y-rVMf w A ,n 1 Y (7ST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of the First Junier Dance Held at the Bcllevue-Stratferd Last Night She Sees Pretty Clethes at the Ball and at the Ritz r Af)T nlg'it marked tlie Cr6t mteMg Jjet the Junier Dances, xblch arc 1.1,1 in the Clever Roem of the Belle- tuc'Stratferd, uliere nre several meet ings during tlie v "Iter j-eu Knew. nen tie Junier Dauces started th.r vole planned te be it fort of continuation of je old Monday Evening D.incins Class, but the Hft of tlie eifglnal flifVes und the traditions verc novel taken up. "'Lart ear the chaporeitci decided te turn them into dinner-dances tti that has made them Aery inter- Htins- . ., , flic ihiperenes for the dancs me Mrs. Rebert H. Large. Mrs. Henr7 Brlnten Coe, Mrs. poers Dallas Dixen, Mrs. Daniel L. Hutchinson, .h., Mrs Uebcrt Learning jMontserucrj . i' T. Charlton Henry, Mrs. Rebert vlUe Cissitt. Mrs. Edward T. States- tarv-end Mrs. A. J. Drexcl Uiddle. Mrs. Rebert Larstf looked lovely last nltbt in a sewn of fellrcr cloth made e lone straight lines and embroidered h ncarls and rhinestencs. Mrs. Luxe vere lislit hlue and silver brocade and Mr Dj.eii was in red velvet, mad') en '-lain litiff-. with a train which fell from (be fheuldcn; a bunch of clvet mom Ins dories unlslicd the drapery of the llirt at the left side of the ualstline. Mrs Hutchinson vel a a gown of greet, end silver brocade, the short train rein?"anans:ed at the side. Ameiig the debutantes I noticed vas Dorethy Lee, vhewj frock was or llame llame llame colered charmeuse trimmed with slher nd nail a lone peni devui the back; th bodice vai slceyesii and the ere ilvcr slinpew and Mecklnps. Mtt.v l'eacc as in vhite i het and raided d cxquifite bunch of orchids. iiginiu .HI J,for nrp a dar til old-fashioned llti uritii ,.--, ... frock et lavcnuer "1 i" - uo'"'"v(" i" - ue'"'"v(" i" - uo'"'"v(" lone uaisi aim bum "-c ""- "?. ....r ..;:.. .,n i,,-..wi ctin the neCK aim u v-i.y r " Bunny Geary vere a frock et white rtiffen. It ""a out round at neck and fad rauels of Venetian iace around the intlie skirt. -Mis. Geary's geun as of cray georgette aud sliver lace, buiah IwnUn Duane vere u gewu of silver rletli lth a ldvuudcr tint, it vas veil pretty. A GREAT many of the school set ave excited ever l'cun Charter's annual t,!av i.Lidi is te be held tomorrow m iitn's in the ballroom of the Belle tie tie Etratferd. Ten knew there is alvas dance at vhich the :eung actors np rear "clothed and in then- right minds" (as te their clothe) after the nljv is erer. Uejs are &u tunny in rlrls' dethes they neer leek natural, though ihev de leek better thnu girls tetten up as bejs. Would it net ue a geed idea for th various dramatic clubs of the boys and rir.s' schools te collaborate and E'f r'ats tucetlier? It's an idea and net,.; lad one. I llattfr mjself. I vih they d (ensider it. Seme of the pa ieiipss for tomor temor tomer rov.'s nla and ilanu- are Mi. Nerns Lair.ntt. Mis. DaId Chew. M. rrin ,k if. fnn. Jr.. Mrs. Ralph Derr. Mr." Ju-i-uh M. De'inn. Mrs. Housten riimn. Mi'. (Jreise Luinshav Mrs.. I Jehn 11. Gibben. Mrs. lKrheit Adams (Jibben, Mis. J. Claxton Oit tlivs, Mrs. Arthur Get hard, Mr?. Arthur II. Hacker, Mr. G.is.par Wlster IUeker, Mrs. Stccns Heckbcher, Mis. J. Uertram I.ipplpcett, Mrs. Gieige llenm l.erimer, Mrs. Themas Leam inz, Ah. Clnrlten Yaruall aud a uum ler of e htifc. TS.NT Mrs. 'Wilmer Riddle stunning I beLing? I baw Lcr at the Ult the ether vi veariu' a long, black coat e. a toil et chenille iraterial finiNh.-d with a wide cellar of muskral fur and large Cen in; l(ecs edged with fur. Tb md of the coat had a vide hand of fur. loe. Her hat vas a picture affair 'Mr'. Hiddle is always ttunnlr.g in u in j 110 uri!" hat) of black panne icher, a tteie va& a pink quill through the ireut. "D0BB1E having graduated from Ud & dergarten. and feeling leleased from retticcat getprnmen for time and eter nity, arrhed at rhe dinner table the "tier evenins with hands that hevcd Iheir ei,er had toiled leug and hard Mth them, te say the least. The.- vere tertainly the vers for war. Mether was much dls'rcsced, especially as Aunt Helen vas taking dinner vlth inern, and she made a vhispered rug rug settien te her jeung hopeful, vhich I answered in a perfectly audible tone und with great assurance of manner: Nliy, 1 didn't think I'd have te wash 7 hand3 just for one piece of com cem Vny." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Th guests who attended the, dinner hlch Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L Hutchin Wi, Jr. of 1S37 Spruce ttreet, gae last norer0f s iTi.i,VVuV,VS V.' iebutantu rtanVi,t..f. Vf rn ,,rf VrV terui5ri, LL p M? i "re.n vfnnnew t ui. 5f meetme I nt .1,1 i. ,VI"2J' ? lll?rst n1''"! Mrferd InUudHTrr . n Ciemwell Mr. and Mrs Da, 11 , I irrln'Ml! Fi Gc,ar M!s,3, ?1,ud " I iss MeU: nft ?ra5 ran,il',n Lne' .jits .Mar nidgsly Carter, Misi Eliza- I rl". 0.a.rr'nE.r Mies Frances F. Gcr- Scott, Mr Richard MSnmm M 9 ,herc ,am0'1f a quests at the I las returned from t hambersburg, where etirilev Hiif hit tr hi?w5 V ,. dlnner-ddnce glen en Tuesday ceiilng -he spent tutsan das at Wilsen uol uel niUMr Alfred 'Gn?n. S&r,tf.,T;.,,M fe. d ? " .T- . ' , Carwr. Mr wr.rt.l- hnVi- V.- r'Xr; RuftMf: J Andri. HmirsdrMr nemas uebb and .Mr. Lloyd Rensliav ' Mr snd Mil. JUin White Gean. ,lr , 'i laninr, i.nestnut HlU, iill givs J frr.all dr.nee en Jalluar C7 at th v n,,",f Mr f'Carj s paieiits. M nud W T-l , v.'hlte ecai. nr Oei m mteu. lJ1 "'-" atni6M, i.hiMnut Hill. n joner of Mr. eeurj j slrter. Mlra AUr k. n f A 1 . . ... v 4 uiii'ti ucdr, j Hie guests v'i0 Mill attend the the- f.rpttlar' '"ifl supper ut the Ritz-, p;"',0" -!hls fnlng uhkli Airs B i m ii, Vn1 or ,!"JS Walnut 'tree te lSl' following the tia the vlll gl M"-8 n' Ml1-8 Luc aiurgla .IfffeiM 'trcet. 10 ttmi .'" .."'UBniei qr vt and Mrs ,' ''"in ii.'iniiiten JcfferNS of .riin.. w-iii, i reeiiijt Hill will Inclu .... lilttlnza Mlf. Srir.-iRllen UlCllBlrlf,., . Mi '"" 'II Miss Denthv P Valentine. '" laiz.ibeih TJ.iri hlter Mli-.' iiii.i Miss .Susan 1 fsXia yi"imuiipn Mai Louise hltii' L.5ie Ticj l'inn I n U.i Doiell, 1 tigmnii .uisi ucitha r fcniMhc Slinr,.,' r K prte'i .Mf3 K liurliid Her,ii i, "" '"' Liiawlg LeH. Ml Jehn n ?'"ne1' Ocorje I'.rc Ml tehn i-L,,1'al;1 -Mp 'Sit An.ipelfK 'Ir Ludwig Lewi, Mi v,Va."."":. w Meart Tell !',.,"" .. lr Jmnes lJa Mi Mr Me i " .Mr ',es,pl1 Carnente-. end ' vSJSlV )'r HaielU Wrlsht ;'.'e i . Jin A, Mr Jmnes 1 I vlll bl . i;'S's. -'.r'.,"ns"'., 'n,p i''r'v rethe;..;.'r ..' u' ,u . ,1".. -.l: -1 "fs Alpv.,V, V-r ",,u eirier Mr and yn-t -. n'ju jt i.iapp jf tiiju Maw i .meng tha guebts who will attend ni;...'t.a."' I' Rlti.ii.T,, K,, nnd -"PPer a' the aiuril3",1,'" t0'sl't b Mr and Mr. IIm J ?''ac'e1 .Kilmer, u, honor of Leile debutante i r. 9" SWT..?t. Mr und Mi f,?51C. will be Mis Mm'jel VI tn V Anne II rei iu end "; 4U.". "arrisen. Mhs Terrrll .ui. ti;,S"W.?,ar:' 'arrell Iteiln Miss LIIj QiM C?,1 lUf, ' Jliss Ucrnadliit JStntrinl'n Katl"-rl"e Klnsu- ,MIss r. btew an Alcorn, Mr Graeme Lerl nw !'Kil'iJlZ'. FlEnl Norris. Mr. I'SpKiiWi-H1"; TOm Norris, Mr. . rltt Htillium, Mr. Alfred Hulme. Mi. Legan Black. Mr. Letter Comly and Mr. Miinin Large. ...Miss Kmlly Kalchn Smith anr Miss Lllzabeth Hmltli. of Four Pine Owynetld Valley, liae issued invitations ter a dinner at tln Bellevu-fJrat-iem en Friday eenlng, rclmary P In honor erf tlielr niece, MlfS Lmllv IC Bartow, debutante daujfliter of trs. Henry niackwell Bartow, of the Lout: Leut: acre, before the second Assembly. -.5Irv. n,1d Jtr?- Saniutl K. iteees, of 16 Seuth Tventj -second street, vlll (,-lve a dinner t the Rltz-Carlten en IOndaV evtnhic .Tnnni., 1 K.f,.A 1ia ball Mr. and Mr Jehn Wh.te Geary., Chestnut Hill, will give et the RI17. Carlten In honor of their debutante daughter, Miss Mary dft R Ocary. Mr. and Mrs Paul Clavton vlll enter tain r.t dinner at their home, 2221 De Laneav place, en Frldav evening, De cember 22, in honor of their ren-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Sirs. Ralph Earle The. guests vlll later attend the ball te be given b; Mr. William L McLean of Gerniantewn, at the Belleue-Strat-ferd. In honor of his debutante daugh ter, Miss Sat ah Wells McLean Mr. Rudelph S. rtauch. of Vlllaneva has le&ued invitations for a bridge partv en Tuesday, December ID, In honor e'f Mlse Careline Trench Graham, debu tante daughter of Mr. a-id Mrs Fred erlck W. W. Graham, of 52 Summit avenue. Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Henry Sulger .leant?, of 2012 Spruce Ptreet. vlll gf a party at the performance of the Princeton Triangle Club te be followed by a supper en Saturday evening. JanUan 13, in honor of her debutante niece. Miss r.llsabeth A. Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Reed A Morgan, of Mldwoeds. rhest nut HUL The giiest3 vhe will attend the the atre party en Wednesday opening. De cember 20. vhich Mr. and Mis N. Me- . -"7. " - v( "? ocnurease, or tlie Orchard Chest- - vi.jwiiBito - vi.jwiiBito - vi.jwiiBite in noner or .Miss i t Mlsu r, r"VJ ' ' iAhlltnntA lmin.litj9 .r Ovj nnu .urs Burnet Landreth. Jr. et 2th, Highland aenue, Chestnut Hill., before the ball Mr. Richard L. Austin. of 232 Seuth Twenty-second street, will give at the Rltz-Carlten in honor of hi' debutante daughter, Miss Lucylle Aus-'i '. vjii inciuae miss Margaret S 1 iegan, Mis Frances W. Blcknell. Miss I Katharine S Dunn, MIe Marna Hager. 1 .uiss .erma Grev. Mh Dnrnthv v. aientine. Mr. C. Stanley Hurlbut, Mr wcorge Dallas. Mr. Leuis Smith. Mr. Ray StG Art. Mr. AM An ri rii 11 tt t-' I Jeseph laj-ler. Mr. Whirten Stcnheuse urn .hi-, uurnei i.anflretli, 3il Mr en.i Af 1- 1 -.r t, , ' r.itmn.?-i f'ra?cls ,n Broek"' of t.umpsewoed. Merris avenue. Brvn fc!i,V,JV." 5 " v"ra". iJy 10 ue Aintt r w 1 tt.A i . ... ... ;. .u..u., i-u ny a supper ai ma ititz-carl is Ultz-Carl- Febniary 1, L Clayten ' u.i uii caiurnay evrnine, 1' in noner or Jllsa Barbara ueuijianie uauenter or Mr. and Mra. , 1 aul Uayten, or 2221 De Lancey place n. -,lft vr Tiinm f n, . n.Jnt,ffr.3?PB".c'- A'kn- of cVt, riie'.. IV.--i'. J "t!l,-"..u"T5r en Saturdaj1 fiiii .;. . 1 Veru -" ailnf. Mr. Jark Heuser. Mr. Uajmetid 11 HlU tarmj Hetel in honor of T.m.- n.iri ir- Rmi.imin v..i. 'reen 1 '-! Aiken's debutante daughter, Miss 1 ,.lrle Leulse Adams, before the dance Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry S. Valentine, of , , Ofrmantew n. -vlll gle at the Thiladel pni'i irlcka riuh. In honor of their nrnutante daughter. Miss Dorethy V aitntlne. , Miss MarraiM TirrtnU- e.r tii r.A i Apartments, Oerbroek' win Kie n "riuge party nnd linen rhewer en Thurs. .y,.'ftcrJSen' December 21. in honor or M'ss Elizabeth Casanne. debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn H. Herbert ftK- .. ..VViV. .-. ;.7, vac..uiie. inese cneacreinent te Mr " -"" "' 1 of this cltv. was announced. The guefets Mrs ligene S. Derey, of 1703 Locust "nclud?rJ Ms3 l:tht-1 Lalnl, Miss Tlor Tler Mreet, t entertaining at a serlei of ' fJ100, H?rpir'' Miss Grace Paul, Jlli luncheons te be followed by auction i ."V,1, Mccracken, Miss Doieth Oram linage at h r home. Thn fire irin i,. I gien this afternoon and the second en Satuiday aftctYoen next Mr?. Jehn P will attend aa GuMlne, of Overbroek. iiiiiuen or noner ana uiu. .tiiruu ini m tiie weauing or Mre I t-. Hamilton fellce and Mr. Albert 'else Cor ell. of Atlantic City, which ' II take- place ery quietly en bat-' i lay. December 16. at th hnm nt Mrs. SUcen. 1523 Lindlev avmus ?.Tr. Jehn S" Gustlne 'U serve as best man i M.M'"ie:.,?." ?Jh?r of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. dark, of tjr.tsl Lincoln drive, entertained nt n h-ifW, party at lTr he-ns en Wednesda' a.fter-1 neon. Miss r.'ettle Lefce'rlteh. of 157 Ehnif line. Roxborough, Is spending a few days In Chester. Pa., wlvie sh Is, tilting Miss Jear.ette Le , -ri iiuiiiiuin i rtm t -i ri m it m JIls Helena Wilsen, daughter of Mr and Mrs II P. Wilsen, of East John John Jehn eon street, his Iraued cards for a tea nt her home en Thursday afternoon, December 21. Mr. and Mr. Frederick !5 IIhta:. nf Queen Lane Maner, will hae at their guest during the helldai s Mrs Marga- ret FlUhugh Nickcdemus. of Washing ton. D. r. Mr. Geerge Let Is Smith Jr. son of Mrs. Walter Barnett Adams, of 553C Wayne aeiue, will lea6 en December 22 with' friends te spind the Clirlstmar acatlen in Bermuda. .W'?M P P. nice and thHr "' et "e8t i eint, ana .ir. and Mrs nj s Mitchell and their children. i e- Mass.. will be the meats of the parents of Mrs r.Iiw and Mn MJteheH. Mr. and Mis Lpuls M Wagner", I chr!MV?aB "eagnicK re, eel Ml9S Maigare' Watsen, da ighter of Mr' alKl Mls- R Watsen, of Wane aenu nnd .Tehnsnn Rrf u snendlncr Mivral A, in Prim-ero ," I Prlncete.i. CJ.'"' - "' ln f.eni ..Pi "e'f uaugnrer 'W,M liarEar"a w"- Mr. and Mrs Ralph GIben. former!; Lui.a"L0"",: .rPJ?. f 'X A1.1'"! j. - ..-... ...... .t SUil. IkUlJJliB. IVKK M I PV Ml I .If I1PM home for several months. ?Irs Glhen was before her marriage, Us' 'epleniber MIti C!wendel:n i'as daughter of Di. , and Mis Charles F. W. Piais, of Chcl ten rtenue and Chtw street West Philadelphia dinner nartv wis trKen lat . nil c bv Mrs i Themas 4 Bewmnn Z'e , 3'Tl Verth Dreid 1?eet fe nnnemSl i.a rerui ureau street, te announce the marriage of her. niece. Mi-w Helen , R .loiies, or sty hemnuccii street, and ' Mr P J O'Mulley. LT S A., en Miinri.iv December 11 there were about thtrtj giiejts i i,-. t,,i- t in i ,.,, . Mrs. Leuis Lillcli. of 6044 Je.-ust ' I Holiday Sale of Furs We have made bubstanhal reductions en .ill our Furs, which will be particulailv fippreciated, for their quality and ftyle arc net surpassed. Ftir Wraps Scarfs French Jewelry 3nt. 1424 WALNUT ST. - EVpifrG. , PUBLIC IP0EBFHILAI)EpPHIA;;vTHtBSDAY, -r- p ' - : 1 " Engaged Photo b7 Phote-fronfrs MISS MARGARET ( MARHN Daughter of Mrs. M. i. Mar tin, whose engagement has re centty been announced te Mr. Carl II. Luebbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Luebbert, of Rich mond, Va. street, entertained nt a lunrheen or Wednesday ut her home T I10 Kue-ts were Mrs William Bien. Mrs Franl Smith. Mrs. Clarence Dill. Mr riiHH Brunn, Mrs. Jehn MechMr and Mrs. Raymond Ferrar. Mrs William Stewart of NerHi Trt... ...- .-.& .....t..Aji .,.- ...&... hre r.t i, nuim. ii-ei i.ii menini. Mrs f. P. Moere, of 1P2D Chancellor street, is enteitalnlng fei .1 te da. her son, Mr. Geerge G Moere of New ark. N. J. Mls3 Rese Corkill, of 5412 Chancellor street, has returned home from a siiei staj ,ln New Yerk An entertainment and danee vas glcn by the K. M. Fraternity at the viiia ti. t i'n tat f.m. , m North SlMieth btieet, en Sunday list. The guests were Ml?s Betty Hall, JIHe Claire Schwartz Miss Lillian SchwaiU. I Miss. Matilda Shcr. Miss SMvIa Lct. ! mib ninie w i.iiwimt.. flQ r.ini.in 1. .". -i".,w ." 11 ".'"'. '." , . KtiDin, Miss Keua ueth?teln. Jlls Hee Laventhnl, Miss Ile-ter Weinsteck, Mlb- Miriam Spits, Mr. Emanuel K. Wllf, Mr Allen Ctsenien, Mr Herbert Dldtman. Mr. Albert Denner, Mr. Jehn II. Green- berp. Mr. M.scha It. Ureenbers. Mr Alexander D. Resen Mr. Alficd Gersen. Mr. Samuel Treed. Mr Manri-e Bren. Mr. Samuel Lear. Mr. Hareld Wag. M.lss Mary JIarklej, of N'sw Yerk. - wl'o - wl'e will address the Lutheran Weman's League this evening, will be the guest of Miss liertha, "w. Hfld, f! 4013 Sprucu street, during her stay ,. thlt, c.t. Mlsi Markley Is college se"returv for women .itudent of the United Lutheran Church In America At the meeting uf lh Iielta f'h. pter i r.: n ' v rt firrnenHS i s . y;; 7OT ui me iv.iupa .-lgma horerlty nciu en . lueseay. uecemlier the engai;tment ! of Miss Louise H. Uetan, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph B rtetan. ut 12'j - "asier siicet. and Mr. Jetpli S Habe '" -nnsune l,. cwjner There will he a card partv e.i itur day ejenlng net at the home of Mr. rrani.nn .. v..in bold, at 4-'e't Tenn i nimci, wr m Dcnriit or the Caster r . .i.. .. ..:;. : "." "" ... . ...ull1 , , utclbn M ur3 i The Dclu Sigma Alpha aorent held 'a meeting en Met day fifni,B at tl'" home of Mis Helen Shaffer of C0"S Walnut street, nt th.u n,. ..,n,.. . rtikers iere elected; PrM ,i mi,. Dorethv Norten : secretaiv. Ml- uLLnnT' s Dore- nt and Xerth Philadelphia Hi members of the IadleV 4lllarv .NO A, . L. il entertam ihli eenlng a' ' nrpenturi Hall lsny Jspnng '! Garden street Among ihe he will S be present .ne Mri i.imitd Harey. Mif. Anna Purl.v erth Mrs Mary Prc. I ten, Mrs Amandi Merrlr, Mr fauan 3 i uarnaeuar. Mrs. Kitlirlne Larkl'ig Mrs, Barndollar. Mrs. Kiihrlne Larkltis tr. ) siaucrsD". .irs. nn ana thi.ir truest .of honor. Mis iCurfe L" Kc up Girard fatal? Ttrs VnltAr S.'-i.t .tn. ct "r. " ...,i. i fr Walter Snjns. Twentieth street entertained" et a i luncheon-bridge party, Tuesday after- neon in noner of jirs jenn Maurer. of ' i) Wheeling, W a. The guesti Included , fetf Mrs. Geerge Carr Mrs I f hlnit. Mrs W Dudley Webb Mr William Tomllnsen; W Mrs. Rebert Hani?, of Sharen Hill, and i ffi, Mrs Paul Braklej. M ft t At J lorrtsleitn I M Mr. and Mr iieuld Me't' n ,C, Mr and I fl lire. Geercn I.ntz. of Wllliamsoert. ari. the guests of Mr ind M-rs i.nry J , Bff Ete of 1E44 Ue K.tlb tlreeL ' tiff Miss Brtha 'a;sld ihe has been i ct the CTitt of Mrs Janes Leilser. of ! ' 1---. -..,. ....... !... . .,-.,..! ..... i.ai jiit. pih'li ic i'iiumiu'i iu uer home in Atlantic 1 5 MUs Mar- Miller of L'f lvalb street. Ml. and Mrs Jehn cuffel of 1415 West Main fttreef are lecelviug con-1 gratulatleni en the blith of a en, en 1.111LI1 htiii n Diumbw lrt Mm. Rebert fc'li-lil"n e K06 Jjs Kalb rtreet, entprtiln'l the im nbers of the i 13 II, TI, l lub at iici li mc en Tuesday i eelllllg 'Ilia rr.Miiue uttae of tin Nor Ner Nor tlatewn rer5' V ".1, Tall Cedars of Lebanan, .i . '! i 'in the members of "10 ' eunri umwi' imim ur a. muner at tU' Nerrl8t" n dub tonight The r0m'lt, l"-l'"' "' William J. riark m. wait i r . Uil .Mi ficr rrVvMr il aiuld 1 a ,1 S m .Te,,, i- .sheiueiL Mr. and Mrs Iluir' Glllen, of Mlll- vllle, H J, h.-ne been the guests of Mr, and Mrs llireld rrmne, of Qer- mantewn pl!e and On Kalb street W3 -K Delaware County Miss Anna Blair will entertain her brldge club at her home In Lansdowrre thlB afternoon. The membeie are Mrs. Frank Benjamin, Mrs. Rebert A. Fergusen, Jr., Mra Emily Kobb, Mrs Mervln Travis, Mr. T. M. Baxter, Miss Harriet Craen, Mlsa Myrtle Johnsten, Mlae L"dlth Regsr and Miss Beatrice Rattner. Among (hose who attended the re ception vhich Harvey Garretten gave en Tuesday evening at their new home In Drexel Hill veto Mr. and Mre. Themas Athcrhelt, Mr. and Mrs Jeseph Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knglebert. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan, Mr. and Mre Gerald Robertsen, Mr. and Mrs. William Robertsen, Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Thomp son, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ampstead. Mr. and Sirs. AleNander Wall, Mr. and Mrs James Watsen, Mr. and Mrs Rebert Wilsen. Mist, Frances Ather holt, Miss Grace Leslie. Miss Hlldreth Longacre, Miss Mary Virginia Garret son, Mies Loulse Robertsen, Miss Vlr- gjuie. nuuci iMiu, .ma- r lurenee vvan. Mr. IVIlllam Detand, Mr. Rebert Dear- ' den, Mr. Neble Englebert ,Mr. Jack Reld, Mr. Charles Roberton. Mr Cllf-1 ford Robertsen and Mr. William Wall Edgerton Mcllvam Mr. and Mrs. Hueh Metlvnfn nn. neunce the marriage of their daughter Miss Mary Bunting McHvaln, and Ma Charles Udgerten, of Haxerferd, bj friends ceiemeny, at the residence of the bride's parents. Hill Tep, Haver ford. Third day. Twelfth month twelfth nineteen hundred and twenty-two, at C o'clock Miss Edna B. Mcllvaln, slstei of the bride, was maid of honor Miss Rosabelle Sinclair, of Londen. England ; Miss Isabel A. Swain and Miss Anna M. Reeder. of this city, vas bridesmaids. Mr. DaMd R. EdgertAn, of Westfleld. Mass , brother of the bridegroom, was best man. and Sir Edward L Webster and Mr William R. K. Mitchell, of this city, and Mr I Themas Stecre, of I Haerferd, groomsmen. Mctzgcr ISippcs ' ' Miss Sara M. Nlppes, daughter et Mr 1 nud Mrs. G. L. Nlppes, of 1112 Swede ' street, Norrlstewn. nnd Mr. Jehn C. 1 Metzger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D I MeUgcr, of Norrlstevn, were- married today In the Methodist Church of WIs WIs sahlcken The Rev. A. S Dlngce, pastor of the church and former pastor of the First Methodist Church, Norrlstewn officiated at the rn'irlage cer menv After a veddlng trip te Washington D. C. Mr. and Mrs Metzger will Iim t 1339 Markle: street, Nurristev. n Tliey will be nt hem nf it January 1 Beth bride and bridegroom are gradu ates of the Norrl3tewn High Scheul &neri W'rt.W & -n. Geerge Allen, inc. 1 2 1 4--Chestnut Street 1214 a? hrf 3? fcrf 5? &? 2s lrj C tf ft? Until Christmas This Stere Will Be Open 'if Becximing Velours Spert Hats at One Third What They Were, New $2.75 Sports hats of a beautiful quality of velour for women and children. They come in a splendid range of colors and all have grosgrain ribbon bands. The former prices were 38.00 and $10.00. J lvtf ij l.rf u 9 aii Only Eight Mere Shopping Days Before Christmas IH ,' Final Opportunity te Have Your Christmas Cards Personally Engraved Orders left here Friday or Saturday for the engraving of Christmas cards will be delivered "Wednesday or Thursdav A) t t.il tif ux u.-xv .yccft, in guuu tunc lu seiiu UUL. l0 010015 Will 0e received after Saturday. Take advantage of this last chance te have your Christmas cards really distinctive. The rV,lW. ing prices will prevail: Fer 25 cards add $1.35 te the cost of the cards Fer 50 cards add $1.85 te the cost of the cards, Fer 100 cards add $2.75 te the cost of the cards There is a really wonderful selection of cards at 50c a dozen. Si Stf A Sale of Lamps, Complete With Shades, at $5.00 One of these lovely lamps will make an ideal gift for a home-loving woman. Seme of the shades aie g'.ais, some are of the pretty silk crepes every one likes se well, and there are four different stjlei in all. The bases also mav be had in four de signs. Third Fleer. W Kayser Silk Vests at $2.75, 2 for $5.00 Beautiful -v?sts of Kaj ir Italian ulove sill: in flesh, nlme'aiul eichid. These vesta will make ideal u'ifts nnd they arc unusually incxpeneii at th special gift price of '.! for S'i.00. A Gift Bex of Statienerv for $1.00' 48 en elopes and -IS s,heet of e cellent quality paper in a Hat be. with a hinge. Paper in gra , la -ender, pink, blue, green, buff or white. Lyde's French Extracts at Half Price . VVanee's best-Known extract in ten odors, 2-oz bottle daintily boxed, usually $8.00, new ?1.50. A leatherette be contains extract and powder as well, usually $7.00? new S3 50 Other sizes in between in price. ' " asfc119i9aisaiS S8D AND BPBUOK MUSEUM SATURDAY 3 1 30 Free I uttrttdl.ctur With Motion JPIeturet THE BAFTtN LAND FXPEDITION By DONALD MecJULLAN r A Gift "She" WiU Always Appreciate HOSIER Y Particularly Winkclman Hosiery with its apparent superior quality and un usual chic. All Silk With Beautiful Open-Werk Clex 2-75 Our Hosiery Depart ment Is Just Inside the Doer Winkelman Style in Quality Footwear 1130 Chestnut Street at Twelfth - jVi Established 1S37 UNIVERSITY W . Children's Handkerchiefs in Bexes Handkcrcniefs, eaeh ha-irg ,n one corner an amusing little nguie that children will loc In hexe of three, 50c te $1.00 a be.. Full Fashioned All-Silk Hese at $3.00 a Pair lhe-e he-e arc (he ideal kind fir gifts, uh they are all of a leei hct quality of silk. But when ' e j -ee them ou will want a number et iair for jour own use Ub well. Metal Braid and Rosebud Trimmings for Fancy Werk The gifts that are jet unmade nu jnjjsnea quirky with , i',V Tt i -,or r,reltJ' rosebud mm ming. The braid or lace. te ft inches wide, 10c te M.50 a yard. Viewer ?nm mngs of various sorts, sonie w ith tmM threads, 30c te $5.00 a yard. DECEMBER 14, , 1922 I, " ,..zTTi ll7lWjjl mi umiK MV ISffDCVILU daut katb.. iii evzs. at hi SPICE OF LIFE BTTVIA CLARK I FUANK .OABT HIOKEY DKOTHERS I JUT IA KELETT KIU BU, Irens Dlrev, ntyineM Oreen ' THREE WAINRIOHT SIBJEHS 12-L0ND0N TIVOLI GIRLS1Z (FiMt nnjsgement of Thi Wendtr Dnetr In Amrlei ADLLr HI l p0p. Mat. Tedy' GRACE GEORGE N "TO LOVE" gW 'ebert Warwick, Nerman Trever LYRIC "Drllthtfiil oil! CROWDED WEEK O EVE., 8:1& Mtt. St. ftneretta nreuD'J remnnre of mreer, mguirer. &bSS0M OBKTnOMA nrnTA ATTl WfTM OSiOiNAl TfMB: IMOWNIT IMr)HV CAST Jl,4VWiWry ' w-s tf" ,Tlf RrenE-srnt'BHRT s ew jrcsic Mem vriti'RrriTW evv POMAsrB rSHD6Hr2JS0 .AbT 3 EVES SSS!'iew ACADEMY OF MUSIC I'OYEE TOMOBKOW ETENINO AT 8 00 MASS MEETING AND CONCERT la thp IntcreM of QUAKER RELIEF IN VIENNA HANS KINDLER, CellJut NOAH H. SWAYNE. 2d. Basse Addresses b7 OEIITRUDE ELY nnd W. W. COMFORT, Prss. JUverlerd Collet Tree cards cf admission at Acadmv & Hepna 1 Manare.n'nt HELEN PULASKI INNES DESMONO ;;tDvchr.ij- irxt" viawiiiwn w Ma., ;r,ir, Thllril Sat "A'pMrin GETTING GERTIE S GARTER Ce lli 1 Walaut Mat Tdlay aSinO Town Scandals WMi ILirry tlllcLer) Lcvan &&?&& ; te 6 P. M. I5 & be an edging if iriet.il 3 A , rv ; w cs DMxXJAU Mat. Baturd7 LAST 4 TIMES cJOMN DRINKWATER'vS ABRAHAM LINCOLN WITH FRANK McGLYNN AND COMPANyOF39L BEO. NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAV EO"r"T MANTELL and GENEVIEVE HAMPER IN SHAKESPEAREAN PLAYS Men., Kin Lean Tuei.. Hamlt 1 Wed Mat ""ichelleui Frt! ehtnt -f I'm1 A Yeu L1IC it: ww... juiiuj batinri inuri,, jaacDstn: ni. nit, er- GARRICK Nights nt A 10 Matine Batunlnj- ftNHIEST MUSICAL MT Iff TOWN wth JACK DONAHUE" OfflGINAlGlOCf THEATRE NY CAST FORREST W at 8: IS $2.50 Mai. Sat. LAST 2 WEEKS Charl't DllllnKbam Present! His 12-Star Musical Cemedr Hit !f. Y. Cast T-t"-t EITH'S THEATRE MISS JULIET On Olrl Hu. Lru 'T-m'n. Vljnlit CHIEFTAIN CAUPOEICAN PBINCES8 IVE QUON TAI Jimmy Lucas U Irancone O.liais & THE CANSINOS rrenniitc "laniasu. ierineli" f9wcT9-cXXa-ieX!u3 1 3&nwit better &(M llamas OSift SANSOM AT 13TH ST. Presents a carefully selected assemblage of beautiful gifts A r MODERATE PRICES Powder Bexes LOO I land. painted designs. Regu larly 1.30. Paper Weights 2.95 Figurettes wrought in bronze. Regulerly 5.00. Cigarette Cases Pin seal :n black end colors. Regularly 5.00. Boudoir Lamps n.50 I Noell i"S etlccts and cele Pi Cushions 1.25 in Luahiens iMtli huirf Dell he.id Regularly 2.00 Evening Flowers 1.50 teinns rlertem in geld or iilxer Regularly -.00. Hair Bands 2.00 lJcarl or flower t-andi R-gu-larly ).')' Sill? Chemises " 2.S5 Ueay .rrpr de .-lime Mp-p. ins te inatth also pru-ed .' 8r. Regularly .0', Heuse Ceals 10.00 Radium trttlcta end dl,tt inrtceia Rcguhily 0 50 Pure Silly fvsc 1.95 I Ml filk le top RegiiUrb -' 7S lile loot. Slip-en Sweaters 0.50 ain-1 li.iir i medeN. Dimity Shirts 2.95;i.95 ll.llwl lll.ltl" Hlr t," lll'l In 'Iu ullni Uem it Teller & l'e. f2sSrr5(3p 1 1 k H mmmr& t 13 direction BUnler Oemptnr'ef Ararl J't MVKTrENTff . V.H'ET 11 A, M te II r. M, Constance Talmadge l ADAPTATION OP !MY "EAST IS WEST'' a nnsr national attuactien &$?s ELSIE FERGUSON ..euAtf. Aiincn nt tkii kkaten in -Tiin i;r.LCTnic house" PIETRO YON wenrn rAMenn STANTON! UTII A!TO MA1TKET 11 '0. l-.'O 8 "0 in 7s30 0'80 , PARAMOUNT PICTURL & Plajing at Criterion Thestrn, ' -w Yerk nt J I 50 and $2 00 Ad.nlseien OUR USUAL I'UICES PREVAIL Dail), 33c, 5flc IcninRs, .'(Oc, 75c Siturtlay !.: and Hel.da-s Etc Prlett ALDINE m-M "' j- -j. j,,,irB e AND NUT 1 r.0c METRO FUiST rUESE.VTATIO.V "Forg-at-Me-Ner OPEN 0:43 A. M. TO I! (llll.l I lllirti- i.i.JJ. l'.xrt vMer s r nr rrnn "PRIDE OF PAL0MAR" By PETEp n KT V T. fJ T A fl?'2 & MAnKI.T i ryjucwixie A X TO 1J 15 p J) Nerma Talmadgc fpg" ARCADIAiM C ietnut tu 11 in r.JI LADY DIANA MANNERS "Glorious Adventure" JfJUV1 VICTORIA. V,Ai"5KrETM MAE MURRAY .JReidw'ay CAPITOL Mli i wtiw.r p! 15 V il. if r ir ' ETHEL CLAYTON Wrrs (lunt' GLOBE JLMPint ''Anusr II TO 11 jtTfJ vinnnvnTr n'Tt, e "sirAL QUALITY AND QUANTITY AT NOMINAL PRICES BROADWAY Hi ji1 A. bnviie -' 1' (! 3U0P.M . t . i iA t "gggffevs "OLD HOMESTEAD" ALLEGHENY t'DV miTea -SKIN DEEP"" is , i ' f-,,, tx,t x v r re vuir CROSS KEYS ' A. I k r In 1eIIU . 1.1 T X. ! Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiciniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. Paul ! Whit email f f Himself 1 and Ls eninal Palan Reyalo E Uiehcstra, secured only en ac- 5 .eunt ( ihe Palaib Kejale, E Nw Y ,-k, being closed for E lr-dpce'atifp -ill play u'i the Walten Reef tomerro-v i Friila; i, .Saturday, 2 Merduj ani Tun-day e i'ii ngs, 5 beginmnp a' S 4"), and lastinjr E E until eleinc Use undny E evaning:, Ce"''! i . Iiein G:S0 S until f e jt flimmniiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiii;iiiniuirc ACADEMY Or MUSIC TONIGHT S 11 N EW YORK SYMPHONY lUMKOsiH Conductor HIS riNAL APPEARANCE THIS SEASON REETIIOVEN PROGRAM MR. DAMROSCH .1M-; VDDRESS ON THE "EROR " SYMPHONY V Til ILLUSTRATIONS T ITIE PIANO lick- , A i I I ppe, 1110 chritnut flETROPOUUN OPERA HOUSJ nriir a rni -1 nr.J ra Lil 6 Timei 2 iM p'ik Y'gh' g V Cd" A i 15 and 8 15 V M. 1 Br II m r Pbotet'ltv 11 l fl T 'ir -III I M MISM WALNUT NIOHIS AT 8 20 H'PiUr Mttlnea eaniraav PAULINE LORD E n O II s Ci,i ANNA CHRISTIE re; i r Mnm. H HANNO? KHMUELPHIA i 1 ORCHESTRA i i' u ," ' nt . ,i I '"lamiilsr. " ' heiifn, XODCRU DANCIHO TAUOIJT till iMl,iULId Ulrl eiailiial. n Klllr ' 1 fnr tn nnti PtOPI I ln,n' TROCADERO SSSSSff ROSfDIA fciJgwnrMw - MARION tOSlnOPOLHAN PRODUCTION KNICHTHOOD FLOWER 765rlf&r VWj wrri "MMS ' JW ' A A A n ;: I H .y K kA ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers