ki" : l rfttiwyiMv,,,'.,,,;1,), Vi-W '., rl fVHHV-i'" 'TV' ',V'iM t R' 1 'iVWW if MIT'ii". r'-iSi'" sTtrrc-' 't. a-". ' 1 ... kITO ji ' 'Y V.V,y.W' j - EVENING1 PT7BLIC EDEll-PHlUADELPHIAr WEDNESDAY. - DECEMBER 13, 1922 , u bmms OF IUSTED FOR FAIR - - nribership Campaign Enrolls 20,000, Including Many Firms I Prominent in Business World NEW BUS COMPANY HIGHWAY MEN FAVOR IT CUTS FIRST BID Offers Four Tickets for 25-Cent Rate en Seven Routes, In cluding Boulevard RENTAL TO CITY ALSO fctmet, nntl n third Breail Mrcrt reute running from '.lie ltoeM:ult ileuicvimi te City line. A line ever the Honervolt IJeuinvftrJ quite llkr-ly ttmt they will be considered slmiiltmiccniMy. I Nene of tlie streets upon which the independent company plans te opernte cennectlnK with the Fnuibfenl clevnle-d. ' 'j" "" N new traversed by trolley nnelur-r WMtwnril fiem the ueuirvaru """- t...v...n. , and llreml .street evor llelltlrld nnd ". -.. ,'T. ..-... I Ktcnten (imuip-4 te (iermantnwn. nnd n FORUM TALK ON SCIENCE I Une from Frent street en IMuinend te Tlilrty-thlrd street are ether features nP. Sehmuekep Will Snk Thl Att. nP Mm Itwlntin'mTfitil- tsitt.l(.tl la . J-a. d 1IUIH" iiUvllk r ww aaa - The mrmbfrglilp drive of the Sesqtil- Centennial Aswieliillen is ninMnjr head way, and mere than "O.OOO hare been pledged Many prominent whose membership .... !.- ruuuuib in mi iiiuniuuui, imu iiii i- i --., k. l., . .!.!!. 1... inM.inli iBirWCO. IUU ftlll IbULIIIIIS WlllVlJ IIV 4 , ' i" 111"! I In a large number of en""" tniu meani a considerable. Iist of emplnyei. Ainetic these vhe hate enrolled tbe last wick re: Leuli K Unr't. r-r Mit rf t1 T.lcj't Iirujt Company, New Vint i us In the communication forwarded te tbe eltv nnii'inli. the effleern of the new (company urge timl they be Kianted the francliNe nii.vIiii; that it would he far better for the P. H. T. te have compe tition in the held of fiiriiMihn: trans portatien for the public in Philadelphia. I They paid that their proposal has been i indorsed by tccnl civic and labor or-panlzatlenf. TJ11? service at four lieliets for a1 The P. !. T. lini offered te enerate quarter proposed jrsterday by the" "iileard Iiiih line rlmrirlni; a fare of members I Promoter, of the Ketene bin Trnnslt .f,;"'n '' ,- ' -- lempnny. the Independent corporation lines and another bu line te Roje- farc ernoen en "The Animal Machine" The Philadelphia Penim thli after- the Story of Anthropology." neon In the Academy of Music will hear the rseeeiul of a perleu of talks en "The Story of Modern Selcucc" by Dr. 8. C. Bclimuckcr, profeiier of bio logical wieners nt the West Chester Nermal Scheel. The title of Dr. Hehmneker's talk will be "Tim Animal Machine! the' Siery of Ulolegy." Next "Wednesday he will give bin last talk of the series en tlie Hunlect of "The Hitman icace; piini . lempany, the Independent corporation lines and another bus line te t 'nerens have enrolled "'"' '"emptlns te underbid the Phil- borough en which the strip-ticket ip elves net enlv the ' !I,'',l'M '!r-i'id Transir fempnm for um, i,e maintained, iidlvidual. but that of J1 ,0 ubc ,llL' Clt' t,rcctf for hw ' lletli prnPn,nlM are before Cen. fr2vT.aaaaaaaaaa am aauaa .-. jmBmmi i vjmmt .. fMsjMVSiiaJkaS Wlllmm (T . ...... A ninmiii.lentln,. nn. fnrn nr.te.1 te . J '""N'erwnnMI the Maer and City Council b the eQicerN of the cempnii in which the erlginiil eight -ct nt fare proposal was reduced. In addition, the independent company offered te pay the dtj a rental i Committee, ncll'a I ami it is A ftTiAArlt: 'TheSaddlesBett $2.00 1 Trnr Jrern! former Dlntrlct Atterne of ', ntiiniiiilins 10 ." tier cent of the cress . . t ft..... h.,K, ,.r i . . .....' earnings with a guarantee that it would i amount at the I.iwisc te ST.'OO aunuallv. , Se'-en bus mules are jiropesed by the new cempam , aineiig tliem one cm t lirend street fiem tlie Southern Ilotile Iletile vard te Cit Hill one fre.n I'd Hall te lloeeelt I'mlnard, in New Yerk. Hnrv W llrW. r-fJl1nt i.f the UrMfr Ire Creim iemt'nn i rttn. Jehn J tv. in A.i;'. "u,rtl M' ' imn, rreldTit J. Olbsen Mell r''i lemninr: TMwenl W ITle. lrel Tyler lusv, V.'ii'lrr T! PiTtetlni:. nl (1 A. E'mr Ats Sfiirau" Wnfehe I'eitipin', Js I W ! pnl flpnt Ftete nnJ lltv riJt.U 1l Trust lum pnr. ef Itlchrr.emt. Vn Wll Ism W He I tie. Al'rrJ IMrk". Ilreinl Htift Station rhenne' J Wjrtier Iluteblns llin T Jeraee, IrlU'n "nitaTt. Conr Mtct.. At letle bnel n I tam Herbert K. riAtt. Mnicr i -mir-'ciai Trupt terrp-' Iraii!'Tln Jtwncr t: lnti.ii rwimber cf tt I-cir'sinturr", S ones, banVr V T KjI'i Tmn ft riimb- '' icr-nicrrc, Arthur Y .n ls Msrlen r.slllr rrn1i!'rt e th " tch'tii.i I.H.BMC nt VCet -j Vetern Al'ttnJcr vn JtenielT. Ie'.in.iar1 N Til or l"- i.ern 'oeJwiril stti t-n"-. J.i tim A S'e'v rt. :ei p-e K'tit an.l K-r'.rul minnri. tti Hrv Ver't Tplien ' tu.iin: . (lwirss O'Nell' N Tcrl. I llv K P-incin, chairman MeM or I ernm-r Tal I're tit t'en Dsni'. f.nltitruA, Wllllim ?t. Ibrinl. lreMcr. I t ml rn llr.riip h '. Vr t I A .1... . t t .... . K ... a ,m ....n.v M n T nd ?al ( m i-r". ..cwarlt, N. J Vnqualllied tnilersement of tlie R"3'li-Ceu' nnliil I'.tlr was epre vel at a rpc"iu itie'f in of the Penn-jlvieia Lincoln Highwij A-.o-ai.en ' I'lie thetlMinds of teurNts wl.e will travel te Philadelphia te see the exposition." gaid James P. Woodward, preside) t of the I.ti.eelii liiglita Asei l.itmn. yesterdjy. "will leant from their ir.p ever tlie Mnreln Pent nyhania has secr.erj uni'iualcd in thi SaRt." . . . Objc. tien te the propose i riir were WE SPECIALIZE In the Supplying of Hotels Restaurants and Institutions Felix Spatela& Sens J 'Xholmte 0-ettry T)pt 2 IZZZ-Zl I'lLiUUKT 1. Zi4ht Banauet pms yRivale Dances -Barujuei iWeddin'fs-Uard Parlies ijMay v? send Eslimalea and Menus 9 ffenhouscEeietl liW 00A J rU-.i..i Ksi,u sa.iu lc?Oiu u . Is distinctive, made of the highest-grade Enprlish ridincr bridle leather, one solid thickness, no stitch ing. Better leather cannot be had. It is a belt for the man who discrimi nates in the choice of his apparel. A Complete Set of 3 Belts one of each color, black, tan and cordovan, suitable te wear in the different seasons. $6 ftp? n Nlceljr hextd fer prmntMlen er peeta. Hall order irremptlj imite4. MARTIN & MARTIN, Inc. 1713 Chtitnut St., FhiladniphU, P. M&hir and Impertere ef Enilltb Huntlnf Ssddtirr Lcnd.n E$t. 101 Ytari New Yefk ALSO SOLD BY flt WA'J. -.Cl0.lhl,r' .Wm- " Wanamahnr. Wu. nil .--w .. rVv".?r "."owKer. w liter fJ. Delter. Ote. Martball. A. O. Spaldlns: & Bre.. BlaylecJt & Bly Aik tr "THE SADDLER'S BELT" A Baflffla (trada mark) atamped en arary ana lynn ' 191 !!!!! Q!l' 1 llillnhl Itacs 633i Spruce 05J9 S resented last nigl't te ihe Philadelphia l trglcal Trnde .We iatien by II. iv P ! Machcn, rcpresentln.': the North Phil.i- delphia Man.if.n Hirers' Association. ASSAILS IRISH FREE STATE j Mrs. MaeSwIney Says Her Pecpls j Did Net Vete en Proposal Mrs. Muriil MaeSwtney. wilew of the former Lord Mayer of Cetk, who died during a hunger strike urged nrm bfrs of tlie Irish-American Club, at a meeting in Meese Hall lut n ght, te pretest against eilstinj condition? in Ireland. Mrs.k MaeSwIney said that despite the treaty betwi-en Kngl.ind anil Ire land there arc an many letal lie jmblleansi in Ireland new as before. In discuMiinq the constitution of the Free State Mrs. MaeSwIney suiil it had ncter leen put te a Mte before the people of ' jremnu. Mrs. MaeSwIney arrived hen' yerter day morning accompanied by several I women intetesled in the Inch caue. I Mlsa I.ydla Kerns, who is paid te huve1 escaped from a Hritii-li prison where th was confined for nicing the Irish cms", j was another speaker last night. Mini Kerns told of the hanUliips and suffer ings of the j)e))li' .mil of her personal . Mperieneei us a iiur-e during tlie hop- i tilities. ApprnximatWy .-l."00 was col lected nt the meeting. The money v i'l J be used te succor distressed Irish fam ilies. FIND NEW LIQUOR TRICK ' "Drya" Seize Apparatus fcr Aging Moonshine in Raid Prohibition agents, w.iile m ding no alleged stiil in n j!,r''Ur' in I.enl; iiu' nue neur Pertj -soeoihI tfree( jik'."--iaj, found a new apparatus for .niili dally nslng vnthell 'iht-kv. It cii'iblHlld, thej sa, of :i . irge tank full of het water at,d ceered i'. v.nter jicket. ( erU jogs centn!,uv alcehul. colerltg matter and iw line -Jng were juit into the i ink. ih.' -.aid. nd the heating pri-css aged the Ibiuer About 100 gallons of moonshine were seired in tli- raid. Other places rai'lel were (he grocery' Meres of Mra. Mm 'hlisk. Twen tieth street near me. and (iierpe u etta. Callowhill strivi I'ight enth ; the homer of It PaduM t'orln t'erln thian niemie nbne 1'aii, 'in i Stephen Kepan. SimIi tr'it alreve Vine; the cntulj tore (' dm eh Karmnn, ' Itrewn llre.t I em 'I wei 1J -sixth . tl'i 'Iair Council ( lnb, Fraiii'M .treil tKiir SUteeii'ii ; t'( I'eli-'i ( 'nb, lirandr wine street mar 'lew -i irid . iim' the ;tete of Jacob J.C .' . Plteei t street ne'ir Vine. Yacht Club Leses "Smokes" i nmn one v i:b 1 nerielnnt te- I Hards and a fend i ess f ,r gend sine ,s jesterdin r.ftenioe 1 nnnde.1 iim' Tieht-nien - M lb. at I "en W.-iPiit trot. and helped himself in n rjitut) tily uf 'elect cuir3 and four billiard hillf. T'le their is a tiiterr te the flub ehi, mis, who reported it In tae police today, placing the value of the ktelcn nrtlclca at ?13. I Jlnj- We llimte en Your Nut Brick's Special Mince Meat '-OsV-t stO 0 Special An Assortment of Children's Fur Sets lieginnlng at 4.50 rtTItCHASING I jlftl AGENTS 0EDEK3 ACCEPTED. KATI, OBDEHS FILLED SEND FOR FREE FUR CATALOGUE Fur Trimming and Cellar and Cull Sets m wmawu feaMaxi 1215 Chestnut 'Street. i'li' mmiiWm m m - Special An Assortment of Children's Fur Coats Beginning at 29.50 7&rf(MUl- Fer jFurntture of Preirlirnl IletUutman Utility Telephone Sets, $19.50 $25.00 Ten Wajrens, $18.00532.00 Fancy Waste Baaltcts, $6.00 $6.75 Heme Safes $55.00 tn $82.50 Humidors. $1 4.30 $34.50 IksiBide Tables, $12.73 $15.30 Felding Card Tabic,, $4.50 $.7,5.00 Dictionary Stands, $12516.50 Sectional Bookcases $23.30 te $100.00 Felding Screens, $12.00 te S16.00 Teet Steels .57.30510.0.0 Smoking Stands. $3.50 $K0O Taberettes. $5.25 $ Heek P.csta S5.00 $6.00 Wtis Mitchell Cnleidnrt for 1923, an exclusive Iletfr.ns production, SOc 901-906 Chestnut St. Fer Tomorrow Only Until 3 P. 1VL 100 Fur Coats, Capes and Wraps At a Remarkably Lew Price We expect tomorrow te be the busiest day of the sea son due te the selling of the BAN'KRUPT STOCK of Katz, Rcinstcin and Weinberg, of New Yerk City, purchased by us from the Receivers at HALF PRICE and less! In order te distribute busi ness evenly throughout the day, ve offer you special values until 3 P. M. These values make it worth your while te shop early in the day, while values are greatest. J'' VM. &wz&jl Natural Muskrat Coats 77.50 T French Seal Coalts, Skunk Trimmed, )) -length Natural Muskrat Coats, 40 Inches Leng...., Russian Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed.. French Seal Wraps, Full Length French Seal Capes, Full Length Leepard Cat Coats, Seal Trimmed Russian Peny Coats, 40 Inches Leng Taupe Lamb Coats, 40 Inches Leng Tiimmed French Seal Capes, Full Length French Seal Delmans, Full Length Taupe Caracul Sports Coats . Russian Peny Coats, 45 Inches Leng all at 77-ifl A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Required S3 " 9 S 'CHARGE PURCHASES PAYABLE IN FEBRUARYS IB, HUB "HPlaT; !'!' q; vkwmasm mmm WHY PA F4I" $400 ' Condition of Highways Lincoln highway, Trenten te Gettys tflirg Fair in Lancaster County; chc "Where poed Philadelphia. Media, Kennett Square And fixferd iieml Philadelphia te Kcadini; Uned, Philadelphia, Bristel and Merrnville- Geed. Uethlcliern pike Me-itly (;oeil eicept near liethlehein, where it is only fair Philadelphia, Uoylcitewn and L'.isten Geed. I'otthteun, West Chesttr and Wll-lultiKten- (ioed, William Penn hiKhwn, Kavteu te CarllMle Fair in Northampton nnd Lehiith Counties ; iluewhcre guei,'. Lnncahter te I InrrKlmrtr- Pair in Lancaft(r County, geed tn IaupU'n. Ilarriuburc te tiettji-biirK Geed. Heading, Peltsville and Stinbnry JI0114I1 In the botetiuhs of Sehujlkill Count ; elsewhere prod llnrrNburs. Snnbinj and Pttt-aen Kcctlen Ne -"-".l in Miwler Cininiv i 'eied ter repairs nnd d.-tuiir it mi"- ai , ether hfctlem itoed. l'ntsten, Streudsbure, Mt. I'e oiie and Scrunieii- Seme places iij. but luestlj geed. Lackawanna Trail, Sr'rai.ten te liinc hamtnn Seiim plate icj , but uf'ii'iallj geed, Sunbury, Will ampert and W'elKbem Ne Information reeelwd Willlainvirt te State Cullese tuen it I'VF.kl Mntivivr." A aubnerllMr Tn llelhlcnem teM ui, ut m zmv for any Player-Piane, if you can bay a new, liiph-grade and guaranteed inatrrj' ment for less, en easy weekly or monthly pr0 mtn., with .several dozen mnaie rolls, a bench and cabinet thrown in? A well-made Player-Piane, if carefully handled. wiD last from 25 te 35 year and be a constant source of pleasure and entertaiunient te Its owners. Tlie Cunningham Player-Piane Is manufactured with tlie celebrated REO bTYLE patents, owned and controlled exclusively bv us, in our modern, well equipped factory. Se perfect in conatructien is this mstnuncnt that a child can play with all the expression of the master composer himself. Every Player-Piane we manufacture has a double valve actie and metaJ tubing. De net let anybody talk you into buying en Instrument wiUi a slnsrle valve action, as it has net the power or enduranceif It had, why should we spend twice as much money in developing a double valve action? The very fact that for ever a quarter of a century we hare been efferinr $10,000.00 for a better piano than the MATCHLESS CUNNINGHAM should be sufficient proof of Its quality ! AJI our instruments are priced from 20 te 30 per cent, lower than any dealer anywhere (whether large or small) can afford te selL Terms arranged te suit the purchaser. CASH, OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT OR EASY PAYMENTS m IT PAYS TO THINK! ..Ti.fjHii WW !JANO CO. 11th and Chestnut Sts. Open Ereninga (Factery: 50th and Parktide Aeenac) AM Maiaaa Talldaaj afactuleaa B4ac4 Frtoea We arc the Only Piane Manu faciurert in Ftnna. Fa me at for Selling from Factory te Hern Direct Vm i m , r; anTheut reading "Th Wimhlimten Ohirr.'' ' '"It a',, "" a blril'a-ryr yxv a' . I . . K aarpnln." Te he w n..'! 1 tn A V refltlcal iniatrriirrnti. fern t'llJ nam fc i, , faWt, Vtr murnlr.s In tliu 1'isml Lu.r.t. yMQMtUU He!55i!Sl STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Lewer-Price Basement Stere Hertfa a Wonderful Gift-Opportunity An Extraordinary Sale of Women's Fine Fur Coats About One-third Under Price We bought these handsome Fur Coats from a manufacturer who makes only the finest garments at a most remarkable price concession, which enables us te sell them just in time for gift buying at an average saving of ene-lhird. They are wonderful values, and ns there arc net many of a style, wc suggest eniaimr nar-Ur in nvniil thfi nessibilitv of di sappemtment. Of brown and tnupe-tlyctl ceney, silk lined and interlined. Silk-lined eKQ K( Ceney Coats O.UU Of brown nnd black dyed ceney, 40 inchea lenjr. Bay Seal a7K (X) Coats J' With plain and silk embroidered lining; 40 Inches Ien? $75.00. In extra sizes ?98.0O. Same Ceat, 45 Inches long $89.G0. Bay Seal ' 0QK y) Capes.... VV 10 inches long. Cnpes of marmink (Japanese weasel) -H 18.00. Squirrel-trimmed (11 9C Bay Seal Coats.... POeJ (Dyed ceney), 40 inches long, with grcut cellar and cuffs of tquirrcl. American Opes- (I" Q'7 K A sum Coats, New v J.O I .UU Stylish belted model. 45 inches long, and lined with excellent silk. Beaver-trimmed Bay Seal Coats. . . Of fine, soft bay seal (dyed ceney), with huge cellar nnd cuffs of thick beaver. Length 40 inches $175.00. Raccoon-trimmed Muskrat Coats. . . $175 $175 Of natural muskrat, with huge, envelop ing cellar and deep cuffs of raccoon. 40 inches long $175.00. -Strsinbrliige A clotliler Iwrr-rrle Daiemeat Steia af BaYBBaaaalaaTaab Bungalow Aprons Fer Large Women $1.25 In blip-en htyle or buttoned down tlie uUl all made of neatly figured percale and trimmed with checked mate rial or rick-rack braid. In extra Exceptional value at $1."". NtrawtrMtn A. Clethlpr -lower I'rlcn llnscnient Ptere Petticoats of Cotten Taffeta 85c A saving of cleie te one third for every woman who buys one of these Cotten Taf feta Petticoats, made with a plaited flounce and small runic; in dnrk solid colors or (lowered effects 85c. MtrtwbrtdgR & ClotMti-Ieir-Irlco Ilineincnt Sterrj Pretty Corduroy Bath Robes at $2.75 Bath Robes of uidc-wale rordurey or in novel embossed effort. "Some are Breakfast Ceat models, while ethers are mnde en graceful btraight lines. And they ceme in such pretty shades of rose, orchid and fuchsia; in sizes .18 te 44, at the remarkably low prlce of $2.75. Btrawbrldr ft Clathttr Imar-l'rlca Iiantment Rter 0 muz AT POPULAR PRICES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Many people are doing their Christmas shopping this year In our I.ower-Price Har-cment Stere where, for considerably Jess meney, they can llnd n grcut number of just the kind of gift tiiey want for their families and friends. Tables nre arranged with such attractive- and practical gifts as these: Silk Petticoats $2.95 Of pretty messaline, taffeta or silk jersey, with dainty tucks or shirred ileunce, far under price at 2.95. Silk Night Gewiis$3.95 Levely Iacc-trimmcd or tailored Night Gowns of fine crepe de chine, in soft flesh color packed in gift bexes: exceptional at $3.95. Women's Silk Stockings $1.00 In black, Cordovan, Russia calf and suede color; sizes 8l,s te 10, special at $1.00 a pair. Colgate's Preparations Te fill tlie need for little cifts which are often se hard te choeso: Toilet Water 35c and 50c. Men's Comfert Packages Si. 00. Extract 50c, 75c ami 31.00. Week-end Packages 25c. Cashmere Uetnmet Seap -70c a box of three cakes. Hand Bags, Special $1.65 Of velvet or li-atlier in various styles and colors. Mere Bags like tnose te many people bought a few davs age. Special at $1.05. Tets9 Sweater Sets $7.50 Keur-pieco Sets of reft brushed wool, in sky blue, pale pink or white ler litth-, one-year-olds. In dark brown, buff and oxford gray for youngsters from 2 te 5 years special at $7.50. Babies' Sacque Sets $2.50 Including Cap, Sacque and Bootees, in white with pink or ,,Ju-trf'n'nln8' -'"rt the gift for the wee tot. Much under price at $2.50. ' Ramena Housekeepers' Corsets, Te leek mere slender and yet have freedom of movement for household tasks or out door exercise wear a Ramena Housekeepers' Cor set, Medel 237, designed espe cially for the woman inclin ing toward stoutness, of heavy pink ceutil, with low bust, long hip line, graduat ing front clasp and reinforce ment ever nbdemen. A com fortable, well-made Corset, exceptional at $2.00. HtrnittirMjn A Clettler -Iower Pflie Ilnti mrtit Stere UHe the convenient en trance that leads direct from Market St reel into the Lewer-Priced Haae ment Stere. Children's Felt Slippers 95c nlrFi.f n'1011 P of Uttl,lJ Plwh-trlmmed Juliets and BOO size, ?"e.'.tr? S1,PI'-U with leather sole and heels; sizes B'a te J-at ene price 9ec. Women's Felt Slippers $1.25 PluHhimrZrTni.f11"8 We,ncn'B Fclt SPPers; seme ara -new S ' ther3 ene-strnP Slippers! Sizes 3 te 8 Men's Slippers $1.95f $2.45, $2.75 sizcs-uUt1o1?et.her "" "nd heClB; tf, fRVOrlte Remce 8tyIu- In a,! Inexpensive Jewelry 50c .-inMKia hev.?Wrri'iaBiiCu,T,I;ir9'.,(,0"nr Sets 1!nr pin8 at 00c. ,eU ,Sh('n nmi Slc-"B Silver Rings also, Handkerchiefs, Special! -e ?orVe;.ambni' I,:,,llllw'''"r whit, or witIl c.0l01V(1 berdera - 0 ft"'' ",Ul1 H"n,1U'1-l,1'k' with clered cord borders 0 forVGeT.t"'" Iri'h li,U" Hi,IulK K,!,ipf hemstitched hems- itf-j-PlfaHbrldB. A lletliU.. I.e-r-1',1. e lUMinent Hter. I ,. ..- I .L "Sr W j-aiU m- , .W--fir' i"" Mli aaaaaaataaaaaaafniaMlaaaaaMaall II Itllll II II I I I I I I I mil ' " V ffc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers