83 sew rivy uKrjrmvt. ' .jwjwtwf? i y,. !i ; t jj-- -j, vp TJWiv j m?wws m J1"T , ' I v ; 4i EVHNIN0 PUBLIC, XfeGEB-HIADELPHIA,,' THURSDAY; DECEMBER 14 3322 31 1 -.. i. ST'f ROKIVIAItKIMIIYAUl Heuse Approves Appropriation Committee's Original Fig. ure for Measure MRS. CATT RETURNS IN APRIL Washington. Dec. 11. Spenser p (he Maternity nnd Infantry Act fe encouraged yesterday wben the Heuse passed the full yearly appio appie appio tirlstlen of $1,240,000 authorized uwW ti Sheppard-Towner bill passed by Cergress Inst year. In the budget nrtlmates for 1021, cf tetWe July ". I023- the amount had h..n reduced te 5S0O.O0O. But tbe ftpriatleiw Csmmlttee of the Hou,.e ! it back te the erlplnal ftjtute, and KV Heuse supported that dcci Ien. That item, like nil appropriations. lit te run the gamut of the Appro Appre Appro Untleus Cemmlttfc of the Senate and Kin th" vetn of the Senate tilth n pulble return te conference commit ... if both Houses bcfer the amount f nt ycSr is actually fixed. But If the iTaikps position is maintained by . nte. States that have . eJ I Hi maternity and infancy wl wl fJreerk In the expectation of recc v in their shnie of Tedcnil apprepria tieii W rcic the proportion cs- FVlth the culls for co-operation from r.iicpe and Ameiiean men refusinc te ' t0 the rescue, Interest Is added le i?e position of American wemeu at the liU national Weman Sutfrnse Al)l sneu conference in Berne next May. :3 t'att, founder and picsldent of t'hj M'iauce. feels the importance of ,i,e catherins and has chanced her plans e as te leturn te America be twetn her Seuth Amcrkan tour and trip te Reme. In a letter receinvcd jesteiflay by Mrs. Maud Weed I'ark. pieneent ei the National League of Women Voters, It Vaa Bald that Mrs. Catt will re turn in time te attend the eomentien of the League in Des Moines net Apt 11. Ihe letfer v as y.ritten utter Mrs. Catt hid left England tut the Lailu repub lics. DRY UW-ANTkUKLUX UP FOR DISCUSSION Louisiana Exectulve Brings Up Is sues at Today's Conference White Sulphur ftpriiiRi, W. Va.. Tc. 14. Prohibition enforcement and lb? Ku Kluv Khn loomed up Inst night rs Important bubjects for discussion t the feuiteenth annual conference ei Governors, which will open here te- Although no discussion of the liquor Inns Is en the official program. Gov Gev Gov irner Parker, of Louisiana, announced that he Intended te bring up the ques tion. Up lcfcrred te President Hard Ii5'9 intention te summon a meeting nf the Governors in Washington next Menth te iliseus prohibition enforce ment and declared that the iUistir)ii should be taken up by the Cu(.rner: hfre. Enactment bv CengTcss of a law re quiring registration of all members of secret organization was Bpon&eicd by Oowner Parker as one metlied of con cen con trelllne such otganlzatlenR as the Ku Klux Klan. Anether method, he bur K(.stM. would be holding eflleers of the ugiuilntien responsible for the acts of y member or members. JOHNSTOWN MAN SUES ON DYNAMITE THREAT Charges Five Italians Demanded $1500 or Would Blew Up Stere EVwburg. Va.. Dc 14. Alleged rfratIens of a Black Hand gang In Johnstown were described lu court beie j.JteMiu. when five men. two nf them Johnstown business men, w-ie placed en trial en a chnige of extortion picfcrred K Antonie lialluccl, Johnstown mer chant, and his son. l.ee GnlhiccI, a linker. The defndants arc Heme Cartlsane, Bernard (JIgllettl. James Mcnlettl, Antonie Acepelettl and Car Car nile l'sposlte. Antonie GalluM testified of attempts te compel him te pay the deKndar.ts ?lfj00. The first demand ler mencv we after his store was dvnamlted lut March l.r,. Gallucd testified. II Hid he was told If he failed te produce tb money his place would be djna Mfd again . It aa discleBed that detectives hired I; the (inllucW family veikcd for ser "1 weeks before tlie live defendants JJ arrested. Philip N. bhaltig. at torney, f.nid Galluecl had been thicat 'ued with the same fat as Alpbla DeW, who wis killed ten years age in onnstewn. 