Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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Dr. Slaten Removed Frem Feuity
of William Jewell College
.hL Me . Dec. IB. -(By A. P.)
Liberty Me.. 10. j .
Dr. A. Wakefield Slaten b Men
dlnnlMed from the faculty of W tlllam
JevfMl College nn, uwuu... i .,....
B MJe" Utettr, president of tbt
fcerd of college trustees, after a re
must by the trustees that he resign
rtK refused.
Disapproval by the mere conservative
.foment In the Baptist Church of some
of Dr. Blaten'a views, adduced in his
Masses m biblical history and rollgleus
education was assigned n the reason
Keep Christmas with
The gift that helps te make the Christmas merry; then keeps
the picture story of the merriment.
Kodak and draft Camera
of vry ttyU in tteeh.
Autographic Kedaks $6.50 te $100.00
Brownies $2.00 te $17.00
Eastman Kodak Ce.
1020 Chestnut Street
XHgh-qrade Developing Finishing Enlargement
Albums Calendar Frames Btereopticen
Start aQenuinePcarlNecklaceforYeur
3 Pearls $300
S Peoria $7J0
0 Pearls $10.00
XSS,Mv,,iN' vtSwffiw
Th Add--Pearl Necklace oeruUti of group of genuine Oriental pearls
truns en Uk cord, inserted In fine geld neck chain, se that addi
tional pearls of any number may be added en birthdays, Christmas
and ether special occasions until the necklace Is completed.
S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st.
ill mm
Buperb example of pure
grten color. Kien IuntJ
XVllth Century, one 10'
Ugh, ene sis high.
aTilaw A-. i i
'"- - J ' l
We Want Yeu te Share
in Our Success
PANY, because of its steady and gratifying
progress, is new prepared te pay
4 Interest en Savings Accounts
The people of Philadelphia have built the
success of this bank, and we want the people of
Philadelphia te enjoy our new rate of interest.
Open an account yourself and tell your friends '
f the opportunity. '
Central Trust & Savings '
Market and Fourth Streets
Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000
i?rr,jJJ;m,Mft, WnWh m be ffrt,
Al r. niiucn sniu mat nignt conscrve
thea of 4he church hnd threntrncd te
withdraw support of n $100,000 cam
pn)gn for ,,,,,, f0r u,,, unlcB1
he was dismissed.
., J?.r' Slaten Is author of n book,
hnt jMU Tn n rc
d t0 )mve ,,,,, thc bcl,ef
that "thc dceppst rclljtleus attitude In
entirely cotiinnllhle with n World view
in harmony with present knowledge."
Wolves Near Gates of Rome
Reme, Dec. 13. (By A. P.) Five
persons were frozen te death In Reme
Monday nlsht and similar canes are re
ported from ether cities. The Apen
nines arc covered with snow. Wolves,
because of the lack of feed, have de
fended te the plains and nre seen al
most ut the gates of the capital.
9 Pearls $15.00
IOPerla $20.00
12 Pearls 32&00
REASURED by emperors
and mandarins, Jade, in
all its wondrous shades of
green and white, has for
centuries held foremost place as
the chosen medium of the sculptors
and carvers of the East for the
expression of their marvelous skill.
In the magnificent collection of
Jade recently imported by us,
apart from pieces whose rarity com
mands the interest of the con cen con
neisaeur, are many delightful small
examples whose moderate coat
makes them supremely appropriate
and artistic holiday gifts.
h . . w I
,s - i
Mmm rfJm
WB -ijaaaasajl i-aj-TlfJ -iV - "MfT"""""'rr ,T",MJ'Ms s
Gifts for Every Weman in
the Toilet Goods Stere
Fer ene her favorite Perfume, for another a Perfume Boudoir
Lamp, or a Set of Toilet Articles for her dressing table. Delightful
gifts te select and receive
Toilet Articles
Are of celluloid, but there's
the soft tint of ivory, the glow
of amber or thc richness of tor
toise shell in coloring. Designs
are all as slmple or as ernate
as ene may desire. Hair
Brushes, Combs. Mirrors,
Bexes of all kinds, Manicure
Articles, Clocks, Photo Frames
and Trays, sold singly or in
complete sets. Prices 50c te
$20.00 each.
Fine Perfumes
The gift of her favorite Per
fume will delight a woman.
Yeu may choeso from theso of
bucIi well-known perfumers as
Coty, Heubigant, Richard Hud
nut, Rigaud, Colgate, Gucldy
and Prechahke, of Vienna.
Frem Paris are odors of rare
and delightful fragrance in ex
quisite boxes that are cheics
gifts In themselves. Perfumes
1.50 te ?18.00.
Men's and Yeung Men's
Overcoats for the Holidays
$30, $35, $40
Even if last season's ovcrce-it is still wearable, most men
will like ene of these new ones for Holiday wear. Especially
as the three prices $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00 are considerably
below the actual value of the Overcoats.
A wide choice of smartly tailored Ulsters. Ulsterettes, box
and Chesterfield models, with na unusually complete assortment in
large sizes.
Suits With Twe Pairs of Trousers,
Remarkable at $23.50 and $32.50
Suits made as well as these, of such sturdy woolens, and with
two pairs of trousers, give maximum service-, while such prices
assure maximum value!
Sizes for all men, regular, stout, short, tall and slender, and
a wide selection of all-wool fabrics from which te choeso a pat
tern and color te please $23.50 and $32.60.
Gifts from the Men's Clothing Stere are Gifts well chosen.
. ou can either select these gifts yourself, for men, or purchnse
gift certificates for them, which permits a man te come in and
select the clothes he wants te the amount of the certificate. Sug
gested are: Tuxedo and Evening Dress Suits, Fur and Fur-lined
Coats, Muckinuws, Sheep-lined Coats, Beparate day and evening
5V-V "taTnrtTMfs A Clothier Second Fleer, Et
' ' ' M I .
r-jM IWlbaaMU' OUL
Real Christmas Stockings
and Everyone Remembered
There will be u bmile of pleasure when men and women, and
boys and girls, tee, find that Santa Claus has remembered them
with such Stockings as these.
Stockings Women Will Like
Silk Stockings with cotton
lops and eelca, black, Cordo
van, Russia calf and suede
English Sports Hese, broad bread broad
rlbbed, In heather mixtures
Full-fashioned Ingrain Silk
Stockings with mercerized tops
and selcsj black, Cordovan, tan
and dark gray $1.85.
Women's English Ribbed
Weel Stockings, full-fashioned,
in pretty heather mixtures
Fer Children
Infants' White Cashmere
Stockings C5c.
Infanta' White Silk - and -wool
Stockings 75c.
Infants' White Silk Stock
ings, sizes 4 and 4 Mi nt 85c:
sizes 5 anil CW, $1.00, and 6 and
8tt $1.25.
lt,ll.lrnM tTitlO RIMlPc! fift.
ten Stockings, hlnck. white and
'"" "" ::-: ,-"" -. "vr
40c: i'ndWte 10 l" "'
l,'I.IM....d I'mrllull TMMtml
. ,...n..i. mil....
Weel Hese Mack und heather
mixturtis $1.50.
Children's Bread - ribbed
Sports Hose with roll tops
tOe a pair.
Beys' English Gelf Hese,
ribbed wool with fancy tops
$2.00 te $3.50.
Beys' Heiivy-w'pht Ribbed
Cotten Stockings, with double
knees, sizes 8 and 83, 40c: 0
te 10. 45c: and 10 Hi te 11 'i
- Btrwbt
Starts Behind tk Ceiiter
Perfume Burners
In the guise of Boudoir
Lamps, that glow through the
delicately tinted porcelain and
perfume the air with one's
favorite scent Such charming
shapes as they assume a
dainty dancer, a lantern, and
many anether whimsical bit of
ornamentation $5.00 te $45.00.
Fjem a wee Httle ene of
colored glass te a Pcrfumlzei
that is a charming ornament
$1.00 te $30.00.
Gift Novelties
Thcre are Smelling Salts in
attractive bottles, Cream Jars,
Powder Jars- and Inconse
Burners in fascinating array.
And Manicnre Sets in leather
cases, te go in one's traveling
bag. Gifts in this group
$1.75 te $16.fJ0.
Strawbrldga ds Clettlcr Abls D, Ctnttt
English Silk - and - wool
Stockings in most desirable
shades $3.00 and $3.50.
Ingrain Silk Stockings, in
black with pretty lace clocks
English Silk - and - wool
Stockings with Silk embroider
ed clocks $4.00 and $4.50.
Full-fashioned Black Lisle
fateckings 75c n pair.
Imported Black Cotten Stock
ings full-fashioned, with un
bleached soles 75c. Out sizes
Men's Gift Socks
Mercerized Cotten Serks, In
black, Cordovan, navy blue and
?!&"a5c a palr 3 Pnl" 'or
Fibre Silk Socks. In black
and color 50c a pair,
Pure Silk Socks, In blnck
and colors 7ec a pair.
Entr a
Lnglish Socks, of heavy
$ Kin Wn. "PvybEJ
ulu nun ui'i'iiner inixtnm
85c a pnir.
Full-fnshiened Silk Socks, in
n wide selection of colors, and
block-$1.00 n pnir.
English Socks of plain colors,
or fancy ribbed wool $1,25.
"Merley" Weel Socks, nupor nuper
H no and super-warm, In pray
black and heather mixtures-..
$1.50 and $2.00 a pair; in plain
colors with embroidered clocks
Clethlcrv-ElghUi and Uirkat Stree'u
... vjr euijca 9c.eu a pair.
Smile Tkt Gees
Concert tip
III tfje Cfjerus:
M flliif Te-morrow
'jfcSaB Mm. Come early hear the chorus
-fJf IV and start your Christmas
j tLtWasUKBaBB shopping at a tlme when
mmaW-mS09" cheesing eTUta is the greatest
Program for Te-morrow
I The Heavens Are Telling Vl'" V."A,U?;yiJl
II Rest, Weary Earth Arthur M. Goedhart
III While All Things Were in Quiet Sllence ....Oliver King
IV O Hely Babe A. C. Mackenzle
V Hallelujah Chorus Handel
JPi'Wtem S. Thundtr at the Sohmer Grand Piane
Incidental Tableaux by Members of the Stere Family.
(The above program will be breadcasted through our Radie Station)
An Inexhaustible Supply
of Men's Gift Shirts
Se it would seem, in thi3 active, bustling, value-giving Shirt
Stere, where a constant, unending stream of new Shirts keeps
stocks always plentiful and fresh. Gift Shirts for men are here at
prices te please everyone $1.35, $1.45, $1.55, $2.15 and $2.50
for cotton Shirts: some with silk Btripes, $2.15 and $2.50; Silk
Shhts at $5.00, $6.60, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00.
3 - fltrawbridg & Clotbter Eaut Stere, ElfbtH fltrttt
Beys' Pajamas
Beys will ap
prove the com cem
f ortable cut
and the neat
frog trimming.
Fer these Pa
jamas were all
made specially
te our order and
arc all of the better kind.
Fancy striped madras, $1.86.
Of striped shirting or all
white fancy madras of excel
lent quality $1.75.
Of colored soisette or flne
white madras $2.50.
Of eutinir flannel $1.60,
$1.85 and $2.00.
Onc-piece Outing Flannel
Pajamas $1.25 and $1.75.
Stravibrldu & Clothier
BcceuJ I'lixir, Crntir, Eitt
Beys' Warm All-Weel
Mackinaw Coats at $9.75
A new shipment arrives te previde mere welcome gifts for
8- te 17-ycar-eld beya. Nicely made, with large convertible cellar,
muff and side pockets and full belt. In popular dark heather
shades; worth one-third mere $9.75.
Winter Overcoats at Sale Prices,
$9.50, $12.50 and $14.50
New i3 thc time te get the new Overcoat at n saving in price.
All-wool Chinchilla Overcoats, 3 te 8 years. Sale price $9 50
Warm all-wool Overcoats, many with raglan sleeves; sizes 9 te'
18 years. Sale price $12.50.
Excellent wool-lined Overcoats, with deep muff pockets. Sizes
14 te 17 years, Sale price $14.60.
with two pairs of full-lined ,.--. ,n n. j , a
knickerbockers, in a wide range f treu"ere tailored, of fine
of new models and choice fab- "-wool materials in the sea-
Size3 7 te 17 years
Wilten Rugs
Gifts That Last
Frem the 27 x 54 - inch
"threw" Kug te the large
11.3x20.foet roem-sizo Hug,
what could be mero practical,
hiitiug and acceptable than a
Wilten Bug. Appealing de
signs and colors te choeao
from, tee.
Rami Wilten Gift Ruga
27x51 inches $9 and $9.75
y(ixt3 inches S15 nnd $15.75
Superfine Wilten Ruga
27x54 inchps $13 and $14
36x63 inches $20.25 and $22
Roem-Size Royal Wlltena
6x9 feet, $47.50 and $57.50
8.3x10.0 $81.50 and $83.50
9x12 feet $83.50 and $87.50
Extra-large Wilten Rugs"
0x15 feet $180.00
11.8x12 feet $180.00
10.6x13.6 feet $147.00
11.3x15 feet $160.00
10.6x18 feet $210.00
11.3x18 feet $210.00
10.6x20 feet $230.00
11.8x20 fret $230.00
Btrwbrlilir ft Clothier
Fourth Fleer, Weit
1923 Foulards for
Christmas Gifts
A beautiful showing of the
Foulards for spring, 1923,
ready for Christmas gift
seekers. Foulards are greut
ly favored every gift season,
nnd the 1923 patterns are se
lovely, t.-e nre Belling mero
than ever. AH in the 30
jnch width $2.00 a yard.
Uroadcleth Shirting for
Men and Women
Anether excellent gift item
-Shirting Silks, the firm,
durable Broadcloth Shirtings
that tailor se well. Wonder
ful assortment of stripes and
colorings $2.00 a yard.
StnwbrtJfe. & Clothier-.
Alile 0, Centra
With Every Ckistiias Gi
at Strawkidge & Oetliier's
S. & C. Special
Larger women find them the
most comfortable for general
wear. They held the Igure
firmly, but are flexible enough
se that ene can bend and steep
with case. Medels for all
types of larger women,
whether short, of average
height or tall. Every model is
heavily boned and reinforced
ever the abdomen. Prices
$1.50 te $8.50.
Special at $2.50
An excellent model of pink
or white ceutil, with low bust,
long hips, elastic section in
back and graduating front
clasps $2.50.
Htrawbrldfe A Clethlr
TMrt Fleer. Marktt Street, Wnt
son's most desired styles. Shuts
8 te 18 years $14.75.
Clothier Sec nil rioer, nibert Strwt, Eait
Many Are Buying
Blankets for Gifts
pure wool
-.M-r.- j ju.hu uianx-
waniea color
c e m b inatien
flO.00, $12
and $15.00 a pair.
Fine wool-mixed white
Blankets with daintv border
colorings $8.50, $12.00 and
$15.00 a pair.
BtnwbrlOte Clothier
XUt 13, FUbert Strwt
Fer Everyone
An extensive assortment
hore insures easy selection of
geed model for any member
of the family.
of piece-dyed union taffeta
(silk-and-cotton), with fancy
bakelite top or bakelite
handles, finished with rings or
straps $3.50.
Of tape-edge atln gleria,
with smart looking handles
at $5.00.
Of taffeta silk, in blue, green
and purple, with short fernile
nnd white or amber color tips
and handles of amber color
bakelite or bakellte-trimrncd,
Jimmied with rings or htraps
at 3.50 te $15 00
piece-dyed union toffeta (silk-nnd-cotten)
with handles of
main or natural weed, in
hook and creek styles ut
Of satin gleria at $5.00.
Of fine silk with cape or
buckhern handles or silver
trimmed handles at $8.50 te
fltnwbrMr A CIMhle
' AUU 7, lUrket Street
-j ' I
Yeung or Old Everybody
Likes Comfortable Slippers
"Just what I wanted," men nnd women, and boys and girl
will say gleefully Christmas morning, as they stretch their tees
delightedly in gift Slippers. And they'll appreciate them all tha
mere as they use their practical gifts day after day.
Fer Women
Plain Comfy Slippers with
chrome leather soles and pad
ded heels. Taupe, brown and
wine, at $1.60.
Felt Slippers, ribbon and
pompon trimming.. Blue, rose,
taupe and pink, at $1.75.
Hy-le Slippers, with extra
cuff that can be buttoned snug
ly around the ankle; in rose,
blue and taupe, at $2.25.
Hy-le Slippers, with leather
soles and heels; brown, oxford
gray and silvcrtene blue, at
Felt Juliets with leather
soles and heels, plush-trimmed:
in black, gray, rose, purple and
wine, at $2.75.
Felt Slippers, with combina
tion soft soles and covered
heels, In blue, rese and lavender,
at $2.05.
Oxford Gray Slippers, with
leather soles and heels, at $2.25.
Fer Children
Children's and Misses Red
and Blue Felt "Puss-in-Beets,"
$1.75 and $2.00.
Children's Tan Felt Comfy
Indian Head Moccasins, at $2.
Children's and Misses' pink
felt Hy-le Slippers, at $1.75 and
Misses' light blue felt "Puss-in-beets,"
at $2.00.
Misses' pink felt "Puss-in-beets,"
at $2.00.
Children's nnd Misses' cjullted
satin Bedroom Slippers, in old
rose and Copenhagen blue, sizes
8 te 2, at $1.50.
A Shopping
Te help you select gifts, or
te select them for you If you
cannot come te the Stere.
An adviser, who knows the
sort of gift people want, and
will gladly help you solve your
particular gift problem.
These arc but a few of the
many helpful thing the
can de te make Christmas
shopping mere delightful.
8trwbrl1ne &. CIulitT
Aisle 0, Flllvrt Street
China and
1 1LjJ"-7 lj
Housekeeping Helps
Something that adds te the richness of the dining table, some
thing te give a bright bit of color te a dull corner, something te
save tlresome steps or te lighten housekeeping what could receive
a warmer welcome from any woman?
There are thousands of such gifts en the Fourth Fleer
Aluminum Percolators, large
site, of geed quality 95c
Electric Percolators, of
aluminum, 6-cup size, complete,
ready for usf3 $6.75.
Electric Laundry Irons, with
cord and plug $6.95.
Maxwell Hair Brushes
Andirons In many attractlve
styles $3.50 te $29.00.
Frem thc
Practical Things of Beauty
Jardinieres. In mnm? iaeivn.
and colors 85a te $12.00.
Umbrella Jars, In numerous
shaprs and finishes $3.25 te
Exquisite Lustre Vases and
Bewla $3.00 te $13.50.
Italian Pottery pieces, Vases,
Baskets, Candlesticks, etc., in
a remarkable variety 75e te
Venetian Glassware, inclnd
in Candy Jars, Bowls, Vases,
Dishes with handles, footed
Competes $1.75 te $40.00,
nr iWl te ,8"'
.Hpenea ana American Din-
Children's and Misses' brown
Sheepskin Indian Moccasins,
fleece-lined, beaded or hand
painted, at $1.25 te $1.75, ac
cording te size.
Fer Men
Red and Orfn Morect '""a
Hers, tan kid Cavaliers, $7.50.
Tan Remeos, at $3.50, $4.50
and $5.00.
Tan Kid Fnusts, at $6.00.
Tan Everctts, at $3.50, $4.50
and $5.00.
Tan Kid Opera Slippers, $4.50.
Red Kid Opera Slippers, $5.
Tnn alligator and gray oezo
Opera Slippers, at $6.00.
Green and brown shark-skin
Opera Slippers, at $8.00.
Deerskin Moccasins, at $2.75
and $4.50.
Gray Everett and Hy-le
Slippers, at $2.00.
Brown, wine, blue and taupe
Everett Slippers, at $2.50.
Blue and brown Hy-le Slip
pers, at $2 50.
Oxford gray, blue and brown
Hy-le Slippers, leather seIcb, $3.
Oxford grav Everetts, leather
soles, at $2.50.
Cnmel's-hair Everetts, leath
er soles, at S3.00.
Camel's-hair Hy-le Slippers,
leather soles, at $3.50.
Fer Beys
Tan Remeos, at $3.00; Tan
Everetts, at $2.75.
Blue and brown Everetts, at
$1.50; blue and brown Hy-le
Slinpers, nt $2.00.
Beys' Deerskin Moccasins,
$2.00 and $2.50.
gr y StnwbriJi e it Clothier Ulghth and Filbert Street
Fountain Pens
Giving a Waterman Ideal
Fountain Pen settles the
"whnt-to-give" question with
all-around satisfaction.
Every Pen equipped with a
14-karnt geld point, tipped
with iridium te assure smooth
WTiting, and the lasting qual
ity of Waterman Pens is well
known. Prices range from
$2.50 te $42T0.
8tiMwbr1I A Clothier
XMn ie. Centre
for Gift Needs
Maxwdl Hat Brushes $1.50.
lil'sells Carpet Sweepers,
with cyce ball-b-arings, Ja an
ned $5 00; nicke ed 85.50.
Fireplace Fenders In desir
able d sign for all homes
$13.25 te $22.50.
Weed or bone Salad Seta
80c te $2.50.
Elc.-tric Hcntcrs, te quickly
heat the chill d room en winter
mornings $7.r0.
3k-y BtrwbrU 4 Clothier -K urth Fleer
China Stere
Imported, decorated blue
glass Vasts, Bowls, Baskets,
and some of plnin blue glass
Toe te $12.00. b"
Levely Vases, Howls, Com Com
eotes nnd ether useful and or
namental pieces, of amber,
green, erange, yellow and red
glass $1.25 te $14.00.
Marbles nnd Bren7es in a
variety of subjects $10.00 te
100-picce imported Chinn
Dinner Sets, attractively deco
rated in imlrl 1(1". nn
trwbtia) cloth! retufe rioer, wmt
- n-"i Tv'w
ilk'' ., ,