Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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,1vv.l" .- ,',
f,-,,' Av'i-SKtWt'
!f.l iptyLitfA' tTJiTTSf
Vft," ?rt JV 'I
in America a Girl Makes a Man
De All the Adoring and Admiring
T OVE Is the most Interesting topic in
- the world ! I
jnics will deny tl is scoff nt this,
Others will pretend
t Imi t se. i
lint what books
are the "h.'st sell,
ers" of the innr, I
a-K ou.' It a t renovating their complexions, eye
'bus brent; all rec- lashes, loiffure, etc., In preparation for
e r il m in t h I r a meeting with thMr MVPPtheart". (An
"inn"? What kind American gitl could never, never take
of films It 1 1 the
in e i n g . picture
heuves te lapin-it.v '.'
'I lie ii nfs tli.it
deal with love, of
eeurp. Ye, i ven
if tin slither ner
with it. The public
' ' ! 1 111 S It II 't. It...
s ' V
th.ng that makes
the i. rid go round
may cimisTii:
m that Is tli.it!
I have
Obsertel ll.n .v.ft..l..r. i
i. i, I , , '"ii'.ui him
Innp.?' nn'' "'""8h fun.lamrniall, all
-., ... ii w- Jt im. tnnic tup MerlM
one reall) liereme extremely end f
the evptlus iug Mibj.it after one Kis
etnyed l.i Frame fur any length of
French girls dissert their love ml
Jinuscani. If in't in Inve with i.in.i.
j.ne or ether (and I re..llv dei.' thick
It inntters mueli te them who ihe i i. n
Is, just hi long as l,.. n p .. r , Iki ,
It en) they don't (Xist. I"lie f.-l
their life is nbsnlutelv unjustitb-d im
Jna ter what -v 1 1 -i I work tt,e i ,n In.
ueing or wiiat LnisiiieM nic',
be (illu
tin y ui.iy
A Freixh girl in le--e Is abselutelr
Should a Married
Thinks They Should Have Equal
Te th' Editor nf Wennn' riC'-
This vital question of our present
years has filled me with a sort of joy
when I reallic ea"h hour th" important
Btnnd women have taken in a wtli.int
effort te help all mankind. My op
timism in this regard has helped me
te be justly proud that I am n woman.
Has It ever occurred te men that
Tvemen are far in adance of them?
2 speak from a sense of security cover
ing fourteen or rifteen years of a busi
ness life. Although my particular efforts
have necr reached any famous degree,
I have fend hopes-, nnd neverthc!-ss fp"l
J am one of these leuntlesi married
vemen who has liad te battle hardships
tee. Net with any feeling of revulsion
with mv state In life, lather I battled
with a "certain feeling of pride and in-
Mv object is net te spenk for mse'.f
nor of m efforts, hut iatli"r ter tn-i-e
whom I hae known and whom I wish
Jeu te knew. It Is also witli a con cen
Tineing fts-ling thar marrnd women
should be glwu equal opportunity with
the men and single women in tills l'-b-pect
that I hae dared te speak.
Te the overage person a cog In the
human machinery--ti person of se. inl
standing is net thoroughly anpnint'd
with hard-.bip. pri.rieu and neee,3it
te draw a permeniint nui' lusi'.ti re
1,'Hrding the rights of a married woman.
Very often these de. .sums will intluenie
'inp'lev rs ngaitist the employment of
uch women. Were a law te I"-
in tfliB .ilit a gieat number of women
who are supporting homes and duell
ing their chiidi'ti would be fnn-nl e it.
nnd nltbeugli of active, intelligent mind
would net be permitted te continue.
what would it nil mean? Carry
Teursclf b.-uk a few jcars and women
dependent upon men for support often
found themeches in straightencl , lr-
cumstances. ie' an isnew sooner or
i-. i. .. ni.i,n,,..i, I...U- ..n.o.er f..e.l
,, .,1 1 .... .
or clothe tin- hunglv and wean. The
man probably muld net obtain work
nleng his certain line and the wif.
nltheugh keen, n'ert and ambitious, un
tied hand and feet ('harm stepped
Jn out stipped 'prliie." Hcirlm-he
nnd nil that very often gees wiih de
feat entered ln-r heart b'c.iuse, ell
"charity" Is se cold
Today she gives her mind, her soul
The Smart Head
A hat may he Juki a hut nnd noth
ing mere en some ilajs and then In.
transformed into a thing of chic
nnd Btyle the very next day by the
addition of thcbe Spanish blend
veils, which, strange as It may
eem, nre really blink, net light at
all. One of llu-sc would be a de
llgbt wrapped Hi led nnd whili- anil
presented te the J.nb Who l.il.i ,
Accessories nt Christmas. Or the
nilxht Im plcnscd with ene of tin1
Useful little pin whiih solve both
an decoration and ril holders.
They ure ubeut live indies long,
With heads made of crystal, black
HsV- .
smitten hv tin ttln IiIuhI . .i" i. i. " .. ...i il.. ,....i. '
fn he "iris ',, rtaln tm"n ie get her own way. lirst an 1 last She I
StliJhPlWli wft-n. but hp does,,'-, rea.'y,
In Krnnc. of ,,,;C '..- .. ,"inse her per-enallty or her m.
vwrtliini T. . . , "m0.'lr i1" The man must de the adoring, and -he's '
SDW, " IV' Z :X "- Prnele,. Unle .,....;;.; will , .
fix, ,nalu-'l d brlllluiits iu interest
J ". ttr- inn deslgu
merciless in tier pursuit. The man has
no wan. from her. She lives, breathes,
exists for him nlene.
Just unteh the little "mldlnettes"
(work girls from the great ateliers In
1'nrM cmeree from their sewing or hat-
making nt linlf-piKt l! ir 7 o'clock.
Vtif n Reed half-hour they've been
such pains with her appearance as
the r'reiieh girl docs and that's saying
'l'liev conic out from the workrooms
and lik" se many homing r-tgeens
grab their -u.iln, clinging like the Ivy,
mid using eerj known ntid unknown
wile te held hini, keep blm. They ' piny
up In ii av tliat were it net i0
j.athet ff would nuike the Americans l
m d Knglith laugh. '! he suhmcrge
I iin.oUei -hiv mnU then.srhii iirer
.. ...... .' .. e ..i., i... .
iii Hie ninn s piinrrn i'i worn n- ie"m
udmire, te win him.
down and worship as the I'ren. h g'r!
The Americr.n slrl contrives te b se
irnii tilings t' a i.inn th.T. naturally,
she "satisfies I.im. since nriei is the
spiep of life. She's a geed pal. a geed
business ndviser and a k'nd of mother
ai.d sweetheart rolled m one. At the
same time there's lets e? the i-iren
ah'nit her or "nmp." I think it's
Se the American girl In love Is
iii il'i !i.ky for she's very, very
Weman Werk?
and her me te mankind. Why de ar
tists nuc abimt the death of "ro "re
mntice"? Surely these folks are dead
n.it "romance."
Is she net ever willing te punish her
soul, body and mind that her husbiml
lieieine ant'cessfnl op tl.nr she mi net.'
become a stone about ha neik and even1
that her eluldieii nuij be lit c.tlens of ,
thi s.,i lety of men?
In citine sexrrnl instaneis of .sue
cessful iiiiirriril wemci who w.itk I lien
some daj te become one of them.
M ilrt-r mention is that of young
woman, of nhmit tlurty-lie jcars of
age new. She h.id a ten mil" je.irs of
"'ihe only "hild of fend parents, she
mn-!iei1 and knew h'liiiiinesis. She lmii
nPU.r known the necessity fur n busi-
ness can ep and ceuhl net turn her hand
Ie anuliing. II' r tir.st lesi ,(m ihat
of paients; seismd. of her d'-vetcl has-
hand, who unfortunately wns unahl"
te pre id for his rainy day. Ettntu.ill
she found congenial work and a hap-
M'1' lioine ler lief I'ey. lie was nMj a
tot and it gneiei
her te leave him for
in instant. Mn worked inrlv aitd Kite
te preMiJe a home, and ted.-n, I am'
proud te sa , sh" j a Micces.fu woman, )
still just as Muithiul and ngreeable. I i
fisl it Mas due te the extreme deter- I
miratien and the opportunity offered by
ernp'ejnieiit of a ni'irtied woman. She'
might hai depended upon ethets, but i
she i he n riyht path lifter all. I
Second. This is n ctp of a man and '
ife. helpmates nil through n"t
an 1
rill-guiding Tener oheo te un'ir him fe
future use Oread tuberculosis grippe I
him and his needs be-ame gre.-itir and!
greater. The wife gruwed as their lit
tle income dwind'.'d ui'til one d.iv tin tin
ehysii'iaii decided he must get away.
Where and hew could he be supported j
mn.itiiy Mirnnir u."ti . atid what
Should heeiiiue of his wife?
t t.ic cl... .1... ...;... ..i .., ....!..
.. ... -. ...- uvm eiiiiit-u ie IllUh" up i
ie mm iur a'l or tne surrew ami illness
"" lf'l'ls- Mie toel: n course in tiling,
llPC """ " inemtier of that nst throng
",""" ,'"'" n re-pensien; n.sitinn '
eiiwii sinnrTii. in inn 11 in ...
7. .- : ..... -"-1
KuM' him sunlight, air and happiness. "
'""' '"'""I ' f'"' herself, tee. W,t H
sad mistake h
fei 1 .she 1S unworthy of ,
her plaee !
Third. This
1 e it, cr
a vei.ng
eeiipie : ii. i y cannot eu-t uj en the
s.-ilnrv of the hus'iiitid. Il.iun: -t,,r'.".i
at the vi ry bottom pus of the ladder,
llMVee hfixiii' ;i ei.-nr I. ii ... .!... ..-. ... .!,.!.!
heed. Ip.th want te we k . ,7, .' ,
and arrue home at il P. M. si,0 ....,
pan-s his dinners and they work for one
(mother. She nt rinds his linens, thev
n-ii'i KO.-II noeKS, enjoy an oeeq-ienn
show. s.ive a dollar nnd are iteii.nll) I
rii VtTtefttn r!tl !n trttfl mi!nfn!nq '
ami piaie ier tlieir c hi ren n order te entirely itiuereni nuuu-, ' "" - ......,.-..-, .... ntter the manner that s sucrested te
, make useful citizens of then,. hni, rPntl tl , part through, she realized 'LuJX ZVf'allXi ' l n, elhr ,w1'1"',,t bu' "d -?
Leneir ."tW.; K: t!'a! "r.hln! hv hcr thih mtr:"zi:-,x !H aftcr
fast and tidy up this lifle home; leave """"" '" '., , ' , ' ',, ,' ';,, " ",, ir Uie pattern be f n n
rt Pl.l for thiir resnectne eslHnn Yesterday with these piercing eyes rf '? ." ',,..' '.'. . !" . ' !". LJ , nature, nnd the weakness-, dlseai
'.. re th- minufe. but never extreme. ,' , , , ,t hen i,er the part of th
1'iex have found n happiness in home- ! . r ,, . c ..ilIrl, iit,e wi-
lii...I.n... both love children and are I di'tehter of t . be se 1 eh A line w
t.nrni'l sevral jeais. It is t! ir wis', Mi" " ild have manage 1 wit he..
te ; . rk for them. The wife has l.eld'n'O !re1'''" lin'' Ili"1 chT':U ii
1 r- -"ion of autherltv for main v.ars '"" ditiieult pari m the weild l-r a
ei'd pref-rs it te Idleness !.e ran ' beginner.
..c and make dalnlies. no, bv t'-,e i A in- wn- frightened. She realized
un, lnt i;,sr that she hail gene into tl is
Net nlnn. ...re.w. flm.n .. I,- I
f-iffpfd the pxtrime need of rmplej.
i -i -, nui. i'u-ii ion iv our inveiy women
r ' bust sncn-t have ltnar..ie.'iiir into
the p iblie life and are sueensf,,! wetnen
or wies anl mothers.
I call particular attention te two
whom J admire
ii I admire greatly. Mr-, fl'fferd
,et and Mrs. Ilarclay Wn. burten,
Although I am neither vetep or fuf- ahend if her. t'p In her own r -.m
frisist I can readily iiprrccinte weni-' with the deer locked she faced the fi fi fi
.ilihoed IH cxr'iitditjpi hv th'.-e uiilnun ....... ,il, ili.. eves of ii frlshtir.ed vrirl.
i in v ni" ieiers and are ihe ,)IIVlt
lie in, of helpni,. h ,' les, f-irfl I'e
I't-pi" lally women, "Mnrru-1 w.e. -n"
of w horn I am 01 e.
All thrrn.gli i,v lutiniss If. as .1
hoekl.eeier i f thoughts, I ) .,-.. f, ,t tl, ,"t
a i.ir.rne.i vi.ii.im weil.id f. ,,.; ., ,
inspiration ami an a fu.il desire te .
setn-'lilng et real miIih. ether than a
Wife It Cl'l be d'.lle. .Sh- is I,,,!.,.
an 1 In r moral ilnr-ntrr is ivefllent
winie ai nasmiss rm mirt allow h
iiiiinin-r ei uipsh nrn l.e.-n .ihjni.
I'.r-l nil's Him bhq js IllUIOlJa (i, fan ,
her appearance. '
The Alnii-rlitv crefi'es us eijunl te
rneit all ebstaili-s. Is it at all mid.
then, that wei.i-n should i,t m rt-eit
te iiievenients of this k nd ' 'J h.. , i,np.
ing tpei f '.'.en in InscfiSir. ! ,,,Usi,
and in spit., i f our :. l,M,, r, ,,
ted.i-, woman is r -illy feminine at
Mis. I!. M T.. W.!.k,ir.r and wife.
A rhnrmlns n.iir -,f betu r. .1..
I little newcomer in tin. fnmilv nin'v he
i miide of whitu satin, ul-li n ,.,',.. 1. 1...'
blue butterlly heerlng about the leis
'of eni-li one, jijm hu-.ius,. t. lfl)V n. '
side the idiom is h hwcrt. ((,, . would
In- fur Siiiiiliiji. of iuiirii, v hin th
, iii-s th.it gi-.nidinii made nil hv hand
'is iilt mi te show fi nil the admiring
,11 I.i H'-. 1
Heme-Made Gift
HrasMeif-s mud-' of inch width ni,.
, ,, 1 1
buns, M'weil together or wider i.bb'ins
mm 1110 iiiu iiitipci mu 10 111 iiiu lenn,
tire dainty und pretty enough te serve
ns C'hrlhtiiinsNglfta of it 11 Intimate na
ture tieui ouelrl te another.
ON Tilt; tnWe big red poln peln
settlas, bright, brilliant nnd
dazzling against the snowy white,
liens of the table covering, shout
forth n joyous welcome te every
, Ket. Ter inferinnl Christinas
entertaining this decoration is
'.'i " l0 '. effective .Tarl,
ilvmrr - (a HirKC WIllC IlIlSKCl.
of peliisctilns Kllcci with favors).
1P r1""" ,"',", Mut 1,s!Mc, Vu
I '," ,Vny pnlnttlns topping their
the fringed white nut dishes with
the tlliv nnlnspttlns tiinniin. (hMi
handles, the decorated ml ttiitirr
horns (neisj souvenirs of n Reed
time), and the pretty as well ns
practical paper plates, nnpk ns
and table invei.
1'er a refreshment table at u
l,v ?tt -
Christinas bazaar, nothing could be mere
charming than this trim and none mere
easily arranged and mere cftcrti.e at
slight expense.
The simple little holly apron and
enp shown n the pretty girl abe can
easily be duplicated. It might be cry
.utnctivclv worn by all the attendant:) !
at tne mwmr oeotns or eny. in tne tea- ,
room. I or informal home entertain
ing, it may be denned by the maid or
by en" of the dnughters of the house
who may assist in the dainty tening
of geel things.
Uirectlnns for making both tahle an-
pemtments and costume features are
as fellows
Teinsettia centerpiece or ".Tack i
Ili.-ner i ut trem heaw cir.teiml
a ii-ineh crele and a band -I inihes
high and long enough te go around the
dnle. Fasten the two tegiiher with
gummed cloth tape.. Hind six wres,
size Ne. l." t.'Hi inches long), with
white cnpi paper, using sln. ii,
iml.es wide folded in half. I .isten
iiiesi' jiiiii'ii' i i" no- uiiieiuii i'i me
??S. W3e5' -,. f -.Ji.. ...,.c- ' .-BwJES-CHlftOj? nw
S.l MBt 'W 'laffl. W-KS
The Reckless Age ny hazel deve iUTcnixen
.I'nic I'eitrr a peifrd niris'ir
cil the iiiutiaer set irh tltinl s mcii
ii i r.. tumc for tier uiiti'cmcn. She
oe'iji-j lurrrlf te (linrlrii 7 tnc
ii't te'itiiir vhc letfi Aim, hut mm ly
for this "lAc e eifwe" rnnivjiil, and
iifcr vhrn Chnrleu brrnki the ru-
gai'inrnt heenwr nf her flirtation
uith l'Mett l.'nin, a inner, .Mine
7 r,,m n uiiter. Wine i
Mr;,.fd. fih, fimti hcriclf artuaWj
"Mi ' .-.--... ....... -. ,
te Ojic ti tin l nng, out ai.t.- ni"'mj
that he ( mini; her for enny in it
neicl he t tcrttdip en the ja:: nrje,
it it ti a tenine Vete te hir vrlile.
ll'iru Mr. Fitter ne'lt c-i(n iuijiiciul
rii cr.iri, .time, rcitlrn iiml unhappy
neek.i mi nutlet for her enrrel' s en the
ttnqe. She teet te Mntthev Jlulth
tin. n hw nrmiueer, ami sui eeedn (11
nhtainiwl im nidnicic 11 if A Aim.
Ilutehin ifcrs ." n ehanee, hut net
befme ).r' tell her some seurchiml
ftiifn about hri-rlf, nn I for thu
fliit time 111 her life, Mine enh:'l
hev elfnh ami thoughtless a life sha
has lived.
Stage Fright
TTr'TrHISS' plav was a tene, dra
malic thing called "The l'rebe,
ami .Mine's part In
It wns that of a
Blrj ,f the l enp!.. who is plunged for
brief period into the world of high
I a
seeiM. ami as ui ii
l 1 - -1! -- !.....
n-r own It- nsnin. n w.is a p..n .- ,
nuirine a. tuu. It meant submerging,
.... f
r personality and seem
ifp from nil
his he had sized her up. She bad been .h(,m ., for ,0;lrs,.lf, everv pair of 'em. I
exeuisl-elv dre'-ed, and of ceure he , They range in prbe from Sl.uO te Ml,
hSJkL- in a minute that she .'I'lS':::
net in need of money. Thnt was w'-
lllltlg M't se UltK II wrinni en- l' l -'
co I'd net ai becnuse it was ceniiin n
or'-." r' ''.nig, nun """ "'' '
of stan ling up en that dim stage n untie-
plercng eyes of Hutchlns, i ' '.
she ti-iL'l t. interpret the chnra - !
Lett; . w is terrifying.
n .. 1 .. ..il.fn1 rlrpnrn tn imp lie.
for,. ',; ,. , ,,rtimll. heguil? Ter Almr
ir.,. ,, 'j ' ,,i he nothing but fail ire
At tl
nan .
M-rv thought et nttempi.ng ta
h.. i''rew fnlnt with terrei and
.-il! her henv-eil self -confidence lb i ,.u..-
f rei i her
We!', lb-re was one thing sm leu'd
de te end it all. She could go t-n ,,ttlit
II I'chins tomorrow ana ii.uei ti-
unit l:i' 1; te mm. miii- nuiu wn i.u.i
it v., is tfe big for her. but d-ii i - i'i" j
thought occurred te her i-hc w uilu'd,
him ns ii" would leek. She . i II m-p
the leek of iiluUHed contempt in Ills ives
and she remembered with m ldi 11 & ' f -leaihlng
bow she bad bragged te him
the dnv before. Then she iiad hien
mie of hei-i-elf, new she was afianl
ISui could sh" stand up In-fore him and
ndmif that pbe was a, coward?
Aline spent th" iiltermen and ee.
ning l".-l,e. in her room. She i. i the
pur through tuil It the 1 lies .'-- f.i
rn'iar. and then she tn-d in iiii.igine
I.etti , but it was hnpips'-.
Wlieii she fui.-illv wiut te lie.l it w.is 1
with a si-use nt Melt ilrc-iM fir what
the nieriuw would bring. .Ni-ii-rthelrss
she :is ut the lli'titre at 10 the nru
day. n-sehed te attempt the pnit if it
M'h'd her.
H.-r nereusness wn incrnnseil hv
the fact that no one paid any ntti iitleti i
te her. Chiiirs bad been plnci, en 11,0
stage, but sin' sat en her" npiirt from
the ntln-rf.. Her Iinmls ion- lev nn 1
ln-r dii cits ll'inied, nnd when 1 1 1 -. nn,
lni.il1 nppnind her ln-nit fine .1 gum
''iip and her 1 until fi-1' div nuil Im'
Il im one Mill spi 1. -a in iim-jIii nu
llum. 1 it i-he wouldn't lime been ,ihl te
tiillcilllte plllllll
V.V1I read Ihe p!" thr. igh '
Mil II ,v I ....,..
llutchins iilineunced te tne ceiiiiinny
nnd Allue with eyes that could hardly '
see unrolled hcr manuscript nnd real-1
ized that her ordeal was about ti begin.
BU did uet cepiq into the play una
Fer the girl 'mZjZvjteM
who vBHHK
&JS. planning 1
HkffM1 ier 'iC?' school MKMKl
4&$Z' r&WSwWOMsttX 41, ri.iMW.nnti IjBrHKflaVlCHS.
s. v-.-x , :-t dmsmMmmmmk. . ..;;wl''Mw.:;,
J-Arf W -'" . . JSIX i-.... 11. rr s?
' foundation, three en each
side, by
bindine w.ili Mioel wne and tinir this
, ire liimlv through hobs punched in
the foundation. Cever the foundation
with looped fringe cut from white
erene inner tntw. Tl'ive stilus will
be neede!. Cut them across the grain
of the paper. l."i inches wide; fold
riireugli the center iilen t crease) ; cut
into fringe 1 iii'h wide nnd ." Inches
deep, cutting through the folded edge,
net the opt ii edge. Line the basket
with crushed white crepe. Make poln peln
settia tlewers of red crepe paper with
dark amber and mess green cut into
fringe ter renteis J.eng, narrow rib
I beii.s should cti nd fn :n the favors in
the basket te the guests' plates.
.Nut IUslics I se Mi. l() wire for
the deubl" handles, covering them with
narrow strips of white crepe paper and
fastening them te the outside of plain I
serving cup forms with gummed cloth '
tape. Cevr the cups with looped i bite
crepe paper fringe, made as in the case
of the centerpiece. Twe strips. " Inches
long aim f-j incites wnie. via Da sum-,
-'e peceud art. nnd during the rend-.
mg of the lirst act she lest i-eme of her I
ibfect fear In genuine intereit. I5ut
.t did net help her much te n.ilizc hew i
T ,..-!.. ; I" ... ......... ril..
, i.iiuiiiii viii'- a Kuii'uus eiee iiuri, i
j niaee tne words slug, nnd even these l
tal-ing the miner parts were ceml. Hv I
.!. .!. .!... i... i ;..!. i..i ;...n.. .1"
iii.- 1 hum 1 1 rk 11 1 11 kii iii riMti mi' i 11
t!rn nrt AUC wn, CPrtnn ,.,,,,' eme n Allien possession e;
was the only non-professional mueng i
fh'in. nnd that Hutchlns wns about te!
. 1
Humiliate her before the entire com-
Tomorrow Taming the Shrew
Adventures With a Purse
T WANT te tell you about something
J- that yen can put in "his" stocking
which will probably make him l.b ss
mi all the rest of your natural life
lie ins one of the well-known and justly J
ar-eus 'tlivver.s he probably has
nielespii inr the winter, hut you II most
lik.ly hear him complain because t he
air conies up through the space, in the
fleer where the pedals and brakes are
attar he. 1. I!ut te remedy thar there
nil. tut lin.l fi lp, t.t .n.,.fia HAi'.iru n-lilr-I.
slip mer the pedals nnd brakes and
f.lk',Pn' '",
111 ii map. They ile tint in
,,nv wny mlerfere with the running nf
nv way interferi. with the running nf
the car nnd thev most ceitainly add
u tUp (.nmf()rt ,rCllf UI1(1 arP 0Illv
? -- f ,, ,
- -
I wend. r If you wouldn't like te buy
tn.it jeu iik. ,
r..r nnme. of .linn. ,l,lr.. Weman'-. VAre
raiter or elinne Unleiit snnn or Main mm
'flweii iIip hours nf 'l flnil r..
; Helm Deeie
.'' t 's a n in ti ier, I as a gift te
i i. rl w'. . ,il i hi I il i i.i.."' Iliithf r
.il.it lri I l ji ie mil.1 1'nler.s 'hi
' i i-l.i'l.. rertalniv be could net
i.rfsiiin,. t . t '.i li-i an liitliiiate git
'Ie bus- ili bleckings ler n C'brlHttn.13
Itt. .ii the m.tii illustrated Is deln
. net at ail proper. A man may nre
' t.t silk r'e' l. ngs le Ins wife, lu.s nlHte-,
I'ls dtiugh" r, 1.1". n.eihir or grand
nn ther, but iet i'i an unr;lntd girl in
his circle .mil i n-i i.illv net te bis
, ll.l licit .
I'm' i gltl- f'hstnns tirfept from
s ii ni wl i i.i net a hinsm-iii, the im-
i I'T- n-.l ,-:t Is i-nr.'t fljwei.s, boil-
li-i' -. I p. i riu -, Imei.s, prints, i tc
A hoi. ' ' inl if gin nng may he In-
'e i, r i.i. r. 'v mi- sfndtrii lfiltlnB
'.ir I.
w . u
' iiimi ..' 1 I'ueu sneuiu 1101
1 thi. t'i -I' .f . It In unite
In -n 1 1.0 1 .ird at the tltlu
Give Invalids a Chance
Kmnfii f)ifts nub Cnrbs
Pearls Re-strung
Prlrrv lr,ui.t In Inn ilfr llvimrt werk,
All knul nf ni'ikl.ii in-atriiiiit. Kanttlnx
u viKcl.niv utili-M i.L'rvlLfc. weiu Klisruu
u-ru. iianpi nirniiiira.
Ideal Pearl Ce r'rrT "a''ngi
iucai 1 tri .e,, ia3u ciiestuut St.
. ..
mill 'fi
cienr. A small pninetta Is twisted en
i, i!n.,,iu
, ,
Herns Inexpensive paper horns
I ",n" h-' purchased nt nnv novelty shop,
1 ' t.r'l,i ?' looped fringe cut longer and
I wl"cr, t,,nn f"f H10 (',"11 ,lc'orntlen n,r!
! I"1"''-''1 ''r,011'".1 ,th,! hvri'' ,,,tl(1,0'
iietn. ihe naiance et the horn is
wound tightly with plain red crepe
paper. I'aste will held this covering
in place.
Costume Helly and mistletoe design
of decorated crepe paper is used for
the apron. Taste or stitch two widths
together for the requited length. Cut
the upper edge In bib shape nnd the
les at the lower edge shorter than
I the front. Shirr nt the w.sisr linn nnH
tie nt the back with ribbons of red
crepe paper cut aores-s the grain The
double frill of red crepe used for the
edges and the shoulder straps mav be
gathered en the sewing machine. "The
little can consists of a frIU of belly-
decorated crepe fitted te a double frill
Unnu et reil
By Ralph Walde Trine
Auther of "In Tune With the Infinite."
One of the most interesting things
that lias OCCIirrpi! In n renni-nfinM Ima
----- ... ... .........,,i.., ,.,,
come nneut in America during the year.
A welI-ferme,i nlirns.. nt r,i
. " ' ' ' "inuunii
1. .
t man
r nMi t n i n v .....!.
"""""""" "l ,,L,i'ie.
Tfr te the phrase or the state-
jment, or perhaps I should
say the state
ment of the formula of JJmile Cene:
"Day by Day, in every wny, I am grow
ing better nnd better." It is a formti fermti formti
lnted statement that he has been givlnr
te his nntients .nul il. ,.... ,.!,,. ... ..
llm for I10lp -chiefly for help In their
i,(wnv nit.nnnis n, i,i i . .
'J "' ? niIlnt,n-l ; his home and office
If ui iniiii; at .ancy m 1 ranee.
Many there, and many in England
, and in America, ic-nerr rrenr l,..1
.f,i. .i. .. , ; . .1 ""
tI'rellK'' H'p farncst nnd faithful use
I ' thin statement or formula,
"he tensen that Is proving of such
I value te se many people is because of
I tllO 110W Well-knOW!! llllV llmi .,!,
, hetween the active thinking mind and'
' "- eeii'-nnscii) is mum, which latter is
, V "!" '""K ind. It has the chief
, V"' "' 'ling mind
'lermiiiing power in luillillng a cell or
bony lis.,,,. fr weakness or disease, or
, ier lienitn iiml strength and wholeness '
ii;Ari.. i ... . .1 .i .
IJnefly stii-i'd, tin; suhci nscietm mind
ifn nu ifu lii'ieil,.!. . 1. .e . . .
I ; '';,,". '".'.' . u - '" " l'""K'
se. Im.
l' t.Pr.T i"rP "1'1 'n,KP' hp ?l"
C '"fl V."..' ny' "(' .f'.'"'"" ''?, Hfe
' -'. llf M! VZ
Patten, ,r , f n positive, building qtinl-
.itx health, strength, harmenv and
" hn.eness this is the condition that
eecnmes vVt nnd eiternnlized in the
I bedv.
The law Is tha' each type of thencht
build-, and nlwn.i', of its kind. Thi.s
Is the law of nutn. suggestion, nnd is
continually at work whether v.e nre
conscious of It or net. Wise nre we,
llierefnif te uinlei stand it and te ue It
in n di Unite, concrete way te our nd
nntar.e. I'mile Coue has done a bcrvlre te
great numbers of people by bringing
te them this law in the form of a new
and hnppilv. formed formula.
I Cnpitrteht, Ml', by rublia l.ritjtr fcmijiuili;
New Sleeves
Nevel j-Ippvps of the bell variety, seen
j recent lj, had .it the edge two wpi.,
straps of the material cndisl In loops
I i.e skirt i nl was deceiatid In a
n ..t nUnntlM. old CiiineMi design:
ir. ips of il-ill ,,l,l nnd dull eysre-.'.
i een l silk i in) rmdrrles were fdnced
at I'i'in'il. nreund f, while the bedi e
was left itiiml- plain, the n-.-klli''
n-ilig meiia bei.tnl with 11. e ti iti ,al
ankles, due te n patented
ftand in the front ranks
Shee Company
1314 Chestnut St.
Please Tell Me
What te De
JMttrt Is Cvnttea't column null ,
lerttlen en en t'.ds 0 the tattr only,
nnd liwil be Hentd lelth tn irrllfr J
name and adSrtit. The nnni elil nei
be puMInrf U the icrttrr rte net v(
ff. lnaienrd Jtrrf end Ietfr uirlttjn
en bnth Mr of th vavcr iclll
nnaiecrfd, Writers u-ne wish urt'inei
niMU'trt that tan b eivtn (n trie column
tclll vita leek tfirrr. a trenaf lltr
ere cull written when alBelutttu nicca
tarv. Wants an Addrets
Dear Cynthia I have read O.lUInn
Vf's" letter, and I thought I wculd
write you these few lines Just trt nek
you for Lllllan'a Rddress arid her ether
.... l V .. t-. ..Iilna nll.
1 11.11111-, u j. can B 11 vy nom..B .'"-'
.or de I have te write te I-Illlnn for It,
an I will be waiting te hear from you?
I am a young man of twenty-two, anrt
, I thought I would take a chance nnd
1 ...1. ;. T.ntrrn.
Trebably you have net read the
column regularly. If you had, you
would knew that Cynthia docs net glve
the names nor addresses of theso who
write te the column te any one.
Challenges "Leenard P."
Hear Cynthia I have perused the
articles contained In your very inter
esting column without comment until
new, but I feel I cannot, In Justice te
my sex, permit the answer te Leenard
1 te go unchallenged,
The very fact of bin faith In his own
handsomeness proves htm egetlBllcal. I
can't conceive of any girl running after
any man, as they are entirely tee con cen
ctlted ns It Is. Tcrlmps this particular
Apelle Is se gullible they can't res st
kidding him, but no girl, If she actually
wanted a man, would let him think It,
for the farther the apple Is from the
rench of mere man. the mere desir desir
able It become In my opinion, a lessen
en modesty would be appropriate for
Leenard P.
In closing, let me add that no mntter
what woman is, man made her. Tncy
granted her suffrage, which, by the wny,
net one-tenth ut the wemen want or
take advantage of, and new they nre
apparently Insatlable until they succeed
In tearing woman forever from her
rightful pedestal. Any honest inun who
hns nchleved success will admit It was
through the Inspiration nnd diligence of
some woman. CONSTANCE.
A Fast Worker
Dear Cynthia In answer te the
promiscuous kissing problem. "C. W."
certainly did innke a fine comeback In
bin answ-Pr te "H, 9." We are net nil
leunge lizards who go te the girls'
heujes and kiss them all evening,
no, by far net. I myself play basket
ball, football, baseball and de a geed
deal of boxing, yet I am one of these
fellows who kiss the Rlrl every tlme I
take them out. As for playing musical
Instruments, I took up the piano, but
stepped after a. few jcars net liking It,
but that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy
i geed piece of music played by such
artlst3 as Elman, Helfetr. or sung by
Melba or Galli-Curcl.
Te date. I have kissed mere than 250
girls, and I am net ashamed te admit
it, although still under twenty. There
Is no fun In taking a gitl te a movie or
show, then te n cafe and then home,
and at her doorstep say, "Wasn't It a
fine fIiew?"
Iluhetne ban the right Idea. If she
appreciates the gecd tlme the fellow
showed her, why should she net bestrv
a kiss en him te show her appreciation?
Many of the girls who write te you
Cynthia nnd claim that they go out n
gced deal and have never been kissed
are either net telling the truth or they
are living mints. A few months age,
I took a girl home from a dance (met
her there) nnd while sitting en her
perch she told me that she was nevcr
kissed, nor -would she allow any fellow
te put his arm nreund her, se I tried
nothing. The ne'xt week she went
automebillng with me, and eh 1 boy !
net only did I embrace her, but kissed
her a few dcrzen times, se you see,
Cynthia, that many of the taints (?) are
hypocrites after all. Well, let me hear
from you pure, never-been-klssed girls.
Seme record for one se young. Sure
us an irua.
The Gift
Find no rival as tokens
for Christmas
Full-Length Wraps of
Kelynsky Dark East
ern M i n k Broadtail
and Baby Caracul
Short Walking Jackets
of tan, black nnd gray
caracul, civet cat, blue
opossum and raccoon.
Separata Scarf of nat
ural blue nnd silver
fox, sable, baby fisher
and baum marten.
Featured at unuiually at-
tractive price during the
holiday teaten
ier Xmas!
f'euM there be n mero appreciated
ift? Kclief from the aches anil
pains of abused feet. What mnn
or weiimn wouldn't welcome the
tiewH of guaranteed, built-in
comfort for his or her peer, tired
Hut mere the A. E. LITTL-K
.''hee net only relieves It con
ditions. etrenathctiR the feet and
construction. And built te
of fashion.
The City Dweller Thought It Would Be
Lonely te Live Out in the Country
But There Wouldn't Be Such Tragic Loneliness Out There w
There Often Is in the Midst of a City
TT'3 a beautiful plnce" admitted the
city-dweller, gazing nbetit the old
farmhouse which her newly married
friends had bought nnd fixed ever into
a charming home. "Hut I should think
you'd be se lonely way out here!"
She looked out the living-room win
dow across n field that was brown nnd
stiff nnd cold, te the next jilncc. about
a "block" further down the read.
It wns a dreary-looking farmhouse
with no Blgns of life en the outside,
although there was n white curtain nnd
n red geranium In the kitchen window.
"Lonely?" echoed the brlde, "Why
there's a regular colony of people we
. & -ti
knew out here nnd mero coming out all
the time. Jim's brother is building
Just about three miles beyond here, jeu
knew. We ace each ether nil the time,
nnd that little woman in the farmhouse
nt-ep th.rn ( flip Kpt Mem! I hare. '
She tells me hew te cook thing nnd
ence when I wns tick nnd Jim had te1
stay In tetrn late she came ever f with
seme of the most delicious soup I ever,
tasted and took care of me and babied,
inc. Whr. we'ri. net lenelv!"
The dty dweller couldn't tpille be
lieve it.
BUT it's true, appallingly true, that
you can be mere lonely In the very
midst of a big city, surrounded with
houses nnd people all the time, than
out in the middle of the country, with
the only house nnywherc near you n
whole block nwny.
This was illustrated In such a tragic
wny net long age when a woman who
lived in a typlenl row of town houses
wns stranded with two sick persons te
tnkc care of.
HElt husband wns nn invalid whom
she could net leave nlene In the
house nnd her brother, who lived with
them wns suddenly taken very ill, late
one evening.
Her doctor wns nway, she had nn
family outside te call en, and she did
net feel close enough te the neighbors
en either side te call en them.
Se she telephoned te n hospital nnd
hnd her brother taken there nlene while
she stayed nt home te unlet the dis
turbed nerves of the invalid.
When she nt last cot time te call nn
the hospital and nsk nbeut her brother
she was told that he died in the ninbti-
lance en the wny.
All her sorrow nnd crief. nil her
worry, all her many arrangements li:i
te be endured In the loneliness of thm
busy, well-filled street, with the activity
of the great cltr nil about her.
Fer none of the neighbors knew of
her trouble until they saw the crop,
that hung beside the deer the next dnv.
TITAT would never happen nt the
farmhouse with the red 6cranlum
in the kitchen window.
People knew each ether in the coun
try, becnuse their houses nre en fnr
apart and It's all se quiet that they
It will
tmt I ni mBssssssssssi Wl'jQHHfetjtffnJr '-; Jrl. rCr ,sv --wSf3Byi,. TH viS
-' mem
if it comes from Marshall E. Smith & Bre.
Basket Balls 350 5-
Soccer Balls 200 2-5 3S0
Footballs l00 i-se 2-se
Gelf Sets 5 se 700 8-se
Baseball Gloves 2-5
2r Striking Bags 1-se 3.00 4.00
sat Marshall E. Smith & Bre.
724 Chestnut Street
ipS m
i MsliS.ateiriLiiW "ere "
SHmwSP x
. ' . i! '
mmMkktmmmdm i I . ' l.
want te knew and speak te the ftmnf
Hint lived next te them.
In the city there's se much geinten
there nre se many interests nnd ee msni
different groups of people, that nelth.
bers often don't bother te meet,
Twe women met ene tlme nt a W.
ten In the city.
They found that they had seai
friends In common that they were In
trrested in many of the name thlnti
nnd that they enjoyed their cenvru.
Hen together very much.
After ueme talk, some tea drlnklni
nnd seme sandwich entitle, one of tasm
mnde the usual remark about must t
going. "'
en't you let me drive 7eu homer
Id the ether, "I came in my car snrf
t',i ije nwfully glad te take reiT"
n'i.& w..i.i i. .iiit.i..i .
That would be delightful, n nt.'. ..
way of rounding out the afternoon
nnd they put en their wraps and wsrt
out te the car together. ml
"It's the Kingsten Apartments," tk,
guest said, ns the car glided forward.
H?11 hestce8 Pcd, "On Stxty-tWrj
,x ,R.tr!t? That's where I Ilv! Tea
5t' LnThoule nnd TierMc3
It wna se Thcy hnd ,
,viM,in i.- annr. .i. i.7".,,T,n
;:" ..":j -.N"'-" .."".'" I0'
most n yenr nnd neither had ever seen
the ether.
Yet rltv dwellers think It would he
lonely living out in a quaint old farm,
house in the country!
Exceptional diamond
bargains. Beautiful
solid platinum ring-.
Set with i.earat whlt
' perfect diamond and 6
smaller diamonds.
11-13 S. 8th St. 2710 Germantown An.
in T-TsTll
De Sale at Leading Stores
M. R. KERST, Stall 822
rer theJSOyS
get the Bey's O K
BoxingGlevesS00 500 fc
Ice Skates 3-oe 5.00
Skis 1-se 4.50
V-Neck Sweater 5' 700
Baseball Suite 500
Mackinaws IO00
-7 r
W.&,ViiteB ' I.
rt-..-ivm.rf, .. ..r-jp. ..j