Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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, Snow ' afternoon, diMcIng ie
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VOL. IX. NO. 79
Entered an Secend-flnns Mnlter nt the restnfflre nt riillatlelphla, Ta.
Under the Act of March 8. 1870
Published Dally V.xrtpt Sunday Suliserlptlen Prlre Jet Tear by Mall,
iuwi.nea U0$;,X. itm, by Public le-lBCr Company. ,
Impressive Services Are Held in
Bethany Church, of Which
. He Was Founder
wi www w w w wj.apaae
hH h K hKMIUI '" iTlfWm'IMB
Daughter of Slain Showman
Denies Father Was Slain
by Gunmen
Corener at Herrin Trial
- a m fir
s uuimarau wess LEAGUE OF NATIONS
"It Suits Me," He Remarks After Judge Orders
Testimony Stricken Out "Haphazard
Generalship" Alleged
Oreat Tribute Paid Merchant as
Business Houses Observe
Five Minutes-' Silence
The funernl of Jehn Wnnnmnkcr wns
held at 2 o'clock till'' nftorneon, in the
Bethany 1'refbyterian Church, Twcntj; Twcntj;
jecend nml Bnlnbrldge streets, whlle
the entire city paid a silent tribute te
hli memory.
The world-famous merchant, often
hilled ns founder of the modem do de
pirtment store, died lnt Tucsdny morn mern
laj at 8 o'rleck, following nn Illness
of two months.
The Iter. A. Gorden MncT.ennan,
rmter of Hethiuiy. the church which
Mr. Wnnnrmker founded, hail churse '
of the Bervice". The pews were illicit
with notuble men and women.
In ft front pew in deep meurninc
prb snt the grent merchant's dnush
ters, Mrs. Miiry U. Wnrburten and
Mr", nilrnbetli MacLeed, nml their
husbands, Majer Uiircley II. Wnrbur Wnrbur
eon, Director of Public Welfare, nml
Mnjer Nerman MacLeed.
The service opened with the f-lnsins
of "Jcsu, Lever of My Seul" by the
IMlmnv cheriiH. A prayer was offered
ml a 'pn'K0 "f ,lu Hcrlntuies was
read by Dr. MacLcnnan, who was as
ilsted bv the Hev. Geer;e S. Mmaulcv.
"Jcmip, Savier. Pilet Me," nnnther
favorite Inrniv of Mr. Wnnnmaker. was
nungbv the Uethiiny Rirls' quaitet. Dr.
Miewnniin tneu up iv. ,c h .nr. mm; siprff LnInbertim n pnliPnl ,,e
thcn'wnsMing by 'the choir, the service ' pendent, tedny lircl come lint vhet in'e
closing with n lieneclicuen Dy tne piiMiir. tr vare-.lii'-'c-v plans nv u pnmne
The iliuvili luiil been opened til 1 i'M nf tI0 rjepubllnn fitv f'nmmittef's
SM iSS Sr.WK,';'" ' llnrrMmr, en the eccinn
KSiens nnd delegates from the Walia- ' of tlm innmnirntleti of Olffeid Plneliet
maker stores here unci in New YeiU tool i ns Cnverner by issuing an order te bis
their nppemieu pmces ij ?cr .,.,.., .,,,, ,,.. .... ...
time off te attend the eerem
Tt was clenrlv intimated in the Slier
i n. whether .1 wa n Jr the heart or
llic lungs ee tiic lifinl.
Kerr asked hew Mel own could po.si pe.si
M knew tli" gunshot weunil caused the
dentil. If li" didn't knew where th"
nniinil uns. .Inilire Hart well ordered
massacre trials, conferred with his (jmt the CorenerV tcMiimeny be stricken
astistants last nlsht with a view te out.
Ily n Staff Correspondent
of the Evevhi'j Public Lrdgcr
j Mitrten. III.. Dee. 1 I. State's Atler
I ney Duly. In the lirht of the Herrin
Ismet Pasha's Announcement'
Believed te Selve Super
vision of Minorities
Elopement With Lien Tamer
and Quarre's at Heme
Told en Stand
ward sorting out and airansing for the
I appearance of their long lit of wit-
1 nemes without fail today
I Judge llartwcll adjoin in d cuuit one
hour nnd a hslf ten cailj ,e-lctihiy
befntl"-e witne.e fei tin i,r .Jul net
'hew up, and lie i.iiM'. (ensured the
lawyers for their "liapliyard gcncrul-
Only three witnesses for the State
took tlie ntniiil. The tetinienv of one i
of them. Willinm .Mcfewn, William-
It suits me," said McCown later te
newspaper men. .,..,,,
Dr. .1. T. B'ack. of the Herrin IIos IIes
,,n.,l t..i il'ifd that Heffman, whom he
judged le he nueut thirty yeius old. wis p, .. .,
slashed Willi n knife near the nhdemeti ; """
that he was eeverecr witu eruiseH; inui
(here were two bullet- in the ud. both
in the back, nnd that the threat was
cut trein cap te ear.
A. (1. Steim llrirln undertaker and
former union miner, declined that h'
uincle no examination of the body, mil
recalled the neelc wound. He remem
bered no gun wounds.
The cnurtioem wns pacKeu 10 uII'J
s Talk With Turkish
Leader Calms Confer
ence Sessions
catien. The jury, the priseneis. even
i Hazel Hi linen, witness against her
stepmother. Mrs. Deris Ilruncn. and
.the hitter's lirntlur. TIarrv ('. Melir.
admitted tednv nt their tt tut for the son County Corener, who nfter his in
murder of "Honest Jehn" nrtinen
1 she had quarreled with them
' money. defense. i....v. .n....r... I'nrmgn. m rivernlls nml
The admission was bieuglit from her MeCewn, wlie holds a T'nlted Mlneis' Kny sweaters, with their wives find -oine neritj iipulntieiis, Ismet's announce-i
bv Supreme Ceuit Justice ICnllscu. Vi?r' S"IW Vle "V"s. be," ',f , "ewnrd , (hildren. stnyeti nil day. Jiidae Hurt- ment was Interpreted ns meaning that
who is nlng the case with .luche Well- Heffmnn, whom the tive defendants are well, nmiahle as ever, carried, ''"Y'!;; Turkev will nee,.rt rhe Lm-ue's sn-r.
nt Mem t IIellv X .1 Hruiiui. n te- chnrged with haliig murdered, nt the n grnit.v of face mid manner which left ,, 1 1 . ,ii" super-
m..iTC J.u KViVU,,. , r v,s shot "errin city cemetery the ln of the no doubt of his determination te con- ''?" or the Christian peoples e
and killed' March 10 in his home nt mnssnere. He lind .en u nt this bes- duct the trial decorously nnd in order, iiintei
i thai "s110 m,,t '",."' 'lmn;eil the owners of ,,,. utternejs. fippenred in newly brush
,..,,. tl,c I-'Pi' strl' mine with the killing, Cl dethes. Tile audience seemed much
' wns stricken out en n motion bj the ufce n rural congregation out for a
Warns His 128 Empleyes That
They Must Net Leave Werk
te Attend Inaugural
nu 1 nerln fit Pmi
Lausanne. Dee 1 I. Turkey wilt
join the Lenene of Nations as senn ns'
pence is signed nt L'nisnnne, Ismet
Pnshn nnnenneed nf the Near Last
conference te,n. As the League ex-'
ercises gener-il snervi!en ever ml-l
IlliPMlili.. N". J. pnui unci iieui an incpjest ever tt en Onneslnc lawyers Clash
Hnrel's direct testimony yetcrda June -3. lie made no record of the During the statements of the ntter-
linked her stepmother mere nenrlv witli wounds, he cnllid in no phyMcian te ncJB t0 the jury, which were ended by
the murder thnn anvthlnc pre.-ieusl exnmine the hed and testify before the the neon recess, the Judge read n news-
snid at the trial, which gin e point and Corener s Jury. paper, but he wns acutely uv.nre of
significance te her statements today ' recollect tnere v. is some kind of the mere or less impnslencd speeches,
under Justice Kalisch's questioning. wound in the thrent. and seems like Prosecutor Duty in his statement de-
,..i.. ..un ......... t .... auiiii-nurii-, elnrect Hint tins was no moor cenuicr.
llO Said. M.V judgment is till' WOUnd I Ki,t r, rlnl nf most n-nnl mnr.li.r r
il t in .... tli '' . . . ... na rn Mm . . , . .
Kerr, counsel im eieiense, shouted it "' "-" .'-i'-r(iny, nur r,eci iP
was a conflict between capital and TurKih Nati'iiml Pact reepu'ed It
"As I understand it." said the Jus
tice, "there is n conflict between you
nnd the two defendants as te tin set
tlement of the property left bj Jehn
saw caused the death
"Suits Mc," Witness Sum
Ismer snid Ti'ikev wns rendv tn nr-
cord the same treatment te minorities
as provided in fh,. treaties erehnngeel
between the various Hurepenn coun ceun
frles. This, Imet declared, wns net
because of the mr niicing words of Lord
Curzon. the British Pereign Secretary,
A. Kerr eie-s rximinluc for the de-
Ilael. with a brend nnd confidential frns,.. leiccd Met e n te admit he could
The Turkish del.
Men mill women in nil walks of life iewcil the body of Jehn Wnnamalcer
ns It lay In state led.iy in Bethany Pieshjtcrlan Church, Ttrentf -seraiid
and Hainbriilge streets: In the Inset are William Jennings Ih7.an and
die Kcv. A. (inrden Mac l.eiinaii, pastor of Bethany
ale had been ninde for the WnnamuU'r
Mr. Wanamnkcr s activities were se
numerous, his points of contact with in-s Ilntirp nd mere plninlv stntcil 1
Ms fellow beings se vailed that the... . ,. ,, ',. ,,.
II 1 I " "l t',, I'VUIH ' Jlll,' I
that any employ e-deputy sheriff, cleik
or writ serer who violated the order
would face the penalty of instant dis
miss'! I.
The Sheilff's mmn ecited great
inteiest in Cit Hall, and there was
1. t.. ... .. I...., ...,.
1 niueii im'ciii.iihui jis 10 wuri'icr oilier
cannot have ( Warrant Served en Rich Over-'Barber Testifies te Grand Jury
monies. , '
titlrn cltv felt Ills unssillg nwa,
ind when his funeral took place this
afternoon there was a cltjwide trib
ute te llllll.
In leuTcnte for his memory City
Ceunril adjourned immediiiteh upon
Its hireling this afternoon after lilting
memorials were lend and niinptr
The public schools, te which he gave
a treat pnrt of his lime nnd eneri
honored him by dosing after
brook Man, in Court te
Aid Chauffeur
as te Punishment at
The strategy nf a wife, who lured her I
huslnnd Inte tlie eustedv el t'ie pe
Poedless days nnd daik cells ns pun-l-hments
at the Pliiladelidila County
"v.c ' (lepurtmentHl heads would fellow suit 1 1"0 tednv after (irt causing the nr- ' l "Kf"1 nt Holmesburg were deenbed
?f!(' 'l "ml utterly inln the Vnre demenstra- rest of his chauffeur, was revealed in ,n the Grand Jury this morning by
... itlen. Cltv Hail emplenes wlie have , .i, .. .,f , .i m. ti, ii men wlie had sprved term tliere.
mernlnc session. The Beard of Kdu- 1 , .".,.., "' . . . " . ,t. . . ,' A ." ,."..' " case or .Mr. and .Mrs. .lenn u
" " - . . : iiiit'.iiis iii'i'ii iiiMi-i'ii 1111 1 nt ilv i tiiii -. . .
mittce's campnicn furd nnd who hnve ' " ""-m-i rerm. ..icrmoeu.
te linance the Ir own Christmas nnd Their mnritnl nffnirs lime been In
peih.ips make Christmas iircenls te I the snetiisht for several months. An-
ineir doss-cm, nave newer neen wiiuiy ',,,. ,.i,.,(n .0 fi,i,i ..!,...
1. . 1 -wr 1 "141 vi 1 niiiru 1 inn i4ii(iiiiit 1 1 " ill .
mtlnn held n snecinl meeting Just befeii
the fnner-il, passed resolutions nnd at
tended the services in n body.
The Stock Kxclinnge. paying tribute
te a grent financier as well as a famous
public mnn, closed nt 2 o'clock.
Other Merchants Affected
In the department stores honor wns
paid him nt the moment his funeral
erfices were beginning in tlie church by
a eilent tribute lasting live minutes.
The Wniiatnnker store, of course, which
has been closed since his de-itli Tuesdnv
morning, remained edespd tednv.
Frem 2 until 2:0." o'clock this nfter nfter nfter
noen tlie Straubridge A Clothier. Lit
Brethers. Gimbel Bretbeis and N.
Snellenburg 5. Ce. stores nnd mimv,
ether centrally lecnted eqtnblihments
Hispemled all' their erdinarv nc'ivi
tlfi. The B-ilesmen and ether empleyes
Heed at attention for tlie live minutes,
rnd shoppers in the store likewise ipld
this tribute of silent recollection.
At the grave, in the cemetery nf the ATTEMPT TO POISON
KeUennal Church of St. James th Hl ' Ll"' lu ' u'v'11
hffs. Pills of Sclnnlkill. there will be 1
a brief s'-nice, nt which the Hev. I'd
anl Hltihle, lector of St. .lames, will
spcnls. I
The 11 tne pallbearers weie Bin -
elar II Wnrburten. Nerman MacLeed, 1
smile, leaned toward the Justice am I1(, recollect whe
explained: ,
"Thnt's it, Your Hener. 1 tbinl
I'm entitled te it. and the think
they're entitled te it."
Meney figured largely in the cross cress cross
etnminntlon of the girl today Walter
Keown, attorney for the defense en
deavored te show bv his question tl.nt
the girl bore animus toward her step
mother nnd Mehr. He tried te thew
that she hud turned ngnint them ufte r
he hnd refused te ndvnnce her $1."0
out of his own pocket le buv de'lic.
It wns revculed that the estate of the
supposedly wealthy showman was new
exhausted, and has been for niunths.
uiishet wound t
;ate s.ud
. linl'AMrAI Vfiil fill nml 11iilninl . . - ........ ..,..- ..,..
paiuele. cspccinllv ns it wns te cost " '"""" """""' '"" em- .nuim ii.u iiemuse de talked te another inmate.
them, in the cpressie htiisnitige of the . Leurr. 1 The stories of Iinrsh treatment fet
Hull. "sMy bucks 11 piece." Irvin who is n wealthv grain mer- minnr offenses ns related bv the for-
However. Ir. Liimbei ten's order r 'nut. has often been refeired te ns 1 ,m,r ,Ilimtt.s nlrenilv hne'been told
spread censidenible cheer In the ' "J1' ' "' '" "' .' X"T? "" '!" '"".'i 1 the Kvkm.vc Pt ni.ic Lr.nr.i n (lis
SlieiifT's ellice. '1 be elder was posted " ''"""laie I'.mics which 11c is min
nil IbreiiL'b the iillici s nml nt once te have directed (Idling thei last few
drew admiring render- Per several, j ""V't!1 , , , , ,
hewewer. the geed news cum. tee late.1 ."itli plan arranged f-d the arre-t
01 ner iiiisiiaiiu en tne ciuirge or eie eie
ertlen aiitt uon--iiiipeit. Mrs. Irvin,
iieieinpnnicd liv b r ten- ear-olds son
Thej hail ulieady piid in their "sty"
and stand 11 eie clinnce of getting it
back, due or two el the bolder of
tlie eiiipIeIes. who 111 e faithful te the
nruiiiintieui, no matter what tlie cost,
declined they would p.naele uinliew.
It wns suggested, liewcver, thnt tliey
mnv cool 'in their .nder when they
really umlcistniid that the Slieilff
means business.
Hr-el ii Bit Subdued
Ilnel. who is seventeen and of a
vivid, somewhat Hei id tjpe of prettl
i.ess with n pert and self-eenlidcnt miin
.ier, was n bit mere subdued tedu
thnn M'stcrduy. when her nccu-atlens
ngninst her inetli'M' nnd Mehr brought
an explosion from t lie latter and lils
wife thnt halted bet proceedings.
Her crcoss-cxsnnlnntien, followed bv
n re-dlvect-enminiitleii. which lidded
but little te what bhc nlieudy !in
said, ended nt neon.
When the ringing of the bell en the
old couitheuse summoned Justice Ka
llseh and the rest te the resumption of
the proceedings this morning there wns
nn air of expectancy based upon the
men who had .ervel terms there. !e" f"0??' ;,"" ? "' C J J "
Tl.r. O.f ..!.... n r ..."... ..i ...... .. .... ..." ."in,
... ...t-i iiiihs wi- 1 iieicy Mllire. , alfinrent her no snvn.. luiisnim mm. ,
wlie was paroled nfter serving eight , named were "Inylng "for" Jehn Bru
months of n jenr's sentence. He was nen. and telling Mat tic Mehr. her sis-
ter, net te be surprised te hear that
.something hnd happened te Jehn au
day." '
The girl linel nvscrted, tee. thnt
Hnriy Mehr had said te her that "the
mnn who killed, her dad ought te get ,
n geld inednl" and later hnd insinu
ated thnt old Mrs. Mehr. Hurry'"
mother, "might hae been mixed up in
U. tee." It wns at this point that
Harry Mehr jumped up and called the
gill a liar and Mrs. Mehr threatened 1
te ' smack her te death." 1
A woman bootlegger, who gave lier name as EstTier Herzeg,
fifty ytars old, of 201 Falrrueunt avenue, was arrested at the
eud of tlie Bidge avenue car line feday. She had a purse con
taining ?130.10 concealed in her hair. She said she sold liquor
te &uppeit her sick husfcand.
the prison barber wiin asserted he wa'
t deprived of feed for twentv-feur benis
lex which ue is sum ensures ivhU 1a,i t.,,i i.i.,.,..i. .1
te order a Ciaml Jurv Investigation.
(.rand Jury Views Pil-en
The Helmesbuig prison was Inspect,
ed thoroughly je-terday bv Jhe (irnud
Jury, which arrived there at 10 A. M.
Jinunre. nimci neic llus morning nni lennrted nt 'J .tn l M Tim ,.,,,.
fiem Stene Hut hoi, whetc -he niiilii- hers were received bv 'c'ai'itnln W H
iiesien, me assistant sunenntene Cut.
The C,ri:vi'l Jurers were tnken te all
t.ilns n linndseine -onsbeie home.
I Chauffeur Arrested First
Prier te coming here she swoie out
a warrant for the inie-t of Adam
i Owen, her husband's Negro chauffeur,
j charging him with feidug nn entrance
i te a garage nnd taking her enr with
out llerinlssiitn. Ilvven uns nt-,i,stn,l
' BRITISH OFFICIAL'1" I'"''''"" V'" in n gauge at
Dniuen urriuiHi. i-i,-t,.01)t i, nl,d (.imlil streets.
Mrs. Irvin is a stuljng-loeklng bru bru
Heme Secretary Bridgeman Re-' nette. Slie were .in elaborate fur coat.
eelves Poisoned Candy by Mall " "- . "'. " .' " ,,''.' ' " :". V J, 1 KnMy. of the State
the blocks, visited the .lnrlt cells-. In
spectcd the rules whteh are displayed
In the cells nnd talked te Inmates. Thev
hnd lunch In the prison.
An hour wns spent this morning ev
nmlning former Inmates, the Crand
Jury then turning te leutlne business.
Tlie. prison investigation will be resumed
nt .. e clock.
The dirk- cells nt the prison hnve
been ordered nbellshed bv Commissioner
el fare Ilepnrt-
Kxperted .Mere Kcltnnent
When the courtroom tilled this
morning the spectateis looked for .1
furelitr dlspluj of fireworks. Assist
nut Piescctitnr Peacock snw Mrs. Bes
sie Mehr, who had been ejected after
the disturbance of jesterdny, coming
into the courtroom again, and said te
her joce-ely that they would have te
search her for n weapon. She smiled 1
and twirled the skirts of her coat. "Yeu ;
can search we, if jeu want te," she
Appntently geed humor had been re
stored e.er night. Hnrr .Mehr was
imperturntile as ever, ami as Immacii-
urn lojiisice iii.' of. hits si.nrree ...
nccepreu tlie granting of general am-
lentlnued en race Twe I elumn Una nesfy te political prisoners She would
' lilnl.nA 1 .....
.-.-.. ...,r. nuni'viT, te estaeiisii a na
tional home for the Armenians.
Ambassador Child's frank talk with
Ismer P.isha .lestcrdnv en the subject
of minorities residing ,1, Turkev iniide
n geed impression in Turkish-circles
nnd exercised 11 calming Influence en
the entire Lauanne conference, which
nervously snw (lungers of 1 lumikdewii
of nil the negotiations because of thu
threatened rupture ever the treatment
of the Greeks andk Armenians by
The frlendlv intervention of tli ft
American Anibander at the right
moment has cenvlnc-il ti, T,ibu
the immense sttength of world opinion
j particularly that of the t'nlted States
I en the need for a settlement of the
minority problem. Ambassador Child
1 urged Ismet te reconsider his position
1 ns te the Armenians nnn ether dis
' ledged populations, pointing out thnt
, American contributors te relief work
, In the Near Uast desired te knew thnt
I their gifts would lido the refugees in
I Asln Miner te settle in permanent
1 homes.
1'iiited stales as Arbitrator
Turkish spokesmen believe that th'
Ameriiun representative nt the cenfei -ence
w us the natural arbitrator of tin
emg problem. 1 liej contend that
Turkev desires te de tlie ii.dit thing,
but adds ihiit anv measures designed te'
s'itisf werM opinion must net v lolntn lelntn
Turkev's sovereign rights or force her te
giant exceptional privileges te people
v I'hln her borders whom she cannot ns
siimlatc In reply Ins te Ismet Pnshn. Lord
f'nr7en said lie was happv te note that
'he Turkish delegitien had changed it
tone ami had t cached an under tnndlrsl
of the vast importance of the ninieiities
He thought Ismet's most important
announce ment was the decision of Tur-
. hev te enter tlie League of Natien'
nfter the signnti'ie of peace win. I, Leut
National Council Delegates Administration Unlikely te Ge ' 1'70in beped would be an nccnepiisheei
0 ' fni t In a lout i month He l-.evnl
Urged te Ce-operate in Dis- ' Further in Assisting Europe 'iuir.e's de. is, n would facilitate -..in-
a 1 , flll 0ji m(inv et the problems before th
tributien of Products te Settle Problems cerfunce
I . 1 Supervised by Ieague
The Bntisli sj eke-man emphasized
thnt the clnuscs ,') the Lurepenn,
iri'iiui's mcui leiieij e isinn, siipiuaicci
supeiiien et tli. tnmeriM peipulntleiiv
By f LINTON (.SI.BKBT by the I.eagi.e of Nntiniis. and s be
-tnIT ( errcsiMinilfiit l.fnlic I'-idlle I ncr r was happv te see thnt Tutkev was n
e TO' 01 1 !'; h r 1 I'Ci-r 1 (j.npnni
Washington, lie 11 -'I he I'nitcl
irther '..vvanl
f -be
LONDON, Dec. 14. Germany is very near te complete col
lapse, Prime Minister Benar law told the Heuse of Commens
today. He declared that this was the only information he
could give the Heu&e en the subject of repaiatiens.
!. l v 1 V !t
Washington. Pec 11 President
Ilniding. In a letter ic.id rednv at tlie
opening session ut me National Council
of Pnrmeis' ( .. meiative Mnrl.etiiiiT
Associntien'. dec'.-ir. , that lie knew of Mutes is net 1 Uelv t
- . .iii'in.tit,',i. '''itriii-tiiini'il niA. TI.. -l. li. .. ....m-.. --. "u v-s,. ,, ,n iMiiiiniii- ,,
llftrelnv II Winbiirteli. Jr.. Bdgei ten 1 U.ntlmi. Dec. 1 1. ( liv A. I'.) An' here teilav Befete going le Ciiv Hull "i '.'..'' ' V '","rrr" u'p revocation ate a- lie lias been every dnv since tlie " ".R10 "...veiuem mitt premises preventing the Iren, . ipatt.m .
Wnrbuiteii. Tlieinas B. Waiiiinuikcr, attempt bus been made te nsssR,i,.,te , t appi'iir nrfjiin-t then she .sweie.mt , ' ,, V" ;," .f .1 I1J''','.,',.,,. of trial begun last Monday. He took his men "elp tev.1.1 tie piesent toilet and ' Itnlir- thnn .1 , I'.ji -, . ,
ir., Jehn W.ii.amnker. Jr. C.uiii.v Heme Seeietiity W C Brl.lgemnn bv wnriant for the imest of her bus- '"" ' , ',L ! T1' ( discipline, j n, custemed seat, and ns nsiial. ieste.1 be permanent betterment of agrl.itl- f , . , ,
Mtinn. Kebert M. Ce.vle. William L. ,,, of poisoned .liocelates sent linnd hi fine Judge Blown, of the Mil-' "i"l , ' fn,bl1' "" ''".""tes the use bjs ,.hm en one hand, pressi,,.. his in- turnl condmetis n ilu co-operative ' Pm.en 111 .npi.. n.i'i 1. .r- b.te
Ne.in. through the mail. , nlcipal Conn. I V',,'" ."" ' ' """ ceincrsaunn witn tlielr dex linger iigainst his Us. 1 orgniuratlen et inrnie-s te market tucir 1 .iiete.i ve-t.-r.i-i -,. ,....,.,;.'
Seine of Ihe Nnlien's most eminent 'I'lie entiilv 111 lived at the Heme Of- Later while .he was in n Citv Hall I 1P"" prisoners. Ari nllll,n seiuned e have suffered pr!p,,rtU, . , A,r- Hughes' i.,e ,,f Mm. 1 l'.C'l l
men have been invited te serve as lien- ,,,.,. vestenlav. mid the pelue found It ' corridor talking te 1'alvev. hviti hap- ' Legislator for Changed Ijiw from tlie effects of yesterday's strnin. resident s ietei was rend by . dednnd tint ti 1- .n 1,1,1 1 . 1
erarv p.illbenieis. among them Cever- ((,n.,ined aisetilc. I pene.l a eng. lie was iiimunil te see his Thn lnw rrent,lu, th pnl.,lt. .., Her fnee uns lined and there was in,"";r ,I'r"' ,','f K-iitu. U. te whom ' ' ' '" ti .- .n.nn, I.H..
nor Spn.nl (ioverner Miller, of Ne.v ,, is nndeisloed the pel dtilbule wife tlie,... , hJ iv-i thnt fl 1 rei n, i plensatu puckering nt the comers of," 1'!"1 b"en mldi.e-sed. as 11 gieet.ng nun tv ,es,f,.i,u. ,, , ,,,,,.,, ,v ,
Tork; Ceveriiur-el.ct Piimbet. Mnver ,,e ue'l te.the same pe, son who recentl.v "Yeu knew Hint car is mine" he J" " ss . " "1. 'T""",,1 Ur eneliib. SI..' tried he. est te J! ,h,e. f0""' " ' '" ''' '"e . '" w"," "", f,ll! PU',,, l1"" " n i-.-.l ... ...
..Vi."Vn?H.!!L.Nf..Xh.i .V'-'-''-llb."!, ''--!. I,nd -'-i'-nwet, ,00k ,, with mv!;;X!".V'nV' .my.andby ....,.!!, , made,
n'' . ',,B'" ..""'VA 7." "'""' '" r:;"1. '"'... ''.:::' y."!: '"ii'r , .,, ..,, I confinement at labor. Is mv mi, Family Reconciled H' Mr llnr.lt, ,,..i Hmt the I n,tc m,,,,. ,.
................. T.
Khnffei . of t be Slate Siniii'ini' Cem I
Themas A lMls.ui, Wllllain Jenniiig-.
Hrynn ntul many ethers. Ollieis In
vlleil te net ns pnllbeniers follew:
henntei I'l'tiper, Senater Iteeil, t Itv
ililliietil hnve l.een wuilieil In lie en nie, repiieu vus. 11 v 111 .-iiiki-iiv . as tier
gum. I iigiiinst similai alteniiits. ten-jenr-eld seu -niigsb.l dose te her.
(In November II. Sir William Her- j "Well, we'll s,,.." s,,id Inm.
I weed, chief of sici.lliiu.l Yilld. leceived He was nbe'll te walk n win when
1 . ... ., .1 1 1.. 1. iv ,:... ii...ii..L . C .1... M.,.:.. v.
1 11 llO el poi-enco caocei.ll.'n llllllltutl enrniu- I iiltitj" ' . . ."- .' -iiei .11
Solleller Stnvlli. Omiip Stums. N'( w . ibe niinls. Believing II le be n I n t tli
Yerk; Nnthaii Stum-, New Yuk;id.iy gH'l fiem a relative, lie tasted of
Oenrge S (li.iham, II. (inrden Self-, it 'nnd b. c.ime seveidv ill. t
ridge, Yesteidm Ihe Lveiiiilg News nn-
"Williinn L Nevln. C.cnrge W. Stall, nniime.l that a dew bad linen ebluineel
lesinh Bunting, Alfied (!. Cl.iv. Wil- ' im.ddng pel sons leunected with "a
Ham C. Haddock. Jeseph P. Williams, f.imeus orgaiii.alien.
reiierieK Kebmniiti. (iordeii II. lllev,
Franklin N Brewer, Preston P. Lvim.
ternej's eflii e, suveil tlie wan nut upon
"Till Is 11 diliv tilek," exclaimed
Iivln," InIng ler me in a manner like,
"Ne, it's iust what vim deserve,"
replied Mrs. Irvin
repenied, according te Benjamin K
exueier, a memtier et the Leglslatun,
Mr. Celder is pieparing te draft a bjl'
te siipej-cede tills act, which was passed
In IS.'!." for the purpose of doing -ivvay
with solitary eentinetnent. " !
."I de net believe thnt a man com- I
nutted te prison for crime should be
sent en a picnic." said Mr. fiehW I
e mi'e,;. ' m Vrs"v"' i lV"l;MTT1?Qf? 'QAMTA CT A TTQ' DHRRFm
Yerk; Jehn W. Ani.el. New ' Yet k : 1 X Vi- x VJ L ilw "
JM'Ice Nun Is S. Birrutt. Itlihnrd Weg-
ln. Colonel A. I. Beltler, Ilinrv I"). I
alstey, J. WeneU Brown. Justice Beb- i
ft von Mas, b.l ker. Jeseph M. Steele.
The llcv li,.. JeNc-ph Krailskepf, the!
v. Bf UuKseii n Cm well. Or
Centlnuril nn pate Mnetrcn ( uliin.n Twe
hi e.id. (live thnn a chance, nnd it wilt
help te redeem them. T am new look leok loek
itu,' up the act which created the county
"I understniid thnt Its previsions call
ier piuiisiimeiii nr an peisens sent theie
Kivnig mem separate nnd selitnrv
iinenient nt labor. I feel ih.i n.i".
1 . . . . . . s ,,-,
;,,v 1N oesoieie ami slieuld uridctge a
ii ,i n t n ir if- ' rlin,,S(v tllat is if ,hnt flmngc meets
Ruth Newman, of uarretsen Hospital, f ictim of root pad "'"' the approval of Dr. Haidy. Cem
r ; n CI ir . ei- m ii n l mlssleifcr of Welfnie- Or. ij,,,v is
Oil LVf of Uuy bhc Was te Buy Ole Dell Leach doing grent weik In his department
. nnd before I take anv sti.na :., ,i...'.
Mr Keown referred ueniu te IIn7era' be was "still in..ie ,,ii',.us tint the
elopement when lie began the cress,. ct.- 'nrmeis shnll tliemselves , ..-npcinte te
iiininntien. tit the beginnitig of tedn's '".ike the Cevernmei,' offetts doubly
session efficacious."
"Were jeu nnd jour stepmother put President ll.iiding's Letter
in prieii when jeu were arrested in I . ,. , ., . . ..
llobekenV" lie nsked. "We were net !. A,fler "Mdaiiiing tbiit ptess of public
"At nnv inte, when the finally re- l,,"Hl,,',, prevent..! Inm tiein iiiteiiding
....i... ,.,t i.. ,.. .i. ii. . .. .t the (euncil ine.iiiig. I'risidcni llatditnr
, . . . ,. . .......... . i.iiiun ijuu i.ii.'i in uv iiuuce h ni en . .
mi i de net neneve tmt he should t Biverside en your return, was there "' , V"1 ,lettP1' ","""1",'1
be locked up ii n cell and kept there te . net general rejoicing ami recenciliu. I. knew no -ingle movement that
piuiiuct'i lllUt.' m'lji m'm iiki i m- (iitsriil
111 iv e
rm niv
Centlnurd en I'aie Mnttrtn Column n wlief nnd the permanent betterment of
agricultural conditions than this one
Whoever has cared te rend mv recent
message tn the Congress will under
stand the depth et tin . "motion nreut
the lieccssitj te de .v.rvtlung pessp le
te help tlie fanner Mir.c.gli bs nreseift
pett I i.i nee in an etler :ir,
than (ii rminij h.iiIi pav ei "i ;
measure- v hi. li would 'iniiki f!
unable te i.av
pi ' ".. .
. ...- mi., einsiaii.iing i.
Adiiunistiatieu's tei,..,i ,
It does net . bang.-. It ,v
"inj nueut M.n s ,, un,
Hughes tool, elb.e h ,s ,,
M ,,:".. Ml.',s."." ..., Mr
--..... , i t im i- in n. i i n..t .. ..i
. , ,. ' !,-, urmur
iiu n is rm vnnv e. ,,i,ftM,
linn in . . . i. i i
.nlleennr. ..." V.. '". '"" "lf,
-... .... iiirm uv ,or. e a
Hughes vvret. i lie -(.
quoted vesterdav
icpu rations
.1" t th.
.- 1 1, it
, IliC 10-
w i i ii r
nine I,..
Wll- U III
j. . Ii wn-
Drunken Negro Slashes Man and
Camden Weman
Maucli (IiiiiiIi, Pa.. Dec. U (By A
P, i llnbert Bejer. n Negro ofCeates- ,
is in the iiiruen County jail
Centlnueil en I'.icr l"i. ( elumn -Iv
Hughes' Ml,,, InilcMhie
in', eer i( ,s
"I Others' Badly Injured In
"Soe Line" Collision
'"Dtpe. U's.. I'lee. II. I Itv A
i tlie
Mis Snntn Clans," In the person
llutli Newman, n petite nurse nt
Cniiettsen Hospital, was robbed
list night of the $l." she had saved Se
dell coach for n crippled child.
ii mill piauiieil te go
Snult Sle shopping '.. ...-. ....v .... "'",- ' "
Inilii .Ne, , met 111 l.V ....... ...u i,.v t,i h ntii., ti,,,f.i,. .,t
I ' NIIIMI' I'" ' -.i..t.- Ml
"-Three pet sons wete killed and sacral bn." '!" ,.!',?' ...iim
frs hndlj inju.ed early tednv when ' '', 501 " w" ,' ,
r'mninpniiH, St. Paul mid
"iriae passenger
..'.' "" '"lllslim with a fieight ti-n-i
""r lieie
He were no ever-
down te his ejes.
home when she IkiiiiI ii patter of foot feet
steps. The uet moment tlie mnn hnd '
wicndied nwnv bei liin.lbag, cnutniniiir '
the trensund ,!,", n aeM feiintnln pen i
a wrist wnte'li and a clinical lliermeni- I
vllle. In
. x i i . . V ' HI IB ' I
Tiii . sueuid take It up "ere. niter running iuiiuck en a .lersej
ui linn. lentrui nam ceuiiy ami sinsntng sev-
ernl persons with n knife. Walter
Late Husband's Will and His Insur
ance Policy Taken by Footpad
1'rezise. el .ninersvnie, i'a,, wns se
verely slashed en the neek nml fuce
nml is in the hospital nt Pnlmerteri.
His condition Is net serious. The
train was running between Wilkes Wilkes
Burre nnd Mnuch niunk.
An clderlj woman, believed te he
Mnrv I. t.niingner. et cnnulen, . ,j
A lellnP !..,;,. . ., i....,
., .i.ii.lOK iiueiiii- ...ii
I"""" wns sent te Ihe scene of Hie
UV"!'"' from Chlppcvvn I'nlN. .ibeut
'in i "l'M "f l"'"'- '''"' '. wide i
"is about an hour Lite, was spec ling
curl 1 '" ..'.", ''""' vU"'11 lln' ,'nls!l '""
Wr(,i. Ihe cuuse of he nce-ldcnt has
m beennscei tallied.
f i'rJjrV,,'l'B1l' folk, etpit comfort. Ont-
- .,.. .M.uiaa. -uiuurii, re,u. ev.
National Union Head Points te
Check en Radicalism
Spokane, Wash.. Dec 11 . By A
P, Charges thnt Jehn l Be.-kefel-ler
financed the farm but can movement
nnd that tlie Chicago Beaul of Trade
financed the I lilted (irnm lirewers' As As As
podntlen were made here bv Charles
S. Barrett, piemdent of the Nntienal
I, , , ..."' ii in. r vi i
ltllrhes in.. . ....i ' '." ' ''I
11,,, , , ,'.". '. """'Ml'lc tn.tl.l
... ii iiui ,i i.ev. tieer". II.
BACKS ;tlnt M.r..,,,,s",r-V,llll'l' ",;
-niriiiT ,esnn1"'1 upon tlm .eumrv's taki, ..
iMENT nn net he nnd leadiK role l ,), ,,!."k. .','!:
nn active nnd lending role , ,
lencnts of Hurepe's ec..,,.!!,,,'.
inities ate tli
.nmn ,...,.. .
wre when this Adminis,,,,,,,.,, n:.tIV.V.rt
i ne ftennte is opposed t
....UKi-illl'MIB nnd the s.
anv ten it'll
ssilllle Illlike.
lenllniifd en Puct. Mnelrrn. t lut
UUIIl Spllli
eeptlng conttel bv the L igue She
could Coner upon de i.Iiunl. suppn c
thI iuarnntees win. h tlie league pre-
Lord Cmmn epr.s.ei i e .. , tl,it
the conference sub-, omiins-ien en in1 in1
renties would be permitted t.. study
the (iiiestien of estnb'l-biug a li.ni. I.n d
for the Armenian- and uige.l exemp
tion from militnrv .erv n e of tlie l hris
t i.i n peoples in Turkev .
lord Cumin ns-uie.l tlie T,,ls that
th. v need entertain no fen,- uf tb
I engif ut Nations Infiingiiig ihe ugjits
of then . eiintiv Tutkev . eibl n'
u.ivs sjienk out fteelv ns a ii en.her of
t'. I msui. M Bnrrere nnd Mariul
1i ("Jnrieni lieie.s of the Pteiich nnd
It J. 'in l legation- iiIm. voiced ill r
lot'isete nt tie . oifi'interv nttitud..
,..,, (. I.v lb.- T 1 1 L- an. i s.i' 1 tli
u-t te. i ..put, l-tii t the .en .,.n e
th. . nf. nil."
Juniata Suburb Swept by Flamet
Dynamite Used
ltoen.i. P.i .1'. II i P.v V P i
--I i.s. of n . ee -iin '''-'lie. llllll UftM
i'ii.se.1 (,v Pre 'I" I .weft 'i. hislnesh
buildln.s n Iiimii'i a -eliul e.lnv
When tin ten i i imI no '..no they
found 'be water pie-.ir. se te v that
it was indliiine ,, h. u, uas lest
while thev made . etitic, i ions with the
Pennsylvania Ifailread water supply.
Iivu'imite wns used til nn efl.it te step
i he tui.gies- ,, ibe llnmes
TI if buildings burned con pined a
I irl.ei -hop livinv! upiirtmeiits bakery,
department stene, d.nrv depot, uueler
taking establishment and ii haidware
stei e.
Stock Exchange Christmas Holidays
New iirh. Hie I I ' be Beard of
i.ovetners of the Ste. k I x.-hnilRfi
granted the petition of the mcinhcirl "te
l.a Pene, ca im- ''iiui ua.i ini i He footpad biis.--e,i lie stolen bug I Mis. Hnnuali Mien, of ..-,ii cum,.,, wns slightly cut en the face ami neck I ' 1,rmPrH l "'"" '" "Pe.iiMt.g vesieum, nirorme, in with Measles. Im- '""". "".,., ''x" """'. ',"' "11"1" ""
inglj written te hania ( urns ler n dell te his side and inced w.-t in Hnmilt..,, i Mreei. Cmnden. let u liandb.i- I !,. She is also m the Pitlmerieu Hospital I nt ,llft nnnl eneiiti..i. et ihe Y sh- proves Sllahtlv ,:,1"1".1 "" , '!' , "l,,"'"ll "; "'" 'isiinl
nnd ''''! . le Tentlelli. wbe.e be turned .,e,.,b. Ilniultis li.i dead husband's will nil MtfTering mesil, fiem shook r , ! ingt.u. Pinuiels' I i.ien rii ii . i i ,, . A i IniMiiini. IieIi.Ih, I h. toil,,,, K,.
Miss NcwniMH is a graduate nurse The ,.,., ttlls ,d no ,. iiisu.ai.ee pelicj when a tl u,.f ntn.'k ic she was h.vster.cal and then apse , Ml" nrre" Hn" ,lia' "'" ''" i Jl ,'ti , .' " ' U l'.-I're bm,Ke a few dnjs age voted the cxt.a
d was v s.llng frit mis hist ,.veiiinK. lif-m.l the nu.se's .ij fei help. She her en tile step of k ,, ' , unciiscieiusness. Ai thp '" 'Bureau meveiuen. wns .,., . growth '?w Ml obi... who bs I s..,, belidnv nili. x.hang.s ,, celll.
She wns li'tuniing te. the niiise. home, ' went le the Twcnt'elh and Blilluu. o'de(k Inst night seligers weie nsleep when the Vecre "f ,l,l lineHllgatieu .nade Iv tne ceuti- ''H' ,"' .""ll nen-les. vv. ,epette. at imeel.lv maikels an expe.le. t mk.i
I1III7 lliiniillen stiet and left a car weed slrcels pulice Malum and dcsciibed .Mrs. Allen, who recently ..s t, wlie was said te have been in eic.itr ' llf, Cmniissii.ti np.. int. . b the "een teda te be imprev ,ng , similai a.tien. 'I hi. w l mean a sus-
at lllul.leelllh sllcetsherllj before mid-1 vhe lebbei'. i caved. . L .. I L . ,.,,' "i,s ' V ." .. .n. 1 1,.. ill, it, .. . -'"' n.Vi",p'1' late Pre-ndent U.msevelt Mr Barrett H1k tenipeuitiire wind, vestcr.l.iv pension of business ,,!. u ket world
night.., , - lawyer. She was vine L7 hZZ I ellV dlMri eil. 'N " mnnher of that commission Ac "nH "', ,,m ' " ", ; ''P'd te slightK '''" I thhn night Ii n her "", until
At Nneteenlh street as tilie walked i:..tmer Crnbfrrl.-tn niesi ccouem. wlien n man puhie tiithe .- i ' Bureau was ergnnucd te preent "re than 101 . anil his pulse, which hud i ucHdny morning, Heicinber L'(J.
ss as rru 1 &Sv:SH:-a MO& "TtSMf ? Ms?ffl r:-nmlm,lRnew80, et.-
J , X ' xj ( ' 1 -,
.t-",ii .;. , .-- v.. . . '"'r sf..i,tM t. , .... v '"iv.is ., ', ,, i n . is."' "l ' " (!?
lllitii,, ; '- "r "" '"'-'"' ' " '' L - . , ., .... ..
I A"
J- IV. V
i si
17' 11
?' J