'fEfpwnp M.,S. ,-, w.rmP ? taw; fSjsv EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THTJKSDAY; DEGEMBfcR' 14, 1922 n x , i I 11 m Hi $14000,000 DUE SCALDED TO DEATH IN 101 TAXES RAILWAY WRECK In seething cauldron, nnd Mumbled the PRESIDENT OF URUGUAY Uitlre tcnstli of the car. breaking win- , n TLTl..-I 7 ". u" L 1 I .lows as he progressed. As u result the NUH 5 BLUUULbSS UUtL i fctenin peurrd out unci relieved the Milled , Mi'tluis. 'Meets Political .Fee; Each Fired Dallas. Te., Dec. M. - (H.v .. Il Twice; Neither Was Hit Humble, scene of tn; accident en 1 1 e Montevideo. Urueuay. Dee. M.(Bv A. I1.) Dr. Baltnsar Brum, President Must Be Paid Bofero Tomor row Night te Avoid Penalties, Collector Warns 1922 FORMS ARE DELAYED Mere tliau ? 1 1.1(00.000 in income tae .from the Eastern Pennsylvania district Is due before the close of Imsiucss to morrow afternoon, it rcns announced today by Blakely D. McCauphn, Collec tor of Internal Revenue, at bis office lu the Federal Building. Failure te make payment before that Hme will b penalized by an additional 5 per enf and 1 pr cent n month In terest. Mr. McCaughn warned. He is tued the follevlng statement "The collector ha9 no discretion In the assertion of the. ttennlty nud in terest, as the same nre specifically pro vided for in the la'v. Hnd must be paid If the tat is net closed out en or before th required due date. The collector emphasized the fact that no Additional notiee is required te render the pennltl :ind interes collectible, as the notices in r!.e po.eien of the tax payers ceen ic (lie aineunr due l'n l'n eembcr 1.". 'd. nie leemd l.' the Fcderil (., i"inent ( t" ? ifljc'.ent notice. Uettei Buiines s-ci-n Seven Persons Killed by Steam When Train Hits Engine in Texas CARS BECOME CAULDRONS Housten, Te., l. 1 1.- Seven per- sons were sca'ded te death by ttenm and approximately fiftr-flre ethers burned, vrenil prebablv fatally, when a Housten. Hast and VTe;.t Tr.k Rail way passenger train hit a switch engine i near the depot at Humble, Trt.. ltit 'nisht. 'the cylinder heads of the fro ( I Inennintl-e sintek quarel. , but neither I enrine left the tra"!,. I The seven were killed -rlien n tm- i Inch steam pipe, tern loe'c from the , ' cylinder head of the Mrltch engine. I swept around and crashed through n window of a enr of the paenqer train occupied br NVgroe. transforming It into n cauldron. According te member of the crew e' the twitch engine n watchman bad been left In chars while tli uent ti a ' nearby reMaurnn The first the l ,-mt of the pnglne "drlfii'ig r-iire "th h Impi''' of the tl0 lo-ei f tr. e. -s-ald i The watcunan "as iitir"n.'J Housten. Last and , .n,t iat night. Is field town. It Is miles north of IfouMen. The Housten I'nst and AN est Texas Hullre.id is n Mibsidl.iry of the Southern Pacific w tem and runs from Houlen te Hlire Hlire pert, I :i. Fire Caused by Chlldrer. Yerlt. Pa.. D"e. 1 I Children plnr nig ltlt mntelir-c iu the Wncbermnu A lleiue stable were responsible for the Hi e which destroyed thi jircperly. Three bones pi-ris-hed. West Texas Kail- .. l T...1' nil situated seventeen of Uruguay, nnd Dr. Luis Alberte Her- rcra, former secretary of the legation nt Washington, fought n duel with pis tols late yesteirlay afternoon. l.acli man fired two shots. Neither Will nit. The challenge was Issued by President liitnii uecauf-e et ur. uerrera h pun- nuru iMinrgen mat ur. urum bad se manipulated the recent picsidenllul elec tien as te prevent the success nt the polls of Ur. Ilerrern, one of bis opponents. "While the anvjunt culleeted du.mg Tccident. and as n-tible te . pl:i the period Pecewber 1 te December 1"'. bow bis charge happei.fi t.. .lr t 1921, is eensiderabh larger thai, the from where U had been "tp.iPed stimate.1 amount te 'he collected during Nene of the passengers In the veep. the period Dec-mber 1 te December 13. Ing cars was Injured. All of the dead 1022. it i stated that-the proportionate and injured were riding In th first nmeunt of tas paid te date i Decern- and scvend coaches. Te the bravery and br 1 te D-cember VI K2''i is greater , r)reence of mind of a railtead man wh than the nmeunt nan durilic the neriei refused te give ms name many p.m- S a7 At- i J Give a Lame! fiwi (WlHYNOTt I,". lh,4- HiPllill U mi jyyj .ii -... fe IM II kr5 every woman win pci ,, p fCeWI man admire. Te our dtetin- iHl E I . . . r 1 .JJ.J ill W ii .... l. x i. & u & rk iinvm nnniri m. i i uisncu eiuck vii lumpe w itw mv-w. Hfl I eome entirely new cttecte tne Kina w i tj that veu must sec te appreciate. m II . i . II e Mny we expect you 8oen7 mpt btaA 1 Iiislra metal g ItnuTiun CivTiiacc :Wa!&? I I llinilllll I M ! tl .. U....M.. ttnlrj Ik II .IMIIIIIIM I IIIIUHIiV VI IWfr.uii. mv.... p. ll -. " -ill. tJirtrllt ' U DinniC AXIIMCD ftfl mtlh nicet 1-UCh- I H UIUUUL-uhumim, w. iniadda tht B II. 3846-56 Lancaster Ai r. "uch of bceuiy. Take Ne. 10 Car In Subway "NBlfejfime5 1' I Thene BAnine 0700 " 1 !.r- ' ' ntn Saturday Till 4 P. M. Z." JJ g EsV i m IT! -NW. M WW 2212 Spring Garden St. A Big Opportunity is offered the Individual or firm who can utilize meter truck equipment te start in business en an "EARN BEFORE YOU PAY BASIS" We are offering new and re-conditioned Traffic Trucks, en most liberal mtrl itmiiual Iftfltlfl. NOTE Ulth (tie lieIldH-s nl most liere, trntiiitir tntleD is lufil te cnpatlt.v lisre t9 i real eppurtuiUty tu enter this Held ,.r add te jour 'rrcui equipment. ax M m We will make liberal allowance en jeur eli? truck. December 1 n Deemb r !'!. l'.Cl, m dicating that there is considerable in- . proven en in business conditions, and showing that the p'.b.K, as a rule. s in a better 'esitint: te make payment of its eut-taiid;n; liabilities Delay in Blank Tenus "The cillectT s etfi'e i- m p-'pt Of numerens r-ii;"-t- fr blar.U f.-tvi for inceju x: x r-.i'.n ..t arle'l' !,i"ds covering 'L .-I'end.ir 'ear (tiding De cember .".1. 10112 and it wn rnuiste('i that the publi. withheld uplp'catiens for blank forma tint'1 the middle of Jan uary. 102". c? instructions ha 1 been received from the Denrtment at Wash ington directing that all the mailing . lists in the .' 'le-'t r s offices te com plete' bcfeie .in. distribution f,f forms Is made ecr the ceun'er It .s ei pected that tie frm "ill b recei-ed nd distribit n nnde by rcat'ing n-f ltr tbm the middle ,,f januar- '' CHILD HEALTH AGENCIES GROW INTO YEARS TO 46 Bureau Repert Shows Wide Advance In Welfare Werk Washington. Cee. 14 iBv A P ' - Progress in public prevision :" r the care of child-en since establishment In 1012 of the Children'? Bureau c,f trie Depart ment of T.aher was uuimar.zd in the unnunl rerAr of Miss frraie bbetf. chief cf th" bureau "bielj as made pub'ie today The bureau's current appropriation, ahe said, v ill enable if tn meet only a small le-centag? of the oppertunitje offered r snbstnntuil cen'ribuu.n te the wehare of children. The report recited that In the ten years the number of States baring epe cial agencies te deal with chi'd health had increased from one. te forty-one, and the number pieviding metheis' pen sions from two te forty. Meii tinn half the State, it taid hae esrr id. -bed commission te make remprehen'-he inquiries te hrine their chihl welfare leg"Intien and admln!--'rntien up le the standard, nnd n simi lar number b.ne established bureaus or dhisiei n deal v Uh depen lenr nnd deliii'iuent ciil'drcp FARMERS IN CONFERENCE TO HEAR HOOVER AND KLEIN Land Tillers Frem All Over America . Meet In Washington I Washington. Dec. 14 iBv A P What its tponers charnctenie as the most Imner'int movement for farmers ever lti'iugurated wa? launched 1-erf to day with the asspnib'ing of th fir national council of farmers' io-epn-tre marketing association? Delegates rfpresent'iiT tl.e associa tions interested in cerj major proi,ie prei,ie proi,ie frem cotton 'f tl.f- Seuth Vj i'ah:erni:t fruit, i.ime te Washington te tau-; p:it In the thr-e-riay conference The program inclu led a cemplei? re view et the co-operative marketing i.-.evc-ment in America, featuring the handling of cotton, to'jaeen. truit. grain, diiry products and ether firai products. Othf r general tep.rs of discu.slen w-e;p cc. eperatne tinaiic.ng nd rural credits IgislatK.n. common pi ih'ems of en.,. pr ative tcarkenng .'is,-)c,ariens and l.ew u handle tlum; pr.bler uf , acli mr ii editv group, and i'.-epenr,, ,(i ,, a t ten of il.e firrrers iuul the puh.jc The p'-esrii.i arranged for tedar etsici; vns de','ed large!'" te 1 far'.i.g Addressee by Srei-p'ar N ."i e S?c. retary Hoever, Dr Julir.s Klein, Di rector of the Ijiiiva i of Foreign and Demestic Commerce and represeuta tires of ''.'i-m organization senger prebablv owed their lives, tie dashed into the forward smeuer, tnen M - . .....aba .& , m THE TRAFFIC TRUCK SALES CO. ,& 3tV Direct Farter.v Branch .'JKKWK OOSaM99n5SnHUV- v- -fteS tfr, 0iFGt& && r Jff2v& l mxwi.mimxwiwxwxwxwAWM.wimiM F..TiTjT-V-JmT0T.'rv" -ifi r ' firii it " ,...-..,-- ,. 1 I I (Philadelphia 's Leading Rug Heuse k Seven Floers Completely stocked with fleer coverings from every Rug Center of the Wprld . Make your Christmas Gift a Rug a Present that is permanent and useful. HARDWICK&MAGEE CO. 1220 MARKET 5X CCS- ii liwii i iWmmimimu!fi.mWtmm'mmmfmmtmmjmim tA-rMA'V'rf.-4,Ai iTiftTrfPTvT""rTT"mrwiw-MT" I Ttisr 1 s I 8 8 1 s "I 3 g Make Their Sewing Days Holidays IFHAT it, what ci insr a n ulcex Z. e5-e O'ljbs New Portable; Electric Aute- macic eewinjj .uacninc u a hui -day gift does. It makes each te u nay or pleasure, it. gives nip ns da ii-Ar.-r int; er' things a woman wants pretty clothes obtained easily, qulcl.ly and I'conemieally. Sewing by mtans of a Willce'c & d;bl seng minus the toil, the dedgery '" M fasjiiyned hand or fee tread'e n a"hire . One light prctsuir en the controller and the material glides through the machine, sewn nei.cer, stronger and faster than one i.euld be!iec sewing possible. Gene are the old annoyances of bobbin winding, tension regulation and belt adjustment. All the ewer does is sit and watch the operation. Come in and see one demonstrated today, -co v hat it does and hew marveleufcly it does t and at tne same time learn new casv 'Tershifi ; w mm liSSf -7eV !ager I Christmas Ww&Wm teSew'' I Insurance I W !PlG$UT& B 1JHWW Ig&lk I A SMALL WEEKLY SAVING S I , Is M ,(J. Insurance j).a M s tj a . a ta $ , g''.M.yl.;ilMl Hern&Hardart Bmtng&I 25 AUTOMATS CAFETERIAS RESTAURANTS ALL centrauyI LOCATED One person out of every tS of the tetnt population of Philadelphia aattj time and money lu catlnt) (n ft Hern .f Itartlarl Restaurant every day. rOMEN who bhep in (own will liiul one of Hern & Hnrdart'e 25 Automat?, Cafeterias or licstatiranta conveniently nearby. Come in at auy Hwc. You'll be delighted with our great variety of tasty sandwiches, delirious? desserts, uncx. celled Het Chocolate or Tea miidc in individual cups. roen or incmnsr qcamtv ac i)Whst rnicuai TRY THIS "SHOPPER SPECIAL" TODAY Chicken Pie With Coceanul Layer Cake and Cup of Tea 35c Shoppers Nvill Hnd quick and scdisjactery Waiter Serv ice in our Restaurants at 29 N. f)tli Street or 106 S. 11th Street both convenient te Department. Stores. Avail Yearsdf of Hern. Sc Hardart Service TODAYl SBS i imiIL Assets, $4,706,417.77 Te protect $2,530,472.27 of Deposits tn-iif p':m becomes through ILdllE v BROAD STREET AT SUSQUEHANNA AVENUE 3: Make it a Gift That Lasts A Diamond Gift for Christmas &W 135e Perfect 6Iu uMte IB kt. mhtte cold. SSfCO ueeklv $ioeo Diamond tet in pierced green geld. $$.ei weekly A There is nothing that gives uch lasting enjoyment as a diamond gift for Christ mas. Year after year the happiness experienced en finding it among ether gifts Christmas morning is pleas antly reflected. ... .., .WM& mM&i TW"5.'' ?m $75.00 Pierced telita geld mounting targe diamond, tt.00 weekly .00 mm km JWmlL v7Iv $180 Platinum top, Sold mnnnfii'f, 7 Diame I'll tl.bO weekly $350-00 Plat'num Tie Pin Set tc th 17 Diartends $: 00 ucekiy 7JVC $60-00 X tapphire, I diamonds. Orcen geld. It. 00 weekly VKSSK HV $140-00 1 large, 11 small Hamonds set in platinum. $3.00 weekly ?srs QXsi:vyi:r-r--' ftsw'llSiVil '-JSsaO- "I'll mKT515"" ; $140-oe 'smmm $125-00 Three large tenes,platinu top. 9t.it weekly Oat ef the many teaut'ful broeehes Thli one &s thrM diamonds s" ii platliim. w th geld bast. $3.00 Weakly easy-pay WiUcex& Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. Ceurtcstt O 1709 Chestnut Street Service !& rSPECIAL An Assortment of Children's Fur Sets Beginning at 4.50 1 h fi't ur it v'Tnc, .i.r,Nrs- ennuns nriMLnjg g n SEHD FOR FREE CATALOGLF aniDSEs r"as 13. ibdimines cellar iv unr strs I. i 1215 Chestnut 'Sheet. 1 in ' B'PiM'a;, F5 SPECIAL An Assortment of Cliildren'8 Fur Coats Beginning at 29.50 ELKT0N TAX RATES CUT Exorbitant Prices te Wedding Pairs te Be Eliminated niMen, Mil.. "'. 14. Rffn. tiTp.rar--uary 1. tl n Pennl'"auia TJuilres'l "'empan; ml' e'l iu! tavie'ib prm Vses at K'kt"ii t-tat i-ju tn tb" i'!sli"5' bidder, anrl tlic oxerbitnnt i ri , charged n.lUiii; C"irlp v ill l" ci' out. ITip prier afu-r Jnuarr 1. ns ns'l ' hy the cfinipanj-, it (unurT-ine ion , for a finglf pi-reen t uin- pei"t in 'I teivn. $15 for ;i taxi l'jr Vf beui, ,".' 1 "3 for a bridal eupv fi..i i it . i i , coiirtlieusp, te the Ikim ! i ji ui i. and Lai'k te the t.iun VALUES THAT DEFY DUPLICATION Made Possible by the Tremendous Cash Purchase of the Bankrupt Stock of Katz, Reinstein & Weinberg, 132 E. Broadway, New Yerk : Sensational Friday Event -- -r:T" -' VOTETOjJPHOLD HARDING National Council of Churches Adepts Resolution er Verli. Dec 14. A pledge t support Presii'ent Ilurrlins m any aiti.u he may take te aunperf th rights lives and religion cf Amen'.'ins in Tur Vey. n embodied m a resolution adopted unanimeusl;- vpsterdav by the National Council of tla Episcopal, Church. i The Ceum-il inderswl a re&olntieu in the Heuse of Representatives 'ast uecV. 'alllnc upon the President te request Turkey te check vlo'.eye te Christians and upon Congress te support fii--b action. I I nr.Att it ttfuj HrniMW A .ubicrlbtr In Iilhlhem told ui. jUBt te ether dav that tin nr.r lets a day pan srltj-eut rdlnB "Th. Whinsten Obr.r.'; "It lv cn a blrd'i-ey view of national hWDenlntf." Te b well Inferraad en ceTlttcal un4rcutreuta. form thli emi .Ublt. Etr;- nurulut (a Hie riiBLle Lii.au. Natural Muskiat Coats 98.50 I I I x JrJ TtT !i s&Jas. TliiyAy J T& t L j V1 1 98-5 III I I lllllllillllilll!llllllllllllllllllllllllll' lill 40-inch French Seal Coats, up te 54 Bust . . . 9S.50 ?, French Seal Coats. Skunk Trimmed, a4. Length . . . 88.50i Natural Muekrat Coats, 40 inches long 98.50 Hair Seal Coats, 40 inches long. . 98,50 Russian Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed 98.50 French Seal Wraps, Full Length 98.50 French Seal Capes, Full Length 98.50 Leepard Cat Coats, Seal Trimmed, 40-inch 98.50 Russian Peny Coats, 40 inches long 98.50 Taupe Lamb Coats, 40 inches long 98.50 Trimmed French Seal Capes, Full Length 98.50 French Seal Delmans, Full Length 98.50 Taupe Caracul Spert Jacquettei 98.50 A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Oar Storage Vault Until Required KIUHJIBKI l!!BH,;BI!im"Iiai"IciiAuaE accounts tataum; jamaiu JinHW'Kli If Jl 605 Chestnut Street JJ I ST:H7fFiPrI!SriPVS pili!llll!i'ii!lliill!,lll'iii!jLfflli'li!ll!:!,L.:;irOpgn Every Evening i7!,iiiili!;liliiiiiiilB)li!!il!ilillilp THE TODD WAV i THE T0D) WAy EASY TO PLammir USs.SY 10 PAY -'"- - Q 3 t'iMi It B &m; ! 5 , rari ' --JBL- ! , ,. 1! areBBi " H JmrgTOr1,: :;'ry'j,i " i?-rJ Jil miiii 1 " ! ze immUMmm .mwmmrsm immi tav i n ' J! PSill Dwn PaymeiirBMIE, lk -I rSm - ;life Until January IS. 1 92T WMM , I Wk mmmsm v ctke a mmm 11 iM Cheese Any Style Victrela in Any Finish WiWlSSS SflSfisawaS i $8 l ncnsnnply pay ler your nm selection et Records and enjev the ipe nini( , rf iMti fl W MH ffl$Jt!$M f 'l i our choice in your home vdtheutpayinK a single cent untilJanuar,-leth, r1.' tM 'irlrd SPBH 5 I i 'I 2 Than IlilAnlklv Daumanlm n I r, nr SV$ J SwfcHI WIIP ca(' carefully our Guarantee. iT&Js 3 Tr? '' SraiH - iHH '?B.?B ebb, 3nc. , - row our Rh( 0R, ?LlrB. iiSiSBH ? 'TtteC..ttfWtv&,st;lt , ftA"nvC,;i laroe library k'iMfflMSBlfflwM' PflKil. HWBBaSBBil.. ..AB&?8ft Talklar Machlra Cempaay. Camden,, T ''thesp w. . , . , t$fSffl!Sffi. rfl?SSSHBH H " 3x3 i ffiSrWSM. , N. J.. Ii fulir Ouaranteed bTui. both' M. - --ln(,'se .JOU want and JSvAfflftSSSSBB BH yiarr I TOHBSs Wr234elirSlj!B8ra9V "' material and worJneanihlp. cniev t hem hil.- inv jCMW"!KS2BSM8 H (S'uiiu5 i Mffi rilSiTlfiSi Furthermore. Wa yuarantfe te oft, i " "nilt ld - jSAu&rTWHDa Hf tflftHti SS5?I 1 JS $$!&. reiuUts and tua? & meter of aald ... """"-'' lnc- aWeSTTwifflW Mill W LlSU' .aeAsWaf.rpSK" largest isxcrHivK WIWWK vllllr ' 1 J f ctl '-" " """ - -- J in piiilaii:i i'ju ?.w -wK 'L-A4I gggw Jlllll mSI . I t?.?PSk II n TAAH tone a.-l .'Mi 7 a..siHii '!ai 'Bii.-L:YKtv wc iuuu wen &H4-'.4r t;ni .:. KSffl? jiBiii .m ' . d. u. i if uu ice al. . ,smc:m-- .. fc? BHllV! lSMW Violrelas and Violer Records AlPS "n Trimmed T MKB,HSS;:&k & French r0..WSSi " fsBSsSfl FEZ jlBffiilESaC fri W Seal Coats aF-n-iW. fSBHW1 1'"". tlfeK 'ft 1&" Trffh rse RJin Uj! HKiiK TfTl1 ;; .?25e ; "HrMIWffiMW mffT"" J .. -3SO :, ,uiii!W!iiMTrt Open every evening ,iw8HbW (,,... ,,.,, R ' J Ji1 ,. . "Pen uery tuning p' h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers