Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 7

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i '' i i M - j " t ' " . ' . ' '.. .. I -.. .,...ihih Btjfluiii Turnw. uwtldent of the Pioneer com II -
mnMM . --.- . .. -. - mind you. ne ears nent irem mm mei 1:1111 unnniraue enumi ...... . ANtmr. 1
Ij'EJt't ! j I Cf LI J l J '!
rr.n mi we rr. m r r-m m . fiv i n it r ju m i mi
Investigate Death of Mrs. W. J.
Thompson Frem Dreaded
but Rare Disease
JLnthrax Transmitted
Through Skin Lesions
Anthrax Is primarily a disease e'
inlmnls, but can be transmitted
through tlie handling of furs, hides
'"iUs caused by a micro-organism,
rte bacillus an hrncls, which entn
intrance Inte the body through small
ivn lesions that come In contact
irfth fur or ether material holding
the Re"11, . 1.
The disease logins as a small pus-
rule uMially en tlie face, hands or
neck Set ere fever and prostration
ircempauy development of the pus
tule, and uwially terminates fatally
within a week.
relei which he e-heul
hn realmed. .
'her declaration that she bad' marrieq
Painter, Whose Seng Wen Heart of Wife Who Twice tJwtfl3MtaiUefc1fcS
Divorced Him, Once Mere Assumes Rele of Bride
groom and She a Bride
Invcstlcatlen Is being made today by
tie health authorities te determine
whether n fur coat worn by Mrs. Wll
Him J. Thompson, 0007 Cobbs Creek
Parkway, contained germs which caused
l,r death en Monday. Mrs. Thomp Themp Thomp
ieb died from anthrax, a disease usually
ciued by germs which are carried In
fcUes and hair.
Mrs. TDmP50n bad a slight abrasion
n her chin, and the health authorities
Idlere that contact with the cellar of
her coat may hare caused Infection
which led te her death. She was
Meken about ten days age. and was
token te the private hospital of Dr.
Jflseeb W. Andersen. 1700 Green
trwt. Dr. Edward Klepp and Dr. E.
Q Thornten, of Jeffersen Hospital,
wire called te attend her. Scrum treat
ment nns used, but Mrs. Thompson did
The Heaid of Health Immediately
earantlned the hospital. Mrs.Thomp Mrs.Themp
Jen was buried yesterday in Wcstmln
iter Cemetery.
A few days previous te the death of
Mrs. Thompson Director Furbush id
Jued a bulletin calling attention te an
thrax and explaining hew It may be
Ctrried dv nnir ana nir.
Director rurbush snid : "Although It
i believed the fur worn by Mrs.
Thompson may hna caused the infec
tion, this is net definite, and wc shall
endeavor te work out n scientific con cen con
elufen I'v liboratery tests."
Mrs. Thompseu was the twelfth,
Went et this city te die from anthrax in
the last six years.
Her husband it a member of the firm
f Thompson, Levering Company. Fif
ty.sewith street and Westminster ave
nue. He and a teu-year-eld son sur
rive her.
Directors Complete List and Re
elect Secretary and Treasurer
Director of the Union League last
right re-elected Jehn W. Han-cr bee-
jftery and Jnmea K. Mitchell tre.is-
' Cemtalttees were named as follews:
Heuse Vif" PrcMeni Geri; A Walker,
thltrman Jnnii K. Mitchell, Charles A.
Perttr, Jr. Harry b Shnrp and J. Warner
Ou't li Pr'sldent n Pufey Paasmore,
cUlrnMi J!in A. tinnier. Horary c. .TenPi
llllm O I'rlr. Jr . hu'1 Jemthan .Tenks.
Flnani-i Viie Preldcnt Wlllam R M.
isn chairman Hernri) ' Jenr Melville O.
Bkr, Jehn T. Riley und William Henry
Ubrarv Vlce rrwldent Charles J Webh,
chilrnan Kdnnjd A. Stockton Hareld D.
Peltier. Bard Henry mid Charl'maene
Mmberihli A C McOewln. Charlai E.
Rebern Frank an neden. XVIIllam I. Rup
ln Hernan Hoepoa J2 I aurence. Kell
wlUltm H KlnRle. Jehn (' Jonas, WIN
lllm E Arev. rarrell R Williams. Dald
Hliittad, Charles I. Vaiuthan and Salter
Tbe (ollewlnir members ware elected te
rTt te auditors and en the commlttee en
masibershlp W Harry Miller. Tranklln M.
fetti and William A. Powell
Philadelphia society today was highly
Interested In the news from Paris of
the marriage for the third time of
Jereme Uhl, noted artist and singer,
and his twice divorced wife.
Mrs. Uhl, who again assumed that
norae at the marriage ceremony yester
day In the American church in Paris,
with their fifteen-year-old daughter as
nne nf tlm wtfnfnAft. la n r-ntiln it Wrn.
Vi. T. Stotesbury and a niece of Mrs. I
Alexander Brlnten Coxe.
The tangled marital skein of the Uhls
Is once mere strelehtcned out. and se
ciety here and In Sew Yerk, where the
couple is almost equally well known,
will watch with Interest the results of
their third experiment In wedded lire.
Forget Dinners for Art
Mrs. Uhl, before her first marriage,
was Elizabeth Norris, daughter of
Henry Lattimere Norris, of this city.
She met the painter here and after four
ears of courtship they married in 1003.
Mr. Uhl is a son of 8. Jereme Uhl, of
Cincinnati, a portrait painter, who
painted Lincoln nnd every succeeding
President except Roosevelt. He is a
cousin of Celes Phillips, painter.
In 1014 Mrs. Uhl noticed her hus
band was paying mere attention te his
painting than te his dinners. Many
times he became tee preoccupied te cat.
She went te Rene nnd divorced him. al
leging extreme cruelty as exemplified
in his missed dlnncre. Custody of their
daughter, Marien, was given te her.
Friends Although Divorced
In the jcars that followed they met
frequently and wrote constantly. He
They remarried in Santa Barbara,
Calif., in 1017.
studied painting In Europe, a while.
Intvad .
On October 5 she and Marien sailed
for Europe with plans prepared for
Mrv Uhl's later arrival. Mr. Uhl will
continue bin vocal work, being the first
American te nine Wagnerian opera
translated into Italian.
Marien inherit the artistic abilities
of her grandfather, father and mother,
nnd is te study painting at Lausanne.
Switzerland, where her parents will
Fer two years they were happy, but
Mr. Uhl had leurned In Europe that he
could sing and critics said he might
succeed Scettl. Fer the same cruelty
Mrs. Uhf divorced him In 1010, in Cal-
Mr. Uhl sang In New Yerk with the establish .their home.
Century Opera company ana in con
certs. Hareld McCermlck met him and
put him in the Chicago Opera Company.
But the jealousy et Mary Parden
J S - 1
r&arl VscMac&s
'"Tjilpin end Smith an
in oirect contact with
large pearl importers
and offer trwr personal
esrJicoe and xpsn price
in obtaining poarle or
paarl necklacas &
favorae prices
Original! Are ut en Exhibition by
Philadelphia Sketch Club
Original drawlngaby Jeseph Clement
Cell were placed en' view today at the
Philadelphia Sketch Club. 235 Beeth
Catnac street. The exhibition will continue-
until December 23.
Mr. Cell was a Phlladelphtan and is
known nationally for his pen work.
Fire Companies Dlhe Women
The Pioneer and the Independent flre
companies of .Tenkintewn were hosts
last night at a dinner te 100 women
who conducted an open-air carnival for
ths Are companies recently. Geerge
Youth Hurled Thirty Feet te Qreunt?
When Limb Broke Under Him
A thirty-feet fall from a tree which
he was trimming yesterday en his
father's property caused the death of
Oliver Barnes, eighteen years old, 14
Lee avenue, Willow Greve.
Barnes was employed by the Jehn
B. Stetson Company, this city. He
obtained leave jestcrday te work about
bis father's nlace, and was up the
tree at 4 P. M. when a limb broke. He
fell en his head and died three hour
later in the Ablngten Hospital.
WJ8MI. jrj msma
By the Connoisseur
j-rjrOMEN always want hand
Iis some Bilk stockings, particu-
' larly stockings of net only
finest quality, but of rare coloring
and design. Claflin's, 1107 Chestnut
Street, are displaying a very large
assortment of finest quality stock
ings in shades, tones, colors and de
sign from which a choice can be
made te suit the most fastidious
taste and meet the most exacting
requirements in color-matching.
fO matter hew arduous a morn mern
ji ing of Christmas shopping
- may be, complete mental and
physical rejuvenation is acquired if
lunch is eaten en the Balcony of the
Hetel Adelphia, ISth and Chestnut.
The feed is the utmost that expert
chefs can prepare. The service is
swift and quiet. The music leaves
nothing te be desired.
OXV that the winter season has
etantlu required. The Cun
commenced, taricabs arc con-
ningham Cab Ce. inaintain a Taxi
service composed of Dedge cars,
driven by expert, courteous, careful
chauffeurs, and there is no cxha
charge for any number of extra
passengers. Call Baring S500 for a
Cunningham Tari.
CANDY is as much part of
Cluistmas as mistletoe, holly
and Santa Claus, and Mon
tague's candies ate unexcelled in
quality, taste and appcaiancc. The
Montague shops ate located cen
trally, and the Montague shop at 0
Seuth 15th Stieet handles mail or
ders promptly. The Montague Dutch
Creams are a delectable confection
originated by and specialized in by
this firm.
rURINO tht rush of holiday
I J shopping and social engage
JL" menta clothing always be
comes a little the worse for wear.
A visit or telephone call or postcard
te Barg's, 1118 Chestnut Street, will
bring the Barg expert cleaning and
dyeing service; your garment will
be perfectly renovated (or dyed if
desired) and promptly returned,
looking as well as new.
1 have been given careful
r study by Wall & Ochs, 1716
Chestnut Street, including the exact
size and kind of glass suitable te
your everyday needs. Precision in
grinding of lenses, careful selection
of frames and particularly the cor cer
rect fitting by experts have wen
Wall & Ochs many new patrons who
had previously dapaired of obtain
ing satisfactory glasses.
OBTAINING the finest Oriental
Rugs at reduced prices before
Christmas is an exceedingly
unusual opportunity. Fritz & La
Rue, 1615 Chestnut Street, arc neiv
holding their pre-inventory Sale,
which applies te their entire stock
of every type and size of Oriental
Hug. An Oriental Hug ts a lasting
and handsome gift.
yj DIAMOND ring, a diamond
X4 breech, a necklace of dia
- - mends are exquisite and su
perb Christmas gifts. Bailey, Banks
& Biddle arc displaying a remark
ably beautiful assortment of dia
mond gifts. Incidentally this film is
the only place in town where it is
possible te obtain the polished gir
dle diamond, the most brilliant of all
OMPA RA TIVEL Y few persons realize hew exquisitely beautiful,
I appropriate and welcome a gift basket of fruit w upon any occasion.
' Hallewcll's, Bread and Chestnut, specialize in gift baskets of fruit
nnd maintain a staff of artists by whose skill each basket becomes a pic
ture made from delicious fmits
teed wunin eiw inuiieu.Hu. jeum
Delivery in perfect condition is guaran-
Stere Opens 9 A. M. Closes 6 P. M
The later closing as a Christmas convenience te busy shoppers.
Gift Suggestions
Chiffen Silk Hosiery
1.95; Regularly 2.95
All perfect, and wonderful at this
low price. Of geld, silver, gunmctal,
brenze and black.
Envelope Chemises
2.95, Special
Of heavy crepe de chine and radium.
Plain tailored and trimmed Beme
with real lace motife.
Others te 16M
Sweaters, 5.00
Values te 12J50
Of newest ntyles. Slip-ever and tux
edo effects. In smart plain colors,
navaje nnd checks.
Corduroy Robes
Special, 5.95
New breakfast coat and robe effects.
Geed quality. In cherry, rose, purple,
345 te 22.50
Seme hand embroidered, hand made,
with leal Irish lace trimming.
Mele Cape; hqulncl chain chin cellnr,
supeibly matched bkins. QfZ,00
Value 40S.00t price.... OOW
Muskrat Ceat; Bkins wonderfully
matched; 40-inch length. 1 1 1? 00
Value 150.00 s price JLJLO
Mink-Marmet Ceat; 40-inch; bcnutl
lully inutchud t.kins; cellnr and cuffs
of self. Value 225.00; J ? K,00
Wudjen htn la Vierf Itiuhrat,
Trench ficel. Uutil Ceney.
V T 1 tf 4
unrestricted cieice or 1 OFF
Every Hat in Our -?
Entire Millinery Stock at &
Make Reductions at Time of Purchase
Will Clese Out at Large
Fur Trimmed and
Plain Coats
Formerly up te 75.00
Ne Credit; Ne Exchangee ; Ne C. O. D'e
The winter's most deshable styles in straight-line, Housed
and draped. Of panvelaine, fashone, nrabclln and belivia. Mebt
of them trimmed with beaver, wolf, caracul and opossum.
Extra-Size Coats
Real Opportunity
Of Belivia nnd mnrleen, convertible cellaru and turn-back cuffs.
mi uonie, ethers in geed-looking sports models. Silk lined
throughout, warmly interlined and cut iu blcmlcrized lines.
We Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes the Larger Weman
The Honorable Jehn Wanamaker
Yesterday Morning
HUNDREDS of men and women
knew the Laun-Dry-Ette and
its wonderful labor-saving features.
They believe that the wringerless
washing machine delivers mere in
comfort, convenience and safety
than any washer obtainable.
Perhaps you are one of these peo
ple, or perhaps you haven t investi
gated it. Yeu can't really appre
ciate what the Laun-Dry-Ette will
de until you see it.
Why net make it a Laun-Dry-Ette
Christmas? Many of our customers are
reserving Laun-Dry-Ettcs for Christmas
delivery. We have a convenient payment
plan. Step the next time you are near
our 6terc or, phone us. Why net 6cttle
your Christmas problem right new and
decide upon a Laun-Dry-Ette ?
Send for Our List
of Electrical Gifts
1 . ! VI 1 r 1 k1 r 1 k I
1719 Chestnut Street
"If it haim wHrngtr tt isn't UuwDryEtte"
electric washintf ma.cliine
h KjB'wSy Pk "flBfljRR eSmKtrLWf 1BkB s M. I
Wjuuded hi 286S
The Heuse (hat Heppe built
iMracercted the Oae-Pric System la 1831
C J. Heppe & Sen. Central Stere 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts.
Heppe's sell only the
genuine Victer-
in Talking Machines
5h 1 per week
and it is said: "If it is
net a genuine Victer
Victrela it is a disap disap
peintment" A few Heppe-Oatfite
Vtctreia Ne. 210, StlO
Wttk ftt -worth of record.
fay eafy $1J0 weekly
Victrel Ne. 280, $210
With $10 worth of records.
Pay only ft JO weakly
Victrela Ne. 330, $380
WKh 10 worth of record.
Pay tmly fi uveJUy
Open Evenings Until Christmas.
We offer and really deliver
for only $3 70
a Francesca Upright Piane
a Francesca Player-Piane
for only
but, best of all, we offer
Pianos and Player-Pianos at
only a slightly higher price. Alse
Baby Grands
$fiO Upwards
1 ?J
. rTML - ----- "i JiLmim n w. I Pi
We are also the sole Phil
adelphia agents for the
two Greatest Grand
Pianos in the world-
tht Masen & Hamlin and
Henry r. Miller.
Cap or write for cafleffnes,
prices and particulars of the
Heppe 8-Year Rental-PMi-nentPlan,
v., i
i :
." ..- ....
k,. W, ,dLM!tLA1Cijiili-,j,tf,l.JU
. . . . . ( i
flMMMaIHkiriHriKmjaC3HIA( tfr '.' I III Avm