r.li'.tinii of the etnte heeat.ie neHslbl" rerentlv upon the death of .T lleiirj V Ii'Ke.in, a w' Tim estnti) n, de ,.ed t-iili-ly te relntlTM. n" no liuri' ei vere mentioned, and then- a no tnritr- . 1'rem th'1 eriRlnnl estate le);a., ri e' .Vl.'.One and 'J7.').i.'. paid II. V M Krr.n inritr t! will of Kluabeih Whnr Whnr en Mi'Ke.in. ttie testnter'n "td""", t,r' iieilneieil. leaMnp n ',ni(lnui,v of S10, O'J.091 1. 'le l)i tritfj 'l.rc-fe'jrths 'n tru-t for Tliema-J MeKean, dr Mari" MiKeati Allen and l'heeb AVnrren MeKean Heu IVeni the r'trnmi'ij; et i.tniir''i, iiiie,f) te Marcivt Uiit f"Iean ard the res'due. 1m-s fri'l, iXnl ini'ii i-e.l iu th lifetime et llnnrt V Ii'Kiai . -s awarded m equii'. si 'ir" e limn t' MeKeai . .It . and (Jiiin, t A Shaw MeKenii V SH.fuM Ijlanrn of i'i-n 1' i i"" 'fid di.itr huteil amnnjr the '. e-. I'amtl 1enc lrenilnent A' fli tin'c nt 'nv death in IK?. li , l Ki-m tesidnd at Twcntietli n".d Vn' ' u.f "tree'e lTie farn'r liaw been prom- ' n nt in thl' i.t? mere thiiti 1-3 j.if h" etatui prjndiHther lialnj: been 1 "-.Uiier -A l!.' I' elnrati"!) of Irde- ' pi'ndp'ur, anil from .('i't. ITT te 1TT(' ,1 fhief .1 istipe et l'ernirhansa Then . rK'all, h nn bem n T'bilad'lphla nni liriduni'"'! fiem tl, 1 niTcr'Jty 01 1". ntii haiia in 1S". He beeaine a partner in tln firm of Mi Ken m, Hen V Ui . nignr rifinem 1 af'er thi mmpanr m tlijobitlen mit , foil prp'iideii' ei till- N'cith IVnn i-ut Itailrund ' -Tnp.u -v . lb. u wl llertilied ith ir.nni !irniii.inl mil r nireia! institution in inrie'i.s ru 1 ' -. among th.'ii tl-r ridflnj Trn'' l pany, the I,ehiRli 1 pal nn.l" ai pi 111 I'errpar.y. flie Iiinur.m. . ( m i'i' f North tuerleii mj c ern' 1.1 -03'ji II" nni a iiinr.thr ! tin I !' ! I "!'!. 1 ,! .-t n'id Uilt.'ti 1 .it" h, nn 1 vns lit ein t tnc !". 1 . r tli" depti .ititenii rii-lipt t ' 11 . I . treat 1- i'-V" forpet let I n. 'sitr ,f v-nrt an!i . or.tierrien ' " w f SlOntMiii ,e tN in- ut . ui , ' 1 inii- in t'T tne finirl wit), wiirh1 1 1 r .' n,r n ,n 'itnl'ilnp "V111 -I- '1 I- I1-K1T1 a a f .-'re 1' 'he I'niTiTMtj. Judge (iett Opiuiuu ' i en i.t iiplnmii irad. 111 part. I i.i'ii a- M'-Kean 1 1 tI M.i-(Ii 1!. I'i1" Va!'ip a wkiuu. I'lizabntn W.ai'e'i MelsT' . d'l'l a .i'l ,ind 'i - ii i'n '"'ii in jipiba't- en M'lri'h L'J, I Vi", Mien lftfTt te'tHiutni iry "i" piai tfil '1 l.h.ul rtli U' ru'leti Mi Ki'iTi. Iln.iv V. M'Kir. 'riiema I Ken'. .1 . ard th" 1'id'Ii' '1 rust ' I u'lii all; I ia'irtb MeKenn rflmird dld. 1 hi' inc. - "a'eil. en'i'tril te t.iKe i.tnjt'i t i' w.ll anil Ilarrj I". M""Kein di"d en . r'i! H' ln-J'J, leavm; tlie inttijit f,,-. ii'i'-'ai' a' mlvii's fvei'i'e-s .1 ri 1 tri-.tis I 'Mi 'no li -.r " f'iri! til"d of th "nf fiiil "nibiaeeu the ttaii'.iftien ' t he pi'Outer ann tr'-nei-t from f i'f of tlieir ippeintrnft f, n pTied if iiere than im-iiiy-teur year " 1 ntintaiit-. iinwptr, ai'tcu n el'i. in:i'- te th" llir . f 1 arti"-. n frf,pt , vlie m r, ti.rtiUhci ui'ii io ie ri"dl'sl -te fMt'i.tt. thr jii'fniiti' ?eri'i'i te '1 writ r , i. Iari" MeKr.in Alien. I'1 ;ilie Wan imi b lvf.in Ii " ik, lb tn' I' M 'lf 1 .1: . and 1,1 ,n ' 1l.11.K , l". M0K1.T , incj no m .e,-. "'. wa trad-' at . ' e .n. 11 h ,, -1 1 1 1 in lmriem ''V- lilt U, tr--.it. '1,1 .. t'i I'M wilf pp-ii.""-. a' I '.", Win ' "f. pn!' ' ", m-.nr it i tlii rn 11 ,1 "li .111 in " ii( et Si'ji uli 1 ! 1 Hi' t."'i'" un e ' 1 1- fin pi,' e ipsptiM 1 .j w,r .,; v.'ilt'iHi ,,. , pnin mill "f 1 11 1 tuti'. n 1 . h Tit-ntlv 11.1. done ninl tin -nt ', jm .f tin rt,',if. real at'i1 i.'r-ei n! tie t. "'"" tt'fi.ed nnd li,iMtiit'd 'n t I'i'l' 't 1 11 -I I ' in .'ii 1 I I rn I, M'd' 11 m tr'.M. 1 . ' . ,' .! i,i.s 1 .. 1. t v r , . ni'dii" . ' 'ir. nn-, -I i'i- .1 1 ' 1 11 ; tlit-ir vprr ''e i 1 -1 Ceimtrj 1 1 1 1 1 1 in !fi ll.t" 'our! ' 1 I" r v t ,. , 1 the vi.l. iiy firi ir v i.'i-li .. t, ' vi I'eiri'iill. Ii. 4 Tirt 'rs ,. , te ..- .te i..r 1 fc 111 ! 1 . i,. wlili' i p.n a house I ' e '11 n 'iiiuphlir. I'l.eflx ii'n m I iii. ' 1.' 'n 's, at ll'.'l te unit . s , Mn'i" Wl 'lit. .11 Allf .1.1 r iii,. fin tii ! :t seu. T'ae'i as M l. i' i 1 I f III! i.l' SI.'l.lHXI, M , , i ,,. c ,, f . II -'II.. II" I '- I'. fl M I ,.P. MCPC ANY ONE OF THESE ?-T?3ft3ft3ft2ft PHONOGRAPHS DELIVERED WITHIN ONE HOUR NO MONEY DOWN UNTIL JANUARY, 1923 HPWPffffWetNWMPWHM r WMm WMkm Wm Bl 1 jr-1 . 1 iHrnw t H A Take Your Choice. All en Same Fleer Brunswick, Senera, Cheney, Columbia All we ask it that you make your initial cath purchase of Recerd here; then you've nothing te pay nntil January, 1923 EASY TERMS t en - $5.00 per month MYERS F. HALL U.S.ARMT AND NAVY GOODS Your opportunity is right here te satisfy yeursdves with winter needs at prices you cannot afford te miss. Army and Navy goods direct from the government at your command with selections that the public has never been offered at such Bargains. Every Article In This Ad Would Make An Ideal Gift Columbia & Brunswick Records INC, SiSifwjSi" 2626 Germantown Ave. ' llrlnu I flllrll r.l PLAYER-PIANOS OPEN EVENINGS ,H- 5 iWill YeuSh!ver A HnflKr l-il fmrn u't will Kh veur ai a i ' rtr!antac ' lienrth ! core for' pi it tln'i 'pi u' Whethr ' fi Hr" eiKTfitliiif ar pen .ir "r Imj Inp a nr-v run T.akr i a Hailue" i'ni-Ifii-nla SSfdn'i K'-rt reflpr rrtn In ' de k ntT 'itrlr Mtl i-iir'alns M.ter hvrlil Pik glstH ' rram"ital ceaeli liei "' . un i-jir3lfH r-r it ur nr th '. tU rar Vrtl.lf. Qu rlly lnitI'l w PI rVn tii tr !: 'rt.i' far d'N'.fr t M fpCi.C, V( r, wi im If i. Ivi Itult Knthrhllil ( entitan I M RH7 N llrenil M Pin :'.n f f4 Cnmilfis I elllns ( .irrlitc Ce. m M Irretil Arrli tt, 3rt aindrn 10H -ii! LS(S.,CriIlfWnu j Adequate Banking Service Helps Development , THE tremendous growth in the past 1'cw years in this great section of Philadelphia means that with the epening1 of the I'ranki'erd Elevated there will be a new era of industrial develop ment net equaled in any ether city. Manufacturers and business men will lind at this bank the most complete and unexcelled facilities for all their needs. An official is always en duty te confer with you. Deposits Over 10,000,000 Over 29,000 Depositors 0;7r Monday it- Friday ICvininys, ' le ! o'clock i( 5&i l4 Isn't It Enough te have iseM of Li ue'', Ruiter peak of it a? "tV hne-.t bu'ter in Ainerka'" "'.h,;' " .1 m Icfl fir as i.e sU" .' 63c,b &8S0 m wk . viciniiiojie:uesnenvwcs. Philttdclpluti In all our Stores mm Savings 4 With the New Year 49s Will be paid ufiei. Suuings Jepesitiy in Ihis cumfxii Chelten T. rust t ,; 1 .- tl,t" . . ' s ) , ,,.s't j .,,.. in M, , V0I, 11 n iiiii!eninf.il pi i.t ei, . ,, ,, !'. 'iM 'n' '1 'fit St.' 1 ;, it ' ll I'I UO'I 1 1 tut' liilnti 11 t" I ,-i I' K en 11, ,'t tnl!"t Nn..' I'.nnl. M.-lw M n i 1 '1'! .ti is J. , -it jr-'s I .. nil. i' en of I'd ,n,' h l j. -tr"' Tl.'in .it M. K.'i'i Ier ' I..pltni Mi I. ' T - Wl" I ."I--IT' I M.'K 1" 1" ' 1 s I , I'I,. .'.. M. l. .1 II ' l - tirv ' 1 .0 1 K 1 1 I ' ' . - '... lilt' , v. r. ' I'. ' 11 i'i. '? Ii.. .1 in I ii. M K, '0 Little Benny's Nete Beel li Lee Pap I 'VO.lL l .a- i,...w. :.. .:.. .... ..,, ti.iH ui .nn 1 ir "n u jv-pUOIIO IM IIIIO LUIII.IUMJl(l I I "Ift" 5614 Germantown Ave. GERMANTOWN OPEN EVERY DAY & NIGHT I.OliAN 1"' IliiuU A Jtttvi-ujnb Open I irO i"i ini'l I rliUy M(lit li'.f b'ltflers ' 11 tnr )unl aim 1 g 0 11 ilii' u' s 1 1 iji'i1 tint mii'M as 11 I t..awt 1 n ilerp. mid 1 kr.'p 011 I r n,j it an! I .jet out "t." h'd and ipneK mil ' t'. vn 11 ma and pep" umiii, tajin,'. Iti !, , I ui pep. I lii'iT liHi;leit 1 Wn'li (mp nil.. I: -at p in 1 c .J -)... hi;. Wais that nen-i'i 1 t,t, 'mi te! Warn tlif lua'lfi "ai m 1- t -,( ir-.!. aiil I ""l HfiRb'i- iie-ii f I. ml je . 'i'"'t tli it 'it, ' 1 j" M ai.iniii- I '." 1 1 t. .1 1 ihiihI- i H irs .In" m " tin 1 ' t I O f 111' ' , I Ut" 1 .'CMH ll, 1 1 i X 1. 1 ..-I In- 'i"ii k n blai k ir. U I p.-n a 1111. i e" 11atever ,ei u1 't "11 ,., Its fltltJllllZ. pep r.l ID ,en ineen te say yn 1 denl hear that nerltlnjrV nin wd, and pep ed. Well I de beer a imcMnf, ard inn sort Behind the Packard Truck i'h nearlj ;i quarter of a eenturj- of truck engineeririK experience, and the fact that Packard Trucks hnvc always steed, and stand today, as lender in sound, lenK-lhed construction. Yeu desire len. lew-rest service, in n (nick, and you ct them both in full est measure in the Packard Truck. "They Haul Mere for Less." Medel EC (2.2'', tens) relld tires $3100 Medel ED f3-4 ten) solid tlrea 4100 V.nA,f' $1- "I.,enB) "s,id ,irM SU" Iedel ft. (2-2', tern) pneumatir tire 3500 PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA 11' North Hrearl Street PAC KARD AIK Trlt I tUMWHOl OWKJ ONI fHf, 1 Wi A ' II M 1 j U. S. Army 0. D. AH- Weel Pants H'erffc $5.00 Pair Sites 31, 32, 33, 34. 35 & 36 only $.60 X Pair Pureel Pet, 10c. I V 11 H im 1 Flannel Shirts M a d e very line ma terial v.-ith 2 larKfi peckcti l lc h n kl or i-Bray color. U. S. ARMY HIP BOOTS mm Im mull UiviUllH ClasB B Beets. All in perfect condition. Splendid, well-fitting, long - wearing beets at a price that is practically giv ing them away. Parcel Pest AC 25c Extra VDC A Pa" MEN'S AND I.ADIKS' V' i'B Felt Bedroom Slippers I'inc for bedroom ff or general hou?e fi wear. Heavy Weel Wenjerful Rnrg.iu Army Socks Whitn unit Orv Jl SO Value 1 nmrnrift '1. n u 1 warn t'tnp fur Inn'i li. r i'ip. 11111J ljts. 29c Pair ft iUlffTJ fli samm 4 rirj for 11 00 Fine White Weel Hospital Blankets ririnfl n'w. wrfeet, vn4t wltli en necl BnliU; (ell tied lr. $2-90 Each Value $4.50 rtrcti ret, 10 U. S. Army Cleth Jerkins Purr v eiip .IrrMn. irea., llneti ami cxtni Will 111. if jeu' worn tjiitaide gr-t one of tbeae. llrtter -.han a sweater, wlnil iind wtather. pnwf. wee); maiiKct mien. Grnalne U. S. Army, Sim te 44 $.85 MW U. S. Navy Weel Underwear Pure White-Ribbed Weel Werth $2.50 a Garment Absolutely the finest wool underwear the Government ever bought. It's brand new spring-needle ribbed big value. fp Each Parcel Pest 5c Extra U. S. Army Weel Shirts i7vi IssSi'i'Mn I'llif'tlr i IrVMili i?ll 1UM Trft' M)i 'jil Ml.i ff"! iip i k.., sf1'i'FIi,ll't' 1 rul .. -. Ujiiftf''1' flljb Cji "2.90 M5.i in I'm l l'n. llitrn 5) m Mm m Khaki Shirts M i 't rfrr ri '.tni nn ils! vrlti iw pxtri. fV geA Uirrnln Trier U. S. Army Imported Scotch Weel Gloves sife J1-S Value $1.50 pr. 25c U.S. Army Heavy CltiK hPli'T wettll kn'l. Itrft i iltilar rrnrili $1 ,'.0 I'.r sarmpnt: up ,'ii . lirc.r s!.' rlrm. tk aj te 41; .hlrls .T. te . Munson Army f Last jjf .. -f &Sf..1 3tfe-s$rt i jra . ' . m czi - rm r&.4rVBi AfiiXK r 'S. rrpl Teut, lOr T,lri I f I V M V jr 8mz 13' mb rxt j- &.A KiPZ-V-ZiyrP'' I'A mfw-pw r U, S. Army Sheepskin - Lined J COAT w- IWi . .sW 'Cl With Large Beaverized Cellar 1 pockets; rc-enfereed witli belt nil around. (Juaranteed water water pretf. Only 200 coats en hand. Complete with cap te match. Keal ..liie S20.00. 7- vi $2-45 Rain Coats Made of Gas Maak Material ta1 nr t.'. e lli.i, run. eat xciK. -ll.'i li a Tena.rf lr- ra In Mid, et I" S Jlrmr cu milk imtirlil. pr iti one and bBl'i'clr wilir. e-ppf. ..nrtV.. iii. 'W).T? Vk,. !.: RVI IM ei uim;cu5iui mutuasins iiavv onees '1" of inti-l i.lir'f lie" Ml'IU '"' " ll '"'l ' ' T S . ii ' a in 1'ntnrr ea tii.U .ti anil ii.li). Hii. a' - Ir' I I nil;.,' '" Ti'ii'i mil i il' B 1-e.tlirr t, i Ih, n,,,,, p. t. IIM, - Jl'I'l-'i M t tv I 1 111 ll IIOilM &r Mvyn S'?iJJi 4fj FC au?. 0. D. Cotten $ 1 ftft Dez SOCKS i 111 1 mm Corduroy Pants l e r il rpr lnli " " lone wti'inic Maturitl fri trnnr. ).90 D enim Pants $265 U.S. Army Blankets fil' VSt.,11 ' A ill I 1 jm $11 .95 Jj immmm m JfiftVri'.VSjvU!Ki JkX vjnt'.. t'tit, , ,v rpguluiinn nan luit Ilia i, if T ' "" tnat i-prtp. ar.t mail I'h.. (ip mailp for ,,., '" k 'i e tird $3.90 5ggSjggSB SWEATERS ' l' 1 (' " 's UI lllgll- fl ()cr.sean S I t Sv eater, made grade mixed yarn; color O. D. Solid .-iz.es, .M te Id. Thousands of Other Articles Extra Heavy All-Weel Khaki dc OC Extra P.Oa Size Tlieuiaudi of i.lbir articlti received daily from the Army & Naty Ram All New &&&t.:''ff mm fi nm ti.my$r. 2i. Open Every Evening Until 10.30 P. M. A. S. GOLDBERG The Army & Navy Building PARCEL POST 10c EXTRA Open Every Evening 10.30 P. fvl. 1229 MARKET STREET tata . fc r. X. r ly. V i 1l Bi "B. . w. w w .? "J& ft. ttt v.avw&n t'4Sx I H