Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 25, Image 25

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il.t".w?ri-wJri J lUMaH1 vlKHPMiJW.W.MrViu,i '-
Princeton Outplays Penn in Soccer
Soccer Eleven Outplays
Penn in Winning Second
' Straigtf Title; Grid Com
mittee Meets
imRlNCETON bag n wonderful soc sec
Y r team," nld Oeach Douglas
Ktnrart thli n.ernlnK. commenting en
ft., risen' 'l-te1 triuniph ever tbe
iTniTcrsltv of Pennsylvania eleven yes
UniTcrs. ., w ndswent.
MW Un Ivcnlty Field nt Tlwrtewn
'They milplnyed us meet of the Sai
i..jmv niiii inwit -- - -
ear pi"
int in
.JinInn nKgrBslve style of )lay nnd
SS. nMlnit tbnt completely upset
""..: rri.7
Tbey have n great team, the
if P.1"". T.V.i this year.
M" j .La neeer. but wbb net cqiml
vnr icuui
tW.re ,f,, if tcne a Brent came.
"rer the second successive year the
WneetenlBM can raye about their soc sec
E team. With ft football champion
fun i licked away nnd soccer udded,
JjVith i Sie prospects of niraln , enti
It n confnlen In hnnltetlinll. the
ffi are hS nuccwsful athletic
XeTe Masens nce the Tied nnd Blue
tad the Orange and Bluet met In n
JJ. "J nlayeff games, the first of
ru,i, res iiltcd in n tle and the r.cc
Jift triumph for. Penn. Last Hntur
SSv Conch Stewart's eleven had an ex
Ut opportunity te win the chain
Sip bv winning or tying Coach
W nggreKatlen. Instead. Princeton
Vel S te 1. nd cnused th0 pltty"efE
"rtcrday's defeat was the second of
the rear for Penn in lengue competition,
teth of which wcre admin stored by
Princeton. One gnme rwnnliiH en the
rhedule, the Navy eleven ie be played
thi3 Saturday nt Annatiells.
Penn Was Oulplnycd
Priuceten outplayed Penn yesterday,
a it did last Saturday, only mere te.
Frem the start of the gnine until the
final whistle the excellent nttnek of ,hu
ilcters hnd Penn worried. Excep
tional work en the defence In the tlrst
ferty-fic minutes of play prevented
incr.il Imminent boevos. Joe Cooper
did manage te pnare n goal durliij: the
fra half hy ratciiliiB OenlUcepcr Cow Cew Cow
pertliwnite when lie was off te one side
of the goal.
In the fceend linlf Princeton kept
tie pigskin In Penn's territory tlnee tlnee
feurths of the time. In Penn's one real
cffcnelie thrust Llncriunck, the fresh
nan star of Inst jenr, shot n goal,
inettlng the Ugures. Fer some minutes
it appeared its though another game
would preve necessary, but the Tigers
Ifaln launched n vigorous offensive that
tesul.cd in two goals and the champion
hip. .loe Cooper dribbled almost the length
cf the field te score the second I'rlnco I'rlnce I'rlnco
ten geul in the closing minutes.
Ihemiis, the one-armed Inside left, who
distinguished himself en Franklin Field
lust Heck, made victory certain by
hooting n perfect genl two minutes
before the final whistle.
As soccer is n ninjer sport nt the
World's Open Racquet3 Cham Cham
peon Resting Up for Next
Match With Williams
Jeck Seutar, open racquets champion
f the world, is taking things easy at
the Philadelphia Racquet Club these
js, resting up for his match with
Charles Williams, the British dial-
wiser, scheduled for Montreal Satur
day, Seutar modestly disclaims the sug
gestion that he play super-racquets in
atlr.g Williams four straight in New
erk last Saturday, establishing n
worm record for championship play by
Wanking his opponent 15 te 0 in the
"wad game of the clnsh.
I nml nil tl.A 1m.i i ,u .,..,- ...i
,t. ,' ' iu.iv ui iuu bun l. mill .
. K? k(,nt, Klns for me, he llnnlly I
jet the notion I couldn't miss," gays
lOCl:, "Ien cen T hnrl Vinnt, nM. tn. ..
neuf;a really first-clnss gut from
,1ra"'( Forrester. Jny Oeuld's trainer.
e b ring two racquets. These Insted
Ier three gamca.
