Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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7 '
Church Members Held "Fam
ily Service" in Sorrowful Trib
ute te Founder's Memery
Electric Ce. Halts
te Hener Wanamaker
As n tribute te the memory of
j0m AVnnnmnker, whose funernl
tnl.es l''n(,c 'n,l"y' ,vor' en tMe en"
tire system of tlie Philadelphia
Klertrie Company, with exception
of the Kcncrnthii plnnts, stepped
from -Me 2:05 o'clock.
Tlie live thousand empleyes of
the company reared their activi
ties promptly en the stroke of 2.
Tributes te the memory of Jehn
VTnnantnlier. founder of the church in
which many of them worshiped for
ninny years, were pnld Inst nlpht by
100 'member of Ttethnny Presbyterian
Church, 'Twenty-second and lSaiahi'Idg"
trects. ... ,
It was c?ciillnlly n fnmlly service,
jijrtlclpntrd In by wbnt the sorrowful
worshipers weie pleased te term the
"Ilctlinny fnmlly." This intimate
preup of eemmiinlennts were present
today at the fermnl services, but the
family pntherlns Inst night was for
the nurnese of puylnc personal tribute
te the merchant and philanthropist i
whom nil knew best as nn ardent church
Old Members Sorrow
Emissions of svinnnthy and nnnre-
elation were given by many present who
liQU vveriicn vwui .ur. , iiii.iiiiiitcr Min-t-the
feuudlne of Hethnn.v. Anions th.
Mourners were n score of old persons,
nhe had known .Mr. Wan.iinukci- blnce
his young manhood and who had worked i
taeulder n shnulilcr with him In nil
itncing the interests of the church.
When iiethnny Sunday schniil with
organized in 18."iS, twenty-seven per per
eons comprised the membership. Last
night two of these old members weie
iTesent. The Hew A. (iorden Mtie
bennnn, pastor of llethnny, paid nn
eloquent and beautiful tribute. lie
aid the great work bcRiin by .Mr.
Waiimiinker and new beariii',' nliundaut
fruit must he continued by his host of
friends, in Itcthuny. "
Tribute from filmbel Ilretlirra
Members of (iimbel Itrnthers, in nn-
ffKftu-HTiSiS mZ.Miss VirB" Steel, New 72,
the funeral as a mark of respect te Mr
nananinker, sent the following letter
te Itediu.m Wanamaker :
".My Dear Mr. Wannmaker : The
treat bereavement that has come te yerT
manes n message et sympathy from us
business men of little imaiiing, and yet
If jeu knew what affectionate esteem
inch of us had for your father vim
would understand in part the impulse
that moves us te write.
"He was gient in mind, in hcait, in
vision, in life and his noble cnthu.Mitsms
ind idi-ms will affect our city, our State
I'lid our Natien us long us they shull
"It is given te few men te wield the
i.atiunnl ami interuntienal influence lie
l.ad en the heart life and business life
uf millions of persons, and he did this
alwa.vs in biich n kindly, gentle and
helpful way we one and all of us came
tpentnnemislv te leek upon him as a
beloved leader.
"If the people of our city and else
where could iiinke their feelings audible
at this sacred hour in your life, we are
lire tliey would one and all say we
have lest n friend.
"We each of us held for your father
fi'ch piefuund esteem that we have de
ildid as a tribute te him our store will
re closed for a period during the time
Ihe funeral services are being held.
"ciy truly yours. Isaac (iimbel,
Charles (iimliel. Daniel Cimbel, Kllis
A. (iimhcl, l.euis Cimbil, Adam Cimbel,
illrliard (iimbel, Hernard F. Cimbel.
Dllis A. Cimbel. Jr., Ilenedict (iimbel,
lr., Lee Adams Cimbel, Frederick (Jim
hel." A telegrnm from Chief Justice Tuft.
also lent te Hedman Wanaiiiaker. is as
fjllew s :
"Yeu hnve my deepest sympathy in
the less of jour father. He was' the
petest merchant of his time. He
leaves us in the fullness nf years nfter
front accomplishments nnd 'numberless
reed weilis. 1 greatly regret that mv
uiKiigcinents here preclude my paying
tribute te his memory by attending his
Memerial Ceneline
A srecinl meeting of the officers of
Mary Cuiuniniidery, Ne. 11(1, Knight.-!
'lcinplnr. of Pennsylvania, was called te
inkp action en the death of Mr. Wan
amaker. He bad been a member of the
pmniandery fop mere than a genera
tion. The meeting was in Masonic
lempln and it was decided le have a
iiuinnrial conclave at II o'clock (his
iiinriiin. in the Temple.
Adrtics'cs weie made by Dr. Albert
. .I.i in an. iuniiii.iinir; Dr. Paul .1.
leiiiuis. giniiil senior vvaiden of the
uaiiil Cuniniandcry of I'eniisvlvaiiia .
IHinrd Wegleln, pie.-hlent of City
eiineil. KeV. Dr. Jehn C. Wilsen.
vim l,'rl."rll',s """Well. Ceillliililiail
"llliiiiu Mil ouch, for many vear clee
Persimnl inend of Mr. Wanamaker:
eerge A WpIsIi, Itcpicscntative in
i.eisi..elpd, and ethers.
1 lilhiileliihla I.edire nl- .:iku Vn
rac ...!... ., . " : ...
,u.r .,- "i-".ii runiiiiiim en inn
'lll.ttlf All ..... 1...I - .,
"ui . iieiikh ttH Incentive t'eiiiiulti
niler iliie,iin f Chimes II. (iral.
-. 'Nauru ruier.
te Ma",".""'r ,"'"ifatlnns paid trlhule
.. ,;,Vl,lnl,":l,,',, ""'"lery in .simili i-i-
i 'Je'"? '"""I"'1! and llftv nieinheis
iviii ' " '-'"lellilil.i PriMlijtei-y
ttltlj i hnweil heads while the Itev
J . I l in 1 .1 i .. .
(,t ',"". "" """ "I "epe I're-b.i-
ul,', '.'i1"'!'1'', "fr,,1l1 l'niyers an I
de l.M ,,,. ,.,lll(lllM, l0.wut a(,
'ae iniriioniter.
AS te the fiitnpn ,.f ll, AV., i ..
l-IOle, It U:i. LnM I,., liriiii.... i . ... .
,. ., '" " ,1 lllllllll Ul'l
'"nrnev and
," " " ""mil i. .evui.
M-cenil vice president ii('ei,n.i,u
""in Unniiiniil.-.
,...,. I..-,, i niiiiiii
er, Philadelphia, the
, ' Ill UK. i ni. it'll ,,l. ,l. M....
t Hn-ei ui.... i. . .. .. '"," "". ""'i'I'. I. unriiey, i 1. nieiesuiirv. liev
?. mate. , , r " Y . ,,"u:. " '"""
ventiniie nl ; i,' ii i,1 ""!"'"-'-'-,i
' "ine nienc the old lines.
Hran Sends C'onileleiices '
fellow inir iiipksiii.1. ...u ln i...
nilllin, I-. . ." "I.'
V , . .""iBii llryan te
d 'iL.'1.'"". M.r- Wnnamnker: Twe
latieii ,,. TV" J01,r ,atlu'1' ''ongratu ''engratu
n 1 vni'1''!" ,ls, 'fPerted improvement
te ren?I .1 '' k,'1 ns, we" "s Htwi.w.l
V " Mi I I I IV I Fni I i m 1..1I. . ..
!""" of his
. --' .ii-Ai iiuy ine ii ii no l nee .
death. The Natien loses
. J" 8
hiiiiiest. men-hnut. tin. i-lirlutim,
uuri'ii tu -,.. .... t
anil mWr!,w""t ", lr or strength.
"l i,,11""!11"" " frt""'!. W" "hall
' miss his moral enthusiasm and
lail.r''1; !li,,.I,'",l"'J'iililii. .My s.vm
W ij le th,. fnmllj."
"lied from Washingten:
Mill ,"i i,"i ',,'',,,h "f ,"1"1 Wannmnlier
"i inli'lphlii LW (Ht a man whose
faimei'T'1',",1,1 ,il1"1- ','l' Htatement
Jjmie iri.lhfully be made about many
V.;,""1 iiik It 18 be in his cane.
Intltn.VUi "1H,"n,er-8 wiiole life wns
i ""iiBately bound up In the orearcss nnd
kkkkkkkv i k ''lkkkklw nn iskwl I 'UkM'Wff i W ' m 1 kkkkkkkkkM kkkk W kka ' kkkkkM
kkkkkkB3& '.llHHinWl!
.-, "CiJBAilllWMIIWBLiJ" t "WtJ'
a MM wn
.Mis. Sarah A. Kinr.ilde. seventy-four years old, of 2074 Christian
r.trect, waiting nt lletlmny Church deer for chauce te view the body of
her Sunday school class leader. She had been a member of Mr. Wan.i
maker's class for .sixty-five years and was accerdcil tlie honor of leading
the line
. I
1 aught by Yeung
The woman who was the enlv little,
I' I in Jehn Wanamaker s Sunilnv I
y. . . . ,
"- im-ii m- Muricu i iic or-
ganlzatien which later grew into Itetli-
any Presbyterian Church, wns one I
of the
tlliillKiiitLi .4- 1.:., ..... .1 ...!.... .
. I
'"""""in 111 llin lUIMMJU MM l. .
tuvnty -seven miMuhers.
S he m A iu Vi,.,.:.,t., s!...i e-Mi! i.':,i. '"'i:'"" "t.." """.-niiusi ni.ii we wcin hi
water street sevei itv-tw , v,Trs V.lil ''"", Church." s;,l ,i.i wife, reel;- Stalwart and feeble, great nnd lowly.
It tfn is htv-t ve veai" n tlmt ahe' i?B ';omfe1 t".1,I' ImL'k aml !"rth- "0n" ,,,0-v I,nc(l i'",1p1-v n,,,,,C " the slle
went te her first Sunday school class I ""1,,'-v. nw W '"""""X ,I,,wn f'eiu line, asking no privilege or distinction
taught by Jehn Win a ker then Ine l,p L,l0T' Ir' Wanmniikcr was stand- but only te de a great man and a lev-
. '. ... .lll.im.ll.er. Ilien llllle J at . . ,.,. ()f , , .tpm stlMLiriir ' Intr Mnml tmnnn nr.,1 Mm,
1 "The etheis were all bevs " she said I v'l'm,1, Harvey be said, 'My heallli
her words tripping ever themselves hi i Jw"1 ft''jht' 5 r" tV '"'"'1. "
her eagerness: .'Mr. Wnnumiikcri 'I"1-,1 (pl V'1, J v"' l'i''1 .'"'d off.'
wanted one girl in hid class. M lie',"", ,;",', .." anam',k?r ,l-n"'' n!
room en Seuth street.
nsl.ed mv rather if he could take me,
and my father snid. 'If you will bring
her b.ick safely.' and he said he would
take geed care of me, se mj father let
me go.
Censistaiit Churchgoer
"I've been a member of the churcli
ever since I was eighteen years old."
Miss Steel continued, "nnd I have only
missed Sunday services thirty -four
times in sixty-four years, I!ut I was
in the hospital for fourteen weeks and
it w,iii't mv fault I missed then," bhc
added quickly.
Her wrinkled linnds flutlered in her
lap, knotting the btrings' of her apron,
ti in I her faded eyes smiled brightly as
she spoke of the kindness of her former
Sunday school teacher.
"He's always been n geed friend
te me," she said. "He pavs my beard,
you knew," she added simply, reveal
ing another of the unknown kind acts
of the merchant.
welfare nf this eltv. ltv
,..ii ,!,, n mill lillsinnuq ,'cnltw lit, l-.it lit '
up the weuileiful ii.siitutien which
bears Ids name. His entire career Is nn
inspiration te tlie youth of the land.
"1 had known Mr. Wanaiiiaker for
mere than forty years. When I was
twelve years old I worked as a cash boy
in his store. I was there two years.
Mr. Wanamaker, at that period of his
life, was In the store daily nnd I
i nine in constant contact with him. I
consider the time spent in his employ
one of the important elements, in my
education. Ills death id te be deeply
A delegation of twelve S.ilvntien
Army officers of New nrk and this
city at ended the funeral this after
noon. Colonel Itlcliard II. Hei, of
New Yerk, chief secretin y fop the
Fastern Territory . and Lieutenant fob
liel Alllllir I. Urewer. Iieil.l el tile ,
.iihteni IViiiisylvauia Southern New ,
.lersev and Pelavvau- Divisions, led the
Siilyiitlf.il Nts.
erttcnkij remmniider Evangeline
lioetn hem te ine wniiiimnKer neiue ni
la; ce 1-res.j and crown in roses an ,li ,
limine iieiu nn' miv 10 me ureal hut-
chant. Mr. aiiamaker was a close
fiiend of the Army's founder. General
William Menth, and a friend and coun
selor of ('eiimiander Lva Heet h, who
lias delivered addre'ses lit Hethaii
Cliim-h, as Mr. WananiaKer's guest,
en many occasions.
City Mourns at Bier
of Jehn Wanamaker I
Cmitliiiidl fiem 1'iiee One
W.idsAvnrth, ,Ir . Percy L.
Cralc. P. L. AndeiHen, IIiikIi Hlnek,
... ..' . .... .. , f ... .. .
rrner Miller. iit.M-iv lerfc
Samuel M.
Vimelnln, Levi i Hue, i.ener.il V. AV.
l,,,,... .i.,,i.... nmm. it n..i.i-
AV. llarrv linker, Apnew T. Piee. Jelin
II. MiiMin. William P. f!e-t, William
H'li""-"". "-"pii .. ii nieiier, .1.
,,,,,, i c.ui, i i ..... i'..n
vv l'liiini eiiniiii . .nn iiii.eiieuri;,
P. Dw.ver, Celmel Jnmes r.lver-
seu. iiuaiii I.,, .vifi.ean, uvrus ll. K.
CuH'Ib. Pr. .lesliih H. Pennluian, the
Rev. rranciii V Clark, Themns P.
Mitten, the Rev. Samuel T. Levvrie.
Colonel deerge K, Kemp, William J.
MeCaughun, Pr. Harvey Slieemaker,
Hi- Alfred Stengel, Dr. William K.
(Jiilcksall, Pr. Jehn II, Heaver. Charles
Packard. Alba H. Jehnsen, Judge J.
Willln Mai tin.
Jehn I'lsler. Pr Jehn C Clark, Wil
liam I'etter, Chin lenmgne Tower, Colo Celo Cole
pel Themas K. Murpliy, Jude Jehn
M. Patterson, Colonel Charles R. H.v.itt,
Chester:' Wlllium Reineu, William
Dick, Pr. Kdwin ('. Hroeme, Jehn
WilllaniH, (irever A. Wlialen, New
Yeikj Klllnghaui II, Mnrrlx, Aitliur II.
Len, .lumen, (lay (iorden, Schuyler
Eves, William q.iLnndla, New Yerk.
Jehn Grcenvveli; Jehn T, Wlndrim,
it W i
Was in Original Sunday Scheel
Harvey Small, sexton of Isethatn.
tvim nu,. .l,,,t n... ,.i i ....:,.
-.-. ..t, .I"..... ,ii, ,iiii,,ii i,ii.,,iin
ier tue tunernl et the man ter whom lie
worked for thirteen yinrs.
.,-vt.. ,.... , .,...'. . .,....
.IIV II1IVMII llll I1PU1 nilllllt TO I ' 1 I I a
- . .. 'min ". -"'"(- t tl4.tt
. a .J, I.-. -I.I..!.. I .
.i .,..., ,i. ,, intiitii nir-i, ,,i((i i- tvtii
' left.
nuisin t lt that spoil the day for you,
"nu iu'ii aim ie come see mm tlie lieu '
I'ny. lie give my liushniul a job in Ins
store and he worked for him thirteen
years. .My two eldest daughters wened
then', tee." she added. "And then
when he went ba k te the machine shop
he told him he would always have a
job for him if he needed it. Wher. he
took the job as sexton he didn't expect
fe keep it. but he has btill get it, these
two years."
Honors Merchant's Memery
Mrs. Small is just as ardent an ad
mirer of Mr. Wanamaker's memory as
her husband.
"One dnv I was standing in the
church looking at the names of the
heys who weie killed .in France, and
1 was thinking of my boy," she said.
"Mr. W'liinmnkcr came up and told me
I mustn't believe that my bev was
dead, because he wasn't. And he' talked
n me about his wife anil my bev, and
lie was real comforting."
Judge Charles I.. Iliewn the Rev Wil.
lii'iii (iiaham, the Hrv. Walter II
Creenvvny, C. C. Harrison. Kdwin s'
Stuart, Snniuel Hen. Hubert M. Ceyle.'
Charles I!. Dunn, Hubert H. Dunn'
.'nines Dobsen. Jehn K. Mehr,
Ceorge Dallas Dhen, Themas F
Dixen, Herace Wanamaker. Dr. Jehti
Wanamaker. 3d. Hewaid Heinz Pitts
burgh; Chief Justice William II. Tnft
William H. Wiin.imaker, Theodere
Justice, Heward IJ. French, James Mi
I leek,
Jehn Shedd, Chicago; Dr. Fdgnr F.
Smith. Hiclnird L. Austin, F. iMisev'
Passniere. Percy II Johnsten. (.w
erk: Vlbert II. '.Viggin. New- y01;.
Hiclnnl Delnheld, 'ew Yerk; Lewis
!: il'T!'".' '"V.'" .Wls: ,,,' Wallace
Iv. Hadidifle. a iniigN u, D. C. ; the
Hey. Dr. Floyd Tumkins. Jehn Cad-
n. miner,
J MM1I)te, . r- , A ,
C ,jrKe II. JleKmlil-n. Pr. 1 , .;'
rinean. Jehn Slerv Jenks Aif,. , J"
ilarrisen. Jehn S. Nuvvbed. 'r.iieis
II, Lewis. '"u
Walter Geerge Smith Dlnu-cr
her, Irvine T. ltu-li. New Yerk
k: Wil
i;, i, Un
iimn .vi. I 'entcs. Ale luiiirim I
ion Jr., Mems L Clothier, i:iiiH A,
win iei, ,s,imm. u. Kit. Jes.ph N.
ant'llvnhurg ami Simen (irats;,
Police amiiiReineiits fop hniidlinjj the
Ireniendnus c-mwds expected te j(. tlc
streets followed bv the Wanamaker
funeral precession this afternoon after
the .services in Hetlmnj Piesbvterlnn
t liurch were the nuet elaborate ever
ninile in this citv In addition te all
the principal police etru-ials, :t,-,e pa.
trelmen were en special duty te direct
trnflii' nnd keep the spec'aters in line
'luriiic the passinc of the precession
Sllpeilntenilent if I'ela-e Mills dl-
reeieu llie work, assisted bv l-iminlii
Harry Shullz, mid fellow nig the church I
services preceded tne luneral pre-I
essieii in an iiutiiineli'le.
chiefs were In civilian
, no uniformed iinllceinau
li-'tii police i
nttlre, and ,
was in the
.. .. -.. ,
i"in-tn us a special muen or respect
1 te the niemerv of the ileml in.,,.,.!,.. ...
ihe work of directing trallie south of
Muiket street in the vicinity of Tvvrutv
first, along vvhlcli the funeral cortege
proceeded, wns In i-hnrge of Can.
tain Frederick Keesiee, vvliile Actin
i'aptnln Jehn Cnilin handled the
Jrallii. from Markci street ueith te
I'liiriiieunt Park and eing Captain
I inward Lnwsen directed the work
in the northern pan of tln cilv.
All streets in the vicinily of Hethany
Cliureh were roped off te keep the crowds
strictly in line and picvcnt a conceited
rush for the entrances of the church.
These who wished te view tw body were
udmltted, entering hj I he Ralnbrldge
trcet entrance and leaving again by
IHUU lilllll'lltli ll . - ..,-. -rw r?) '"I "" n 1 1 II vv t
.. i. .. , '""' "mi an i in iiiriniiiM's s iiimv
-n v 'u,iuiuv.ii i iniii ,, .,.!. ..II il.. 1 a 1. ,
i i , i. t i.i t i
nr HMtiMi my i i sm lid new '
the Pemberton street exit te nveld any
danger of confusion. Pallbearers and
ethers holding special cards, however,
were admitted te the church for the
services before the general public.
During the church services and until
the depnrture of the funeral proces preces
sion nIK streets In the Immediate vicinity
were open for one-way traffic only
nrranned as follews: Hainbrldice street,
east from Twenty-third te Twentieth ;
Fltzwnter street, west from Twentieth
te Twenty-third; Twenty-first streett
north, and Twenty-second street, south.
After leaving the church the funeral
cortege proceeded enst en Hnlnbrldge
street te Twenty-first, then north en
Twcntv-Hrst street te rnlrineunt Park
through the Park te Nicetown lane and
tlicncc te the cemetery of St. Jnmes the
New Yerk. Dec. 14. As n mnrk of
tespect te (lie memory ei .iunn wnnn
maker, the dedication of tlie first of the
seven new bronze signal towers heiiuji
erected en Fifth nvenue wns postponed
from leday until uoccmuer j.
Many members of the Fifth Avenue
Association, donor of the towers, will
nttend Mr. Wnnnmnker's funeral, which
ili nkn nine, iii Philadelphia tit the
hour originally planned for the dedi
catery exercises.
Commener Unable te Stay for
Funeral, but Sees Bedy
of Old Friend
Thousands of persons, high and
numtile, unlKcd Mewiy and reverentiv .
this morning past Jehn Wnnamnker's ,
uenze. Ilewer-bnilkeil casket ill Ileth-
nnr Church.
An Immense crowd hnd nssembled be
fore the church when the doers weie
opened nt 0 o'clock te these who wished
te see the body ns it lny in state. Fer
three hours, the only sound In the
church wns the shuffle of thousands of
j feet and new and tnen. a repressed neb.
A six-feet cress of lilies hung ever
the casket. Over the length of pint c
glass completely covering it hnd been
placed a blanket of orchids and roses
and lilies.
Facing the casket w,ns n cordon of
honor composed of six elders of lieih
nny Church. All morning long ether
elders alternated with them.
They were William N. Itrndlev. C.
Colgan, H. Pollock, Ij, It. I.eenaid. C.
' (elgnn, J. MeCennell, II, Camble, I.
Craig, W. Craig, Ceorge Harper, T.
Horneg, J. March, J. Dewitt. Ceorge
Fmblek. A. Floed. G. "W. Cadd, F.
I Callagber. William McLaughlin, K.
Dusted, A. Kelly. W. I.anmnd, AV.
I.llby. J. Mncl.illan. h. K. Martin. J.
I.udvvlg, Frank Kmbick, F. Merhen,
Ceorge V. Miller. W. C. Itanngnn,
C(n"ge L, Stene nnd Samuel A Knsp.
These who came te pny tribute were
!of the old nnd the young. They were of
the city s iioer anil the Natien
Willinm .Tenninirs Itrvan was nmeni?
rnese who wnlKeii itast In the long i'ne.
'.Mnjer Ilylan. of New Yerk, was there',
' 'euncllirtan McCeach steed In line
in the bitter cold nn hour before
Kn,l""R entrance te the churcli. Hack
of him was Mary Streissgutts, of 10:."i
.North Tvveiilv-feiirt h
street, for thirtv.
five years a saleswoman In the AVnna
maker store.
Class Veterans Jein In Grief
At the veiy head of the line was Mrs.
Sarah A. Klucniile. seventy-four jenis
old, n member of Jehn Wanamaker's
Sunday ehoel class for sixty-five years.
The place of honor had been given te
t With fullering steps and under the
kindly direction of an usher she walked
along. When she came te the casket
she turned and clasped the hand of
Miss Maggie F. Wiley, another old
Sunday school member.
Silent in their grief the two old
ladies steed there for a moment.
Twe hundred nnd seventy patrolmen
handled the crowd en the outside. The
stream of people blowing en their
lingers nun stamping their feet in the
eelil nnpreaelieil from Twentr-first
.street, enter-il the ehtireh en Hnlniirliliw i
nml were dlsiimspd threuRh two bade
etitranees en Pemberton street. Strict-
est police siinerviRien wns maintained I
and Ittiiuhrhlxe, Pemberton street nnd I
ivventj-i-ecemi street were rnned off
Anions the early arrivals were Con Cen
cressnian William Vnre nnd James
M. Ilnzlett. William JenninEs Hi-van
ilre.ve up In a taxleah nt a quarter te
ten. lie was accompanied down the
aisle of the chui-eh by the pastor, the
Ilev. A. Gorden McLennan.
Fer n moment Mr. Hryan steed in
silence beside the casket. In his bread
black cape he made an imposing pir.
ture ns he raised his eyes for a mo me
nient, luekinc nt the black draped
ei-Kiin. nt th. black drapery of the pul
pit and the banked (lowers that
stretched neress the back of the church
On his way out Mr. Mr.v-in pnul ii
brief tribute te his old friend.
"I knew- Mr Wauninnker for fortv fertv
three years," he said, "and I ndmir'ed
him Rreatlj I would jrive a Kreat
deal te be able te arrange te stav nnd
serve tin honorary pall hearer hut I
must hurry off te Miami te nttend te
a Sunday elas in which Mr. Wana
maker was much interested."
j .Many Shed Te.irs
Themas P Ilalph. with Krizzled hair
i iireunii ins miiiiiiii; DlacK face, walked !
iiii mien ei v eiivres-nian v are. He vvas
'old and bowed as he ntiimlili,l l.ie ......
up te the caskel. He murmured ,t jtIu. I """ "'.V''1- J"-. record of the phone
prayer and, as h,. turned nwav and was "'""., ', !!"'" , ," '
told by the poll. email in the corridor te' ' VlU'" ,h,i "",.'" te Mnttie Mehr
hurry up nnd pass out, there were tears' "'",'" '"'" l11",'1"''1 ' "' i-Il if llairv
sli'eauilng down his face, I Mehr wis theic, nnd when 'he c.inie
Others oiled, tee. There was Miss!1" ''"' !1'"",, tnl1' llil11 eeme home
-e ..I'viiii. who una steed out
n the line in the eeld since 8 o'clock '
in rne, morning. She was the first te
arrive, but when she saw old Mrs
Kincaide come nt a quaiter te nine
she gave up her place. MiR8 Rrvnn wn;
former v ii nnnmnker emplee nnd
Mr. Wnnnmhker had been geed te her
mie. who entered the first class of the
Sllliilnv c,.li,.nl ... .1... . . ' lli"
hll",,n.v M-lmnl nt the age of six
l,"ueiuiinii .vn-i eneii
IVllA ..... ....
V -'"" " e present. Had by the
l"",(1 ,JW " " '.'r members, e L
W',1S f-ferslnnnn Mtselmnn. nml tl.
n tjim. i.n.i ... I . . -- -.
iini-r ieatrii-e nepper. Thev hnd
known Mr AVanamnker only as ft -gray-haired
Mailing man who nntted
them en the head ami told then il ev
Hang sweetly, but they Mulled nnd steed
patiently in Ihe snew-slushed street
r ' llltt,,, fr,,i' (1n"'ri wns Plerence
Letel, a Negro girl, huddlt,,,. I , .
tailed black cape She had worked in
...,- .. I,,,,, ijiiL-i ,ii-iii.iiitevv u house
ii.-ii ,r iiiiceii .veins
All through tin. morning i10 steniv
stream of uieurners filed en 'iV, ,
erewd wus greatest when the denrs first
opened, it swelled te major propen.
tleiiB nt neon when fashlonable inethru
drove un te the deer. But "hi nl
wentntlfl hnndled with tb.rich . wflhta
the church, MUvKCnrrte Qilgg, church
organist, and Miss Maggle Vogt, or
ganist nt the Wnnnmnkcr store, took
turns nt the organ. The quiet mov
ing strains of Gettschnlk's "Last
Hepe" were sounding in the quietnees
when the littlest mourner of them nil
was lifted by her mother, Mw. Ada
Everett, 2150 Seuth Heward street,
te leek nt the penceful sleeping face in
the casket.
Old Friends Pass Ky
Mrs. Everett formerly was em
ployed in fhe Wnnamnker store. Her
baby's eyes grew n little solemn. She
does net knew very much about death.
Miss Jesephine Cromwell, whose
father was Sergeant Cromwell, one of
the first doormen nt the church, cnnie
next. Near here wns Mrs. Ij. Starr,
of 0202 lluist nvenue, whose father was
In fripiwi nf Atr. Wiinnmnltni'. Arf these
efd friends left the vestibule they wept
u little.
.Mayer Ilylan en Hand
It was 11:115 when .Mayer Hylan
arrived, accompanied by drover Who
1 Ian, of New Yerk, Coiuinibslencr of
i fIfl Wt ,Hr ttmi&i 'IMm. .inliwn.1 n mn-
mc,',t (0 new p'hotegrapl.s te be made,
At 11 ::iO o'clock, fert.v-live members
of the executive stnff of the Wnnn-,
executive stnff of tlie
ninker store lu New Yerk arrived at the I
church. They were headed by Pres
ten II. I,. vim, the general manager.
A detail of eleven members of the
New Yerk Police Heserve. whlak Hod Hed
man Wanninnker, Jehn Wnnnmnker's
son, commands as Deputy Commis
sioner, accompanied the New Yerk del
egation. Dr. Jehn A. Hnrriss, Deputy
Police Commissioner, In charge of traf
fic, and Inspector Jehn F, Dwycr
walked with the reserves.
Girl Admits Rew
With Stepmother
Continued from Page One
Hen?" "Yes,
and me both."
tamer lergave metticr
"Didn't your father threnten te send
veu te reform school if you did net
j leave ParkstremV" "Ne. He threat
ened te send me te benrding school."
"Did net your stepmother plend with
i.,-, n.i ,,i i i,teinln fnrln.
nPSg f(). veu?.. nazel Wns silent for
mnment. nnd tried te bedue In her
answer. Justice Ixnliscn ordered her te
answer 'yes' or 'no.'
"Yes," she sold finally. ,
"Did you net communicate with
Parkstrem after he left Hiverside?" ,
"Was net Parkstrem arrested nfter,
you left Perth Ambey nnd was he net
taken te Mount Helly?" "Yes."
"And xvas he net threatened with J
criminal action unless lie let you
nleneV" "Yes. that was during the an
nulment proceedings."
"At the Christmas dinner, just before
th" sheeting took place, did net your
father reluse te eat liecnun- he wns in-!
texlcnted?" "Ne." The girl hci- I
tated n moment, nnd then admitted he
"was, a little."
Sheeting of Mrs. Pninen
"And did net you run between your
father nnd your mother when the quar
rel started, threw up your arms nnd
tell your tntner te snoot you and net i
your metiierV" "I did net. What I
said was: 'Maze away.' "
"Oh. then you did say for him te
sheet?" "I knew that would prevent
father from firing. Then mother began
te sheet."
"Who first took the gun nwav from
your father?" "Hessie Mehr tried te.
My mother had said that it was ever
Bessie that the trouble began."
"Was your step-mother the only one
injured?" "Yes."
"Wns net your step-mother in the
pantry and did net all her bullets go
wild when the sheeting took place?"
"Yes, because I held her hand."
"Did net your f-ither run into the
dining room, se It) was a physical
impossibility for her te have ' shot
him?" "If she had get away from me
she would have shot him."
"Who wns the doctor called te treat
veur mother?" "I think it was a
Docter Down, of Riverside."
"After Dr. Down had treated your
mother did you net complain te him
about the cruel way your father had
treated you?" Hazel snapped out an
emphatic "Nn."
"De you knew thnt Harry Mehr
helped your father find you that time
in Hoboken?" "Yes."
"When your mother gave you the
warning about going te winter quarters
In Williamstown, did you suspect that l
Powell was the man who would de the'
sheeting?" "Ne."
Advances Gunmen Theory
"Is it net a fact thnt it was New New
Yerk gunmen your father was afraid
would get him?" "I could net say I
never ashed
"Phi jeu never talk it ever with'
your father?" "I le net remember. I I
heard from Hnrry Mehr that my step- I
mother Miiectel that Franklin nnd I
the I'leemnn Hrethers of New Yerk
might he after dad. but I never thought
thnt nnj thins would ever come of It."
"Hew ninny times wns Mnttie Mehr
told by your mother thnt your father
nilcht be shot?" "I enu't recall."
"Did you net hear your father say
that lie was warned when he wns in
New Yerk te lay off and re bnek te
Riverside or somebody would Ret htm?"
Mr Keown referred in his question
te a trip Hrunen hnd made te New
Yerk i" leek into the theft of tome
jewels from his wife.
IIii7el answered without hesitatien:
"Pen't you recall your father aylns '
that he 'sienned en old Ilertense' Hits
nnteinnlnlei and came right back te
Riverside, and wns net his face all dirt
and liunlil.v?" "I don't remember."
"What reason have you for fixing the
time -e enctly when you tell us you
telephoned Harry Mehr about the
sheeting the night of the tragedy?"
'Trem i'ii- very first the time hns been
l'ied ii mv mind."
"Didn't Parker slew mi the official
record of the phone call te refresh our
I uiemerv .- llazel answered snappilv:
He did net.
thnt dad had been shot.
;irl Put I'ndir Grill
'Is it net a fact," Keown asked,
"that jour mother veliinteerul the in
formation te Parker after the trngedv
that .she had gene te the kitchen deer
that night in order te put the deg in
the cellar' les.
"Was the deg allowed te run nt
large-'" ' Yes
"Pid net Police Chief Vecliell give
orders the dug was net te run at large
unless iniu.lifl?" "Yes, but he nlvvajs
did. though."
"Are jiiii sure Harry Mehr said that
'the guy who killed your father should
have a geld medal? I am positive,"
"Pid net Harry Rernsteln say that
Heniij l'ranklin hnd made thnt re
mark'.'" "It was net."
After a few- unimportant questions
Mr. Keown nbkeil :
"Whv didn't jeu tell the authorities
that jour mother hnd asked you net te
saj mi thing about Hnrrj Mehr chang
ing evcrumts?" It vvas brought out
in Ilns-el's direct testinmnj jesterday
that Mrs. Hrunen had made such a re
quest. "I didn't suspect nnj thing then,"
snid Hnel. "New since I've heard the
truth I've put two ami two together."
"De jeu knew why your father
didn't go te New Yerk the day he wan
killed?" "He wm worried about the
wlnteV quarters of the show, that the
circus wasn't being well tnken enre of. '
"When did Mrs. llruncu and Hurry
learn thnt he had changed his mind?"
"The morning of the day he wus
Sbeus Her Antagonism
"Seu testified thnt Mnttfe Mehr enme
te the lirunen heusi only when Mr.
Tinmen was nwny. Was Ive mnd nt
her?" "Ne. Mnttie always hnt n'
liliuji "J uiilMUK jii mi uun'i ii-,.ii- -
nlT.iIrs," Hazel's answer was given
in n venomous tone.
"Hew long bnve you been living with
your father and mother before the
trugedy?" "ICIght years."
"Did your stepmother love you. can can
eor you and niakc sacrifices for yeuV"
"I don't knew where she made an
"Didn't you say te ether people tint
your stepmother always took your
pnrt?" "I said thnt he wns ten
"Did you say thaf your father treated
your itcpiuethcr cruelly';" "I don't
"Did you net, at .'02(1 Hidgenvenue.
Philadelphia, make the following Mate-
nient te Mirtllc Mebr ami Harry lien-
tuin : 'And te think, they are heldini:
Hurry Mebr en tin; word of Charlie
Powell, a dirty, drunken dope-fiend.'
Ashed lawyer for .Meney
"Did you net en several envision
askmc te give you money'" "Ye, a
hundred nnd fifty dellais. I needed it
for clothes."
"Was it before or niter my refusal
te, gie you this money tb.i' .ii"i wiete
te .Mnttie MeJir about ni'-V" "Atler."
"Vhnt pleliipted thai letl." ''" "I
didn't think you weie capable?" Th"
answer get a laugh fimn the couitieoiii.
"Did you net accompany Mi. Uiu
nen te the Surrogate's etiice In Meuiii
Helly In reference te having her ap
pointed administratrix of the estnte'.'"
If.i9nl n t tntiint.i.l ,i fnril'n i.r. .filnnr,
tle. ,!!,. KnlNeh hiiid "Answer ,
tliu question without trying te inject
nil,, nuns i;ui; iinw il. t3ij J-' ui Jtw.
"Didn't you make unkind remarks
about Mrs, Jacschke. Jehn Ilruncn's
sister, for trying te withdraw the
caveat she had filed against the admin
istration of his estate?" "I don't re
member." "Have you ever spoken disrespect
fully about your father since his
death?" "I could answer that if 1
could explain, but the Judge says I
have te answer yes or no. I won't
Answers Are Kvasive
"Have you net said you wished your
father was dead?" Justice Kulieh in
terrupted te instruct Mr. Keevvn te
iiidicite the time he meant in his ques
tion. The iitturmy for the defense
then withdrew the iuestien. asking in
stead :
"Didn't J e,i s;n m the presence of
Mr. lteniuiii you wished your father
was dead?" ''Nn."
"Didn't you say if it had net been
for your stepmother jour father would
A woman bootlegger, who gave her name as Estfier Herzeg.
fifty years old, of 201 Falrnieunt avenue, was arrested at the
end of the Hidge avenue cer line today. She had a purse con
taining $139.40 concealed in her hair. She said she sold liquor
te support her sick hushand.
LONDON, Dec. 14. Germany is very near te complete col
lapse. Prime Minister Benar Law told the Heuse cf Commens
today. He declared that this was the only information he
could give the Heuse en the subject of reparations.
have beaten you?" "I don't remem
ber." "Which one of your parents showed
you real parental affection?" "Reth."
It was in this answer that Huel
.showed the first trace of emotion of
the day. Though her voice did net
quaver, her lip trembled a bit.
"Hnve veu ever shed any tears ever
the death of our father?" "Yes,
"Did ou fear your father?" "He
had a bad temper and I wouldn't dnre
cress loin Mrs. Hrunen was i:oed
te !
me, I'll admit.'' I
"Isn't it tine that if I had given you
the money .veu wanted you would hnve
been a wltnc fur your stepmother and
net ngainst her?"
"I would net ' Ha.el answered em
phatically. . Denies eltMi Motives
"Is there no "'liili or mercenary mo me
five back et vmir efforts te connect
your steiniieihi with the crime?''
"Hew- ninnr 'unes have you visited
join- fllther- gr.ivi '' "in e."
hen wns tin i.i r tune en kissed
Harry Jlniu- in
say two imuitlis
pnsen.' "I should
"Why did y i st..p then?" --I didn't
have time te kis him."
"Didn't jeu ever -'iv te Mehr thnt
Powell was a dope tieiid and that you
would be a vv i'ii- t"r Mehr en the
day of the trial''" "Ne "
"Didn't jeu ie'l li i ii i te brace up nnd
get out, that he was the enlj man left
te tnke care of veu''' "I don't re
member." "Didn't you Tell li'in Mint this wns all
Parker's invenn..n and t tint Parker was
telling Powell what te mi. and that
rurkei- knew tliat Pnwe.i wa a dope
iiend?" "Ne."
(Jiiestlenlng Kept I'p
"Pidn't veu iniil.e nnv iiiiiiplaint te I
Dr. Maul abuui the av jour father!
treated jeu''" "I den- leiuemher." '
Ibis elided Hnel s iios-ennilnn-tlen.
The redirect examination was
conducted by Assistant Prosecutor
Pen nick.
"Pe you knew where Hiurj Mehr
nnd Mrs. Hruneji g-n the meuev te huy
their funeial ileiiies'-" asked Mr. Pea Pea
eeck. "They borrowed it in Caniden "
"Hew much?" '1 Inline it was a
thousand dollars."
"Hew- did they pay it back1" "With
my father's insurance.
'What de ou mean In saving that
you were insulted in Ridge avenue?"
"They called me nn illegitimate child."
"Who called jeu that '" "ll-ir'-v
Mehr's mother and bis sister Mattie."
lt was nt th's i'iin that Justice
Kiiliseh intervenisl In the girl's exam
ination. He nsked her n uiiestien lu n
voice se low that he could net be heanl
by the spectnteis. It was her reply
that brought Prosecutor Kelsev te hi
fiset, uppareiitly en the point of mak
ing a pretest.
After Justice Kalisch had made it
clear that there was contention between
the girl and the two defendants ever
money nintters Mr. Keown uqestiened
her ngnln.
"Didn't I tell jeu after the arrests
had been mnde, that there was no mere
money In the eBtate te be spent?" Yes.
you iald you were spending beme of
your own money,'?
indications Multiply That Re-
publicans Are Willing te
Cease Hostilities
Dublin. Dec. 14. Further tnlk of
pence between the fnctlens in Irelnnd
is heard as Christmas approaches. Ac
tion taken by the new Senate of the
Free Stnle Tuesdny in nppelntlng a
committee te work for the immediate
cessntlen of hostilities has developed
Mjiiie indications thnt a considerable
section of the Republican partv Is will
ing te treat for pence nnd that the
rank and file is moving in thnt direc
tion. The summoning of all the Sinn Fein
clubs in Dublin City nnd County te de
bate the question Is pointed te as sig
nificant, especially as, although the
i clubs are composed of treaty support
ers and Hepubllcnns, It i the Itepubli-
cans who sent out the press netifn'n-
, tlens for Sunday's meeting.
I If Bcntiment in this direction develop
further, ns the peace levers hope, their
efforts will be centered en the porn
which they fenr will prove the chief
diffiPultv-'he unwillingness of the h-
reKllinrs te surrender their arms. Their
friends here pointed out thnt peace be.
twecn the Ilritisli nnd the Irish was de
layed by the same difficulty and was
only obtained when the ISritish waived
their demand for the surrender of arms
such ns is new made by the Irish Gov
ernment. Resolutions of public bodies beinv
passed In favor of peace are lnstnneen
as indicating thnt public feeling is tuid
ing te favor accommodation between tin
two pnrtics. In this state of affairs
the Senate Pence Committee hopes te
Intervene by establishing relations with
men In touch with the heads of the ir
regulars. There is no indication, how
ever, that the Free Stnte Cevernincnt
will consent te permit the existence of
any armed force in Ireland except the
national troops.
Londen, De 14 i Hy A. "P i i
Timethy Healy, Governer General of
the Irish Free State, arrived in Lon Len Lon
eon last even-'ig for n consultation with
the Cevernincnt. i
Hughes Foreign
Policy Unchanged
(iuillnu.il from 1'iicc One
the ferei;;n policy of the I'll. led Slates
ill its bread outlines. All suggestions
that tins cminir is about te become
lueie active in niirepcan affairs are
the merest moonshine. The.v are a
streti l.mg bejend their legitimate mean
ing of the White Heuse .'innnitiii.n-
nient tli.it the Aduiinistrat en uin ile.
ing all it fMiihl te bring about a set
tlement betwii-n (lermaiij and Pnuiee.
Moreevir, the i euntrv is no readier
te camel the .illled war debt tedaj than
it was two years age, and the Ad
liiinistriiiinii lannet take any definite
steps toward a sett'enient of the Kuro Kure
pean economic dittieulty without seen
eiioetinrtering the quctmn, "Wh-it nre
jeu going te de about that debt?"
Mr. Rnnar Law. the P. einiei . f Kng
land, ran up again-t th.s ,iietinn at
mil e when the allied Premiers met to
gether In t In ii- recent cenfereriie.
Tlie word "aspirnt!"ii" ha. come re
cently into vogue tu ie..-r In the e. .cl
ient intentions of th.' I ni'.d States ..i
of the Administration v I i. n i -inif- In
tmmeiliatelj -arrieil i.m.
The foreign peln-v of the l'i, 'en
States, se far as it :ifl... ts the
pute between rrance am! nerui.n v.
which may lead te th.- p. nnmi i u,..
brructien of (Jermnny is huge
r-IV till
The Adniiiiistiatien asi ires t.i
reasonable settlement nrnvnl ,r
will keep Prance from sei 'ie
many's hclef coal deposits nn 1
IV, 11 .....ill,. ...... .1 ...
see a
1 nr
w h 1 h
it will be
pny them.
...ii imiir i.ii.iriiiniii In n no i
pratlcable for (iumniiv t
I Plplniuntii- lepreeentntiens are bein
1 made te rr.11.ee nnd te tJetmnnv .1"
j tills subject ns thev were st sf'i, v
in l.C'l. The mav succeed again ths
ion-, wiui is, succeeil te the . ti nt e
putting off ir Um(, fr, ,1,1,5 ,.,',
bv lance.
Secrecy In Washington
l,e,v,Catne'T,'C ,1S h,,,l,! "'""i'n.l
h 1 ," t,,lp "" '"S"" ""id that
the Administration ,lUK ,, ' ' '
no direct information ,s arailable tn,'if
nil the i.evertiuients involved, this ,,
I lie one which practices the basr open
l.le.nncv., Prebablv the rease is , ,
!!!i" -s .0 c.,;,;.
self n., 1 .u 1 .. """""I "Umit'IOg It
........ ,,lb lllt. ,.l-ul masters
f Ainei
...1 s luieign peiicv sit en th
e lull an. I
v- 1 ii "lute department
v nlte Ileiite.
or a' 'he
Closing of U. S. Office at Newcastle-
en-Tyne Still Unsettled
Londen, Dee. M..(jy A p (
Proposals were made by (ircaf Hninit,
Inst month for an mnicalde sttlem,,t
et the case surreiin,inK 1 1, ,is,,, f
of the
.Vlllel-UUli (ensuliite , ....
Oli-Tvne. but thev ui.,
ill1 ?". ,"( ,,0ll!,"s'i"H. W,,N "'terme.l
.. i .,"m "s-.M'iii, under seere
V, of,,,1" i'erelen Oflice.
lie added thut the iniestlen was being
further eennidered with a view te reach-
Ine a settlement.
Are you under th
Impression that It
costs n let of money
te maintnin a Ruutt
Automatic Heater?
Fer the price of
geed Cigar a day
the avcrage family
can have a plentiful
supply of het water,
without fuss, dirt
or worry.
Ak for information from
any U. G. I. Stere, Plumber or
Bartlett & Ce., Inc.
1938 Market St .
A $500 Funeral for 3
Guaranteed Quality. Finest 9
caskets mncle.
I'xlabhihnl 10 Yrttri
Half Ihe Price Others Chargt jj
Ne Bread or Chestnut W
Street Price in
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it 1 fl( Adult Fiin-ral
Cnmnlt yf
H"uu Tlin'l"'
m- Ilnrrtn-ivKl I'.ilishi-d Jff
fiiskpt vifh Ilnn-lles, rinte nml Lin- '
Inc. OntM Cnc fenveynni-i' te Jr
(a'.rj l'lnhalmlng nndv, HhreiM or JJ
aj I'lnnl et Henrie r.lm'inlne. put rer s:
V Otn-nlnc Grave, t'ne nt Grnvi If fnmlly gj
j? linn nn plnre of hurlnl Ne rlmrfff for
pi rrn Inn of linilv from Hospital, r-nrler JJ
(.' Clialr Crept-. Cnnitelnbnim, Criiciflr. J
' Metal Caikrts and BMment Cement JjJ
21 Caiet at Half the Prie Others Charts jX
E. Kessler & Ce.
ft Undertakers U
5 1633 W. DAUPHIN ST.
J Formerly of 3909 Germanlewn Ave.
Mwift Open Bell Ph. Diamond 2205
TKe Gift Ske
Has Always
ALWAYS, ever since
. she first read about
them, net alenebecause
Tecla Pearls nre pearls
of ineffable and im
perishable beauty, but
because, like Oriental
Pearls, they are recog
nized as one of the fine
jewels of the world,
which it is a distinction
te wear and a privilege
te possess.
Tecla Pearl Necklaces
ui'rh Qentdne Diamond Clasps
$ioe te $350
7CW Bend Street tatten
Charles J. Maxwell &. Ce.
Sele Philadelphia Agents
Walnut St. at 16th St.
Complete Sets and Parts
at Special Prices
Starting with a com- A J
plete ret. Ne. 159, at . 4.jD
I rimlnc", 'wllrliF it mi TriirUt Alie
(rt'iKlv IteiliKFd
Xmni Tree Tunt'Hten SeU, S
Light, asserted $ AtL
tolers in nerien ... 1 rO
Series of 8, 'IOC
asserted 1 .iO
Fancy Set, $2.65
Boudoir Lamps
In uiertsd calart,
'. btac an4 rld.
A In (lirrrrrnl ihapra
14. in. hih. ( and 10.
In. thad. Ceinplttr,
ready !
' lr ''
IKhl. ri
i'imic zee ffkira
' inplfr Line of Appllnncfi
Tet ?."2
Tl.tLP'. line nqiutrd
Ijl from t Ii r
llfaillin Trruilual,
- niiuxiri iruui i,ihu CTArcvi
Ktiillen. '
Pi. E.
H 2 fiJ'
r v-t
-. ,-.Vr.-. ..,,.,.. ,. .... w r -, . , ..
Al.,lJ,i V , I i..J'.H I.
- r. ".. T
. . . ir ' .
x ,t. i.
- .. .Tm.K-.KA,t. m,1. .if .. . IKtt itV'...!1