""' ' 'Mtv wrffe JWJR i!"r SwTTffra Sps'vwniwr v: (' 'Vl ill 'll 32 If tx EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14.' 1922 Kl if if f.i'S' I! !' i:i,; s;v. iff ,.'. ,M i; ;i r II iB UrV t 1 ' All if Mir if! The Ceal Companies NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS rnitn I 'ui! general coal situation and the outlook for coal companies han been very thor ther thor eughl.v outlined in a spceial an alysis j ust issued te our clic it Is. Much desired statistical data covering coal production, con sumption, prices,etc. for years East, is given. This should e of value te cvery-ene in terested in coal companies' securities. "Vc shall gladly send a copy te these interested, with informa tion about our work, if identify ing number 4 Je is mentioned. Moedvs Investors Service JOHN MOODY. Pm.iW 1224 Real EsteSc Trust BldB.,Phia.,Ii. New Yerk 1 t n i In. age 1 s Xnsidci i It me.- ll'Kll I U'.i "-' 1 in'j ;n i mi ., mi no Inn mii I inn -i4 ! 1".' nil I mi ; 1 1i llll I .M Ml . llll oe inn N, ini.M! l"i nj I HI 'IS inn mi M1IKKTY BONDS AND VICTOKY XOTKS Sin. - li.iin ,.r 1-. U.llK I in l'i I VI. .1 uv Jul .In v .Itilv .lu'v ,1uK JuIn lulv .T.l'r .tillv .llllv .lu .full .M.iv Aim l.i in si). I 1 s.i ini s.l -'l M.in S Ml ini no M nil M in M in ki ".ii si fill m: 4h (.' ii s'j nn (i 7H III 'is .I'll, .lulv IV Mny Miv M.iv .f tin" . Ju v Mil- 1'". I '. 1M iei- I'll, Muv 1i J I iv .11. Miv .'ii. M.n .'H. Miy L'I. II. in. I'l. jil -i- ji- .'!". n.i'. .1 .t j ii jn ju ".'0 i'l) UilllB'- lllKIt Inn i lll.'.J'l lei ns 101 .in Inn sii inn :.i inj nn I'll 7s llll in 1nl no Iiiii.mi ini en llie K'l 1lH sil KM i 1110 (IS 100. I'll 01 si III v.- II." "II iT (111 ns .mi I' Ml us no mi no n.. Ml in us II .OS nil 7 1 IM 7' !IS sil 1 7n nn 03 P'l si Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty l.lbertv .I'll. iKt IV 1 Kl IV ll Is t.ltiA..,,, l.l I Liberty in t id I.ltierlv 1 lliei lv LlbTl 1 lb. rty Liberty l.lli.'ftv Liberiv Llls-rtv i-li.H li tely 1--U-ml. 17 ri wi tr .1 is. uiri-M" . In i- kimi roil 1H27 I! t.41-1. r il l I'.K Ili:l'.'-I7 . 1st i.v l'i . 1'ns 17 1st i'V I'll, rntstert-.l 2d cv 4't k. in.'7-l'J IM i l'i s, reuiairrr I . .'lil l'i s. I'l.'S .lil I'ii.. imisieri'l . , Mh l'i s. 'ina..lx -It Ii l'i miiNleri-.l l'i. iiu; lm Is, rfKlMflf.l ltlRh Hi" .III I'd 00 'l'i'. .VI 'lis'ss Us mi lis fj Lew 1011.211 I'll. 01) 't'ls.ai Vis si (IS llll lis lis 1 .10 ) M. 1(111.'..' Net I'll ire Mi. 00 'ris'.ni lis s ns lilt (is IIS 100.13 1(10 IB ISAI.US IV Sinnnl l'OKI'.ltIN IIOM1S Anten .terc-n timet rrenm rarl'-I.iens M V Mils W il Ilerublle s lUM'y fls 1 . s(V4 s... ns r, ... 7.1 AiK lief i' 7s I (is l . . 7S 1 . 1nn 7iule) ti ;' . 7't 7 1H"S . . . ("' 1 . 7H in "ii, 1! (is", Queensland Us Chinese ClcAe t J.in Cmen't ss I . 1 1 1 l-j 1 .. 11'i UnM 3 1IM2I1I in Ot'4 2. . . lCS'ji 7'4" reU I .1.1 . !H U S tlrnzll ; . r... . ft tl.. . lis i, 1 . .. MIS ; . (i.M; U S llruzll s 1 MIN L'I (llnil !ira. 2.. 0. I - 1'1'j! -' '.""i Tl-Hil ' (IS'i l)II.MITIC ll(IM)' V S C.nern I , Vti'i Tl S I p Cillf'i Oas A 4'.s rctB I Arl.i illi I'm I'lei. r.i Clil ft .Urn 3i'C!tMt N'ertli'nlMn ractfle 4 1 ... 12', Unify 7s 1 .. . .'.-' r..... 110'4 - . .'!' I.... 110i CI'l & Alt 3'4s'll.r,h(.y Che- !' l'l rnlfitr. ln 1. 2 .... Dili : 11" SI riil llurl Km ft (J ' St 1. I'ii Ml ltly r3 i nni Stl. In Ml A fl it ft a div i9 2 s,l l .si'; SIL A a I'ran ml J Os 10 1. r. i. m LV i. :i i.... sn. & In I'e CV; :r. IIP, (i en, i "iJi'i Me I'nclflc (1s I 1 is, 2 OS's I 0 ns H-K Illy fn ; . v r."4 ; s:ik City Hrrne ' ;'"' . -' 1 1 1I '4 Jtp fleicrn t City Il'ird x (la 1st 4'i 1 7s in . P.1 1 . . 7'i K llelK'm 7'm Cltv of Cern. in mm, ttiBiMi n1!' . i"". 2 . in, .1 I "0i. i'1'y Orater 1'iin, rinBU'i Tn ' 1"'" 3 . 7". 1 1"n lv lleiffium ss Qtli"ttst,nd ;. tin I llill i j ItiTUblli: vl i 9i Uell- II Clille ,1 P.Ti, rt 7 e.n. 12 1 1. 1 1. ll'l si 1 (Hi si Atl I'll s 1 l'li.M Atlantic I'll sn a 7 l'lls, I'll 7s in . . ('21, l..n I 1 . . . . ni'.T I... IMS ss c.imnKUnv Sue 1'niit In 73 I7l 2.. .. H7i, nn4 Tun ui'n Nth'n ;iu', (l'4a rets Ch,' " ,V .tL'??,,r,"l!"1 in Ment'n l oe'4 nni, ' 1 I me i CI kB 1 -3 f.3 III HllJ S3 ll .... 01 'i J tlt.rl.nn It linn I. II :i ChilUnoeji Rsilway Ce 5's 1958 Equitable III. Gai Light 5's 1928 Pnnsylania Lightinj Ce. . . .5's 1940 I Rockhill Ceal & Iren Ce 6'i 19401 Ltnlnb Navigation Ceal G's 19'T Consel. Tract, of N. J 5's If?'? Hetel Traymera 1st Mtge 6's 1927 Ind. Cel. & Ecstcrn Trac 5's 1926 Union Tract of Indiana G's 1932 Pitts.. Cinn.. Chic. & S. Leuis 3':'s.4's Nat Gas. Eire. Lt. & Pr. 6's 1931 'A-'B' Sli.ff.r Oil X- C.Cnln. I".'. 1Q7Q I Schuylkill Gas & Elect. . . 6's 1943 Easten, Se. Beth. Transit . ..5's 193G Se. Jersey Gas, Elec. & Tract. Stock Counties Gas & Elect 8';. I'fd. Stk. Union Traction of Ind. 1st Pfd. Stk. Public Scriice Cerp. N. J. AH Issues SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. MemV's Pli 1. lelphu S'e k Zxchanfn 507 CHESTNUT STRFET MMBKEWOMamK 1 C.tv 1 Mara'-i ill 1 ICIrtfilem I let. Mir!; (iJ Icil.lO Dept FMne 71 1 . 1'1'j : mi 7'nnin) Mln 1 . M ". 20 .. Si! i j 1 n si! S D" Can Js '52 1 '.'i : ps-, Patch K Ind. i ct Cs M7 n . i i ruti-h ct Ci 1 It 0 1 I !'. . "l'i i'l . InJl's 02 IV, 0.1", . cir, I i..rh ti rri . "l, "I . . il1. . ' I'. I'l 'is 1 K IM. (I'l !'Va K or NMI.fr-li-irt.! ('a til J 'lO'i 7iw;..l (ill, 2 ill i'l H.l'j 7 If'.i'i !M i 7. ..i .1 '.', J "s", 7 (Hill 'is , Kingdom Ner tra tij n ' 2 l"i I'l no , 1 I'd l.'S.H ' 'ion IC tj bs Crctitt A Miii,tii,s sh It ' I. -3 '11 K'1 ll S3 Mil I 'T, np ei n.iiti i . ("ii. 7 "'' l Ptn'n of Sno l'nr'e rt S 1 f tint l lissi Snl'i'l Cen M AJax llub'r St 1 . . . . ini 1 HS'4 HI' V-' Atfc IlefK s 1 lll'i I'l' s2i 1 . . in', can .in Iiie 4n I'l' S-.lIalt .V (j 3'js 1 . . 7(14 10. . . ii3", 1 . .. 7H' Halt ft Ohie 4 1 "" 1... . se '. Cn'i'idi S'n 3h . . ii, 1. . .. f!i 1 Ohl I ft 1. 1 SIS si M', si M l'i .ii. fd :,i si'. Humble Oil ft I Itef'B n'i 1 1 Ilfll Kralnl HO5; Mutuiil Ttiel tliin Oe ,". B n Nnesaii Klrc'c lt.llfy 4s 1 00 Tel American AsiJ a.. . ,s Chcm 7H iliAOcvaim I 1 SI 1 1 I K k I f. ;m i'i liC.it' V K ft I 1 in .11 2.1 lls'i 11 SI. Ort ITU m,3 te 11 1 . 11.11, in . mi. i l'-u i-1 iia-j i'i II.Vi i'i in ti-'. . ns-, i-f, ii t (irt 111 It ;h s M7 . 1.1.1 .. 1 V, 1 .'I', .3 ', 1 103 Amni Smelt ft Itrf'c is 2 . Ii 3 Amcrlcnn yiitf ItefV 03 .1.. 102 Am TM ft Tl clt 43 2 PI'. 8 . . M' A Tel A Tel Si I'M en 1 I 1 Ml", Halt ft Ohie Tis 0 . . s i. . . M 1 .. M, Iln.t A Ohie .In 11. .. 10n , 1. .. 1 HOI, . loe,! Iln.rnF.lnll oil Cerp'n 11 sa 1 10'' ! (is' Betlt Steel 1st iv.it T St I'M", I I'.u llll' " t Line H Chi (is Iml uf ' I.e C nlrn. 1-1 4s t. S7 Crn ds l'.il'e CVD'r Ss 1 .. irst 2 . in-. i . i.ii 14 ii. 1 i.ii'j . 1 :in Iti.lfa. Sttcl fin 1. '171,1 2 101 1, 1il .Mil & I'Kt Intcrliore ll.il' Simti'l Is Tr 111 fd :.i .". (Onu i'ii I 'i.t'a , 1 .". . in, 2... 71 :-iclcjc I j ,,-,v, Inlerbern H.ir lllfiilitn Mil & Iran da ivl !I7" N'eiv Ktiitil 10 ... 117 (, Trl I, .-,1 - H7', 1 01' Ills ("II f.l In. I.. .. CSV 1 . . . ss I New Or Tex 0 ft ... 0 '."! 1 . .. .1 . . . . I . . M . . . SII. ft ferlcn 1 1 H 70 70 70 'J 70 70lj 7il' 77 70 7'1'4 77 l'rnn r,nu Ml', r.11 no 1, r.T, .''!"! r, Mu3 Ml r.st; I'ran . 4s 71 714 St VI A K C Steel Tubs Ce Short I. 4Hn of Am'a 7n 2 BIS ! 01 St 1'nul t A Tenn niectrlu Miinlt'ft 4H 1'evei tin 1 PS il P3U Saldi ft Ce 7s Term'l II II A 2.... 101 of St L Is 1.... 100'i l."i M'4 S Air I. M 4s Thl'il A nl " n an' 2 ne'i r. 3m, 1 .. . r.ti's r. ant-j Tei udisen "e ihoren Pteel 2 ... 100 Heep Sa U Oil C"f 0 2 07 1.... 1014 1 OS' 5 rnlen 1'ne s Sinclair C oil I.... 101'i Cerp 7a ret 1,... 101 1.... lO0' :.... 104 1.... 101 ittifd Tuel ft r... .. loon I (la Oi 2 10H i I 074 Hlnelalr t'ru.lc 1 t'9 O 1' Ce r.'i Ct'.t Sterea It THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters te the Editor 1 Sn 1'ne I 1: A Telft Tel On 11 1 lH'.'j Hem Armi.ur 4l4s 1 . 1 sl' 2 Atih T IS !'' uilj la :. 1 sjS 1 . Atih Te;.e'.:a ft S l'e 4s 2 ... CO . . . II!) Steel ll . . (lsl, ... Iisi, . . Us n . US'. . 1'SS Hrler H Ste 1 I'" Bhs Ml Hl'a II I " ft je i' . 1 I . nn tail isn . 157 'ile IV n; ' Ml a..T. 7s-, 1 7', I Chlrace Ml ft I Sil" iv 4..i I '' . '". 1" ... ..'.', ! !: r?. 1. . n;', Ol.rnc ' "1 . Ml' M 41.. s 1" - "si, I If I -,'1 V 1'jh, Clilenire ,1it , I Jt 1' 11 r.i 1 IllliTlu Trint a... a. . 1 .- . . .. p.i in Itnn 7.1 wl , . (HI .. no 1' Inir'l ft f-ent V n rt ." 111 ... US 10 n"i3 I" . ('..' Oi-al i"..-. 1 j 10 (fl.ll) (!.-. l'KSlil. 1 l,"i ll'nll 1,-, 1 OS I Mexico Bn 10 71i 1 70 N Vk ctl a lis 1 75 I ! 2 7S I 2 N Y Cenfl 4 . t "' 014 N Y Cenfl :.i 1 OS's Cern'n Ct 'I: 1 09 1.... 100H Sliiclnlr Tine 1.... lOU'i Line Oe Js u 14 neatly ft 2 S" Impv't Sn M'ii 1 -O0j ',1,l 10 .. . ()ta, v Is U H ltub'r Bs ('J5,I I IlR'i 02', .'. (flat) S'-4 S I'ran C'i. United .States 7(si1e) l'2'i I Sleel Bs 10 .. 02', a.... lean 7 (I'M) 02tJ 1.... 103i 71 'i 'Sit I'ae f,l Is Vn-f Ch tt 7f 71 '11 1 .. s7. I 2 .... PM4 2. .. 7l'i 5-t, Itmlwnv 4 0 05S SIL ft !l i-'ran 11. . OS VnC Ch 74 b S-rles II r.s Pn Ualhvav R' 2 . .. 83 2 fill 2 ... H7 Warner Sugar 1 11IV 1 .... 07', 1 Ce ct 7s SIL ft S rr.tn ti Itilfy n', si 10 ... 103 Series O lis 1 Irt 10J, West .Shere 4s 2 iw I ,... inp,i 1 R3'4 1 Sit, Suniini 2 .101", ,1 . M 7S, L S lr.t 4s 1 .. 1. 10 11. V I Atc'l T cv 4j 1 1 :", nkn Lili Ce . mi i, 1 11 . . p:t 1 ft S l" lluffaln Reeh'r, CO I ft l'ltts 44 s ' 24 s ... Mi( 2' O cv Bs 03 "a i . 03 . tij Beginning January 1st, 1923, Interest at the rate of 4 en per annum will be paid Savings Accounts THE MERION TITLE & TRUST COMPANY OF ARDMORE New Comerttew Oli'e Water 5t N. Y. Interurban Water 53 Consumers Acqucduct 5s Dubuque Elec. Pfd. Congeleum Ce. 7e Stock American Chicle 6s Stock Park & Tilferd 6s, 1936 River Raisin Paper 8s, 1936 Atlantic Steel 6s, 1941 Continental Moter 7s Leavenworth City & Fert Leaven worth all issues H. C. SPILLER & CO., INC. 63 Wall St.. N. Y. 17 Water St., Bosten jMM overheard en the Baltimore 6 Ohie "I've just rcturnsd from a week's business trip te Chicago, Akren, Yoiinpstewn. Pittsburgh, Wash ington and Baltimore and made it en a single ticket." related the repreicntativc of a Kensington Knitting Mill. "Baltimore & Ohie and solid comfort all the way." i. r.;i, hleni.-, , Nn, Wit y'?i -. . 7'1 Ch'cik-e r.nll 11 ass 6. a. .. 77", . . 7s ' 77", Chlrnun Itu. .iy Ce s. !'2, Chi Iteck 1 .-, Pac fi Is 2 s.V, 2 ... s,., i s.r, ,s:i j l'li.) s;i", ' Chi T ll.iute ft a mv I rinrticn fniun I Ma 4 'is i 1 .-.. i.i I ISO I'liinni it (in, li li le Int- . CM, . ('", f.l'. . . . i,". I ft (.'.rent ej f,i vl . f.e . . ."(!'. ae'a .-,1 ri 07n ... 07i ... 07 . .. C7,i ... H7 . . Il"s Ccn'l Hs 2 . . . 1 0 1 a; 1.... Kill, a ... ini .V Vk r '.'tit nil i. a a'ss 71'j N" Yk Central At Ctl 3'i n 1 7s N" l- I.lKllt II 1'ivr 5 1 no Nw Y N II ft llirfil (1 1 .... 73 1. ... 73 New Yerk O ft Uest'n 4s 1 71'i 4 .... 71 'i V Y IlV Ct Bl, Wen 7S, I ... 10P, Stntnl'il Oil of Calif 7a 1 .. 1011' i. .. leir, a . . 7(nli) 82'i '.Vllseri com cem reny 1st Cs 1.... 100H CURB LIST FJRM: TRADING ACTIVES "First Aid" of a Practical Sert Te the ViUter e the Kvcnlfie TuMIc Ltdecr: Hlr Hernet Imi'H while ilottera p""" tier KiKacIutisly nlieiit 11 ceiirec of trcut iiirnt which hhull cure it pat ifi) t m femiillciited Ills, the pntlnnt mirtrtenly dies from Berne ncute ceiniilnliit that the doctors were leisurely lilnnnliiR te tnkc circ of In their Beiieral rcsterutlvc presram. Heincthlng iiimloffeiiH te this Hitun Hitun tlen nppenrs te exist with respcyt te the ngrlctilttirnl relief iiregrum of the farm hlee in Congress. TliU irrmtn lu tmiMnr n tllOUKlltfUi sttitly of the agritriiin coiulitlens. It nus been carrylnc en this study for Kemc time, nlthetish there is fcome ronRen te liellevn I tint (In rnnenrr1ii'!l 11 n te tllO Letteis te the Editor Pheruld be ns brief and te the point ns 1'Vss'm avoiding anything that would epen a denominational or sectarian uis- CUfslOU. Ne attention will be paid te nnonj nnenj nnonj meuM letters. Names nntl ttcWrcsues miiHt be signed ns nn evldciice or Keett faith, nltheuKh nameH will net he printed If request la made that they be emitted. . , 'J'lie publication of a letter lit net te be taken as nn Indersement of lta viewit by this paper. Communication!! will net be rc turned nelens accompanied by nest7 age. nor will manuscript be saved. ii'iii'vn iiiiir iik rpHi'iiri'iii'n ill. .,' ... , iriiiiiiN. 7th of hist month were confined chiefly , fe j,ns nviiys compared favorably been few and far between, with long periods of pence intervening, which, according te militarist calculations, nheuld have undermined the national tlbcr. vet the nnnlity of American hastily collected from civilian Further Advance by Durant Meters Standard Oils Move Narrow Limits in '. VI: .V' IV l'S if '1-1 4'i, . 01 Chi. .1 11.1 up r il. raSB C'S IlL-'j ,'. i. v (' M I. Balti mer Ohl n I'M .'. Sill 1 1 Cl'd Cln Chi ft tt Leuis 'is 101', ' i " i -, ,- i . . let K?" Cel il 1'iilen ,. i nn I Lii-s ' 1 1 , r l ' ' ' , : :i Man int i i'.u, i.. low I 1.. Sill, tl .-. 7'j Xcw Yerk, Hie. 11. The market ruled genrriillj lirni after the opening, with trading ninilrrnti'ly nstivr. Durant Meters' nihaiilei n fraction higher at "l'i, I'eerless Meters reM I1., te 71, and Nash Mntei, v.at, up 'i.'te (17'.. Cltfeu SJ..,., 1, ,...,...! .1 ..-!..!' V. ri, Ti-lli", ",, .. '""""" " - I'uinis, .-.....,-. , ,-ii,,i, ijni w.-iN it .'ti'iiiiiiniiy Dct tiT. Marland im' .Mi'lcn anil .Mammoth ran off Miphtlj. The .Standard Oil s-hiires weiv (iiinpiiiathflv ijuiet within narrow limits. I'lillip Merris iiftei" a show of firm ness, rated off. Tlieie was a fair in quiry fur Joins ,. l.ntiglilin jireferred and New .Jersey Inc. Mining .shnrcH were active, especially the low-priced lis.slIC!!. iMifsritixi.s lliih Lnir 1 r M II le.-.i, Y.11I1 Tel f M'l . 100ia Sl"aill f.s . . (17 , ... 17 1 Cs . 1 N Y I I N'.irfn.U ft Wn ev ill VI.... 112'i V A IMl' n Ce (U rets PI , I :v , ' v. a 'I. re i: i, mi . .. sdi; iciac h ii . lltti S I'nr '. 02 1, ll ll 'lj I'l s 'nil. ft S I' (F Lawrence . Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAMTJ HiO REAI ESTATE TRUST BLDO. liteitlKiti- in-1 ml' i-t .irii..rjtn q ,,4 Ear'ncriihlp aremiati mtii brtU4r groins Tax Iteturna. - The Baltimore & Ohie reaches with its own lines mere than 1000 cities and tewnb between its terminals, New Yerk, Chicago and St. Leuis. Telephone Walnut 3602 or Race 5144 our "Travel Bureau," 1337 Walnut Street, tell them where you want te go and let them mr.p cut your schedule. AMERICA'S riRST RAILROAD; ESTABLISHED 1827 I'M. - T-i Il i.Oi. ! i; Ki-lli T re i C ".I Onl co '"'"' MJ t7I ii S ' ; I - -"" rmw i ii muLiuiiiijr J 2 of 1 iliiu'.e) sj", Cm nn Caiiu ts Bt'rl K . 02', r. (i2 7 ''2i, I ''.. vnfl 4" N I' . . as 4 1 ,t s a- Nth .. C.!. , 1. f. . r.s :.. . . . O", .N"'irili V..: . i'i', Il.'l. Ti! 7h ' llh l -' . !'i7 s.T, 'ii' i. I'.uif '. sr.i, i . iiT, sr. "i-s-iiti k i. i, Sp'illK'.l " (!.", -"U I! i: A X.i.i Ce li 2 S2 ' r. . .. mi, 1 s.' . s;i4 1ft . . M i"v M "'r into 7k i 4s '2S 1 .... H7 p.-,', OtH St.el I,, l-ero M 1. ... ps5; I ss 107' 107' Lrl Vist tl 2r.'j r. ilc S'n 1 r. iu 2C0 A- tun i'n.,1 2iJ(l liMn i't. H Km iv- i T,.rii .-ux 10') ('111. Il(,i Nipp,,. . Kin i ex k I'nh Mi,ri.i I'D LU1 il.t .Mnle. . . 100 M'ic"ir .Mi t'li Hi') .Nev I'ktie.t I'uli. 3ii N J Zinc . . . . (.UD rer.in .Metir . Hflil l'hllip .Murtla 2lM) I'lli'illlx II 7 DC .f (.III) ltlirlki t0M . 10H Iti'i, .Met Trurl, I'll Ittlxtll c.ip.ilj . . l liiiiii huutli C" . I . . .12i! 7'KI I' S I.lsht I'-rf. . 1.', luii Wlutticr .Moter . . in'', M'.VMlAltlt llt."i 1 1 0 .inrle-Ain i)t . 2 i .'u.-i. i 1 I. n i i ,-M pi , 2". IIiiii.K i V I. ."I" llliii (lil Caii.iil.i 2f n lni..r I'.'i .'mi Nut T-.nis K' eiitii i .Mi en. l'i S nil .1 Km, W ll 4M., f.'i'J S Oil i.l' I i'ii. . .117 nie s en of v .i wi iii 4'lD s v,, , f ., y Nvi l; 1"U Yuiuum "il IM. . . 11 IS 1', a', 3', I'', H'a 71 7n 'j ', ll'j ll'l Kl', 170H, 71 70 IS', 1SU lmi ion a', aij 11 14 'J,'-1 s7'( i . mi in j 21 i . 2s'j nni 32C .'j'' lu'. 1SH 4'1'j Oil 111 -1', -''i Hilt I2'j llll ari'4 17 ii In tlin ,nln iifAflnnltt tr tintntttlnlltleS. New, however, the entire, case is hefore them and they an- imislnn ever the condltletiH with the puniese of apjilying n panacea, if they can thinu of a poed one. In the meantime, the farmers arc confronted by a winter that may find Mime, of them clese te starvation. It is an acute condition, no matter what recondite causes may have produced It or what majrlcal remedies may be required te remove these causes. Se while the self-constituted and self advertised friends of the farmer are profoundly meditating en their program litre we bee Senater Lenroot, of Wis consin, coming te the aid of the agri cultural interests with n plan for re llcvini: the pressing and dangerous symptom. . 'Che instant need of the farmer, small nrd large, Is extended credit te enable him te get en his feet and Mny there until the fundamental causes and remedies can be discovered. Mr. Len root nresents what seem te me te no nn intelligent and well-considered bill for litirpese. And tlip iiepiiimeiiii.s in engrcss nre cspectrtt te Nippon, wie perhaps wltli sllglit cuanges in tletnll. The point is that immediate and practical relief for an ,fiiierceiit und dangerous situation Is offered en the clear-headed Idea that it is net uise te let n patient die of pneumonia while you nre trying te figure out nit elaborate course of treatment for general debility. IIOMESI'UN HANK. Philadelphia, December V2. 1021. Car Courtesy In Chrlstmastlde Te the Editor e the Lvtntne TiiMle Leileeri Sir This is a season when trolley traffic is mere congested than at any ether period of the car, and ns an observer of present conditions I tun going te mnlii! a suggestion that is net only timely, but will be effective if the iievvsnatiers of this city will fall in line and give the idea their uetlve support.. Passengers waiting en street corners for a ride home lu the evening, or com ing te business during the morning hours, hnvu noticed with rutllcd temper car after car pims them by, the rear vestibules overflowing with human freight, and the fore part of the ear with an abundance of space for a dozen or nierc people unoccupied. The question initiiraiiy arises n te of the car and net in the ether. The problem Is net ditiieult te solve and the teal icnsen is this: I Jn moving along the nlsle a passenger i n.s a cencrul rule will go no further 1S'4 .than the front seat where lie nr she will iiiaka a nnai stand irrespective ei the conductor's commonplace order te "Move forward, lilease," te which no attention is paid. If the passengers who new block the way te the very nil'. 11111 iilliil.ie l ri, t',i! ' , ... with that of militarized nations. Our militia system shows that there will always be n certain amount of youthful energy that takes naturally, and without compulsion, te military training. The rest prefer athletics or ether kinds of physical exercise. Whether comjnilsery nillltnry drill would improve the virility of the nver nge young American is at least an open question. We may or may net need such a system, but vie surely de net need It merely te btave off the danger of "effeminacy." The material for tt first class army will always be at hand. What vvc need, ns General Pershing and ether experts Insist, is a corps of regular nnd reserve officers competent te step in nt any moment nnd take effective held of the Natien's manpower. P. .1. MONTAOUR. Harrisburg, Pa., December 12, 1022. Mnltra our ttet and llneera I'cbruary bring, thu rnin? S,0W- inavvg inn Itettn lake -( March brlima breezi-a Iou,i "i . Wlrj. ihatlBnclBBdOTi. B,Arn April brliins the prlmresn .. . Setters rtalMw ttt 'Tt ??,,""" Mny brltiBa flecks of i,retiv i . Hklpplnir hi' thair nicy ed.mUmta Tune brines tulips, lilies in!" nils the children's hSwSh" Het July brine, c-ielhtB he uPOt,. Aprlrets nnd Blllineuera ' Auctist brings the shean , Thin tlm Imrvcsfs hem9wn?, "" V.-iirm .sVptemher brlni, , .born Sportsmen thet. bnrln te he.,ruU' UreHti October hrn ?w , el Then te Blither nuts Is nii. 0'"'n: Chill November br nes fhZV,"'" Then the leiue, "te whlenn1"!" Ami Oncetnbcr brings tl,i '.'il" .,A I,.2.nB fires nnil'rli'tU'r'tVea,. "December Theuaht.' Te the IMter el the KvctiUw P-.. . Slr-lnl, l llet " nwm "0'"'f theushts. i:i)ITl? w"c",lj' f, Pnlliidelphla. IXcember ,i "t'oe'TTOlf! DECiaiDCR TllOt'lenV" into a wer.,,?fI-'r!.!:; The Ithlthem llahe npr"L.,. Giving joy nnd ftn te epn if. U-tlhucru.l.ndWTci'S Se, , the yenrs rellr.l nn n.- u.,., . . :: " me unim, Youth thn r, Tem boheod (Ond In-n'r ,1) Sf. IL01' Wrtt, influence nrr.iri .. ,J' V '"vine cirtn. influence spreid o'er the TheuBh confudlen nnd strlf .. .. (Fer then, na mv.vri"u n?.'" .Vntlens nl.tln for the right , Mnny wershlppd our in vren1- blest. und S'emn'!i Mpp,lln-'' this old world Will thore nt,.r renua u, i, , . . ' Murder, frlghlful vvn?.M",hVe.','nM- In te-called "pregressivV time,"'?"1"1"1' Thn "Chtlslmns ,plrlt" , n, . I''er the Chrlst-C'l. 1,1 lebrli"0Wn Mvy Cled's love fcrttVh nK 't& , Seed, of -eoed will' ,J cvery'n'en!'1 rtesterlns right whern wrong r.lcn. nclng inspired by that holy btrth ' Olj in Oed's ehlldren it chines te I.lus of joy nnd "pcace en carih "Junier" Learns About Plantigrades! 5Te the Editor nf the Kecnlna I'uhlte I.cdetr: Sir Hew many readers of the People's Forum knew the meaning of the word "plantignnle," often used in tne heienee ei zoology, mill new ninny can tell the origin of the word? It. II 1!,.. I ...I... f..l I ,. ...I.. llfll, lll?ll'II. ,V 11 IPU Illl'llll 111 llllllf ; Vl ' ,0 '-ePll)3 KerTim told me all about it while we vveie ','"' '..t v,i .. . vc",,?nce n wnm ,;' meteying through the Academy of Nat- 'Sn.iie y '"' tlMr-" ll mm urui nvienct'&. l lie einsiie origin ei j "plantigrade" is the Latin "plwtitn." ' the sole of the feet, and "gradus," j meaning n step. An animal clarified as a plantl- grade, my learned friend told me, is, J inereiere, a creature that walks en the Ilv. u earth." "My Last Clear" 'Vil.10 W'"' "' .",c ItV'nlne Public i. Sir I'ln no r nt In thn J-..'.?. '.'. WetTi i,n,, .,..n.... ;..."- I''" a retum . " 7W?S iCff ,h0 blU8 Canary Iale, A Glorious summer's dy." till i' , '. .'l'i li', 71 '. ii', 171"4 71 10n ll 3-Tc le. soles of its feet, like a bear or cer tain species of menkcj.s. The species home, with the exrep exrep tien of the man nr woman with a broken instep, or with se-called "flat feet," is net, however, properly speak ing, a plantigrade, because he or si"' does net walk en the entire, or neatly the entire, sole of his or her feet. The high instep saves men and women from being- designated as planti grades. JUNIOH. Philadelphia, December lil, 1022. Maniacs at Automobile Wheels Te the IMter flte Evnifim 7'utilic Udacr: Sir The latest from Mayer Lew Shank, of Indianapolis, that sagacious ellieinl whose tiietlnnK imv,. wn,, ti,., .,,'.. what occasions congestion in one lmrt ( niir.iiien ei (oinnien folk all ever the III II 11 V. . IU I fill T ! JOIllll lli.t tttl I.,. given te all pci.ens urics'led for speed- ' ins. , Persons urre'.le,l ami held for ' examination hy the Snnitj Cniimiissien, llie Iiidiiiiiiipiilis Majer siijs, will be held in jail in jiaddeil cells until they are examined, the State law- provid ing that ji.'isens held for sanity test's cannot give bend. This recalls that in the earlv dnvs of aiitomebiling mi LnglM, ph'vslciiin (leelaieU that the craze fur siip..,iIml- s day." Philadelphia, December 11I10:3?1IER- MY LAST CIClArt Tivn- off the b'ue Canary Isle, A slorleus summer Hnv. ' i front of Ihe car could be educated te i lsia 'de the courteous act of either going nUnK, " ,low but dislinet type imi.ii:mii:nt uua i ", O. YOUR 43i De They , VICTORY NOTES Mature This Week? h IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1 Victory Notes bearing the distinctive letters A, B, C, D, E, or F prefixed te their serial numbers have been called by the U. S. Treasury for redemption en December 15, 1922 this week. Interest en these notes will cease as of that date. If you held any of these called notes, we shall be glad te assist you with detailed information as te their redemption. Have you arranged te reinvest the proceeds of these notes? There te censu of its custemers: are three important reasons why it will pay you ult Provident Trust Company and reinvest as one 1. Frem years spent in aiding investors we have accu mulated the necessary experience and information te recommend safe investments. 2. Our advice will be unbiased we de net sell tn nnr clients. We only buy or sell for (hem. 3. Over a long period of jears we have been obtaining for customers the highest possible income returns consistent with safety. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA reurth and Chestnut Streets Capital, Sit i, tins and Undivided P 1 ll l I! I! 1 1 r- .i. ti tJ . I I.Kt s n In -ai s.. I'?, . VII rn i ' . i . mi. T.e A s; i 7 in lis', I.' .. .V .Me'. M Tt A j ".' m Cuil ! .sar 7i-,, u: I.rnrlr. i,.i- 4 v."! 7L, . . fa1 . i. ii'f, a . !'! i .. hi , ,.. . na, l"l Ui-t.l I t I.' . 4". . I ". 'In ni ri. ; .... 4: ' u : rut t 't t . ii . i im: i .' i j . I ' in; . . Paelde TI i T-I f.l ,-,s I r... . ei", 1 . Hi's i i'i Puck rd Moter ('nr (.' i si. ' HIT', I'nii X I'"(r'iti 1 'i V. ... i , , ! T C) ' r v t- .'.. . . ie:' I"1'' 'J llll. 1... )f,n- Mh n't '.snr 1. 10'Ji. 'tiij i t'i I'ii. H kid 1'js '. 1 'CH 1 'is 4 1 irj'j (I 'il renn i II 11 .'"i ' Mini i:'' I m 1 .. (ll'j 1 m i j i'l', M.I'K. t S'ttl-f . r. Nt ". :i "i'i up, i ii'n) M". . 'US Xln-lnnl O'i "ii.-.! S. 1.. Ill", M 1.. I .. iii'!! I'e'ti.a 1... ?OCItl"H Srvloe . InO ('fpole "yn . . . . Jli" l'n.i, rul OH , .. 'Jim rpiinl.in.l . . . . t"itii. ill, i r.i.l: Oil .. m ii Hiilf nil . . L'iiO'I llii'inm Oil . .'. " M mini. Hi yi" .Mm. hi i M" . ,".i n M. i 'it- ill . . .'.in I , ..i :ii"i .1 l'nif il'i Pred 4fii M.j'n ,1 nn I'"' " V "I ... . ?nfm .,'.,1 If. i i Kin" i mi ,i i Hi I'm .-ii'i.lin V.et .. '-'no M It t'rlnn . . . 7"'i Hlni'in IVi 10(10 Smilli. rr I t, ,'.001 Simtli fi.. f,t,i ,', ."I i.eut'n.rn Mut. a (i.l 17 .174 .!' ". l'a'a 1 ,-iL'Vl, 11." . 12', . . f . il', 1-' IVi4 . US . is 3N 1L"'l i::S 174 V, 7.V 13H IS .".L'I-. Hi-" 4 US IS (.' 1A 17S ll'i IS tllle IIS lli'i IMS 40,3 I'll lit L'l'i '.I'l lilll 4'J'4 ll'l an7, 47 11 171 l'i 7fic 1.1' IS r.:s lie I.''. IS (IS 1 ... 17; US 11 me III'.. :iS I'-'S i:it llin nxtrpmn Mill nr tlll'llltlir f.iilew.ivsl tn ""1111:1. poi'ieit etliPrt, te de se, theiisniulii. i'Very ! , -'"J01' Hienlis' til;n-e nnd Hie KtiK- (Iny, would pet tlie nccomineilntloii due "" "" ','" " mm itc Imth viildlv t iciii. niMe.'id of fuss ue thn street rar '" '"' '""i" tiVHti'iu for "et fu ml fell in;: uiliMiiiute fu- ' "-'-'' clllticH. , iiik uif, iiiiiriiinj; .'iliinit H i.cleili. t lm i K mind ns I irii-il In Kfi ni'iesx tlii' "t ii West I'liil.'ididiiliia cress- Uticfl. , iiik inc. iiiiiriiinj; .'iiieiit H i.'cleik. In conclusion let mc fny Hint if the ,mu,, " l Mif"iy ;it Inst; b.u ), vitnim. l'l-m.ie I.nDGi.u will present ll n.'irrew tqucalt it i-,: Wt'at I'liilailclplila, Dei II. .T. l.'i, 11). Questions Answered tlip nelntsi ltjfi'rrcd te in this) letter nnd i nsk its readers te de their part In the betterment of present condition)!, It will . be the ineanu of making the ClirlHtmns cpnsen in which we tire new In full tliin renllv InvntiK for main' wlin nflipr. ! win; drend the necessity "of traveling "Applegate's Carrousel" from the outskirts te the central part Te th. ;;rfl(er el lr .,.,,,,,.,,., , of the city hy trolley. i .sir- -mil JOU , , '. ' ", ' L"'acr: Vf,n.vi,L' nnml.,. 1" ln'i'i iniium.r.,iini., ,,. " ult (lrr W nerthur( ,.. d , i .... v tl'l (Jl I n H 1 1 I ,. I ., ! ,.'te.,s ..rt,.r m.y ,', V , . . "':". . . ".' I Ji-ar n.it th.i i.. ,,. . .. '"""ii iil-t . 101 . 101. . Kil '. . 1MIS It lP,s . 110', . IH'S . iies lHllj lf'011 Tn- 4 ItllliKir lCf'O Tiir.iiiin air ll". 17 Illr ll". 17 0... 1... 7(al) HO'. r. 110S 1 ll'i', , I i-tr'n .j I'rnna r. Il 7n ' 107 I 110', 107 lt-e Manit .".s 1"7 1 I'7 re' I'Mlnil'v. i.'em- MIMMl 'een vie i.i, inn . r.,. IlKHi li., ..t M, rt c .! iSp line i'ii in .'t iV; Ji.u " i. is, lull i'u mi rl'i I op . Hl-'t l"'i li'.il'Ml . . . , a1. Kin,. ( ,rl. I'mv . ... Itle H'"0 III Hnhnlar ... i'e l.'.oe rii-i'kn ('rei.,'1., .. L'Pr '.'40 ,n I'nrtunri .... i4,- ldil.l I'.,reni" Ml- .r .. .?- 1.(111" f'.nM lliep .... 10- ,', ""i ii lil Ii 4n 1 '1 Mllflil l-ir ... .'.'" n H.r.l .-.hi-ll .-.en ll . S i in I inn .! .nn," V"i-1 niv, ii '' it '.'ii mum. V it .. Ophir . .. 4'.v lli .IS a'? lie ilk- ltlf as JOf 4.1 Si ii-li Me 43" i ni ls as 10e iv JUr as" ll'r 4r iflr I.' );: 1 Net a Sure Sign of "Effeminacy" Te th' Editor et the J.'vriidiff Til. !r r.i-ilerr: Sir Universal militury trninme for the youth of the Natien no doubt would he ti geed thiiiR, in many respects, but it must rest en ether nrgiunents than thei.( of a college president, who de mands compulsory drill lu order te nave the Natien from becoming "effeminate" in lev of paciliat preaching against ail wars. New , the dnnper of pacifism and the danger from "effeminncy'' because of lark of training are two very different things. Without admiring the pacifist and the eonsclentieim objector, it must be said that n man may object te mili t.'iry training without being effeminate. The motive of objectors is net neee". fi.iruy rewaruice ; in met, u lins hceii aimed ler many or them, by their trteim, Hint tney snowed exceptien.i reurage; It must be i-nid, lien, ever, that such coiirdge would be mere useful te the country if it took the op. pnsitc direction. In the last war, our line of defense happened te be en for fer elgn nil, but it may lie suspected that il it ever came te nn invasion of thls Kiiiiitry, even a convinced pacifist nilsn t conclude that it is better te tight fop his home than te sacrifice everything tc 'he principle of lien-resistance With regard te alleged effeminacy f i em lack of training, this argument nni-KS unci; te me iniinry et tni nccc. sity of standing armies, .' ,),js ceiiniry niui iiient nrnain nre two mg eMiuipleSi et great and peurrfu , iiauniH iiauiiieiiaii.v eppusen te l.irg.. standing armies and .wi reinlninj; . iimpiiiied irility in an emergenct , Wars ii Anieiicaii history, leitun.iti'lj , hap 1,1 lr,. r,i, tl. I r.tnlillli I" de . ii !, If K. lS'.li 1I.MIUV .' KCIl'l.U'ail. "I'l.l'l. Iiu null i 1!, Vy '' A..leBai's ('..rrutLri.- , i, . "J "'" " "" i n.ni-,1 ',H ,t,. '.'. ,va',.1 ,l Irul-ir tcsert for of zi., i'i ,..:..,,.."".""""""'' t'-'t 'jrccr,l'..I l.y m..iiur.-i.trrK ..,.., in lOne. I'hll.i , Vcs. rallfl. siui, an th.. 'iin-mi-rrn uil.r, .IS il. pir.ij.,1 liy lr Willi tlut Official Pluralities n N. Y. Rr.i. I Te the Editor et the .'er,,,,,, ,., M. Jrrf hlr I'lr.is- i,.l n v,, ..,,,,, P'tiiorrntle rlurnlltl,., u.r. " .."l".1 (V';4..v.,:,.c,.e,M.iM,,1,i?,,n ','-- rillladrlnhln .,,,.. . ' '.."-w J-l-'. Tl jiluijlitiM of th ran Ii Int", In N,.w v,.ik Witt It liy Hi' nlfi ' " I.1 IfC' iMiulim H no. mil s' 't I ,-t month. i in.lr imbii,. s' llllll (I'M I .1, i'iip'l-1,1. I'm I. ii i I, ..'in. i ii lliitnllt'.ii, s,-r . ia J iiiliiir. ( ei.ii.ii , ,,. 1.:,, Shiil.i, Tie mur.,i , si sj;t Mii-nii.in, Attnriixv (I i,n I u lm. St.it.- i:n,tui,ir iiu rrirtt insrrrjlir, , ,, "I I ft i lent i i ,l it , , of Ihi ry Intrrestlm; f rial rcttirnn. "sl.IIC lulu. : sis U'.'i:.. 'il Sniiiver. in. p s r I i , ' Hi, Poems, Songs Desired Weather Te the r.dxter el thn I , ir Will M,ii t. ,. rlnr,,.. In k'lnnnu- "IllflllUM leliuH th, Mi.l.f, i 'ii f t ,. I I. liiUl I IT n.lf.B v ll.'ll I 1 -, ,ll . I'liiimii ..lii.i ii,, mi llll-S," IUH til, llll' Rhyme ii r u . ii-ii ii, deer; H'.vtlKI ' kl .11 .i i ii.nl in'i.i:.s i'i.'j . I 11,-uii .Iiu nil trier Ar.r And ulilffcl my cureH anny Ami ns Ilia elutii'd timoke arese I.IKe Inccnte ltt the air, I lire.uhcd u hIbIi te tliinl: lp s00th It aa my last cigar. ciientja It nas my Inn eitf.ir, Jt wus my lust cigar: "fwnH oft the blue Canary laics I stiiehtU my last clsar. I Intr.crl uren the Quarter rail Ami loeksil down en the ! K'rn tlu-re tin iittrulr wreath of smekl Was curlltiB Kracifully, Oh, wlmt had I. at such a time. Te tin with wiMInt: care? Alas! the trembllnd tfar preclalm4 It Ma my laat cigar. I watched the ashen as lt cams r.iu drawing ten nni the end. I ttiitrhid It ns frlmd3 would watch Heslil.. a ilviui; friend; lint still the 'lame crept slowly en. It MinlihMi into air: I threw- it fiem me si.ire the talel It w-un my last clsar. ISe ireii the land of nil I le-e rule In the instance dim, I've wa'ch.'.l nhove the blighted h'ltt Where once proud hepe hath bfeni Hut I e rieier known a sorrow That could with Hint compare When rff llu- blus Canary Inks 1 iinelnd my last clear. "On Christmas Eve" Te the i.v'iei- et the Evening t ubhe Ledatrs Mr- -.) t . lew ,1,-il.B KO till. mnn "HI cei,iik.! liy in., in fnci. I nm tut thlf. Km ii f,its of iir. IJ has never tietn pub- lllid or i.iiiMlk'l.U'd. an I I wculd like!) hnew if yea consider It worth an,thlrB (M puiillr.itlen. w. I.. NOU I'huaikleiil-i, Pecembcr 12, J;-.'. O.V CHRISTMAS UVK liy W. L. Nell On Christmas i:e I ke te bed As uirly as enn lie. And h ing my tteckln; at Its place He Kunt.i Clnus con see. And thi-n I J'tmp Inte my nn, An I mnirni.i tuclis me tlelit, And thn i-he turns my llttle heiil And l;lei tnr irnr.d night. 'I hen I llniin dn.ply T, Ini.- Ilir Jl-i'llng bells Aid he r th tat purring ccslly Whll maipir.i it story tells. TVhr'i out upon thj lawn I near Thn iiranclnu of the hoofs; The sky Im Unlit and clear sr.d blue When .Santa Is en the reef. Then down the cn'mner Santa cemn And fills my little seek With ilium and Mis and little air gunk Then seftlj turns ,h lock. Then up the chimney Santa gees And fcamijers te his sleigh, The wl il ti li. te elnlelc and blew. And the reindeer fly uwa. Dees Any One Knew It? Antheny (irissell asks for a rhjme bsilf nlnu "We Mere crev d"d 111 a flivie-. n.'.i .-, ui, l w., i.l l:u te ( rank ' Thn rhMim Is net In the I'c 'I'l s Ten9 llbr.irj. Can u render supply It TOWWQ RFFKIWR SHARE IN TAXON ANTHRACITE Meeting in Wllkes-Qarre Today Will Outline Lecjlslatlen Desired Mlki'.IS:irri'. Dee. 11. ltenifi' tnthes of I'ltieu, biii'eug'ns and town ships In the anthracite Held "re w nini.t l.ci-r. (nilnv tn outline ilctiiiit t,i,,u f... l.t.rikl.iil.,,, t,t cn.'ihle iiiiiiilfipiilItliH in the coal I'esinii tneb tnin a sIiiih' nf the iintlirarlte "in. Tin Anthiiii'iteT..'. I.a- tinned In Hie Gen eral Asemliv lit itH 10J1 M-s.iiIl ..U.,l, .. ,,. .l.,,,l.,,.,,,l , .I.Klltlltl lllll Hie rnlti-d Stale-. Wiipri'ine Omit ami l'i-i'i,initinii I'm- Us isilli-i'tuiii I'J" tW Slate are new belli,: completed. Th" meeting has br-" i ilU'd by IM Wilkes. Mm ie City Council. whUh M sent mil mini' than "OH inviiniieiis W i tiihi-hiN of inuniiipnlitiis in i In liara' coil Itflll. rf by Fourth and Chestnut Streets ,,-,"1 S Capital, Sit i, litis and Undivided Profits sjVr Mure Than S 7,000,000 y& HWei- If the Bess Will Fire the Kid? I, -. ,i .... -" li' tf'I iniuv'u mi- mnny i iiiciu, y IMejp t i-le publl.-. u.ue a, m '..u . "ni.v1 . L'ii' 'J. - "Tn M fin li f . tlinr I !1PV HIlfllVlMl hveahI . .1 si ii Id. '.. - . ) J'rtriJ- IU l1 ,,,,, .. .. . .ui ... . J ....' - ....- ...... . ....... v, ,,,n,ni, . ivi . ,.; , ,,S -i ,... .'' -, ! s (ll' ,, III' 1 f .( 1 - i i i h ..f., irt ,, ,., ,,,, . , ,.-.- -.. mr ;: 1 ,. I iii ' ' ..' i if Iilil' ! . . "r '.. HI .. inn 1 . F. II", i .. 1 j i. ,, . '"' 1 1.:- I! .r. , in .. Iii, 1 ll I (lill I'.r .. ; ;, l M", - s',. l'.iril'd nj' 4 !'"" I'; 'H'l '" -"" ";" I" I ""-,-" ! sn ':!M" n,. ' i':;..;.,: ".;,';'"' : ,1 ',.. ',; '" s "' - :'T : n i .... li l'. i-r.t . il in iu 'i -ill-it it ; i -ii- & p j, l'rndue A it si IT' i 'i . 1-ni i:m . .l.i i.J a." '. is r. -s ,v.,rlr I.' . 1 . . . InT '. "' "' '' ' ' ' ""' " ' ' '. I , ,. , .,, , .,,-. Ml II u, i I l ,-. . . rtr- ', f.- i.r, y.w& lit,'. !. :: iV' ir'""Uls' r'"' !" " "- ' j.i 'i in,', 1 sM'. I'u'i Herv . .-rp IIONDS '"' Is si',' N Jersey .Is , rdni Am Sm .1 llr,- r,s. 0:H di'i li'.-'j Pil'j i iSll, ( i,. 1 .,-, 1'i'in .111 T-' i, .'I . inn's 1""' 1'm's ;::'!. ',, :.:' ,0 ni.,.,. j. I ri""..rm..u , .-.. i. :i-. ii-v. "' .f,n'" nrk. ,f w .trcument Poems. Senrm )e;..,r V . V . ,.. '"""'"I' "": -"-.. '"' '" " imi'Ks liael! te the Inllncy of the nccr.. : " "" - ... .. i""i,n.... ... .,hle tie iitii iti nn '! ,1 ilill I (T PN i t ' , t I' - l 'i- , 'i. ,'!" 1., . HI ,i,iii.i l i- iiu l',n..lii)T, lm'i in," ' . I"-'. IV . .c llie ilrand. ft i"'"'"',: n ! "''.'.' '"'ir' ''' .,,,., , ,, , , ,,.. ., ,, 7'iii'ii.ut ' . . . '". '! Mi's . , ' .,' " ' nc,t. , ,,,,, r. ,. ir i. .;,7 ll'l 1"1 1"! 1 i'f w '! -' ii" - i riiihi i eis .r. i: :. iiP hi1. in, ' ' I". M V in A, Tr ,T . il'.1'. 'mm I'nl : .' 7s H'!!' I'l, Hi')', ' I , .' .1 wi 1 . il.Vj 1 ' - s 11' l'S 7i 'l."l l" 'I 1"l ' ' . ' ... . J ".,,, .. . i r. 1,.-.'- n. -i 11. .i- 1 "i '""" '" 5 k .., , I'd 5s H3 '' III V Ml., A. .. I. UI-.1 l'v ,. v v r ..I " hi. in7i.. iti. . i ....-' :.. r :.. i - . ."""' ' ' .. , '."! . " .'." "' .':" ! !'.'.' .'; I 'l' I'exi'le's Iferiiir. lll. auur.,ruTir I'luliidi ,.hl., li., i,i, ' if 'i ir.'K 'ii c.-.l K. Lers Hi''. ll' i,'in'.--mi .mi .j . .ini--, '"i-, i"i- in ins I'.Trninc l'ublln l.rffi- hj -ill -i.. .. . '' .'I'-fM '.1 ,, r I, n Ce 7s -f I null re is, I n l I0 lni'j I In th Hundiir I'uhllr Idr. 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