Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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DECEMBER 14; , 1922
leaders of Protestant Denomi
nations Regard It as Re-jp-ieus
MnnberF of tlie I'retptnnt elr-w in
E,h 1 1S1 1 Klux Klnn nml Its method.
rtTJpppnrnnre of n u..liyrelij Wans
' . in tlie P'llplt of n Brooklyn
2S if Mnjer HjlnV er,1(,r ,,0t,IP
wlirt te run the Klnn out of New
The Kpv. Ilnssell H. Cmnvril. PJifter
(" ""P1"1 T,,,n,,, "nil prfslilPiit
S ,p 'JVmp p rnlvprslty, hollevcs thnt ,
1 Kl- n V vdeplnK nnd nlillng that
which it if elni? te destroy nnd linm-
P'r . . ,.i - 11.. . .i. it., win'
Kl.n should be nllewpd te Mint," cnt-l
n, renpll. "I de net bellcvp In the
..'nliln" of eccret societies for thp
Sc of eiccutlnir the lnB. Thnt
would be encouragement of mob per-
""Mliins builds tip n religious rrn
iivneri-rciitlen. It hns been tlie hie
isrr of all rcliffletis mevementi thnt It
ls 1 required peteeeiitien te sdre them
itrcnpth nnd win the nympnptliy of the
Persecution L'n American
Ter'ecutlen for religious belief I"
einednlly un-Amcricnn as It la uniea uniea
lenabtc and unjust'
The Rev. Arthur C. Baldwin, of the
ObMtniit Street Baptist Church be
ii,. that no order should be nllewed
te xUt which tends te create racial
tad religious hatreds.
"I have positively no urc for the
Kn Klux Klnn," said Dr. Baldwin.
"Hellgieus Intolerance, te me, is the
worst form of heresy. There Is no room
for an order wiucn creates reiiRieus
prejudice. I respect my brethren
Jews t"d Catholics nnd am opposed te
any group which might tend te rrente
..mitr between the churches, nnclnl
irejuntce nml nntreci nre un-nrirunn-
Ice ami unneru.y vi 1110 uusyci ui
Klan Coin Net Wanted
"I would net, knowingly, nllew n
member of the Klnn te enter my
church, and I would net accept money
offered my church by them."
That the Klnnsmen might profit mere
ty listening te religious preaching Is
the view ndvnnced by Bishop Nwly,
ef the Methodist l.plscepal Church.
The Kpv. Edwin Hejl Pclk. pastor
of St. Mnthcw'n Lutheran Church, snld :
"The tneniberfl of the Ku Klux Klnn
are obnexints, un-American nnd un
CbrWian men te nsstime the nttituda
they de in this ngp of enlightenment.
Any preacher or l.ijnwn who PTpresses
svmpithy In the Klnn cause is be
Blghtcd." Tli" Khn in partly an outgrowth of
the unsettled condition and mentnl nt
titud" fellow ins the war, according te
the Ilcv. ,T. A. MncCnllum. paMer of
the Kirfit I'resbvtprlnn Church, at Thirty-ninth
nnd Walnut streets.
"Tlie Ku Klux Klnn 1h net se Im
portant In Itself, but in the fnct thnt
it Is n symptom of the lawlessness which
rwiiled In the region where It wns
met actively ergnnlred," he said.
"The order Itself was a result of the
reaction following the war. It Is nar
row -minded, ignorant nnd cowardly,
hut tint does net Justify our becom
ing lnsteiic.il about it. Wc cannot nf nf
ferl te muke martyrs of the Klans
tten, Ixit Ijiw Take Its Course
"I.tt Individuals be punished, nfter
due process of lnw, for any crimes
they commit, but let us net yield te
the trinptntlen te use illegal methods In
our efforts te suppress the Klan.
"In the end the courts of justice are
nerer furthered by injustice.
"The seed of death is In the Klan's
doctrines, and it been will be a spent
veire.' '
The Rev. Luther De Tee. Trinity
Lutheran Church, Gcrmnntewn nvenue
ind Queen Inne, said : "I leek upon
this Ku Klux Klan bb n national
nuisance. I am net able te determine
that It hns any useful purpose, nnd
'ten if there wns geed In it, It would
j a very wrong thing In Amerlcnn
life beenuse of Its professed secret
netheds. It Is inconsistent with all the
fair practice of this Natien.
"It Is absolutely beyond my compre
hension that a minister of any denoml deneml denoml
nitlen could nllew a member of that
organization te stand in his pulpit,
aucb. less while drcBcd in the robes
f the orgmlatlen. I should net allow
one te ceme Inte the church. Their
organization hns no place In Chris
tianity, nnd it Eeems incencelvnble thnt
people interested In Christianity could
ke such a part. Their organization
nas never been recognized by this
church, nnd no one with us is in
yapathy with It."
United In Opposition
Dr. I)c Tee wns asked 'what he would
Je If a member of the Klan npprenchpd
Jilm quietly and with n statement thnt
jee work he was doing wns fine, at
t'njpted te present him with a sum of
money or ether gift for the church.
I would tell him," he replied, "that
: ua.r luemy ei money ana would
'nvlte him te take it elsewhere."
The Hev. Willlnm Barnes Lewer,
rmer of Hely Trinity Presbyterian
j-nurcb. Eleventh nnd Hecklnnd streets,
l: I knew something about this
ft Mux orgnnlzntlen, and fiem what
J nave been nblc te learn I considered
'.' gresslj nnd fundamentally wrong.
Among n free-thinking people like our
must be enreful of secret orgnnln ergnnln
110ns of this chnrncter. It must he
rindleil cautiously. Nothing should he
JUeed te exist which will stir up uee
na religious prejudices. Plenty of
neat Institutions exist for the demon demen demon
watlen of leynlty nnd patriotism.
Any pastor or minister who would
low a member of the Ku Klux te
Und In his nulplt would be prostitut prestitut
t.! n, church. Cvery true minister of
jeius ChrUt has taken vows te upheld
itw.eru of Je8US nni1 wIle !ie nlIesf
"e of these heeded secret society mom mem
t.i r,ncrt"ich he la net true te his
wra and Bavleur."
( Bishop Neely Is Heard
i.h,i n" tuc acts committed by the
E'mbers of the Ku Klux Klan." said
?.? riP Ne.cly of tll Mfthedist Hplsco Hplsce
Ml Church, "that which most heartily
1 my disfavor Is their practice of
In.; 1 a rliurch service and staying
L" l0K enough te present a sura of
th.f'yk,0.t,'" church. Te me It seems
miV.. e tln,ism,,n would better them
is and conditions te n greater ex
iniii"0 Ul7 t0 nttend the service
'f Oed "" t0 l,reach,"B of tee rt
'.'fj1' riejd W. Temklns. rector
N,."0', 'frii'ltv ICplscepal Church,
ffleteenth ?nd Walnut streets, said:
teiil " lv,,u Klu" ,!1 fentrary te all
out,'.',1"1 ilKl,t- l Ml"" It i the
tlcf k!'.1' of ,,lu "low meNliig of jus
tain'. lt ''Ncn Se' no I'lean-thinking
lMtlnanibe in.fer of it. The orgHn ergHn
JSS.,I0S. oneo'utely no right in a
v"atlan church.
UI the ether hand, I cannot con
Ider It as serious. I believe its mem
bers will seen become tired of It nnd
that it wlil grndunlly die. New nnd
then a member will be caught nnd pun
ished nnd ether members will we the
error of lis ways, nnd cspcclnlly its
commercialism, and will leave It.
. At the name time the courts should
earn this lessen, that delay In punish
ing cMldeers is dissatisfying te the
people nnd hns bad effects. The Ku
KIiit Is one of tlie results."
.1 r'i? J1 1.1, .w Norwood, rector of
tlie Episcopal Mpinerlnt Church of St.
,h "vt'r,b.r.nek : "' "'"n't I"'"'' mtiuh
of the Ku Mux Klnn. It in Dimply one
of these outbursts of seclnl trnnv that
crops up new nnd then. It baa no geed
in Us purpose, nnd I am qultp In har
mony with these who arc doing their
best te suppress It.
Terrorism Is Scored
"It In working through Intimidation,
and any end accomplished threush the
use of fprrer can be of no geed. Things
accomplished by tyranny never justlfv
thp need. The organlmtlen Is opposed
te the whole state of Christianity, and
H founded upon the pngnn principle of
force, rnther than upon the Christian
Pilnciplp of lee. Tlie Ku Klux Is nt
fpinpling te use the sword In the name
of justice, l15n force defeats Ithelf."
Qupstif.ned upon Ku Kluckcrs going
into the churches, Dr. Norwood Fnid:
"They wouldn't get into my church,
Dpcnuse I tfltinet see hew nnv man
identified with thp Ku Klux can be
IIpvc In the first principles of Chris
tianity." Informed thnt the Kn Klux wns bid
ding for faer by mnl.ing gifts te
churches, Dr. Norwood said :
"I would net sell the birthright of
Christianity for anybody's dirty geld."
Council Will Provide About $600,
000 for Falrmeunt Project
Construction of a. new l'airmeunt
dam te rcplnce the present structure
wns approved eterdny at n meeting of
the Public Works Committee of City
Council. The ordinance will be pnsse'd
en te the Finance Committee where
prevision will be made for financing the
project te cost about $000,000.
r The erdinnnee wns approved yester
day after Ceuncllmen Wcgleln nnd Hall
speke upon the administration tactics
with reference te the project.
Huntingdon Valley Country Club Planning Real Christmas
for Carrie Liberty, Patient Since June as Result of Accident
A real Christmas for Carrie Liberty,
of .Tenklntewn, a caddy girl at the
Huntingdon Valley Country Club, who
has been in Ablngten Hospital since
June ns the result of limine been lilt by
an automobile, is being planned by the
club committee having charge of ar
rangements for the nnnunl Christmas
dinner nnd gift distribution te the
club'B 200 caddlea.
Geerge W. Klklns is chairman of the
cenuhlttce, and secrnl ether of the
"city's leading financiers and clubmen
are members.
The girl received her Injuries while
en her, way home from the golf links.
Her frlne was twisted and surgeons
have been fighting a real battle te re
store her te health.
".She'll have n Christmas Just as
real ns that of the ether caddies,"
Thenins Kcevll, stewnrd at the club,
said today. Details nre bring withheld,
however. The committee thinks It un un
wlse te nnnounce Santa Clnus' plans
In advance.
Huntingdon Valley Club will held
Its annual Christmas celebration for the
caddies en Thursday of next week.
Committees are nlse busy nt work
with preparations for similar dinners
nt the Phllment nnd Old Yerk Bend
Country Clubs for their caddies. Dates
for these dinners hnve net been an
nounced, but they will probably be held
en Tuesday afternoon.
Phillips Andover Principal Speaks
at Central High Scheel
Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, principal of
Phillips Andover Academy, delivered
the fourth of a series of addresses given
annually at the Central High Scheel
under the Mary Oasten Barnwell
Foundation, Last night's lecture was
en "Modern Education." Judge Harry
S. McDeUtt, a graduate of the high
school, presided.
Pedagogical fads were condemned by
the speaker, who said that they seen
would run their course. Te stimulate a
child's self-cxprcsslen, he declared,
was te encournge his selfish tendencies.
An organ recital by Holle Mnltland
preceded the address.
Jews Observe Chanukah
Observance of the Feast of Chanukah
will begin this evening nnd continue
for eight days. It is one of the miner
festivals observed by Jews and is re
garded ns an interpretation of hepe
and Idealism.
Mayer Acts After Receiving Opinion
Frem Solicitor
Mayer Moero yesterday signed the
Benus Bill for city empleyes. The
Mayer had referred the entire ordinance
te the City Solicitor for an opinion as
te the legality of the city paying bo
nuses te empleyes whose salaries are
fixed by the Legislature.
Councilman Devclin raised thntquee thntquee
tien at the time the ordinance was up
in Council. City Solicitor Smyth told
the Mayer he would hnve either te ap
prove or veto the entire ordinance. A
ee, the City Solicitor said, would work
0 disadvantage te empleyes whose snl
aries were fixed by the city, many of
whom were receiving low salaries. The
Solicitor pointed out that anybody
doubting the validity of the bill could
take recourse te the courts.
Wht ti Judn Landl auprem arMter
of bibll or iut a blghly marted clerk?
Cullsn" Ctn dlieutMi the rcenj fiareup
which, Inilgnlflcant M It may bt, ( teatln
th t.(rnth of the JudsVa poiltten. Fer
kn annfyaif of pertn Ituatlem. nad tha
BperU Pares of the Poaue LiDOia. "Make
It a Habit." Arfn.
Keep Commens in Session All
Night Demanding Relief
for Unemployed
bare a subject of debate In Commens
as reparations nt the international
gatherings, but with winter virtually
here there nre new 1,000.000 wholly
unemployed persons nnd their ranks nre
rnnlHlv Incrpnslne. The T.nberlte COI1-
1 tlngent is se strong It ennnet be ignored
I and seems in a position te ferpstnll re
alization of the Government's prom-
I l...1 A.n,,l11H
Council Urges Mall Tubes
Restoration of the pneumatic-tuba
mull service In Philadelphia was urged
vesterduy by Blchurd Wcgleln, presi
dent of Cltv Council, In letterH ad
dressed te President Harding, Post Pest
mnstpr Ocnpnil Werk nnd S'-nater
Charles F. Tewnwend, chnlrman of the
Congressional Joint Commission en
Postal Service.
.1 ,. . 1
. j "VjJIK-!
New Park Blew opanie -v&fj
1'rnnnunln worn nnoned by tllO DHj!ff!
partment of Public Works for the JtfV, Ih-
vclepnipnt of the strip of land beiinflM tli ?
by Glcnwoed nvenue, Huntingdon. rftti
Margie and Nineteenth streets. , aa A .M
..i. fiM.A lr.MtMtfiwniitife trill In PI lid A
the laying of wnlkn inalrte nnd out aad
the planting of trees nnd ulirunbtry.
ffwefat TVirtleni Dlitiatch. CevvrteM. III!
Btprlntfi! from Ptihllc I.edcer
Londen, Dec. 14. The re-enforced
Laber delegation in the Commens is
showing n determination te make un
employment the paramount domestic
issue. The Government, having failed
te redeem its campaign premises of
"special steps te deal with unemploy
ment" plans the prorogation of Parlia
ment tomorrow for eight weeks. The
Lnberites, who wanted a chance te urge
their policy of "work or maintenance,"
are answering the Government's move
by resorting te filibustering tactics
which kept the Heuse in session until
7 o'clock yesterday morning and led te
several stormy sevnes mere characteris
tic of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
than Westminster.
"If there is no solution let us tell
the unemployed they must starve un
less they are strong enough te pull so
ciety down nnd put something In its
place." shouted one Lnberlte.
"Walt until your hour comes!" cried
n Communist member te occupants of
the Treasury bench.
During the evening pelice In the lob leb
hies had 0 strenuous few minutes eject
ing some of the unemployed who gnlned
ndmlssien in small groups nnd began
the circulation of communistic pam
phlets flashing of Inflammatory pla
cards and singing the "Red Flag." The
efforts te embarrass the Government
were renewed yesterday. Premier Benar
Law was heckled when be replied te a
question regarding unemployment, the
Speaker with difficulty enforcing order.
The demands for remedial measures
en behalf of the jobless arc as thread-
Yeu are sure of satisfaction
in any Victrela you select
aLaBlagg'Ui J CSSeLLWaLaMBLSrnSlfcAiaaaaaLfc ti TIT UaBH OiITIIdIIi BbbbbbbV il I
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If H III I mm I Willi llllisH II
H II Victrela Ne. 230 B II I ljltllllllalH II
m if $375 S a 1 1 iillil LHI U
) If Victrela Ne. 230, electric 1 I 1 1 l IhH ISAa
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VictreU Ne. 130
Victrela Ne. 130, electric, $390
Miheftnr or oak
Whatever style appeals te you, whatever
price you want te pay, there is a Victrela
exactly suited te your requirements, but for
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quality only the best! $25 te $1500.
Special issue of Victer Records
out tomorrow
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St'' ,
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''VHCtt' "
ilVw'Sal iM&(tM'liMin6Sk
W$f$fZ MY JL T&m7?
if v HLfli Caw mwmm II .-jX'
"ik-ii? wms a mW?Jb F
ejftf i
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'tt.sM?mmil-&WMMMMMMMwtts s x M
islSsfSSii mm MM m mmA
MiMV9MWr2&fJA IL ift" ' r-lJta ' " u y X i
mT mWi JrslSQ j-l:7
Yes, a Regular Sturdy Rocker
Fer Only 19 Cents
Tomorrow Night and Saturday Night After 6 e' Cleck
Te make 10,000 kiddies happy we
bought 10,000 of the sturdiest little
Red Rockers we could get, and place
them en sale at the remarkably little
price of 19c.
These are positively 75c
values, of excellent make,
and guaranteed first qual
ity, net seconds. We are
selling them 'way below
the price we paid for them,
simply te bring joy te thou
sands of homes, as only de
pendable little rockers like
these can.
B. i if ,vi a aaaaw jr
We've stacked them up in the front
of the store, and promptly at 6 o'clock
tomorrow night they go at 19 cents.
Of course, they'll move rapidly at this
ridiculously little price,
hence our suggestion is
come early. Please have
the right change ready te
save time.
Remember, 19c is the
lowest price ever asked by
anybody for the famous
Little Red Rocker.
These Rockers
Net Delivered
and no Mail
Don't Wft
Ferget: I&A
Only jWl
19c After fK
6 o'CIeck VJk
Stern 4 Ce.
712-14 Market St.
America's Largest Heme of Furniture
pf g
cure always rirsi
te touchyenr towel
Den'l confute ScetTinu4
Towels with harth, nert'
abierbent paper towels.
Loek for the name en
every towel.
Mether in Ireland
Jehn McCormack
Levin' Sam Miss Patricela with The Virginians
Away Down East in Maine Miss Patricela with The Virginians
Homesick Billy Murray-Ed Smalle
Yeu Tell Her, I Stutter Billy Murray
Kiss Mama, Kiss PapaFex Tret The Virginians
Choe-Choo Blues Fex Tret The Virginians
Pack Up Your Sins Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Crinoline Days Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Fex Trets (from "Music Bex Revue")
I (JTttnefrFilrJ
Laa i'ibi i i7i i Bteaaaajaaw J
Impertant: Loek for these trade-marks. Under the lid. On the label.
"Victer Talking Machine Company, CamdenN. J.
Etcit 8etTUu TewI contain
ilDient el telt Thinly Fibtci, which
bcrb four timet their wtight in water.
They intka ScetTuiue the quicken
drying-, meit Mtiifictery towel mad.
Complete Office Outfit
plate-gleis mirror, nickel
plated towel rack nnd 150
ScetTbiue Towels all for
$3. Sec It at your dealer.
Isn't it a comfort te knew every time you
wash your hands, that no ether hand has
ever touched the towel you use that you
get a fresh, clean, dry, towel that's yours, for
your service only?
By installing ScetTissue Towels in your
office you are assured of this modern, sani
tary, service. It is se convenient and eco
nemical that every office can afford it.
"Thirsty" fibres, these gratefully soft fila
ments of fairy fineness which distinguish
ScetTissue Towels, also make them the thirst
iest, quickest-drying towels known.
Buy a carton today from your stationer,
druggist or department store. Try our new
handy 10c pack of 25 towels.
Scott Paper Company, Cheater, Pa
Philadelphia Office, 30a Weighenma DIdj,
Pheno t Spruce 183a
$0$ a cerf en of 150
(Less by the case 25 cartons)
acm: Tissue towels
far Vlsxin Hi n4s Ln'Buslness
c 4. r. c , itu
v MMB5ggB3