pwllF 7 jtme Wif J EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILyDELPHlA, THURSDAY: DEOEMBERJJ no "TiPllfMll ils c rr lt-ubmh iii iriHHH bhth hi l TaayiaiiBffli u sE$fe t COLGATE'S GIFTS Florient Extract and Toilet Water A rare fragrance. Levely as a Japanese landscape with the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Tantalizingly Oriental. That gives you a faint idea of Florient, (Flowers of the Orient.) Extract $r.oe and $2,00 Toilet Water ijq nffr"i Price inRlJQhKV- Cha-Ming Talc and Extract Quaint temples against a Chinese blue sky colorful blossoms exuding fragrance silver streams and golden suns all these Cha-Ming subtly suggests in piquant odor in Oriental richness. Even the bottle top curves in reminiscence of a Chinese arch. triteTalc .25 Extract $2,00 FOR CHRISTMAS rJSL d&Bfcy fluiN Krl Cashmere Beuqunt Seap Au elJ-iashiuncil gaidcn iu full bloom. Suggesting lavender and old lace. Oltocaudjilvcr.Old-fashieno' high quality, indeed. Seven: generations O lurv women have found it te their liking. In geed ta"? then 111 geed taste new. Price llA 3 aha (U'v) iun) f rjt't P ImlAr. ,70 50 vmm.sk1" v 1 v ,v ' ..z:a . Mir Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Water Uollvhecks and larkspur mignene'te and hender ferget-me-nets and pansies tell their stery1 of quaint gardens and olden time i;!erv in the unusual piquancy of Cashmere Hcuqurt. Prite .JO an J $1 ,00 La France Rese J. a France roses lend . untitle ., petals te aihicvc this exquisite result. A'l vea need de is te open the bottle and all the rose come te life once mere. Prttc .50 ami $r.00 0 M l IktUMtniWll, Cr J BOUQUt? Ill' Compact 100 1 lie inc'irrti jcitisaiy te fcm.nine lOTeli ijwj. Pirpjrfd te nul.: frsurnt public p pNranrcs itl iijuriicr, 1'el.ihed geld toler out:H:. Ur Usliierubic Hack enjni;! ith reH Iwtder. CentilnjpufT, mirror jnd cernput puudrr ins'd-. InftitrtH tlttt. Prite $f. 00 til WEHIRflHBNB' Sen-ttjlii ttuillke l. .. , avJk --CtJmXSSSBDAmtitm sw kvKBL?VsI COLGATE'S GIFTS that are sure te ptease COLGATE'S for Christmas! Therein lies the so lution of many a holiday problem of hew te give ull the things you want te give without spending beyond your means. It matters net if you want te give but a trifle te an acquaintance or some thing mere elaborate te a friend a gift te please a child, or one for a critical adult. The answer is-Colgate's! Perfumes, toilet waters, talcs, creams, compacts, gift boxes surely you can supply the greater part of your list from these with the assurance that you have sent the right gift, the delightful gift, the practical gift. And these gifts carry with them net only the centuries-old spirit that marks the Christmas season, but the century-old reputation of the Colgate name. Florient Combination A gift ber de luxe. A I'viedgiftcleluie. Agold Ageld trncd compact with scent ed pew der. A clear mirror, 1 caressing puiF. A smaller .ac te match of rouge. Topped bv an exquisite I'ettle of Florient perfume. Truly the perfect ensem ble! 'Prite fij.fe De your Christinas chopping early Buy Christmas Seals Saie Human Lhei .M Mm & itj-ezr Yeung People's Perfumes Four little bottles. Ail In a row. Just like grown-ups' perfumes. Te scent little hand kerchiefs. Fer small noses te smell A gift that will give chu- P" dren a vast amount efpleasure at a tri- rt I flingcest. Pria.40 r,M I "Handy Grip" Shaving Stick Rapid-Shave Cream dip m Fer the man who shaves himself cool comfort. A gift for a man friend. Or te Dacd;. from the children. It's the sort of fl 'ha: v.i.1 gie pleasure every time the recipient confronts his razor. Prite .Jj Florient Talc and Face Powder Fairy 'esured powder for the fate. Talc of moonbeams and si. erra, 1. A gii: for lbs wo we w he !e es daintiness. Sub t y scented. Clinging lightly, caressingly, with a touch as teft as the fall of thistle down. Talc JJ Fate "Peu-a' ! Monad Violet 1 l'" k fs.irushel ' ' .1 uf.rv;sh,woed- 1 i'r.gran-'. Exquisite Toilet Waters Lily of the Valley A non-forgettable richness. Delightful when one is tired. Delightful when one i net. Price $l.C0 Lilac Imperial Men find it a je te use !:er shav ing. Women like t "borrow"a vrcc bi: occasionally. ''.-..'i.OO littgraved with Her Initials The Colgate compact makes a last-minute gift of indUiJuality- -order today te al!or time te engrave her initials before Christmas. Cheese Your Gifts from the Colgate Christmas Assortment at Your Neighborhood Stere fl richness. Delightful vjf ji when one is tired. l fSff Delightful when one 9M Vt i net. Price $Z.CO I (Ell mNBm l mehrd!1 n uw? Iu LllM I LI lllr IIIH Kwffli 1Ait uyS?$?,i HI &JF 1 1 Ribbon Dental Lrear. stntcy weds an ia treductiiin. Grewn-ups Inow it uae it--like it. Children like the pleatant taste it leave behind. Grewu-upi appreciate is purity Its 'borough cleansing qualities. Children find iti flavor makes teeth brushing a treat. An cictl lent all-reuud-the-famdy gift. Large T'ube Jf 4 Ll lklJll!JvUym LKM . v....... .Cj'ir.. ....... PV" NrA .'..J Vi, .. . ... . ., ,''X'!, T'.VJ' :ii . 2H9M '. iM ' 8 r 1: 4'... .MMiwwwtaeajaJay 1 : LLt v'iAm-i flA
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