fWMiwa n i . "' k 9mu i vmz ' ' m P & i (Stere Opens 9 A. M. Closes 6 1 51. The Stere of a Millien Gifts GlMBEL BROTHERS Subway Stere .Holiday Values MARKET' CHESTNUT tt EIGHTH NINTH t MMVWM V W mww Philadelphia, 1'rlday. December 15, 1922 Gimbel Brethers MARKET CHESTNUT EIGHTH NINTH ! IWI1M w Sale of ? l omen s ana misses etter, Dressier Dresses Fer Christmas Festivities at $15 Values $20 te $39.75 ;J0U Matclassc Dresses, including matclassc duve tyn Ceat Dresses as a most tremendous "Special." '''r.il'W' '!'.!.. I I , 1 1' .1 , ,,1,1 I- ' I'M!.'.! ''. ' I '' "'!" ' I lff.-'hll W,',,,mfr,ll Sw at $15 Values $20 te $39.75 AW satins, Peirct twills and Canten crepe?. Beaded Styles. Plaited Styles. Paneled Styles. Celer-faced styles. B r a i d -1 ' i in m e d Styles. Ceat dresses. Draped Style:-. Twe-piece effects. Embroidered Medels. Cord-girdled Styles. Hip-buckled treatments. Nete That There Are All Sizes in the Let, Frem Misses' 16 te Women's 52! iJQk irlfliEfcir? ! ' '.' I sCSfesX ziiESR'MlSflH I'll' lfeicCfla fflfli! u 'vl Vr 'If Nun " ' 500 Girls' Weel Sweater Coats at $1.95 Value $2.95 (loed heay weifrht fin- wear without a coal. Jliev.ni, bu(F navy, maroon and peacock lluc. Sizes, G te 11 year.'. Mc.ll orders filled. 500 Gingham Morning Dresses at $1.65 Number of "samples" in the let nil most at tractively Btyled. Organdie-trimmed. Sizes, .'JO te 10 In the let. 200 "Mether Hubbard" Aprons Special at $1 Ameskej'K giiiRhnm 3,011 knew it- "iualit.." 1200 Lacy Envelope djf Chemises at P llfe IH'TV wis i ..i." ""' Regular and Extra Sizes Fine linfccrie cloth mostly white. And trimmed back as well as front. Uodiceton.s and "built-up" htyles. 5Iail orders filled. 1000 Lustrous Sateen Pantalettes at 75c Well made deuble-clastic-cutT finish a- pic tured. Black, purple, brown, p con, navy. :;-J. t 30-inch lcnRths. Mail orders filled. lYTTPTI r te&P w 1000 "Christmas-Boxed" Dimity Blouses Special ! Fnerite, youthful "Piter Pans." Pieelcd edged or fluted edged. Sizes IJG te 40. Mail orders filled. Olinheli. fiubxty Stere Girls' Dresses, Coats and "Rain" Sets bale ureuped q" at O Sizes 6 te 14 Years The Dresses .-ueh pretty nay color hand-embroidery touches serges, wool jerseys, crepes even new velveteen inedelb for "Christma.s 1'arties." The Ceat" smartly e lted, pockctel, "hnvi.fi" ii ml "fiand." Cioed serviccabii.' ifiatliiK p'siin colors mixtures - her her uiBbenc . Kainy 1):ij "Git!" Set?. coat, hat and -choel baft- ram proof, color proof. .e. fry pm plfl VivrT HXJ Pi 1 , . . nT i ?r.- Special in "Daey uins 4-Piece Sweater Sets at $4.95 Sweater, lcRb'in. enp "d mittens. White and color. Sir.es; 1 te 4 year-. Infants' Sacques and Nightingales at $1 si.oe :ilu . Ki.it -i i in' i t Infants' Silk-and-Weel Crocheted Caps at $1 Weel i en the ins-id" - an -ili: "" the outside is extremely beautiful. CT 'A IMS -Mn.tj'b, bubwi .store. New Bertha Cellars 50c te $2.25 Wonderful shapes, wonderful patterns fine veni.se lace, or lace trimmed net. Oimbels, Subway fltcrf Men's and Women's Umbrellas, $2.95 Fer $3.50 Grade Of fine silk-and-cotton mateiial, tape edKcd. 31any styles of pretty up-te-date handles te choet-c from. Real silk case. Olmtelt. Sutway Stere. Women's $2.50 Cape Gloves, $1.65 Well finished, strap-wrist, tan, brown or pray capcskin gloves with embroidered backs. Strikingly tmart! All sizes. Men's $2 Mecha and Cape Gloves, $1.50 Gray mocha lined or unlined. Brown or tan cape with Paris point backs. All SI7.CS. OlmbeU. Su1 Stere A Hest of Gifts in China and Glass Cut Glass Refreshment Seta. $1.95 -r IJf -i. ,v, Amuu -Oinibfl, hubijy Stare, Win. A. Reger's "1881" Silvei-Plated Hatware (26 Pieces) $8.95 Set Complete in a IBBKB lleuiitiful Lined Casc&Wf,, i Wf!TWffFT?jT-f Butler limshed hammer 'Jtsigii, Mith shield. Sut iensists of 0 tengpoens, 0 dessert spoons, 0 knivec, (i folks, 1 sugar spoon, 1 butter knife. French Indestructible Pearl Bead Necklaces, $2.95 Value $6.50 .l-itu li luaduated string with solid yeld clasp. liuarnntced net te peel. Dnlntil boxed. Glmbeh, Subway Slcr "Sample" I Corsets at P ld Various sliMider and aci.iK' hjun tub's low or medium htirt models-. Si v, -1 te W, in the let. Oli-ibflS, hubv.r Stere "k J Holiday Handkerchiefs Specially Priced ! Weniun's of fine lawn, hemstitched and em l)"iidt'rcd in ene corner in white and color.". Six, Boxed, for $1 Men's fine hi'mt itched fnmln w'th cekuecl stnpcil border and colored initial. Six, Boxed, for $2 Glinl'l, Subway Stere Dainty thin-blown Rlass refret-h- fJvJta ment sets cut with floral or arrapc isOb.P ' -Tm ( desicn. 2-piit, :-is.e tankard shape ) jkciiiHW ''fdsiratf V2.e-,. tumbler-. VMj ' K) ' ' 0 sanitary rclass sippci. Hwiil "v" "i"' LAi i" Complete nt Sl.'J.'i value iJlJ.Ot. ' mfM;ir;0'iA P ji Over 300 Styles of Dinner Sets Km"mij0 $&. J? at $3.95 te $59.50 :U te 10(3 pieces. Values ."?5.15 te si.ar, Complete Value Ml.!).', 1 0.50. 50- and 51 -Piece Dinner Sets, $8.95 te $25 Valui- ?J3.9.' te $32.50. Complete set for 0 persons. 100- te 106-Piece Dinner Sete, $19.50 te $59.50 Value $27.00 te 95. Complete set for 12 persona. Itii-h cut frluss. the sparkling Kind, best makes and cutting priced at halt' price and less. 83.93 for 12-inch flower vase. Value $8.y.". ?." for large size eraiifre bewla or 12-inch sie ice cream trays. Value .$10. S3.9." for 9-inch size fruit bowls. Value 58.95. 1000 rich cut Rlass trays, three pretty shapes; line cultinu. at SI. Value $2. Speen trnys, Jelly dishc, Pickle trays, relish dishes, eti Olmbels, Subway ?tei Give Him a Hickok Belt. Complete With Buckle, 95c Black cowhide belt with silvnr deposit buckle having a cut-out initial and ratchet fastenings. Complete in u Christmas box, 95c. Or a Muffler Men's Fiber Silk Mufflers, $1.55 Seconds of $3.50 Grade They're eing like "het cakes," he come early I These wonderful muffler values have created i positive sensation! OlnbfU, Subvtty Stere. "' --ai-K, '" Men's Warmth-Giving Overcoats and Ulsters $18.75 and $24.75 Fer $27.50 and $35 Grades Biy, warm and full cut rnglan, kimono or straight shoulder. Back belt or all-around belt models. Brown, gray, oxford, heather cind herringbone All sizes, $18.75. Suits With Extra Trousers $18.75 and $24.75 for $27.50 and $35 Grades Sports medel'', yeuny men's and conservative styles. Single- or double-breasted, two- and threr threr bulten coats. Blue, brown, yray pin stripes, checks and plaids. Mk Three Special Groups of Men's Separate Trousers All Sizes $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 Value '1 Value $5.30 , Value $6.75 tjliilwls Sub- Mers. Selve the Christmas Problem by Giving the Bey a Smart Suit or Overcoat Beys' Wash Suits, New Lines, at $1.65 l'e;r;j.V ih.imirav .n 1 Onteiu-. eizes 3 te S j. i! ' Beys' Junier Suits, Excellent Values at $3.95 and $4.95 All-wool tweed- and cheviot.-, also corduroys. Mi is car-. Beys' Regulation Reefers and Overcoats at $8.75 Chinchillas a"d vnim ileths Sires .'J te H je.i Beys' Suits, Overcoats and Mnckinaws, $7.50 and $9.75 Cern 1 1 Mjlr- fi -i ' iel ei 'ires--- Suitu lini i'ir,i pur treui-t'is. Size 7 te IT .ii- S j.n.lt ii,?Rj s 3600 Pairs Women's Silk and Silk-and-Weel Stockings $1.18 Pair Hun & Mill of $2.25 , $3.75 Grades 1 rem t vn il e . 'it -. naisr-i - ' hard te tinj "uv Uk--'i.- clashed "tecenda"! The silk eiif h.i.n double knees and extra durahle 1i?1j tops of . henvy quality silk. J Most of the silk-und-wool ei.ch ' are clocked. Ci lers and mixtures j Kflere! The finest grade-, ard bett ;.''p pmilueecl till- ta-or. Exceptional Sale at $1.18 Pair 111 V H R S, ; ,,, en's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Rubbers Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes $3.35 I v""- I'rjeed 7 in Cat(defuv .Styles Imln, bluchers ami ITOKUOM. I'lnnli. .. .,.. .,.ir I Y .-iwj w illll .f.l. Gimbele bought the entire stock of a New England Mail Order Heuse at an advantageous, figuie. Shoes that v; in this sale at $1.75. $1 Storm Rubbers at 50c. 3100 Pairs of Women's French Heel Rubbers 9Cr te Be Cleared Out at 6",t Women's Felt jM Women's Black Kid $1 Moccasin Slippers . . Boudoir Slippers ... Women's Felt Spats and Gaiters, at CQC Small Children's Turn-Sele Shee JS Misses' and Children's Tan Shoes 65 01 Were $3 Women's MMM r. n ., ... J-lrfirSffl reur-Duckle Arctics ; f! In Iho. Sale til ' Mm Ii . i.ASW.. 2.95 t ?i win .) llI IIH'J II 111 JUOIO faHliieiinhle than t'ver this winter. V m ; ft Catalogued at at 80c Men's Shoes Short Lets, $2.35 Women's High Heel Beets-Odd Lets, 50c Women's Black Kid Walking Oxfords, $2.65 Little Fellows' Gunmetal Shoes $1.65 .V ?', elsewhere for sunn m,niu, - - --w.t.u lVlllll . Save an Average Third ere catalogued at 6 are here 77, I 7T", I n renuenui uet et Women's and YeunR Women's Walking and Dress Beets $1.75 VeU s Men's Hip Rubber Beets, $2.35 . Mail Orders Filled Women's $1 Rubbers At 50c 4? ' i . . ' 'I . W I I i , Ii.. t ,.' I , I.I.I in ilu it r una una lejjU' d .ii .. M n.ttf. Qlmteli, bubuiiy Btem $159 Fur Coats at $100 " " In r i neil! 1"- and l'i in. h Ic i ( i, inl 1 1 y .I i ii.n -, kunk 1 1 ijnmctl c. Ic. I it i ,, ,t ' " '-'. l . i Int. i ,,,, n y y ; Vud 12 n ch natural ,.,, sum coat. jsjzcs i!( t , 1 1 Olinbeli, Subway Kttitt, m t a Ill 5. ,'a, I -. Tinfnt -- - npamsfr4Ailtirrtt. Mfi tiiMj
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