m&' WwWw J- IW EYENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA: THURSDAY. DECEMBER Ul 1022 I I csSTAIVIIVIERERS7 iAT.f nummcreri ui"'""" eBriM ittiri ET.rr Thy.". . '' ..nin atiillB nnrt learn all about a V,"8.2J tha" can pmrttic inch rasulta. .ew"l 1V a Fr. Ttlal Us- f .f;'""Sfnd for Iwealft. i THE KINGSLEV PLAN ' 'Were Than a Scheel" T1218 WAtNPTBT, 'TT SMALLPOX-CASES JTEstey Service as supreme in 1 VICTROLAS JXSD VICTOR RECORDS ,'. u im n nanea, riayen, m E.rnducinK Pns and Organs &' ...rui- -rrnua tmivntn eei"i'"' --- ESTEY COMI'ANY .fcley Hall, 17th & Walnut J rrr 'ictretas IF Victer Recerde i On the street rioer , Weri'Jerful Lance Stock and J' invlilns Demonstration Parlors If in' h Tnirfe nIlru iStern&Ce.1 t "' 7lx"irwuciiaw si. I AWT AMBWtW kw' JJXJ6 ' nt e unitui. tv-i i -it ON STJAMES ST, Region in Vicinity Put Under Quarantine for Several Hours ThiB Morning VACCINATIONS ORDERED F0RMERP0STMEN FINED Assessed 950 Each for Dumping Plnchet Campaign Literature Inte Creek Vincent Kgnn nnd William J. Tler- ney, former mnll cnrrlers In Glrnrdvllle, were breiiptht befere .fudge Dicker- son In the United States District Court here yesterday te answer charged of dumping n lend of I'lnchet campaign literature Inte the waters In stead of delivering It te Schuylkill County voters. The technical count en the Indictment te which they pleaded, guilty was "detaining the innili." 'Iliey were fined SfiO each. ? DIAMONDn f JEWELRY Purchased en my Confidential Credit Plan US m Clues immediate puienien uilh email weekly or msniAlj peymealj, and advantages. nenlklf CC Un 1531 CHESTNUT ST. ft" -138 S. 52d St. Et"""'- i9 gwicn i 'See It Today! Ban More than 1000 residents of the rl., cinlly of Thirty-third nnd Walnut htrccts found themselves enclosed by a police smallpox quarantlne when they aweke this morning. Three cases "of small-pox were dis covered at 3235 St. James street late yesterday. At 0 o'clock this morning twenty-live doctors of the City Health, Bureau started vaccinations In (he roped-off territory. The doctors went from house 1e house reusinc sleeecrs and requiring' everybody te submit (e an examination. All these who had net been inoculated were vaccinated. The physicians, who reported finding no new cases,' com pleted the examination nt 0:15 o'clock this morning and the quarantine lines .'" were dropped. 8eventy-flve police were kept busy shortly aft the breakfast hour re straining early workers from leaving the quarantine zone. Workers insisted that they had te get te their dally labors and In many instances tlier were restrained with difficulty until thn examination was complete. i Thcre wcr no student houses within the roped-oft section. The section under quarantine bordered en Franklin Field nnd Is bounded by Larchwood avenue, Walnut street, Woodland avenue and Thirty-fourth and Thirty-third streets. While physicians under police escort were moving from heuse te house, scraping bared arms and Injecting serum, Orace Ilughes, twenty months old, 3239 Lembard ytrcct, ran a nail in her feet. Mrs, Frank Hushes, the child's mother, went te a medicine closet and by mistake toel: a bottle of ncld In stead of disinfectant. The acid burned thn baby's feet. The mother started with tlirchlld for the University Hospital, but was halted by patrolmen, until the situation was explained. Fannie Iluskin, colored, contracted the disease December 1, according te health authorities, while working us a domestic in a Seuth l'hiladelphla home. I She berame 111 at the St. .lames street ' ,1 11 I..-- C l.n I.....U.....I Edwin, and another weraan, Lttcielle Ve I'urce, who lives with them, con traded tins disease. The Health De partment had net been no tilled of the first case, police xr. The health authorities were net noti fied of the cases until yesterday. They went immediately te the liotfse and removed the three patients te (he I Hospital for Contagions Disease. JASCHA HEIFETZ GIVES SPLENDJpjMOUN RECITAL Talented Yeung Russian Player Ap pears at the Academy of Music .Tascha Heifetz, the talented young Russian violinist, gave a recital at the Academy of Music last evening before an audience which was wiflieiently ap preciative, but which did net meamire up in slze te thess which have grueted this astounding -performer In the pnxt. The program was one which nt lirst ' fight did net seem te offer the beet .(medium for the exhibition of the pnw- 1 ! era of the plnjer. He be?an with the ' Sard nl eoncerte in l. miner, anil lei I THESE ARE THE DAYS THAT fci. 1 TEST ROOFS jt W;( Sleet, rain and snow will find the flUvj IBTClWr i "Tenr noet" Is 9 free boeklotUhat lBaV mmmmtggr.' (c 0j a nr,n. t;)rirnntred reef Inlil ml fl2k BBBaip at leas than cost of reneatcd repnlrs. W BBBBK I'AliT! - ' RtHrtAn.tn.gnHrPl. Jr The Steve of a Millien Gifts Stere Opens 9 A. M. Stere Closes 6 P. M. Gimbel Brethers MARKET CHESTNUT :: EIGHTH NINTH Philadelphia Thursday, Dec. 14, 1922 MMffiM"' !Q. R. S.ROLLS mituzuiaist I 5i?frIW' n . 'I ft NO MONEY DOWN! ON YOUR PLAYER-PIANO ".parMWATM1 Until January 1923 limn you betUi miiklne meatWv rm.rmcnt n hiciv miiy Im ut Jg low a,.. WE All we ask is that you make your initial cash purchase e f Bench, Scarf and 12 Rolls of your own selection. i. li Si 5265, $395, $485 Te your Heme immediately MYERS F. HALL PLAYER-PIANO Free Delivery Columbia & Brunswick Records i 2626 Germantown Ave. (IIWeit Thleli Atr.l OPEN EVENINGS 9 SffMSffff&BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS,iSti SB $k - fftr f jam j ! i i wDisiinQtieiy 7i;ir .i Jhe marry unique cjifts thai we are displaying' wer"e sdecbed te please . these who discri-minate w .! MiiitadtTMif JEWEUCR6 I33rt WIDENER BUILDING H J-JnX -3 -. imitnaHin v jmiJiii! ijiuni'j ,J Sb s frPflj a'' '55? Relax Frem the Cares of Business CSini! 1h fairlnattnc AVerM cf - Hadle f.r u whlle f.acli 0i atti Wr th .fnTrt. Irtiim. rianre Metlc -nd ftrmem thut ar lelne frU(ica.'j from far and ntar. Eef.n"r "'. 1 Itiillela nUr re. nil'. T" """:? antnna. A aUnpla blwr lecp neks up tlm slgnili. 'Inn te In.iall u Itaillalu ter riirltlmaa Frank H. Stewart aECTRicce. -rrrnit. 25-37-39 N.7ih St. l!lW E(.or. ;tli ft riibert Win.- Faulty Elimination Relieved Without the Use v of Laxatives ;"Jfl Ih it luhrluuit net mcillcine or liiamhc no cannot gripe. .,J,,cn " " wnstlpalcil, " fneiiRli or Nnture'H lu-n;ailnj- liquid M unHluivd li.i"0 l",'v', " ,e,r '" wa wtste beft nnd inevinir. JDoeturn lire- wtUhj ,ujal IllrjlUKO II UllH llUe thin iiatu rnl I ii hi-1 en nt mill lliiiM re- liliuiw II. W it today. a'leweil thltJ with the fr-ldeni heard but 1 beautiful concerto In A major et .Mo .Me 1 zurt, in which he played the slew move meve j ment In unusually tender style. Neither I Mozart nor Xardini mad" any tech I nienl demands upon a performer of the lteii'etx technical ability, but. for that i matter, nethltic, no matter hew diffi cult, ever nppears te be hard for him te perferin, se perfect is the co-ordination between linger and bow arm and se impeccable the execution. Mil third appearance wnn in a group I of shorter number'?, nn udauie bv (Jla ' zounew, the brilliant salterolle of , Wienlawskl, cum of the mest dlfll.ult of the maller pieces of any compeer, lyinp none tee well en the fincer beard, , ceiuiderlnc the composer and in an 'awkward l;ej. His performance wai ,a toiir-de-l'erce of violin plnyins, usIiir ' almost every known resource of thn in strument. The "Waves at Vln" of I Orase preve.1 e popular that It. had' ! ti be immediately repeated, ami that it was done as well the m'cend time as the j I nri speiiKs mueji ier me Mennine'H r.nu niuiity et tlie soloist. The iiclirew melody of Aacliren and ."arasite's Ha- ; l)anera completed thn prnup. and the cnimert closed with a hevenata of Scambatl ami tlm perpetual motion of I'apauim. The most slcnilirnnt fealure of .Mr. Heifetz'H playing wan nor bin amazing tecumque, Detn in execution ami tope, for he has ahvayn had that ; but the marked .improvement he has made in the last year in real arlHtrv. Hereto- I fore It has been his province te dauzle' ny nn iinnvnicti vielinli-tic prelieleney i wither than te charm by interprelu- lien: but Inst eveuiiip. especlnllv in tlie Mozart, there were many w t where I one lebt dght of thn Kvcatnc;jj of rlie performer in the work of the nr'ii. BIG ANTHRACITE INCREASE FOR NOVEMBER REPORTED l Mere Than 1,000,000 Tens Shipped Than In Same Menth In 1921. Shipments of anthracite for Ian Ne. vember, as reported te the Anthracite llurcau et jutormntien, amounted le , 0, 420, 102 srefs tens, a compared with ....in.'ii tens uiirlnc the correspond ing month last year an mcrea( of l.lllli.llfS loins. November of this e.ir showed a slight. cicep'ium M'em me prercrtlnc month of uciener or ii,l'u tens, whlcli is at. trlbutftl te IieIIiIhjs duriiiK tlie month. im) .nciu'j niiiuneuis ier ine nays mi! mines wnre in operation in .evem. her -exceeaea tuoe of Ucteber. . , Mupments Uy erielnatlnc curriers I were as toiiewa: N'rn '2 Viii' "l 1 3iM,tim .(il7.4(i(i 1.101.. HO lOS.T.IT .c.:i:ir, ,.:Miia Tl! Mil T.'iil.MIS Ji'.H i.'u.asa '"'ih ... irtt. lit 'WO lliCHIA ail. 111! Li'( 135 :"TIIE RIGHT WAY' "Your Glasses Just Suit Me!" Mew often you hear some one make a remark like that when looking through some ether person's glasses. It's a hundred le one thai the borrowed glasses are mere pewerful: ihey magnify: hence the expression of satisfac tion. It illustrates ,i deplorably common misconceptien'' of the purpose of glasses. Glasses are net intended te enlarge or in any way distort objects te the eye. They are wholly and solely for the purpose of enabling you te sec accurately and without strain. A physician will tell you that glasses which de mere or less than this are net only useless, but dangerous and only nn oculist (eye physician) may be safely in trusted te treat your cyea and prescribe glasses. "Kenr family physician's advice is safest'' PHILADELPHIA GUILD OPTICIANS .tec tce'HMi'itiiVd bn the Muiical T'ref-s--'n le fill prescription. Is inur epHr'uif a iin'Hibei' of tliia rmlil' I i'. & n n w I i v n. it i II. It. of n. j. .. ii i, a vr n it. . i A- II l'e . t ; I'fnii.i l: Jl Hr 11 II , ... I n y e. & w, u. v j i ,t x i: it. it. I Tutal jUPRICAl NT-NOT A LAXATIVE U.4S0.1UJ I'i.UM.UU AIRPLANeIn ORCHARD Army Aviator Unhurt In Forced Landing at Beverly, N, J. An army airplane was flvinc ever lleverly. X. .1.. yoMerdav afternoon .vheii the piisIue suddenly went dead. The plane, which wiih driven by I, leu. tenant Heward Norris. V. S. A., was '.'SOU leet up. Norris poiiiled (lie ue.c of his ma ma ihlne tow aril the earth iiliil velnlaiicil down. He had no chance te pick out a beft landing place and crashed into peach trees in the orchard of William Iloekstra, n mile from the river. The plane was dsmaged, but Lieutenant NerrW was unnurt, ' ! lul'oriualien llurcau l I 705-7UU Jl.iilcv HIilK.. 1-MS Client nut. St.. I'liilucldplii.i " " I l Mr'.' .1 II. Il.i,. r, U3iTt5mwuniiiMiiiimmnimnityv rtMcineMYii.i(m!i!nTniniru;!iirariiTira!mr.iK B m mmXM Bm EH mKrM jfiX!&S9FBZGZVmi I BWU Hlf MT j5d W&ft i i x viirTWBEDiTt i ii viivrrral i i m M mfi&mJS&rf rNJ0a rjfliuM-IKKHMXSCU. TW Fl K KMM AS CU. Ik 1 M M SsflWP" vV U ra v Bi-f, r'p sJifey IIIImfI m - La i - - l Bring Your List Here Buy en Credit r Mi $1 a Week Is the Amount Yeu Can Slfe Wt' i I IS Pay On Any Gifts Chesen Here 5 1 wiiwmmmmiimtiwSSL nil M&kg&l Bisn si ' ii i mm irs mmmimjmmm$m Hirm , l-r- llllSR eiak. pBM.!'?S!55syBffl Hi ' ni(nMi.TM,7i,TM bLUBI 1 1 ms a3&UZ&L ss3OTasss!Wa-"j' aim .nvs tWrait akl I HU UHH'&8a,'-ZiE& . . . Hl i3 ' it 0 .! 3 I BlBll mm rmr xi auckic and Beit mm 1 , si i u KHJbW 10-Kl. Iteld. enr'inc tunie,! lmckln NBtKi! , i !rj i ft M h 8 !TI P. Id1 alsBB IBtllB r, ,r , . with Bla.:li Mer.HV., t"7 rn lafffl ' ' (VSLWl't iil:. v ,, WM 'I i nu mtr Linns ,.. " ru k i - - , , , w lll I BH T'numcl lienicrml. ikE . I rtr I. likH sn ..:.... ,..-.., :. 1 $ i . ' iw, -. ii ll MHN K""' I''cu. iu ittjic rer Upen Lvery IfcBJ ; (i fl ' " IH mm Kt. CJelil ."JiCft, l'OU'ir. Saturday ,RJM ,. I ,' ', H mm jjih. ,UU ' bwnm , ggffll i ii:- , : 1 11 Bfl -. - A n f. t -i- WBIII ,rU I ' mM IIIIISM KpaiishRi. xu iigin rer L,ire se '! u V fH EN n Ft.l&i ,,nn, """b. P H ! IV , vv rt ; ,1 kiH lunu i nin 9 b i ki .i vrir imt.i . xcci , . rJL.ii in ' j' ii i aaaaaaa BffliS JUswira! t . "Hen. 7-jewt'i JSgL IKBlM! ' ."