Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    Sr,rv mil. Jm
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Stere Open 9 A. M. te 6 P. M.
Wenatchee Winesap Apples
A carload Wenatchee Stayman Wineiap Applet here from out Wet.
Se-railed bushel boxes, medium-size applet at S3. 35; Large apples,
$3.85 1 Very large applet, at $4.25 a box
Gimbel Brethers
Philadelphia, Thursday, December 14, 1922 .
Our notion of a store is te keep wrong goods out and it TOlf
is a large part of the task. Makes safe buying for our public. Friday
Full and Plenty
Shep when you will you
cheese from ample stocks and
large variety.
We will keep the stocks above
Ten Millien Dollars in the Phila
delphia Stere until Santa Claus
closes his pack.
The service of carefulness we
premise you.
Come On, Children, Enjoy Everything in
The Tep e' the World
Tey Stere
The Peny She', the Puppy Theatet. the Clowns, the Bear Shew,
Tieasuie Ileii'-e ecu, tee seen, Santa Claus will whisk them back te
the North Pele. Conic every day!
The Dell Section Is a Cil of Hcautiful "Little People." Everv
pretty girl type c cry adorable baby type. Dells that walk and
talk and sit and kneel and t.ikc nip:-.
Adorable Baby Dells
17 inches tall Sleeping eyes-, unly hair. And full jointed,
wonderful "child" for some little mamma. Special at SI. 95.
Dainty Dressed Dells
Heady te go te her new home pun lias her shoes and stockings
ami c.i. en. Sleeping eyes. l'J-inch sie. Vciy unusual at 93c. ,
Olmbeli, Tep e' the Weild Tey Stere, Teurth fleer.
Fine Leather Handbags at $1.65
Yes, Indeed, They're Plenty Nice Enough te Give!
And the styles are sure te please carriage, side-handled, dress, shopping
bags, vanity bags and also the popular matinee bag.
In leathers that vary from soft morocco te shiny black patent leatherette,
including at least ten different kinds.
They're daintily silk lined and completed with a mirror and purse. In
black and all the season's geed 'colorings. $1.65.
Qlmfeeli, Flrtt fleer.
i '
! i .
' J '
L ' lip
Women's Coats Capes Wraps
The Dressier $75
te $100 Medels
at $59
Stitched styles stitching that j
ma':es pemt3 trims sleccs
transforms pockets panels backs.
Embroidery styles net tee much
embroidery net tee much! Big
sleeve styles comfy. nen-cruh
Fabrics Belivias.
Linings rich silks
Gorgeous fur cellars wolf,
beavei and the rest of Fashion's
$50 te $69 Coats
at $39
Belivia whether coat or cape
great, big fur
or wrap.
GiirSels Salens of Dre,s Third 2ie-
Men's Fine
Special 95c
Direct Gimbel
All-wool jams medium
weight. Plain coleis - and
heather? blues. grn, biewns.
Si?e-. 10 te 11'.-
Men's Novelty
Striped Silk
at 75c
Conservative enough fe- the
met fastidious mortal black
with a hair-line coleiod stripe
een in. Cotten tops and
elc-. Sizes, 10 te ll1:.
0 nbl First loer
Her Watch or Diamond-Set Ring : Enduring Beauty
And at -.e much less than you'd expect such beaut v te be!
'" AY.. -4
es. Women's
Diamond Rings
s&s -
4- ' we d
Wntili. 1 re I
rm ' ' i "
Mll.l i k IC
' SKi'l'i.
1 Wrl.t
r - - n-.
llfr Klin; 11 i i n in "
' II (I 1 l e I -T - 1 ' M
"'ITS M il It Til'l' p
lit II 1 tg 1 .1 l '
I J. f j SI 1 'I'..
rv en c M n u c ! i n ir t p
t i l.ir i 1 1 t cU' p i .
t. d -imen I -.. l te . I i
jl .i' Si;. 'Uki r' SSP
O mb'l First fleer
Sale of Ceat-Maker's Entire Surplus of
Fur Coat-Cellars All Shapes
$1.95 te $25 Furs
-Values 81.50 Up te S60
All celais read; te set en coat- piepery
taped and fir neu
Chin and han-1 snapes nredem rate.
In tin let beaurette Mamhuna wolf b'ack
and gia laiacul, Sie'ui me'e, 'apc nutria, giay
squnrcl, golden bcaei. piatinum fe, taupe wolf.
0 irb- 1. T rit Soer
Fur Special Extraordinary Natural
Muskrat 40-Inch Sports Medel, Special
at $135
Or ihe i - pik natuial skins.
Den -ha v 1 if' a Semi-manciann eutf
atnt u 1 r- t il I ning
0 irh:i Salens 0' Dress TUrl 4oe-
Sale of America's Finest
"North Star" the Blankets
de Luxe
When the order was given te re-condition and
refurnish that world-wonder steamship "Leviathan,"
at a cost of millions, Gimbel Brethers were awarded
contracts for the various textiles needed and silver
about $800,000. "North Star" Blankets were specified.
Save $2.50 te $7.50 a Pair en a Belated Shipment
Buy for home and Christmas giving. All-wool
sumptuous wool boxed for giving.
$11.85 a Pair Instead of $15
. $16.50 a Pair Instead of $22.50
$22.50 a Pair Instead of $27.50
$22.75 a Pair Instead of $30
$32.50 a Pair Instead of $40
$37.50 a Pair Instead of $45
Jacquard-weave single Blankets, North Star. $20 each,
instead of $25.
North Star Fine-Quality Silver-Gray AIl-Woel Blankets
Size 60x84 Twin-Bed Size, $9.95 a Pair
Today's Price, $12J0
Size 72x84 Deuble-Bed Size, $12.50 a Pair
Today's Price, $15.00
Size 80x90 Extra Size, $14.75 Pair
Today's Price, $18.50
North Star Crib Blankets are the best this country
Crib Blankets, North Star Cotten Warp, All-Weel Filling
Size 32x42 in. $4.50 Pair
Size 36x54 in. $6 Pair
Size 42x60 in. $7.50 Pair
Size 48x60 in. $10 Pair
Crib Blankets, North Star All-Weel Warp and Filling
36x54 in. $7.50 Pair
42x60 in. $10 Pair
Crib Blankets, North Star, in Plaids Very Fine Quality
36x54 in. $9 Pair
42x60 in $9 Each
G..T.ttli Second ficer
Fluttering, Fairy, Cobwebby
Chiffen Handkerchiefs, 75c each
Yes, Indeed, They're Imported Frem France
And ever there" every chic Parisian carries one slipped into her
handkerchief brit'le the pocket of her "tailleur" or effectively crumpled in
her hand
They carr out ili the rich colors of the season in fashion s exotic and
lovely designs
Leeking for something very "new" te give a very smart little miss?
These oderabh French handkerchiefs are just the thing.
Gif v -j, Ti-Jt fleer.
Thirty " Storage Size" Cedar Chests
Special $29
4S nrvs -t -0 inches wide. 22 inches high.
Window-Seat Style Cedar Chests, Special at $29.75
18 inches lenp:; 20 wide; 20 high.
Made with "nrmj" te held a cushion.
Matting-Covered Cedar &A QC
Bexes, Special at P.K)
)J Jlr
- n-
34 inches lentf; 1" wide; 15 hifrli
Gimbelt Fifth fleer
Great Christmas
Sale of
Sewing Machines: $1 weTkiy
25 and 33ls Savings
: Singer : Demestic : Other Geed Makes
New Willard Cabinet, $49
Regularly $59
Singer Machine, $39
Regularly $60
White Machine, $29
Regularly $50
Glmbeli, Fourth fleer
J Optn a Charge Account and Havel Ulail and Phene Orders Filled Samel I
I Grecenti Delivered ' J Pay at Received
Wenatchee Winesap Apples
One Carload Wenatchee Stayman Winesap Apples; Se-Called
Bushel Bexes, Medium-Size Apples at $3.35; Large
Size at $3.85; Extra Large, nt $4.25 a Bex,
or a Dezen Large Apples for 65c
Linux . uelu fruit and sugiir Justice lirand Ne. 2 family-
prcsenc , u lb. S1.S5, half-gallon si7e cam led ripe solid meat
glas jai, special $1 OC Tomatoes, lOc value; case, deten
ut X JJ or '--dffn lets at, iac
ST .' J VM'e.S COFFEE can 1 U
I'lide of l'h.ladelphia rich fi0U),:N BANTAM ceux
Cen-,..0pn!up,ntl0lbs. 53.J0, j cn0J 1ft1(, tem,or
lbs. 5,1. SO. J $1 II Cern: cne $1.0.-, dozen $2.,T), $-j
'"i or 5 cans for 1
! iseieu,' peach 'halves, in ilch j'O'J LHRISTMAS I1AKINR
sump sjiup, bit; lCc cans; case. Lvnui Itrancl Kansas ilnid
deri, 'i-de...n or .'i-can OQc "Pt I lour. '8-bbl. Si IP
lets at cm .... i sanitarj 'a'l .... AilU
Philadelphia .sugarcured IfnniB ' I lesli fieni the toaster, bpecial
also Boneless Hacen, 0c limlt 10 'Ds-). at 6 $i 4 A
wholesale price at lb lbs. for 1.1U
, aimbl, Pure Feed Stere CliMtnut Street Annei.
Heavy Silk Jersey Deuble-Elastic-Cuff
at $3.95
Cutest trimmed ruffles and
you'll simply love the new
Dresdcn-ribben-garter effects.
Pluc!. crays, henna, taupe,
prreen, black.
v i
Women's Extra-Size
Chiffen-Taffeta Petticoats
at $3.95
Black and colerB.
-Olmbelj, Second fleer.
'Gift Lingerie"
Nightgowns 'and Envelope
at $2 and $2.25
6200 Pairs
Women's Twe-Clasp
Kid Gloves
Regularly $2.50
Rushed from abroad for Gimbels in
time for holiday selling.
Black and white (self or contrasting
stitching). Tan, brown, mode, gray.
Gimfceli, rtrit fleer.
The "refinement" of soft white nainsoek the
dainty feminine touch of exquisitely fine lace
and embroidery and ribbons.
And already Christmas-Boxed for you!
Olmtxli, Beoend fleer.
Yeu Can't Ge Wrong by Giving
an Umbrella!
Sturdy American Taffeta
Umbrellas at $2
Fer Men and Women
American taffcta a serviceable cotton. Well
made, serviceable and attractive in appearance
the handles are surprisingly smart, and many of
the umbrellas display long white tips! $2.
' Children's Umbrellas, 75c te $5.50
Cute, very "kiddish'Moeking ones or charming
miniatures of these for grown-ups. At .$3.50 and
S5.50 they're handsome little silk affairs.
Olmbeli. Flrtt fleer.
i Christmas Sale of Men's New Ties Bg'
50c, 65c, $1, $1.50
Placed the orders lenp; ape arranged te take the ever-runs of
several manufacturers took their sample lines also accumulated
nearly forty thousand smart, spic-span new Four-in-Hands and timed
them, te be ready riprht new ! Here they are
1150 Dezen at 50c
Sounds like old times te pay se
1000 Dezen at 65c
Any man will wanl at least a half
dozen when you see them! Beautiful
tifjured effects and stripes.
650 Dezen at $1
And every one a winner. Lets of
figures, stripes and dots.
525 Dezen at $1.50
And we doubt if there's another
such fine showing in the city! Hand
some quality silk. Wonderful patterns
and rich colorings.
-Olmbeli, Tint fleer, Ninth Street
Coats Slip eris
Tine wool beginning at $".
Camel's hair, alpaca, leuna
begin at 37.90.
Shaker knit at $:, $10,
Puir s ilk $18.75 te $39.75.
Gimbel., Salens of Dretl, Third fleer.
Gimbel Christmas Candies
Five Pounds of Mixtures
for $3.50
Chocolate bonbons, glace cher
ries, glace pineapple and jelly
Fie pounds of Asann,i ru..
lates, in a pretty holly box, for
Five Pounds Majestic
Mixtures for $2.20
Chocolate, creams, jelly pieces
and glace pineapple. '
Atti active red box.
Children's Christmas Surprise
Bexes, 30c and 75c each.
I ,fl tlrllns n r c-nnt ntniH Itstri in
.....,. ,4IW evia unj until.
! the United States, nestatre naid
by Gimbels, except as noted,
Olmbeli, Chutnut Street Annex and Subway Stere
Men's Sweaters, $5.50
These big bhawl eel'ms that ir.n be buttoned
ui. cl0,r and pull-eic-tht-htatl stle. se nepu
lar-and wl.ic'i le e, v.Ul 1(J u
Christniuh! '''
Na niniec. v , riU1 , ,
Bii-en, (letp P r i i.ti,,,,, rs .r ,,)".',
Special at $5.50. Coi.ipare this sucate. with
sweatcis that ether mores get $7 50 for
-Qlrnbel., Sjertlnr Ooed..' Fourth 'fleer
Oil Roem Heaters
Hew about the coal bin? getting low?
Oe prepared!
These -portable
Roem Heaters will
help, particularly in
nursery or invalid's
Miller Oil Heaters,
patent burner, odor
less metal C?C 7C
tanks J0.0
With brass tank, at $6.75.
Perfect Oil Heaters, smokeless ti?1 QC
and odorless x
"Quality" Reflector Gas Heater Open
grate type cheerful and effective: made
te hell at $10. Enough for $5.85
G.mbeJj, Fifth flew