. tilSti". I U 1 i.'jiil R tti SRSBfiigg?: T' p ft tjWf-nyv j. (I,T" STO "y vwn'stt EVENIN'b PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESBAT. DEOEJMBER .18.. 1922( s7tf3Wrv,ff n MMM ,'. J . . , .,- --- iu t lnnnti nunnrnT iL' M AKUIIl OUdlTb I REYBURN PORTRAIT DIM Te Be Retouched, as Wilt Others In Mayer's Reception Roem A ner.trnlt of former Mnyer Jehn E. i Upyburii whs found le be in need of roteucliitiR when It was token from the wall of the Mnyer's reception room tliiu nmrntrti' Tim tinlnlltit unu tnlan Ifli-mn ulfh tin tinrlfnllia tf tu.nnft. Ch;tr Ceuntv Farmer W0UI1C13 i mivpii ether former Mnynrs ntnl the ' , j huge painting of W il One of Three Men Fleeing Frem His Barn I'illlnm IVnn, se that Tqq the room could be fitted with Christ mas decorations. The Reyburn nertralt anceared fectcd by the wear and tear of years and the frame was slbjchtly sprung. The collection of paintings n 111 be plnccd in n City Hall storeroom and will be flven needed repairs during the holidays. Harry T. llaxter. Chief of the Bureau of Cltv Property, will nrrangc te have the Ueyhnrn painting restored. It was done In 1012 by Al bert Rosenthal nt a cert of about STATE POLICE HUNT 'HARRY' Stale policemen tedny are hunting for three men. one of them believed te hae been wounded In a shotgun and revolver tight with Wilten (Irammcr. owner of n larse farm in West Geshen jreunMiip, three mlle north of West Chester. Oanimer emptied hrs gun at the men uhen h found them tleelng from his barn and they disobeyed his nder te halt It Is believed the men wcie planning te set the building afire. Used Only Carfrtder He Had Grammer .was handirapned by the fact he had en'v one cartridge In the shotgun. One of the men returned his fire with revolver bullets, but they went wild. Bloodstains en a feme ever which the men climbed and made thelt way te n vi Mil'.' a'" meh'le Indira te that one of them nf !rnf had been vepperd bv the birdbet from i',ranime-'e gun, and i iie s ' trfin'- nv ' i u . 1)1111.11'' nt hospitals and ethei pne where the Hounded man might have bii ti'ated. Grammer went te ins gange after supper te leek attnr his motorcar, and heard whispered talking in the barn. Through n connecting deer he aw three men hunting about the barn with the aid of a flashlight. Grammer left the garage quietly and ran te the house for his shotgun. When he emerged he saw the shad ows of the men outside of the barn. Rushing at them, he ordered hands up, and they ran. Grammer flred and says one cried out as though hit. Instantly one of them turned and fired four shots from a reve'ver at him. but mlsed They dashed for the roadway, jumped a fence rnd enined tb"r a Ue te wbi'Ii ihev speeded a-Ain . State Telice Hunt for "Harrj ' Majer Wllhelm with his deputi. ,T M Morgan and Arthur II FlnlT, ven from Wen Chcvter te interisate. All that Grammer could tell them, aldf from the tery of the Sfhoetlng. was tha' h haid one of the men called "Harrv' by one of the ether as they jumped the fence. He thought "Harry" as the , une h het Sending in fale fire ahrms has been a form of atiri-ment Indulged in bv eeme one in Chester County lnce the barn burning!, began. I.an night the troublemaker u-ed sereral parry. Un telephones te "nd in false alarm" The vib'erlhf n the 're, usel denied knen'edce of the alarm". - Majer Wllhelm aid lat night be wn "et readv tu talk about results, ob tained in fol'euing various leads picke.J up in his in c-tisatien of the twentv nine fires in Chester, Delaware an 1 lontgemeiy Counties. He said there nas pos tive knowledge that twelve f ihe barn fire. ere net of incendiary erigfn. The ethers are being carefully sifted out and thus far. he said, the l"'r. J. Blair Spencer fire, at Malvern, is the enl- one through which he has any present hope of getting a clue, $1000 TO-RECTORS' "FUND Will of Louisa J. 'Huey Leaves Ret of Estate te Kin The Rectors' Discretion Fund of the l'retestant n-nsrer.il Church of St I uke and the l'piphany "ill -eeelre a' ?1000 ben.uet frerr the 20.000 estate of Letna ,T Huey, who died in the .feffeisen Hiipital, and who" v .11 was t ;p"Imit'ed te preha " tednv The residue of the e'tmn cees te relat vee " Marsaret Tavler. rf C447 Ver'h Tifth treer left an ee'ate of $10 4" of whieh 100 gees te the Magdalene 'leine in Germanfewn S200 te the -niiilding fur ' of the Reman Cathe'ic I'pitrf'. it I" gbtb anil Yerk steef and $200 t.i the pr Vincnt de Paul ieiet. The residue zees te relatives Other will' preVateri are these of llenrv .1 IIill. 402." Lancaster ave. .ue. i2."200, Mnr Tiller .04 North lessup treer pfiTif ). U'lzaveti A Bit den, wrminsip D' I 0470 ar 1 nna t. Ku"ller ihi d'-.J in rr llahnennnn II p til. ."100 Letter wev gnirted te .idnrmtrve uie estate, of I n eti (,ir- -it. 1"1." Ner"i lleinier streft i5 One, im.l Frank II - ' athers 1"1'' eent -second avenue fOOO An inventerv "as filed in tl lernil estate of W illnm Bimfeii With reverence and sorrow we accept the passing away of the honorable 5efw Stanamafeer Mr. Wanamaker was the world's foremost merchant and one of its greatest minds and philan thropists a man whom the. whole w e r 1 d honored, and whose influence reached 'te c-vcry part of the glebe who brought into being a new idea of merchandising, and put it en the high plane where we hope it ehall ever remain. His less can never be replaced we hope his great influence for geed will live forever! SAMUEL D. LIT JACOB D. LIT ftf. mss&zBm ars K 4i. m Btttptmh mt M Would be a Cenklin fi Self-Filler Pen. ft! Cenklin Automatic Pencils Waterman's Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils A Bex of Stationery 3 i W jik L m Kh. H iK. U Hs. iib IVI .ini lM H iil v ! - ''W -v BiiMffliUi m tM STATIONERS- JU PRINTERS -BLANK BOOK MFRS. 10KT 1fthQf DUIII r.ei mni r-....r-.. ... tl, m , " '' v--" , l.t j .j rmmmmmM Genuine Pure AVhite Perfect Cut Diamond iiP QLLANDEg fONFIDEt' )NVEN1CN JEOIT IAU irjnrxrx7a& leni FLEISHMAN CO. Eoek of Oeirj Tne Appropriate Gift Suggestions Buy Here NOW Pay Next Year Take Advantage of Our Confidential Credit cigarette i Signet cases Mi Rines V'--4'"-iryj-iT"'"L,"( 5eriln; Silver Ciffaratte Cases beautifully hand encraveil and hand ammered designs fTe"d. S10 One Dellar 'WMlilr CUFF LINKS ImrlXM 18-kt. Solid White Geld, 17 Jewel ad justed rectangu lar movement ar curate time-flJK Df-re. ar pOt Onr Dellar MU; Gentlemen's Extra Heavy Signet Ring. Set with fine Blue White Diamond. Special at $27.50 One leUar Weeklj rtlr iet In 11 11 eltd. vhllr . BunerM' karat .VOld. Hand rrm,V m"untln and wh't RjW tee. A rin that ilu er"nar r eath t 0 14.HT ent.in TnrtTT GOLD WRtT nrATCH An ezr-fd'nlv HTt treildl. CK of wMte reld, hanfl. "irelr enrrTAd. (wl nvamnt aurantd accu. t t'rticener or a nw itch -nth-iit nn'tiVicc, nb. j " Included Cain 'lie 7 0 I elti ui9 sum 9 PhlladelpkMe leading Bug Heme-In Every Seme of the Werd j .ii?g.,i, lki igrBiiiEHSpIl Gift a Rug illinaa f,7. n vk HMt .XS! ra5sj55SI" JEWELED ELGIN WATCH Exceedingly thin met'el, small size, 14-ka.rat se'id creld filled: adjusted te positions. Cash value SS".50. Chain l i.ir rfte 17.5 - 111 iifiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIUIUIII Buy NevT3 Pay in 1923 Scherr Herbst iue south 11 tn st. ONE DOOR BELOW CHESTNUT OPEN EVERY EVENING Make Your & -k' Se'ld Gre- Whl'e Ge'd Lin "ens beautify e crrved --4i . at in neflar VTrrkly $5 Ladies' smai Uval jewel adjusted. 18-k. White Geld, Special. Watch, Oni Dellar Wekl7 LANDE A Permanent and Useful Present Enjoyed by the Entire Family Ordinary gifts arc seen gene and forgotten. A rug is unusual, is lasting and is long appreciated. In this store you will find a rug for every place at every price from $5.00 te $5000.00 from a square of carpet te a magnificent Persian. We call particular attention, for gift purposes, te our wide range of famous Bundhar Wilten Rugs the rugs which give you Oriental patterns and tones, with durability of iron, at carpet prices. There is a size and shape for every purpose. Nete the unusually low prices of the few we have listed. 0x12 $103.00 8.3x10.6 .. 95.00 0x9 05.00 4.6 x 7.6 ... . 36.00 3 x 15 48.00 3x12 38.50 3x9 28.75 2.3x15 36.00 2.3x12 .... 28.75 2.3x9 21.75 36x63 17.00 11.3x18 . 11.3x15 . 11.3x12 . 10.6x13.6 10.6x12 . 10.6x10.6 9 x 18 ... . 9 x 15 9x13.6 .. 9x9 6.9x12 .. 27 x 54 . . . .$216.00 . 180.00 . 144.00 . 162.00 . 144.00 . 126.00 . 173.00 . 144.00 . 130.00 . S7.00 . 87.00 11.00 lanh. FLEISHMAN CO. "Jewelry en Credit" j'HESTNUT corner ELEVENTH ST inranm-iniiemnmr til! i felmfl l iilill 11 "jC&jfArfij tarn HUDSON , r 5 X ft plnr,YHy OO this is bskime Pie I "Wish I'd tried it before!" you'll say. Se why wait another minute ? Yeu can buy this delightful surprise wherever Abbotts Ice Cream is sold -only five cents. ECO ss ABBOTTS ALDERNEV DAIRIES, INC. Abbotts K1MD PIE Prices Reduced HUDSON ESSEX SPEEDSTER $1425 PHAETON-7 Pass 1475 COACH 1525 SEDAN . 2095 TOURING $10-15 CABRIOLET 1145 COACH 2245 FREIGHT AND WAR TAX EXTRA GOMERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station 2400-14 Market St. HARDW1CR&MAGEE Cft 1220 MARKET ST 'r- wA , v .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers