PTffWw? PR P u? a 5?i$ffl wWrvmwwwm wva :&&wmtnFmr?.iz&' yv TiViB-s. Cfn. SKP'AUM. U -iViiWIK-k Tf'i.l " ' I 4 'V "1 " -"Jl.I.A'l- I VOr tV' iffe' I ' - v ' M wV n " RR. 1Fk ,122 .-' k jrJ f&pnyww " K. ' HRR. t,i.i 1 L K JprJp Chic New Hats Fer Holiday Cheesing .s Arrived te Sell at $5 & $6 Smarted mid - win ter models of felt, satin and hair cloth, trimmed with bright flowers, fur tails and stunning bows. The felts come in the popular high colors the satins in navy, brown and black. One pictured. iJHELirNBUROS Second Fleer $7.50 te $10.00 Gleve Silk Undergarments $4.95 Envelope Combinations, , Step-ins and Bleemers The most exclusive, highest grade Silk Underwear money can buy. Novelty styles beautifully trimmed with finest laces, motifs, shirring ami tuckings. Charming gifts for intimate acquaintance. A Christmas box with each gar ment. SnellenburgS 1''irR- foer Very Special Let of Economy Veils 'Way Belew Real Werth at 44C yd. Chenille det3 with hexagon mesh, in black, colors and ull combinations of colors. Excep tional value! $1.50 Boxed Veils, 79c Each Black meshes with combnatien borders. Paisley Scarfs at $2.95, $3.25 and $3.95 Fer the neck. In l:ght and dark colorings. SNlLi N&riCS 1'irst Fleer Wonderfully Complete Christmas Stocks of " Babies' an Children's Levely Apparel Charming Gifts at Decidedly Special Prices Infants' Silk Quilted Coach Cevers $2.69 l0 $3.95 raw J ink ana blue, beau tifully embroidered. One pictured. Kw?3 Beautiful Silk Lingerie for Late Christmas Shoppers In Five Special Groups at Practically All Popular Prices &&m&tf--xm $2.69 ribbeti. 1.50 ,0 83.50 trimmed. Many with . Sizes G months, 1 and S1.50 ,0 $2.25 $3.95 L: :,'". t'.V. Crepe cle Chine Envelope Chemises, $1.98 Choice of many charmingly lovely models, lace trimmed or tailored styles. Crepe de Chine Gowns, $3.98 Tailored and trimmed models in flesh and dainty pastel shades. Heavy Satin Bleemers Regular and Extra Sizes, $3.98 and $4.98 Excellent quality "ati'ii In orchid, light blue and flesh, trimmed with georgette and buds. Dainty Boudoir Caps, 98c te $2.98 Kxcuioi'.e "giflj" affairs of la"cs and ribbon m all the negligee shades.. Silk Envelope Chemises and Gowns, $1.98 te $11.98 Of radium silk and crepe de chine a lai nssrrtr- ent. Si.L'.i U.BJRCS Second Flc ge loer Bahies' Silk Quilted Baby Buntings $4.95 " $6.95 Daintily embroidered in lovely designs. Pink and blue. One sketched. Babies' Eiderdown Baby Buntings Trimmed with pink or blue satin ribbeti Babies' Dainty While Dresses. . , Beautifully lace touches of handwerl 2 years. Babies' White Knitted Leggins. Babies' $5.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes Very piettily trim med. Sizes 1, 2 and .1 years. Children's Fine Voile Dresses " $1.95 t0 $4.95 White and lovely colors. Charming styles, smocked or trimmed in various shades. Sizes 2 te (J years. One pictured. Children's Camel's-Hair Sweater Sets at Sweater, leg gins, toque and mittens in Inn. Sizes te G yenrs. Children's Bath Robes QO Oft Beacon cloth in attractive wtJt patterns; satin trimmed. Sizes 6 te 16 years. Babies' Sweaters (PI Qpr Seft white wool, in sizes 1 te 3 years. Children's Pretty g1 CQ te (RO QK Colored Dresses. . '' Bright checked cr plain patterns, smartly trimired. Penuhir pantalcttc styles included. Sizes 2 te G years. bNEULNBURGS Second Fleer Four Big Gift Specials in Boyshferm Brassieres ) 2TV T S2.25 $7.50 Prices Have Been Greatly Reduced Four popular styles In this brassiere that is specially designed te achieve the flat, boyish silhouette for every figure. Style Ne. OQ 7559, New OZf ' In pink brocade. Style Ne. 1 7Q 800, NewC,-L1'7 Of nk silk brocade. Style Ne. 130, New Of pink snteen. Style Ne. 510, New Of pink satin brocade. 