Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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    n !
n iy Wivypp
55riwsi.' t'.tifiTP!
, i A Wash Sale
PrTtr mvnmiv ,,, ., h" nr( really in love vritb either of
ETEIl HAMPDEN vub thirty lHe'thes-e eung men but this Is entirely
and looked ten jears elder, for his - euxll of my iuridletien."
bad'been a busy life, from which he had "But suppose." raid Candice. "that
cut out all superfluities like aehting. il wasn't in love with cither of them,
golfing nnd marriage. When barely i but with tern.- one eKe'"
ei age no had been known in the
meet as "the old young turn." Hew
man of thirty-five cainc te be trus
tee of the estate of a veuiik ludy ap ap
I'reachln? twenty-five was this wjv.
Candice Minturn'si pr.imlf.'irlier liml.
by trill, appointed Peter's father trustee
of the estate of his orphaned grand- I "Correct in his habit'1"
'laughter, with pewci te appoint hi "Oh. temnrl; iblj se."
successor, and Peter's father had b- "These tlmijrs are impeitint ' "-nit
queathed the trust te Pett r. After Can-ion Peter "for when tny trustec-hlp
dice had done with hei uniting school, terminates reur husband would nat
l'etcr had seen a great deal et bet iiir.illv he the one te luek after ur
for Jehn Randall and 1ie bad many , business u.-itters He will find every
business interests tecethiM and it was thine In order nnd. that vuiir fortune
tiux air. ana .Mrs Kandall that Can
dice made her home, Mrs Randall be
ing Candler's aunt
In summer Peter was constantly run
ning down te the Randall country
place for the week-end. neeneiling
himself te such un indulgence b the
fact that there he could talk shop with
Jehn without fear of interfi rence bj
ether business men. But it Petei saw
ft great deal of Candice he also saw
fircat deal of a certain antique side
board he had in hu bachelor ledin-'j
He admired them both and was watch
try place en Leng Island
The house was full of gues's as
usual, for Mrs Raudall wm, fend of
entertaining, and. moreover was. de
termined that Candice should have an
opportunity te select a tiit-cas6 ar
ticle in the vv et a husbanl tan
dice was hnrnbl'. hard te -uit her
aunt thought, but she iicvcrthele's
went en disproving her wares a'nl dis
coursing en the tctture aud qualit et
eich exhibit like a geed saleslady."
She had considerable hope of mik
ing a sale this -easen. Willie An
truthers and Calvin Geerge were i
ing fast and furious, court te Lar.uiee.
nnd for a wonder Candice appeared
te be encouraging theai Peter, who
had just armed, was sitt.n.- with Mrs
Randall en the piarza when i 'audio
v 1th a veung man in attendance. , mi(
atrelHng from the direction of the hwn I
"What is Lhat with ( andice' ' iLid
"Yeung AnTtrtithers," rephd Mrs
Randall. ' and I de hope 'be ml' take
him. It's tinu she set married It
she doesn't take Lira I think e wii!
cheese Calvin Geerge, win is i geed
match, tee. I vas b'sinnnu te les
all patience with the z rl. bin. of hf
1 have begun te Java hopes et he-
"Hum-m," saiij Peter. theugL'fullv
Candice in connection with marriage
was something ufvi te him he re'Viirrd
time te assimilate tLe idea
The.it erenliii- .,u t'tr h ,.,-'
pinned his host ib'e an ebe-ne nrn,,
of the pircza, was upon the reinj et
convincing him tint .in imalga.r.atlnn
of P. Q. i C with the L. T. A. K
would he, an excellent nd most prone prene
nble combination and vi'mi t ' urt the
anti-trust lav. Mr Randal, '.line
nnd retrieved her hub ij w th "Johr
you really must come and neak te
the Hethermgten the biv jjst
metered ever from Ulen Cov
Mentally ' -inatheinatixiiis th Ileth Ileth
crlngtens, Teter tat glooming In the
gloom when there appeared te him a
. iuL uviuiu uiuuivnru u.ijun -reu i , - ",---, ,,' ,. , ,i smart Ureses belongs tertn s mode et
te either but te Peter u sideboard "' ,a11'' al,,e',;l ,,f b, Ln, rrlisn,, chiffon di ipid .er n satn.
was only a sideboard and a girl was 'hurried awav. vJutH-ie -f bi un - f matchi ,0 The t, , or
f-nly a girl. Thej were all ,ecept th , l'f U ' ",' ln lnPh, h;m" ' .uurse, Meevc'ess. nd the chiff..n beeves
sideboard, down at the Haudill -eun- ' "-and " a remarkabl hey rfL.-i frim ,mi,ni- .
M.t i .i a. ii. , , i -ti i Tii ri i a sir mimi mr :i i inn.
graceful, whte-rebed figure and a1 'Peter. ' -fpll'd t andi-e with a mi--pleasant
veica that 'aid: "Oj, M- chieveus 'm.le. "I suppose veu ai v
Peter. I am se glad te catch you alone iaightfirward a bu!nr-s m in nr te
I have been wttchmc for rn" oppertu- .have made a ash sale t,j tf.nJ i.j tL'
ulty te ask mur ad. ice." ?he a!-1 market'-
ways called bira Jlr. reter It was a!
(ompremis between Peter and Mr
"My dear Canaiee." lep'.iecj the man I
et eusiness, as your rrus'ee. te gie
you ad ice is of course my dutv .
well as pleasure res pleasu:, I am
hum. What -s i'. Tour tarestment3
are '
"Oh k isn't raene- crid Candice
a tnfle petulantlj p's about well
noeut getting married '
"Mrs Randall said se-serbing en rn '
subject te m this afrerijen rp!ie,;
Peter. 'Ttiere pre ;v- wurg mci
under consideration I undeistan ). ihe
matter is cntirel; outside my jurtsd.c
tlen. I am mere1.- trustee of - ,i. ,i.
prepert.v But since jeu Tilf' n ,
1 must 'ay that I dell t see nfar .ou
need be married at ail "
"But it is rather expected of . ne
Isn't it"1" replied (.andice deici,,?!-
"Well, ves of wemn I 6ipe ir
la rather expected. admitted 1Vt
By Hareld Donaldsen r'nerlem
i e
rtf'AjkL. .y
"Arm -t$7'-
. r l
Vl r
Tlie Cltj Vparttiii'iit U-ircc IJulioem
A. reallv Uivel) luflremii unr b'
furnished in an tpirinifir 1 v tir-t
treating the windows, vihi-'i miy luk I
out en a dnrk court, vitb Ka i ' ur 1
tains that faten top and letinm m it h
djuttahlt; --cdh riiee uclrriit all nf tt,.
tvtUabit light but fetm -t i)pfrnivt
eren from tee flose iii'libfi We
ran ihn liang if vie wirh thin mI
Iraw curtains and evei tliese mmii,'
drapery cf lined tafl'td it Ihji.iJ'
or chintz
A beautiful 100m S'pd loeiit,;, a
done in dfp herv v,ui, with" iverv
ilk sauze at the windevs Tin rf vva
a soft, grav-uiui llk blieuint; n fdint
augjestien of elf-teiie stripe as a dravi'
eurtain and was fiuisht-d with a mul
berry eflR? Over trio dnw curtains
there were uiulberrv bilk hangings
draped back at the Fid' and ha,vms a '
talance above te connect thun This
loom had an Aubusson rm id i ream, I
faint green mulrwrrr and bl'j" .
The Lcuis XVI chair? u,re up I
bolstered in the blu stripfd silk, the
bed cover vvas of the uiulberrv silk, un 1
'-a tbe drapery of the drnng tiblf
nnd the silk or? the three lninp shades
(one) beside tbe bed one en ti dnven.
ePSrttb1eTiJtfrhCbhr2i.8e lu'rl.te
ZX)! mlh ehav nibX
modern painted furniture deue in tbe
jits In Klnislr i?ItVi trill P It OC nf riSii ViIiKs un1 '
ruuv-ei me "" wiiwii" "i in iwrj
V Wvw HUM t,WW--MVW u IUV u1" wuu
ixjijj mulberry.
(ToarreT The City Apartment
uiwgnoem) ,
fc4 e'
Willie Aiistruthcra h u very nice
V.?? mnn." ventured Candice
Ilumpli 1 Don't funcy him,' growled
"And ralr'm fieerRe te considered
Igrent catch." bhc went en
1 "Ne business ability whatever," said
Peter, cranhatlcally. "But of course. If
I "Oh. in that case what ort of eusl-
ne man Is this ether?"
"An evellent one," replied Candice,
with a little slgsle
"And cf a suitable age''"
Just ten vear-, ntdir than ni s-lf."
has cmisideiabh mcieaseil under mj
care which n minds me that tin. tim ,
Is fast appre'n hing whn. bv the terms
lef jour grandfathers will, I must it- j
linqulsh the s'ipet vision if your af- i
fairs." ,
"And veu say that ni - husband would
naturalb be the peren t lefk iiftr
them"' ' asked Candice
"Yes when 1 give thim up. replied
1 Peter
i ' But I d"n t waut r"J te gi" thm
'Why? ' asked Teier
tpitl ter a'i mill?
hurst h.nl Ipit Inn utterh bewildered-
but it sn hi5 mind at work thinking of
the eung Ind1. hr wit, her heks
and her mental qualities in an analjti
cal manner vh.ih L"ieiofei" h h-id
never cmplove 1 with lcsird ti thin
At l.i -t hi- :ml ' li nvdf ' 11 i-h'
will be i pri:'- fr -mcbelv ' an.l nh
a ih are and wint te bed. But his
-Icep was broken and hi dreams v er
all uf Catidic B. i.iernm, his miinl
va n.lde up. the uue sfate or hl
heait had b'en revealed te him --hut
he tel like aslng all 'he time, Th -Is
e sudden" As ir wis (.ainli"
-arcely peki- te him all da . nveidel
him openly an 1 os-entitieu-l wenr . u'
ter a long mornings wilk. with Willie
Anstn.thers But m the eveniii-.' Peter
eiught her alone hr i minute and -lid
I'andice I would like tu ennti t ie th"
jf :our ts'ate ai u.
, um.' .....
"Oh. thanks awful!,
dice pert'. "But I
replied i
anvptid V' 1
Anstruther f r the ; b tbi i, rri'g
At this Pner let himi-lt en
he. indcul. te'j latn'' All tne 'cm
pass.eu which had ben lv i.g dM
for veirs cur.e te life and tu iel
burning word "f pleading i.p""i lu-
' I am aliaid said Launi i"
riptm' lira, "thit veu wtr' i t
at Uier ! aunt calling
and he rn -w.rtlv ,iv
Peter strolled we"dil out
.'lev and there ill III" lan
et the tieii. '.uue a re n
'truthers wilklnj p'n-iveb
An-truthei ' s-nrl IVtii. ' I n
-TPtl thnt Ii-; Minttiri ha- "
.veir alt A lir ii'i-t..'
' Accep't d lil '. r.,( Willie
deuce -he ha ! -ll ' .' m li." tie
r-I1 v lth u- Leucti" i y '. IV.' 'h
I 0011. '
Petri hurried I'l'i. te 'h, i iue
found Candite. ' m w.th." he w
fieied. 'what de mi men b' p'a
with hearts ' v l.v did eii tell i,.e
had accepted Will.e An-truthri-
f r'li'k Teu v'H
i:Jnd ul that it v as
uas rre ,j (1 J d
agree -inn Mrs
..J till c LSU
b .si' j n J
Can Yeu "tell?
Dj H ,' nnd .1 1". Dedm-
Hew Reek re Formed '
If the e ., rlia' "e "e a ! abe r i-
I'll.! j f"l' l'l ll er i, , . ifr' t
tei.i 'j wiiideifil tb.' i .id ii
ahues- apes-ible r r .- ri relieve !
we c ill gi with t 'ui ii fi ti,. p
a;es t'jnv euld tel .- .c', .t m "
ve f,r .till isnera i' 'iveiir i' ej.t'
et n b ' b his e ,t 1 i r ' .- .ii d
fieb'iblv j ,'id eds . f in 'neil- or ais
Rocki ire i- e-'ulni' hen ith th
iirraie of t1- c rt' and l ,-Oi n
tounditien ui e.j u ii ci) ue 1 Th
au terined ! n 'IM-!- held 'egnher i
riere ur let- n.-el- li te 1 mil.. ,,f ar
ins Mze Thrje -ir' 'hr-'e -'leup. '
ire k' Fll' Ml -ed'l'entar' l',
v i n are turned v ediin.-nt at tu
hutti'ie of rim' an! ether bodies ,f
-iter .and-1 n 'vrt we find t'
ii.eejj, r -talline t, -, , i pi I p
it.arr i a.!iieril ncpeund of v.ir'c -pvnil
ne inineials cenipu-id P''i
rnlh . f ili-ate . f aluminiu and t
-he latter i vl-'fril vvhl h w ip i-
te d'vide me ti in trai 'parent p! '
Rec'r s :f i hi- I vrif hive lje,i f ei
t- nre Tner w -ri nr one time t r
or m'ltfd mnses which gra 1 u '
came coo fd emelimea bee ninnj rr ,
en the 'iirfuce of the eirtli, r ,".
time tlrewn into , rn. , ie
iKd beliw the surfa 'tt'i
' ' fpe of rerk. Meiaii'i
e tii rd sreup. ni"
' bich, i. Tier pie-s re
nl ai lien, have jret,
he.r e'Uinal rii. rure
xai.'ple et th s f cpf
ever tre limestone F!
us1 " be h'trd ind u w
icadily deca w iep att ,
1 ii 1
. it
, ' 1 1 r fe 1
Ma ,e
!" 1 .
, k d
lil-S I
l.J h' '
I I' Ill'
ieni ies rjr itkiiic
t r'es th'v
utri"l aa'
lli! v
te tl ,
f1! t.e
Innimrevv Wliv I It I nlii lnst
lint tit litevit lli'lrlit" '
l'l '
77 p U einun IMhtmiie
About Russian Beets
71 1, Cn "r f ttr. 0 ' f-a
rar Ma'lirr i It .-' v rt -'ti
gtv e Ir t r drr ' tr , 1 ,
1 ' ,. i w 'r'ei ! M "1
R. -Un Inats 1 i ! Suv.h Vre -,
r trn r ct '. ,, r al he ifi 1 e
ir worn ' ii eaet 1" u m. n a
Ke te be tiller la-- is; - V t-,r - ,
n e t' 1 a-e t et w. r hv .- n it
ensc-vat'vf we l-rlressed n " , 1
tm! aiitv p--efera -1 . ess t 1 j
thins wlilcli i mi the ftr t i,h 'u t
Mtarre effect w 1.1 a-trj tei 1 1 .1
Wants a Dramatic. Scheel
7'e "is rdtle" 1! Weman's J'lat
Peii Madam I am a ylrl of fit"""
ard In the eighth grade of era-tin ar
tchoel I we'ilrl like te kne"- If I -at
co te dramatic br',oe! a' that age aril
" Itheut coins te hicr scherp if 1 8t
net asl-tlrg t.je nu h vhat rr, the-chai-feB
for the r 'each'r.K and please
tell me a location cf eiif MIsS n C.
Tr-er are a n ir be- nf dramatl-
i shoe's te be f und , t bum' es s(r
' tlen of the reiephei book ou wci'i
'lave te appii 'e tnen d rectly te fl id
'' " " '' S'WA'JZ
sujss? 2?!Ta y:rtrimrj.
f0c,atiet. and have the, privilege of
taKing parr, in inu piays given by tha
cniiaren inere unless you are sure you
have a trreat deal of talent. It would be
better te etay en at school and get that
education befef startlnc In
en your
. niA it,,-, i niu 1 1) c .uv'ir n.'riii our- . ---i-.. -. -..
)r(WCr1 Chiffen .. rr0Pll
lyiujni mjjeil III KfTCCIl
.. Affn,.,lnnn JPvr
I u' n JUI neon It (Ui
By ceri.vnt:
That th hip subMiI.v bill his' net
been unanimeulv passed is indicated
by many late fieiks and wraps showing
normal waistline, le tu.s ureup et
tending te tiie depth of the wage
(.enfiiied by a tu'ht cuff of satin
The draping of the sluu in n , r
peimitting glimpses of the sjtin ui
derskirt, is one of tlT tri ks e' t
seat-n As w '1 be ren. the i '1 i
skirt parts down the lrent te cir, i
mere tatifnctery shimmer of siiu
design of ti'ver thread en ih fr-m
et the corsage is the only touch f
U; the wn , this tint of crvii kr
t ve'iicrls is i e' muib used at p-. .
b- fr n 'li designers.
Federated Association Will Hear
Address by Judge Stern
Ofi ci- and dlricteis
era.i.-' i
t a .iri.t
,'T 'at 'i
i- lie
.e l i
i .-et latien
e or
i t -
z w'll
i Hi
te stockhel li r i .
it 'he Mt-ri liM (
) i 1 n.ir 111 1. n'
n !'i ',ii v".i''i i j
' 'ic i. 1 ,Tu -
li- E
f VMtyfca I
i x jLaaks. m'lm i .
. , - y , , .
and feels
like alcohol and is alcohol for ex
ternal purposes. Unfitted for internal
use by the addition of ingredients
which comfort the skin, relieve sore sere
ness and improve it for rubbing. In
sist en the genuine, .-it all druggists.
m& 8 $&WW
lu j.t 'j :ei r".i".c ii.M
Iffi2i1 B
Three tizes
AU'Wtat Eer ulim i
may be purthaud new fit
irtiilly liducrj f"t,
. Mi
M,hePpu,8 DLmip . inliBSfil
n WatR?7 i
mzirURr (eji
, Juli LI. Mastbaum, prrUlent of the
orRnn2ntien ; Jacob Bllllkenf. director
f the IVderatlen of .Wish Clmrltlra,
nm -villlnm llli-ch, inauiiRPi- of the
' assoclaMeu
Mount Airy Organizes i
I, R Pergu'-rtn was elected ptesldent
nf the newlv ergani7ed Mount Airv
r-ebeel Association nt n meeting in Odd
fellows' Hill last evening. Other offi
cers are: Vice president, Dr. Themas
f'armichael secretary, Geerge I.
eigler; tiensurer. Rebert MacNeill.
Vn Executive Committee of twentj
members was nlse chosen. Dr. Car
michael presided?
Junf. 18
Wl - tvti tr nltii Trublcem Old rislilcni-d
ril: f- Hi ' li l" '-Mlunn canm t nep uff.
im i- ilnav I -lUnc ind pljhln anl
bum a,' v r li ur ts lien turning oft the het
it r "'i a v j mn mw neney n tout
iitci i ! sm s i full trentu of wate
The Snvill Svvnn-Neck Faucet
iTir- h i'1er nt Iiei-i In PhlHiVlphla
ni l Siiu l Hi" fliet type of Taucet
" 'themas SAVILL'S sons
Wallace St racs f Bread S- Ph Ur"'lebla
.UV ji'v Tiber for the Savill"
Uli U l rr al Alsten Uia
11 ii 1 ( Id feu t Wat r I'.ath
1 i Wit"! js ,ii Der person
Bat 1 i a I " e ,,. r pr-)
0 n n - n ani liitb
t" . - ill ler dav
1 -' )-' OrrliMf.,
I TTIWtfll
Itirr-rll; un tup irc-cnn i' rnni s
The Aner ea . 1'i n H tel par.excel'er.ee 5
S 4 tl . Atlan a
I hotel pr i -ty ewet-ard ILintgtr g
n 7( -, w. ;,,,- t, h ,.,i .,.,.,..
Vfc U - V'l...'l il it iULVt'JS
r r
iJ7 XXV i L'jr Mi w
m : i
fl 1
i j s
F i E
it r '
' m
Ti ui flcrla. F H
fi K WOT s
fcaS Bra I
v?--- ' '
The Christinas Gift that
may be used Every day
W'HM could be liner at. a
Christmas Uift than a bright,
silver-like "VVear-Ever" Reaster a
utensil that uill net only make
the Christmas or New Year's
turkey mere enjoyable but will
prove most valuable every day for
roasting, baking, cold pack canning,
preparing entire meal at one time
ever one burner, etc.?
Uate your ifc, your methrr, nt
"ur niter happy ihn Climlmat
! a "tt'tar-lyer" Reaiter. Al
H "It'eur Eirr" tteres NOW.
I hr Aluminum Cooking Uteasil Ce.
'Veu- Kenmgten, Penna.
- Ever"
MJNTEIl nnsnRTfl
HK11RIXO. v,.
In the cenlc hlghl.nrfi en beautiful
Lake Jacksen. r-ll,nt Hrintlna
water t Ughtecn hole golf seurse.
- ltt Street ind Breidwiy, N.Y .
DAVID F. TUTTLF. .Vfin.ger
formerly tj ururuijf Uifgt
Writ for lUu -ttd Booklet
.Tv ,.,
rertT mths. ru.
Hetel Keyaii'aim
nrl Meet,
'Ml .in. 1
l?.vole Oolf. Flshlnc. Swlrwnlr l'el t
Roem with Bath J I- NELSON, iter.
I ' AiiA.Mrm--iciT. n.
.MIAMI. riv
immffiz xs&ass:
LAM:WOOI. N J rih-trwnee uf illftury lawi
carefully adhered te. FntVK SF1PEN. tureer.
The Ideal Winter Resort
;t t? r it! fi n a
I D L n IVi U V A
Open i utll May 1 IHf ly th llirber
I Ac. omnelntu 400 trill Hum liled
Swiminlni Teel Ceif T n!1 'iarhtlne itc
1) r ,tl n of L A rWOROGEK CO
Cabla address, Vrineeis Bermuda j all cedea
Ileailu 1 bv te ir .s if 1" rni as llenetiJa
I.tne and unral Jli I stean riekei C
s ,,. n - H -el Amn"-all I.ne, Masi
iL'ttder ' e xtrnt tn'i Be-muda Gevt.)
Sailings Twice Weekly
T-nnllns P sngti t r tii at Hamlltei
Tteck a iih.i? tu i eifn!enct' ef
trin'fer b tcnil r Ticki ts toej ou either
Via Talrtl-1 Tw'n.crcw, O'l-Burnlnir
Ieh 14 000 Ti-rs DisrUc-ment.
Trem Kew Verk Wed & Eat.
Special Holiday Sailings
I.arri w - l . .'1 n1 30
f r Chri-t i a - ( - li Hi r.utiila
Special Extra Christmas Trip
Svnil in ri -' s n rrniuJa.