!. II . II 1 1 KtlBfi aaT'Ofiss Hi6m move ,rffw !e, I i 'U ' ' I' -. 'i ' ' ' Hill I IB c8ar Cutter f,,,,,. f. Vk R: ! .. m IH A big tudertien of ciga- -ipc I'N h rf 'HSl1'! ' ' '! IHI VmBU cutters. 10 Kt. nnd 11 '" encruNcVV.-. Zv J HEvi , ,1 ! , ,. Bl BttQM Kt. cold, ongme turned, ra.r- ,. ,1- J, zy HNft , .1 WM i III ZTis V $20.75 m .1 . 'I WM : iIIIImU ktallii jBrfj w aLv I'il Wm -w wrV -V W -. T-w-mrm S3 J-cr - W . mm I 111! I l llLi II !IU PI mgagm ; mm i 11111-. r it ;i jKmm : 11 1 la.taFLEISHMAN CO. ill I IIIIIRM ltnl-s, vws "..-,I:j; i'.RI.M laiiuri " " j n wivMIl 1 . CT M.1I1 liUlnH nnfFllIIT ..... riPirnatfiiii n jHrvif mm tntaiwui "" cjxviimHfcj mm We Offer a Day-ful of the Scarcest Holiday Things Grand Pianos The most wonderful development of "reproducing pianos" is the Welte Mignon. Loek! Half the keyboard seems te sink! it really does, te lighten the hammer blew. Loek! the pedals depress no person near! Yes, "expression" for the reproducing grand con trols keyboard and pedals; the upright just the pedals. Even when played by electric power you get every tone value; every crescendo and pianissimo of the artist who played the master roll. Welte Grands Start at $1425 With 12 Rolls of Welte Music Small Grand Pianos from $565 In tills holiday offer of grands arc """""" . Hard man Grands and Vtfelte Grands : Vese Grands : Harrington (Hard man make) Grands : Conreid Grands Delivered en small first payment Monthly Payments Begin in February, 1923 l-'ree bench; Tree tuning for a year; free delivery. The Best of All Piane Values is Offered in This Gimbel Club dCGC fr Conreid Reproducing Pianos. pDOO Electric. Foetpower Can be Used. Can be Played as an Upright Piane This Gimbel Club Plan means an inclusive price; no interest; no extras; prompt 1'vvci delivery: free bench and a supply of master-played music rolls'. Judged by any value we knew, you save at least sicu. Make Trifling First Payment 7r and agree te pay weekly rate of $0.75 We may net be able te fully .-apply the holiday demand. aLLtV-j jSrtJSSi BSn.LaiLLLLw Uwi'' rfiQiB'i jJ fI&vi,Wi--jr-- -"tiattM J4Wm Qtr-. 3Ttnta iee- Phonographs These of the great Receiver'.- Sale these reallv remarkabl as marketers of the stock, have sulci many thousands- At About a Third of Last Year's Price e phonographs of which A Year $48 for $110 model te Pay $69 for $17 Z rrinrlel P. it It, i i-,l. ,,...., 11 1... , . . . ' ,, Mici.w-.uii uai recei'cls and lias its uvn ge.xl librai a hi U.-. ilCMUt'S. 'V Hardman Pianos and Player Piane& Vese Pianos and Player Pianos Harrington Pianos and Player Pianos Conreid Pianos and Player Pianos Victer, Brunswick, T n . , . Aeolian, Pathe, Crown l aiking Machines Messrs. Gimbel Brethers, Philadelphia. uuiieui pmcirur inc. iimlan particulars uf- any otili.atiei. p.cac .-eml me fuller $175 Medel Fer $69 I'enrfifl Reproducing Piane .1 HI Grand Piane in itqiiarv of instrument thut intcrcM von. Pnthc Phonesrnphs I'huc an X Ctt ''"mw, Led. 12-1." r:vviv m i -..I. v VL j : HI J t.Ujt ...ir,.,
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