igmm mssm n'UWWSMirvc . i . ixaf.'jr4tz ? WiX8!'rlt rftraOT-fl .- -ri.: Y- ""MtlKUT? EVENING PUBLIC LKDGEKr-PHILADELPH'JLA, THUKSDAY,' DECEMBER 1922 T Subconscious Courtship By BERTA RUCK 'Auther of "Th Wrene Mr. Wright," "The Arrant Rever" Bte Copyright, USB. Void, Head de". WHO'S WHO IN THE STOIHT VlOYm KLPHlXHTOyB.chnrm. Ilt UOUM ICIOOIP, " """ M Mime". "'""- y,j-- -", I'Jt ...... tiKn irnnf te mnri'i; fir for ,i .. rffrirfM te tm)rrj a 'huiband for r," te fend off the harpla," "il&R ITARltY OARHWHAllL, rterli War tcteren, monefpenonalltv, I. winter who ha invented a new nut. te finance uhleh he agrees te 1)vtr'i "lirlctly busine' propetl- titn. ?i!i,.!,c0 '""a1"" man's inceme. and yet bliew nirorlleu for lilm. I llPV Plilllil ml. I.I... r..- ... Mil. ...,...:."'" "' "T uieucy ier ri-- I . """. ""iTwnril, by Jove. V i.i ,,e7',,J,WeW mne been in that poslUen, if KIphltiHione had lived. Cnrmlclinrl watched her every move, ment. llefore he kcw that he meant te de te he wild, nppenllngly, "don't JJi'mT1? fe,p ,l '"'""" I we hnven't rinu. .V nVa J'e HUiAcd forward n she stay?" brchtL' WettU Actually she sat down In the chair no put ter her. Klin . u..t .,i.. ...;- ini niiirv ? i nin niraw !.,... i . . . .r'. jf. jia.iwii "i ., . ,""":.; ""vi inch. living nnetiitr child .irir.ic& Cletcr tt advertitii and fj ish jawn. she, leaneil her hn.i .,..i... i'jtccrrf fetA favert. ! thn cushioned had:. In spite of costly KOBEUARY UnAnOWS, Clevcr-i IfOill". "V'JiViL 7 v . 'v '" 7tf GUMPS-:The Truth Hurts By Sidney Smith SASDAL, younger daughter, a ' ffil'nOLT, biff, geed-natured cap, hJAsl'y m eve wfc J?emary. Perhaps That Was Ills Type ALOVEIt nodded, seeing ngain the V sinter smiling up into the face of i(r host. Perhaps that was his type, tijn, a little showily artistic? "Well, ihi was one of Bebby Llewelyn's tho the jtrical friend, and he wrete te her for no. I could hardly have her here te deg without sending a card te him, niM 15" "I suppose net. He had called here Were, hadn't he?" "Obviously he called na seen na he tern we'd get back from Paris." "And tomorrow," continued Car-nl-hecl quite lightly, "he will call te Wch the clgirettu-rape he er forget. ail he will go ou calling nt the house m usual?" Cle" answered, "JTave j'u any oh eh oh Jectlen?" 'Iho four innocent-seund-iaj words nnde f'nrmlclinel cuddenly jrit his teeth and drive hit) nails into hln palms. Had lie nny objection? Te him In lis tense condition the words meant u many thlnps nil wounding. They ii'tnt: "Yeu have no right te 'objec 'ebjec tleiis': these were net in the bend." Ttfy meant: "I can Jnwtc whom 1 likc'te my houte; it is mine, net jeurs. rtea all is said, 1 pay." They meant: "What in&olence of you te dictate te Ik! woman en whom you are dependent ! T, dependent for the burcess of nil tint mekei lif worth living for you ! What about this evening? What about tils party? 'What about the ontcrtnln entcrtnln tnant for Sir Algernon Cox, aim tue arraaiementa with General Ilervey, and irerytblng that means the chance of jtur coming off? I could atop it yet. aid you knew it I I mean supplies. I 1'lj- the fiddler, and it it hardly your place te call the tune!" Needles te Ray net one hint of this m in Hevr'a mind. What the ac tually thought wa: "Men. Always hrlng down the Uw ! Kun It' k' only trifle liKe which of them comes te the hcuee and which doesn't! A, If there frock nn.l pearl-Hring, she looked the merest sleepy cchoel-glrl. And, i-lmply as hhe might have spoken te hur cousins, ahe nald, "jes, quite a strenuoue evening it'n been, hasn't it? Unat with ene thing and another " Her friendly, almost absent little air of being after nil "at home" with him! That completed the spell, for Carnii chncl. The words that almost shouted them selves in his mind were: "Yeu darling, and de you knew what I've bten wait ing for, the whele of jour blcs-d strenuous evening? I've been longing for nil these people te step jabbering and their muslc-neise, and for the let of tn em te push off and lenve you for me te talk te alt by myself like this! Yes, just llke this. Loek at me. Can t you sec? I leve you, I want you. Yeu re ull I care for; I haven't the faintest ute for nnjbedy clse in the world. hat de you imagine. I've cared about the. dinner-party? The" concert? Cox? Old Ilcricj? The appointment we Ihcd tip? The mast lteelf? It could nil ke te the devil, except as seuictlunc te offer te you. You're all I think abeut: Yeu jeu you'."' He must tell her. "Clever " he bern. UnAn, quickly toward her. At that moment he wits ready te blurt it all out. Afterward, and for many weeks, Cr michael could hardly decide whether or net it was n geed thing that that hap pened which did happen at that me ment. It was s matter of lighting. The fire had dropped te the merest glimmer and only thnt single table lamp, close te the telephone, was alight in the book-room. It showed the soft richncTS of the bindings, the gleam of the white-pillared mantelpiece, the gilt of the softly ticking clock en a braeket, the dim thick folds of the curtains. Alse it thewed Clever'a face half-lest in the transparent gloom; and Car michacl'u own, intent, worked up te this moment of moments that had at last arrived. It showed his clear eyea fixed upon her, hb lips purted te speak. Tt showed, tee. a tiny meM'inent of Clever's, for nt ilint moment the "caught" t liar teii-M.it ; she thought in a tiasu "what i he going te Lay te' me" iter wtj -mi?w KTtOVtX- VMKt THE W V4kHf x UMEl V AWtWM6 TM N'Utt Of MM CUtHt,' JCVOO, VWTrH.OUt AFTe.t.CCVON XKTtWtVx mmmMU AMt Vit KVtHOWUft Me Tl M TKt VJWVCfe XOV) Vi WWV fcttVX C. KCTIOH MKIMIT NOM- MMW.MMMMM f y 1 n I J COME OH SKIUK- JM tAZ H"XO COURT- VJ.V.JrC l- OUi)l utc; " rtuw tEKT)ErS .K WWW "tVAE MOUE Ott OUT- 0 r &UV V.VING OUT "OH THE HOT .Mt Of -TVs ttSET, FAIAsHt!, MtUfj rMKi WrA M OKV3 VHT VT tC-lKt! ICO M ICE CttrVVV COVES - ' LWO' Jh t, Sle H SOMEBODY'S ST ENOG Delicate neltrrf Tatnt Ofl!f J AHUM'. SOAt.l WAAlTiaUTOClO Seme. erfpands'Rjr MUbTAi' A v, m. ME. -THE. FRESH A M R Will DO HtJU , -N . ULAs Geed', i mustait tfJW' ' A.IM " OU H THE tt, J, (3Lp ySTUFFY ORFtCEj WMATS THI5VDUP? FXTHe.R TEU.S ( ME. ABOUT VOW? W REALLV AAU6T NOT BECOME IAFATUATEr L, VMI7H A COMMOAI - r W - - 1 - -- M DEAR LS-T-i,' met Talk about it ajev This 1 5 eaie. cf THOSE DELICATE. SITUATIONS' '. ' -. lri"SL By Hayward 1 ,. A POPPEi?. fW!h VVIULVOUPASS A "TH OAilOAlS r- Wf.. fimsas C r The Yeung Lady Acress the Way be.ldeu L-irill" ilashd fro iniuM difference m any of them iag.ilnst her ankles m. he sat up in the tfcent that sorne are better-looking 1 -,,''f; there wna a ,wift gleam of ivhite haa ethers. Lvnn if 'he' is better sheuldera aud gelden aheulder-strap In iwiine, he s raore tiresome than any of 1 "'0 light. titn sometimes " I Quite suddenly, that liirht shewe.7 nnne Thus with minds nt crosn-nurneses of thenn t.hinp. Tlinn. wna v,r.4 B tly kept tllence. tiny hiss. The lamp filament, before with the hush of midnight all about white-het, sank a dull red, then went then, In that pleasantly warmed, well- out. Darkness twallewed un the mini. jrrelnted room, these two young and ln the duri.n.s Clever's voice ex-l-tsdsen.e crcitures faced each ether, claimed, "Oh:" and Cannichael's re were out. n lew icec Dtwffti mera ; "That's a fuse gene? Or is it only this 1 mm ray of dying tlrcUcht 'that lamn'j, ll.Iltcd 01 rr Ills blende heml slennieil lu the geld of her gown und turned te blush-rosc-celor the ivory of her j.h. A charming group, had there nta finv Other ren thorn In utn U n Jilr of levers born for ene nnethcr wild have been the impression that taT IHfldft. Ynf tn ntl T.nmlnn n f Ihnf hour, ameni nil these who slent nr 'itched or reveled ever thn whole, of 'hi treat dtV. thll u-nnlil m.t linvr. Hia found a young maided couple who "ff lartlier npnrt one trem the ether, lhat tilrncn rnae Hl.11 mi lr..n (.r.iflnt. 'eil.nl, between them. into the pause the little clock from 11 Anether idlek All remained t fgMn MK CMJS He strode te the deer. was heard, and another. in darkness. "ThH fleer seems te have gene. Per haps the whele house," he muttered. "Just stay where you ate, will you, while I make sure." Clever heard him go nut. She sat listening. In about three minutes he was hack again. "That'll all right," came his veiee. "I'm- cut everything oft at the main switch. Afraid we're stuck without lights for the night, though. We can't , PETEY- .il .1 MI.-. ! "It doesn't matter. C crybdy elsr TAJ tmr Wf, itvj THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED MR. BASG VZ. lil FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS The jeung lady across the way says men have ruled this country long enough and she guesses when the women get nil their welfare measures through thrre will be an end of paternalism. mmwmrmw-tw y av aJ,ii & -c dm- I ' 'fHiS WAS TWft foertTM OR FiCTH Tim. '-this wmk Mf Pah a had genc evr te gj TXt COOCM Te Ut OOWM AND feOHO IT ALU rre ctuTTeRte up. ' lM:kt en the wall threw a soft and 'will be asleep by this lime. CUSlCal China. 'limn Ti.ltn nvnnlv Irmlcliael spoke again : "Objeetieu? Oh! Why should I liare 'OJ objection? n veu say Certainly net. T'h teii- hiiHi. "W te choeso your friends. It's merely ut lopiteut te see that teu nren't lerrirf by people, Isn't it?'1 Uever mswerM, "If I were wrurrlea, t ike'M come te teu." CiOW as H mattec nf fnc nn hA hnil ics. Have seu urn matches?" "Ten; here hure you get them?" ' Clever's hand passed him a box. 1 In the light of the match that he I struck he glanced nt her, bitting here. Her shadow leapt immenre in the glass'l of the book-case behind her. lie mut- t tcrcd, "New, if I'd get it bit of fuse wire I could fix it. There's plenty at ray place." That's Dene and He's Finished -:- -:- Bv DWIG Y Tex I w' A Mwxesnave3ri VfJ 7 Vp?n iV7)C' O sfttM-tus ? st tyirci "e 0tee 7C KaKr)ll N&vr, A r "iW V"s ' rN'' e CMt- "Zi''t-TrPlJ -ii1 X" ' 1 X V6 vneAOj w 1- C5J Stt,v.JiP I ' 1 It 1 1 1 1 l 50 1? vej ve i?i - set ee.u2iV&v' J ' ' . .il M ' . T ff. Jt "Mi yr'MpT 1 I I l I k I ,j3- 'T .m ,.f-l,l T !.... ..... ! 1 wins ide ,,f ..;, .1 "".: "CZ. .2 ...i.t.'TA "'""u, "."' fc ""'' "J" 1. , ,-- - j-n ni" "- "tin. 1." 'u(ti'-'u uivvr. i (ion t suypose tnciT) ... '? Mn ""t "f her affairs. She had 1 ar any candles here, eltln r. Heme In "WWed te say it f tlffly nutigh. Then, I the Kitchen uerhnM. I'm afraid I don't knew where they would be kept," "Never mind. We'll have te keep ou btiiking matches --" That mntcli in his finger burnt down. "Jiy Jove," he exclaimed. "There's 'J httwecn her intent and ler hpeeeli ; uencd a tltij curtent of hinder 'War. Why lie rude? He was be ivng qul0 decently, for n man. He nt bad; a reliable show-husband '"a people were there, unebtrusive only one mere in the box ! u inrj weren t. him was glad hoi f lever rose; ined. 1 Ct, , V ana th,,t Ile loehed se well in He said: "Can you lind reur way a.i clothes, and thut he was nlwajs te the deer? IIrc " Amfliis oice ' ,1a u Kroenied, and that lie moved took well -of ceur-n she was glad, wtttU'.e t tl,0 "show" -ide of It. Ya'n. net bn,l te tut u,. ji Vu in- -r,n?' "" tht alK"f his must. rjtUlng wns interesting that meant 1. . . "siinst tliiugp. V "V II' Hill I , A -! 1 . (i-t M 11,1 lIU ilM ii iiifi ' i:.-ki,i, 1 i.. ..1. .. j "' tad. n 'her dtj M,', ,jj ,, ,.." Q' c'lBtemed te the creatures' ethni. J1 nn'' ,,f"'"tni'-,'i-i of It n 1 B r lner" "nrcasennbln thitit iSL. mV;1"1"1'"1 lVl"' that she ikl. .l IIc was '"""y les' dUngrec- r """i '"en men, though. -"? 5t a Mnihew. hr words piinuj gently culded her In the hall h ntrtiek (he second tnnnh. Its feeble light tinkered en the parquet, n rid 1 11 the stairs, shallow, uncarpeted, polished 11s the lid of nn uld-fftfhleiud witrming pan. A few nhert hours ttgn they lnd been lie. Inst ' clustered with wninen's frocks, abuzz C'leer with laughter and talk. Vew hew dead silent merything w.is. It penned te (lever that she had nertr been in wtch a still, deserted place. 'J'he staff, nulerp en the top story, might net have clsted. She felt utterly alone in this dead heu'-u with this ene tirin. 'Iho fevliii)- was cxtraerdlnarv. -. cn- rn- vrTcv xea-r- cw-ew MAV MA.0B OUT VW MA5 U13T- t " P -. r I rir r r iii m mm Jui Srala iPrVr7 fe 5 W u"- yw? I WWEV)To5H0WTTe Vey I KHew ITS Coin Te Cost a UT op MemV t " ' ' f-MauKvf i - -.- ,, T?s:sicuEDTd that." -BOTeu kwewi Vrieil. ETMOUCM TOUil MAKCI 3PPH0 MYTlMl rns 1 . a SPPMO ALIOPJ CKAr vV eh melpO 9nk v ( lucoe PH ""' w' JI9'2" i hCHIKK M II 1 Rf ftl . yn - CM, MY DEAT? HO J y-"1eu MeeDw' r vekt?y ABeurrlHATA3T- " n Iwtr.:. k'. ' 1C .n. l'ren"M); ,lVrhapu that was what made her for IW v 1, lluw,0!011' Set that it would be quicker te go ''U7w,eTi,naf,;S"rl;t t0 ,in,1,r0' up-taiw In the lift. Curmkhael, tee. 'Hiuelr '"""t by siweral ex- 1 had evidently forgotten that there wns ..... ,,,-MiiiK i;ineiiaii 1 .irniicniiri "ting back te reaction at her words ..-. wpuiu turn " 11 s te him? attitude relue.d. hhe satu He laid 1 111 r.ln. J .. . ; lemTiu. .""" "n u, mantelpiece and, nut ,.elT', T10 n! th",JR' 'e would urn .'" '""Vl-. ITus,tily h" vu' nerrti'i 0,J would? Jf jeu were eTer ;"", ,'ou eum tell '".w-ier mei felt suddenly such ft tlilii,? in the iila iv. Quickly he meied in front of her. He went up a ceuple of amirs, holding the match low te that she might inuke eure of her footing en the smooth weed. "One ought te have n torch. I've get itiine wr at my rooms of course," said CVirmichaerB olce into the deathly stillnesi. He added, an it u.lght have Iiweti tn Afrp. Ilnrv.r nr Tnln AH " 6herJi?i rC."n. 'v m10 CWU I ,l,,f etl",p R'" e thr. owning, "tliese "Iti??.,9".11' ffrtalnly." stalri are te a ippery " i tanntlh i Mcn"d. At least "They are rather," agreed derer. ai 1 tirnn!?,! 'T,1 'J!1" wetf- 0,,,IC' coming up, and again the golden dan nft?ni.t0,,U 'S8, v''rinil,glw et her girdle elashed. The little Mween L " ' I'6"'1"1"1"' swinging, wund seemed te echo llke tim noise et On? di.?US 'II,lr,.lt ''"I"11808, I many cymbals. W ' wM8f h m .l'"Pk ,'l,n"8,? I Carmlchael said quickly, "that Anna wu 1 .1 n n'j,,", Il;vn te ,ler' whl1? ' ' yu' x ,h0l"fllt x h-ard you tell Oex Mliht i .' '"'Pendent upon her? that It came from Chanel's?" tils . -v "Ul cenct-ivnuiy imagine mat "Did IV 0I1 jes. I did." " S (inn , ,, . ,.i 11 ni.. . 1 " for me,. ,, " s,i ' ' ,,,,.t 1 .,1'eu8"t ruu-I ".- tht W." fee I,... .,......"" 1.'.. , "Hut I thought you-I ywt ng DoVlUe., r:h.n ."r.n, where else, the Ume I had anir T"1 Tll irrelevant thought ttin ti.him. Umt Plenty 0' niarrled a Ived In this samn tsflt and them',. 1 "Jrfdered te hare degraded ..iii:. 'I'nnw aai.u xi i , 1 -w vuuiu wn vuvir '.', k 1 ti 1 a herrlbU imVkii m.V ."was inn iiresi jeu were umng some. --.. ..."..,,..., ii(hu .. ...- .1.. !... AI.A T I ... ..... .u w..., ... ....u . U..W . CVV Hcnvcy," he raid, speaking v this were a rtatter of luipertancf , Wet a Chanel frock?" vvy ik coivmivift&AWAfeTum GASOLINE ALLEY What Yeu Need Is a Bumper, Skeezix WeMALt- IS TDaTTuP- iKJtii .NOUWFMOT JESTWC? ftEAJtJ, U'UC MOT I DOVl'T fSVi ' If " -1 wNr v fiJfiiU T. - V' s iwryt J t vOrfi. teC. 1. F01VW TrieuGHT of That ) SO V4IRED Fop- "MeTheTq Come - C7- . e M - w &. y A"m ..& ALL MV FAULT. Ol' TOP1 I FOWCOT TO THROW OU- MY HAND AND LET YOO WW I WAS COING TO STOf; p-wSf5D -JB! r - T me H FIFTEENTH! ITS A COODp p-V ErClN6 HAS BEEN PUT j BT p HECMN TRIES TO jj M ( H THING I OON'T 6EUEVE B TO 0FP THAT'S OME TWMC ( - ANy ROu'W STUPP l't-Ll g ) H I IN FORTUNE TELLERS OR JS TTl ' ri'T ME TO WORftv) 36 RADf, TViCkT'S ALL.rvt i Pi I V IW UG WUMBFn T- S Mil -KJHJ I -( fflUWit -- I ' --! dcuevu n .i f, s V rv . -v -- . :t .' vii " ' r i i r--T r - f''S DPtv-mt &. THPRP .-rur tiu 1 r 5T55 TAKING CWfN-P5: ) T ". ST v j' v - ' t v - v - "i - s r. v 11 ' ' V s s , ' IgMga r . -.V .. .. e. A ll3-f ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 111 -.''-i- Li w- I t : . . . v ., , .t-v-M-i!..' jte1 i
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