89c en. $1.79 SriLLl r,:l3"RjS Second Fleer Wonderfully Levely Holiday Dresses for Women and Misses Have Just Arrived te Ge Inte a Great Sale Tomorrow at $19.75 Mm Mm f Gny, f c s t i v e models of cloth or .silk, ready te fit in with nil holi heli dny occasions nnd g i v e excel' service long t the holidays ever. Developed in Satin - Faced Crepe, Mate lasse combined with Chiffen Velvet, Canten Crepe with Lace and the ever - popular 1'eiret Twill. fi I: f' ' 4ft TOTfW UlPSI 9SmsWWJfiS v Sj nilDAV, UKCKMIIKIt 13, 1U22. hlerc Ovtisn ut 0 A. M. Vter at 0 I. M. M NELLENBURGS ENTIRE BLOCK-MARKET llre2 STREETS J VFJM dm . Just Received A Remarkable New Purchase of 1500 Pairs of Women's and Large Girls' $6 Tan Calf . Lace Oxfords Te Sell Saturday ZA it at Only qJ j0 j J Very Smart Footwear Thai Will Give Excellent Service and Always Loek Well In the new shade of brown calfskin with military rubber heels and cherry red bearded calfskin, with low, flat rubbc- heels. Beth styles with welted nnd stitched soles and nil sizes in A te D widths. Extra Special Women's $2 & $2.50 Juliets & Ribbon-Trimmed & 1 OfZ Slippers, te Sell at, Pair. . . PdO New, fresh helidny felt Juliets with thick plush trimming and with. leather soles nnd low, flut leather 'heels. Alse ribbon-trimmed felt slippers with large pem pens and thick paddrd soles. Beth styles in nil the pretty kimono shades. All sizes. A Wonderful Assortment of Men's Leather Slippers at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Pair Including golden brown kid and tan kid romces and Everett.?, also tan kid and wine calf opera and kid pax sole tourist. f N $1.50 t0 $3.00 Men's Felt Holiday Slippers Clli. ........,. Many Styles, romces. Everetts. cavnlinrs nnil livlm.4 willi leather or padded soles. Oxford and brown color. Children's, Misses' and Large Girls' High Shoes Te Sell at Tremendous Savings! Patent colt nnd tan calf high-cut lace shoes en bread nature lasts with welted and stitched soles. Sizes 8 4 te 11, Rcff $1.50 and S5.00 j9 Qn (it Sizes lift te 2, lies. S.j.00 and 55.50 (Q AK WUitU at w.- a( Beys' High Cut Storm Shoes On bread tee lasts with extra heavy soles. Hese straps and buckles at the top. Sizes 10 te 13y2, Special at $3.50 Sizes 1 te 54 Special at $4.00 bNELLENBURCS First P'loer Sizes 2' te 7, Re,r. $6.00 and $7.00 QA OC VJ J9dtJ I It I JO I If I u Our Religious Department Is Featuring Tomorrow Twe $5e00 Rosaries Boxed for Christmas Giving Special at $3.50 Each raL Alilrlll llt i.l !..-. ...,.. ... Iil-I.rltltlir TVlfl5 C l,.lnlInJl .Mn. ....., 1. 1' . . ... . f I . --.'- v.. ii iiiu uvii.-nw .Hi..-.....'-- -,,. - lf) iw.m.-v iiuni-i nih lean, lllg cr,v '"nionable slyly ,,0jnt j clnipint'i panelnifr and strniRht-line elt'ects, most of them adding a Kfty holiday touch in beadintr, silk embroidery or Kirdle eniament. Missis Dresses (Sizes M, l(i nnd 18 Years), en Sale in the .Misses' Department Women's DressfH en Sale in the Women's Department I SneTLZnburcS Second Fleer :N. SNELLENBURG & r.n frf?i (Fq all v fern. j5fe-l Of extra quality imitation cut stones, in several colors each Rosary in rich plush-covered, silk-lined pift box. One style is mounted en n soldered link, heavily seld-fillcd chain, with fancy scapular medal center and beveled Reld-fillcd cress. Wan-anted for 20 years. Shown. The ether is mounted en sterling; silver or geld-filled chain, with enamel center and cress coirespemline; in color with the bead. Shown. Alse a Complete Assortment of Rosaries, Prayer Henks and Bibles SITp K.'l r?jj5 First Fleer Select Your Christmas Gloves Here Tomorrow Fer Men, Women and Children At These Remarkably Small Prices Women's $1.00 and $1.25 Washable. Chamois-Suede CTA -in heiRO, fawn, beaver, Gloves, Pair. . Strap wrist Myli pray nnd white. 2-clasp style with a Milanese silk lining, in Riay, brown nnd black. 2-clasp style in pray, fawn, bcipe, ecru nnd white. $4.00 Men's Genuine Mecha ,Gloves, Pair I'. ii M. sewn, with spear and. black 'em broidered backs. In gray .shades. Men's Lined Gloves and Gauntlets $1.49 ,0 $6.50 Pah Beys' Lined "Radie" Ii (( Leather Gauntlets, Pair vl.UU rewn and 1.49 With a warm fleeiv Uniii','. Brown and tan. Beys' & Girls' Washable Capeskin Dress Gloves style. I'. & M. -i-un, with black embroidered backs. Beys' and Girls' Warmly-Lined S:c!'... $1.00 t0 $2.00 SNELLUNBURdS First Fleer 69c Wonderful Christmas Sale of Men's Socks Tremendous r locks of pure silk, silk-mid-ivoel and pure wool and mercerized socks Hie vera best and most desirable kinds at te ' below the prices of ether stores, $1.50 Silk Socks, Pair rjjr Full-fashioned thread silk socks " til with vertical jacquard stripes in two-tone col ors. Alse pure thread silk socks in two-tone colors with silk embroidered clocks in con trasting colors. Men's $1.00 English Weel Socks, Pair Imported English ribbed pure wool socks in heather colors. $1.50 and $2.00 Imported Eng ish and Demestic Pure Weel and J- Silk-and-Weel Socks at, Pair & -I Full-fashioned silk-nnd-woel, silk-and-wool with embroidered silkMecks, pure wool with jacquard silk stripes, English ribbed pure wool with embroidered silk clocks. Brown, blue and preen heather colerinps. Sizes 0'a te ll'a. Men's 50c AnsssT Socks 35cPair;3Pair,er$1.00 I' men mercerized lisle, double soles and e.tra spliced heels nnd tens. Rlnck. cordovan. navr ''ini1 ffra'- SNEUT'.rieS First Fleer Snellenburg's Christmas Headquarters for Fine Violins At $8 up Violin Outfits Frem $9.85 '" $21.50 Other Musical Instruments Tener Banjos.. . .$13.30 te $.10.00 Banjos ... ..S13.50 te $20.30 (amp riuileles..$ !.(;; te S10.30 Hawaiian I'liuleles . . 5 1.9,-, j $22 30 Banjo l"kuleles..$ (i.00 te S 9' S3 I hit Bac. Mandolins .. .S 3.30 te $33.00 . unto ins- .. ,5 ,,..() te $32.30 Mandelin Ilanjes. $10.30 te $40.00 5 .i.!).i te $28.00 .$13.00 .S 1.23 Special Saturday Values in Our Men's Bathrobe Section Men's Fine Cleth Smeking'Jackets, $4.95 te $22.95 All hit,'h-Kradc materials, ex pcrtlv made in most any price one may want. All sizes 30 te 4(5. , , , Seme Stouts Included Men's Blanket Robes, $3.95 te $19.95 Imported Jap Quilted Smoking Jackets, $5.95 Imported Jap Quilted a fcC Lounging Kobes, $9.95 Wr "ww Prices are less thnn replace ment value. In blue, tan, purple. $18 te $25 Silk Dressing Gowns at $13.95 and $16.45 Exceptional offering. Men's Silk Smoking Jackets, $31.95 Pretty dcbirms and colors. MamA k.yu-51 i -t'fii .. i Jmperlcd Sweater Coats and Cardigans Frem England Smartest Styles Fine Fabrics Dislinctlu Superior Frem Every Standpoint $6.85 te $12.95 Well-made, carefully finished, pure wool garments in the new weaves, best styles nnd colors. Sweaters that will give wonder ful wear. Wonderful gifts for golfers and men who require a house jacket in the popular slicdes of camel, gray, brown and heather mixtures. All sizes. Men's Heavy Imported Woolen Waistcoats, $9.95 Checks, stripes and heathers. Men's New Imported Brushed Weel Mufflers, Unmatchable at $1.97, $2.65. and $4.95 All colors in smart, plain nnd fancy bor ber 'der effects. SnIl .3JRC3 I'irst Fleer Our iXotien Department Offers Scores Upen Scores of Delightful, Inexpensive Little Gift Suggestions Imported Sewing Baskets 3.50 Each $; liver; basket fitted with scissors and sew ing; accessories every one beautifully lined. Excellent assortment of styles and sizes. Most phenomenal values. 2000 Novelty Pin Cushions, KA Each Vl' Several styles. Wonderful values. Imported Needle Beeks and Bexes, Each Excellent values. All equipped with best make needles. 2000 Cabinets Imported Wire Hairpins, Each Black and bronze asserted size hairpins. Fancy top boxes. 57.-.' ENBJRjCjS Notion?, First Fleer 25c 25c Jack Herner Chocolates (iunnrs Snare Drum Pliirinets . . Ja Drum Outfits ... Blew Accordions Accordions Concertinas HiiKles Cornets llarmonien Hurmnmites' .8 3.73 . .S l.f)8 . .$ 1.73 te S12.00 ,.$ 8.00 te $11.00 . .$ 1.83 te S 3.30 .$17.-0 te $28.30 . . 33c te $ 3.S3 $ 2. J 3 :N. snellenritm; & CO.S J .outlier Music Case:. SJ.25 te Pf. 2." Musical Instrument Cases and Days at a Wide Pange of Price.. Iluinil'eu Music Stands. S2.2." Leather Music Kells, $.1.00 and .Sa.2." Imitation Leather Music Tlells, SI. 23 te $2.50 Little Wonder Drum Outfits, $27.50 SNlLLEllBURij'S Fifth Fleer On Sale Tomorrow at 'Wan Belew Regular Prices Chocolate Cherries, lb. Bex (2Q hole, luscious cherries in a de- "-' - licieuIy rich cream, heavily covered with swe"t chocolate. Nuts and Fruits, lb. Bex. . Crispy nuts and favorite fruits. Chocolate Fancies, lb. Bex KQ Hand-dipped cherry cenUr nnd -'' " nth. i p'lpnlnr pieces. ' " Main Aisle 11th St. Kr.tratKi 49c A Sweater Makes I A Sensible Gift FOR MAN OR BOY Our Sporting Goods Department Offers Wonderful Slecks of Fine Sweaters and Oth Outdoor Appar in the Best Liked Styles at Popular Prices Imported English . Brushed Shetland Weel Sweaters, $7.50 Light weight, warm, dressy; just the thing for pro fessional men 'ind golfers. cr ygjIV" Brushed Weel Vests $5.50 & $6.50 Sheepskin-Lined Cea,s $7.90 Big, roomy, sheepskin lined Coats, with four pockets and belted with large fleeced cellars. T 1 ' $6.50 Army Sleeveless Pull-Over Sweaters $2.85 Every sweater ia the let is all wool and hand knit. White Shakei;Knit Pull-Over Sweaters. Just the thing for 'school or sports wear; marie in tne popu lar V-neck, pull over st. le, with large cellars. U. S. Navy Pea Jackets $8.65 .Made of .10-oz. Melten Cleth, with four big pockets and large cellars. Beys' Sweaters Beys' Shaker- Knit Pull-Over Sweaters $5.00 Big, heavy, pull over Swenters. in V neck style, with large cellars. . Just what every boy wants for rchoel or play. $2.69 shawl cellar. SnElTTK ,S Third Fleer Heavy ribbed. null-ever sweaters. Cheicu of V-neck or shawl cellar. r Anether Phenomenal Music f Rell Sale Tomorrow! '; Just a Small Let of $1 & $1.25 Artempe Werd Music Rolls T Te Sell at 9C Eacl,; 12 for $1 Te. T;'ot-,OneStpps and Waltze-i T 1,1 '' ' ; ' ? Fifth Fiee.- j; Marvelous Gift Values Featured for Saturday in Kimonos, Breakfast Coats & Robes Wonderful Assortments of All the Most Popular Kinds 'Way Belew Regular Prices Women's $7.95 Leng- Q? rjpr Kimonos .,. . vO. D OMii'Vli uir iupe in ali the dainty shade preti .; ei .bi-.n lued nuk and sleevps (inisi( ' wit 1 ihiri'i! ribbon One sketched. Women's $5 te $9 Lounging Robes $3.95 ,0 $7.75 Of wnle-wnle and embossed cordure fin ished v th ribbon. A large assortment te cheese fru'ii. Women's (iorgeeus $15.00 te S135 Jap Silk Kimonos $12.50 ,0 $125.00 Han is. ni! hand cm.. ...d.-red in In-lit an I dan, ha s liieakl'a-, lU.,ts m laden in the ' let. Women's $7 Fine Beacon (PP QKT Blanket Cleth Robes. . . . PO.D In il'iral and Oriental designs, finished with ribbon. WJvWrt Ml Wm W omens $(,.()() Break- $4,95 III III U t'l II Women's S.J.75 Kimonos last (eats. . . or 1 1 i. i.i.i 1 1 1 1, 1'iii ,n; omen s SUd Kimonos C0 p? A Of line I int.,'1 ini,.. in thii nj.iiilf eve s, i,.. ,.,, 4 , r u w,tprla, pmkand ue. bNL.-.u .J Second Fleer mi M SNELLENBURG & CO.; I T Tf T rvl'ft rwMtliflSJi;a
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