Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
'ny7S- - - ? Vfl EVENING' PUBLIC . LEbGER- iHILADl3tPfilA; WliJBEDiY, DECEMBER IS, 1032 t I I SIL tt; .' tt". 1 IS BBS II BIN CASE Killings t fewiru frrggcssg Frterney Kerr Suggest K 111 f.l ll Ml 1 A t lS Were jusimauie numiv-iuc, Net Murder, He Says NOW READY FOR EVIDENCE v By a Staff Correspondent of the Evening Public Ledger M-irlnii, III.. Ver. 1.'! bale's At At terncv Untv twlny utitlitierf th oiIe s case hpalnit tli the iMt-iitlnnti rharsul with tlie murder !nt .I""- 11' Heward lIefTmnn nt thf I.eMcr Strip Mine nt Herrln. Atternrr Putv nlilresvl tm jury without tiny fermnllj purpared xjuwli. TIp Im n r.'imlilinc. ttieuu'li eitic-niin-s picture iuclv I'leqiii'nt, siv.inei . When he had concluded Ins demand (or i-en- Tlctlen tlie di'tenv- outlined 11 ia"e. Denies Kllllnc; W.is Mtirritr Angus W. Ki'rr. tlru-i eenn-vl for tlie. defeiKf, In till xtntt-nvni i tin- jmy denivd that tlie Killing ft Heti'miMi "en- ' stitiited murder mid declared th.it lie vnulil preie that none uf the ti . rti i fondant-" win rrc-ent at tin Killing. . "The iinh murder tint ..is !. -milled ditrins tli uff-ilr T. the ii.iir-dt-r tint tii4 eiiinimttiM l 1 1 1 utrikc-hreaker" and smninn. he in I "ulipti tlie hilled three lil.rr.j -tei . pi-'ici-flil iiitu weikir.' Up referred te the l.illini: -C .tutil'i i HenderMen. ;n M-iilcitw and .Tm- IV- cheiVw. uniiiti men, en ii nibUi' r . 1 by armed cuinli at the -tn; initie t ) dav prpppdiiM the net. "Thp hillnu' t llxftnrin and In- p FeeintPS did net cunttt ite v.uvde", b .' Iiemieidp." , , . Kerr piW.-id the jur th: i- n-e ill fheu "in this rn-e that ti- ( 1 .rk, Bert (trace. .JiiMpli "artt.iclu. I." i Mann and IVter lli'le- t.l . i.-t. i. nnt1 net enh had n:linij uu-it-w ' ' d. with the l.ilhnc f Hku-tiI I1eTi n ' or mi) uf his a-een'p-. .mt iiiit tin weie in iiesititnix and pi.iP" n '"'" when it vkiiM have 1"" ide-u-a U imnessiblp 1'T limn te have l.-i 1 inn thine te 1" "" H XV'" "'U n ' ' Lire a treat nuiiiher of uvn if rtpuie in their i!iiii:iiunit. vlw wre inri-, in iilniis the line . t nviri h w iii 'i h d '. . tlie ldiue of the l.illm.-. Tin -ii! '"I you that nut a m-uIc . H" ut U.' " il" ivnd'inii .i in that march. "Almest An Ait JastifleU" "In this t.i"-e ue will llw J oil a lern; i-eilts of .ibue whu'i jjsi.tnd almost am nt ui""i tl.p I,-'f: f man; etlur'i a-! ! trem thf- detend.ints. will hhe t'.at tils ' mnl'Teii" -einm , e the sunmeii liiiimrtid fruai the C'n- ' CBRO tlnp-he'WPi te the U-ter t-tup mine inthimed the mmmunit. tinit th.s i nrath iMendPtl t ml spreal outside iti thp ieunt. tli.it many str.K.ptr- v pi hre; that liferal'j suhip f urs b ins liiMiMts from ether Slates ime n the vleiiut. tlui tra. piers ir,;ii tl liub.ii- liigh'i.1-. had If'ii assaiiUeil b the dieeased an 1 his .i-"i ..itis. "In t.iel -....I no abb- t- Mi(. that the tu-st et the.l'. e.i-ed and i i isseclntPs who were UilK'd viri- t.itkiu from the lui" of man h l a man net i a defendant in a'i of the nuln Uiyit rpturnul in this t-Jiinn. lleeniiii fr i.ii afar for the purp'tsi. he s.iil. of wi-eal.-.n re-nip upon tin- man v he Imd dmpii lrm and his tnrnil lien tin ir heiup and "ill hi- littlv iiuldreii eit, into the (old t tt irve. "lntit a pian.i. i'ii-t and -irib. i , pemmiiniu of sinUin: m'n -r." Kur eeiltinued. "tlie Seuth' rn 1 minis ( e. i i Cempanj breuabt it" k'ni of hired a Misins. net te inete. t property, l's tpr breu.ihi them in hue v.itli i.iarhn.e jitns. hiBh-l- r-d lilies, u.ti. niii matie p-il'ie pistols, with all the most i ilestriKtue tin irne known t modern srli'TICP .Nell ' of l.esler'i preliel' riclits was .isf.nlt-d. 'J'hele w is ii Sab hathllke i.ilm tieiu one ml el Wjllian- , son County te another "With n'l equip iient e' men fid i!iin I.i-tlei establish, d an iirmv hfad ipinrters, trem wbieu Im he letlM invade and teiteri-- tie leii.muaiH te lae cstert of inurilir. Arneld ill- uuii men we tmd tlie ib-. 'i' Hew-irn Iloff Ileff iiinn, hum sjiid i i tin juri t ' Im' been in tin 'pei.i. ' c ii. iwiili' w In n he v.as 1 uleii. ' , Itccltw rts of ielrnrc Kerr cnu'in ri'id iiieii nrt-i of i e. ( Ipnip l) ihfs' ai!",'ed .iinir.rnen farm ers and ininrrs, trem .linn 1" te .Tune 21, i.hpii tlie thne union lmueis weie killed lij mine -uard. I ! ijuett-d the Mntpineni made l.i Atlernej (ipiipi.i1' Tlrunilicp. low assisr-r.j lie prose i u-i tinn: "Tint was a-i npin eli-illenpi. te the. idle, rlNsat'slied an I. in mam eases hungrj. Mm for a bait I". Ihn i in MirnriM, tlurifere, i.t v.hut n..r pened." "Wie is mera'.h , lesalli repoiisil)!e for these kil!ia;;s' ' .irkul Keir. ' Cen- ( nider tin- iinlawftl entiMin-e into thi count, tlie unlawful attempt i niln eeal. tlu unlawful bri'vn , .nte t t I'enntv of tin- 1 'in 1 et niurdepr-, t ' . only ftTiet ff wlmi ("ilhl he te itir UJ il.serd'r, net and bn-uh et the p ,ii-c lis we will i-I.t " ". Tii.it was t1,. il-st overt. Uleawfi.l in-t wliiej, I(.(l ti 'he killings, and we will show , reliable author. t trem the eeiu n e' the land that thesi. . ure nin i t (l "Wii will show jeu that the preM-ei-ttnn is mistaiiPii when thpy sn , t (t nnv eiti7in has a riRln te unin. i. 1 without question, pspnlaih wleu t' mining of that coal inel;s the brn -Ins into the ireintv et inurdi-is. e eentend that that act bueines unlaw j fill, and that when e-n- sets , H upon ( an unlawful mission and m-innip mb 'l'r. mission b. nets el welenre, bv murder and then n. a lenveipiem e e his munitions nets he liimst-li is Lilhu flint the law lnsrit'ifs tin (.'nunc that Is an t-'c u-ahlp, jiisiifiable killliu; "Th- Slatf has did ion that .'in i 'iPeplt or iiieri lernied the mob O , of HOOU or nor- peupl.. tht Stat, h ' Hi-betid Hi" whom thei .aiu te m ' ptim Whv, then mi i nsk, are tin si live iiiilieleil'r Ileausi- th prni utni. utni. niltheritles of the Slat.- of llliim ' Ttlelded le prrate iiilliiene -. 'Ihur Jlliice and tin ii- statu- is t tk"ii b i prliate orKanivatien eomiie,fd of nn'n uf Ki-eat wealth, the IPiuei-, Chamber of Ceiuuieree. Aeluated b a ilfiip for ifiijfeiinen, eiiRer te tin atnlhiu,' that will helii te destrei ertrani.id lihur, tha Chamber of ( en meree is the or.;nui"a er.;nui"a or.;nui"a tien that piem uttd this raie ' LANDSLIDE FOR BOLSHEVIKI Restricted Number of Voters Electc 1498 Communists Mnirev. , Pee. 1.1 (My A. 1 SUGGESTIONS Helpful in Selecting the Christmas Gift I GOLD Bar Pins. 5-50 Broechcf. '5--20 Derine Bexes, M0-J33 Flwiblc Bracelets I 3-62 Cuff Pins. 1. 50-20 Lingerie Cl.vps, ?3.75-"9 Ringi. 8-5 1 00 SILVER Card Casc. l5-30 Leckcli. 5-M0 Pencils. 2-M0 Vanity Cases, I 7-M5 Derine Bexes, 5-M6 I;euntam Pens. 5.50-l2 Mesh Bags, 25-H00 PLATINUM AND DIAMOND WRIST WATCHES '273.8rin BRACELETS 100-3200 Van Dusen and Stokes Ce. 1123 CHESTNUT ST. ,TSTAMMERERS; TIip tremcnilem nec nt lli Kliutt'y J'liih tmnniict nt tlie Hetel AilMlililn, Mnintii eirn'nir, litrKi-lr title te tlie rnrt tlmt iiiuiu tlifiu I'd nisnilx-rn tnr infr tnniinrreM -ilcllTfnu mifeeliri. Coin" tn (In- Tree Lcturc Kvrr Tkreiy frenliiB at N.l. umt lenra all nbfi-t n mrtlinii thnt cn prrKluru mich rettiiltt. LPiHtnvii follnMeit br n JTce Irlat U-' int. Si nil for IwUIttt. Tltr. KIN08I.EY PLAK yere Than a Scheel' ""' WALNUT g" ' " ttANEW YOKK'S club. lJj LIKE HOTEL htxraitag Times Square (Southwest) INDIVIDUALITY I BisKit. j.uu te . M vk BAR PINS 125-'2-)00 sg--ci.5z:cz- " W -w w .v ' IB t ONE-DAY TRIPS Excursus Frem Philadelphia via f'The. Readin.q1' r . ,IBf ' 3Riai ffiJB tot a I WK""05" I 1.VERY SUNDAY 650 New Yerk C -1 7-p M c: (i ft ii irft J e' .te Ar Atlantic City Ocean City Stene Harber Vildwoed Cnpe Mav i etlwr Sunday i..i K.xcrtisie.s Sunday, December 24 ZOUXD S 300 Cli-tnat and for ATLANTIC LtlT rtrtf A M Fer OiJIER Iftrfl Chftnu t. uih i.t TttT. IIETUIININU UlVJ ATLANTIC CImY OTJiZK TASiienr arser.Ts wjiS CUV SEA'.UOR RCS0IIT3, St rrry 7 SO A. X . 10 A M, f 15 P 11 BC0P v "ififrii-a' Wonder Ctiu ' Tin- t vUlt tnenjt uni ten -hmjy areidwvr. Fifth Arnu, S:'.j of Llbertr Onnt'i Tomb, th S.-.yjjriperj! 6;tcll trull Iei p.EADtl.O 7lr.lSI.VAL I 09 A. M ltepi:r 11 Cel'-nMa At- , Ilaatlniil'c St , Wrsc Ju-c-.lcn. Leein and Jnklstev:, retuxn::ie ihiu vest sjd street s 47 p. m.; libeitty street. 00 p x. negien iss "a Tarr.i-v ni Knttner Cltr J 'W iuncnv, uecemuer 1 1 O'lrtet Kiinriy ), HhcQicdeitli, UU. A h 1 a a ii. !4t. innr.t; ml $0.25 $3-50 !.cia. t.-n.t IciVCJ IlEACISO TLSHIKAI. 1 OP A H Iteps.SC It Cel-n-'i t Atni.ii il'iatlccai.a S'n lli.iiis!t Cenil-jl.oelven nzi Norrltea S 5J...0 Street . 1 or fJs-.aiU-.l information rrardinn above Excuraicns consult j til- s,ce fljers. Tickets may be purchased prier te dates of Excursions Saving 200 te 800 en Better Trucks "In our national fleet of SO trucki, Our maintenance ceit en Stewart e'.hcr we operate." Chassis Prices Utoljten $1445 114 te 2 1790 2it3 2390 3aie4 3190 "UtililT Wsjen" 2590 Ib. cip. 124S . . b. Burial we ie 20 StewarU, it lower than any E. H. CULP, Sep'. Aute Dept. Thf O. .1. (iuile .. N. V, Stewart trucks cost $200 te $300 less than average. And they consistently prove their superiority, working side by side in the same fleeti with costlier trucks. Last longer, cost less te run and maintain, and render steadier, mere reliable service. That is why truck users add Stewart after Stewart as their needs increase. In all sizes for all uses. Gemery Schwartz Moter Car Ce. Sales Keem, 128-1 10 North Bread Useful Articles of Silver Plate Are Pleasing Christmas Gifts Silverplatcd ware, although inexpensive, is always appropriate as Christinas gifts. The quality is excellent, sure te give years of service. Wc show an endless variety. -4k Jv Bread tray, neatly pierced border, 12V long. ?4.73. Deuble Dish a most use ful Article. The cover can be used as a separate dish, length H' S10.50. Colonial candlesticks, 7" high. Per pair. 55. Onr new catalog contains mere than 4000 photographic illustrations call or write for & copy. S. Kind & Sens, UIO Chestnut Street DIAMOND MERCHANTS-JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS . Service Station, 2400-11 Market St. M aalasiaa -"""""",l", ' MOTOR TRUCKS AKVKIlTI'.r.MKNT AnVI.KTI'-KMnVT Philadelphia : Readi:i,i Railway sHA Travel en I S2l9tBSF!MagS. "The Reading" 9 i mI asflBfiTTIv H iBlcBHIS!sV I HaK , 1'er These Who Fellow I RE AND THERE eHOME NEEDS a, ty (&H& The 4 4 4 ; hila- lectric Cleaner en this unrivalled offer Me.kes the Best Christmas Gift of All! tee attachments tWi Stev T-y 1 Nt'itr'j c.jiiipipt' ii-tunib fruiii i the Moft'ev, Huuct miew tli.it llUS (Jein- i iiiuniht') ii'iil 110 imii-piiri tlcimties M'cre clct'tctl in tliu biillutlns which he Han ,ii week .iri'. I Only erK(is aim persons tn uie pun lie burslrn with i-iitltlcd t eU The t-onstUutiei) burs iiureliiiiiti, hre'ii'rs iitid all eliibies uf emplejrrx. nni.riAKi.l reMithiis tti;iii;iH fiptcll dlMpniclu's from helm rt-pgrt tt. castur or Kumenaei inu ct-mer or mom lwirr pctHlllOK. Tlie wide rearli Yes, a $10 set of cleaning attach ments (the complete set) will be given absolutely free with each feWPhila. Electric Cleaner sold be- SmlAL tween new and Christmas. And te $jr make this wonderful unnstmas preposition even mere acceptable, we are offering this cleaner en the easiest kindef easy payments: Only $2.50 Down and the balance in convenient monthly payments Lets of ether Electric Gifts at the Electric Shep me this column still continues, telling jeu of some et the better feeds, and "Heme Needs" been "Here and There." Frem Freihefer, their first choice, at this s-easun, their special Xmas fruit cake the delectable in a fruit cake, a perfect blending of fresh eggs., brown sugar, walnuts fruits from every w here mellowed one year old and packed in the useful and artistic metal box et old blue and geld will pree a really pleasing and timely Yuletide efTcring etery house woman will appreciate. Sold in all feed shops new at $3.00. In lcry is a corner or per per Heme haps a window space permitting even in iting te complete the room n comfortable couch bed. Have you seen the convenience an Knglander affords? This couch bed, built for sanitation, an important factor te the fastidious, busy hoineweman, i convertible into a full-size bed for restful sleep. Cretonne covered, one pictures it with a background of similar hang ings a sincerely welce ne furnishing. It is found in all better furniture departments. Interesting, a n illiiHtratrd booklet C-l of products made by this well-known reliable manufacturer. Write Kng lander Spring Bed Company. 100 W. .T2d rit New Yerk C'itj, for it. Sweet, Yet the tnayonnaipe Tart new being mrdc and sold by Mrs. (J. L. Harting. We associate jellies with this name and new majennaiBe. It was in teresting some weeks aire te watch this mayonnaise being made and perfected. Yeu haic confidence in her jellies this comes with the same studied attention net the !tey creamy kind, but light with a delicious sweet and tart taste that lends a distinct desirable snn te any salad in all feed shop". With Candle glowing fire Lights Huriiing plnces s"''es of Santa Claus cernini; with his sleigh bells and Ginger Ale made from Hires Hoiische'd Extract make a peaceful Christmas Kve. This amber cup of spark ling cheer, made in your own home lends an acceptable and healthful bevcracre that is truly thirst-quenching. Fer Every you knew and Kiddie remember at this season include a cake of Kiddie Seap in your Christmas package. Quite the newest, pure nov elty in soap being marketed. Kiddie Seap of ingredients prepared for baby skins in dainty small bars that fit in chubby little hands and en each cake a Mether Geese picture in colors that de net wash off. Every Kiddle will love the Mether Geese rhyme Iwek each box contains for this holiday season. Pictorial Man ufacturing Cempanj, Camden 960. Here in vet seen, the Philadelphia natural mineral water Roucegue may be purchased. Frem the mountains of Italy, containing phosphorus and iron and recommended ter health building children or adults curathe, a meal time tonic. Its importers, Mediatery Company, 112 W. Ureadway, New 'i erk. send literature and information if you write them. Gracious, appreciate and I'nassuming sere desserts Hostesses made with Gela tine Cox's first, because of its feed value; then because of the light, soluble and dccer.it ic dish for dainty serving. Skill in feed Reparation the natural birthright of cery feminine woman can truly be brought out and aided with the use of Cox Gelatine and their tested recipe book all feed shops new supply free. Adventure for boys. Bedtime und stories with mother Remance e r Longfellow's poem "Eangelinc" for the little mere mature mind are among the hculthful rending one finds for imp. nlle readers In holiday bind ings at the Itaptist Heek Shep 1701 Chestnut St. Milten Rradley books, many in number te select from, will jiree most interesting and instructive reading. We express our deep feeling en the death of JOHN WANAMAKER America's leading Merchant, whose business career has been an inspiration te all ether merchants and has notably raised the standard of business conduct throughout the world. Oppenheim.llins&. in all sizes and colorings, t-xiiuisite Persian Rugs ( hinese blues, rich rose colorings all from fa fa meus foreign looms, the offer effer ing at the auction sale of the Plaza Art Reems, .r9th St. at Fifth Ave., New Yerk, next Wednesday at 2 o'clock. All sales at the Plaza Art Jtoems are sales of art in furniture, marbles, bronzes art home furnishings. De your Christmas Chopping at the Electric Shep, Tenth end Chestnut Street - it's loemn: the display attractive any Luyuutv. J,KiMitK' Terelcn rvtua MAIM nihility. ItcaU I lle I'erelzu make tarly publication of uch fact unu mil A (irpiuu .icmm I Neua ? nf thu 11 urea u a nej. I'd.-e ut and well-arranged; the salespeople unusuall The PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY TKHTH AJID CHESTNUT STRICT tS.lhS. JinDUmidSM. Frank' ii Am. 4 ftXeM Si. Kutll " CUmMJ SI. mbS.dCUlunWAra. Bm u.4 RuMnibSu.(Utn aa W . CMlm Af. Bread n4 Wturtan 9U. DELAWARE COUNTY ELECTRIC COMPANY rinn MMr Lmu4wim jfHenu BREAKFAST Fruit IJaren Omelette Coffee Cake l'reihefcr Coffee LUNCHEON Mint Filling Snndw irhes CeYs- Gelatine Midgets Freihofer Ginger Ale Hires Household F,tr.ict DINNEli Lream of Cern Soup (. hicken Pie linked Sweet Petate Spinach Grupefruit Salad Harting s Majennnise Light Nut Fruit Cake Freihofer Coffee Advt. On January 1st, 1923 and until further notice Interest will be allowed en Savings Fund Accounts (net subject te check) at 4 COMMONWEALTH Title Insurance and Trust Company N. W. Cor. 12th and Chestnut Streets Capital $1,000,000.00. Surp,U8 $,,50e.000.00 Funds held in Trust mere than $26,823,497.53 I f fifii . I iiSii ' fi . Reflinf a ia.uv n -. Table Umpi I TchS 8-LijM Tree $2150 'gf' Lighting A ' Outfit., $135 I ' jcfmaW. MiifiSfka-vl N.E.Cer. vi I IjHgljPM 13th & - -mt ArchSti. Z H BS end Bletf "" H S12.S0 Baf ' rren Re ' V 3 Jllncki Frem BreiJ I1 IM St. SUtlOB A Gift FREE With Every $15 Purchase and Over Frem New Until Xmas Wc Will Held Our Holiday Sales of LIGHTING NOVELTIES AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AT bensatienally low pricesi Every lamp offered at these prices is fullu complete. Only a limited number. Fleer $1A-50 I Bridie $V95 . Miherinv T.M. JCn ; I tX . - yMbVw Umpj.. J.U UMp, . O I mme. special. . $3 I Lamps with silk shade. Snrrial $7-00. Vite $17IBondeir SO iCi.l. m ii ,-. , . 1. 111104 J La.-nps Lames l iamna Kince lern. 6-lh. Jlot-peint I Electric .lr Oirer Eltctne Elcctr c renj, Curlen Te.iteri, $0.50 $5.9S si ,,' t i . x TftlN mSF sK I aet tL & M $4.859S $12.50 i1 jfZz&ISMWBB I Sm a aaVi av mtMm tMaanaflaWil llflHil 111 time E Open Men ' JV& I V.'ea,. Iri. II yVWiaVv I Stt. Evu, MdJSHW Rl iCT Lt'P' rnEE DELivEttT vMmmUJf !. E. Cor. 13th & ArchSU. thgri'lUQ 1.UNII 'ATk It a UtllW; t' l I