raBBSBKH! siiMBBMffij mmmmmmmWsWfwrrmimwi.m tf tf 'Y 'i1! " iT"ITMliF' !! 1MH1 HHI I I ni-'-Eai-. T. e-y v.ca wwnrMSn nst .it .vw . . t. , w -., i;, .,i . r,'m'rmemirmmmmmmkmmkmmmm ivyv-WFrMWl,F,T' T '"" tr vt- s-'.ri,.-'rfivr--' - -iv-v . a-. ' -r - viwj- t - T7VJS -'C 'JJMiWiV. T1 l- -,' 'i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, -THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, lWJtf , -K i! Hi fKt!JM 'HiM''Msl Pdts. si His' , i ;fl i it till Spill :STOIir. OPENS DAILY AT 0 A. 51. AM) CI.OJCS AT 0 I M 7omer.Ws Mid-Menth Specials! 200Bayl$-S0.50 seal Coats J JL ajU' All These Goods en Sale Tomerrow: Alse See Page 28 sjlnll And I'liene Order. Filled Bell. Walnut S30C Keystone, Main 4101 Tomorrow Stunning 40-inch models with skunk cellars and cuffs. Richly lined. $220 "North ern Seal" Coats, $149.75 15-inch length. Stylish belted models of ex tra fine pelts; hand?e m c 1 y trimmed. $250 Civet Cat Coats, $175 Geed looking, 47-inch mod els, handsome ly lined. $7bU Siberian Squirrel Coats, $495 site 43-inch coats of choice llrnther SKCOVD VLOOn Tomorrow's M'd-Menth Specials 1 $2.50 te $4 Weel Coatings & ) faQe Suitings I Kngllsh twecdi veil irq. cher-lc, hemespum, n tx"d arn suitings, herringbone sultu g"i nub coatings etc 54 Inches wide Ve mall or phone orders filled, none sold tu clea' rn, $1 te $2 Weel Goods, 39c KemnanU and loom end Wide feleotlen In aiclrtlngr plulds Bml checks, m xed yarn pul'iiigs. perg' . trlcetlnes. I'e ret twills, tweed", crepes, Indus' cloth, e'.c 30 te IJ lnchC3 v ide. Ne ti.all ur phone or ders tilled rinsT pi.oen north Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Seccials! $1.50 Velveteens, 69c Rich, lujfreus finish , hrtl lant Jet black Most pnpu'ar mn'er 'al'n for women i nnd misses ,re ls ,ind children's we.tr 21 n'irs w de rinsT ruxin set th Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Seccicls! 69c Beautiful (yir Ribbons 1 1a)t Plaid.", stripes and ,i'aln colors In rich light i r dark c ', rs pvr camisoles, caps fancy work or bona. 41 te S .n.-'i. s ide 45c Ribbons, 22c Meire unVi.i ai.d umu l.Bht and dark fancy ribbons. 1 ? te 8 Inches TIR.ST FLOOR, NORTH Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! 25c Flannel, 15c let of Iflie j arils' Heavy weight In pink and h.ue r'rlpej and checks. "" nche? wMe 69c Jacquard Rebing, 49c Heavy ueigu, 1 sht und n.irl. col orings. Suitable for arm bath bath rebeg. 27 Inches wide FIRST FLOCK. NORTH Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials ' Men?s$4fc$5$9 39 Umbrellas Fin qua' If rv ' e T.fe'a and Imported r.l k gleria 'i.jjd frnnv s and attracts e !.. indies Children's Umbrellas, $1.98 Excellent quality American taffeta. Fancy handles tips and ends. Guaranteed fast color and water proof. A.l w th silk ens FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Mnerdwne4 HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE PimtOr!Fin ii i ! Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! This 23.50 Library Table, I5.55 Mahogany; 42-inch oval top! pedestal cntis; heavy beautiful base with drawer. Solid mahogany; large size; interior slid ing tray. This HO End Table, $6.98 Large semi-circular top; heavy turned legs. December MidMenth Sale Tomorrow! Great opportunities te save .en gifts for the bargains extend te every department. Take this opportunity te cheese all the rest of your presents and lower their cost by a very worth while sum. Alse see page 28. Jewelry, Silverware & Watches Nowhere is there a greater or mere beautiful showing of these most popular of all gifts and absolutely unequaled economies are awaiting you here! i m I M M !!! Mi II II ill ill II ' 11 I $5 Solid Geld Penknives $a.85 Twe blades and naiH file, beautifully en frine turned en two -sides; ring for watch chain. J $23 La Tausca Pearls $10 14-harat, white geld clasp set with genuine diamonds. 24 inches long absolutely indestructible, delicately tint ed, perfectly matched and graduated. Satin-lined boxes. Men's $25 Famous Waltham Watches . New, th'n med"l3 with plain polished 20-ycar geld-filled cases, 15-jewel movements. $21.50s . ! i Solid La Vallieres $5 te $35 Geld $9-95 te $OC i u uj- 5Q.50 Men's $5 Solid Geld Cuff Links Kncine turned or engraved; plain oval and round buttons with bright linish. t $17 Fine ColeniaHSlO CQ Tea Sets ' Quadruple plated; cuiisisting of tray, tea pet, sugar bow', spoon holder and cream pitcher. I'.nght finish; Colonial de.Mgn Women's & Misses' $22.50 Geld Filled $14-98 Wrist Watches. " 15 jewel mevements: plain and engraved 20 year geld filled cases with convertible bracelets. Round, octagon and tenneau. Nickel $0.49 New mountings in all style pen- j. dant drops; set with genuine dia mends and colored stones. r Dorethea Pearls, $3.60 2' $4.50 Large Alarm Clocks Itanium dial and hands; clear s-eunding intermittent alaim. 24 $18 Chest Wm. Rogers & Sens AA Silver Plated $1 A XtCi Tableware .... 1,0U 26 pieces G knives, 0 forks, 6 tablespoons, G teaspoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell. Bright finish, guaranteed 25 years; a fancy pat tern which may always be added te. I.lt llretliers First Fleer. Seuth J Decide en These Comfortable Slippers Then your gift is certain te receive a welcome H Every color, size and style! And every pair here is marked at least a third less than the same quality costs elsewhere. &&'. vL Women's 2.50 & H hit Juliets i.491.98 .49&H. Plush or ribbon trimmed; turned oak soles and leather heels. Rese, ox ford, brown, light and dark blue, wine, orchid and black. Sizes 3 te 8. 4 BPIiTS fc-ZM'v mt c'Sr:: 98c Women's $1.50 te $2 Slippers Weel Felt In oxford gray, light and dark blue, pink, orchid, rose and pretty two-tone effects. Sizes .1 te 8. Quilted Ratln In pink, blue, old rose, black and American Beauty. Chrome padded soles ; eatln In soles. Sizes 3 te S. Men's $4 Je $6 Brown Kid Remee Slippers, $2.98 te $4.49 K!d lined te tee ; turned oak Inatlicr boles and rubber heels. Rotnees. operas ind Hvcrctts. 4. Sizes 6 te 11. , . Women's $1.50 Comfy Strap Slippers of Felt 79c Fine all wool felt, in oxford gray, rose and brown. Geed looking one-strap a f v I e. ns sketched. Heavy padded soles and heels. J WiV.vt.'a Sizes 3 te 8. c t Misses' and Children's $1.50 Slippers, 69c te 98c Felt in light and dark shades; Comfy, Princess and Puss-in-Beet styles. Sizes 6 te 2. Women's Arctics, $3.98 Finest live rubber. Bread or pointed tees, high or flat heels. Children's $2.50 $1.95 te $3 Shoes ' Butten and lace styles In patent colt, tan kldhkln and tan Russia calf, also two-tone atjles. Turned oak notes and ucdge heels. Sizes 4 te 8. Ml Urns. 1ST FLOOR. NORTH Women's Fine Oxferd3 & Pumps Down te $4.98 Lets from our euiti stock Oxfords Tan Ruesla calf, patent colt, pray suede, with colt trim mings and tan suede with Cuban heels. One-strap Pomps In black tan trimmings. Welted soles and atln. patent colt and black ltld. Turned soles, full or Baby Leuis heels. Alte two-strap models In hlack kid. Women's $6 te $8 Oxfords of Black or Tan $9.95 Russia Calf ; Solid leather throughout Welted les ; Cuban or walking heels. 4. ke A Notable Holiday Value! Beautiful Fur Trimmed Coats $29.7 ; V fm M l 'ii i ') 4K.re M III mtr i airl m I $& .297-? fir pe: W) m. m ffih -. wtLnss -st:u ,. il. jr A WTr I . ' B i -f - . . TS-dM ws, Km I kMSSJkk z.piWae,.!ffl- ,&szszm ' 'jib MT'$e?mi nn im3i:i 1 rf' i feCrs TTn . I ' v4.' J.i :Tv' n r? Silk Undergarments .K . They're Made ef: Belivia, Suedine, Chameistyne With Rich Cellars ef: Opossum and Caracid Coats for women, coats for misses! Everyone delightfully "different," hav ing distinctive touches in embroidery braiding and ether trimming notes. Seft, luxurious winter fabrics in every new and wanted color, superbly tailored and lined with peau de cygne. Mt mother. SKi ON'D FLOOR Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials J HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE! Sensational Mid Menth Sale of 500 ReadyteWear Hats $ $4 te $5 Kinds : Four Pictured 1 A most extensive close out of beautiful winter hats. Every imaginable style; plain and shirred. Every new trimming note. All wanted colors. Every one greatly under- priced. Hats ef: . ... Panne Velvet Sale Starts Duvetyne 9.30 Brocade A M Lyens Velvet .......'.L Many far-sighted women and misses will buv. net one or two, but several- of these hats. Ne mail or phone orders "lied. iJt nrellirrs FIItST FLOOR, NORTH Trimmed Wilh: Flowers, Ribbons Fancy Ornaments Fruits, Metal Hackel Feathers mi"T?i frrxh Hi M 'J Practical and attractive gifts that will solve many Christmas Problems! 4 Silk Petticoats, $2.98 Ivlessalines, Chiffen taffetas, jersey tops with messaiine flounces. Straight and flounce effects, prettily trimmed with draped pin cord ing and small plaited ruffles. Interchangeables and plain colere, as A'cll as black. $6 Silk Petticoats, $4.98 Mess.illne and all-Jersey. Flounce blyles ttlth pin cording, hemstitching and draped ruH'cu. Wanted colors, changeable and two-tone effects. Lit Brether. SECOND FLOOR $10 Extra-Size Silk Petticoats, $8.98 All-Jersey with deep plaJted flounces ever, lapping plaited petals. Wanted shades. LL 11 b'm; In. $8 Mahogany Smoking Stands, $5.98 Heavy slant! en large base. Lar nrnhteI,C.rh0n,metal C'Bar "" $16 Mayflower V $118B sewing cabinet ' Solid mahogany ; large tcrler slldlncr Irnv I.lt llrelhers FOUnTH FLnnn Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Specials I $1 Writing Paper, 89c Linen finish ; plain colors nnd ceIm combinations. Hlbben tied- farii boxes ' ' Juvenile Beeks, 50c Cleth bound; black and uhlt. lUufltratkwis ; colored Jackets'! titles such ns .Tack nnd the nM stalk. Puss In Beets, and n.i i)i,ii., ii "u 'a Slumberland Talcs, 39c RiHuiii.itlng Merles ter chll.trcn Colored Jackets ; cloth blndlnir Beys' & Girls' Beeks, 50c Cleth binding. Radie lleya. Turn Swift. Ruth Fielding, etc. I.lt llretliers SKCOND FLOOp. Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials I 25c te $2.5U Curtain Laces, each 15c te 98c 10 A. M. SALE Odd laces ami curtain xtrlpes In net, scrim, muslin. Fer odd win-' dews, glass doers, etc. Many can be matched 75c Pillow Slips, 39c Feplln with iilnfn Vt lui r c titera; rcerHlhle nnd tendv for onshletu $1.50 te $2 Filet Lace Scarfs, $1 te $1.49 Fine quality uml beautlml jiat terns. SC, 43 and CI inches. On saie .nam reaae anu Third lloer. $1.75 Mission Feet Rest. . . . iuu te close eut: imtlierettK top; it inciics nign ; Micni cakters. 35c te 50c Curtain Scrims, yard. u i nini noer, $1.19 19c Short enda ; many qualities and weaves. 50c te $1 Drapery QQc Remnants, yard . . Ou Crrtuiuics, poplins, scrims, Terry fii'l eth r -it tain matrl.ils $4 and $4.50 1 $f.29 Velours, yard. . u Kmbessctl and plain veleurs; extra fine pile with lustrous finish; for furniture coverings, cushions, etc. Mt llretliers THIRD FLOOR Tomorrow's Mid-Mer.th Specials I 75c Oil Cleth) 90p Deily Set J1' 13 pieces In set; round style with fnnrx lmrdvr 45c Table Oil Cleth, 19c 15-.nch fii'ncy patterns. Ne mall or pin mi nrilxrs, $1.25 Table Cevers, 65c .NV.itly .-.Ifticlled ; 48 iuchu; round top. $3 Card Tables, $2.38 Fl.u folding , leatherette te,. $2 Kitchen Sets, $1.39 WMli' enamel ilnlsh. Dread bei, tta, ceffui' and Heur e inn 10c Mystic Mit Pet Cleaner, six for. . $1 Nickel Plated Bread Trays. . . . i25 69c .49 $2.50 Crumb Tray $1 . and Scraper. ... 1 Nickel jilated. Kheny weed handles, $3 Medicine Cabinets, $1.95 White enamel. Large mirror. Ut Brethers THIRD FLOOR Tots,$1.50Rempers&Creepers,59c Cunning peg-'nn models In regg cloth, chambray and unen some enecineiy comeinea w.th white, madras all pre" tnbri,idered .Sizes 1 te C Ne mall or phone ciruri . r ;ru. jtj S&L 'h 4e ft 1 1,1 1 iVL(t' Mm .? &W"V,t-''WJ Children's $1.50 Pajamas, 79c Hea .. -j.ihiI tUnnel ette wltn silk fregi, Slzei 4 te I. 'ears Ne m.l l n nhrn. nr,li. 1 ......... .... ... - t-i. .,- , Infants' $1.50 Short Dresses, $1 P.Vrt I j- - 'r 'Mini or embri-p :'-r -'rlr-med rredels In tlr.' iirtins'ji ' r bati.te Sizes .' i'ipi Children's $2.25" Batn Robes, $1.49 i i l.. bull', Copenhagen at I tan with Chinese or i i.w. it-. . ucaiiia, uum'lM 1 rmd ullt cord girdles ! b ts 2 te B Tots' $7.50 Brushed Weel Sets, $4.98 White All-wool. Sweater, i-ap. n.lttfns and leggings. l7a 1 In 5 Tots' $2.75 Bleemer Frecks. $1.98 Vt vr i lie n! e unlit i re tin in riip hln tuul mul n Mt nrether Second Fleer prttllj MHflirfl or finlimlilrrfi. Mir 2 (e 6, Women's $2.50 te $3.00 Cape Gloves Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Special! ) J A Q Twe clasp; full pique sewn. Tan, brown, gray, beaver and I 41f . j.. ,, ,,.. j. mode. On sale Slain Women's $1.35 Cham eis Suede Gloves, 89c Twe clasp, lined. Alse strap wrist and elbow lengtb. Black, w li i t e nnd coleis. Women's $1.50 Duplex Gloves, 98c ! Twe claap; nmde, beaver and ! gray. Men's $1.50 Weel Gloves, 89c niaeli, gray and blown d5i. ble tuffs Arcade. Men's $4 Mecha Suede Gloves, $2.98 Regular and cadet sizes -t and btaser. Men's 35c te 75c Handkerchiefs, 25c, 35c & 50c Pure Irish linen; block Initial. Beys' 9c te 39c Hand kerchiefs, 10c & 25c Initial styles with colored woven borders, FIRST FLOOR. SOUTH Handkerchiefs 7Q $1.25 Bex of Six.. ,4 Men'H Fine cambric; I'leek Initial M'eiiim'N Colored woven borders with Initial te n.atch ; also white with hand-tmbreldered letter. "!nT.'I T", ," -'r'" 'T"T inuaren s $z tape & Suede Gloves, $1.49 Lined; tan, gray and brown; one clasp. Children's $1 Knit Weel Gloves, 69c Cray and bienn. double cuffs. Sifts se practical and se indescribably dmnt., neer go unappreciated. tvat t'-e $4Silk Chemises' $2-98 Several Extremely Pretty Medels ' ruw Seft and exquisite are these chemises in the loveliest colors orchid, honeydew, flesh effectively trim med with bow and lace or tailored. $3 Silk Camisoles, $1.98 Many eiy atti active new btyles in built-up sheulder and btrap models tailored or laco lace trimined. $7 Silk Chemises, $5.98 Excellent quality, heavy crepe de chine in built-up dnd lace or in tailored sty'e. I.lt UretUer. SKCOND FLOOR $5 Silk Night Gowns, $3.98 Flesh, orchid and honeydew crepe de china Attractive lace-tnmrred nnd tailored styles in strap models and surplice effects, finished with two-tone ribbons. $4 Satin Bleemers, $2.98 Excellent quality tailored or lace trimmed. Ivery Finish Articles ' A Vast So'ectien of Pleasin" Painty Gifts at Lewest Prices! Three-Piece $ QQJ 1 Infants Sets, 49c te $3.98 Toilet Sets ... . ' ! J .ttrai-tlely decorated. Hair Brushes, $1.49 Hand Mirrors, $3.98 Lit llretliers First Fleer, Seuth :lit rn"T"r" In fancy lined gift box Toilet Sets, $9.98 te $12.98 Picture Frames, 98c te $1.49 Women's $2 Silk Stockings '$1.29 Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! Ft An exceptional purchase! High-grade glove silk in black and cordovan; pretty lace stripe effects. u rii- m " 'IS W ecaipr Women's $1.50 Union Suits . . . ( Tomorrow's Mid-Menth 98c Special! Fine cotton ribbed. Lew neck and sleeveless, some with short sleee.s; knee nnd ankle lengths. Ne mail or phone orders filled. Women's $1 Sports Stock ings, 59c Black and cordovan ribbed mer cerized lisle. , Women's $1.65 Union Suits, $1.29 Heavy'; fleece lined. $3.50 & $4.50 Silk Vests, $2.98 & $3.49 Italian silk; lace uimmed, cm cm cm bro'ilered or tailored. Women's $1.35 Under wear, 98c Extra heavy fleece lined. Shirts high neck and long sleeves, or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. Drawers are ankle length. Women's Silk Stockings, $1.98 te $2.98 High-grade, heavy, medium nnd chiffon silk colors. $2 & $2.25 Silk-and-WoeI Stockings, $1.49 Black and two-tone without clocks. Children's Imported Sports Stockings, $1.49 Weel, in popular sports shades with cen'asting rH tops. $2.50 Silk-Toe Union Suits, $1.98 Lisle thread and fine cotton rib rib bedeow neck and sleeveless: plain tailored or crocheted yokes. 1M Brethers First Fleer, Seuth Scarf and Tarn or Hat fine quality worsted yarn new colors. Lit Ilrether. Second Fleer VUlt Oar Big Beitenrsnt Best of ET.rjthln- st Lewest Prices Serenth Floerof Women's $8 Sweaters $5.98 Great Gift Bargains 1 Tuxedo and button styles smart and very practical made of fine e'l.illty wor sted yarn In plai i und nov elty weave I'eidiuts. and cress belt Desirable volers. $4 Sports Sets, 2 .98 VSfrS n w 11 ft. I vr I I ri i fr'iy' smmatnmrH 'immW'Akw III II An Important Holiday Gift Offer! ) Girls' $8-5AllWoelFrocksf 495 Cahiva a v.Ann nM1 innhin nliAn ( "C'KCi i.lJ uiiu .viiuuuiauuiiii Qi spertg nnin and velveteens. Becoming itraight or wiLi uLi. melels, with dashing bits of 'color in lh 1Z embroidery, novelty pockets and pelin,u i'-" y" 7 te w. J '3 ,i uiris ie jcaync ixainceats S3 9fi T i 1 Rubberized, ralnpioef. navy kutcf-i, r,.'. . I J...M n .. ... .1 ii n ii . ,.,j. . ,,i, ' "Jier and UOx , ,"' "'"'.utlvelv Tots' $8.50 Coats, $4.95 Attractive little mea. -!s In poletone. chev chev let and chinchilla wm, fur trimmed. .irmly lined throughout, sizes 2 te 0, Girls' $6 te $20 Raincoat Sets, $3.49 te $12.98 Most a c c e ii t a b 1 e hrlbtmas gifts, Of rubberized double texture materials In smart tueniu n.i tKPSpTTT Pr ' ' heather mixtures W Lit Brethers-SECOND KWORHat te matah! S Our New UelldUif , 7th nd Mrltt Sts Beautiful Dresses Women's $ cc misses7 25 They are Distinctive with Style and Charm. Made of silk velvet, duve- yne, peiret twill, mate iassee, Canten crepe, crepe back satin and laces all the smart shades. Straight-line or side drap ed and showing flowing sleeves with contrasting facings, large girdle orna ments and ether trim mings; there are also severely tailored styles in surplice coat effects and ethers with plain or plait ed panels. Lit llretliers Smnvn wr - l .... 4,.,WUU lira 81 I I till Pi ' 1 U Ml $5 Blocked Corduroy Robes $3.98 -4 delightful Christmas gift! Charming breakfast coat models with set-in sleeve, two conve nient pockets and becoming snawl cellar. In victory, orchid, Copenhagen, pansy and fuchsia. $3 Serpentine fci rkO Crepe Kimonos I cSe nltn'i!iKht,,0r bri,kfst cent models in embrebl ' ffUcil1 ciccts with ribbon or embroidery trimming. I.lt llretliers SECOND PLOOn L1T BnnTiiwi... r .A -V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers