Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
M 1t kimWMT W'rT."(iri"r,V( rt'KXi,rM'HV. Ill WW fWPWW" ". " W ' T " 1 ' .'V-!F77T -V , VL rVk i 1.1 j. r L'fbFTT "' t.V44t " '. " ..1 V TV -TaTT 71r".''r;jp,"rw raTTffWffTOhflt v : "r itwwiwwp wm1" iw "rw nwr; wuM,vTTpx':"7r"wwfEF"iT?r' rTEr. 'vtww-?, , ; . t" ti iv. ''' Aw'jfl3riT?a:rV7 cSiJa ."if ' jv .i irrr".M? p; ', '1 " ' : ' '-jt: ' 'i . ter ' 1 -i . ' ' '1 . IJ vfiY J&a r&Mv EtfMSWW Hv.r, RMEKS USNSS MARKET PROBLEMS Croup Meetings Held te Con sider Handling of Different Commodities PUBLICITY WORK PLANNED PU tiseclared rrtfa Mailtes011- Dec. '15. Greup meet Ibis for tbe discussion of co-operative tvs of the nrleus aMocintleiiB hnn illtn the tam0 commodities, followed h, anetier Bcnernl session devoted te ike s'neral Mibjcct of co-eperntlvo nmrketlng, finance nnd rural credits CJiriitlen formed tedays program for C'lnj here of tbe National Conn- . Association. Ter the croup dlecusslenn the pro pre .flm Included meeting of the Ameri can Cotten Growers' bxcliRiige, the American Tobacco Growers' Lxehaugc, ih crain asoclatlens nnd dairy, per tables, oel und ether co-operative ."... Thn nreblcms of each com- f. U srenp ;erc listed for discus- Ien bv leaai'rs m iue muiciuui . Sptakcrs for thn general session, en ff..eprative financing and furre credits Included Eugene Mejcr. director of the Wir Finance Corporation : yennter Utbur Capper, of Iansas. nnd Adelpb Miller, member of the Federal Rcwrve ileard. Publicity men. including odi edi mrs of farm papers, tield serir-e and prganiiatien men. agricultural college ffcn and extension experts will mntf tonight in a forum te discuss rrluivi ilnnil features. Addrcrsing list nigbl t. session of th Mimed. Judge Hebert V. Wugbara, r( Louisville, y . declarel it ns the luty of all connected with the co operative movement te lay aside local lonsideratiens, partisanship, politics, ind sectionalism te accomplish the freat object of increasing the buying power of the farmer. James C. Stene, of Kentucky, presi-dKnt-raanagfr of the TJurley Tobacco Orewere, declared the banks In the iTritery covered by thin co-operative f!oclatien, hardly mere than n year old, were, unanimous ln tbe opinion mm uh operation uad necn. the nalva tlen of business there during the Inst period of depression and lowered prices. ' ALL N. Y.SHOWS TeTuN NEW YEAR'S EVE, SUNDAY Will Be First Time In Memery of Oldest Inhabitant New Yerk, Dec. lrr. m.v A. I) Although New Year's Eve. once the gayest night in the Broadway year, falls this time en Sunday, there will be performances en that one Sunday night for the first time in tbe memory of 100 oieest innanitant or all the forty sit legitlmntc attractions new plajlng. The Sunday ban was lifted for the occasion en tbe premise of Daniel Froh Freh man that the box-office profits would go te the Actors' Fund of America, of which he' is presideut. Anticipating capacity neuses at all the plays. It was estimated the profits for the night would Irttnl S2.TOV) mnil of which Mr. Frehmnn wild would be diverted te the Heme for Aged Actors, en Staten Island. SHIPS IN LAKE ICE GRIP Seven Steamers, Fast at Sand Island, Need Channel Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., -sjec. 15. (By A. P.) With cex en steamships fast in the icn at Sand Islnml. ulr In difficulties above the locks and thrce being held here. It appeared today that the Government or the Lake Carriers' Association would be called upon te open a channel tiireugh the Ice fields. Nene of the imprisoned steamships bad asked assistance, earlv 'tedn., but with a rontiniiance of cold weather In prospect it wan net Lellervd likely tJiev could wait for the ice te move out with assurance of freeing themsehrs, ' m . . , ttlMY MEDICAL OFFICER tftW ftpUIn ttWwi" callebeferi 1 a ....... ""---"-':'-:- w apec: unnnucu wnn diuhitii Complainant Alleges Common-Law Marriage at Philadelphia Chlcaie, Dec. JC (By A. I?.) Captain Chnrles Tike, of the army medlca'l corps, stationed nt n Chicago army hospital, was arrcstedilastnlgnt en a cnarge of bigamy and was re ported te hare been 'taken 4e Crown Point, Ind., for a preliminary bearing today. . ... ... AIrn. Tike, who witnessed her hus band's arrest by thrce men, nt first ex nresscd fear he had been kidnapped. Later pollce investigating the alleged kidnapping learned that a warrant and reniilsitier. papers had been iesned for Captain Pike en a cemplnlnt of bigamy brought by a woman who asserted she had contracted a common -law marring with him In Philadelphia. , Jt was reported that details of the charge against Captain Pike were re corded and ferwnrded te Washington Inl twinnl of Inmilrv recently, He came here from Fert Themas, Ken tueky, a few months age. HUNT FORD PLANT BANDIT Detroit Police Loek for Rebber Who Seized $5600 Detroit, Dec. 15. (By A. P.) LUtle progress was reported by Detroit and Highland Park police today In their efforts te run down the bandit who terrorized empleyes of a bank at the Ferd Moter Company' plant Inte yes terday, seised $5000. fired a few eheH from a sawed-etf shotgun nnd then called upon n Ferd empleye te escort him out of the building. Mingling wuu the hundreds Of factory workers Just released from the shop, be was seen lest te pursuers. . Authorities belicve the bandit wan an cmpleve of the company, or n former empleye who was familiar with llic workings of tbe plant. NEW STAR IS REPORTED, BUT NOT VISIBLE YET Aetrenpmera Fall te Leeate Bedy Seen by Rumanian Observer Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 15. (By A. P.) Astronomers have been agog for several days ever' the report ed discovery of a new star visible te the nakedT eye. A "nova of the llrst mngnltude" was reported by Zwlerel, a Rumanian scientist, in his find. A "naked-eye Neva," such as the ene Zwlcrel reports, Is of high Importance. Te date none of the many astron omers reporting te the Harvard College Observatory, which receives all reports In thin country, has confirmed Zwle rel's discovery. As one of the first magnitude, the star should by easily spotted, it was said, but examination of n photograph of that section of the hcavenw made nt narvard en the nlgbt of November 28 showed no star se bright In the posi tion given. Later photographs ulse failed te reveal a Neva In that vicinity. AMAB MSy Venice an 1 O He 'anKCJimpnesi jferXmas Eversharp Pencils laminLeimic 29 Market Street fHS2 SPECIAL Xnms gKpperg qS! In Great Variety Only a few steps down will save you 30 REIS2NER 939 Market St. ) Down Stain 1 North 10th St. (All On Stere "0 S. 52d St. (WettPhila. Stere) Mm. r . .,' .it. m& J -",' ! lr m , 'y-"il- lBa Men's an Leather ROMFOS SPECIAL jHflBff3pfljr7api'B SLIPPER." ml I SB rari ro.t.ie aES I illllllili , , - ' The 13th Street Shep, Where Fashion Reigns czxedpf lMkJBW BimBBF 4J Thirteenth Street Just Belew Chestnut Compulsory Removal Sale Wc have lest our lease en this store in winch we are new located Wc will move te our new store new being built, 1308 Walnut Street, in a few weeks. We Will Net Take Any of Our Stock te the New Stere Everything Must Be Sold Coats, Capes & Wraps Street and Afternoon Dresses Evening and Dinner Gowns, Dance Frecks Evening Wraps and Blouses Drastic Reductions Every Sale Final iiiiiiiiii;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii.i,!,i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw,iiiiiii'iyii!M.iii'iiiiiiiiii.iii 4 ,ffv THE PHILADELPHIA SAVING FUND SOCIETY 700 WALNUT ST. West Philadelphia Office, 15 Se. 52nd St. Interest Rate te Depositors A Art J FROM JANUARY J, 1923 Heppe Victer Victrela Service is only Natural in a Strictly Musical Heuse like Heppe's one that Sells the Victer only. n TERMS: 'If it is net a Victer Victrela it is a disappointment." Weekly and Upwards or Open Cfiarge Account Account Ne Interest Charged for Time J. Heppe & Sen. Central Stere 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street. Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts 1)1 - - -j '--)-"- S l i i.l ! 111fl-r..t1..f.. ri.... t, ,' t 1 . . . . x : t t . 1' J 1 A?!'"' Make Usc of the KWrl Watches A?e NP'-lilSX S ,'iPi.1.?' Most Perfect PKK3 Thoroughly V' - A P i;S' '7 -d Confidential 8r 2SSS , M I IWM ?rStSite" ibJSfm Timekeepers ' . ji iS V i . ,! 'I?wft JFvAT ''i ! Taini aiiiiiB taiiiiiV a 1 1 aliK'MBMXwwwt! m stm i 'I : .:' i" r ; 1 ysssTmt w. "m pmrTwv!,. 11 v i r, r ,, .. ;$ i. . . .itv .'...'Til' i'i'., ',',! ,i - TTTRV.WV,, iLI qr, .. ,',jlvi '!,,: ,i'iSiL!a7 " !' Xemsssf lt.h t-.v, II wis tu-I - ' '"' A , NSa -, -;1 u S m Sk fii0tf AH Diamonds yS RypDlamen5K . ' k., WiW Are Pure White, JCE R-"g Purchased W' ,i!"' - .:7 Perfect Cut and L11 71 : i of UsJ5 '&$ Wf i"l Set in 14-Karat fffUL" 2 l Thoroughly Sl IMS .I.ertd0.l ,nJ i.lfai r)-, -,M Guaranteed ifNlw K WJt! Geld Settings. g 4Jf iCan,B(: iWkJkm M WlJfiwK Hand-Pierced t 7r?5 1 f," at IMffiktl m VK W.th Platinum ' JW Full Price kWLg ?K S&L Tepa S0r Other ABPy ffii X1' iriVISr" "- Merchandise nV .' ' 1 '." . .'' . M Kernt Solid Celrt 1 ' 'r'LciO lgB5 f,)!,'"'1"' Med.l, Chain nd Knlf Frf y $ "Yl ' 9SM5r3i5ti a A Gitt That Will Be Appreciated MP (in ,' !IIIT TuMe I Mill n t r 1 Shuilr. : Ililil- $12.50 C. X& 3 1 BHIHIk v 1 T FuUhypUkcu tSSS . riS 'V GLASS '"',)h C7 QC 1 the "ext euV weX Melt ar" yrW.P(t;:TpBilJ lCtrehlVI , 'Lr, mKJBSBlKSmm 111 ' LAMP W r''r' 'P',") marked t ce.t and ..m r,.lte in Itlj ( M E Mahogany or eaK BbkIIOBiPTObV ' - insure a wide selection we suggest W H I -ill ,- """"saMa JB" wm A r.AS AND CLECTRIC cnminn ,i.. a ,m .11 ,!..,.:, -..n Jl W a Victrela Ne. 210 I j S M ' ffi " held any nrticlr til S'mas -A 1 V $100 Ml Prriiilr tvnes .' T ' " ssSsiik. IS 1 ,fir -lr"rti'sriiT , , $20.00 bonsele tfje QC 42& f I " Mai,w IV Popular types . . fm g IPflBI M,.0RS 9'95' ,1 V B Victrelas 1 r -- -'-ill HM J 1 imported .yr.s ,h, gmmp: m I uHHI S $21.00 V 1 "'"rl" 1W T'"'n Dn"h!r il'n'rllAI'lWiiiM S-aaaMaaaaaaaatl aWLaU'HaaaaaaaaaaaWJ 'iK lCl aaaaWll! T 5en Imported &fNjagg5i mMMm f KHI Kllli-" SLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB l'-?;; laaBiaK " Jl IV vv' i' P "MMKBB fj 1 S,,PPtrd 4 RBaBaH-BaBBBBBBBBBW' WtKKmr IVJ' HR M WM 1Z T&'Q'' a i , . Clet C"rli"B Iren i)il.O 1 Bndj. . '-HaWMaaffVaaP Pl :-I2.J-- H q-jlSir' Tl M T&k An Anerim.nt , - A , SV M,l,.OT.r..l II -I VIclrela N'aOO, cltrlcfl lh "M 1 H ' ! IP , WilJK ftl Hf cjen n uahegany, oak or I sm S . ' bf If Jdr nJr Jr I . II MahuKaiiy. 0 r walnut y I 5 Xmas Tree Lights J&, &-sSi ni Q w Ink. I JM tffi .. . i n-n-.. ,...... Snadr ' BTOi, , i, i ii gOTawAW-j I ittMM 20 .rf, "i'llwli Url "" ',l'," rl11' r -ll TV Kk fy . v Wfe ''urf r Kgljifi9.iii mn. t-sup nlll!, C7"7e muieV etr'ac: $18.50 iSSk M -P Jmj$ Isk Q mKKmg urrei i Imltrrn 6 . O s,,r, U .0.?0 tv.wv gWSSBft ii . ise i iwrrv jffii - r $a h B' eli &4&m I- ,t is & ni . IBBBBBBBBKaSK ' VWDaBMaRB BT J.Z at- aan aaaT',MTT ilTBBBaaia 'graf7aiMn'inij.n. j?S'. . urveiwpsan.'MCT WVt " 'liBB aaiBiaia bbI W 19 ijiriif VADIf I ..:- eicnniu K N.9thst. i"-" ! i-iKuimi 3urni ,)m wpen y LveninR. Ne Mail Order. Filled W&ZW&WGG N.9thSt. U 1 -)- iV V iwepwip u,w-'y"tStlii '' ; h Ctt VJ k il H fi V ' I K ra ;m 9 U 4 I. II islfl Rl; ft