Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    mTS-v W,""s,'i
si ,yr
rv '.-' ' W1 frW
ttfc'V VW.I -VOKV VJli'SAnMlSWV "'
Taipei 1 I H ' ''VW ,
H$ W M'iir
l' .
' f
jfiTeme of Lavish Functions GAS LEASE DELAY
Becomes Locust St. Memery
Mansion Where the Charlemagne Towers for
Park Commission Secretary
Compiling Figures of New
Building Cost te Date
Years Dispensed Gracious Hospitality
te Become Cafe
Research Bureau Calls It "Sad
Commentary en City Govern- i
ment's Capacity"
lliui) uli. ill wcr, ii. i8 tiip nirl ' ,'tli-m it wn.s te 11 tally make the an-
-. ,. .. ..... ...,-..-,. iirilllinl In r.ll the 'e i.il I'1''' PI iln innii'eiiifiit te the hostess betcif. who , 0-r a sin a nn
$17,895 FOR NEW BRONZES .i'S u-i.i.. of me.i ..,..,. the cm r the be-..i Mai.-i STANDARD
iitsten when tlii' Mi: li'.rt, u-tuti hei.se ease tlmt tuns tliveiish tliu center of,
"it (.".ill ' i rust '.ti.it. t itiiern in'' llie heiisi .
In J espouse te (It mauds from M.ivnr ; Imiiie et Ch trlciiiu,:n'1 'I 'Wei'. 1'!l11 " Th' ttnitin-i di-ided miiiii it cm"
Moere for n cmplete -. nodule "f oei,-;iis it "-he-th will, i "it'
Mayer Moere's, call en City Council
n bread la.idinr; nml led mi cttliir for n n new ill of flip ctttnly of the r.im ,
tracts mill .'Mieii.lltuiP- ir the Ait Mil- ' '"' '"'"' ,U'"V ' ,lp,1 , '" iw'.' l','',," " K"","!7 "" "1,i,',, I111.'11' ""V! 'incstlet. iii-d n further effort te t-ehe
iri.cis nun (xpiniiiiiiu ii. iiip ah 'i ifltin tlipi.M.rf nf i' in ii. M. I 'rrV of tlie m'miiuI I'ner t!i"' out. It was the , ,, . , , .
scum picijeet. Tlmnm S. Murli'i. .( 'i, u. ,!; p., -i"n , IV ... s, -nit i"ir j,,,,,,, lt, ,, ,.,1, (,,i the sa- pml.Iun is backed tin today
ntnrv of the riilriimun Path Cem-i hViii,. t tn I '-: -tfiet l"J im . 1( w Standinc in the r. ptimi hill', with its in the current l-mip of ntiens' Uu-i-
ndsMe,,. teda- bc.at, cmP.hnS the in- JJJ -;;-; ,'- j' "" .V pln.e one ,,,ifh, lejjk .11 the J-juUNIjcJ I., the llurcnu of Mu-
fnMnnil.i, i. 1....1 i.. . ,,.,,..1 lili tin- l.iip.l ' nil ipni iiiM.inii.
formntieii. M, i, hinl i'.t iiims 1 wlih tin- tiin-t
"It will tnkp MUetnl (Irs te (.inpt rml .iml ide'ic.i. . ditim s t ( .("
the irpert." Mf. Mm tin 'ii'd - l'i 'litjjlpliir, liv-i.
111 luup te go ewr'tlA i (eWI'-' U thr :i mu Mr- 'liitinii' A
ImcU us tlil.'i. The liii'ci itiiitieii will of l i N'rtth.li'
'llilr,-' te llr UllTrrciit New The liiirenu sites nrffinnpiits in Mip-
... -i llnkl ill fill. n.llllnllllAn I li,i aull..... .!.
, .( .(iilU I ( l"i I'.llt r.r; enh ll.e lintaiilis el Ilillnp.' ""' " " ""i-'"''ii oil niriiu-r m-
(, ft. f ( i. c'l." .i,i AtiiMMii i.imle ciiiM'lj meiry wi'liin i n.v Ull lil.uv the eit.v nt n iliMiihniitiiee
tlie.,. (eift-th w.ills The veiicH f u.H- !'.' 1-''P with r.ie Iciim' hetween the
:"".""." in " i .i.. il... . .v. .': T..U..-U 1,i.. -. - ...l'l f .!' ,li,n were ciftin inilil At tie time 01 '.. " m- i im-ii ;iiim iiiiiuevinipiii
mil ee nimip j.inmi- iinwi " " ' y ,, ,, "' m ni i P ', (t Hi.-, l il, . - ,,, ,VlnL. Iiif.i thi I m.se the Towers , eminti . wlileli espircs en Deeemhe-
,.x,,w.,efn,e"'t S3r "" ,iu.'h ":.....!... u...i' ..;:;.,,; U;;;. of & hn1,! ";.". MnruiT..:". h.j-. rtm c ,0 both
vul ,, , ,'eomi.u-ien have' "it. itnlii.'i.' in me tl : t -t . n It...!, -ieh. 0..ITri . Uelei mid r.erttn.le. ' IU mill W- cel.Miiner.
the mtiM'iini Pvpcn.llt.ircs. i lie iinnnri ii " " ".'". '"'... "t...i ii. . " .V'.. " . " ' .'.'7 ' i". i". l .. irevernmc.l te handle n.iijer Tiuuili-1t.it
f Il S M I Lll'Ut'l hlimillMii" " , I i' III II Ml I l II I' UHntll ii i",' ....-- - - -
V pmmi 1 r C.t.mU-i ii iMci- 1-tI " t'.a' 'li.u -i-'i.t i i no.) i .,r.i , ,. P memer the hiish' pntuie of pr.il.i.ms tiiat the pr.-ent cm. It ten of
v v e.l ," ItlTiMl I Ismii ? ip Vtn.n. ..-.... i SMM.-- , ,.,1 time i"l the Tew. t i...ia. . "itcitiiiiitj -lienlil rM. What he
I', ,v I. t ,,e P.. 7;e , .... I..-, v . Mi- I'- - '''- '" There .... thii t line .n.ni.s in f.e 't ,"""1" PPar, niK m a delin le nlnii
Neveiihe'- 1 'Jin. u .. .,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,.. ;. , e ,,, j,,,;,,.,,,,,,, Hull, tl,f I'mrn w.' "Mini' i
fter ill in- uit.c.m.il t, it t!. la--: i " ' 'te " t ... ' . tt. .inch ,,.,, f10ii .1, huts in the Iieum'. Miss W.il.lilul U.iltln" Cen.lemiiwl
1MimemJt.,,M-th,ns acean. were . tV ;.-;' ' ,;.--. ' ", 'J '.'s- , ," . ; 'V.r .., t,e wir.'.'i Mjue u nu. ,p
MniJt '. nMruerlns tVjipinx. . tl '""" ',, ''","'" ,..' ,' ,f ,"'1" r,M,n' ',r, P.L.,i . ' , , ,n , 1. s Wn Oiehr.l for lill..n months tlir
Imildeis. and the Amen." in Steel Coin- ' " " ,'' ' , , !" ' "' l "' ' , '';,:'(,;, hit.: ". , M i .X '''" I Mini" M." "eu-ntnere
pany. which uunMies the Med. tl..- A n . , h , f ",, ',' I'lire.lnt ! ii ilmi thfrr n lf
Mnrnv u.n.l ... ,VslrP( . (lilt 1111 III- 1 .ntel Mil'i u l.lls)lN 'lllllllU t.llll'il 10 1PI1PW ll.P 1. 1 . i"'l . , .l lii'i. , ,!,( ,l .n,l.,
line the IK. i.(
I i rclt n'
,li ,ti
,.,. i i
ii nil- n 1 - . I
i i
I. Hi p. i " 1. -
ie 1. I
I 1 M I .tl -
I' 1 .
'. Minr.tn
t'' 'lldeil il i I l.'i
lul l' in ' ) II
.S, !,'(ll 1 1 '.,
iImi i ...it hi mil -ii'
i.i. In
llliv t
i! ii a, ( e i tl
i ml t.i In., i ..in (I .'i
hi... '
: n. ei.
(! . in At.ii ' i iris . nne. tee
'1 Ii f in. ' e- .1 s.ir. a tl- we:.- . i
t." Ml.. (I, in tint i.H tl-' Lime in.
- n' s t 'Ii- linir he'i-p. wer-
. r n.'.j fi A .i.lliC iiemn 'ixi'
V ' lli-li (l( i ill- . I lll'd ' . 1M '
the r te "ii. .rri.im . -: te in. .-
mi i w . ii n.r . ii iiuli 'i i e- ( i I' i
lii .in v ie
n ipeitni t p.i- t.'n-iti r:e.
foriiiatien I'lntiie te the i.iimh(r "
contrails tint hini liee'i n.-nie. r.'i nt. J)n ( ,() ,,,,,
eiieretl uie ioiiewhik. "." " ""- " ihiIih ,'i plm
I rovee ;
"Itcnlred. Hint the secretin lie hi
leeted te piepnre a -.t il( mem uniris
ierth the dite of the ceiiti.iet.i- .mi- ,-(,lla
tiuets te. Kr.ulliiK ".ii : eeiiTrncu u- i rn
en the Art Mint inn. te'ctlicf '.'in nl
ninenilmenls ei nnitltie itli - u i'.
villi finl tiiiine ei . i ituit r i . 'i
Instance and lump u ' " "'" I"
that inai lme (. n iu'ic' .!- . t
& tlirr with n st in in. nt ei the neun:
or amounts paid in em i nwfi', t tiem
the txgitinuiK e." the . itiut, e. nu
tracts te date
1211 K. l'ri e in.ieini. nl that tie'
t'emiuittte en Sup. rlntcii.li mc had ro re
eelvcil I'm pretnsils tt.m. s.-nlpfrs i'( .
hronse Hemes ler t'.e r..:i'(.l letui-
ruin te t.e viiVt.nitu! tm i'h r"-'it
"euntnln e.i lie 1'nU in, t Nineteentl.
stie. t. Thi'si In. Is r. i it. 1 lt.-ii SIT.1! ."
k e Ss,4!h. It . i- ii niiiiei ii.hd ti rt
'he ientr.nl l" '." ii'l'-d f" til" 1. n:i.n
Brenre O mi. mj , ... Ne erk. '.
lywes': l.i.Mii 'II. t'lUtnct vis s,
Phins In- i trifin- t.nii'l -.inlci i' i
Parkwav fieni Tw.nl -li-iilh s'l-n-t f.
the Sprinj; t. nden -tr.' lihL'. . M n
rteilld ellini-l.it. tie inti'iti (( fr '.t( i
ars a.re"s t!ir Pi.rl.w u v..'t n" L'w ' -
f let II stuet, ir. pi-iii. 1 b .1 '
Pi ice
After n t.ie .'N .s-.. u tie i.i.. '
ilr.iib were .i.Iuptid, snlij,r -i n -
jnnal of li i I'p.ir,n.itit P 1.
Nadeja Standoff Must Stay in Sofia
te Support Premle-
Sella. Ii.v 1 1 Vide i . s ini 'ir'
the weiii.in iiiplniii'it ipi. r ti'd ! k-
ri'tary in .lshiiiste-i. pr..t.ild. i i e '
.IhSlll'iie lier .1 it Irs, ;n A'v lid li" ! i.
uar.i, as ti.mre.1. ln.t will n-in.i.-i Lere
is Premi.r M.mihninsKi' pi -.iite -c
re'nrv. It .' cert i.n e.e- wil n; dpr
it feri lii'1 end '. tj, ..inini'in elifc
Cabinet riir.Nters In i u- ,ne'lcji
'lint Mir- ."s;i!. loll 1- the in M -llll'l-lile
aide tn peisaiii l'ri in'i r 1 is H-
S II IKUuMIII ifl P.llepiMM J llllfli s
and "ip.'.hs i.nh P. iV i.i'.. "iit sh.
the d'liiyhte- .1 a Pr-'inh .ei'itess ,ind
a Kulsnri.m diplomat v he l'ted in sm-hI i m Iik ir cl.uiiti.i-i
Paris, Ueiin- .Hid Iniiileli. Knutt- ll'ilt ('iirdi.i: . I.... -it. ill aid I .itdnnl t'..s-
the (.row ik (1 1 . ins . ml .'.r. st all tin in i w re .:t. n. the teiinei- 1 . .iik tn
liiflnentl.il pi r-eii'.i:. ': I. in.pt .She 1 isl en . tin litt. . u 'lnUih Tin
is net mil li- i-it.Ti -.'ti i l.t.t is I. me-tiil h; tin- ..mils of tiiMr
Mil. I te pn.iii iiiest ti,. Pwinirr's r."-;i.'. tie s.'.itis
speeehes mid t. li his inust tuisttl 'l.drt i.nsisi..i t " e tit-t 'i.ld
I. .1. i... in'iiir sir. it ntiiiii tin t.i. .... . - - -- r..... ... .....K
lowers .nine l..ii , i i I'lihil.ti. ' ,,,,,,,. ;,, , this nreseiit Chtistmiis Menson f.ielliti.s shuiilil li- nvnle liie.h'i-n mid
riiei is ii i.ssnt.tn (irrtlll n,j 'nrm, in ninbroel. .apahle nt siipin; hik .ideeunte nniUheap
.,;re:,;1.,.":!,.v ;! ,' .. ;;;; ;,,?;fN;,vr. Ki- .. v m,
Pl .'.:....' .1 Mi "t tl 1 .lu-'lewei in. wt n.hb litis li . sitii.itl.ii Is .ailed
till is II I.I 1 111 III. IPI (Ml I ' - ' . ie , ' '. ,, . - ;
. ..USUI I'll tl.PH lived l.f IM." I.-'MM '.' .-ion' ......,- m- u ......, ...
1 -'."'.' , , .. i . . . T . ... , T . 1 he nl s ST. 'i .i II. i IlIJi . u Ii el her I in
stui .Ml. nl .urs. I-"'.' I ."lii ". - "-
. . en- .i .. m i'..i, .. .n ei n i.i.t ii ininiiiini. must liinn
. , . ., s li '.. l ne. iln. il i i"" .ti. '-. .......... . -,.,"' , . . . ......
' V ,.,,.,... f .lii.lee t -nu ltiiid'e Vn - nml Lnll-I l.tis.m.ilih m mhrnte of
;.!' ' , ' ,V,lt, ,,;,i ,('. i- i..'--i''1"l- ""''I '". pis tl- will tome in V.lL'-s
ililllCi.:. I et Mle I..1KH. t.n.ii-. i.eui i '"" -i .-..in..., ." ...... i..v
tl.-.. I eii in. tein down te linKe jeiit. '..f.. ie tn. st.m ..' pis nmnii--c.
ir i.n tl liiestnt strn. tine liietnre is put i.i . n mi eioiietnionl basis
t,.r.l,i, fe Mrs. si,.,,!,,.,, ( . will li.tnii tlepieeliillii,: ill
I ' l P'.i" .
i -I
t In lis . .1 . ' e..i ,,,. will ii.i ii ti deineeiiiilii,: ill mine of the
ill i re ..irs. -.u-.iieii - - , ... : ,
" . i .... i r'w wmkt. v. i i ii. i im.tmtte '.Il M-la
.f. Tew i'.me n. P.i' i.1. 1P1.M it .i- .i.a a-- -'e - - , ' '-, f , wKimKm) iMdes. It I
It !..i,e,.,d t, he ., , ti.i.li.h l.r'- 'n,7-h,"' ..eimlhe tl-e ... .miHiimers. who'
":" ',.:."i r " i:";i'."-'n, -h"'"?-.; ";'"' .', . rf.r.wv,jMri .......m r.,r.. t.,,.h.,tnB;. of u..