38 U. S. AMATEUR RADIO SIGNALS HEARD ABROAD J5 English and 13 French Operators' Pick Up Messages Hartferd. Conn., Dec. 14. The first J'Perts en the trans Atlantic tests of , 'w American Had' Relay League. r- fived at the League headquarters I Sterdnv lKath ,. A...T. . n ....a.j f an am-iteurs weie heard in England m thiiteen n I'tanc-. Ter the first Jirae 1" the history of muateur radio, "irench were suc-essful in cepjlug iTft flpnnlj An i . ... " ' i.iiin iuunt:uu uuuiifurn. , .iU'ls !'tart('fl December 12 and will fentimiu lmtil December ,'il. ' FIVE HELDFfJRJ.IQU0R RAIDj Yerk County Men Charged With "ebblng Distillery of 181 Barrels I "-'"Jntv ln.ll n.,i,..l c ...t .. , i'.'l of Fuust'b distilleu. (il"n i. t ,ul.r 1J "0' nrivsted :esteid. riM: H:iT- Dcputv Tnlted Statea r,T5 H'jv ate .Tncel, Ilcalhcote. i;ejst fCr'i ' Kim,t ajMl fiurl(,s hi t i. , " """! l mrcnie iviniru. . "uiu-er: i.nri t "cfsuurj "ipi A Little Drama of the Past : y J- p- mcevey Demosthenes by the Sea (Scene: Demosthenes practicing his oratory en the beach, lie hag filled bla mouth with pebbles. Don't ak ne. I xac It up long age.) "Demosthenes I'll try It first without the pebbles. I.emmc see, hew docs it go? Oh, yes. La-dees and scn'l'ra'n. Unaccustomed as I am te public speak Ing, It gives me great pleasure te be with you this evening. Life Ciunrd (sarcastically) Louder and fuiuiir. Demosthenes (glaring nf him) Beat it. ou big stld (Te hliufcdf.) New I II try it with the pebbles nnd see if it sounds better. (Fills his mouth with pebbles und trle it again.) Blub! Blub, til, bluli. bluh. blub. Attabey! I.lfe ttuard (applauding i ,-i b mere wkc it Life Guard Te hweine an orator u must hnve en impediment In your si lence. Demosthenes Oh ! (.V great light dawns.) Oh! suspeWcountyYtterney Refused te Enforce Dry Law at Tulsa, Okla. Tulsa, Ohto.. De.-. M. -W. r. Sea- er, County ,ttern.v, who iCLcntlyeatd ' "the peepln of 'I'ulsa and Tulsa County I de net want prohibition" and that "be was net going te enforce It," was sus pended fiem elhYy .'ceterday by Albert I C. Hunt. District .fudge. I Jehn Ueldetbcrry. leaver's assistant anu ceuiuy rtiiunipy.cipcr,, was an pointed his succcEter H " w jeflbfl Demosthenes fturiilnrr nn Iitin wrnth. fully) Bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh. blub. ilfe (.tuatdEvnctlj. What I have alwajs said. Deme'theiie (raging) Bloe-iooooo. Life Guard Of course, niituially. Demosthenes, Bloek, bluek, bloek. Blub. blub. Life liiiutd De ou really think &'! Dcmef henes (taking pebbles out ei hii mouth and throwing them violent! at life guard i Yeu ou Life It tin id Theic! New ,eu're h" ginning te g'-t some feeling In our speethes. home life in jour gesture. Keen it tin. old he.. Demosthenes (as if suddenly tvtruek j by an ilea) Walt a minute. Am I I really? i Life Guard Yeu bet! That last, speech you made ;e me beginning "Yeu you new tnat was a speccn. new de ,ou expect te talk with ieur me'illi full et rocks, nnvwnyr Demosthenes (hesitating) Well, 1 ncxer thought that Life Guard That's tt. Ten neer 'bought. Well, there Is hope for you. You've get the makln's of nu orator. That's the fim sign. Demosthenes (eagerly) De reu really think 1 II be a great orator.' Yeu i knew I sort of st-st--t-stut er at times. Life Guard Oh. you nac an Impedi ment In sour speech. Well, seu tan euro that. If you have the ether kind of impediment, you re bound te te u great orator, anyway. Deme-tlicnc3 vna;s irai: Suffolk & Carolina 1st 5s, 1952 Southern Indiana 1st 4s, 1951 F. P. Ristine & Ce. WiJatr Ouldief, Pbilnftlpku fcew Auta LiUAvviu a, s Mimbtrm &0w lerh aiut tntuuimttm me arcAfMKXf) IJ Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nev. Dec. A Coupon Every Menth ffUR specialty b the sekc- tien of conservative bends . of proven worth; te recom mend the proper combination of these bends te meet your individual requirements. Diversification net only of business, locality, etc.. but also of coupons is desirable. We strongly urge the advan tages of A coupon every month Graham Roberts &.C0J Investment Bends Franklin Bank Building LONG TERM BONDS Ca'dbury, Ellis & Haines Franklin Bank Bide. Mtmbm PkiltiltphU Stecl Excitant Service ami Stability Well-Secured First Mortgages Fer Sale Integrity Trust Company Fourth and Green Streets Capital $800,000 Surplu and Profit. . .$1,900,000 Greenebaum Bends -100 Safe Since 1855 3U ft ( IltTNt!T 8TS. BANKERS Snrrenmr.1 te SAIT.KU .K TKVr;Vf.ON Henda nnd k'ecki lieurht and nld. M,nhr I'tilln. SKifk Kif liunin. tpRAZIER 6 G. INCORPORATED MUNICIPAL BONDS YIELDING 512 te 6 V. W. MILLS & CO. Stock Excbisie Bids PtlUdf.lt.hU tBkc pleasure in announcing that Mr. Charles E. Geedman is new associated with them as Manager of their Bend Department New Issue Exerppt from Federal Income Tax and from State and Municipal Taxes $13,000,000 Philippine Government Thirty Year 4J2 Geld Bends These Bends are net redeemable before maturity Dated July 15, 1922 Interest payable January 15 and July 15 Due July 15, 1952 Principal and interest payable in geld coin at the Treasury of the United Slates Coupon Bends in the denomination of $1,000 Receivable at par under regulations of the Treasury Department as sccui ity for depeiiti of Public moneys These bends are issued under authority ccntaircd in Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916, as amended July 21, 1921, and May 31, 1922 and in an Act of the Philippine Legislature approved March X U, l7(iiZ( The legality cf the issue has been passed upon by the Attorney General of the United States of America. In rc-denrg an opinion dated August 11, 1921. as te the legality cf bends issued under authority of the Act of Congress mentioned above, the Attorney General made the following statement: THIS issue and sale of bends is authorized explicitly by the national power and, while in the strict and legal sense, the faith of the United States of America is net pledged as a guarantee for the pay ment of the lean, or for the due use of the proceeds, or the observance of the sinking fund requirements, the entire transaction is te be nego tiated under the auspices of the United States of America, and by its recognition and aid. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the national power will take the necessary steps in all contingencies te protect the purchasers in geed faith of these securities' Under the terms of the Act of Congress, approved February 6, 1905, "all bends issued by the Govern Gevern Xnifcn l"hpfp,ne Uln' " its authority, shall be exempt from taxation by the Government of the United States, or by the Government of the Phil pptne Islands or cf any political or municipal subdivision theretef, or by any state, or by any county, municipal ty, or ether municipal subdivision of any State or Territory of the United States, or by the District of Columbia." 5UDuivl5ien Price 98 and interest, yielding about 4 Payment en Gr about Dec. 2 J, 1922, cBaMt Bend: or Interim Certificates deferable "hcn, aj and if issued and recel.cd." HALLGARTEN & CO. WHITE, WELD & CO. BLAIR & CO., Inc. H0RNBL0WER & WEEKS W. A. HARRIMAN & CO., Inc. The information presented above is based upon official-statements. We de net juarantee It but believe tt te be correct. fBwisea! Announcement Greenebaum Sens Investment Company Oldest First Mortgage Banking Heuse . Founded 1855 (Announces the formal opening of a Philadelphia Office Suite 408 215 Seuth Bread Street Phene Spruce 9336 Establishment of this Branch Office marks another forward step in the steady growth of an institution that has served care ful investors since 1855. The Heuse et Greenebaum ewes its progress te a policy of conservative investment service that has been censistendy maintained for ever 67 years. Greenebaum First Mortgage Real Estate Bends 100 Safe Since 1855 arc new direcdy available te you. Greenebaum Sens fnvftfitiiiftnf Company Chicago FOUNDED 1,355 Philadelphia Suite 408 215 Seuth Bread Street PHILADELPHIA Oixntrship of this Company identical wilh Greenibaurt Sens Bank an Trust Company, Oldest Banking Heuse sn Chicago, Founded 1855. Combined Resources ever $3S,C00,i'CO Oldest Tirst Jfertgage "Banking Heuse MIKADO TYPF. ,Od-Durmn t Locemath c) 1 ( ""V RAILROAD EQUIPMENT TRUST NOTES WE OFFER, SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE, THE FOLLOWING $ 5,000 15,000 30,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 3S.000 45,000 5,000 40,000 33,000 55,000 15,000 10,000 40,000 15,000 10,000 50,000 Atlantic Coast Line Railway 6'2's ' Canadian Pacific Railway 6's : Chesapeake &. Ohie Railway 6's Chesapeake 6k Ohie Railway 6!A's Illinois Central R. R. 4'2's Illinois Central R. R. 7's ' Louisville 6k Nashville Rwy. e'Vs : Minneapolis 6k St. Leuis R. R. 6's ' Nashville. Chattanooga tkSt.Leuis 41 :'s New Yerk Central Lines 5's ' New Yerk Central R. R. 7 '3 : New Yerk, N. H. 6k Hartferd 6's Pacific Fruit Express 7's Penna. Ceal 6k Coke 5' j's ;,Penna. Railroad 6's : Seaboard Air Line Railway e's ' Seaboard Air Line Railway e's Southern Railway 5'Vs : St. Leuis-San Francisce e's : St. Leuis-San Francisce 6's ' St. Paul Railway 5's : Wabash Railroad 6's ' Western Maryland Railway 5's Miturltlfi Feb. 1928 O.&A. 1925-32 Jan. Dec. Oct. Oct. Mar, Ian. Oct. June Apr. Jan. June May Jan. Jan. Jan. May Jan. Jan. July Ian. Oct. 1933-35 1929-35 1934-37 1925-34 1926-34 1935 1925-2S 1923-37 192&-35 1931-32 1926-35 1924 192S-33 1924 1925-32 1927-36 1926-32 1924 192S-29 1935 1931-34 T.-lce tele!d 5.10ft 5.15fe 5.40ft 5.20 ft 4.75 ft 5.10ft 5.10ft 5.65 ft 5.00ft S.CCe 5.15ft 5.75 ft 5 15ft 5.50 ft 5.30ft 5.25 ft 5.50-5 70ft 5.20ft 70 5.50 5.30ft 5.25 ft 5.50ft 5.10ft luvtd und., rhlUdclphu n : luucd br Director Omcr.l or ft.ilreid. Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Resenc bvstem CITY HALL SQUARE TliiMinlinl rtf rank SpiMiU Urn Id II HAROLD TEEN Lillian's Present Is Still in the OfJiny 1 tbe1 1flt""!,,!?1'n N1101'- eMted Lien. Jein. .."v Ul "lp i'nunei 151 h"' ,l!e rfti'1 " the 1'nuat .libilllei-T In 4 trna' f hMi H0le l,rr,cd off JURY 'AGREES TOJpiSAGREE' Ferenian, After Five Heur.. An An neunces "Agreement" te Court f,"'n'!'f10". !.. Dec. 14.-Aftcr iC ra lns r nr-nrh five hours yeatcr 55 tnfc U STl"1,'c Court returned tL Verrawl Jusi "nrrlnsten that Wis .8uc'Ue"B ba, bee" I11" m"' UvSI:v.c..fereman announced. "We ItlJf"?' b "Wed In January. 5ma fTn .alI"jya Mid and d- fiv ana at vald for. ) ... ULL TtltlAl UaOi': TLi" XBPOeAT)9J J I IMDBa.- iv4P it is -rue. BiCsfjtsr THIA4CJ t3oer ACA(3 : : : ' IF W C&HQeXlZiO 'nj -j-iw f IHCrStt WVrv-1 VKC.TTOU OUWB--VOOVB. OMWMVI 1- . X rtPTUivr i.l- iv ..t..': ...l mp- ner buen in aab wltms. v-ciwcipl j . r r r -- v w?- j MMkkmt-t - j 1 rr 11 1 . svtw t-t 1 ' ' " I 1 i yTrrTN ft I 1 1 1 Offering Wanted Zanesville Rwy. Light ec rower Company First Cens. 5s, 1924 Wm. H. Faust Und Title Building Philadelphia, Pa. telephone Spruce 7S7S.Q Orders Executed !?. ?afh ?r ." " c nrvative mar Sn ???' '5 'I" "l.e3 luted KrS5BerNM0..b," 'Jn9' McGLINN & CO. ilemben A'ew Yerk Stock Exchange Und TlUe Bldg., Philadelphia TTie East St. Louil & Suburban Ce. tii.octu)eiu(s wee run doc tcLctvcci neuce ei the otter rcceritiy ruicU te purchase the tecttt ei this company should Immediately cernntuiu. ctte with ua. E- VV. Clark & Ce. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll GARRISON &CO VIDENER BIDG MEMBERS- HEW YORK AND PHlLAOrtPHIA STOCK EXCHANGC STOCK EXCHANGE SERVirP Hl & I 'I A 1: i f1!: .mini li ZluT lllllllllllllliilWIMiniW . "J itl k.V.l -v ,