Mpsr1-"' ''K'vSW' -r: f",.ifrti J ymr- J''"v,.Wi"'' V1"'1' ""'", IS',1 ,t-IJ.S-'jl-siS7P cvmswj T iv, U 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FiiiDAV. DECEMBER 1022 w tit mi M iJU IMl'mi mum 'ni i BH'i 1, m KM n I !tl Ml fifM Mil ill PHUL MH1BIIS RADIO OVER OCEAN Voices Here Are Heard in France and England, Cable gram Announces TFSTS I UO I e WILL MAKE MORE Twe l'liilnrtelnlim n nut cm uulie Mntlnnn ttiirtiripiitmi: in tin M'dllld .,.. -...-, - -- v iraiivAi'niiui' icsim numum ".- Amninur Km u KC nv LPIISHC :" Wen beard in Knsl.itnl ntnl I t:iti"c. m it rppplvril from I (-iiriliiii; in .'ivs ..- . ' lhnc countries at loiipue iirInunrtrr Tlin t!itieni iire lln-. et I". ' ' Kokert, -".:: Nertb Sm-ille) -tn'ci. station J'.tiK am) Miixwll .V," x',' , 1efU Wet Wl. s-irprt, siMiieti "UM. 'i'be trmis'Atliiutii' t'M"i wete om em mpliccil Monday. Atnerb an nni:it'ir will breadi-as't fcr tn dn. tifter wbieii the ferriRti aniatetiri vill tr t ',0 , beard in tins reuntr. T"1m-vi:,,i American atn.iteur "cre beaid tn unc- I land ea the lira niKbt et tbe teMs and , thirtcen roie beard in rranre. , stations, Keral otber taleii-i in thW soetion "ere bear I. liicludins the w."' iiishensc l.readeatnu st'ilien, n' .c" , url, . 3..V It llumpbre. lMullil" burc, I'.i . -t.iti"ii s.A0 the 1 un-ei'Mi I iiiver it lJ.idl" I I'll'- run;"'"1"1 ,. .1 smtieii '!M. .in.l l is- Hi-i". tlantie fii , -ii i". .".L.ti 1 DAMROSCH PRESENTS A BEETHOVEN PROGRAM Precedes the Third Symphony With ; an Interesting Explanatory Address Walter Uatnres-h mae li 'isr t " eiial appeanmee of th- present as.. l in I'bi'udelpbui lis' exenillS a' tb" f i.rt ct the New ,.rk Sjtnphenr detT m the Aeadenr. of Musk, atle leuiaimns eeucerts t the Mmpbe'is Sni:ii't 'erns will be dire, ted M Al bert (".-ites. the cuest iid-je'er ,.f the (irgatiiitien lete was tbe utual larp" .unln'm presenr and '" reeteri Mr. LWnir."-eb wi'li iV "r dialitj "In. Ii In" appe-ir-ini' .i.1' i. .' einKea m tins et . lie ;m a Ueeibmeii T"friM 1 ' ilipp. wete enh two numbers e" tbe Leuner" Oiertuie Ne ". nnd ti,r Third il'teie.n -iiipbem '" ' be porfemianee of the latter l.nuit" Mr. ramreseli cue an nxphna' ' 'lull? en the weik. illustrimnc h i I .res at tb" pl'iti" He took t' e 'i pbem ltierjllv te pie.''. sbe'Uns h" )J w"ifs t-eustrueted tliemaneiliv a1! arcbiteeturall.v and piaMiis the nrnvi theines i"i t'je jiiane . be cinv t b nnd illuMi.itln; tbeir relatne luiper ntiei) in'tbii wert Of i-oureo rbe tir' awscmenr. as being nnis' rpieni ef sonata form, recenej nie'f et the a' iftitieu. bui b" ent tbrf' ich a h be four meiement in detail and ei plained it i twbnieal and fmeMniii fbaracteriftii'5. Mr. liimre.seh made n -lizht d" perture from tin' senenlb a e P' -i inalss of the nrt niei'-nient reit me the ilietn.iM.' niiiternl as t.., main themes and ( -ubsulurj, in '.-id ' three prnn ipal tbetaea as l- u' i in' ''e aiJ'. Mnnv of tbe iinaljst3 ha e bi i tbat tbe C'eDd siibiec is tee tuiper'au' lll'l tee long. .Te well at net beins l'i iin waj bjs-ed en tbe tirM tbeme te be tie'ated .i a subsidtury, nl'beugh ir in the lc of the first However, this s a matter of t'ebnieal anahtis whn' left net hi im nvmuer affect the (.'ii. prehensien of the work. Mr. pjnirefci)'! rxplanaterv nld' niii 'rr clear nnd e.i'i! under'tnyi He b'l the liappv tueiill' of lituwn iwaetl.i bow t' treit a t".'bni al - ih lei f -ii t'. I lajnieu "ill umler-t in 1 ml ler 'd.irHj and inferes' hi- ti . .-i a model t w.i i inn. than r tinllv i-e...ied and tbe 'i f'r i I -e Ij-le.) fe,' .-CM'ral HHIl'lIf 'I'be perfermain-e of tbe 'midien' 1 lie ei'hestr.i "'is llliusu-illv soed be'h is te lone ipiali'v .ind ms re s-"iirimeti I he pcrfeiuifi- .eeined te enter tbor tber nt'il into the nu-jea! preen'areti et tbe svmphunv in strict leeordine with 'he ainlt'ii of the eendui't' The rendition of the T eennre I r - , ture w.i -pinte.1 nn 1 the n,iini: i. herttati". MAENNERCHOR SINGS Chorus Dees Excellent Werk at C?n cert in Withcrspoen Hall 'I he Junker Inennereber. Inn; . e of tbe be-t of the i,ennai) msmc i-ietlei of the K.isf. s'l" 1 lOiicerr i Vtherpoeu Hall lis' fveinng befer. i S00d-si?e, audieDet-. whi'-h enj-nfd ti 'veellent werl. et the cberu and tb s')lei5't. The e'lepi', the work e "bicb was the feature of fhe en n is compo-ed of about sit t if -n elees. raajij of then) .n g. ml I'be l hel'lls II lll'l-t b' .tdlTl'teil nijf j"t up te the 'Mmlird of ' g' ' lilni.'fjr no Hid III" re I- the i j, li'k nf tir I teil'T 1"! ' ' V Itll I . "spetnlni; pie iiend. i hii e ,.r hi i one. whn Ii i- t 'Hid in n'HrU . ri n'lle cliei i in tl " e Tri Nee ilieh --, ibe cli.ii , i ,' i'V e.e''it .jn.J hi, i ,J 1 1 I'Urtemaiv peif' Imii if te. i in., n , tnsss f-'iiinic tb.n i ih-' ln'ifis i eiery (ierni.m lllSlllS e. ietr T recram of the cbenl uutuber "a-, i lereMiiis ind "UimiuH etn .i 'e.itltlful numbi r, ilesuitf with lir.'t ' nndkennuiu," "ith the viut"i -obi adni'rably rii'iE br i.u-tave K I'll i Thue wfi- thre -tijit-t '1 e tir" f ' liich w.i- 1'iul "Ikiivinii t i .,i ilits cilj. " he sane the rfeitip hi ' 'i Din lb" "l.iiieen .,f li(bi ' et ' i link, and a sioep el -urn r i n cr hi .i tu'Hiiiri- wbi-h -liewri) . in' ei ellein of bis en iii.ll n i baiidlim; n i he ethd- r v r , IJeeij Jt lIllllsU 4 I'ininst. mi ' . unlet- Skilmi-kl 'i'dlli r, 1,'iHi of llOllI lU'O'il Ui lie till.' ,irtl-l . Ii,i ltie,.kilinisl, pla.M-.l n nnle i h I,is7.t, I beiuii u n I Saint Sam mn t. tsUlhin- ' iu i n selection- m Kl " ler ami himself, i-enie of In- positions showing .1 hisb order ..f m. r i WOMEN DOCTORS NEEDED Opportunity for Service In India is Explained at Meeting Weinni plniciaiis. and tun - i needed in India, the lie In. iilun I' iScliell, secretarv of th I'iei'himiii lieard of I ert'icn MNshui-. i,.m -p. it'll biiudred women vistenhn in i Oak l.ane I'rfpbUi'rinii t'b'.rcb Hi Mlliji'i t wan "Wemen'h 1 nien ( hns'ien ('ellecen in the Orii'iit." "In India a male iibyib nu t attend a woman," Or. Silidl 'aid 'Many sirls are whes nnd iiietiier liefere'the are 111 their teens A wen ilerfill welk can be done h' w,,nni liii'toie .miieliK them I'lie-. imii . t'rlH. K"iliR elit anions lln-ir nvn p. , r lis nieihenger' of lliei'V, i,;i ir, , I'ic l Inisdlmi relis In'" th" i-hi I id' heliii". wlnte H ntier IwiJ m ,,, i.iriunii I" u'i r ' I Itl.XIt II U,lj MllttNIM." suliirl,i lii lloihl'-iiem telJ u 'u f ether i i lie ne -r Ic'a .i ,i1j iwi wltl'Oiit leadlin: llif Wdrh.iiirten iil('nr 'It cliei in a I'UO -cia ev or Ultleunl ' iKrrenlnct " t'e t,n eii infetuiea en . ralliicil unJeriiliieiili fenil (IjIsj earn I kiblt. Kitry meriilQc in tu vuuue lkuj. ORPHEUS MIXED QUARTET Concert Given In Ballroom of the Bcllevuc 'Hip Orpin us Mlvil (.tiiiirtct. rem-, MbtiiiK of lMiin IIhiweimI li.'iii!hrr. mi- ' . Juiiiik; Mtn-cnei-ltp contralto:1 I'lilllp Wnrrcp tVeUr, tenor, mill TV WIII..I..1 I'............ I.. 1..MM...r. ...tlrt (lltl I ., ..MIIMIttll. ill , l. I J.'".. K ' mi nitcri'iliihig tiinirnini in the Imll- room nf i In' t5pi'iif Mi.itfnul l:it i i'U'iiIiik, ic-c-iimI 1i Ii.i .hii'uliiiuilT. ielllliM. Tin' iii,irii't is in ki' i nf four pxi'i'IIimiI Mii.'e inn! tlip li,ic iniilrlith uliiiii' ii lui nf I:. in! wiiil. in H'hcnrnl '" mis wl'li I'l'" minium immI tlie cer- ..........7. .., ,....., ........ ..... !,.... -.1 i I , . i ur i (ii'i.iil .' nil H ii". -no.. . .i ..i Inst ewnms's (omen TIip ipmrtPi mil:; fnur tunc ntiil rnrli mrmlicr sun n sheit croup of M'le iiimhIhti, .ill of Uiirli urrr wri ileiii- .Hid prison te ! mpi - onjeMibli' Thru' wrrr iilen two ditpt-. uim In Miss llnneticr mul Mi. i'llllinn ,i ,. ..ti,,.,- i i.. . ..i... Mr. liiirr litnl Mv I I'oUe Mi .lni'"bit'iiff ph'eil m lni iiMinl brilliant miinnei. slims rxn sreuprf nf 'mini (I'MipuMtieii'- wiib i fnnitle. I'diiiiipir and ' v client etlet preiiithe power Alten N Pengliein plnjeil tin inei'iiil'.itimii'iiM adniir.ibh I lie -eett v is fwen f"!1 Ibe Iii'liOlil et the cbllilreii iipeiiin le el" ilie S.imnrl tin Hospital .Hid tle'ie was a poed- 12' d nUllletlee yfi tlf MISSIONARIES WEDDED Sen T; of Hadden Heights Paster Takes Bride Married In byria AI)ia ,,, xn in an I Manl" I K'r sn .,, ,hp j. i, Mn .Lime, j-pM ,n,,nP tli l'ieleten:in , h,m.i, ,,f Ien 11" :l (m nud fmrne jmM-iret tin I'l'-' Vn ) m'l li'ii"li r,f li.n.i , " nniin'1 m Ifelnit. of I'.it.i , in'" in HI n e m 1'i'irui. s.lic. a.enrdm.' ' n i nblesrim t' . eie,l bv fr.. t,d of tbe couple hi Ueil" f'O'h "'' 'iii-Meni'ie' th' he ii" m tie -eri iee it the (.!! gie; iii.T0t i b ir. Ku r Western Saving Fund OF PHILADELPHIA Main Office TENTH & WALNUT STREETS Kensington OHce Frent c& Yerk Streets OLLANDEI? -aniM.blSHMANCC Rectangular Shape H 1. 1 1 ri n i Jpy.uU prnl ' unr ualiar v rrhlt Tenncau Shape L , $22 Hull hW Or." Dellar Werkl rr Square Shape Hundreds and hun $25'00 dreds of ether gifts 0i Dellar Weehly le cheOSC from. for Year Cenctniencf, i Llerr Open I Ccfiy titning m Derby several jenrw iike Iti ceinpmiy ' Mnrnh, where llirlr rnpigctnent wiin with bis xUtrv .Mm rlu n mul stiirteil I'mmiiiicril. 'I'lii' untiling took jiliii'e wnrl. in tlir Nriir 12nt. tibnilt n wrtt nun niut tlic tire new en 'flip roiiple met til Aleppo en the n lionrjnieou in I'lilcstlni'. Tlicy os es wny te pestn In tlir interim1. Th t'ri't te rpiniiin in inlyvleiinry work for wrnt tnttrtlicr te Aititnl) nml Inlpr te nnotlier .nir. Wanarnaker's Want Women and Men te Help Te Handle the Rush of Business Positions arc open immediately for Cashiers (Women ever 18) Inspectors (Girls Wrappers and Women) SALESWOMEN perience, for full time or short hours) ' Clerks and ethers te lill in at "odd jobs" Whether you have worked with us before or net,. whether you've ever worked anywhere or net, here is your Christmas money-making opportunity. Apply promptly te Bureau of Employment Wanarnaker's WESTERN SAVING FUND SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA BEGINNING JANUARY 1st, 1923 Interest at the rate of TER WILL BE PAID ON DEPOSITS ?grzsg?a&i ONFIOl. 3NVENIEN1 V Fer ChristmasA Gift of True Value GIVE A WATCH The Gift That lasts Wrist Watches K' a practical cift e !?WS .'idernnirnt, thp Wnc' ,iv'i i! ruprcme in nt f. nsr the lerjrinK of . i rrry eman. ( i iiutplv jjar.i" "- watih r'j'.fni' Id b;- u, 'e yei' "ii n . beri with full riti Tie of KcttltiR thr br e.. r money. PAY ONLY .O0 Weekiv - 50 T - KT'Af bu I'ic i "I'lncr pevr r' 0, , s K ster" In I" Had' P''a Nf Ver- Hroek ' i . srk jnil Urtrel' icjlu'i ns te 'l a ion prVen - " e rer!nr:M hi e"s i:ii. r C-R-E-D-I-T OLLANBER iv FLEISHMAN CO. "Jewelry en Credit' IHESTNUT 'en. ELEVENTH ST. ever 16) Packers (With ui (Men and wit heut ex- ANNUM Society Frankford Office 1500 TRANKFORD AVE. Ue be opened Jnn 2 l"'i . MB i -y i $ mm Bin IcuAFLElSHMANCQ Rectangular Shape wi ? a. bJH '1 M p awms k&m m in " -H33ZH&T5Q.V na ,JP il ' c ' i' ; , e r rp fir MLJ v" -h" llnlldm v3 '' R I spr.ln, ' m I ffU One Dellar We-klv Kg ujj i" Cushion Shape gijj g ' v "' b"" ir K ImvM j a' -I ' i ,n Mg " fetf ' '1 ii' '-I' is rn t ,.t I a t i "i ij . , N 1 y i n im y Mc i t 1 spcclnl " K:NV One Dellar Wrchh M'T rancy Shape H 1)7 ' 1 i ' ' r 1 1 - i ,i - s W 3W t' i " 'i "is ii' n:(NV jif "l 'I'll- Urrps pcrf "t TA "i fl, ' - ' ''i p,rf e' M itf H"i I Wy I Vll " ' rJ lic'llrtni $35'00 HI ' p One Dellar Werhlv 0-J Sf Send for nil Boek of p J, Gem H fitJ "'8 Free p ll "v1 1 P V Atmm it Open Tonight and Every Evening UntU Christmas v ?? IP P & l C iT' D ffT 1 fiS" Hi CV -at e,-'v"' I 'lis. Drep-Leaf Tea Wagons .'. -j V a for Hjc BSf? '' S ,TK.,KfX .J H- .See (Jur Big Clelliinc Dppnrtnif nl en Second flecr J v wwww ylilllfflliHllililtfllllHll! Jznfl 14-Kt. White Geld sggfe: J Jfel HP T3w( jjfj Newest Designs, $- jBfe SMP Hlk Mi TjWA 15. Jeweled Movement &J W NJ " " Vl iffik JPiU " SfiS? VVy5 9 lle-JCiw! mW iiIiie. 2 LiirE.. in niimiii Dinnietid RtnR. 'AV, 1 M yV P.ffl - e M: T"$ TuTm m jSTh $25 f $$M0' w IM& iPSI. Wrist Watch M I-IK Held Uect Or- ILLINOIs"WATCHES fMt Angt IffifiSyWk !B Jewels tBKSjtsJiSf taKeti Kipin .IwplctI 2()..eiir gmiruiitccd case, InfJM g i"'",,ii0 a rcmark?b,y g MilWbWuM ,Mcn, "'' ,next'- f 7 AJS - Wg 7-Piccc ?,!dUHK Gelf Unk ' $10 & m SNA Genuine Diamond ?QC "tfibaSS? Hutten , Sjt with O, I t ft WjT Vfr Bar I'm, Platinum, "O White Isety Toilet Set, gl 1 .50 Ge0(1 S,,zcd $40 Ctfm "! VA Diamonds, v COCCC Sw J iW 'TCOuTLiII ( hi ilSFJiR v 111 tfchi M nil III II L i"l,Wffg?' '' ' 'VTr'ia CTfcJ ti " N.l .11 tfPWCmppP'J. i 'fj. ! mn imftt in iffli. "t-rarm., n Wctrela ,! Sim HP.r I (IT I Wr.Mi-1-VUasSi fei JXgr ssS) i TKv n MQ s (f'' ( e s.1 i "'H --ew-03ttfw ' ft Pen Ton'ste , Aiisl 3Sry& and Every Evening Wmm M Christmas1 icter W fit Ultter Catalog ptnres icter Victielas,, Cons-elcb and Victui Recerd1; en credit at Victer ciieugli te liavc yen ancc of PROMPT Si?. select the niaehinc Coire in and heai the latest records or any of frcMi fiem the Victei pieducing laboratories. srt tu i nn ine. jj HP -r5J'i' -& I I'tnii'pietJi Bid.. Smrmn fi tu Priscilla S'J, Sewing Stand rKtirt J1 v e Vi &J iuljelc Be emnrtiv 1 i i i i.t " ii.. ir Dressed and al Littlf Cost ..j M. ' K r - Sel'j . f1 Iff i M"i 1 mfCt Ir jfik KA XL -fvm UJnSWSSiSlilw i W It Ir buy here. Our unusually larfjc DELIVERY MiggcM Stern & von will want Fer Chtitmas. , . , 1 v iciei- v icueia Ne. 210 Victer Console future rrnvi!a:BaiiTT' srri Mai tha Washing ,5 1 J.)() urn Sewing Tables - O ii;tiie Kiddie MMmsmsm a.i4 VJi JiLXV'SWtfajR j ' 'J - ii -. irA , ( S?"7' .?, u-rvr ' Pi ' , Jf Va w Ksass Ne Mr. j -1.. M. " " ' : J f 7 1 itt W bt- S S&' liii!!!II0",l arJ Tomerrov Niijht After 6 e'f lock v . . ' " j t w Free Delivery by Aute Truck "iVi-m MARKET rifxm !;i. SJI catalog prices ib inducement as-ertmcnt and ,lhe asv.u- Ce. as tlic logical place te the 18,000 or mere records QSFfl Visit our convenient STREET FLOOR Victiela Salen ''i i?u 9100 ; Gateleg $OQ.5" Tables ... 57 s Afl ,!i 1-1 iiiu j'u: s Within 7C K Its STREET si?wS WBmS' 1 L&' ! IB' 1 " III1 Ii'tK 11 I? ' "' f ' 'f.'irtl ' . ..,1. L-V .A&iifa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers