I n t- v v. - -i n ;--v , 'J . ' mmmm mBvv?w7!Y - - -HI III . ..,.J,v,i.WRvk".ll4- 12 fW ETENnirO' PUBEIC aDBDGER--PHIBATEi;PXA mreNAT?r-BEGffim v15, 1922 i - . , . i ; . a n i i s J 3Z,5.cv!yr v : i ' '-mv 'm-'xiv ; - M ' Philadelphia, Friday, 'December 15, 1922 ' 4mTO( Stere Open 9 A. M. te 6 P. M. The Stere of a Millien Gifts Fer Saturday Gimbel Brethers MARKET t CHESTNUT n EIGHTH t NINTH Fer Saturday Plense give names nnd addresses with great care our new poeplo arc net readily familiar with them. And be careful of address te which gifts are te go. Tnke tlme te be served cnrcfully full and plenty of everything, ae select leisurely. vi m:i i teM m m h Take Advantage of This Gimbel Christmas Sale Sewing Machines Terms $1 Weekly $40 Leasing Many 1 'lai-. har. ,t i worth. 1 1 ' ' ii li i i- I'o I'e mestic mnk- j . ..u 5pQ anteed Sale price . ?-' fe22-8tfi Vvr m , ,,4------f-H I j UMBaKcggfeSTOig $52 New WiMard Sewing Machines Demestic make, with automatic lift, all latest attain- SM C ments. Sale price .. PO JP&1 - i . 1s' ? $65 Singer Machines These are t'e r samples sale price but equal t r. .-. 5QQ ' . - tc . rt mwili( S i- $59 New Villard Parler Cabinets Net often "-ui'h a leu prue for a S'ewin Ma h.n of Demestic make. Enck-.-d in a hnndsen.e ca-e. Sale price . $49 ,&txs4ii m ft V x v r .' iOSWw7v t j'i r - - V -- I LTT tfT "7t.i i fc;a f Wmmma $65 Demestic Machines Tlie f u.i i ' j r f i i the newist up t i iliii (kk limited I. iin' t r elfc'ied CC at tins pi ice. bale price KOZ) Just Think Big Price Reductions Right At Christmas Time! Se Easy te Get $1 Weekly Olmbeli, Fourth fleer and Bubuijr Btere. Tep e' the World Tey Stere ISbOk -v Everything Nice te Ge en the Chr PlMWlWlllln 'Ft..... f "Great Big" Dells you can sing te sleep. Leng lashes and fluffy curls. And 20 inches tall nearly tall as her little mamal Gimbel special for Santa Claus at $1.95. Dells That Are "Regular" Playmates Can't Break Them! istmas Tree and With! "Schoolgirl" dellj in pretty gingham dresses nnd hnls. Ready for Santa Claus. at $1.97 he'd expect such dells te be $2.50. Bexes of Christmas Tree Ornaments, I dozen in a box, special at 85c. ' These lovely shining Balls te trim the tree asserted styles, 50c a dozen. Qlmbals, Tep e' the World Tey Btere, Fourth fleer. Just Received 1200 Women's Fine Warm Winter Coats, Capes, Wraps at Wonderfully Little Prices Silk-lined, fur-cellared, velour Coats Special at S2e. Silk-lined, hand-tailored, fur-collated h"!ivia Coats Special at $3."i. Raccoon-cellared, Great Coats of our ou-i importation of British double-face -pert-; Ontinic Special at $30.7.1. Geed warm peits Coats, L'Nters and Greatcoats silk-lined or plaid back. Special at $17; of British Coatings, .spe cial at SJ9.75. Bic; shawl-shape, fur-cellared Sports ""oath. cellars of natural raccoon or skunk-dyed opossum Special at S 19.73 and $69.73. 0'nMi, Sulens of Dress, Th'rrt Soer Mm Ip-rVV jf1 3000 Fine Silk Umbrellas at cnrriA! ,s, r i r ir. PRICES Women's reed quality 1 1 It in navy, Kreen, purple, gamut dQ QC -ndblick... ,90V0 Satln-tienlrred enc for nertiPti. with BtrlklriBly smart hnnt1lc3 nnd lone amber ei ulilte flJCj ( t'ps IVomen'M cry line qual iij lll( umbrellas, mnny w'tli linndemcly carved S,an, Celers $6 5Q and blacl: . Mfn'i fine b 1 a e 1. sills u in b r p lias with dlstinc tli handles fame buck born hoeU, iiome BtrrllnK I h 1 I v e trimmed. Glmb;l . Tlrst deer. $5.50 and $6.50 'J Women's Fur Scarfs or Fur Coats Make the Most Acceptable Gifts Especially Ve Scarfs, double fur, one skin animal style in Hudsen blue, black. Peiret, brown and taupe, at $23, $29, $35, $.39. $13 and $19. All choice pelts, soft full furred. Natural Damn Marten Scarfs, $19, $39 and $G9. Natural Stene Marten Scarfs, $29, $39 and $49. Children's and Misses' Sets (2 te 14 Years) White Cent.v Sets at ' Natural Nutria at $2.25. I $1-1.50. Taupe-Ceney Sets at Lecke Squirrel at $3.95. i $19.75. Beaver-Ceney Sets at Natural Patagonian $6.93. I fox at $22.50. Natural Muskrat Coats, $100 Very smart -10-inch model, mndc of choice skins, soft and dark; shawl cellar and deep cuffs; silk lined. -Oimleli, Fur SaleAi, Third fleer Mens enetif Kntttd aa Kuppenheimer Ulsters, Overcoats and Great Coats, $35, $40, $45 up te $75 Cheese from the newest over ever over eoatings of the season and the latest authoritative styles. Crombie Overceatings (made in Scotland) ; chinchillas, fancy ever-plaids; straight shoulders and raglan models are of 42E! belt-all-around MD0 Londen-Made fc1C Overcoats at . MO Irish duffuls, Scotch heathers, Devenshire fancy mixtures. Gimbel Special Overcoats at $29 Bin, swatreer models In plaid backs; also Chesterfield mud- ole. box-back and fancies. , Men's Suits at $29 Blue serges, blue worsted chovlett, worsteds, casilmcrct eIeurs, t weeds, dlagena weaves, everplatds sports ana golf models. Extra Trousers at $6 Olmbeli, Seoend fleer. Importer warited te close out our first let sold in less than a day se we secured his entire remaining stock of Women's Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs 25c Half Price Hemstitched pencee handke--chie s "?.-!th solid color borders ami l"nn 1-drawn threads. Very beautiful nnd very sen-iceable. Val led at 50c each, but these are 23e each. With Christmas se Clese! O.mbeli, First Soer && 515 Cedar Hepe Chests Save Up te Half Strength and beauty com bined and excellent moth-in surance. $14.95 $29 Tifty (50) Chests 34 inches lone;, 19 inches wide and 20 incncs hiffh. Thirty (30) Chests, 48 inches lenjr, 20 inches wide and 22 inches high. $23.25 $29.75 Thnty-five (3."0 Chests 45 inches Ions, 21 inches wide and 18 inches high. $4.95 One hundred (100) Chests window seat style with arms 48 inches lenfr, 20 inches wide and 20 inches high. $26 IJeO Ceear Bexes, mattinc I covered, 34 inches long, 17 inches wide and 13 inches high. Fifty (50) Chests 44 Inches long, 19 inches wide and 20 inches high. Olmbeli, Upholstery Stere, Fifth fleer. A Gift Werth While! Girls' "Dressy" 5000 Pairs : Twenty Styles Women's Tan Oxfords, $3.45 and $5.85 That's About the Cost of Making! . :xs Gimbels bought the entire fleer stocks of a big Bosten maker. All brand-new. All with the smartness and clean-cut lines that tell of geed shec-mnki'-g. Brogues and walking types. Just uhat she wants for vcel hosiery wca. . -PC A Let of Women's Regular $11 Tan Walking Heets. Saturday Specials from our own stocks at $3.45 Olmbtls Steerd Soer Sports Coats $ 1 6.75 This "swlrly" model M nf mi .t.AMrl A... . I wMA.. of softest, heather cloak- s lnga, fascinating color tinted blue and brown ef fects cellars of teft gray "lapin" fur. Anether group is of new double - faced "typically sports" belted models double breasted. Sizes, 10 te 16 years in the let. 11 Girls' "Boxed" Gingham Dresses at $2 rrctttfst Rift iiKseitmenl pl.tlr, checks, plaldK hut hrt tliPin ' S'li's. C te " ja s. Olmbeli, Fur Bleni, Third fleer. 4 ( -r 1 Dainty Neckwear for Her Christmas Cellar and Cuff Sets Already Boxed 50c and $1 Such neat, pretty eyelet sets at ."0c and linen ones with filet lace inserts or embroidered in white or color; even all Venise lace ones! At $1 they're embroidered linen, embroidered colored ratine, net nnd ince, Paisley silk, spoke-stitched linen, filet lace edged, and lets of ethers, many finished with a saucy little black hew. Charming Bertha cellars at SOc, SI, $1.50 up te S14.93fer handheme real lace affairs. All boxed for the asking. Such beautiful ru'ckwcar is a grace ful gift. Olmlifli, Vlrt fleer. 'Just the Ties Men Are Cheesing for Themselves 1800 New Grenadine Si ffi E P if I Knitted Ties a?50 Plain colors in navy, black and brown. Besides any number of smart stripe patterns. Hnlf a dollar! why, it's almost like finding them! Boxed, for giving. Olmbel't, Flrtt fleer, Ninth Strut 8 lbs. of Candy for $2 Comprising 5 Pounds Asserted Chocolates $2 - Pound Pure Sugar Hand-Made Toys ; 1 Pound Asserted Wrapped Caramels ,raibs. L l Pound Asserted Hard Candies Fresh, wholesome, geed. Delivered free cast of the Mississippi. QlmbfU, Cheitnut Etrt Ana-x ind Buhwty Btere. Hickok Buckles, Belts and Beltegrams Hickok Beltegram The Beltegram is a slide that gees en the belt and is" an up-te-date safety watch guard. Sterling Silver (jjO Beltegram at (Initial engraved free.) Sterling-Frent M Cfl Beltegram at vl.OV With raised Initial. Hickok Silver-Frent M Raised Initial Buckle P1 The Cowhide Belt at $1 Cerns and cheese from the full ehewlnr hr of Hlcltek nucklcB and Belts for men and boys. JHe te $3. Boxed for Chrtntmns. The buckle that "stavs nut" I Olmbeli, nrit fleer, Ninth Street. 732 Women's and Misses' jm Rich Seal-Plush Coats and Wraps Te Be Sold in the Subway Stere Tem orrew Values $29.75 at te $39 $20 Many with big, beautiful fur cellars. Plenty with huge shawl or chin cellars of the Fabric fur. Seme have fur cuffs besides fur cellars mostly black-dyed opossum. All silk-lined. Values $45 te at $69.75 $35 Beaded seal-plush Coats. Embroidered seal-plush Coats. Caracul fabric-fur Coats with full-length cellars of fur. Seal-plush wraps with embroidered sides and sleeves elaborately fur-trimmed. All the Coats at $35 Have Fur Cellars Many of the Coats at $20 Have Fur Cellars All Coats Either at $20 or $35 Are Silk-Lined All Sizes in Each Greup 16 te 44 In the Subway Stere Metal Bedstead ah for Iren Spring $ 1 C ftC Mattress lO.OO Bedsteads as illustrated have continuous pests, ten 9s Inch fillers at head and feet, baked white enamel finish. Can be had in sizes 40 and -1 0. An nll.Vnn 1 , .,t. m.inn. ll.lfll TllllS jj j ...-., uii nun mums ...... i-r- fF side rails. 50-lb. cotton-and- at $15.85. Attractive 3-Piece Living-Roem Suites at $147 iteii.' nrrfl:!! iHcrHi Cheice of tapestry or velour, spring backs, and seats and cubhiens. JJest ei weil.niaiishit) and censtrncfinn a l.ti ii ei,i lv in tne smuttay Sstere. Kasy payments if .1o!i-e,i Sr,neiniiv nried at Olmbeli, 6uby Stere. $147. f V . v ' y I ) K t .iif I M- 1 L --.. , . - , , ',.. . . , ,t.i.. A . '..- ..i(. . . I -x. .!. A. . - .. , , .., r-r-y-tjmyifn ywt
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