Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
,.?.1 HilrrinBalaKBtTr7ff!lWWVBiWH iVVV'- .- V, i I N DORA'S DANE S BARRED AGAIN ItW Yerk Paster; Won't Allew Miss Duncan te Appear at Church fOLLOWS BAN BY BOSTON ''jfew Yori' Dcc 13,Ju(,t when Tsa jert Duncan's twlnkllnp feet nrc ycirn L, t9 pirouette somebody comes along and anchors them Je the fleer with nn idtt Clint her terpstchorenn umluia umluia tJe enn't undiilnle around that per- Mnt baiuwicK. lfw Ci'trley. that banned her. lie fer that, Chicago, pceplnc threu?h t?!r . . nin nf ltd tm. lift. nn '",":" .""".,"..;,.. ':;. g"f ., i. Dr. Wllllnm N. Outhrle. of ty Uir.rcu in ui, .......... ... . t hi? church rhristmBB Eve. When Dr. QuthrlC left town jur uriri vul.hi.uh Sen,lny nlKht he directed his secretary te Imue nn announcement yestcrdey j? ,P.p!annlien wns Riven. MIm Duncan has been thr tnrRet of tritlclsm by chapters of the Atiierirnn Iiien In various parts of the country ince her nrrlvnl lien, n frtw months ue with her ltussinu poet husband, j The were detained nt Ellis Mnnd jntll they convinced the authorities ther were net extremists. ' m.. jntF wen hetltilrd te nnricnr 'hit night at Baltimore. GRILLED ALL NIGHT, MAN DENIES DOUBLE MUHUtH 4000 In Meney and Jewels Gene Frem 8cene of Crime New Castle. Ind.. lcc. 13. (Bv A. f,) Ben Broekshlrc, twenty-thrce-jear-e'J farm hand, who wns ledged In the county Jail here jesterdny following v. JliKAFKn nf the miirrierN of Mr. nnrl Jin. William 0. Shaffer, still denied ill knowledge or tne crime cnriy teciny. 'Officers questioned the man tliromjh tliremjh lit the nlzht, but bu still maintained lis lnne-eiice. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer were found en their farm near Mlddletewn with their httii crushed. A r.nuill band nx, which .ntl.ni'lfUa liflltprn WAM llfieil liv (lift ilirer. was found In the room near Mrs. Shaffer's body. Hroekshlre could net give eltieera a Itflnite outline of his movements last Tuesday. They said the couple preb- low had been murdered en etlncsuay tlfht of last week. Little Hilly Huffstlckler, three years A n nnnhnu nf the filnln pniinle. v. fin I9 found in the house Buffering from tbe lecit or toeu, clothing ana proper Mention, wns apparently recovering from Ills ordeal today. He was unin jured. Jewelry and money said te be In ex tw of $4004) was missing from the keuie, and police believe that the mo tile for the; crime, was robbery. METROPOLITAN PRESENTS "MADAMA BUTTERFLY" Eietllent Performance of Pucclnl'e Tragic Opera, With Florence Easten Till" PA 'IT llClCS&n I1ivnfi TMtnn laiukl . riern perlnl niufnen iimc! Antnony A 8. CeniUl Hhnmtaua ."Antrtnlr. tltnttl 2S' i Giordano Ialtrln1rl JWM"? Metre Audlte JU Unclt-PrlMt Wltlllam Omtafiien Jl,u,,"1,,- Taote Qulntlna VMrlil CemmlBaary .Vlncente Heachlillan cendacter IloLerte itoranzenl ?llA tStrH tlltpfirmfinnfl nf ,1a cnnr W the Metropolitan Opera Company inmccim i irngic .ieuame llut Itttllj," which wan given at the Acad- nmjei .uusic msi evening iieteru the Wj! crnwded nnd brilliant house. 7i.t Tlfrflirmnnrn ntm nvnnltnn, !.. Ifcery way nnd fullv up te the standard Wf thn Mptrnnnlltnn nrjiaAntnttnna rttheut being in any wny distinguished, J were the tve previous performances i the season thus fnr. Florence Ens- JB, new thr logical "CiD-Cie-San" of F Jletronelltan, gae her usual fine. IMOltTF nf li ..!.. l.l 1. ..... , Wn been in considerably better velcu Ulln hhfl Una tnuf n.AntMM IT.. .. Wtlen of the role of the scU-sncrlflc- . ..,.u..cac Kirj n leiiciuiig nnu IUII " wfi"e.ncnt, nnd, although she has ).. '"vu,c ucller nere ttinn Bhe did evening, her singing was in thor ium Kppnmp i. m. !, it... t .i. R i i he 'J1'1 e'flally v,ell the benu- S.S . rl , lnc ,lrst nct. 'he lament of b tecend and th wonderful pathetic auiic nf the dose of the epern. Karie Hinmlpe made his lirst np rance here ns n member of the Mrppelitnn Company, nltheugh he m.i i , '"."II-. inn uri. ueill Tfl; dramatic, has brendened con- ... 'j , , p joining the larger com ?i llis '"Psentntien of IMnherten tlioreughlj acceptable. Antonie "fOttl WttR sn Ptllllll nu MKnr.li. u l. ir.VfiJ'li'1 c,(,rv reI whlcl1 he essnjs, Hnl . Xrtr Pf'iflPnl" received many Wfn miner roles were well Mr. Mornnenl conducted, as is nl PnUi", al? ,1!, c'"ie when he lends tttn '. . ,relnl Wrn allowed the i,"" lcstrn,len e 'rewn the elceb """ """I one occasion. ,P PERA FOR PITTSBURGH Wn Abandoned When Other Cities Fall te De Their Part p w iiwbih1!. i' wiiwiWiMff j fi"ii .",7nm?t a!FWvnirminmTrwTj'iVjrt'j"i7zzr,r nFzwmir-ii:iT,J mtfmmmm . Emmm'pimTMmfn- iHffiAEi5pHi;- wbdkesday. psgEMBEit 13 iW: V H , 1, ii , .aU, JMPIWT! l-r. ii-. ' ni.TWflre"j.fi..ww'i i'k''i; i .- j i. tsat. jmm mv,"w y: "ra 1922 . 1 - " ' ran fe?ViP.?LP-TlriV..J'-- flMlhllrei. .L." "." "I'TU M.-III.I1I1 in B3 lnlTO1' Wer ffldnUy at p'lil.i"1'",1 '""""d ''y directors of KiA pii"rf,U"(,r,,en "' the United wy .a.in ui,crii company said In lttn!n.W.H decided le abandon the nd 0BMB,; lltts'"'rRh high cIiim mtt nTn ''! ro'"",,tie" Willi ether "winr '?!,i"" wntl ,0 "rcanlze n Si'?.' r. ,'" . I'lttsburgh nnd .... 0lnZ..., '' "'"er liirgc cities, such ''Innil ,l,.vrmni1 ""d Detroit, wuieirimrt toward lireneilv finnnr. k ue nrn(. i.. :. ."... 5rdtri .,..."". "" nniwriv inrge III dec n tlu WtaburBU section. ME fleel. 0n r,.slll,H , ..J llbni.,,ull. 'Aidr Tv"","d opera tour." Fucnv ''i"-'. "irecier or tne opera WtenInC,n,8r,?,ll w,th th0 V" ?t was mnd" tL un"ou"cc- PNCH BIRTH RATE DROPS ," of Births Over Deaths Only 9000 In 8X Menth3 I Wrs nf '. (jr A. tl-Vital Wl hlnh ,U V!'nr Bh,,w decrcnbc of lu Sl"1"1 nn i""',no of .TJ.(K)t) P- Th.f J '"rrejpen.ling period in ,'la Vi." '"""s "ver deaths, taUjcar WftS 73000' ,s enI- , fctesiix&i Again Under Ban BftftftftftalQftVK V BVmVmVBtSBmK' BBBBT; :: i. t.rt ) ;::-;-' v:,B BMllNMBHml aBSwBKIISi I V '!m?i 1V . ISADORA DUNCAN Exrludcd again from presenting her dance, tills time by a New Yerk clnn'cli. She find liren previously barred by Hosten nnd Chicago OREGON FEEUS EARTHQUAKE Pendleton. Ore., Dec. lit. Citizens nf Helix, eighteen miles from Pendle ton,' reported three distinct earthquake shocks yesterday. Ne damage was reported. RADICALS DEFEAT Tl ID PARTY PLAN Cleveland Conference Adjourns After, Assailing Republicans and Democrats MAY FORM PEOPLE'S BLOC " Bv Al$eelated Prttt - ' Cleveland. Dec. 13. Delegates te the second Conference for Progressive Po litical Action n'ere leaving for their homer today te perfect State organiza tions for the nomination nnd election of candidates, cither '.through "primaries of'eld parties" or by "independent po litical action," ns set forth In the pro gram of organization adopted at the two-day convention here. i Formation of ii third pnrty was de feated nt the closing session last night nftcr n prolonged debate, in which majiy sneakers characterized the Rcnubllcun nnd Democratic Parties, ns "owned and financed hy Wail street." A feature of the report of the Iteselu tlens committee, as adopted, waa n declaration that the conference, "ns a leading factor in securing the election of progressive United States Senators and members of the Heuse, request such members te act as a ncople's bloc and te work for the people s progressive pro gram, nnd that the chnirmnn nnd secre tary of this conference call such pro pre sresslvp members tnkcthcr nn een ns 1 the new Congress convenes te eignnlzc them for eftectivn action." DiMMifcslen of the third party ques tion came nftem day devoted le the dli dli cusslen nnd adoption of n program for filture political nctien and n idatferm in which was demanded repeal of the Esch-Cumuiins lnw, public control of dent and 'Vice' President; that Congress end practice of courts in declaring legis lation unconstitutional, enactment of the Nbrrls-Slnlnlr bill, payment of b soldier bonus by taxes en excess in comes, nnd legislation providing min imum standards of employment for women. ' William II. Johnsten, of Washing ton, president of the Machinists' Union, In'suinmltig up the work of the confer ence, 'declared that "much lmd been nc nc cempllshed in welding together the farmer and labor organizations for united political nctlvity, .nnd that the work of setting up orgnuliitlens In-all States wlH fellow shortly." mother lenders expressed themselves ns grii tided with the work of the confer ence, nnd predicted success in thu pro pre gressiva political fields. WHITENACK, MIRACLEMAN, MOURNED BY THOUSANDS Distinguished Specialist, Children's Benefactor, Diet In Newark Newark, N. J., Dec. 13. Dr. Miller Royal Whltcnack, famous as n special? i 1st en children's diseases nnd known te thousands ns the "Miracle Man," died yesterday at the Presbyterian Hos pital where no bad been for mere than six weeks, suffering from bleed poison Death of the noted baby doctor ended a six weeks' battle for life, in which specialists from all parts of the East were called Inte consultation. Bleed transfusions failed te aid him. Thousands of persons in Newark and adjacent cities nnd towns prnyed con stantly for the recovery of Dr. Whltc nack, whose kindness and attention te his little patients endeared him te ricn and peer' alike. Dr. Whltcnack was bem in Newark feity-elght years age. OIFT HINTS CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALENDARS WATERMAN TOUNTAIfi tW' t) 27 te 435. PMRttER DUOFOLO FOUNTAIN PENS f 5. nd. 7. eVER5HARPPENCIlSrrAf.AArtft4Liy. te 135. COMBINATION SITS (tvathaiPetalWtHPthl 8- le IS DESK SETS t5P te OJ LEATHEP GOODS. HOVEITIES" (SIFTS STATIONERY. CAMERAS. ETC. Open Evenlngi Chestnut 5t. Jm?yTSsE . tiimfiHv , w f v. Docter Robbed of Jewelry Thieves broke Inte the home of Dr. Ebart Cellins, 0020 Qermantewn nvo nve nue. vesterdav afternoon and stele Jew- water power, direct election of; Prcsl-1 dry valued at 652. r xBi2BByBBBBBBKv!i- ?gi' SHpPBBBBHV TaBwr wmsf'.jdr Ltt Fatima smektrs till you and after all, what ether cigarette is se highly respected by se many men? FATIMA CIGARETTES Licgett & Myers Tobacco Ce. Srv2 fred9 0f ec" - fl yPBkffBBHBBBWalZJIH n as (rifts efiJewelrtj w TTHfeCZZTj Open Evenings Our Confidential Credit Plan gives cash advantages, convenient n a y men t 8 and immediate possession. A.mon&Sens 1 Seuth 1351. Near Walnut SL DON'T LOSE ANOTHER HAIR! 35-cent "Danderine" will Save Any Man or Weman's Hair Delightful Tonic See Dandruff Ge I j Hurry! It'a your duty! Each day you see e little mere hair coming out and you arc making no effort te avoid baldness, what a pity, ran ing hair means your hair is weak, sick, possibly dandruff is stran gling it, or the hair-root pores in the scalp are net firm and tight, thus wasting the hair-growing oils. Danderine almost instantly steps falling hair and cleans every par ticle of dandruff away, then your hair takes en new life, vigor and strength te grew strong, thick r.na long. Danderine is delightful net sticky or greasy. Ge te any drugstore new and get a bottle. Use it Have healthy, heavy, beautiful hair and 'etn of it Adv, JehnWnamaker Zntppreciqtien 4 1 WITH profound sadness we mark thepassingef the eminentpieneer of modern merchandising the leader whose achievements were an inspiration te us and te his fellows. We looked upon Jehn Wanamaker as mere than America's foremost merchant as a forward-thinking citizen whose influence for geed will be felt down through the years. Net only his chosen field of endeavor, but this city, . and the nation, lese a truly great personality through his call te the Great Beyond. Stern $(b 712-714 Market Street $1 te $50 Let Eversharp and' Wahl Pen solve your gift problems. Every one who writes wants these finely made writing instruments. The man wants , one for desk use, for his pocket or watch-chain t , and. one for golf scores. The woman or girl wants - one for use en a ribbon or chain as a sauteir. for father Every Eversharp has the exclusive rifled tip that keeps the lead from slipping or wobbling. Every Wahl Pen has the indestructible all-metal barrel the greatest improvement in fountain pens since the self-filler. See this sensationally-new Wahl Pen at your dealer's. See hew it matches perfectly the engraved design en Eversharp the world's standard pencil. Te every one en your gift list who has an Eversharp, send a Wahl Pen te match it. OWe Mm Etess ii AJtr, tbe universal high tin of bualneaa efficiency. Even If he hoi one, cItk L urn tl uim m cnecKing MM Pencil with lamer .u ter UCBK UR or en of the little midget EvxRSHARr.t for golf ocerea or Waul Pen te match the design en th Etcuuakp be hat. EVERSHARP Grecian design geld-filled Pric $5.00 mi waul, fn.y te match Priee 7,00 Singly, or together, in velvet-lined GIFT BOXES, Eversharp and Wahl Pen make an irresistible gift at modest prices. Designs are furnished both in geld and in silver; at all dealers'. Mad in U. 8. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago EVERSHARP matched by 'ml WAHL PEN for mother An EvxuRAir one that aha can 'all her own. Fer home notea, te fheclc the ehep. tlng H.t, or for hrldge .corn, ,he .hee,e the ring ,',' 'T use en i ribbon. EVERSHARP Grecian design sterling .ii. -- Price $4.00 WAHL PEN te match Prin ?6.00 '' ,i hi ! I . for Uncle Bill If he It a golfer, select the raldgat KvuaiiAitr with a ring cap for the pocket of his golf treusers: or with clip, Eviasnxnr marks pinochle "cores or desk cal endars with equal ilbe and smooth, neiy. Krery man anta EvnenAir mill "an ! Ll -... sw w IMS Uteri, and hla cousins, and hla aunts." EVERSHARP Check dealgn ilrwr-pUua $1.75 WAHL PEN te match Prte' $5.00 H,m t m Vf for sister flnppeM she doe. engle It around nn a ribbon I That'a the stria newadayi. 8h will use Jt for telephone number! and netet, and be mighty happy yen thought te glre ntr .vglSBASr. EVERSHARP Colonial dstlgn geM.fllled Priee $3.50 WAHL PEN te match Prica $6.00 for brother WAHt. Pan with the durable, all metal leak-proof barrel that holds mere Ink. Knglne turned, like a -ateh case, te -aUh the destrn en hit EvtMKAir. WAHL PEN Colonial deslgm terllng slim Pri $7.00 EVERSHARP te aetcfc $4.00 .'twiUsm.. iZtAtMAfau ., v ,yv 1,.,,- i' i i I i I i m i i I I,