'" llllll.. 1" I -ilk I.' ...,,.., . ... .....I.,,..u1.,l,..ttt.l r II, .1111111.1111.11 ' I
. v Knd. v is i leinier i .-i .i i u... . ..v.
P. nusth.uin K.illrend.
r.ic .n.lw..rh was all itip.rt.. irei.
T...f1.i!iil Tin the tnii'-ilns its-. I m e-i
City'i Weekly Cash Balance
i in - .. I Kepertt if the ("lit in usurer teri
s.nriuu (lll .ut,. j,,,,,,,! xe-t.rd'ij shewtd re-I
ISlp Will ....... ... .'. 1 -.'Is. .!('. ,,.,.1 tiii.Minil.il I
tinii.tinliin: te M. iC,l. '.. 1 .".:'. ltalame.
.. ; . .s i in tin in ilsin, i.i.i i . iiiniiiK i no i
II I.iiRl.sh. ixiepv ""' smlti'iR fuii.1. was WJ.-HH.r.'-M.7!l. j
: rn. pi, will It ws Leuis " i
in tin. . '.iiiii rooms, wii
ti. .,.-, 1.. ''"' i.i:-. ceriipt
1 old .-tin. was bre.ieht from the intet
. i .,!.! I L'l s 1 Cl-.IIUllts, Uil- i.i
1 lflle ..'
t e IrilV I
Prelates Weiring Gorgeous
Robes in Solemn Precession
in St. Peter's
Pill.Ili .! ,'esti: te
Runic 1 i
I 1'i'J P. i- .: si of T'.r . ish ' ew
t .mi;. '- .1 . j In. e ... r.t. r's t.
il, , , n 'i, .it tl . tl-tp.I.'. i lisi.'..
.1 Pn- pel I.Ik 'it. . 'h" m cnti; .r.ltel
-.I i.i . s t tl . hut. It m e eil irem 'I .
P tnT t.i l.d hit .nn. -hi i , in I. n -
Gov. Allen Besieged
by Chorus Girl Bevy
New 1rlt. I'iv. It 'P.; A P.I
i,i.erii..r H.n- .1. All. n. et Kt'-
.-is, think- the i.itti. sf us mrls
nt. Hr iiiw.i . .I'.i iiein hw State
II. -mil s, '.a-' ii-,h' wl.li he
tes-n, us. Ie p.ibrnrit nt.il li?-iit te
held the cpet!ii:ht m the -tiiRe et n
picpiil.il mush il lemeih. siirri.iinl.il
t. h ill n lii-.n.li. 'I et th" must beau
titui chorus ul. .1..' er bio--sen.nl
in t'.. white lislit. di-tn t
lie hud ini;.il onto ' "-t-iRe t..
.nt'iKe in i trinitii: .'ihnnite e;
repartee l'l: i . eiie-'ian. ii.d
te. -red te ie .Pttint; tin bitt. I ..:
the nrin i n vi.n tin i..mi i
men- tuned Ie. - th- . nine In i n-
As t' e (,'irls sr.uipir.il tew.nl
l.-.ni, ti.e .leli'hted , .ud. en e ep. 'I'd
the dell llm te b. ,.t .1 ll isi li
ti'.i P'lt instiid et linn,; ..-.: '
iimlm. il. 'e shout, d ti t' e sir! sir!
Veil re l..l'ht piettv. I .in. sure
n est ei ' e i inn-: I, ii e '"in i
""" fc.
lei -iriu lis in tie Hull. . I I .e.i itn-i-'!
r s i m. ! h . 1 In i ti ( losee . i n the
-.i er.lt oil of t.i' i elllllrf
I''.'. . tli ., . In. nl: of n.'j i r
been jeciiill" i.srra !. 1 in P.i.lsuria i .IK' s. nn'ei. u ,, i iU stnamnl n'enu
ieiincil.il el. ill t' pten.ntie ip.txt.eiA
Ilec.'iii.e et her i spoils 1 et the peas
ants' eau-e and assoeiatien with Pie
ml.r Stniub'ilhs'it, M'si S'.tiu'ieff his
where the cntii.. it.telliK. titsi i -.iilnii--tecrue
.ir1 in ih epp. sir- i Sin
bejun her i"..r is i w-n r mi i.uh'.
altairs in ..ii.i iifw.jii pi i - l e -lis i
writes liisUMjeisae! t.ti i-i th'
the 'Old lelidllU' troll' ie 'ellt.I- et l'e
.ii .. tie hi i lent Ii..re. uheie stiue
1 " ll "tell p- I IP. S
Ii ti tlii'.l'J thn' 1 .ctcned this
P.t. 's tuie taei, in fni IIi.il .ittl-.
Mrs. HeIIIb Nlgq Told Cejrt Ma--rlage
Was a Failure
A diene i a-. Kinitteii m hj -1 'ie
N. . teilnt te Mis Hellis Wri I t
rs'tRK tmin lMw.ild Nl., .It , ."Ul."
"North Cum i" m.-i '1 In- ie n ir
lied three jears at;., en St ile-tim' i
"My Vnli'iitine ce.ihlti i tnk. life -' i
rieunl,' Mrs Vic: mi.1 i.pitrii!'
iunMi.ll di.ln t 1 1, hi mu I, te hu .
Nii;.: was 'n the iniinin c .rp" it "i
h wen Ins hi id. Af-.i ! ii,- '1'
prhp 1 e h.(. tn i . ki . I .' . e i
la the ( .' pl.i'.'r mi'
Maine Court Fines Harnsburg
Hunter for Death of Dr. Maynard
Chi'r'. I- A ll.'iil.. f Iiurrisni i, who
aeeiileniallj nlmt i ml killed l'r 1,
II. P Minnaid, c.i I .iiis.lewne. ln'.e
liillitins d'-ei- in the Maine weeds ,n
October, wnc tlned S'n mid ."in n.sts
nt Ileult ei Me fst.rdn l - inli
p'li. e in the 1u.ii.Ui.il: et lir..iriis
Iir M'iMi.ird. h wtd i hi own b,
terloleRist, miis a luemhet et it '..iit
part) of Knst.rn Pe-insjUnuia hnnten
ilhe weie pii-Mlit lit the en liilii." i f I lie
ilrer i"itse!i In Mi .n Ah Iln 1", ,
member of tin- sim, purti ir.s. ,,.
liliu for ii i'Pr nml lir.d nt h.n
Onew Falling Today Will Be Rain
Tonight, Forecaster Warns
1 mbrellas and se icli. s .ill he d .-
till); the streets bcfr temchr. The'
new wlii. li has hem fa'liti" te.laj vill
i hmue Inte i lisht rum due te the
Kni.liinl use in t.'inperrti ip i vel i'i
Id the vi cii ill. r for", aster
At S e't 'eck the thei tin, meter .tern! i
nt '- dt'Kli.s, but l. li.mii It wits nUne '
the "freezim; point
Unlit this eieuius' lc '.ue l.c (oiitleiie i
llllll lillilllieht, when there will le nn- .
..tiler drop In temperature, -iinl inli.
tlj nn. ther f ill of biiuw,
Will Entertain 150 Children
Can.h. ice . rpiini anil i'.!e win he
tied tenlfht te im re than lei) , u!'
i i'pm iitmI tin ir metlieii, all i.'' whole art
n the winiliirf list nf the Meihi'is' Af--(laiiee
1'iui.l, nl'ter u 'ulustre' show
It whleh lliej will be the s'lesls of the
Set-li:l Senite (, 'eliiniitt t of the New
t'.ntury Club, The .eiuiuittee, i.f
which Mrs. .Mmdech Keudiiek ih the
i ,'iulrnian, IiicIihIek Mrsi Frederick C,
.-eiiij Mid er". ii 'v itl st un'inj; hs
.'ht. -sW je irs
l'l the jilm IsMnll .,se w. le the h. -e It
tir;, itfuirs it tie jupiil mui'. Pi iik '
I'.ifeiiTiU and Piinee Drsini. s.i-i ii s
te tin ii lit il i. tli'en. . who pr em d
and 'oi'ewid ti e Pepe in' t. i ha '
. till I'llpe tellk h.s M It I .'Hint! .
..in p or M..h" -ill: ii.d K'dd. t.ei id
t niili ei" hiir.g piieebhs 'npe. n. s.
tie t iirniti.iU .pt-neil the u.i.sist ir h
,,. i.. i. ...i. ...,.. i i , ,,,,'t. L's.iiu h,s in Tie lli'V I ui '
' 'll'll III Kill, llll '"-.- lllll I.K. 1.1.,....- " ---..--- ,
s. i.ap.l iJpli.i .ts. i'imWis in the enh ( urt. i b two I animals .li l .
I'.-i ii mis', r.u. in., t ir.eie l I iii.b w.ie 'h... I. .1 Inte the papal pr -imp
! i l...nks u.,1 i,ui s. ItetilU dcepl th. knelt. hi tie 1 . .t
When tm Pontiff ei'tered, born, fr, I , H'P e 'n firene .in.I kiss.d t e I .
' .s , in lie . piitmeiits III the V iMe.'.l. tiffs tool, ll.lli.l .Hid I lie. k. Iftlr.iU t.
n tl Iii ep.tiiten-i i.nuir et .en n Mull at the bit et the l"ii'
nit..!., tie -t.is men. 1 b tin .triius Tle'i "is the; resuuieu .i.eir kin i ,'
.'i!i Til is I'i tins ' Plus, ii, nunc ;, , tur,, l ,.:ere the Pepe, the ivm.p .1
i red i up. l.d miter eer h's wh.te rcinen'. - drew e-ir the ' hruild. -- .f
- pstiiiei.t., wns .nveiiipanii"! P., his ."l- i ik h the .nppi iiiiirfim, or i lgnili en
t ie in. nt Twe . h.iinbeili iii., mi. en., uii- sdk cnat of a Cardin il. m.i. ti..
ntlei side held nii. ft th. !,ui -sl.i(sl I'eitilT. heldu the l.d hat . i" tl . i
.-im li f. ..the i 1tlMt..'.li i.ausiei ,t lew inementc tepeai.
Hihind tin- i .ipal ilii'i" .line i t'.e 'nr. .: pres. ntrtlen te tlen .-h
nat till, eli.uiui ps or the V it emi, ,ih elfj.
tul, the Cnrdi , .'. a-id i r. I in, i,s. VC'er ti papal Is nedietn i Mi r
i lent if isifni." u II. n nt' r.u in, f r .. "' ii ie-l.iri.ied. - .e I'm ,. ,
t .ie -ircmtis le'ns i i th i 'Pie i w t ri nc in his chirr te his .ipnr-i, i i.t
i . ul.. - e ti . -si i i , l i i i;, wire r i ' Te Pci;n " sound' i" .
', i 1 b-. tie '".i ii a lii . ni it... Si-t i Impel.
Centre Piece
for Christmas
ltecl Candle & Plaque ni'
Ifed Grasses, Piiu
t. ones and Griens
"The Sign el the Rett"
221 Seuth Bread St.
"The Man's Flout r Shep"
111 Seuth Bread St.
Phene, Spruce 8899
L"AIGLON is famous for
its feed. L'Aiglen An
nex has precisely the same
feed, but the prices are
lower because the portion
are smaller.
Quicker service of the 65
cent Luncheon in the
French Roem same prices
and service, of course, as
ctewn stairs I
A SI Dinner or
a la Carte, if
von ptefer
a Ts5w l
Cheese a Scarf Pin for His Christmas Gift
A man uinn-jt have tue many scarf pin- Like tic-, .m occasional
change is ncccssarv We show n unusually larc varietv, iruluiling many new
crfeLts. V persona! inspev-tien is invited.
P ' a , . : ..i
.' r e -. t, -r.r
-ihit' cert v
I' I .. t I nun ,
n i i in ii r. il
.(.rie sjie.
'!ati :-.ur.i
lOJlt, i4.!-
,.ion(l cei.trc.
V i a t i nun:
1 i-or. t, dia-
end tentvi .
1 i
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l'reii t .1 r.
lie - ' ci rt-.
2' i a t i r.an
r.-ni t. .it..
i ) ce.-.tri
Plat! num.
itamend nntl
Piati :.at.i,
1 ! ti ni e n il
Lt.r'e 'I'O.
1 a t i t.uin
smeratd and
i diamend1-
P ! a t t t.uii..
.sapphire at. J
15 diumer'l"
I' i a t i r.uiu
' ii-tev, jjrarl
and 10 iliu iliu
rend S2.")ii.
P I a t i num
1 u a t or, 1
I u i- k t 'j
t, m it 1 1 diti
nvjiils, MOD.
Our new catalog contain! mere than 4000 photographic illustrations call or write for a copy.
S. Kind & Sens, UIO Chestnut Street
The Instrument of the Immortals
Steinway Grands are made in five sizes, beginning with Miniature
Grand, in mahogany case ( '"' ipV.Ju'i"' ). at $1 375. Steinway grand-toned
uprights are made in three sizes, beginning with Style V ( ' "c'lgi.t"' ) m
mahogany case, at $875.
Any new Steinway will be sold en time;
one tenth cash, balance in two years by
monthly payments. Serviceable used
pianos will be accepted in trade
Steinway Pianos are sold in Philadelphia only by N. Stetson & Ce. at 1111 Chestnut St.
The Price of Happiness
a Thought for Christmas
It is the way with art that these who knew
.md love the best cr.m find no happiness in
that which is ether than the best. And,
therefore, te own a piano is one thing te
own the Instrument of the Immortals is
another. Fer when "..'en buy a piano you de
net buy a thing of weed and steel, of wires
and keys it is music that you buy the
greatest of the arts.
Once your fingers touch the keyboard of
a Steinway once you knew the eloquence
of its response once you drink the beauty
of its tone for you henceforth there can be
no ether piano. And with each new day its
voice means mere te you, with each new year
it grows into yeui life. As some one has t,aid:
"Its prencn.ee imparts distinction te a room
for it is a privilege te the eye as well as te the
soul, and its mere name makes prestige "
Think! The Steinway is the piano ever
whose keyboard Richard Wagner dreamed
his visions and enriched the world. It is the
Voice with which such artists as Franz List
Charles Gounod, Anten Rubinstein and their
immortal fellows spoke te mankind.
It is the piano of Padcrewski and the
piano en which Rachmanineff and Hofmann
ire playing their way te immortality today.
Frem the day of its coming it has been the
chosen instrument of the masters and the
levers. of great music.
Yeu who find happiness in the music of
the Immortals surely you can find happiness
only in the Instiument of the Immortals.
nd the price of this happiness is less than
you may think. Here at I I 1 1 Chestnut street
we strive te make it se easy (hat there is no
thought el burden. Fer it is the ideal of
Steinwr.y & Sen.s te make the finest piano
that can be made, and te sell it at the lowest
cost and upon the most convenient terms that
can be made.
Would you net be happier for the pres
nce of a Steinway in yeui heme.1 And
could thLrc l,e a tjme mere fitting for itt itt
cemi.ig than this Yuletidu of the vcar
Muiniil. Mix. I.eui") CftMmlciru uud
ytn,, iBenJuiuJii U IIIqIi('ei. I