Then in the fourth gnme I breke n
. B ,'! ene nml th,J ffame of the
Hi f,,,1iut u "ns tee late te step me.
AH told I breke six bats in that fourth
Klnie. bllt T wnn innn Mn nP, n.l .nJ
nn.,,.1. .- """ ' " -
tee far out in front for Villln'm n
Mteh itne.
h, j l)n,s WPre hurstlng en him lest!
"lumiiy and tills upset his came Just i
J mueli as the same thing bothered me i
'HO Week hefnri.
M week before.
Lnll'.Hs Knntiip
Seutar just leafs nleng In his!
?nth en Sntunlav lm nhniilil win mmilv.
Pr After th tArritln li.ln. I. t.....ll
p He handed
he certainly
ms last Saturday
nle..it "'"" 1" riirn BUinn linn
S,i.m " ,,im,cn "t Chicago en Sntur-
liVu" "M ,vllilc there is peselhility
""t Seiitm-and Willlanis may meet In'
2 Uuls duriiiB Oie Christinas bell-;
1 fla8-
if.,?r th,),ri,?t ,1"10 'n the history of the
Mien Cricket Club a soccer match i
t?ftJpayei1 ,b,re n " Sunday. This
HK Place last Sundav. nnd thp FleMier
isrn team Ymi il. sri.. ai-i.1i.., i.
rn team beat the Merlen Whites by
ftkil t0 3 '" an exhibition contest.
eenii10 R,";fl.n("i Permission for this
WntCSt, tllP llenrrf nt fifi'n..ii,,r I
ifcl. nly earned the Soccer Committee
'nt it muht net be ivgnrded ns hettlng
"Precedent. The Wliitcs were ery
'inxieiiri te meet tlie strong and ersntile
nciiher ciexen nnd no ether date could
Kli1"1'1 Cf"cnicnt for both. Se the
lit K,ft " 'lille beaten, the
WMes feel they learned much that will
ei.l: TnUle t tlicm in the final stages
pL irac?er ""' f,rl'l:et Club I.engue
'nPlenBhli. which they are leading
nily n co'n'ertnble margin.
R!. i en, IeftB"e grapple was staged
t lni.i. :' 'l uv"B UlQ ,R' et "'e annual
n frelty mtch with New Yerk. The
i.;," "7 exception wns between the
' nnceten (Jlub aud the Merlen Greens
"'M m? we '' th former. .'I te 2.
in?i v,etery brought the Tigers up
, ""m one point of Mnorestewn second
dlJn for tnp leadership of the second'
nil-1. ' . Moorestown has fourteen
thlrUe Princeton Club new has
Tl, l-. ..... .
W. ".i,B1T," ergnntrea Merlen Jiain
iTTVf 'Z10 ,fi,(lh tenra P"t '" the field by
L"; aln I.ine club this season, had its
I'tPC test nnl ,..n .inu..i'i .. ft .!
t trthe Mwiek BluW' " ;
n,ViV. ,,u,t fniuniey iie certainly ivinin , unru, .uarjene weed, urment,
"lit te hnve the Indian Mgn en tlioiBelle of Blue llldge; fourth, Mnn'ln
Enjishmrm. Williams will KUe Harry May, Tlpplty WlU-het. Jnme.s F
"Oa 101 lm. n,.n.. I I. ....I n'Trnll atlU (I- lfll. If 1 i .T'
Donaldsen Named
Delaware Captain
Newark, Det., Dec. 14. .Tames
Itnrnier Donuldien, of Wilmington,
will lead tbe 1023 University of
Delaware football team. Hnrmer
was elected captain at a meeting
of this car's lcttcrmcn. The only
ether candldate was Mcrwyn A.
Akin, crack guard for the last
three seasons. The vote was 10 te 7
in favor of Donnldsen. Beth Don Don
aldeon nnd Akin nre members of
the Sigma Phi Kpsilen Fraternity.
DonaMsen played center the last
season nnd put up the best game
of his career. He get his first foot
ball experience nt Wilmington High
Scheel, where he made his letter sev
eral years.
University, the varsity tenm and n
couple of substitutes will be awarded
their varsity "P" in spite of their in
ability te win the championship.
The most lmpertnnt ineetinj: of the
Football Committce in several jenrs,
or since Beh Felwcll was given his
walking papers will be held some time
nnil semewhere cither this ufternoeii
or this evening.
The couching situation nt Penn Is in
n strange muddle. Coach Ilelsmnn,
who tutored the sound during the lust
three years, ended his contract with
the University en Thanksgiving Day.
Whether he will be given u new con
tract na head conch or given some ether
position having te de with eperts is net
Helsman May Stay
It Is said, however, that one in
fluential member of the gridiron com cem com
mlttce is In favor of retaining the
veteran coach in seme capacity, prob
ably as the Intermediary between the
alumni and the football team, looking
after the scholastic work of the players
and otherwise interesting himself in
tbe welfare of the gridiron warriors.
As nn organizer Helsman has done
wonders with the students nnd players
at Penn during the last three jears and
hns brought back n spirit tbut was
lacking before he nrrived here.
Quite a number of prominent gradu
ates, all stars In their collage dajs nt
Penn, have been mentioned ns possible
successors te Hcismiin In the event he
is net retained ns bend conch. Nene
hns ceme out nnd nnneunrcd his candi
dacy. The committee is expected te
ratify the schedule nnd select either
Hclsmnn or his successor in Its meet
ing today.
Itebert Hill, of New Yerk; Sydney
Hutchinson; Tex Ilamcr, the new enp
tnln; Cavers, editor of the Prnnsjl
vanlan. the student publication : Temmv
Itlnge, senior clntm president nnd the
mnnnccr of the football team for next
season, hnve the power of vote in the
committee. Ernest Cezzcns, grnduate
manager of athletics, is nn ex officio
Whatever the Football Committee
recommends will be acted en by the
Athletic Council that meets tomorrow
afternoon in the craduate mannger's of ef of
liee. It is unlikely that the council
will change In any wny the names sent
te it by tbe Gridiron Committee.
Sergeant Ray Stews Away South
ern Opponent In Jig Time
Joe Nassau, of Mlnml, Fla., lasted
only two rounds in his scheduled eight eight
leundcr with Sergeant Hay Smith at
the Chc3tnut Street Arena last night.
Durlug the firtt period nnd part of the
second Nassau bad Smith stepping fast,
but a right chop te the jaw spilled the
Southerner te the Jloer.
Nassau took the count of seven and
gamely dragged himself te his feet.
Anether right by Smith floored Nntssnu,
and ns Iteferce Nnte Smith reached four
n towel was tossed into the ring from
the beaten mnn's comer.
Ilecky Mnrien, of Hichmend, Va.,
showed premising form In his victory
ngnlnst Bebby Lyens, of New Yerk.
This bout went the limit of eight
AH of the prelims were Interesting.
Terry Miller defeated Al Moero In n
great bout, and Dii-k Getwnlt stepped
Joe Britt in the third.
Beets and Saddle
Havana nerses which seem ben nt
New Orleans today are: First race,
Mid Hnlflin T.lllmnmn ("11,1 T
;- -, -. ", "" -"'l'. ri-
enu, ivnrne Jioerc, Valentine d'Or,
Bleck Tep, Chevalier; third, Armadee,
Illusionist. Veneno; fourth, Sporting
Cliance, Jap Muma. Berretta; fifth,
Mallowmet, Gelden Chance, Herry M.
Stevens; eixtli, North Sea, Cicereniau,
New Orleans The Metarle Rldge
Handicap, nil nges, S1000. brinss nut-
high-class sprinters nt Jeffersen Park
today. Marvin May sccinn te have the
winter racers ai a disadvantage, cone
dally en a slew track, and may repeat
Horses which seem best are: First
lerrlck, Fernaden, Gollfenl;
rw-unu, "'Ji 'xck, uameutiage,
Mrnh ; third, Marjerio Weed, Ormeut.
w itnm, .uni, u ii;ii, .ut'rvnnill, A!
terney ; sixth, Light Wine, Secretary.
Dr. Kne. "'
. , , ,
Mdle Dugan, bkllled jockey of fifteen
years back, has staged a comeback nt
T'Jun!,.ai, "n,d cnn nake the weight,
netwlthHtnndlng his long mj off. Dffn
has few wiperier" In riding ln this
country. He will net lack for con-
trects next venr If In, mnlm, n..i ,u
tracts next year if he mnkes geed
winter, of which there Is llttle deu
TJlM Pl- ma 0.
"i mis
Clirome. Merry Lass; r.ecend, 'JVead
well. Cicely Kay, Ternette; third, Clr
inen; scvenin, Jtoimtleus, Toembeola,
Cubln Creek. '
pe Xalapa. Lexington stable horses
will be rnced In New Orleans the early
nnrL!1Jt ,,1 w,nti'r. and then be sent
te Tijunna te finish up the winter
meetlng. Ben Homuie has engagements
In the larger stakes In Tijuana.
Harry Fnyne Whitney and .Tumes
IIewp hnve been Inspecting the Whit
ney horses nt Lexington, and nre en
roiite Lnst te nttend the McComber
wile of blooded mnrea tomorrow In New
Mauger Wins 8katlng Title
Arthur Mur. of West rtilladelphla,
wivn the nnI event of tlia eucii-rftllln
yHatlnrtpurncy last nlglit at the Actelphla
Kink. , Thirty-ninth and Market streets, lis
va-nquuhed a fleld et thrni ikatera, win.
nlnf the mll aent In 3m 07. MtUKtr
ww kwtrd4 a, tllvtr eup,
euinie, i.ih, uerKiiauil ; teurtli. Jerrv
P. O. Corley, i:mmn 'illiiiins; flftf,'
ltnjah, Ivenward, Calcavndeur II
sixth. Count Beris. North sh,..-. t.i
Mack Won't Sell Him
' v
"VfwwH mil
Cennle was offered $50,000 for this
star Inflclder, but said "Nay, Nay"
Commissioner Landis Presides
Over Gathering of American
and National Leagues
New Yerk, Dec. 14. Sessions of
major Iceguc club-owners ln New Yerk
will be brought te n conclusion today
with n joint session of the Americnn
and National Leagues, presided ever
by Commissioner Kcnesaw Mountain
Landis. Beth leagues closed their nn
nunl meetings yesterday.
Prominent topics stnted for discus
sion were further restrictions en lnte
season sales nnd trades ; n poll te again
extend the World Series from seven te
nlne games and alleged gambling lw
mnjor-league parks, upon which Presi
dent Jehnsen of the American League
Is expected te urge action.
It wns also Indicated that the mag
nates would declde details of the dis
tribution te charity of SI 20.554. the
receipts of the tie world Scries came
last October, and act en n plnn te sct-
tle Inter-lcngue matters uctwecn nn
mial meetings by mall vote Instead of
special sessions.
The National I.eague has nxeu June
25 ns tin last date for intrn-lensuc
deals Involving mere than the waiver
price, but the Americnn Lengue took
no action toward changing the present
time limit of August 1.
Commissioner Lnndls wns understood
te be strongly opposed te trades or pur
chases nddlng decisive strength te pen--nnnt
contenders nt critical stages of
league races.
The ishue wns brought te the front
during the labt season becntise of the
late-season purchnse by which the
Yankees ncqulred Jee Dtigan nnd the
Olnnts get Hugh McQuillan, both from
Bosten clubs, nt times when the pen
nant contests were in doubt.
The nlne-game World Scries plnn
was snld te be supported by National
Leagun club -owners, but opposed by
President Jehnsen of tbe American
Lengue nnd Commissioner Lnndls.
Football and Soccer Teams Will Be
Honored Tomorrow
Tomorrow will be a big day for
Frankford High Scheel soccer nnd foot
ball players. At the assembly, the
Dutch Company trophy, emblematic of
the. football championship of the Pub
lic High Scheel I.engue will be pre
sented te Captain Charley Wcckcs. It
will mark the second successive award
of this trophy te Frankford.
Following the football presentation
the soccer tenm also will be rewarded.
The Football Association of Eastern
Pennsylvania In 1015 offered n per
petual championship soccer trophy.
This cup will be removed from North
east High, last year's winners of the
Becccr tltle in the Public High Scheel
League, and presented te Captain But
ler, the lender of the Pioneer dribblers,
who wrested the clinmplenshlp from the
Archives during the Pnt senseu.
After speeches by the donei.s of the
cups and various athletic officials of
the school, letters and numerals will
be nwnrded te the beccer and foetbnll
In the evening the teams will feast.
Messrs Jehn and Frank H. Sldehetbnm,
prominent members of the Fathers' As
sociation, will glve a banquet tq the
successful members of both tenms. The
spread wiU be held nt the Bellpyuo Bellpyue Bellpyuo
Htrntferd Hetel. Okcsen Levy will be
the teastninster.
Veteran Umpire te Be Adviser te
President of National League
New Yerk, Dec. 14. Beb .EmsHe,
veteran Nntlenal Lciirue umpire, bna
iwt.,i wtii(.ii fmm active duty, and will
act in an ndvisery capacity te President
Jehn A. Heydler. e win euiy ue
called en te perform active duty ln caae
of emergency.
In his new position Emslie will old
net only In the development and In
struction of young umpires, but his
exnerience ns a playing rule expert
will continue te lc of Bcrvice te the
Emslie umpired his first gnme in the
senior lengue nt Cincinnati August 20,
1801, and for thlrtj-one consecutive
seasons he hns been inted as n past
mnster of patience and diplomacy among
baseball officials.
Prier te taking up umpiring, Emslie
was n pitcher, his first work of note
being with the Ouelph Mnple Leafs.
His profession plnylng enreer was
from 1882 te 1RS7. his clubs being
Camden. Baltimore, Terente nnd Mem
phis. He wns considered the greatest
curve bnll pitcher of his time, and In
1884 he pitched fifty-ene games for
Baltimore, of which but eighteen were
lest. In 18S0 his arm weakened nnd
in 1887 Charles D. White, then presi
dent of the old International League,
appointed him as umpire.
Emslie is a Canadian. He was born
In Guclph, Ontnrle, and has resided in
the Dominion ever Rlnrc. Fer nenrlv
hnlf n century he has been a citizen of
at. Themas, Ontario.
tsv fr sH W s S "" . "" iU
I -' ,
I ' f , n
- " l , . !'
Playoff and
Cennie Mack Laughs at $50,000
Mentiened for HI3 Versa
tile infielder
A let of felkR In this town don't rate
Jimmy Dykes In the high position that
he deserves, but big league managers
de. Yesterday two eluba offered Meck
MO.O00 for his burly Infielder, nnd
Cennle turned It down with n serene
gesture of scorn.
"If Jimmy's worth that much te you
he's worth that much te me," wns the
gist of the lean leader's comeback.
Se the Bryn Mawr boy will be back
en the Athletics' infleld next year in
splte of that offer which was ns much,
by the way, as Cennie received for
Eddie Cellins, when he sold that dis
tinguished young gentleman te Chicago.
Fer several yenra Dykes hen handled
mero chances at his position thnn any
man In the league, which proves that
n.i n ground coverer he Is the walrus
curls. IIIr arm has long been famous
In song nnd story ns one of the strongest
in the American Lengue, nnd though be
wnsn't quite se tricky with the hnt la;t
season as be has been in nrcvleua years,
lie hit around .275, which is a geed
Jimmy will be the keystone of next
year's Infield, and with Chick Galloway
en his right, no games are going te seep
threutrh the center of thp Inner defense.
Mack did exactly the right thing in re
fusing the offer, for there are mighty
few second bnsemen in cither league
who can show a better record thnn the
darling of Bryn Mawr, Jnmcs Dykes.
New Opening Dale
Net having anything else te de the
baseball magnates who nre promenading
about Peacock Alley these chilly nftcr nftcr nftcr
noens decided thnt the national game
eet off te tee cnrlv a start In lnte years.
Probably the chilblains thnt chase up
and down their fur-coated spines was
nn incentive te thnt decision ; thnt nnd
the memory of the recent balmy fall
weather. , ,
Consequently it has been decided that
the Nntlenal Leagne season will net
open until April 17 nnd that it will end
en October 7. This will mnke over
coats nnd car muffs de rigeur at nil
World Series gemes. But why worry
about that? Ask the magnates.
The fans will turn out te see a World
Series tilt If there is seven inches of
snow en the ground nnd It is cold
enough te make Loen River in Decem
ber feel like a Fleridn bathing bench
by comparison. But they won't turn
out en damp nnd sour April nftcrnoens.
Hence the decision of the cagey mag
nates concerning the postponement of
,1in annnnn'fl nnpninf?.
Anether worry en the wenry minds of
the Peacock Alley devotees wns the
number of bnseballs that were used In
1021. Nearly 38,000 spheres were cast
te the blltbsome winds. The fault
didn't He with the Phillies though, for
several times their spccinl officers ripped
the coats of spectators who wcrcn t
quick enough in throwing back balls
fouled into the stands. In meBt ether
cities it wns considered the proper thing
te gently remonstrate with n patron be be be
fere heaving hlra into the well-known
The Sale of Bechler
The Pittsburgh management an
nounced that they hnd purchased Pitch
er Cicorge Beehlcr from Tulsa for
25,000. If that is true mark down
another error for the Phillies' mnnage-
Twe vears nge Jeese Tnnnehill, the
old-time southpaw heaver, was scout
ing for Baker's bunch. In his wan
derings among the bucolic bnll tessers he
cast his lamps en Beehlcr, nnd ttoed
Geerge hnd been with Detroit; had
fliwered. He was given n membership
in the Society of the Bum and Worth
less Ball Players of the World, nnd
gently slipped down the greased chute.
Coming te rest eventunlly ln Tulsa he
promptly proceeded te get his bearings,
and play the sort of ball you read
"This fellow. Beehlcr," said Tanno Tanne
hlll, nt that time, with an expressive
wave of Ills off-fin, "was one of the
bet ball plnyers I sew in the Whole et
1020. ne could pitch and plnv flist
nnd the outfield and bit I Whoosh!
Hew that baby could crack the old
"Best of all, he was crazy about
baseball. Working out of turn didn't
mean n thing In hla young life. When
he wasn't en the hill be wenld piny al
most any position, nnd he pleyed 'cm
nil well. Why, I've seen him, after n
double-header, get out en the dtamend
and bat files te the kids. That's hew
much he liked it.
"I told Baker that we ought te grab
Beehler, but the price then was about
seven or eight thousand smackers, nnd
the boss couldn't see spending that
much for a busker."
New, Pittsburg has paid three or
four times the amount nsked in 1020
and if reports nre true, Mister Beehler
Is going te cause soine upsets in the
National League next summer.
Yeu Aute Knew
iitrtiv nm mry pper
tnevlnc parta et the rr.
for cleantnit
When rrttiic h cr. th bt ruiulta
will t) obtained If the car I Jacktfl up.
IJefere Urine a car up for th winter 1
51v It a tlioreuah cleanlnir Inaldn and out.
aek up the vhtela. under the frame.
Gaanilnn or brnilne has a tendency et
epreadlne dirt tnatead of removing; It
tore It;
fore Its uee en upholetery cloth Is net ad-
Determine ttie correct preerara far your
partleular alia of tlr and maintain this
presture throuheutwlntr and summer.
The heat method of colerln the wind,
shield vlaer la e remeve It from the car
and coat the under surface of th, gaan with
a darK green auto body enamel.
AfNr wuehln the car. dry the body Im
mediately with clean chemnln but nM nM
uae the eninn eronKe or chamois that hai
been ued ul any lime nn the running gear.
Tlier ere no pirla of a vacuum tank te
be lubricated, nexeithelcaa It u fitted with
a screen or strainer, which eheutd be re
moved at various Intervals and cleaned as
a factor of safety
See Your
American Hosiery Ce's
Scott & Hunsicker
4 Deers Belew Chestnut Street
Again Captures Intercollegiate Championship
Hew I Made My Start
in the Boxing Game
Jimmy Dunn, Inspired by
Walcott-Dixen Exhibi
tion, Later Makes Geed as
Substitute in Ring
WHEN I waB a kid, something like
twenty-two years age, I went te
n theatre ln my home town, New Cas
tle. Pn.. nnd
watched Jee Wnl Wnl
cett nnd Geerge
DixOn give a box
ing exhibition. I
wns seventeen then,
nnd the flying fists
of the two great
Negro bexetrs In
spired roc.
I get It into my
head te try the
hilt - nnd-get-nway
game. My brother,
Jehn, rigged up n
punching bag In
our back yard nnd
Jimmy Dunn
one nay wnue
whaling nwny at
it with left nml rlnrht. Vird FrcnbnUgll.
n local boxer, was attracted by the
thud of leather against the beard.
Fred asked me if I could box. I
told him I didn't knew. He naked me
If I would like te try. Absolutely, wes
my quick answer.
Then Frcnbaugh explained te me that
he hnd a preliminary bout en with a
Kid Hegan in Youngstown, O., but
would be unnble te go through with
the match because of n broken hand.
I told him I would take the bout if
the matchmaker ,waa willing.
That evening Fred hud me come ever
te his home, wbcre he put ou the gloves
with me. He did little punching,
owing te his damaged hnjid, but he
evidently wns satisfied with my work
out. "You'll de," said FVcd. "Come
along I'll take you te the match
maker right away. He lives here
in New Castle."
i meet the Seuth Philadelphia Hebrews
We called en the matchmaker. I, nt Seventh street nnd Snider avenue.
blushtngly looked at him. He etc rnly T, Splln8 f)ftve ,M(M t0 brini, nll
? nrC(1 fiMe,wS L nli S&tta best of the out-of-town tenms here,
I'm afraid youre tee small they I. .., i en, th flrBf f '
wouldn't even let you
a in te see tne
tV,V; m fHend Insisted thnt I could
box that I aurelv would mnke geed,
- . . r Z , , i
nnd niter n let et coaxing the mntch
mnW nnld: "All rieht. I'll take ft
chance nnd put you en, but don't be
Give Girards for
of unmixed pleasure and goedcheer,
right in the spirit of the day and carry
ing that spirit into many days beyond.
Yeu cannot de better. Give them all
Antonie Reig & Langsdorf
Philadelphia Established 51 Years
Never gets onyeur nerves
I 'x:' Jj
( i 'V
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The NEW Undergarment men everywhere
are proclaiming "the best ever" !
A Knee-Length, Sleeveless, Loose Leose Loese
fitting Union Suit KNIT of high
est grade Weel, mixed with Cotten.
at any high-grade Men's Furnishing Shep or
Department Stere.
Write uafer our FREE BOOK, "Short
Lengths,'' containing S complete
Physical Culture Exercises
(Maker tinea 1868 of Fin. Knitted Geed.)
New Britain, Conn.
DECEMBER 14. 1923
Hopeless White Hopes
Are te Meet at Tulsa
A pair of hopeless white hopes
who nre still in the geme will meet
in n scheduled fifteen-round bout
Monday night at Telsn, Okia.,
when Fred Fulton opposes Cnrl
Merris. Both'ef these men stnrtrd
wcll in their fistic careers, but for
several years neither has dene any
thing startling.
surprised If they chnse you out of the
club." , ,
The day of the bout rolled nreund.
rrenheiigh nnd I went by train from
New Castle te Youngstown. And they
permitted me te box. I inndn geed,
tee. Kid Hegan hnd n let of weight en
me, but I gave him n grand trimming.
I wns given $10 for my bit. nnd thnt
wns my start In the boxing game, which
I have followed ever since.
When at the top of mv form ns n
boxer I met Harlem Temmv Murphy,
Freddy Welsh, Abe Attcll, Phil Breck,
Uny Bronsen nnd nil the stars who were
around in these days.
While I still wns boxing early In
1007 I met Johnny Kllbane, a mere kid
nt- thn time nnd n water boy en the eiu
ii.iMniia ih i ' nun nnn
ivelnnrt. lie tee!! te tiexmg i
iih n illicit 1nKes te wnter. nun .lenn i
(.hewed he hnd geed form. Shnrtl uft'-r
I quit boxing altogether, nnd cn- nil
my tlme te the development of Kilbnne.
In 1012 he wen the world's feather
weight title.
Among the men I am handling to
day are Urjan Downey, who I think
knocked out Johnny Wilsen fair nml
square; Carl Tremalne. Johnny Karr
and Charley O'Cenncll.
Bebby Ounniv. local mnraacr nnd rrrnmetrr.
iMIl lull "HOW I HADI. MY HT.UIT Iti
THE nOXINU CIV1"' In -nrrt .Snl'rrfm't
issue of TUU KVHXIVO I'l 11 UC JA'.D(JEK.
Crack Up-State Champions Will
Play Seuth Phllly Hebrewe Tonight
I The Boyertown basketball five,
'chnmplens of the State of Pennsylvania,
will pay n visit te this city tonight te
, half dozen. Three former Eastern
... . " rvu. i t.-....
league players nre in the visitors' line-
Twe girl's teams, the Greeni Sex
and Western Electric lassies will play
In the preliminary.
Christmas. A eift
- ,VZ21 i
. - ,
Norwood Splits With Delce
After Signing Contract
te Play Saturday
The football championship of Dela
ware County for the 1022 independent
season hns ended in Its usunl manner.
Three teams claim the title, nnd In
stead of the winner being decided en
the field of battle the honors are claimed
1.1 the newspapers nnd tjpewriter.
Cliften Heights was the logical chain
pien et the btnrt of the season and wus
rated ns the best until it was suddenly I
and unexpectedly beaten by Norwood.
mu - i n-.i l-,im,,,1 f
iii.iL ii-um .u.mwi.u,, ...... ..v.. "-
honor, and then Manager J. A. hpahr,
of Delce, which boosts n wonderful roe-
erd for the year, rightly and justly
disputed the claims of Norwood nnd
countered witJi n record thnt showed
De'ce te be the equal of any eleven in
Delaware Count.
Last Frldnv evening Weedy Bensnll.i
reach of Delce. and mn linger .1. A
Spnlir made arrangements for n game
te be played with Norwood at Hill
dnle Park en the coming Saturdaj for
the championship of Dclawure County.
After several hours of preliminary
Will Yeu Cress the River
Fer 100 Dollars?
Annual Pre-Inveniery Sale of Used Cars
All reconditioned in our own shops. It will pay you well
te investigate these efTcrings before buying elsewhere, as the
savings en these cars ratiRc from $100 te $300.
Our business is selling new cars and as quickly as used
cars arc reconditioned they arc pried low for quick sale. We
have no overhead expense charged against them for the main
tenance of a used car department and in consequence pass the
savings en te you
1919 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Sedan $300
1922 Ferd 2-Pass. Coupe $300
1921 KB Chevrolet 2-Pass. Roadster $375
1916 4-cycle Fiat 4-Pass. Roadster $400
1916 135 Packard 5-Pass. Touring $400
1920 Hupmebile 2-Pass. Roadster $400
1918 E50 Buick 7-Pass. Sedan $450
1920 Chalmers Limousine $650
1917 55 Cadillac 7-Pass. Touring $450
1917 55 Cadillac 7-Pass CenH7;f5e . . $650
1919 57 Cadillac 7-Pass. Touring $750
1913 57 Cadillac 4-Pass. Coupe $1100
59 Cadillac 4-Pass. Phaeton $1800
525 Market St., Camden, N. J.
iEfi Cellars
Iv Lr inc Cellars, I
I msMflflr tljJ h lit makm Ai-aew Ceuaks I
S1 'ala -" auuv V.O., INC, I
Deible Will Captain
Lafayette '23 Eleven
Knscen, Pn Dec. 14. Arthur
Dciblc, of Canten, O., hns been;
elected captain of the 1023 Lafayette
College football team.
Tl,,. tinw .fmtnln lu n member of
thn junior clnss. He has plnycd n
slellar part In the Lafnycttc line for
three j ears and Is considered as ene
of the best tacklcrs ln the East.
His election marks the third con cen con
sccuUve time n lineman has been
chosen ns captain. Delblc succeeds)
Frank "Dutch" Schwub, All-Amcr-icuu
arrangements, it wns finally ngrced that
Delce pny Norwood a Hat guarantee of
$100, snld te be the largest lint guaran
tee ever offered n team in the county.
The contract wna signed by the two
i hihs.
i Twe dajfl Inter Norwood raised the
i guarantee figure te SJ50, claiming n
debt of 550 en ncceunt of net getting
n return game in bnsebn 1 lust season.
!,''" .-v-iiwtiiiB emu ium mere would
b(, n) gumu unic6s th0 larger sum wa
On Saturday Delce wnllepcd St. lied-
wigs, ct Liiester. .k te u, nnd in tue
gnme wiin .oreuii me t-iiiesicrucs nelu
their opponents te n 0-0 deadlock.
IMi'e adherents nny that after this
game Norwood decided net te ploy.
New Deli,, Inn deridd te end the
-ei.M)ii mid winds up by claiming the
ihtimpienslilp of Delawnre County. Its
elliiinl photo wi 1 be taken en Saturday
at It P. M . this being the week-end
program instead of n gnme for the
5 for l.oe
These new cellars
arc made of a soft
smooth flexible fabric
that is Stiff yet Starchlcss.
Before being made up,
the fabric is thoroughly
shrunk. The cellars arc
made with bands that as-
sure fronts that meet and
points that arc even a
cellar that will net gape
Being prc-shrunk the fit
and size arc assured. The
workmanship is that of
the expert Arrew Col Cel
lar makers, the world's
foremost producers of
fine Cellars,
. fV. ';v