Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17
i I wNKKNrWNKNKKMKMKIIKKNRMNwWIlK wjwx-mAtK n;m rJavw .te. '. .sw .'- ' '&' .wi r-.'xu' i WM'fWWii" "" Vy j.WU ?! . rfWwvuwvv i-kV1inU,UI?ll 1 K 1QTO tt ' ' ' "" NIOT PUBLIO VLBJWllirJb'JllJUAXixsii'rix A7vb xxxx a , w , Tr mm-i .FTf "jw .-Ji.; ... " UWWwtJ ifh'fyI3Fi ., ... ..... .fw, fjUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE flancy Wynne Talks of the Tea Given by Mrs. Frank ClapP t0 Introduce Miss Lucy Jefferys She Tells of the Committee Ball Held Last Night A' Bride of Tomorrow I ..' dm fowl wullirr von- ' . .i...n flifre worn mnnv !?!.' ,i? I. which "Mm. II. Vrnnic PMW invA nt her home, 1IW3 Wnlnut WW '"nireiluce her .lighter-in- " . i liter I'cv .Tffirys. AlKoreii Lnn. J" -- . . .; . V iVncrys n im uirn: tun kj. IAICJ" .l' .11.-.. Inffnrva. wlwi llve I "'ISSlhfuihonsentiroHUcctn rs. c in ru nnel their lulilul jart. Mls.i AnpMeii's Brandinother, Mm. Wll Inm Krneft CJooil CJeoil CJoeil !". of .110 Uethliilinn i)ll CIiphUiuI lull, with whom Miss .Appleten upendu the U'lntrrn, und lin- mint, Allan Krmm tlnn A (loedman. will upend the Christ mat helldnyn with Mr, und Mre. Appla Appla ten .it Marehneld. Mrs. 1-Yfdcrlek A. l'aclurd, of Weil Sunj'tt acmie, CheNtnut Hill, will give (i the, its n imrty, te he followed by a "iiJin-. hi jiie uuz-unriien, cany in tilt dellphtful i;"1' l PhPstimt Hill &1,!'.m,v- '" I,0,ler ll"- nlvte. Mlns ..nnd New Btri'ct in "d Hint inn, Kiilhurlin Hhlpptn Dunn, dehutanle ma has ii srt of TOk,n ttr,k'n nt ' a"Kl'ier of Mr. and Mrs 'jwardB 3 Wicn "., whicb differs from most J ut.n. of II lli9t Che-itnut avuiiue. tt.n Mrdens. In that it is net tee ' "t'Mnut Mi V,,h laid out. ion re mere man air. mid Mm, Danlel A. Newhalt. of a.i,,riiiiil trimmed IieiIrps whril ytiii Merlen, will entertain nt dinner en f" '.!,.. Thcre nrc always loses iimrsuny t niiiB next, In honor of t r:?dIpliinlutn and .Intiias and elhur fi.U colored Une urewini? plants, er looked wcet yesterday in a . . It white cuersette crepe cmhrold cmhreld cmhrold Kte ridcHcent bceds. Iiavlnit four '" t. ,n the hklrt en which were cm l.Si3 ,MrnlL. vleluts in beads. The trei""" nrrnped . from the was :.; . Blmulnte wings. , ?! TelVcrys were n handsome Kown I'iSi brocade nnd Mm. Algy Ulapp ''.f 'ernl colored velvet, the itklrt Urn pane'" of coral and Krcy brid-iu e KtArrnTed from the left shoulder. Keked perfectly htunntng. 8Vi ('aP Is devoted te her two ,.rinM though she is such a yeimn S?A md low out , geed deal. Many K . wrnwS I have seen her push ns .V.feach of the younger one, en th be com" ui jj evcr j gSSld reaUy be called costumes, they "ite ic" follewe.1 by a large the itrtpwty for thew who received and Additional men gunta. THE Committee Hnll was given last ,rllt ni t Is about te be nn in iHiSG 'in l he sedul life of I'hlla.lel I'hlla.lel (lutieii ii ' , . .,. u ueems. Ckn e " h J n ball was given last 52. K .hnut eighteen or twenty of the JK .. rried men ami bachelors Ju."s.,r.. ...i,..i .!. vnnneer mnrrlcd wmen te receive, and net many. M mt. of the elder set were Invited It mi a great success, and this year it S decided te make the ball an annual Sir mcS as the UcnedickB and the Midwinter, and it is exclusive as these I nt nl'glit the hostesses were Mrs. SSI.. Ulrtdle, Mrs. Kekley B. Coxe N. Mrs. Geerge J. Harding dMn, T Woodsen Hancock. Mrs. Hancock, m remember, was Miss Kntherlne I.ea ud wes married en December 1, She returned only yesterday from her adding trip and received with the Others at the ball. . The ball, by the way, wibTicH at the RitfCarlten, and the men of the renj. kalttee were Nerrls Harratt, Jr., Wil litn W. Battles, Winthrop Battles, Nicholas Biddle, Charles I.eui Bene, id, Francis T. Chambers, Jr., Hamilton Cnesten. Sydney V. Clark, Eclcley II. Ccxe, 3d, Jehn W. Drayten, Phillip 11. Uner, r. oeuson iiaucuw, """ Harding, uiuam . iiepKins. v. itiirgls liiBcrseli, Jeseph narien iloplncett, Jelin . .erui, nenrj i. litf. Snnwilpn Kumuel. hdward Ji. Smith. Jr., Richard Tilghman, Rebert Toland, Jr., 8. Bewman wheeler una JflKfnh Weed. Jr. Most of the cemmltttee were there, irlth the exception of Jee Weed, who is bread with his wife end Miss Cernelia Rankin for several months. INOTICR that most of the evening wraps this season are of velvet or entirely of fur. Mrs. llenrv Greve has t wonderful one of heavy black velvet and the cellar of black lynx is wide nnd Bilky nnd exquisite. The entire cellar Bud part of the coat is lined throughout tflth exquisite ermine fur. Among the j-eunser set Miss Alva Sergeant has an exquisite one of bcal skin made with a fclae cellar of ermine. YOU can tell that Christmas is near without looking at the calendar, nverjbrdy (.coins bent en doing geed for (.nine one eNe. Take the fair nt tic rriMids' Select Scheel tomorrow fternoen. for instance. All the help ful ieople concerned nrc working just ns hnrd ut they can te usmre its success. The ehieet is te raise funds toward the purclwse of n summer tamp for the College Settlement. 433 Christian street. There is the most de lightful fnrm only "two carfares away" from the settlement, where the boys nnd girls can revel in tennis and swimming and ether spurts. Such n wonderful Christmas present, isn't it? And that Is why they nrc working se hard for thi fair tomorrow. It 1r te be in th assembly room at the school and it villi open nt 1 :30 o'clock. A fine ehance te pick up Christmas gifts! THUr.r.-YnAn-OI.D Johnny had nnilu'd Ills dinner and was nb nb terbed in iiiduvlrliiiisly mopping up the twnnants of his plHte with a mist of bread. Frem the ether wide of the tnhle Mellv eyed Iiltn disdainful'?. Finally fbeellng that her fourteen months seni ority entitled her te much knowledge of mnnncrx nt tnbW Melly tesed her bead niilly and in n most cutting tone ff voice f-nlil : "That's net a nice way ie de, Johnny I iust lick mine." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES An engagement of Interest in this City nr,ntin.arl tnitv In .Vv Ynrk la that of Miss Ullen Randelph, dtU'Khter of fin. Itfmund I.' Ilandelph and the late , Mr, Hai.delph. of New Yerk, te Mr. Char.es p Hnvemcyer, son of Mrs Frederick C Ueach. nlse of New Yerk Mri. Ilandelph as Miss Isabullc Carter, i this city, nnd is n sister of Mrs J. jardner C'uatt, Mrs. Edward K. IMeU-' ley. Jr., Mrs. r.ei-rB McCall and Mr ame .N. t'nrter. Miss Hnndelph. who; inane her debut In New Yerk seeial' I'ars age, Is an active worker In the junior League. Mr, Ilavemeyer Is a Jraduate of Harvard, 1921. and Is a giember of the Itacqiiet, Tennis and the wanhnka Yacht Clubs. !Mr, Samuel Hettle, Jr. of Haverford, nneuncch the eiiKaueineiit tit his datiKh ;r. Mi's Hetty nettle, te Mujer Charles Jtesten, Jr of this city. , A marriage of Interest in thla city ;?ok place yesterday In Tarla nt the Church St. Hennre d'Eylau. when Miss 5;ree S. StelnbiiiRge. daushtcr of Mrs. J aid .Stu.nbniKSrt. of New Yerk, be S!""', 'Jje brlde of Count Jtan de Lau-sw-Mllarw. of l'jris, son rrf the lata OUnt lt.IPl ,1,. I mini .k-I'III',.'., ..1... tOarrled mi,., r,,(1l,i l.tvlncsteii, of New en Tim bride tnui hrKlcBPiem will H .JI'Jli weddlni; tllp In Italy and "Pjn their miurn tliey win occupy nn rh. 'tm"M r-n .Vvenue lilebfi', Paris. i"J ,t"Kn?'"""t "f M'sn HteliibriiBPM i :,iJ ,hn,' eunl as announced in this hri5-n"a N,'w Ye,u '"Mt month. Th P rue ,s .i Hter of Mr. Muieul Sleln- b 5-1J n".'1 Mr- l-ueen HtelnhriigRe, both - t ient, , A that tllAlP dfh'.itante nlf.-, Miss Amin Tewnnend, efore the ball that In te ha Riven In her honor m. tin mtz-Uorlten, by a party of frl-nd. ut her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs Hjlph M. Tewtiscnd. MUs rerrr.s.-'n'l iul fii'.eitnln nn her Kiieats ever rxt weeh-tmd Mlii Juc.;.' Cnrnegla ?nl Mlea IIi-l'-ii JJ.-wilt. of Ilosten, Mnm. ; Mltfl fihener .Macktt'iln ar.d MUM dts dts Meeth MacUiihln, of Haltlmere. Mil., who also will nt'.nnd th.j dinner und ball. Mr nrd Jin, He'.wri Martin Williams, of 201s Walnut utrwt, will cnterUln at a rtlr.ti'T ( B'jtuvlay (ivenlne. December 10, In honor ei Ml? liefty It Martin, lufore the me'-'rtr of the .Saturday Kve nlng Dur.cinp Clam. Mr. end Mi p. Marshall S. Morgan, of Utonten Avenue nnd Mermaid lane, Chestnut Hill, will entertain at a dinner en Friday evening. December 2D, In honor of their dBiighter, Mlsu Urace Prien Meriran, before the meeting of the Saturday Kvenlng Dancing Class. Mr. and Mra. J. Bertram Upplncett, of 1712 tJpruce street, will entertain at dinner at their home, fetlctved by a Christmas party, en Monday evening. December 26. Mr nr.d .Mrs. Llppln Llppln celt will also cntertaln at dinner en Tuesday evening next at thelr htfme, te be followed hy a box parly at the Metropolitan Opera. Dr. James Weir Robinson, of 326 Seuth Sixteenth street, will entertain a box party at the opera en Tuesday iiyenlnB next In the box at Mre. Herbert M. Howe, of 1622 Locust street. Mr. and Mre. Kuirene S. Js'cwbeld, of Glcnrecky. St. Davids, ero cntertalnltiB ever the week-end I.ee Tecktenlus, of Paris. Prance, a pianist of distinction, well known throughout Prance. They will give a dinner In his honor this evening, nnd en Sunday will glve an Informal buffet supper. MIbh Uctty Hotherlngten. debutante daughter of Mrs. Seth 15. Hetherlngten, of 2310 Pine street, will be the Kuest of honor at a bridge party te be given by MM Alice Itheads, debutante daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marsten, of ."000 Woodbine avenue, Overbroek, nt her home en Thursday afternoon, Jan uary 4. Twenty gucstn will attend. Mr. and Mis. Alfred S. Weill, of 201 West Chestnut avenue, Chestnut Hill, will give a theatre party en Friday eve ning, February 2. In honor erf Miss Lillian Fergusen, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Fergusen, of 8031 Seminole avenue. Chestnut Hill, before the ball Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Knewle.i. of 8106 Seminole avenue. Chestnut Hill, will give at the Bellcvue- rtirauera in noner or meir dcuutante daughter, Miss Nancy Knowles. Mrs. Oeerrs Stuart Patterson will head the Reception Committee at the nicotine or the saurday Evenlnc Dane Ing Class which will be held in the foyer of the Academy of Music tomorrow eve ning. She will be assisted by the ether members of the committee. Mr. Sidney Montgomery win ieaa me cotillen, as sisted by Mr. Oeerere V. Cresscm. Mr. Ralph Farnum, Mr. E. Bartow Muller and Mr. h. ueugiaa raxaen, Jr, Miss Blanche Gardiner, daughter of Mr. Jtfhn uarainer; win entertain at n HBBrBrWki BbmF'w BBBm 1 Ti SSmifBhHIhBBBMvBBk MISS BERNICE EDERUARD Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar Ar eold Eberhard, of the Eldera Apartments, West Philadelphia, whose marriage te Mr. Fred erick T. English, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrest B. English, of Chelsea , N. J., will take place tomorrow. Mr. English and his bride will beat home af ter Janu ary IS, at Valley Read and Sycamore avenue, Merien. small auction brldge party at her home, 1800 Pine street, tomorrow evening. Miss Florence Patten, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Themas R. Patten. of 6S40 Sherwood read. Ovorbnek, wilt entertain at n bridge party at her home im Tuesday, December 26, In honor of Mls Ruth Merrill. Miss Dorethy B Lee, debutante itiughter of Mr. a:.d Mrs. Elisha Lee, Jr., of 1703 Locust etreet. will leave today for a visit te New Yerk, where r,he will be entertained as the guest of Miss Katherlne Starr evcr the week end. Mra Anne Demlng Roberts and Mrs. Hcndrlcksen Dennelly will entertain at ii tea at their studio at 28 Seuth eight eenth street this afternoon from 4 te 6 o'clock. Along the Main Line Miss Georgena Kemper entertained at a Bmall tea at her home In Ardmere en Wednendav last. Amenu the iruests were Miss Adele Speckman. Mlsi Prances Welsh, Miss Margaret Hudders, Mlaa Loulse Peale. MIsh Pelly Van Karen. Miss Madelen Hammer, Miss Maiaaret Deyle. Mies Madelene Rclnd hart, Miss Margaret Qulnn and Miss Mary e Nelll. A luncheon will be given nt the College Club, Thirteenth and Spruce streets, en Saturday afternoon by the Philadelphia members of the Wells Club, of which Mrs. Jehn C. C. Beale, of Overbroek, Is president. West Philadelphia Mrs. Emma C. Harbach, of 602C Greene street, announces the engage ment of her daughter, Miss Harriet Har bach, te Dr. Merten K. Schutt, of Rochester, N. Y. Mr. and Mra. A. Marks, 6853 Chest nut street, entertained en December 9 In honor of their daughter, Mljs Mathilda Mnrks. whose engagement te Mr. Leuis JC Freedman ha4 rccentU been announced. The guestf i Included Mr. Herman J. l'Miuman, ur, 'iV.1'' H.ivndevc, Miss lather 1 B.Uis, Miss Kdltli Preedmm, Miss Mnry Mceditmn. MU1 Mlnnle A. Oinss, Mien ''V,"',', Matks, Mis Sndle Silver. Miss Lllll" Wei!!. Air. Merris llater, Mr. C. Cot Cet iler, Mr. A. Klnkel. Mr Leenard II. Precdinan, Mr. Jeseph J. Indlk, Mr. lterinnn J. IVldnuiti. Mr Jay Jacobs, Mr. U Mnr1:.j mill Mr D.IVlll Skiver. Mies Florence Kadlum, of ",!; Urnfd i avenue, gave n fuumim niiHccunuruuT Hhe'ier en Sunday hut In honor of Mls Sara, Oorden. whose mntrlage will t place next month te Mr. Maurice Kadi-j son. The P.l Omega Pinlernlty. of 230 uni.ti. 'iMilpti-.nlnfh kttcel. will clve lis annual Christmas dance thlu evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes llltchle, of 16 1 C North Pelton street, reieuratea uim fortieth wedding unnivtmuij Wednesday evening. Announcement ha'i been made of the mnrrtage of Miss imbella llltchle. of West Phlladelphln, nnd Mr. Jeb Nathan Kecht at the brides borne en December l.t. The Rev. Hsirnlil Lnlrd, of the J. A. Henrj Preibyteilan Church, officiated Mr. nnd Mr Pecht nre spending their wedding tilp at the shorn and will he nt home after January 1 at 1233 North Prnzlcr street. Mrs. ThenittB St. .Clair, of Klnpu Court. Thirty-sixth and Chestnut streets. will entertain the tnensbers of her bridge club this afternoon. Seuth Philadelphia Mis'. Rdna Martin, dumhter of Mr. Bernnid Martin, of 2012 Seuth Seven tecnth street, is spending n few days in Wlldwoed as the guest of hct grand mother, Mrs. Mary Belli'. Mr3. Rese Oltmnn, cf 1141 Seuth street announces the betrothal of her daughter. Miss, Kdltli Oilman, te Mi. Sidney J. Geldmeler. son et Mr. nnd Mra M. L. Geldmeler. of 1701 North Pulton street. Mrs. Oltman and her daughter will be at home en Sunday, January 7, after 6 o'clock. Miss Rese Maries and Miss Kate Marks, of 523 Tneker street, will tnke part In the concert te be given tonight by pitplls of Mr. Hchrlbmati and Mi Meyers nt the Presser Building. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gary, of Queen Lane Maner, will spend the holidays with Mrs Cary's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Huyfer. of Chambersburg. Pa At the dinner of the New Kngland Secletv at the Bellevue-Stratford en the evening of Saturday, Decembcr -'3 Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen Passmore. of Pelham read, will have As their guests Mr. and Mrs. Nelsen C. Huber, Mr. and Mrs. William Hammet. Mr. and Mrs. Carrow Thlbault. Mr. Warcellus Heppl and Mr. Klchard Warren. Miss Mabel Leenard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Themas Lceniud, et 224 Vest hVhoel lane, Is spending a fortnight at Vcntner, N. J., ob the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank Hageman. Delaware County A tea followed the meeting of the Weman's Club of Drexel Hill en Tues dav afternoon, at which Mrs. J. C Duke presided. Mrs. Grace Savage con-1 trlbuted musical numbers. Preceding the tea. Mrs. William D. Klrkpatrlck guve a review of recent books. Mrs. James P. Hunter, cf Media, will go early In January te Montreal, Canada, where Bhe will be the guest for a few weeks of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mis. Geoffrey Oliver Merrill, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hepkins. Norristetvn Miss, Frances H. Smith, of 617 Haws ave.nue, was a bridesmaid en Tuesday nt the marrlage of Miss Grace Thomp son, of Rldgely, Md und Mr. Hareld D. Hatfield, of Georgetown, Del. Mrs. Heward R. Watt, of Pert Ken nedy, liaB returned from a visit with friends at Yerk, Pa. Moercstown Sfr. and Mrs. William V. Strabel have nnneunced the engagement of their daughter, MImm Kva M Str.ibel, tr Mr I Frank II. Wendlcr, of Camden, N J Mrs. Bdnletnl Strntten was the liost liest es.i for her bridge party, held at Ihei Field Club en TiRidny afternoon. Mr. and Mm Udwnnl S Woodward, of Chester avenue, uill give u iiniirc this evening nt the (uuii'iy i lub. K EITH'S THEATRE '.MISS JUMKT 0n fl'.'i&J,'!''.'..1011 tn.lln. Pltalit CHlEFTAltr CAUPOLIOAM PK1NC18S JUi; QUOH TAX Jimmy Liicji U Irxnoinei Otben U THKCAVSIXOS A Frtsentlng 'Tantult EjmiujU" Rtauliful Ref.ntd S V. Cor. Franklin 5t. and Oirard Ave. ' BEOHINlN'n TONKUIT SPECIAL EHO HLMriIT ' B'"'1w.w' rnvnrlte S-nrf- CjinHIerje i SALLY FIELDS tMCRSCLri pniOR TO OPtNIMO AT Till: WXNTEll ;SSi&IifieSVY&ailKr.TM METROPOLITAN SSffif iiiieAii a pei'LAit PTnr.r.TS "Twfce Daily 2 1 IS and 8il5 P. M. See the riRUtln Whslei. llrllUnt PhotepUy a CaM. A Wlil if n P eturi) I'l.MKIl l'l.lfiOV'9 All H'Mll i.emi.tf.i. i!fte, r.ih- flml ",' I1..I1 linre.i 11 MHtlmei, .'i lili'l HO. Isl.Ui AT HIMIU'I' Ti;i'At MISli e. aL. hiS. ", i"'i f m; IT ", 3ti. '" 'S a,. lltHl tHietlen Hlsnler mnwir nt Atwwe. univueil I eiu A.iii Bi-iiuui. vniliAUTT MUSEUM aATUitDAY-a.30 ivniwni,tj 1'ree llliitrUH Iclnre With Motion Pleture TOMOR. Ain Bt nONALD MacKILI.AN 7Je. 11 $1.60 .t Acad. Ic Keppe't SOs M neer AOADEHT Or MUSIC BURTON HOLMES GREAT SIOHTS EAST OF SUEZ Maui's AT 8 SO HlLlr Milimi 'iomefroy WALNUT PAULINE LORD In Eucne O'llelllJ mttnu-' ANNA CHRISTIE 'AMh OEOP.OE KAHIOM, ERAKIC B1IAHK0N Ijeiit ncvnr mn hr in mnnv 1.1101 1, mu wx&G!&xJQRMmf MNKI'KK.VTII tt M.MtKKT II A M te II 1 M. Constance Talmadge t IIIS'I S TIO.NAI, AllAPTAl IOX OK" Pl.AT "EAST IS WEST" NEXT WEEK FiV-rniHWT ELSIE FERGUSON ..ovteaw BUSTER KEATON ,r PIETRO YON ,WifOT,M -! ll-!aftlVmMWliitf BONWIT TELLER 6, CO. ffl dpecialy fShep x Origination CHESTNUT. AT. 13 STREETS Eleven Groups That Characterize the Remarkable Values Featured In Our ANNUAL DECEMBER SALE OF Superior-Quality Furs SKUNK-TRIMMED HUDSON SEAL COATS 210.00 & 245.00 Hi ii. g of mui-lj Intei e.'it will Iil in ,ii... (liunl, "'"."" .--IM. , I,. ... nei, l s i.: .".' Si, ' iijii'iiM rnii". h. -;.! i i KfllCl-tlllO Allllll'llll len i, ,'. ,' 1" '"'" ""' M'lnliPl AlUile V, ' '"'' "f AlUWill.M, Wimiit.i'i I l.li'liti'M.iiir llin,,l,i t in i . I S uhli-ll will III... i.l:,, .' ' I' i III . l.i -'t I'.ililV I'm Ii.h I'lii'Ktnilt II II Willi mi i; lioeiiinan Jr MBSMMSM '1 K i Formerly 295.00 Formerly 3S0.00 Forty-inch models at 210.00 and ferty-rivc-inch models at 245.00. Selected peltries with natural skunk cellar and cuffs. ..""" lilHlliiind.Mii i i ....(,. iii,nuii.ni mr l I K1U1 " dinner en Friday ve il s a', ,",,J' -' '" l,OI," of thelr niece, r " Aiipu n, ll(i hieutenunt Hunter 165.00 CIVET CAT COATS 36-inch belted model of best selected peltries. 195.00 NATURAL MUSKRAT COATS 40-inch coats with natural raccoon cellar and cuffs. 350.00 TAUPE NUTRIA COATS 45-inch models; fine peltrie. 450.00 FINE FUR CAPES Hudsen Seal and Scotch Mele. 110.00 145.00 265.00 350.00 265.00 .350.00 1 75.00 195.00 47-inch models. 350.00 NATURAL RACCOON COATS 40-inch Coats fashioned of clear dark skins. 550.00 CARACUL COATS 47-inch models; contrasting cellni and cuffs. 265.00 FRENCH SEAL COATS 40-inch Coats trimmed with skunk cellnr and cuffs. 265.00 CARACUL COATS 27-inch models in blnrk, brown or ln. Contrasting cellnr. Hudsen Seal Scotch Mele and Caracul Coats---REDUCED 350.00 and 550.00 Heretofore nW 50.00 tn 750.00 Hudsen Seal is Dyed Music mt. lr"r Pepart moil, Fifth r'anr ,. iWWM IP I ir i jfc EUlill'ili' !& 1214 Chestnut Street Established 1837 Inc. 1214 SlSllSl!?' I Geerge Allen, v ta n Until Christmas This Stere Will Be Open te 6 P. M. Smart Velvet Hats, Most of Them at Half Price, New Only $8.00 The prettiest velvet hats you can imagine in all manner of attractive shades and trim shades, trimmed, for the most part, with flowers, feathers and ribbon bows. Many of them have been reduced irem twice as much or mere, new only $8.00. Only Seven Mere Shopping Days Before Christmas A Marvelous Sale of Extracts, Toilet Waters, Powders and Sachets Guerlain's Guerlinade, L'Heure Bleue, Rue de La Paix, Champs Elysee and Fel Areme Extracts, 21s-ez. size Guerlain's Apres L'Ondee Extract, 212-oz. size Guerlain's L'Heure Bleue and Mitsouke Extracts, 1-oz. size Guerlain's Rue de la Paix Extract, 1-oz. size Guerlain's Apres L'Ondee and Jicky Extracts, 1-oz. size . . 'Coty's Jasmin, Styx, L'Effleurt and Ambre Antique Extracts Coty's L'Origan and Rese Extracts ., Piver's Floramye Extract KerkefT's Djer Kiss Extract Coty's Toilet Water in 6 odors Coty's Large Size Toilet Water Piver's Floramye Toilet Water Reger & Gallet's Violet Toilet Water Kerkoff 's Djer Kiss Toilet Water Rigaud's Mary Garden Toilet Water Piver's Azurea and Floramye Face Powder Rigaud's Un Air Embaume Compact Face Powder Rigaud's Un Air Embaume Talcum Powder Coty's Talcum Powder Coty's Sachet Powder in 6 odors Piver's Floramye Sachet Hudnut's Rese of Omar Sachet KerkefT's Djer Kiss Sachet Powder .90 nejrular Our Price l'rlce $10.00 $8.50 6.00 . 5.50 5.00 1.25 4.50 4.00 3.25 2.75 6.00 4.50 1.90 1.50 2.20 1.50 1.80 1.50 3.50 2.25 6.75 4.50 2.35 1.65 1.50 1.25 1.80 1.45 1.50 1.00 .90 .75 1.50 1.15 .75 .65 1.00 .90 1.75 1.50 .75 .55 1.00 .75 .te Handkerchiefs with Embroidered Corners at 35c, 50c and 75c Levely linen handkerchiefs in white with the prettiest embroidered corners. They make delightful and inexpensive gifts at 35c each, 3 for $1.00, 50c and 75c each. $3.50 Silk-Topped Union Suits at 2.75 Silk-topped union suits make attractive and serv iceable gifts. New $2.75 each. Veils with Neck bands at $1.00 The woman who wears a veil will appreciate a veil, either plain or fancy mesh, in black, brown, navy or taupe. Especially when it has a convenient neckband. There Arc Many Pretty Gifts at Our Ribbon Counter Such pretty ribbon garter in all sorts of attractive color combinations and se appropriate te put in a stocking! $1.00 te :?2.r0. Ribbon sachets in a wonderful assortment, al the way from tiny ones te mammoth affairs with marvelous geld flowers, 45c te $6.50. Trimmed shoe trees are $1.50 and bags are $6.50 te $18.00. Gift Stocking Specials Ciorden 11-300 silk hose with lisle tops in a splendid range of colors. Just the stocking for Christmas giving. 2.50 a pair. Van Ilaalte silk hu&e m a guud line of colors. $2.7e a pair, lieth of thc-'-e bleckings an- full-fash- lowed. K , V " ZfiU) llli V ' V71 H h ,v K r- tt. ; A.yn .tt.TVi w . f:3 Jr J m M,i J I. - ei--x, r z;a e, 15 1 .- x--i . "- v vi;i y-&n.yLw'X et rv "v j t . a'i. .riiv tv teft X f S - y f Vt1 P .3H' X v. A V &" d .' -O1 X r I V I l CTK-i ttn'. .& Jt . jTt i AX i ;tM-MriitlaaMfe v- )SIv 5 SV'tx .i-.-VV I xJ-xjT'KTS TVt X ! k tk"T i T.. &VLH r 'X. - xi; .-" ft- t V c. B K6 & itANTOM lniu and iTAiuniT i -'n ' :m, .1 ;)'. -, 10, T 30 n M wmmm wmmm EtB7iH'l "ftS m COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION Wm liiiiWIfw m m r mmmmimn A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ALDINEI JhTIl A.sn rilBHTNUT U TO 11 I'tUCK 60e Vktiki hirst pttrH!:vTATies 4FORGET-ME-NOT Next week -the foreottek ww JdSrtttm IinOAD AM) J-ltllf-TM OI'BM 0:45 A. JI. TO 11.15 1'. U. IinOAD AM) CIIUSTNTT A I'AHAMOCMT I'irTl'llE "PRIDE OF PALOMAR" :--ext u-rrK '"ttlt. wr vrrr AOAtv 12TH A MA1IKKT 10 A. M TO 11 15 P. If. PALACE Nerma Talmadge ;ffl ARCADIA11 . f-TffKIr. LADY DIANA MANNERS "Glorious Adventure" ?I5? VirTHDIA? MAKKKT V IV A Wlinl A MAE MURRAY 11 te 11 IS l U, BROAr.WAY ROSE" llrl 1 JLt in a M te 11 15 V. M, ETHEL CLAYTON &? GLOBE JL'NII'KIl AND MARKKT II TO tt BIO VArDEVIIXE BILI; A8 TTBUAt QUALITY AND QUANTITY AT NOMINAL PRICES RROADWAY ".W A.w - ... DESMAN THOMPSON'S fni1"rllin A. "OLD HOMESTEAD" ALLEGHENY g sills " alvlJN DEEP" I V fONUVfTION WITIf V U'nrVTT.T.W CROSS KEYS celli A Mtrk.l V.Ull.Tlll. 211. 1 h 9 a;i.-HMH-ara.g.i-ji 11:1.11m SHUvy7eLvUu DAIXT MATS., fill IVES. AT 111! SPICE OF LIFE A Vii!"lli. FelltM wltb a Vrlfr nf flUti DAVE KRAMER & JACK BOYLE SYLVIA CLARK I FRANK OABT 1IICKEY BROTHERR I JtTLIA KELKTT Blta Bell. Iren. Dnlr.7, RiTmsnd OrMa THREE WAINBIOHT SlBTERS 12 LONDON TIVOLI GIRLS 12 ADELPHI LASJ2fvp IN GRACE GEORGE "te i rrx: ? vi GemlJT Rebert Warwick, Nerman Trever I VPir1 QTH CBOWSLU WEEK L.II1 O EVE,, 8. IS Mm. Tomerwr "Dlllitfu! eprrrttit oreuad remtuc. of rrmpettr." Inquirer. BLOSSOM sreriE RCHfr.nnT'H own mcsie imnv "cin-nvHT-i nvrx hqma n r H abt 2 EVES M Tomer TSHOBWaBIW -: Hmggj$nwrl fmw aMyfivi .ilftl fitltv.nBiim BROAD t; ui t 8 is Mf T imonev LAST 3 TIME3 cJOMN DfclMKWATER'J? te ABRAKAH LINCOLN WITH. FRANK NcQLYNN 'AND COMPANy OF391 S"4 I fc. NEXT wrEK BEATS NOW ROBrRT B MANTELL and GENEVIEVE HAMPER ! HitAKESPrARI.AN PLAYS " '' 1-C"T'M lUm'.i r-e.i M.t. . ,! i-I .r 1 '. i.Cmr Thuri.. ili-. I K it at Mut Mtr. ("I T,n .6-1 T ' , Oitiir f M " ft fa ? 2 lfx A A fa if fi fi GARRICK K ah'- t S 10 Mitjie Twmorrew i FUNNIEST MUSKAL HIT & TOWN lit. m t vv m. UtrtkiR rf W WYii rkrJ few 1 II ia sac Rutf 1 wmmm r JACK DONAHUE OCIGIOW. GlCSf rWFATKE NY CAST PORRF.STNiiIii. i is 2 50 Mat, Tomorrow . .V :.w",fcl BpiTi rsiA ' . tJAt ! en ', r u , sin. 'j rft iSiirKliii 4 , V 11 x.u'. 1 I , II PHILADELPHIA ' ORCHESTRX,-' no h.,i i oiner 1 s 1 , If lAA-.Wrtflkn ft UKQiviuni; 1 ' .r tkHDil 'HI GETTINa GERTIR S UARTEH S& iS LasniO 1 own Scandals tfU Willi Hatty illk'kerl Utm 'aaaiaawwMaawwaaj iV UiJ.' . smim J ' -.MU'iAB mi M x i. 6 J .MtVC .' Iav. m ll i f m ti m m I I . t ,.j ..... M y ui ifc-nmfcViAJ.ii'ynitn wwmjWi iVinlii'n i,i . lt'vvy.yxni.i,iiyfwwt; . "71 Ww " 1 . s .M'nuiWjf.a