S. S. ' TORT HA?''LT0N
Lenin? Nmi Si T .31
Arrlvli New . li it.
Bermuda Offers All Ojt-Doer Sports
Modern Hotels Ne Passports
BoeV New fr V r i. HelMiy Silltaea
1'er Iilitr t 1 H c vrlte te
31 Whitehall &t N,. Ye'k
rumes.Wlthv & Ce Ltu Bourse Bljr
Pi ! - ( n t . r cnt.
Round-the-World Cruise
Jan. 9 Iren Hew YerK, Jan 14 from San
1-rancKce. S S. "Reselutt fereiri rects
try. Uj-Dny cempreheitvc World Cfuiss
Space available (tern 2,000 upuard
Seuth America Cruise
Including West Itmies
Superb new S S."Keliaice ' (oreiirnrejls (ereiirnrejls
tr from Net Yerk Feb 3. Ideal 45-day
Cruise. Includes Rie de Janeiro, Santes,
Bahla, La Guaira Ilavara, Panama, Trini
dad, Barbadet, Martavique, Virjin Islands,
Mediterranean Cruise
Famous S S. "Rotterdam ' fren r,'ew Yerk
Feb 10. Ideal Crui e-shtp. Gcneroussher
tr ps. Fasc-attnc exclusive features.
Fer Becilt (all. it-ritecr teltil cm
Raymond & Whitcomb Ce.
at , u. i s,, ,t ,, , i,
J- -.
fl M2
ftnminw v&i
by the splendidly equipped new Cunard Liner
A Delightful Cruise of 127 Da5
bailing Eastward from New Yerk
meeting Springtime in each country visited
January 24 te May 31, 1923
nphe gorgeous itinerary of 30.CC0 miles embraces: Madeira,
u- Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples and Egypt four weeks m
India, Dutch East Indies and Straits Settlements Saigon in
Inde-China, the Philippines and China two weeks in Japnu
Hawaii, San Francisce and Panama Canal.
Seme choice space, offering accommodations of taneus c;.jcj, ,3
yiU available. Applications should b made without delay.
130 oeutli I5tb Street
) iV-and il Vn,; "U "'" II VMIIIVM , VV VNA'IKI It F111.11 sfrv-es '"IJ!
denes "s'jJI'n Tft'h'' at V, ,' A1 "Ve'reMl ' WII ITr J s id.n'l" '"tec"'!'! "lO- HEH;
. - ee n-e of f.miiv ' "" r' it cea. BCKr S'n"W WHITK -v,8,1 fil lin-rtj
&&$ S-y 25 V 4Ll tivlZtfx "v ill - r- n marv n d.h.rj
SS51 .rrZ-- zl, -Z b m v . aS. at '. I- m Vrl-i'idi' mL ' n,,,h r""n'h the late HlvWn niul M ,ri-aret Will Purnwl
sWilrfnrmA " " 1 T'W 5W - ' afc-S rj Phiu ii nn.IL"" ,,ou" -'' a service, f-t ip nt her hrether'a reil-
WmJyiK& -Jr KSP Vfe- MP C fi5C Mcr.r IV in; "' -i fi, ,..,. Jsnr, Wnut 'i ''it private
iwt0 'M XrjSt v "ar V f. t' vwi daughter ,'?;; cthahive heu'-ix is mci i.t-nwir, v.etr
iVL jLk ,VX -- a .- h-: -Sf.-n ' C.lmi Mie" " SI,,1 'et,n.'. an1 lulli hjsbinl r t Emma U cilf fn-e I berharaj'.
Fnlk32lVi FRANK S l& .-L traiV J ii v lim,!SA,B FVJUwht'"- "- T'-'tUf' n'' frlcrls niaa TetMIe '
VMiWrWRrfA KfLLi V. S3 fcS ??f Mt ,. lam,, j ,ih,7. Ji? I,l-0ll.nn "'M Vf Veil Hicietv are Invite! te attend tuvri
i ' llT-' IJ"V i r T S- .&X)M?5't& Ou 'I J .t. ' R,' " v inlalit fnlrr Sat S P :i lit reslJ'nce JMI
fiK$afn"J2& Cruise Dp Luxe vrsiSrW ' '" vuf,u ,lvw? t"v:ch ' " nanjeiuh mt Vntate iiiinti. cw
. C 11G s "I V . .. mJ"' T' u 'rn mass , ri,,r v,tht. 51. utdeu if vviiimm wnt. -h sr Tuner,
membership limited te -nO
Twin Screw Turh'ne Oil Duraer. 20 000 fenn
EiIIIsb Jan Cf 10S3 retumleK April S v1UIbit
Egypt, Cnire, Nile 1 Madeira, Portugal, Lisben; Spain, Cadlr,
Seville, Gibraltar) Algiera, Tun'u, Cartharjei Hely Land, Jeru
salem; Constantinople, Botpherut) Grcece, Athens) Italy, Naples,
Pompeii, Sicily, Palerme) Riviera, Nice, Mente Carle, etc
Fi'r rover m Europe etUr Ir.e vla any f urard steamer from Fian e
'r Hnelan'l a ater dote Full information en request
lie Pe J.uxe Teuri te Zurp,
California, HenMulu
219 SO. 15th STREET, PHILA.
fEttsMIihecl 1875) (llelcr Walnut 6t ) Hell rhenei Bpruce e i
XMllIf In memory
SMllir, Jf. V.. wlie entered
uiri Mentn 14 ni 10.
ilK1 ' rt'
1 ARICK 15ee 11, 1BJ2, t hr lnt rejj.
lne 1C43 N American at . ELEANOR wit
of Ilarrj- Arlck (n6 Nelan). Belativei i una
frlenda u'e Invited te funeral, rl. 40 A.
M , from 000 N 5th Bt. Requiem mass at
Church of thg tmmncutat') Conception 10 A.
. M. ' Int New Cathedral Cem
BANHS Suddenlv Dee 12 t WHew
Orevc, Pa., OLIVER C. ten of TranVtlln l
and Jennl D Daneii. Rred IS ltelativea and
frlenda nre 'nvlted te attend funeral. Sat . i
V. M., from Ihe temdenc of hie aunt. 3Irs.
.nna Dmenhevver. Uetnajre. n. Itit.ni
renn Ceil Train for Bethayrea leavea Read-
uia lerminai i.e 1. iu
UCA.V At Lansdale. Pa., Dee .11, 1822.
LEAH CASSEL UCA.N. services et tne
reald-nce of A. RewKnd Aaren, U E. 4th
rl . Linsd-le Pa., Frl.. 2 P. M. Int Lans
rt il. Cem. Frlenda may call TbuM. ava..
" iO te P
urnciEv vr. is. chaules e ber-
OEN. Relatives and frlenda Invited te aerv aerv
Iree. Frl . 2 P. M., residence, 3003 N Bon Ben
fall t Int. nrlvate.
BOWJU.V. Dec. 12 1022. FnANlCLTN.
Iiuaband of Sallls Bewman (nee Tatteraill)
ne.atlvee and frlcnu, a e Jehn It , JV,r'l,n
Council. Ne 20, Jr. 6 U A M Washing--tei
Camp Ne. 404 I O fi, of A. are In
vited te attend funeral ervlces, 1'rl . 2 V
:: let reldnee i"2ri V 4th t .Int.
Oreenwoed Cem. Frlenda may call Thura.
BRADLT At bin residence SIT N Mth
?tlL.0IV.-De' " 1022- T"0M'-?.B5ADA
In his D2d ea. Relatives and friends, aim
Richard Vaux Ledse, Ne 303 F. and A. M.:
Harmenv Chapter. Ne 52. 'R A. M and St.
Jehn's Cemmandery. Ne 4 K T . are in
vited te the service en Friday afternoon i at
2 o'clock, at the Oliver II Batr Bldp . 1820
Chestnut at. Interment private,
nrtr.vvr-n ti ,, inn tiie.mas II
BREWER, nged 00. Services it St Alban i
Church. Taber reail Olnev Frl A .1.
I rlenls raw call Thurs eve at rarlera et
A'bcrt Cummlnca. 210 W Taber toad 8 te
10 e'cIcck. Entrance n Amerlcvn st
Jf the late Jacob Brunhatnmr ased 82
Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attenl
funeral, ihurn 8 30 A M. residence 10.9
N. 5flth st Hlsh requiem mis' at St
Grenery'a Church 10 A. M Int urlvate.
BURKE Dae. 13 MART C. vvlfe of
Jehn r BurKe (nee Cavinauali) R hwIvm
and friends Invited te funeral Sat 0AM
from her late 1 evidence ." Ardmore ave .
Ardmore P. Snlmn requiem ma-s St
Ce'eman's Church. 10 A M. Int St Danls'
CADE Dec. 11. i;2 APEt.B'-RT O
h ibind of Miry E i a1 tree Dvch). nited
77, Relatives and friends also Cheen
Friends Ledee Ne. 100 I O O. F., are
Invited u attend funeril fe-vic Frl.. 2
I" M nt his lit resli'er.- Wi Rlehmend
st In prlnte Ne f t 'd-- III I C.n
CARR Dec 13, 102.' A NA M -ARR.
Remains ma be vies '1 this (Thurs ) eve.,
after 7 o'clock at res denee of he- b-etner-!n-law.
Geerge J Birr: 1220 Rlrlnsr Sun
ave Int. at Yerk Pa
CLAGHORN Dec 11. at I e- r-sldence
11 t 1 a- r dene
ta VitpnrrirV widow
IL rwrf., Vi
??. inni?.
M,.i.if -1 i 4ft.h .t
ihurtleff e3 S 40'h at.
4110 Pine St.. OLIVI
of James L Clacher
Ftineial services Thm
office of Henrj C Shur
int. private.
CI.AY De. 13, 1022 GEORGE. liubnrd
of Jlary Muscrreve Cln nnJ sin of late
Janes and Slary Inehrim Clas Relatvei
nnd friends also Wn ker Lelce Ne 3'jrt.
nnd Perseverance Er.can pnent Ne 135. I.
O C F., Invltd te fu'-al e-lr. Su
2 P. M.. at Chapel cf Kirk i. Mi-0 tnei
Germantown ave. R-ialis tnnv be vled
at his late residence, SS43 Mariel.i ave ,
Frl. eve
CLEARY Pec. S HrV,H hjba'vl of
Margaret Clear" ire 'IcG-atht Funeral
Frl . 7 30 A M . from the parlors rf
Themas r. Recke E ccr rrtth arc! Cedar
nve Mns of requlei nt Cvurch of the
"'"rarsfe-u-atlen 0 A "I Ir rrlvat
CRAWLEY Pulden. n D- 12 1022
Park a eon of the t vviliim H and
Harriet S Craw lev ac-1 f, 'tar Rela
tives and frl nds a se "trats At-se and
fellow empleyes of the P11 a anl Readln?
Rallnv Ce. an Invltel te the enl'-e,
en Friday afternoon, ut 2 e c!eci at the
Ollv r H. Bilr Bldg 152'i Chestnut st
Interment private
DAVI Dec 12 Ne:n n daugVer of
'"epli C and the late Abble W Dal
Funen s-rvlrei private sat J I M at
her la'e reslince O.j 1 n- st Frlndn
all 1 n evenlrp
PONAHIT. P It nf'MA hti nnd
of ihe ate suin i 1 ihus inee Gll'enj
Relaii "S nnl frlen 1 , 1 f te a tend
funei Sit s a M. ' rf dun- 2"n
t.arn s Solemn uiiisa rf r qu em l;Hrred
Heart tiuuti 0 30 A 'I Ii ' Huly i. resa
XAa.-noea &ncf Evanmj Ccncrti
it., fier it . ..
" no v- M. lJs" " l Sui
ksw io'jdeh uric
Uanrlr(0NR Housten EtBF.at
Weeadaya only.
ReJacmd Rate en Automebllta
TVk4Ual t'itrga Cen 2Vt Offlct
West In lies, Central and Seuth America
United Fruit Company
Pasnzer Traffic Pept 17 Battery Place, N. T.
tf NJir
gurats About hair capacity) B
Bfiuth Americi. Japan,
Indies, Bermuda, etc.
6$ E'
NEV YORK ' .2or'h.:ie7er" ," N UeT, ' ? I -"rVireV Th,!,,'"., rUM .".Tre.U.
Philadelphis. Telephone Spruce 8820. ni,;rr,- I ' " " n,hx ' " ' , i &A l-eU k Hen JOffijV,
niiATtm ".
I frlenrts nle Cel Heath arrl8-n Army an!
Vav ITnlnn! Isnhella Council. MJ 3Jf K.
of C. are Invited, te attend funeral. Sat .
8 A. St . late residence. 4427 Richmond ft .
Hrldesbursr. , Solemn requiem "..!' ',,'
balnts' Chufch 0.30 A. 31. Int. Hely U-
wlfe of Themas J Dudley and daughter of
Jehn. and the late Re-e JtcNam'e. Rem
tlves'and friends Invited te tuneral Pat.
cMwravfl Solemn requiem mas at Church
t .ill A .M.. ireni laie IP5IUCIU- i"-. "
i yur '" ' - - - -
nn ItnlhAC rT hn rn" R III ,1. .1 IUl Ul
FElTO?? Oee, 1. at Oiklnd, Calif . ,W.
PPENCER FELTON. sen of tre late Walter
P. and Harriet Blddle Fellen. aged 34 Dj
"'rOLEY. Dee. 12 WILLIAM son of WIN
llam and the late Helen Feley (nee Keenan).
In his 3d year. Relative" and friend In
vited te funeral. Frl ,1 30 P. 31 . from his
father's residence, 1412 N. Hobart St. Int.
llelv Cress Cem.
FRIES Dec 12. WILLIAM A . husband
of Ida Fries Funeral services frit.. 1 P
M., at Ute residence Paell. Pa. Int private
at riietnwn, Pa.
FRIES At Andalula, Pa . De 13 1022,
RODMAN, husband e Emma and son of
Themas and late Mary Fries Relatives and
friends also Washington Camp. Ne 530.
P O. S of A . of Cernvvellc. Pa , Invited te
funeral services at his late residence, Anda
lusla Pa. Sat.. 12 M Se-vlcM In the
chapel of DoylMtewn Cem . 2 30 P SI.
OAMBINO Suddenlv. en Dee 10 HEN
RIETTA II. beloved wife of Fellv Qiinblne
nnd daughter of Augustus and the late Marie
Rei-ane. Relatives nnd friends, also
Amerige Vespucci Circle Ne. II I.ady
Fersters of America, Inv ted te funeral, en
it , .30 A 31.. from her lite residence,
524 Chestnut ft. "elemn requiem mass at
St. Donate's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely
Cress Cem
GEUTHER free Martini D"C II BAR
BARA, vUfe of late Jehn C. Ge"ther, In her
80th vear. Relatives and friends also
ladles' Aid Secl'ty of St, Michael's German
Lutheran Church lr.vltd te services, Fil ,
S P. 31 . residence. 2441 N. 2d St. Ifit.
private. 3It. Vernen.
wife of the late Alfred Craven Olbsefi In
br SOth jear. Rceule-n mass at the Church
f Our 3Iether of Consolation. Chestnut Hill.
Frl. 10 A :i. Irt private
OOLDY At Mt Hellr. N J Dec 13
1022 ELIZABETH. v!1ew of amuel D
Goldy. a"d 01 Serv le a at the 'estderce
of her son-in-law Jehn E Firred 10S Madl Madl
sei ave Mt Hel'v N. J Sat 2 30 P. 31
Int, Brotherhood Cem.
HAAS. Dec 12 1022 EMtLIE ff'f- of
Mlchiel Haas fnea H'-sl Relatives and
''e-di are Invited te erils Sst ;' 10
P. if . at he-late residence, 07 N, Rardelpv.
st Int. Northwood Ccri. Friends may call
Trl eve
bunfl of 3Iamle Hamilton, iited 41 sears
Relatives and friends alsi Jrusaleri Ledge,
"e 500 F and A 31 , Jerusalem Rejai
Arch Chanter Ne fi T 'j Lu Shrine, A A
O N M .. riiTale'rhlii Conslsterj, Ne 32
A A S R Vil'ey of Philadelphia N 31 J
1". S A . Kailesh C mmindery, Ne, 21 K
T . Jenpa Council Ne 40: N. E Square
Uub. Phlia , Ph.. N. E ftlr'r Club Ph'la
I.edce. Ne 2 B P. O Elks Steuben Glrird
' ,ir .," I', i J i , rt .M
, "enw-e Ti ire Ne. 20 Imt, O R M
Kensington Busln'st Men s Ase, N01
Benefl'lHl Asse. are Invited t fnne'i
I lc Sat 2 T 31 residence 4'.2 R
neuleard Int. Nvrth Cedar Hill C n
Cntmel' Ne lit T O A M flnn
Henwe Tilbe Ne. 20'' Imr O R "I .North
il se-v-
n. He.
mains may be Mewed Frl . after 7 P. M
HANSEI.L On Dee 12. 1022 SVL' IE
ORIER HANSELL widow of Geerge Hin
sell. Relatives and friends are Invited te
the s'Mce. en Friday afternoon at 2 30
o'c'eck. at the reslder'-e cf c- daush'er
Mrs Herbct T 1ekI 3fi7 Genn ave Mt
Airy Interment prhite. Train leaes
Reidlng Terminal for Mt Airy Station at
1 4 1 e rleek
INi.. daughter of the lite Benlimln and
Marv Fls'er Harding died Deremi.'r 12
aged 04 sears Fi.neral rervii-es at the
res'd'nee rf her nl-ce MI'S JIa-v Pta-ce-rt
Glassboro. rr.day. Decerrbcr 15. at 2 33
'ifAUTiriNS On Dc. 13 1022. EDITH 1.
jlfe of Claud V Hawkins agel :e ears
Relative anl frlenda Invited te funen sen
Ices en Saturday at n a. M at he r,.
v.fnc?fl1; h'r 8S'1 I"ncls a Hawllns iil
N 40th st. Interment North Laurel III!
lFPA!F,rV, naM)es'l5J. frienJ of tin ram
liy, alsi B V 31. Seda t ef.St Charles'
Church, are invltH te attend fu-TT T sit
, ?v A, p fcm ,!ls reM nej of her
brdther In-law- Pcter Dcerej .mis Vhirt-n
rt. Solemn hUh mat, rr rer,uim at t
Cem Chur;h lu A. M. Int II.' tress
vrlfe of Geerge V Heller (tee Kcrrei i
i'. R'litlvea ind frier Is, also e' r,le's et
t. F Rimipp . Sen ar li it.d t0 au
funeril Frl. 2 I' M . Lt 1 sl,:rr. 1 m
N 31'" Ins Ft In'. Grermejr.i m,
1 rler.,lw nM Clll ThU s -.
HENDREN Der 13 a- 117 7 T am
hert at . LL1.EN widsv et Patr'rk Hendrei
ReU'lves and friends are Invltel te attenl
funeral. Sat 7 3D A 31 pa- ors "f F d.
ericK 31ann, Jr 1741 N 10th st Hkhnn..
at St Elizabeth's Church, 0 A. M in
New Cathedral Cem ""
HCRHON. Dec 1) "Bfi N wife of
T'-emas Herren (nee 3IcCliffe-tn. in hL.
-Mill vear Relatives and frlerds are inv'ted
te attend funeral Frl Me A M fren re?
iteiesldence L0S3 E Clement re i!elmn
- inlem mass Church of tha NatKiiv ili
V M Ir.t Helv .-c.iS chr- ten, ' ty l
.iiini.i-ii ;(. 100 i-Tsrirn
'se Phila Ledge.
i.eiamea and friend..
.-.j t r j- . . 7
v tea te rLneral services Frt p'
res'derc- ",1in - 7,k 1. ?-'.
. IJ. 1 n.
1 - Frler.3s rrl.
T t
-an Thur ee
HEPWnp.Tff D
t'WiAV Dec IJ,
soil tt'll'lnm H
" " i. mill 11 JSeflj, u,f, N ,,,,,"' .'"'
K1TCHI, fc- 13 pi i ,... 1 ,.
a i1". a ni- hit Wih r rZ' rf
l-ri 3'
nrj f.-l nds
P f ' eVV. ','"?". ' unra!
int t, iiirr.,i:" ' " 'r . fvi
:i f i
t'ip-banl cf riale 'ilh" m1 " fLLIAM.
-ej le-ic .".IL'fl X ...k .. ' U" "'
t Ills
''"-.Af-'.w 'pi'?,
Pa . and
UVDSAV-OrTT l"",',
er .hjrltj J L,.rdiv HeU'l
1-V1MA w,f(,
... .... iv iui,rii Srri fj t
, '" "li
.ii - f
'e 10 P :i '""' -v'l Thurs
I ITHrti-lw r...
TT-r.r,-:.. ".
' t , h'vliii liKtrl
JliMWlS -n. ir. ,,. ....
Be'ailve, -sa"rr.;reV ,.'V :K',AVV.?
ef 1:
IlftOV 1'Mrt .-,""- I ('
-.-rf " an ur h
. SI In Ilci;" , . .". ! '-us uiuu(
rra.s If, ,v f M Mi h. , . s ", Rh
He' v 011 cem ' ' ' " ' '"
1 10-,- WILLI Ait H 1 ,"t', '
l'l L.I1 't II a l k. IT ill.
1 1 V)r
t tha I ik
ire in itea tu the aervke un fhuririsv ...
Intrvrmi n ., vt.
K6V TI il i-Am.i.pu
Btuii MisrrAV"
v-T. . -"-' ucuiienetil
1 ri?5.. "f.'J.r"0(n t 2'13 o'clecl
Rlat... ,,n fi.na, UlS?er,u Vntri"
en 1 of the late Jr. eh n-d IHrbara HV.hI',. SHIPS Dec 11 3IAP.Y AGNES (rl
of Terry Church Pa Eelatl'es arc Vrt-U Mnvbu-r-) wife of Casper Shlbe R .
e r-onbers Merldlin Sun Ledge vAVie Itlvea anl frnds Invited te attend fune-al,
aid M and ether ae -letles ,tft Trl ha M from residence of her lstr.
'J & member ire Invited te .e-xte1 Mr r'es Crcasminn, 3103 Memphis it
lrl.. 2 P 31. at Us late resident -a,. I Se emn requiem rriss 0 A M Church cf th
tR.8 1' ', ' Jflv-.te. Friends n a v"rV '"' 1" Ne.v Cathedral Cem.
T1V,' ..,, V' P. ! ra" c1 M1INN Oi D'c 11 1UJ.' MDIR A.
9 a ..-."-- 'Mil I- I
l' ,e.. ...
ii:a r.r a,.. ,r... .l - -- " ., ij
1; '4 pm" il " "e"l r2 Funeral ana 1,'unas ms-i m'meers of If ly ramny
berard at h,Mr, I ", e : E Cu .' '"dRe'irv Seclctv Enerild Eenef and L''.
Rtmana mil hi ?L' "i11 " cf p ) Cem 'ra'v A-K S' Penlface IJrinrh Ne 720
,MDi e ,0Hed T,r, S te If I' M K of A Invited te nttend fun-ral. Sat
1U.RRON -De, 11 j-i s,v .' ' s 3" A M lt'e iesld.ne 22:. N Hance
re t 1 te cf rneira-, Hei-J,,, . uf" S-r i-"in reiukm mass at St Rentfarss
e.'iN ,:ra'.. S'lJ'lv' anj ti e'i?d, 1 , l?r 1 Hiur 1. 10 A M. Hit at Hely Sepulcbn
vltel te attend fuisril rrili, tn , W" I "-m
freiv I'-.Iat res cient -Os" 1-,,. . A M s-L-TFR -Sudd'nlv Pe" 1! 1021 C
tli.s ft el.mn requin Fuass ,? ,-?! "; '"!' RI 'en of Harr" v. nnd 3Iargar
the Nativity 10 A !l Ti.v.W,1,1' Uwi "H Fe.es) In his 10th sear Rt
SeilU Cl re 1 e-t -"' ii tflt llOly ,Ua i.r. 1 (rl.nrt, ,., IntltAri tr. nfrn fi..
Jrt lls .1 . l n.
I v.Ti ser ,,v bu : i ' v,,sU 9 I,,,v
'' "Jet! Tribe Ne ur.' , 1, '., eil
I "-1-" ma a .( ' t f' "tn, ." av -,i e-nn
i-i-r.' t Ul hMi "r-" .-. L' ''
i ' -ui 'r.' itea te ai-eivt fn .. , ."
, -it 1 a(i u sr ". V? T"" . "I fr I
Ell. -..-rf tv
k.lll 1,11. t,n . . I
KM,' CiM..,. I
J1C0B L KOLp"ef ?Jlh ?". ' -. I
6'" Re'e'lves enl r.W ' ''' or,;i
tne ter ir,. en Sat"-ea '..Ar, IM ""5
- f ec): at the OlrrU B li i " ,' 30
I nfl.rHfff, "or iW Mn r L f "r""
i iTMcme r"v " i" . vvir.T.twi
r in,.,-,, .".:.."..""' s nnd tri.nrf. i It vlte jri ivtlnnrlgtit
7ii:.: '.'.'. " lur-rai jr rl 2 1 -t .... ' Ijivi' ri -j j Ii r late rssidence
''ri.iMn.SvTaiiW.V.'i- ,M "rlvuS. I " 'f p' T 6 . I P SI Int.
I .ITfnr, ivrvr i l' Jaenhsmn r5rn
,ra in,,-,-. ia , . . '' v.yi-,-- - -.... ,. ,- .,v....-.. .,
, : - -" " -i .u mt ii-ii. 1 r, u. , servue, aid nt nn we Ra, 11 a hi a
, fiii -- - v 1 Vea 1
''"",,"'" or r.r,ui.m Cathedral Chu.eh'in
a.e inv ,,1 iVu-nU fu Ml "r W J'uSni
X """:! "' hl aauJhter' M,." J...
-".:hir?h ,.f ' ,v,r'?,n'J ."...Hll'..ma.s A
. 10
Frl.. 1 P.
N. Bonsall st.
viewed Thura. av
O'MEARA. ad 80. Relatives and TSi015
are nvlted te attend funeral, s&t . s'-J"
M... late residence. 6.144 Poplar it n??.
high. requiem mass at Chureh it ri,,. '
of Victory 10 A. 31. Int. Hely Cres,rrS"
PAIST Dee. 12, 1022, IRVIN I tm
bind of Rena .Mlddleten Talst and ilk:
Censlantla S. and lit Rebert M Kr,(
r..DJ,e.'.....18. PATRt-
i.r ni -it x; W, .1 tS r. 32S2 ' ?$
.a -i. .. . .""'l lF.
mother, 87in N. luth at.. Int. p?iva,.et.b
in ri, luth at.
i .,V.
I' .: . :v I , I : IC I . I r .nn in . -.r-
f-INIA EARL BROOMALU w fe of 'A. V11,
bamusl W. Pennypacker Relitiw.8 L"
trlends are Invite dte attend funeral .I!1
Ices, at tier san's residence. G038 mJw
lum at.. Germaiiteun (Upsal Sta.) rii ,.'
A M Tnf tirlvne. "" H
PETERSON At Phllad'lph a. Dee it
CHRISTINE PETERSON, aged 00. I.'rrijl
Frl.. 1 30 P II at the residence if 3!
brother. Jehn Whlte. Berlin, N.Ji.?
Wllllamstevvn Cem. , ""
POLEY--DCC. 12. 1022. ANNIE, wlf, .,
Themas Feley and daughter et Aniili .3
late Jehn Phillips Relatives and fMiAV
also St. Clement's B. V. Jl and LeamJ4.1,
the Sacrel Jteirt. are Invited te attetS ?.'
nral. Frl fi'30 A. M from her lai! ."'
dence. 2117 Island read Solemn hghm.,'1
at St Clement's Church 10 A. 31. In? jttt
Cress Cem. ' "'T
PRICE Dec. 11. 1022, EDWIN J u.
loved husband of Emma Bucke price ',Z
70 Rel.tlves and friends. al- WArS?
Ledge ke. 140. tp. O. F.i Oneida "rfi'
Ne 24 I O. R. M . are Invited te att...
funeral services, Thurs,, 2 p. m at tV
residence cf his son. Benjamin F. Pm..'
142S Wvemlng yve. Int. Mt. Peace' (?.'
Frl'"' ""v call Wed eve "-0
ROBERTS Dee. 11. 3IORD R hust.
of Carrie Roberts, aged 32. Relatlv?, ,5J
friends, also all societies of which hews..
member, are Inslted te attend funeral fjt'
3 P. ,3r late residence, ,2464 Firth il t.,-'
Mt. reaca Cem. Remains may be i,iA
Thurs eve .. . .. '""
HOsE At Mcdferd. N. J.. Dec '
102.. 3IARY f, . widow et Jehn Rem.,?.
7fi Serlces nt the rsldence of ChsVi.:
H Wright Medford. N. J.. Frl.. 2 P 11
Int. 31. E. Cem r' H
RUANE Dec 12 1022 JOHN huibB
of the late Elisabeth Ruane. Relatives I5i
friends Invited te attenl funeral, Sat, ssS
A M , Ii" residence, 1330 Penn st , PraY,
ford Solemn reqjlem mass at St j'
chlm s Church, 10 A. 31. Int, St. Demlnlai
RLDOLPH At Pisadena. Calif, Tw.lfti
Mcnth 10th HNNAH P. RUDOLPH, fei
merly of WoedbJiy. N J. Dus netlte of fj
ner"l I 1 I 0 riven.
band of Mirie Rudelph (nee HelnsslmannT
aged S2 R'llllV and friends Invited te i.
tend eerv'fS?' a: . 1 JO P. M. realdeac
210 S ratrhlll St. 'Int private ""
RYAN I'O" 10 DAVID N. RYAN, a,.!
84 Relatives and frlerds Invltfd te funjrii
Thurs S A M , from residence 0: jra
Diamond 4101 E. Thompson st . Brld'shtir,
1'equlem High Miss at All Saints' Churci
J A 31 Irt. Nw Cethedril Terr
ITERG Fun-ral services Frl.. 10 A. M a
he parlors of Merris P.eienberg s Ser. 200
. Breid st. Int. private
t022 Dr GEORGE B , beloved husbanil of
Laura Saxenmeser (r.es Dvlln) Rslatlr.i
ind friend t Invited te funeral Friday mera,
r.g from late res deuce. 142 Claremont avi
lere' Cltv N. J.
SCHAEFER, Snldenlv. Dec 10. AUGUST
hiisvand of lata Karellne Schaefer n nAl
terrr.ann). ag'd ,,. Relatives and frlreii
also members Herman Ledge Ne 125, p
snd A H : Phlla Turngemelnde Sw,.
ncvel-nt St clots- Oxford p and L Ann
Dlro-ters of Steel Heddle 3Ifg. Ce . and ill
otter secletls. Invited te funeral Turi.
1 30 P 31 reaidence. 1871 Wjnnev?oed roil
cer of Mai. cm ave.. Overbroe',: Int Cre.
ten Hills Oni Friends may call Wed .
SCHAEFF.R Suddentls' Dec 11 LDIIS
P SCHAEFER Relative and friend, art
ml orsanlsatlens of vhlch he was a rvrbe",
are In' Red te attend funeral srvlcrs Thuti
. P M at his late residence 440 W Brlttl
urt ft Gcrnantewn (Penn R r te
Queea Lare strtlen or Reute S3 en 11th s'j
int. private. Remains mas Le viev.ed W,).
v lf of Wllllim 31 S-hiffe.-. eced 70 R.it.
then and frlenda are lnvltd te itt nd fu.
nral ervlcs Sat 2 P M,. at late re.
ienre, 3120 Old Yerk read Int prlliti,
Frl'-'ds miv ca'l Ffl eve
SCHIvrr SuddJnlv D'-. 11 JOHN
M liubmd of E Izabeth M cHimrf (nes
Fa'zl. in his 04th vear Relathes ml
'rlends, also member-a of St Ellzab-tas
Cetineil Ne l A. C V and cmD'eres of
J hn Wane maker bidding deriitm'nt. Ir..
vltrd te funeral Ut 7 ''O A 31 frim rir rir
'en of Jehn F riuhr 101 W l5usqut-aiin
nve Solemn reeulem mass -t St Benlfacei
("hurcli. 0 A M Int. at Huly Redecatr
tCHMITT Hcc 11 HENRY. hubsrd e!
Vnna O (r." Deerresl nnd son of tve lit!
Philip S'hmltt art' Hileni Schrtltt tr
Klein) Relatives and frlcrls itumUl
Ixidce. Ne all F and A. M Frmin
Chipter. Ne 213. R A C : 3Iarbjrgr Vir
Vereln and chul nnd Lledr erln M
tle-min Bund Invited n funeril ervl:i
r'rl 2 ."0 P 31 , at his late re-lrVnc. 13
N. 13th st Int. private Weetmltister Cem.
Viewing Thurs . S P. 31
SHEA Dec 13 ANN M belevel
daughter of late Mlchiel and Brld-et Shei
Re'it'ves and fr'ends also all hec'c'Im of
which she was a menveei Invited te att'nd
funeral. Sat.. 8 30 A 31 . from her lite
refldnce 3040 N" r.th st Solemn lequUri
mass at et Veronica's Church 10 A M pr-
c"" int. ueiy 1 ress
lends are Invited te th rcrvlce. en Tburs-
lav afternoon at 12 30 o'clock, at tai
1'Iver H Balr B'd? . 1820 Che-tnut i.
te er. st ( ITnllv V. T
P boiled huseund of T'tzah'tn sv,nA"'k
(nee Baeuer'eln). Ir his 41th vear Relatives.
tieni, I'rl S 30 A. M reside' re 4V?1
Iledze Bt . mnUfcrd Ilequlem hlrl mn
t Joachims Church 10 A. M Irt. St
Dcmlnlr s Len
'MVTHE On Dec it 1P23. JIAROA
RKT PARlvEn .-MYTIIE w.dnw of WillUrt
C Sinsthe Itel'jtlvcs .ind trends xre In
vltel ie th eeiv.ee en Wednesjay cvnhi
t S e rleck at tha Olher II Balr B'dr
!S;e i hestnut st Mass at St. Michael
Chapel 10th niid I.e-ibard ets ThuridJf
morning at ( Se e cicclt. Interment prlvau
' M' lie' y Cs J
of Cee v Sen-merer Relative and frlmll
nre lnvlt'1 te attend funeral rvlce Sat
If M , at l,r Ian retllence 5211 N 10l
6t it private,
P1 A.I Liec 12 1022, V II.I IAM 0
PEv.P In his Slth ea-. Kuieral services
,-r 2 P M rreei-el' , nt his lat r!
(enr 3s Lemante it . noheroucli HI
prlv e
lnhn-fl of Marv n f-tlnssn (no Conly)
Kelitlvea and frfnl3 nlt-e W T Shetzll"H
Pett Ne '.10 At. erletn Lerlen Invltel t
te I funeril l5tur0 t 10 M frB
lis lite r.'iCn; mi nitner st SeleW"
rei ilem ram at t tuirc-h of Ft, Menica U
A M Inenrt-nt Hrli urejs Cevetm
SlAT.11 Pec II 1022. I1LI.A wlh '
Wili'i ri 'rauh arel M. P'tnvei an1
f-ir.ls me Iriltel ti attend funeral !
le' 3r rl resllence 1S1V V A'hert St. 1st,
Oal!-"-i rm Vlewlnir Thu-e eve
TAPPH -At her hem 1241 N rrsi'"'
et en Dee IJ 1 22 LU.I.IAN M TsPPE
ire Preitzeli ife of Jehn V Tapri
Net'te of furesal later
vn n,i:nr d-c :? john h, vv
hsn! ,-f A-ni s- Van net fnee Zeli Re "
t!vs anl fr eids lnlted te funeral eervlcei
lat 2 P M ,' his lata residence SOJ W,
( ,,w , r. i, nrl, ate Vlevlr-F'i '
;,4 itw
reidsiic i her eis'r
Oil ? -lain it
Wel.ll -t lilt LaKe Clti I'tah ci
Dec 1 2J I.MM. 9 vrtle of Dr. Sanu'l
Well. i-ervlce en Thursday evenlns at '
e cleiK nt the Oliver II. Balr Hide. J
chestnut t rnlla Interrnerit at SHrs
vlll "a en KrlUaj.
IOCIM At his ie3ence 1!IW W Bll
tenh use vt CermanteviTI HRrtISOv' ,(
V f"LM runeral eervlees at Kirk i Nlci
iljni Cermantem) ave Trl .1 T M P'
main mav be lvvel 'fhura e e ,,
Zt'lNril On Dee 11!. 1022 nKBORAH
D Zr.l.NCn (nee lieci? wife of William H
'eirr Rela'l es uml frl'nds nlie LetltU
Teiin 1 oil e ' m 1 e O F. are Ir;
vi rl tj uie 1 er,ue en Saturday at -I
M nt t,e, ,at rfslrt'tce 120 BecmH
a e vv isi i ji-ter nnt crh"
l"i ' cu l It 7 te r .VI
1 MintrxM it-
- 1.