nMw' ' Va i77BW m-,r-, wjf-wjK ,fsw?,mm'(p WA r . f,vi,j , A; w,& ,k.ld?HW FSmfr' .' iH" ,j T JifJ' '-'-" ; , 'h , g, -- ,- v.t, . IVVV" V . rPv iky .' f !, it "n '.t',i EVENING. PUBLIC-LEDGEKr-PHILAIELPHV. THURSDAY. DEGEMBEll 14, 1922 r . . . i I. " i . ' 2 V. Seuth Philadelphia Association Starts Campaign for Mere Members flHIFrvJiSHBiMM PFTTINR NFW I IFF SliSfe lEBlBk wittS- 1 HAS LARGE A revitnl of the Seuth IMillntlclphln fltisine.1'1 Men's Association, which until tnst before tlm outbreak of the World (Var nt ene f t',c most netive bodies of its I1I11J '" "10 v"y wil' b un'lT" talccn by a Rrettp of men interested in ((in welfare nnil development of Seuth Jlillntlelphlii. Appreeinllnf: th necessitj of linvln? rn organization .'treiig enough te carry threuRli pirns for many needed im im irevcmenti u reerRanlssliiR inectltiR of the nswointleji lins bei-n called fur to morrow nisht nt IS02 Houth ltread Ltrtvt bv a committee composed of Wal ter H. riillllp.i. elniirmtin : Chnrk-H l RhWfr, jihw .uueciiip, .leirn 11. lleUley and Hebert J, Aitheti. A ptrmiK appeal for new members in rcntalned In n circular distributed by the rrmnilttcc and which M-ts feith the iecdi of Seuth Philadelphia, us fid low : "The extension of trellej lines. In cludlne the continuation of the elevated read from Seuth ntreet down Delaware McntH' te Oreiten avenue, te Jiroud ttrcet. A trolley line ever 'uyunk menue bridge te Hivty-third street and Woodland avenue. The abolition of the cne-mnn trolley (oiitrel and n jjreut number or all s.!;ip-step-. Uemeval of the dnnRcreii-t grade cinsslnK'-. "Cle.iuand vMI-imvttl streets. Itettcr police protection. I).'w!iiimetil of the '.rnguu Maud section. The conili'tien f the belt line by tin- l'eniiFjlvniiin Itailre.nd. as wt forth in the original jibtis and agreement, and net a-, it h i.ew contemplated. "Adeipiatc sewers te be installed, se ra net te rei'ird buIldinR operations new in preijrc-i and te tnlie cue of the futun. Sullicii'iit mIioeH te lie creeled li relieve the jin-ient congested condi tion. Mere lightH in sections wheic ihfc present illimiin.it ii.ni is peer. And u 1,0ft of ether improvements lliat di rectly ntfe't the comle'tH of the IniV, lifss interests of this section.'' BIG STORE'S CHORUS PRESENTS CANTATA Strawbrldge & Clothier Workers Slug "Prophecy and Fulfillment" The K'rawbridgt; & Clothier Chorus, nr.iliT the d.'rfi'ieti of Herbert .1. Tily, eeniluctur, jestenlay presented n Chi 1st r.a curt.iUi. known as 'Prophecy and fulfillment." written by Henry liab le utiil dedicated te the churn? last jeat, when it was sung for the first time. Tlieie ere meiv than U'tTi voices 1.1 tllO l'tll1TUJ. !ll.l till" lifilil.. li,MM- !nj in !l :.'() from new until CbVistinus. Tl.v soloists were AI!s Klsie I,jenn t'w'i. ''.riine- Miss M-.nr'erlte ''row ''rew fll linrr. contialte, and Jehn Owens, tenor. W illlnm S. Thunder was the . cmiue .n'sr. ns well us an intru intru nentnl choir. ej wnm'Hii. a is) were presented, llliistnt.ng the Chri.tmnt. story In six! urac. uie rrnpnets. tic Annuncia tion, the Shepheicls, the WNe Men. the .N.it!vlt, and Chi I 'niiis Me.-i.. Ituac U. ( lethler. ,lr., wsi the rc-uier. BAR TOBACCO AND MOVIES nussian Evangelical Church Here Forbids Beth te Its Members (Jein.; te the motion icures Id pun ishable b dlsiriisf.-l in tlie Uu.dnn J.iangelical t'h.irch. which feuducts ser tecs esery Sunday morning und welling In tin- Fifth Strei t Methodist Tempi.., I'ifth sheet abee Spring tiardcn. The use of tobacco in any form U nnetliiT frnnsgresslen liliely te brim, the "offender" before n church eenr I' reni seventy. live te one hundre-i M"MiiiiM attend tlie services in the tilth Street Temple. In feimer vear the;, were part ut the Peiisii Hiiptlst t hurt li. but tlw Poles. seeral jear.s "Se, decided they wanted te conduct fcrieis in their natie language, lliereiiiien the P.ussiaus formed a ntpur.it,. congregation. LEWIS WOLF HONORED Mead of Jewish Welfare Guest at Dinner Opening 1923 Drive A testimonial dinner te Leuis Wolf. President of the Federation of Jewish tharaii's. -u11H Blven last nigh: at Mercantile Hull, when "0(t members of the Federation pledged their support in a campaign te raise )?l.".."iU.0U0 for JcwMi welfare work in 1!..'S. Biumiel n. hit, ,'lie presided, in troduced Judge Herace Stern (is toast -maMtr. .IniT.h miii'e.iif ,.v,v.im,.,. .. reeter of the I'eduratien. was lavish " ii s pini-e et the work and character of Mr. Wolf, ai wan Albeit M. (Ireen lelil, clmirniuu of the campaign com- "llttei. All nil it.. mii,.. ,,,' M- WV.If 'Hi i.res, ute.1 te tlie Fed'tratleu by A1-' DlTl If, ,,..... tl, ,.l J I -. - . ... ., ,,, ,,,,, ( Oth. r iMilvcrs ii.eluded Charles lid pi! Xu) ,""m u- hu M"x Herberg, wils A. tiimbel, ))r. Cyrus Adlcr, l-eiiis tierstlcy, and Jules V. Mast-wuin. program liSrp W-, -ffmmmriM-Fmm Jj JpsSWHERE QUALITY, QUANTITY AND LOW PRICES INCREASE THE BUYING POWER OF EVERY DOLLAR J y t Thousands of men and women this year are doing ALL their Christmas shopping in only ten minutes from the heart of town te this location of lower prices and unmatchable j H. t if j5ens'n8ten and saving money. Every day the new "L" is bringing trainloads of them. values. Come today or tomorrow make YOUR dollars buy mere. These merchants will Js ft .:, Felks who have always known Kensington values can new take advantage of them. It is gladly pay your carfare SEE THE COUPON AT THE BOTTOM OF Ti IE PAGE & 1 J ( The Leatling Department Stere Uptown mmpnxBam&' ganrwi g , 1 M mmK t 47 - - k Frankel en the Frankford "L" A jli K KiW) Ir'''t4"s K y fihJLm. IT fL .-n ?, J STATION stef dauphin stkekt th hmmumb . i t r lit a. - a - t.x ieY n mr vim mw X7 jt mxrms nyu ir j m w-k.i mj ri nv un Li f , h $ jiw Ar " LGM tf fw ' " i aW . "A AJter-Ditmer Tricks - i . i ' f xi J I rf c N-e. .Ill-Wat, V That Stichs lnl,!'cCi"0,f!,r""'1' U"ul" " n-H-t or water t ' lWl ".s hlll," i I-'Ikiii-e A. He "V,i lnl '" iU turn the tuuibler wi..i ''IV xu,l""t spilling ail of the Jtlii e UP' ''VC1J ""l" ,N""1" ,0 Jii.0i,)'n 'I'" tumbler at arm's leuli, rt. "l" V"' '!lm ln " leiipltte levollilleu, A It ,''',J".bt "" iiidlcaied in Figure.. ' bil.l "li ( llm htt',l' "f the arinl he ... ' ""V,1," 'i,lll", "M'idiv, se that lieflni0,',"ill,,l,,t ''" ".lie ,e fall, In it e me ion el I lie tumljler Ueep- tufnr.i ,'" ,h."l!11,""- ,,'" tl' s'las.s I. e wntcr wuiiept spilling Prnctli-,. ii... ilMhte? ii"nkr- I)e et I'Ut tee much rte n tU tuu-'Jh r when doing the rurteht, tut, hv Pulttv ledger Cetwanv M. P. FOX 1412-14 GCRMANTOWN AVL 2b26-28 FRANWf ORI) AVE A FURNITURE XMAS ! ! wttsti'IL, !L Wzxim aBr0- vtmiw !e n us.jfui liLtt.ur.itul gift tbi j ear -i cnlar I'hefct. for inxtance. We efur u llnu chevt of gnu- Li till. 'IVitlTlHSHI. Willi f...l'l' ni " b Ml ..,.... ,.... i t , I II, 1 I II 1 I 1 '1 1 . I , ' I I,. I ll'l 1 111,11 D Pound with ivpwr bunN $11.50 and ub 'l ... i ..,.'. fifiVeil t . ,..,.,.. tl is value. Only One Bleck Eaet of Somerset fit. "f" Marien c .8SS-!g8gesiSg8ggS8S5Sf.S8gS' M ! $ 8 IV S RTTRn RP (ft m M iJtai Jil?l.TK!itaD1 Largest Women's Stere in Kensington & 2342-.4-46 N. FRONT STREET Sj FINE BOLIVIA COATS difeft Hifrh luster materinl, fl ,Q M IE tf M 1-3 trimmed, with Fur Cellars 4 H JB' 5ff Utf ' & of tllc best quality. Full fi && Sf ' - " f 'ilk lined, bpcuinl at M M i - ."i .' YMAR niFT nsji as.Afi -. . J V Fi?0r liV) SUSQUEHANNA AVE One Meck S'euth of Dauphin b't. Station en the "L Frankel en the Frankford "L" 9a '$ STATION STOF' DAUPHIN STKEET tfA ". mSrrxm VM.Tjr -' Most :ccepte3ble 5 1 N'rf IT f v & k w f a R X . . fla JL . m. jkmus uezLiui$ rur ine men row. ts : i(W)U, a'V w JIiil. CnalH, Kr ! -, -'- .11 I 1 AT NEARLY HALF PRICE $ 'I t.l Dr'flM-, SI-.-SM nine, Nen tw T 17 - I I .JSr-tit W ...A;i tS'5.1 j? ar, ?K'i.av i "., ?: ( lillilren'rt J'ur-'r.-liiitnr.l Couth, M.00 ii1ik-, ..v llrcssPM. S0-5.',:, iiltii, Nitw H 4-80 Suits, yae Value, Veiv ( liil.tren'M lrMtf S." Vuliif, u S2.98 I'urcli sinK Agents' Orders Accepted Here Sr Open Every Evciing Till Xmas 5hSb5bjJ5Tn&J?,rvV0w?aw. '.tmnMrnura'ifiilinatarIGrna$ai di fi fi fi fi If m Beautiful WARM COATS for Winter Wear $1 S-00 .Mmli; of the me.it w it d fuhrie, in the season' In st htyle.s. Trimmed with lavLe FUR COLLAR AND CUFFS Ceat i lined Uirouirheut. rdnny colors and till Mzi a te select from. A KEAL S2e VALli: "All llat the ,n iic implies" 2540-42 Kensington Ave. S? tin 2f I ' r.i u M l l!!1 I 1. .4 IB &- l!lli! I' i I ".t. 1. j , i i. l r nn'tsir-. -I ft Men's Silk Creee Cl . $ Ct-y,-- j Holiday flif-.. nlready M tiexed. spLi'ial nt kS r'. ,M - &Mll - r-r-T-wx-nr. r-eri s0&&'.W37rJZZjJr-cl&'' JL ii I Mini S. i nlm. w iJ"l Men's Si!k-and- Men' Weel Socks Uninn Sh.-r fe ;.V Splendid Qualit. Uea'lier Wontlerftiil. flic fcrade. ." mixed sock'? in dreij-stitcli pat- firay ?. ; i , e Union JZ vj terns. As-scivd Oder-i. S Suit.' A ctt!, warm WciaIy,.!ccindferihc.I.,lM3y, ZZt UTjS fj and si)cctall. nrict. 1 m l-e app:c lau-d. 5. 5?' pri Rrfc 'n r2' 1C $J.OO I'air. 0 en ii i no .1.00 Value. ' P I SfeiBj-sSi '' " K' ' V A'-cn., v Lnr.Y,M, j- iTj Kc-il 52.2.- alue. f in j- a pill l i.tiieri r.r veurdt Seal Coate id i'lciu-s lenp, of tl:e iii.ci. qualit skiiib -oft nurl -ilk-j, Ila cnernuus .shn-.v 1 cwlL l.irj,'i flarinp slct-vc-, tf.rm I'lu-.i J-'inislicd -i t Ji heay -Mk cei,l. Ail sizes. $69.75 i , fry -peei,':l price. font will be sent ler jour inspect ion. if jeu desire. Phene ( elumliiii nri7(j or write u. Frent '3cDaupMn St.. Phfladelphia -Pa. evsiraumaaxua ligHlBOinic OWesi Department Stere in KensinglenZ McCURDY BROS. K SPfliiH '-g DIAMOND C S. E. COR. FRONT & DAUPHIN Sts. g BOYS' SUITS fafP tRS -" - ajmSrtSS OTOATS & MACKINAWS 6.00 ALL-WOOL CHINCHILLA I'r Te ce.its liflt.M nil nreuml: rnnft perliptB Hint dU.iic.I backs ... 3-95 8.75 BOYS' TWO- PANTS SUITS OvrrttMti a A nwirklii li trt iiis blitntti't pl.til4 ailtl K jlitl ulOF't. ESI '3S tP gs m ia tt!--i r cs 5ui m 5-95 ej p-fi 10.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS i'n pint- iltt 1 1 f a n c t 4,it- tft0rJl Hlltl f '' Ptm In -r. ik bone wcivt 7-75 m if p HAND-TAILORED BOYS' SUITS g AND OVERCOATS Ui" Of pure worsted, in all tlw newest ;.liadcs nn.l 5S meduls. Sizes up te 18 years. rTi, si . S7S te 1 2-5 HillililiiilLliii'llllKifltlliiililillllilile i-Ki- eKfrviVGiHuiiiiii'itirfeiiyijii YOUR OPPORTUNITY If j,iu uut.t t nit rn' il'n. t fnim tln larlery, uu n ust ..... t. tin fu fu tery I" Bt-t faet.n i.il.'t ..i. ...... n, t i'i t fiu.f.irv iiru'i m It. r. i . 1 ..1, . i.u .,. hx lilKli l,n. In a r. fill ilUtrl, t Wiltem, AxmlntriM, Velvets ami jitusin. txir.iurun.ary uuiiity an.l Deslirns. In an7 tei. . BiRRCst Iari;ain in Town hpcciai: hlraerninar ! finest .uulltv 0tl2 s..inilrai vUcts $21.50 te $30 Aminstcr Utiss, Jfr".00 8.3xlO.G... up S30.U0 Axminstcr Si O..r)0 Kufjs. 7.6x9. .. 1 ttip Velvet Khrn, 27x51. Srt.23 Plain chirk tuttp" (liKantir Sale el Finest Seamless Wiltens 9x15 $97.50 9x12, $70.00, $57.50 & $53.50 8.3x10.6, $67.50, $55 & $49.50 6x9 ....$43.50 7.6x9 ..$40.00 'XHrMFriO"S AKTHITMVNT , ALL AUE PEItirOT OOODS Tine Cimeti. OSc, 51. JV SI SO up iwr y.1"1 . n.lif8' Runnert. Carp't liy tl." Ynl i . 27 and 30 inches wlrfc 11 Kra.lci. L. Urn ftV.8rnan.'! Jl"in "be Cambria Bt. iraphfer.l L" te Scmer?t St, Hta. nn.l walk ene equare ait te Junier s",,l auarea north te factory. 2630 N. Ouen Men V.VJ rri . Until 10 V. JI e '" Sat. aiiil ntltftr Hvs ir.. . A t V Yl1.1? nij-:. wn-.r"v ""V" - . ku -, wwv( I'tiu), iicu iiuie ue livery Wm MBLlS r tfje emc j,;. : -' m v 3i if n n 4 Bed Spreads, with Eelster Throws te IVHtch. -t set $S.OO te $10.00 Weel Quilta. al each $S.S0 te i?30.00 Down Quiilis. at each $15.00 te $30.00 Library Table Scarfs, at each . . .$1.G9 te SS.50 Silk Piane Scarfs, at each $1.25 te $6.50 Linen Table Cevers, with '-dozen Napkins te match, at set $7.00 te $13.00 Mercerized Table Cevers, with Napkins te match, at set $2.00 te $7.50 i! Table Napkins, at dozen $1.50 te $12.00 i 1 Bureau Scarfs, at each 50c te $6.50 Round Lace-trimmed Table Cevers (sizes 36 inches te 12 inches), at each $1.50 te $8.50 Luncheon Sets (1 3 pieces), at set $2.0G te $9.00 ;, Hemstitched Linen 1 ewels, at each 70c te $1.50 3 Guest Towels, at each 12Vec te $1.25 S Tmkish Towels, with Wash Rat.'? te matrK i",l at spt Q2 i ffi no - jui iu px.ua l-anev Lace-1 rimmed Pillow Casf.s, with Bolste " -3 r-fcrw tTrvj r UUMMMaMrKMH.. -JCM tiaHBHrWrmwawi na PURCHASING AGENTS ORDERS ACCEPTED RG BROS. Cor. Frent & Dauphin Sts. OVERCOATS and SUITS Sensible and Serviceable Gifts B m.-. Berr-'s Guar. $20 Men's Overcoats O p) e) y antee Goe; With In Cnys and Browns.? K &"" U Every Pu: chase ted Styles. Ji, JJ $1Q75 1 Cases te match. Pillow Cases, $1.25 each: Bolster Cases, each a? Bed Blankets, in plaids, red, white and er.iv ,;.-! borders, nt.pnir $2.50 te $18.00 ' S t- i - J, gMxnirzEzniMz I it .. t. . W W kl't'u t.t.. .. .I.. v.. , .. TOYS and RADIO ,. " ' 1 n; mom iin i; p ! i Kk nuj of -J n 'm ..r. . . i .. . .. 1 .-rrii'm'-JV .. r.verytninri ler the iimac Shepper" SBSffiPXA .rfW! i In Our Tey Department MTOfe&A k i .. -:,"N:.i.:ve? r 'tACtP5 ; wjpijf . . . I JPl'O- CM 1 !1! B ds . i I - s sste f 1 J1 i -SSSS&'.ipZ..v " R t tl jPfjttewJtytlCJ ir.eviw I hfBfytJSiaTi.X. x , w&mm$$ i ft'awssR&sm 1 B itV'-flr.'i-IUrA.S fuur!SlrAlt e wmm ii j1 i HifasRftea $8 1 iH F . I ) V W1 V. rt 8 v a) 'Ml 8 $15 Beys' All-Weel e.- H ali -J iii i iiidCKiiidws ana IIZZS E Overcoats I $9-95 " tmmm $27.50 Men's Overcoats Heavy All Weel. laid firtck. hi dilans jnd Listen 2.79 r. $35 Men's Overcoats C( Diir-ihle P I., , .1 W Bark Fabrics, in the Newest Medels Beys' Clethes for Christmas $s& 50 Bevs' Twe RrsjT n. lMJV rants suits, Over coats, Mackinaws 4-95 $12 Beys' 2 Pr. Pants Suits, Over coats, Mackinaws vi iVsccai. 11 OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS ii Mi. '1jI 23.tn . r . w , i, , '," P"r fntlie DeIartment III,. l.l.l t till,. . , I . . tS O. I.IL . t ,. . I . ..I .. $35 00 ...I J62M ' ' ; '', ' l i I'' ! i .mi Ilf l.iij , r ,. ji. ,n I.U ...11 ., il ..... .. ,f . .. .11 V ' . " - 11 ' IL.,.. ,! 1(1, 111 h ,,,, . . i. i H' ! . i ,ri. 1IM:..l- i. II I, M lull) Oil in,'.,. ! NrtRITMAM nvnt r- i- .- .. ' I 07 ivrtik. " A"IKe"c,"K'" Avenue si-2j ;t S .,irt nt llu, iln 1',Lu a. ,. :; H wn me.li nitwji -O.f .. .,-t . ., ' ,. ';,. V. ! Warren R.Greenigfi Ce. HIGH-GRADE PIANOS AND PLAYERS SOLD ON EASY TI.KMS .'U29-31 Kensington Ave. (Oer. Clcmcmine 8t.) Ph. Oarf.eld 0017. Our solicitor will call JsLp . Si BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY I'nri. Vlrclnlit 'C f I'nlil fieriiiiiiitnun'rVl 111 "! In i.N,.rtril fm colern Ml lb. pTlrnuli.e . ii t . I'C Of Itrutlirr nn.l lieuyi' M mS.V Oxford ..el for , bliuit hnciiterpi ... '" Samples Upen Request WM. H. LEES' SONS 242G N. Hancock St, KensincUit 07 J 1 ravrrv" - . ... ,. , I 7e -k' m, C J MiA vcu - a en nny jur K.nr- 49iWt H V i Jiwnt ImuKht . ' ajSjta! If horn '""'Bm'UssA .-H . BBffl c FUR COATS A Specialty Kery Kunmut Id uliHelutily Ruaratitccil. M.DAVIDSON "Tlw l.argent Furrier in heraingtan" 2424 N. FRONT ST B- f II --- -ta vrk wi p.e.ti.,1, , ..,, . J ()t, efr at Dauphi,, St. Station A LASTING GIFT Fine Polychrome 'jii , i -vt-- "oudeir Lampj Special at rT?V: ffiE IDEAL GIFT SVT - T i,5S5?'i iiiS-'JT 1907 B1S MAIUfACTlKEP; gwahtrOiMerON AVL jsa $2-39 ! Celers '... i ' i. n,,, nt I.ainiia of till il i iiiitteiH te tlioube from. U. ... i i. rry a full line of Xmaa T re.' I.ihhtinrr outfits. Tl .or I ii p T. 1 I.. I...iiii3 ;iri't t tl or el ciil .1 .ipiiltaiuvM 1 el tm lit e.ii jour Inline fur i.im, MirliiB iu Hell an lUlitl,.,,-. INDEPENDENT Gns fi: Electric Fixture Ce. 2227-29 N. Frent St. V." VSCFhfe J. ROVINS FURRIER K'nedclmg an.l R, pn, -inr 2221 N. FRONT ST. del off at YORK , r ,- walk aiiutl. eflwwaa J0HND.ENRIGHT Want te Shew Yeu V (U'AKVNTKKD WHITK GOLD WRIST WATCH $is!oe OTHERS I .ki:kn COLD iul WHITE (,OM) l'l TO El 8 $75.00 IHUIONI.v, VM) I'LT1N M TCHK. s100.v.-" JOHN D. ENRIGHT 3020 KENSINGTON AVE. Any Article Reserved ., vvvy -,. ,n i'K'i, ri&rixtiG,t THIS COUPON ii ir..s, in,., , ,1,, tl fi ft m i a " t,M ' 1 TICKET Af ANY Or THE STORES REPRESENTED ON THIS PAGE. t- READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE CLASSIFIrJ " Mi II K v: I tk i. IfS i Sit -v5 , fi I I! ,t. - JL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers