Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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if 'is
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tTTZ! .IL' .- .ert
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7i A nf'JiVi
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V- v
. "
fre Modern 'Men Actually Reacting
Against the Bendage of Marriage?
Ily Wl.NMKItM) IIAttl'KIt I'UOI.I-.V
MEN seem m tip getting temperament- ;m' t.f terrible s,neK nn.i di-ilius'ietiniuut.
nl nnd feeling that t liej lut nm 'M.u i- peitriiied ugnm ami again: ft
net Maud bciug married. i ' "hi.pp.i" union. ein in which the
eupip nip eeiieied in tnnr trieiius te
It used te be the ,p idp.nll- muted. What in the world
if i who w n s , , ,,M, limUe,
" IiIimhiiKtMehiI. " In sfvpr.nl nl the benl,. dm husband
who w.v, ten 1 i n 1 1 frills m Imp with another woman mil
nnd ran- nnd liim lit s n tempestuous lime triing d tic -
i according In ni'ii i'.,. wlirMur in nbntidmi Ins wife, who
loll. iieips turn bus Iippii a mt. Reed ..no ter many
.r ;'.ie rni'Kriiius icai"".. nr .i suffer ti"l m b i"p-
gnaw Ins of dull dn. Mjiitifhc bs new eulm,ite Mind mi i.
Please Tell Me
What te De
feats'.. ,.
' 'Ufa te Cmftila s column win' b
tttlt.'f. en en .i.ile u ili uan'i' enti.
ii rrf ii'iir bf stunrd i Hh (lie ut-.trr s
I one n .1 fiil.iKj;. Tht vnmn lW net
I" luliti'iied i Hie utttcr docs no' t.'lifi
If. L4sf0iirii leffcn .tint IrttcM nrKtfii
en hnih il,1t (, f p,iprr 'tl net be
nt-llir-mi. ".' ritert alie with vrlmal
nittuni fin' . ii'i br uiii la li celtnnn
' 'I )intr leuti tiff, u tcriuluJI IfttuA
iii p'Wj Kridn. utiu ulivuf.itt rj titCis
Mirsti.'iH or lis
i'anl;iiv i' b .i i n ,
'he r n t in fur
ilture. i n i I rr
l.il'-b'ind is lmyi. .
le.'s.lv veiiiiiif rv i n I
and Imiirpel".
Disapproves of Kissing
l'm i' 'ithi.i t linf iP.i-1 t "
nrtleii i in uin 1 1 li mi vel; nften .'Hid
lml uMiii of i n li Iuti i-ttUi'K
Inn nt; tli1 l.i-i "wk 1 bn "ti
crnl .1.31m 'in (iselri"! I'.eiii'l en
tlie tuTii of 1.1- nnp. .mil .i.ii reiiiiicllfd
te Iuimi in.v ,aj 1 tlilnK It Is positively
Blllt C.tt' nt..- Ill T trt llHCf it 1IF1
it was .1 lf-MloeMiri 111 iiiarrinsr from rer u!H ln nUcs home 1h tbft
Mm 1 phi te lin.l it iT.iniplni; . Ki5s tiiiipetcil m 1" Hi Klrl'i fcrfcli
it is mil if prnblrlil nt' llinllll .'
i;p.ntpr Imp nnd iIipii. briiu iIImiiH
tnteil. Ii ii"pr v.ik intpn'ul. 1 u
brfore iMiniii; 'HTi'v a gii' Im uiifl
bun bet'ei titan did ins m 1
wiNSirnt n
nis cruuDiiiK in hip iinnp vnriii. rer
he luxurintid in .111 rle;;.nit lie.n" itb
VrTnts nnd meters and limd'onim limd'enim
tume.i and jowls, bnt $h dii iitif1 tb
ladder by which 1ip .ii ' 11 ion
nucenuei mm riin inrpin'ii no. iii'i
! "if. slip in- 1 that tup f.mlt of 0 sIHMt lSPtn 1 bucnttiw lif tae- '"-r lieniPn Pilfl)
luyi.i i:,. riiltf "f -hP that unim-ii riTt mn Iim whom i neula nor ln ti 1 . bemuse n in
I tm iT 1 .. .1'. I..iitnl l. min unir.i ir imc ti 'M 'in 111c,'
':., ...... ..."- ihlnK. nntl slie m thnii mil; te tbe
una sbe levc AiMi.n n clrl dOPtn '
co out with t"'' v lupaiisa lie eez
SlH I.VU nidp nrli-in-tPiiiperaini'iits ' tiiplu then fiml ilie 1 -lle who thinks
- Ml,,. . hafe at tli" MM idea of hPiiif.V'herwl" --Ih.tjI.1 . hnnsp Im- ininil rlslit
I., ! 1 i.,..t, .... fn., ,:, ,, ..new. (..(''J.
bound ' irnl inlft en frf .iii ana :i
-he COUld ;Pw t lie W l id 111 nl . li.ss .,1, l ..hntiPP 1 ,l.iv..I..n thtr. nm imti mini
ense. Sbp va an i-j"l; .ind .1 1101110 prn niii apnar"tiv. nlm i'ii ih
BUT suddenlr el! si-piii ihanapil. 'I'Iip
men nepllsts of ill. s.;JMn, 1 t ,-.
Kiven tis harrowing pn.tnrc of u,
sruntled and lac: Jy srrims lri-banii- '.
rn niii appar":iv. nim 1 .ii inc
fpplins et pptM beiid.ien It is net Mm'
thpj1 ibifct t- thn hi; IKIU'3 ther
zlaill'' lnbet- 'oils and bird t inaintain
an ph iim hoitspheui. mill tnpv tvrm i,j;, v;iU0i a blend
n ip.nl n'fpptien for liPir ta'iiilis. l-,t geed looking In the
Would Kney Her Better 1
P'.ir Cnthla -Mu ether persons
linp P01110 te ; 011 fm niUm and re-,
e'icd It, and re I would de UUP-nle ;
Mv prnbiem !i tin' I am .1 junior'
.in'i 1 enaiaerpii
fpnaln f tlie '
I rTr iS ! Tan- Vr) rJ tt yVf? Nr- frriv 11 t '
raEhfc Tjfife. "-Va
1 - in ..-,, -1 1 ' 1
tleware tlip pcrfunotetv 'H;r"lnK
Kits! Like fill b-ahncntu vt habit U
is npt le bcoennj shabby.
J.C88 tiatiKoreus 13 iuc n umt, .";,
.. .. 1.1. , ... 1.... 4 i.,..l. nf nbSClli'O
INK hier. u.,nii m n is- - ,---
It may b used without risu 01 ',"",
HMmrrt In th Irlfla of naMlieilt. UlOURlt
iii m"f ;;.
U hlD.1 VI i, . ,; i
it held nn i-icincht et fiientaticiiy no
preinptliiKs tue Belhsb
In Spite 'of the Scarcity 'of take
the Business Meeting Was a Succe$i
The Crowd Thai. Met te Tulle Over Seme Church Werk M$m
Business and a Petty Thing Like Mis Leuldn t Affect jem
(f(U, I'OU just go for the cats. Yeu
vJ HMi' opt iiiivtblnc done"
urewlcd the oceniful brethpr of a girl
U1UIH11IK3 IIIU BtlliaU. , . . ' KlUl.ll'H m s. ...... ., " c
Then there Is tlie lure of the 'tel(,",h0 was huriyliiR off te n mcetlug of
n tn- l,,m tins stelpll UrilpP I . M1,.ir..1t rtrnllt:
ni'ly rcEOUibles tbu niarUling 1 lt wflg rnlncr n conference of bends
of such ergatiu.itluns ireni viinens
ehu robes. ,
llrether wni roiitrmpttietts just en,
general principles.
Doing masculine, he was nimble te
Imagine n feminine meeting as amount
ing te anything mere than n let of
(battering females eating their beads
er wlint bptheught when she
, Una. Hett
1 I i.t.-ir.i tipn
1 1..1 'u I.. ..e ..mifs,, the tiei
.Tibilllv of being caught Unit mM l'l?
Alas! There Is the kiss of ijnlj;
.. .,...! ...! .!,. !.. .... l.tnt.- ill It
ii, U I1UU Illfl IUUIU in ,,. "V V j .Ia
. rhere la thn fchs that wishes U de
',pIvp but le. deceives no 0110 but ""-
I ..l. M
b f.'t ... 1...1. l rt...i fn (lip. PT-
AIIU 1UM. UUL UauailJ ill" , ,, 1 I .
perleucp of mankind, there is the k off.
i hat .ees ..nothing, Intends;, eilil ng. wend
unews uetum
any thing bu
really betiet
tiPKll9.f. i. hu fiwi' i"la'r 'en'"",y
C and eiiicH iielltins for rnme Lnrk nnd told him what h
t Itself Yet It i ti'" enlv 1 happened? ,
t and 1 nelli-h Ui-s in UIji Ter. as It turned out. the girl w,
t ami uti'tin.u .
77c froHei's Exchange
rhe pr.ni.p! riidnie ine snht'e norlien I -nrcle ' T 3m ftixIPin . e-il of ace
It surelr n mere fnn a irere oein.'tlinr ter hp'.,,if hrwl. m-rl ,mi in tern,-I Last Nar In our Latin ,l.i Uicip was
ddence that four or ftr of the prer-n- ,.i esp'. "n 1 mi!r" ae-mini for tbciri-1 '' c"'6 B,r ",v l1"'' '?, v;iieiii I
Jient works of fiction aU hv men ha v pipu v .ik.r.i n-.emn- , ,O0,1,; a eret "kins ' wmild lilt, e ,
l.rees whoareartbeDVveus.se"r 'l. i- i..lTi f wa: .., , aimhim: ..nlr'JlV
.nales. about middle life .nd are s.ip. i.pri.lienili'e lur I refi;e be held would 'like te knew- K t. co about it
pqsedly ren happily vft!"l. with I'imtitin re'S-iiufstnnitig tin' borders' ai.se, puIO u be pprepnite te jet A
..1 sMp'. i""i. ene' u ,ln . and 10 be 1 n be of 1 andv te tlie tini" slrl for '
subje.-te.l te tlie tli r,l df-.T"- as te I'Vrlstniai gift" II I t,
ulipre 1 pent M"') WHkilC ti'eine'.." OU r'irelj Je ir.f ti-p,1 fv trlU" up
sai'l ifii I',-iip1p ,' iindent'.illv 'It , an a.-qunliit.in.'e If j eij lime pevn t..
1 inilil..n. - ml 1:. 1- ,.n .vif ti"rr'i m Hi "1 w Itn Ik. oil 1;pew iier .iiieHtn
w 1. . . . . -t ... .1..
'.,"," ' . . , , 1 Irfore tb'. de net .ni 1'pi- canilv .it
enough 'if 11.I bi"-i,l inter; s-s , -,..,5tIlia, M-3l, ,, , Kl,0 ,p
tney set Mitr, l- ", " i'Ul inaij'icai nil v,.,, !, sr! her n-csfn' ni ,le
n -t Ii i 5 I. an for 1 tpf.-ial ..- -Hsertn
I5eb"ld tbe twe-tP'l IpcvcI Thin Tliu blouse itelf is of tindnielit blue
fitting of one Heex within unethe) has, , , 9 t.lnj,M ,.,., ,i a all-
infintlp pessiliilltiei, et devclepnietit. e, .. , ....., 1 1 1 i.i,,n
mn goon until the wbole arm becomes I "r wxn of Wsm ",cl V ll1' '
n npt nt s pptps. pip 1 nnrrewpr fhmi 1 a one. 1 anpi cer '.in'iins "n no.
the one preeediiie it. and remltils-cciit front our. una belb m
Peroxide and Ammonia
I Q TUG f Uliur KIJ i i'-wi . --- 1 -
Pear MRiIam 1 remember rr ilinB I" tloer weuldn t open
' our column feiiic
l.nf i-lieenlntP. hnd Ipft It ill 11 oleiet
iii the parish beus; that nftcrnenn. nnd
when she tried te get it thnt erening
the Key wouldn't turn In tbe lerk.
Phe struggled nnd hurt her hand
trjing te open the deer, called in the
sexton, who hnd the same kind of
trouble with the thing, nnd Ctill the
U'h tlie spirit of geed 'will tft.i
fellowship nnd enthusiasm for th S'
tcr m uanu. "'
ii inn iiuu uecu a mere tea tierS
it would have been were dljapnelnHs'"
bccn.use you de go te a tea lni T
talk nnd cat.
ta just tj
But this nffnir had a serious pur,
the participants were there te ee. '
enough te be able te laugh off tf ili.il?
plln In the program. a ,llhl
This irf the spirit that puts everhf,
undertakings: it cannot be betiwfi
with the petty thints that aZ"
dampen it. , "50Mj
n irTcrfAtxtl -..J i..i
V 1.7.1 V """"PS are tM i,d
"-" '"ere e emy one way te ..
ahead ; by correcting them If nesstM.'
overlooking them If net. nnd tntki,:
the best of them in any cns '
The scoffer was nil wrong whPtl u.
picked out this crowd te sniff at
'"' V -r..s "uiitai
age aneui a., -xiiey ceuldn t get nny loeusmittis or
wives wlm am si e .loeiin; nd cri -
eteus aiul peiien heiifes-cpvs m j
metheri. ai d fe' no net .mi tin- ih.mi
nnd cau'e ther.i te frt and pi'i"
It iv n it in ise'ntp.i Ii...,' ,...! te
b freakii.li m n.if...iiil . it - . nutu
her of tl'p te- el'i r- no..-, .. i i, i, i.n
tiuhlic bins, tee lr.nl-,',. il,i, ti
luat leeks ,n, , 'hr-,-. i , s ,,, !, , vein- i,. t.iei.i tin' 1,.m i net I
tenens and ,.erii u ,ii inbeddii in ill" i' i.,d i. be. mi.' t- n-, nnd ,r
of tbet-" wooden 1'artef pegs whery
jeu go en te the final need of n inicro-SH-epo.
As a matter of faet, the" ma nj -tier
1ppveh de eit. tin t llipy are net npnrlj
r ;.n.-i w tn IK. ou t;new Her ,HiB'i effpetne as the uiefij teiupcrntc c
.. .If.M..j lia-e net been calling en I " I ,....h' ..;. ... .... -,i. iJ
IIIL'1,.,,1. O, llll- ,,,', iiu'ic ..
cuiiltastid wltli
flu. I.rlled aide J-Ptiens ll I, t" b
remaiked th.it tb .lifM-s ft uianx of
the new est bluiis-esi .hp long, luded.
iiinnj of them are intended, as i l Ills
tnudfl. te ditplm iheit lirlNihnpeil
low ei M'l'limis liebiw I Iii' eiifl e l In
tuit j.n. Krl "
Inuld wliteb bleached and l "iV'r.'r ', carpenters or whatever they needed nt
treyed unsightly lialr. feui.l j,eu g tbnt tine 0 fi0J. aml tijey fidut want
me tlie directions ier .,'"-"'",
iir.ii? . .emember ' one et in-
.,.,.... .. '- -...,.. Otn
nffrAH mi.q ,1'ai: npruiur .... -
ion tell me If this Ih at all ll"V1Vl1lt10l,lJ
delicate kWhV Hew often MiffuM , It b
us,'.d and bow seen ina" It I'" "V,I ".V r
a depllatoe- pewuer. -'H'- -
Se m.nn beautv cviyrt" p1M "?
wc of equal parts of am -en nn
neieMde for tnipertliiei.. ' 'H ,n' ;,
i i-ij s.iiiiii.1.."- ,. ,, , ,; ,,.,,.
itpparentiv Pn :r-.r; mvi .nsg. if.tni
thesis of iu" lis.nfinid 'niM.ind
People ar" re.m.ng of linn . '',i .nn-t-atlir
ard und-r-tandin: '
New we nri-t realu' tl.it i
n niarriag1 et M, :.en-g an i , iniii ..nj.
By Ralph Walde Trine
Aother of "U Tone Tfttli th Inflnlt"
ilip.ns..,. es mie a p i -1 t .,t persi ,"iti"ii
It riis.- T'tareni-m " , '".m. . nd
mile-- li" is mm- h, n ,1 ible inn sf.i.
l.iced. Ii - i npi !, c r ,,,n'i n- . n-1 .
seinetliin; be .ucl t i ,.t 11,,-n 1pm '
I i.ier tr, i.,iii and "e i"
Most Huts tic (Iwscn te
llarmenizr II ;ii If raft
Thinl-s Girls De Net Like Uniforms,
Wv '- ntliln With e'll petir.lSEtC'ii '
n.. ild like te sav a fe 111""; te
t- i ' 1 ard I. tlie -en. 'f en l,.-lrved
l arlnes f Amrlea " ,
" -ettnin'i Is tru " ha' m'l said
1 i m..t of the elil In rhllndelplil.i
111. tilllk It is .1 rl'SCKO'P te n.llk I
i e' c t1 streets with a felloe In unl
mi Pining the r the wer. enh I
c ) 1 t set e" ,il. n uniform I
' 'i it1 them tl - whi ii, t ;
The Reckless Age . u.
..P ..llr. I'uA II IlllOll' 'I',
lint before pelng te bp'l '"J1
he us-eil pptmi of i e'l'ii
titter l
ii "Ii
A.r.li HICM' l'AI(.IIL'I.OK I
rinilmc the Uest
1 emfin' lea- , p.,r.-, . - 1
don't " ."'i; geed in ' ii Ne. II.' n
you are no wi Loek .jeep...- and y "
will find the icr.' ilel n "ri b ima '
foul, l'.ut remiff.ber r rjUf a ifpf;
te recegniz" a Ged C'jri'r nl ht
"poke te tb" lighest. the trti''t. and
the best in men lie l;ne-v and b r
cognized the Ged in encii beeaiie h in 1
first realized it himself. II,' ate mr'
pub'ienns and sinner5 Abem.ml.
the Scribes and Pbarpees sn.d
They weie s-. v taj ped jp ti i th-r
own conceit tne.r own s If- entt,-,l-ns9,
lien.-., th.'ir ni-i isii.-.ran, '1 a
they had nur found i',e i'ed in rl.ei i
sehes, and ee thev neT dreai.ied thn
it-' wni the rca! life ,t even pilil,.-an
nrjd slnner
In the degree thn' v held per,n
in the thenghf of eill or of rre; de wp ,
ptigitpst eiil and pir,r te him. In tii"
ilgree that he i 'enitirelj ersanized.
or no well individualize., and e -ub-jept
tu th" thought-ferec- from ether".
-. ill he be ititlurnewl : and se in Mii'
va. in- nia.i be shnrT'' in the xeri
rvildeiug in winch " I "id '.neiL'r n
In tli sunn w.nv. m bold n
person m the ti-i.tuht ,,f t'-e risht. tl.e
geed, and flu' tru . ri"li'ei"ines. p,,.,,.
ne,s. and trutii aif sii-.-e-ted te 1 im,
and thus have a me-i ln-neticn nt in in
fl'jence en hi life and et.nd.i. t
If our heart4 s out in line tn all w'rh
rhem we come in cenf.net. we ir.-pire
love, and the ;ime eiinelilinK- and warm
jng influeni-f of love alwavf. return te
us from thc-e in wlmi,, we insiirt 'hen
There is n deep -Meuiiiic principle
undvlvins the ,ie.-epr If y.ni wmiid
lave all the world leie you. jeu i.iu'
1 "t love ah the world
In the d -rree tl nt v p loie " i!'. " t
J fed 'Ibeui'its a;-n f,,r, , J.a.''
t i-entes of its 1..H.1. l"n, n , n.ie ba, ..
1 iden with th.- .fle.i timr .., repim.N
te it'elf and of wnieli ii i- the eaue
"Then let .'our secret t ...night be
They have a vr.nl p-.it. nn 1 !i.ir,'
In shnping words .nnd im.'diuz fate
ried'n si stem is 'e iinri.aip."
"e clrls
'ecether i
'I ns in J
i ,-,
l.i ,
1 the ,
i ' ! e tha -,!, r i t
i -.11 ce' thc.r f n.s, -
I r ' mi 1.1. i. I .1 ,
r , i" unil". ti.)
-1. the
mV It I- h.n, ,,- the
a veepl h , treat, l
Me- 'in' , cme l, '
f r a t'cl t for u '
I bip dear .- i"1 1 ,,.. ,i-- Lu i
i I i' 1 a p.il who went 's.' ' ii lieu
1 , .. ev ' the (list tn-.i- ; en m:t lier
r. r l
They've Had a Quarrel
fir '""intl'.la I. Ill ether" 1-a.e
,ir written t" ion hefere ab'ieuch
e.i m jnderful column l.ns hil;"d me a
r nber : time I
1 .1-1 ,i clil In '- eer- - nnd.
iMa- .1 eri pr. i, ' -m ' en
few m ' "nd- but ,i i-un-l.f "f irir'
,- !t nv -th i ,i . i , rlrl ,
,'-Vl ' a ' ifl'ii 1 ' '-' ''hU'P .1' ,J me l
. ,,1'e ,:-irr-' II e pos-'p, told ,
fr.enl ' at she ' i ni i .it.i'n
c.s w-.' a cp"-i, ii., ?n,i n ' i 'eici.
ilf ir'.. "iin ..n iaie i-juui
en .i lsiiK of r. bles i-M i t feet
hie'i. th' 'il I n i true H"i I;
-,iiH n" ..niipi 'ie ileuh'ed nr word ST
wintei :i,nt emphaii'' tendeii1 l.' ''ii- if. 'aie r'f ptle'i e.-.i i.t.ier feri
ist. .id e.l. ..f ii'.m,'!uir,- our hat wi-h' " '--nt-? '"-n- f'"iiw 1 bnJ."l.i'ns2
'iti- ,.- t'ie srrefri ;,i 1 ',' e,,K- plnce t
wrap er :!1-,, I'M1 It tint neti-i...,., t ..-. e ''!"'-"' 'I'
aih tni' lH' theie is sient de'.bfra- . '-r ' . ' '"''h
t;e i .Ji-p'.i'.nl ri baitn'.niing tl.e
l'(.- ;,,f.r i- " 'netlcJ wcii'b:r
et tbr tieuiiijrr "f ip'ie thinks mm
t(civ iinjdp tur I"")- amutfinent. "jirt
rm;ii(C' Arrjc't tn Charity Tyiie
whpIi (or ll'r lO'e of fi' '"flfl'C','
ein htir tt'ifii I herlrij lcit,x thn
rnijuqfii'i'nt Jkiwjp of l"'r tl'ntiitten
u t'th Mnten f n"0. ' 'iter, I (iip la
iriMc. .-'n 'ii'ti ..in if limit ;
ill leic tuth linn, but tihrn ,ir (' ('
lerert Hint In i ninfl Im' t"i' iVU
tu it veifl h' it idll'V en ''" '"" t'i ,
(' II n'f.-iii'i !.l" t; hrr ;nft.
II Arit Mi. n.'ir iuft v't't tniiin
i iul irinji. Wii" ilraih-!! te ile
tnwrthlltg U ll'i In f '''. .-'''f "7 '"
Mattlfw ' Ilutiliiu- it t"' tlnntrical
producer, and ! ufirt te 'jt'r her
a chniu-c after trllimi her ionic plain
tiuths that ma.-c her rf'ilhr hew
thoughtless and seliith she has Ifcu
in the pet. Heueier, nhrn s!,n
sees tha hind of pmt hr ii tu ptaij
she Is fern'it-J ami fflt the cm net
iy if justice.
ha- "
la : nf 1 w i en l r
a d Uk" f -Midline, at the
f ,inr .-,,'t inie riji" of tin'
lier cue. Mf pi
in,l in r Ik. mi .i,i-
Slie Id heat
hpr i.irs. Am
I'; Hareld f)r,ixr.lilfnn Mtrrirtt
-1 .-1 - li;Ji'"I. ' tl II. lit 1' lrp.pii'it
1; .-.hoe. the till .t "ncinss ..- trim
m.n:. "' -mi. bio '-. e" of jewelri.
Fir m.ee and uiii- le u m ,t geed
dr'ssiuj i tei.iricd upon tbe eff'-ct of
the .eifuaie a- n w i.ep ruber tinn
upon ani- :nd vldual erfectien.
We i'lutrite tc-iaj this unity of pur
pose in j hnt cf 1 i:p duietin emhroid emhreid
ered mi allmer pattfrti and pewbined
witti c.p.naKnn brown caraci., The
l.ne of this "...ir. inspired by tne fanulinr
headdre-s of the Russian peisnnt. is
still one of O'U n3e!' sijp. .ssfijl m-1
lllieri ,"e(e!i
Tl i 1 nt - sign. If-' fi i- .'ii
l co.-i ,'i . f.' th.- s.mn he ;e...nbrei'j-
, l'e.l diiieiin bail'le l le t" 'ailie f.fl'
T1. s frock ,.f i 1 ., I .iii th- nc.'s.-
i Li- .s ,. in. 'it.r.d- in a iraiglit.
1 n;- wei-'e.l efi". '. , 1,, , show- a
--'.. ,.f lade E'e.'n pr pe
Can Yeu Tell?
By 17. J in. .1. U liedtntr
T 111 Ills cif 01
we., s: r-' n siefe. a-u w ,, i,e
ir.Ue'ts .e 1 en i--or fr,-ml ' tern
. r ,iu r.'ea.se teP ii 1 ' !e I i
ia- t n.e. t "-. "..! I"1 ' l-p"v
tie ', r re 'mi;- - 'p.'.i. " i ','!'
Taming tiie bhrcic
Ilin reading of tl." m eni'il in't began
,...l AI , ,- r. ,llp,l that th''J M-rl
s',,v Ii 'ippic.at inn
panic seied liei .
I.eatlus se f'i-t ih.it
th- L-loud pounding In her i.irs. Am
then fuildenly he heard her-clf 'pe ik
mi: t'he was actually vauins ". i"""
and even te her-eU her voice ...junded
ne.ndi- Am '-li" w.-nt along -he 'gained
ceiira'g". but .he realized mierabl that
sl,e w.is leaning tin' i""1 -.","- -
nrf-sieu SIip simply
bfi.elf in I.elti
siniisitlii for ih"
' f'.-'pi'r.it.'h
,f the net
then slm did net en up. and whyn
her cije wii-. called sic went out ou the
stage for mere punishment
Itebert Tuylei. vjlehiitg her fiem
tbu wingi. felt that b had ncvei' ill
hi life been i) m'it fur any one.
"She's. 111.'- Ji luhler liepelesslj
Iienttn from 0n -t.nl nnd i t refil'
illg In gilf ill. ' In' tll'.n'.'lll lptlH'tlcy.
And i't lif knew Matthew T Intoliin Inteliin
well . neu'jli in ii.ilii that If nleb-
' iibli had seiiip mm geed uiiseii fm
making the gill snllM lb' ;ib I'lllH)
-e brutal us h" i,.n Im pm tedu' . am
it was prebablv bis i I. n In bie.nl, tip
sill's spirit, te ninl." her hunildp.
llutchins iipi1 U'ling, luetht.ils when
be w.ns weiking with law materia'
and he wutildn't ban ?ien the girl n
banc"; in the first plan' if slip Iiadn'i
Interested him iiiere tbnn u little.
At the end of the rehearsal Allii'
walked up te Iliifehiii" Ifer face was
lery white and Inr eves buruel. but
her mouth was .'e-idj
"Of ceursp. je'i'll want te get some
eiip elsp for tlie part." 'h" said 'pii1..
Ilutchhid bent piercing eies upon her
"What dn "ii thiiil.V '
"I think I wa- Im-MiIc" In- an
tpi1 quipkly. mnl in siiii. of ilp. viui
rnl she had put upmi hei-ell, inn
letith trembled.
Something strangdi like piti gleainul
rem Hutchins' i'jp- f"i ,i uieiiii'iit n
.if steed looking ai h"r. then he .:iu
abruptly :
"If you really think tlni, we ma
be able te weik together.''
The Bookmark
re ih' Editor of irennin'a riV
Dear Madam What would '' ?;
t a novel Idea in boeUmark. te
he sren te tlie mem . ' ---class?
'there are about tw en mem
hers In the da se, and I " et. .
niiit glve them c.ch some h Ing fei
Christmas, while I den t want I )
aiijlhlug expeiishc 1 c-rhepB e 1 new
.f Something en which 1 co 1 .1 lne
tlulr iiamei ensr.i'cl or ''""ll' )f ll
,i. ,.f iln MAI.li I-
iilace ; -.11"
1'oiiMirrew Telling tlie Vniutli
1 ht7 il-e.. l.CUY. N
I' tu CM I -Ml " '' i'OMi 'OU
b. iter I- , -i co ri "T m nee'
, i,ei if fireuch ir i.irn.ts and
through' ' r fnd
L." .He Is Mistaken
V : 1 iu 1 indl; print
ai s'M-r- t .-. u L. s
Tells "S. 0.,
Denr vn'.ila-
th fel.O" i' c ii
letter 1 ii.ii ii iu i
par si ti k I -'its inleffl ei
n.ue'- fl ipper led wi'h ieur r. c nt
t'er, a. I t'Mr.'. - iui'aceujt.ens I'jia
faHe .ittI urhie.i flu r- ..r" i ' i
few eip 'W.m de we ..v crl--I-
P ...Ai'fipl. a Mmi ' 'J1- : e i , im
', 'l,.ir for ' -1' Tl r . ! ml .tc
P lUufli,' i.m i ;,i,ll-- 'f - ''.m
v Hh ,i ' MietT ' . ii ih ,"ib ..i I 'il I-'e-i
i . ' our . . T If '' ': d M. !
ih ! i et r ie Mnrrl.ai -
Tl.-.i il ei-n l"'Mi i.i a ii '-en
a i.l-tuf et ;.i!"' . ni.tiiiie? or . .,.'ers
I- .' 1 en ll..' .cd en and ll .icm.
;(- . t,,rt, -Tl . tar-SpanBled D..!.-
r ai.t ;ei hear, feel tlie, i-a'r
,.. ,- ,i.'r e ftel v hen n
-i-e '. tblr ,-ms te prtet our W .-Id
VVar 'ieree ' If ' "U hai" net. tl.M.
net put
Udt no
rule. . . ..... .
he read en te the cin-e , Adventures It' itll tl rilfM!
n,l then theie cnne a -. ,...,,
" " .-. . . . ., tt ill if... - cri "it c.n.is r uw
hi ' p durih" v hich slm mew iiuu '. -f
mi'' wis lenkin" "t bi- Thin Hut, bins J.V j.jn'p one siigg'-ted te her thai ln
s ...,i .' ' uc jipt a bit of ni.iM'.m.i, ii"i vinw
l'js. T'estet, have ymi ei.-r bep , 10 lenk nwliilly artilitial nt teurn
It,, ion knew wnar if uifiii " ' uic a mi ie ia.i.' .iw.i.i un- ...i i
tms gin is s"i'-roiei. i.ui
tuily mnna
e, Mr. Uiitcliln-. I uen i.
Hae-ou uni imagniaueu
t thmiL-ht I had."
Well. nu don't show
'.oil "Odd make -uW ","1,.7li:
i our. fit" out of .I."' hlu- w'-.''5;;'1,"
i Wen. ilnlshlnK eiuh en. or. the (ill
.t.i. srtir..v.i p .-i .s or -,i" " us..-.--
..M... ......i.i 1..- 1. filer I ft' .. e 0
.f tin -im" t lit- -i .iil.J l I. ill
,e (It in a Peel.
f Things You'll Leve le Make
j J. r. i itw.
rFk ill Jl
V. sQSs&ww'g fStGt
te break in th deer
Se, after the business meeting was
ever, the chocolate w.ns served nnd one
little pound of al.e was tencd te
thirty-two girls!
T WCNT around somehow
he ster.v was told and the vepr'
sentntiies of tlie ether churches tried
thflr luck wllli the btubbeni key.
Ne u p !
But it w.ns nil nrcpted fii a beau
tiful Jeke, the guests munched their
small pie-'i"! of cake, sipped their
chocolate nntl, as urmner expected,
talked hugely,
The whole nftair turned out beau
tifully, much business having linen at
tended te, and the fact tliiitjhcre was
net enough feed added te the enjoy
ment instead of ruining the party.
Brether-, don't nlwajs knew about
feminine business meetings.
It was the splendid spirit In this
meeting and the girls who ran it, which
lnad" it se nii-.'ps'ftil
The girl-i didn't tome le "iMttpr nr
get Hip cat . they i-yiin- ter buine
Tiint altentli'd in. iliev were perlepili
delighted tn be ipIi-psIipiJ with f--ed and
But the fait that tliis was uherl
didn't .'P-il nnjbydj'f Christmas at1
inTII the light spirit you can evor
''' come all kinds of difficulties and I
"Correct poise outlasts
erery fad because it
combines graceful car
riage with rhythmic
Marguerite Wah
1604 Walnut Street
Ballroom, Ballet and Stage
Booklet and Rates
Upen Ttequtat
Sprue 3331
liie the Llnd of lif'
I p.urd te lead .' '
it in
... ..... ..n ...
,nP's ch'eeks burned. She felt as
-f sle would sink through the fleer with
.ubairasMiviit if llutchins said any
,.,.. but be didn't l!i w" '' "
r.. - te pieiced te tl-e third net. and
,.1,,'p' n.eie tin i-..i.ipain -ettlcd down te
111,,., nerer folio' lb it tirst day.
ii.r the leadins. th. iplii'iiral it
she . euld neifr grace
the little brush and al
ways nan the niacii smeareu en ner
eht'eks. Se I told her of some liquid
mascara which can be applied much
mere easily than that which she had,
nnd ale did net rub oft, run or smear
-tier her face. That is u relief, becaurc
it must be cry difficult always te re
member I.et tn nib one's pypf. The
liquid mascara is SI a h-jtile.
Bride Will Llhe a TCunnrr as a Gift
Here is a handsome innni-r of monk's
'eth that u can make as n gift for
bride. Measure thr lensth required
v the runtier, theu tillew lu and
ip-half inchefj en each end ler a
ui -inch fringe Werlc a h-isket of
wirs in colored ces.-, stltcli. using
.el or silk. Tbe fringe is made as
'ollews: Fray out each end four
inches. Divide the ttr.nids into groups.
Twist the tirst te group tightly with
your thumb and finger. Then twist the
next two groups lu the same direction.
Held them firmly tinti knot tliera to
gether near the end. Continue with
the next four groups and se en tni 1 1
all of the Mrnnds are Inrttcd into
fringe. rLORA.
Give Invalids a Chance
Xiuas 8 if tit anb CariJS
05 b 16TH STREE1"
i ji
1 J ml - -
m ml T f
' inc last piece is as geed
i tu as uie nrsi.
" That', one remen why It
n pays te keep a
I en the pantry shelf. It', i
I renvenlr.t dessert for this
j. I time et year, and It k-pi
lit $1.00 a pound at your
Hft grocer a
(Pearls Re-strung
i'nc lewent in tu eitr. expert work.
All klnrt ef rcllss re-stninj. Kuettlns
ineciilty. Qulek- MtTlce. Werk guaran
teed. Clsspi fnrnltheJ.
Meal Pearl Ce., n.VS;
Here are ideas in
StSiS Christmas Gifts for Men &j5,2r?
iiew maul
Pines liaie you ipph ieu-
lt and pu '!:er In r lel
liead LUii peir nt a inedl"'' Try in:
thread one of the im- eyes and
. - ...
'i If began The stau-e was en-ami an. t..nn t t,er if. j iiere conies a uiaKiiiij m;
tip cemp.inv gathtred in the wings. ..i.nss en thp top if a st.pl holder which
Th. n they began te go through the will fit nny spool of thread. And n
11 a-l 11 Was wruiirii .1..'.... ...... .u.n i.n-3 ...... 1." -i'J", . ft... s. ..
tne taoie or arm ei euair, ine mucin-
SHR'Jil iS
lielj. i.--
I iT.ai
mmA ft
I I I, ww-
,ai.: r ii-l a 1 ent home the I "
bs H e"l . id at the .ani'-
;. i s' .f pifi when the- ",i
, .. 4 '.-fii -i.-rlflcfs Blu-n I .
i - , i . r i -a. that clrls .n .
,;'-- in r aid cO'-l time" wl -.
hi rf tn., r.e.l '"res nurs--
iraie .; " ei- I e- also that tl--.nin
ier " people our in--i i
i: rrv p -ehed In anl h r' I
n 1 r et mi for our c r
l'veiSh a neus !ports ha-. I--i
al fi at t ) . . people nine t, -
&t,$rir!& fr? 'ls
4XIESiu.- '-.
JgafetwS5,'""'T'!!g!ZL7 'V- " "f
I he City partmeut IJiing Beem
As the i ajjri:; e? ,-!tv ipartment-.
have then n.u,' ree.-n ai-d eln.ng ioen.
opening e it of e- f.netler we will
consider that thev ,e in the cae under
ensiileiatif.il ji.-l gv. t!,e rnem-. the
benefit of t.ie appenrnm-e of added siz--liy
papenn; them both nlil.e, ai.d paint
ing the weed work the tame color in
both rooms.
A verv pi eft y room could he work"!
out with a pinky buff wall paper and ran strike t
ream enamel lmint With till" w. a mm' !, it.
.Ould haie ,i davenport e.uted in an
r.me-thyst mohair ami pos-i yum
in ihe.siyne iiinteri.il umrn-. ch.-i'i
ppuld be cemmciI in a geld an-i -i'iii'l.vt
brocade, nnd one ci ninie r.fher eiuii!-'
Would hariniiiile well eeiere.J u, r, 1,' i .
ond-geld dmask
The zhi-s .'iiitfin.s in t.iis r,in,
fhetlld be iiridi "f i,.-r ,n, 'h" wr.ter
saw a cretonne the . iher dav that im j'.I
J-armeni7e nerin'tly with tn f' rn1' in
as described above 'J his mmerinl lad
ii background lather lik- nibl'icnd
linen, and tin- desiun .rather a Imlii
une was in seieral sibad'-s of ainethyt
nnd a deep blue
With tins should go a taupe carpet
with an amethyst feeling The cii-hion-en
tbe davenport should be of a geld
material, witu possibly one cushion of
tha" blue-nnd-geld damask. The bridge
Jump might hnie a parchment rhn '
vita, if possible, part of the design
i -.u hj e missed r ureal moment - n"
Miv It Is Net W.i nil Instead of ( old peer hs k U ,1 In their hearts f,
at (.rent Blights l'ruin the karth
' A'la'.is nnd mi', when th-y r e
te great l.e gi.ts. the ,-.ir nbeut th--n
is !., cej t i.i ' ie,- must wear -pe.-nl
c'e, :-r, ' ' i-ed br electricity, t0 ke-,
from f.er-;.: ' te ..eath. Yet, tr.m e ir
er-i.'iry con, eptmn tha' th" un gi-. s
, T les r'.y - ;r eiiglif te Im warh.Pi"
' nr-,-er ,, i gei te th" l .n
'I i , r-pia-iiil'in "f this i ,,i , -ra- nf
I " ng tint i.eat t nm'ier Ti 'a-
i -ic . ,rc. from the - .n if- i ' ' em.
. - netr- When 'h-s. ij-'n .,r rj
eigr sti ke the atmrsph-'l, .ft - n,n-f-
,r.i .et the small pattl-'iet wh -ll go fi
mae up the air. in -1 id.ng t!..- dust
particles, etc . 'n metl,.n and 'r n
i! is morien wh..-.. i redu -es t'le Jjeat
w,i,-:i i -- call th'- hen- el th- i.n l'i
e-de- that the wn-es of enr.g -in..ng
from the -'in n ai pr. ! e-e l.e-i', ,- 1
ner s-.-irv for rl.ei,, ti ,,', . -1 . . iti
lac w't'i l-iitan'"s ' n- i ighet w ..
'l Hl'O I lie nil' ale.e , a ,!-,,. mrer i'
t.. ; fewer ., .st , ,t -..-..- m ,. f. Mild ti, if
nnd the i- ,'.in-. t.f .. ;s ler heat
i aes te h" pr-d ---i 'I'.nf is win r
i. fr",ug cold ii t e ,-p.e s'm-ji ,,(
air v. ."i ti. t lerini-ineter - ieg -t iiij
fKl nr mere ip ,e i-ee en rnr-
In a,.dit.,.n 'e t' ., w li.-n t... m"
1 r 'i -,i ' k , i.i r jt
ii a- i.'im - Mi. d . i - j
V I, ll , -, lj e s., . ,,, j uitii ., . i'.
reuudiiiT i ii-1 "d 'nr 'hn' tn' i,sni nn
rl l-O'd Is greflfh 1 i.'repsn.J NIeiiii-
u ' , irti'e r - per'' nc tl ., s,U,n n.
sai mi in. I pii-ii l,e, dr. te,rlr,h sun
hi nd u n --', I rieMitam t-p.
. .-rn ' -e'c.i'ei, the R.nc,ll -s i
,, .-- i i - r the are fa
, . . . -k People haie f -,'
T if -tlH love ; ou
t si- f-.ud I liise taller, up - r -,'
ii.: ,f spacu telling ieu iu" 'i- r
ft'. jf 1 hope te hear fiep. ,j in
:-.a - m ft. S' en Pleae .!' 'si
i as I neu'.d like te hear 'our -pm-
- ird nr. a.tered one, ie.,
A-3e- n'e with a hlclier c'.afi .j &
v j d find you will I r i'
. - .-' ri with your nr!' : -
V.n IJrlrn Dn ie
&eivti INJ -tr , .r"l
'.urt-i. and nt-iins at hip s"'"" ""-
Hu'Phln' was every ii her calling out
dir...-tlenf. giwng ad-ice. and when
t'e second act began and Aline came
out en the Mage, h" flayed her with
are-asm. , ,., ,
"H.nien't teu nm emotion- w
-termed. "Can't .mm f-pI tlie part?
nd Wlndlv Aline stumbled en, go
,pg from bad tn v m -e getting mere
ei. fused vvery in nnte until sue wa
liadi in cry. ' I
"But I won't !-.. -be said te her
self. ' I w.n't g..e him that muc
-.Hi-faction." Anl s'ie didn't cry, but
i,,- efforts te I..', i tieiu It made her
lun-e wooden thin mr until llutchins
.1'iiigs linnl'y tell ,. , deaf pars for the
Ma- beien.l pani.g any attention te
mi thing b" uid. ,
Once dun.ig a buef respite when
.'( had stumbled in'" the wings she
pawd Lavlnia C'urew and eierheard n
laughing rnmark made te the leading
,ua1' ,, '
"f-r.e won't last after today. What ,
en caifl. is Le bothering with her
- r'- Si e tleesp't knew the first thing
aprur acting " I
f t1 i: moment Aline drained the
'n-- e'l, p from her c- jp nf humiliation.
- , f- t be, ten, crushed, but even ,
tying glass into it and that leaies imi i
hands free under th. gin.-., one holding
the piece of thread, the ether the n
die. I am sure, thnt this would b a
met acceptable Utile gift te flip tue
a ttecliing r.nd If .mis only Tee.
Fer mmr- of slie-m p.ldrfss Wern ns I-nfff
l'riller or rhnne Mnlimt anne cr JI iln inei
bttween the Iinurs (if 11 nii.1 .1.
1 nrSHMlilli2MAilLU37
f . ln.--ynWS..-..JWsf
vUHt--WbTbWbS' wi
Fer Infanta
& Invalid
I ft
i K. i (w Ensf?
Silk Shirts
Many a man who
might never buy one for' himself
would be hugely pleased with a
Silk Shirt for Christmas
Pure Silk
The "Feed Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Heme, Office cad
Fountains. Auk for HORLICK'S.
3 Avoid Imitations & Substitutes
Dees I. It-lit
WelKli n
from the tuitains peintul en it
(Tomorrow The t'ily Apartmrnt
Blniiig Itoeiu)
In Other States
pet naps 'he ,,lde-t wernim eampa.gii
worker in the . .rntf is Mis. ,ei a
Thompson. tili.-tT.nip.' ypars old, nhr,
tnek an .'.piive pnrf in the contest tu.nt
resulted in the e'fpt -n of her grands.. i,
a- Pheiiff of I'e'k I'nunlv. Alnl-.-sa
Declaring that she .3 going te firm ,;
.f the prohibi'len r nl'ercemerit laws
mean anitling, Irs nrnle Tiank
prominent cub-woman of liurland. Vi
- -11TO
i e sp)ken InUta'ien Is t c l.ng
Tfirpia'. and is used enl an-,115 1, a
'.us in-1 intimate friends Tl lr Is ro re
h raliv urderstoed nnl that ' whv
en.e w-pr-ir.eflnlrtf women se nethmj
out of the way hi taking the familiar
n 'ly-dor.'t-yeu-corr.c-oer tone even te1
'hose with whom their aciualrtanea id
of the sllKh'.ert It is especially Im
p eper te ex"nd a casual ir,.itatinn of
lels ?or' te a notahle vf, -.,.; ., -4
a- the home-town wemrn Ulustra . I
ih nr . By tlie wa' en." and see
I is applied for and obtain I a speci il ne la Incorrect e.e-i as a matter nf
,- limissinn as j'.sllceef the pen fr-i war the phrase intended for fa-
miliars only Is. ru '0 sse me '
11 s:-. . if... 11 . . ri The woman se free with '..mual 1 1.
Mr-. Saian Mar'yi u,'ut ,,f l,.nn, vit.itiens should ash ..irself a few 001...
,'i-N., wl'.ese poems lime appeared 111 mon-ense nui-stiens. su-p. dH, Wil
li ndirg uiiiguilneji throughout the l.ng- fheuld I ouppese that one w 10 ncarcel
Through efforts of the clubwemen of , I -h jpeaklng world, didn't write a ,,n. ;2?.h,;"lm Sv, ",, enh- ? neiiie
ffaetoenrlllo. V i hulf-plnt het- gle srse for ,.uhli, ,...,., un-il Nlie ,; .. Jj ."j1, rtrhVC?idmi ?"b.tuPbe'JI
ties 'Of tnilk " dav nre spru'd te th- -" ii " " new n 1-r . nf h tetnlr-rli.v ,!-. ' i t
cioel clilldu'u t'f thnt ct ' ,'""1' . I tieu which Lannet he e 1 ., t
Buv ti whole carton 24
five-cent patkages of Little
Sun-Maid Raisins all for a
dollar at Christmas time.
Fer the ehildien's stocking,
and for th:m te give te their lit
tle fiicnds en Christmas Day
'4ur eun little presents te pass
Luicieus, healthful, natural
sweetmeats, both geed and gf&
far then.
Get the carton new at any
store. 2 packages all for $1
Special Christinas price t
Sun -Maids
"Christmas Raisins"
5c Everywhere
Had Veur Iren Today?
Philadrlph in
Atlantic Ci'y
II tlmxvQ'i
Illustrated a
Ceat of medallist
with platinum
Wolf or Fex,
Black Caracul,
Taupe Fex.
Very substantial reductions in plain
and fur-trimmed Coats and Wraps.
Unusual values for Friday and Saturday
127 S. 13th St. & 1337 Chestnut St.
Vry Itu, ihers hdeed 51'1'e jea tfce ralne for your money that we ail!
4 Madras ShirtS Beautiful pattern. $2 te $4
ft Reefers suk or Bru.ht wool $2 te $ 1 0
jfi GlOVeS Mec1"' CP. B. Woolen, Driving $ .50 te $8
Pajamas rw, vunne, swu $xs te $7.50
50c ?3
$1 te $2
$2 $4
$J Neckwear
S Half Hese
51 Ladies' Hese
Cut Silk or Knit
Full Fashioned Silk
Silk, Weel, Silk and Weel
It will pay you te shop down below Eighth Street
Marshall E. Smith & Bre. &
1 r adding
Fer Christmas
and Other Days
Has graced Amcricjit
tables for fifty yejrs
Always delicious and wholesome.
Made after a famous recipe from
the finest ingredients obtainable.
. At your Grocer's
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