Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 35

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0ECBMBEK 13, , 1923
THE GUMPS A Mtuag from Bloemtngton
7fe Subconscious Courtship
aa n ' ' - . w -trmw u -l.. -.mm.m c c4-mxm
: !,:,. : : ' ' vu BMMam fc.
a modem woman' xtraordlniryechemfte kp ealtert from Interfer
ing with har lift U tt4 tn thU faielnattng novel
Anther of "The Wrong Mr. Wright." "The Arrant Itevtr." Mtt.
Copyright, Ml. Dedd, Utad d Ce,
& fit OVER ELPH1NBTONK,, charm-
WIS. Harried by reletlvee and
SXwii Ae "' te tpend her money,
Si niten who want te marry her for
Vjtktiteidet te marry a hutband for
SKfaief." te fend off "the harpiet,"
ftuUWer veteran, man of personality,
mttglnter who ha$ invented a ney
$', "ttrictly butinttt" prqpeti-
ennKMARY MEADOWS, Clever'!
dSn, "pretty eM of the period.
"Vm. ilEAbOWB.. ewiti who ku
Jritndtd Clever in advtrtity and it
Stteered with "" . ...
BANDAL, younger daughter, a
tyffi'nOLT, Ha, geed-natured chap,
Ltfiflfj in love with Retemary.
Hopelessly In love!
SUBDDCD, but still audibly, the lady's
Voice had answered : "Honeymeoncro?
km her. Yeu can always tell these.
-. .,. ten have only Just met
ijt'i a young mnn giving his Bister's
rftnd a duty lunch or something of
Hit sort. Anyhow, these two," with
tiny movement toward Clever and
Cjrmlchael "are nothing te de with
uA ether!"
fi Clever's faint blush nt thut, just
iliepsed ns Carralehacl had tarncu
iwlftly te the wnltcr.
Then, that night. The white deer
tb the elided number (8) of Mmc.
ftrmichacl's room. Clever's fingers
string the key. Clever's hend, turned
iter her golden-draped shoulder to te
winl him as he paused four yards nwny
Ei the corridor. ("Well, good geod goed
fcliht. Fairly early tomorrow for our
jk? Night." Her llttle nod. "Good "Geod "Goed
8ihtl") The deer opened nnd shut
"csrmlchnel had net known nt the
time that It meant nuythlng te him,
tilt shut white deer, liut new hew
the thought of it jabbed him ! That jab
jntm have been there before; it was
new It hurt, though.
"I am," he muttered, in n manner 01
one abe new definitely gives up nil
attempts nt pretense. IIe was, hope hepe
liuly, In leve with her.
The thought of her ebscsed him.
New it.came upon him from a different
"Carmlchacl in the matter of love
iin)i never be the type te whom sex
liaelely, as seme ene put it, "something
between a heent und n sweet." He
acknowledged, of course, hew much
tterc is of the fragrant and delicious
.element In all love that Is worth no ne
'tfdng. (It Is nt least prettier than
ether elements exclusively emphasized
It iem of these highbrows?) Fer
llm Clever held the Intoxication of
ill the senses, but ha new realized that
It held ether things ns well. Wist
tally he began te wonder about her. te
piece together the essential girl. Hew
eianged his impressions were from
thele first impressions of her 1 IIe had
teen her hard , and calculating ; the
'itonlly-nmbltieiiH secretary-girl who
btd schemed marriage with the head of
tie firm; he'd guessed her shallow,
ttlflb, unreasonable, spoilt ene by
''ci these ideas of her had melted.
,;ffrue, she was totally unaware of
fusion. Hence her marriage both her
.irringes! Hut slw was warmly
affectionate. Loek nt her with these
cousins of hcrsV She bad been sweet
with them this evenine nt the narty:
lathe middle of all the ether guests &he
UJ taken them aside te scud them home
leaded with sweets nnd flowers nnd what
let. Then she was frank nnd straight
forward. Didn't she herself confess
tint she was no sound business-woman,
kttlmt this money-making flair of hers
U just n fluke? Yet ehe was clever.
'Mere brain than she chese te use.
(Hew she'd summed up Cox! Loy
alty, ten. (Decent sne'il been nbyit
tkiranst.) . hportswemnn, A chum
5len she cau-d te be; hhe'd htlck te
, rnan, 1ip1) him. Yes, she had the
makings of an uncommonly tine woman,
Cannichucl thought. Hound nnd wholo whelo whole
jono ns any of these vaunted "old "eld "old
faihlened" girls, jet alive vfith the
edern. spirit that makes of the woman
companion as well.
"I could be se fend of her," decided
wrmichacl, realizing that te be "fend"
U another thing from being attracted
Jtiilenntely. In one way It is a greater
jjwj, in one way a lesser thing. The
Meal teve affair has both. This might
tare been both.
uO ran hil fhftttffM. anA nnlv rrftri
.Mily did the young man realize that
JM channel wns net new te them.
"Is," lit' decided, "must lmve been
eemlns en for some time. And I never
Mew. J nerr foresaw. 1 thought the
liela Idea was tint of court, befere e
erin began. It's b.vn burrowing
yndergreund, nnd new ever thing's
Uen in crash. New what's te be done
ueut it?"
.A this point tha deer of the book beok boek
Jwm opened unexpectedly nnd Clever
"elf, all gleaming geld mid white,
uae in.
"Hulle, mil Imrtn'f nn, tn l.fwl
I( she said. The soft mattcr-ef-net
tone wiped out the quivering wen-
' ei nis last lialf-heur. (It sccmisl
Uj . '"v 1"" '""' "" nim vuiuu
JU addressed him it lin.l cull,! Mm
."it's pretty late, T suppose," he
JMwerej as he rose, quickly. "Ilut
" still up?"
J it.Aust wWed te telephone fln."
Jill say geed-night, then.'r He
FJrel te the deer j reluctance betray-
itself in his movement.
-e, don't go," said. CIetct, "If
J were having a ameke." (He sat
Jn again.) '70nlj I de wish I bad
J telephone extension put through
Mj'yhene nowhere In the house but
te, he answered, hurriedly, be
lf te All that pipe which he had
ff wntly holding. Anything for a
Lm2n?cnte w,th ber! "I thought you
T! going te order that extension?"
mi?"',1 was' Twlce I've been "just
Ibn7.elnt of lt- Stupidly, I forget nil
Jwt ft. I don't knew hew It was, it
Jt right out of my mind."
ig Carmlchael might hnve been
svtai... "" uuu ""Ppenea te re re
SHjew a theory of the Nee-Scientlats.
tm It tbat a nntniii. ml-,l .......
hm. of fWt'n. uch things ns
from Sn,eieU8 ." wishes te remove
""" lOat nerunn'. Kff. 1. I- .L. I
4h 13 iuq 111-
stlrred In her the Imperceptlble secret
wish te preserve this ene casual meeting-ground?
.. Itntbcr clumsily Carmlchacl' said,
1 11 see about the extension thing for
you if you like."
"Oh, thank you," said she absently;
he did net knew whether she meant she
would like him te de this for her or
Jhat she would de lt herself.
. Ab ehe took up tha tolephone-book
and steed with it open In her hands,
Carmlchael rese again nnd turned ab
ruptly nwny. He moved te the hearth,
dug the heel of his pump Inte the
crumbling end of the leg. Anything te
keep himself "from giving a movement or
n glance that should startle her. Fer
new suddenly he felt the ntmosphere
very tense again. New again it was
the beauty of the woman that called te
him. He was en flre with this new
flame that blazed revelation into his
own heart. He was nil awake; here
in this sleeping house, in this quiet
room he was alene with her. She was
his, trs far as rights went.
On the one hand, the civilized man
acknowledged regretfully that there arc
no "rights" in n woman; en the ether,
the savage lever in him began te claim
nnd clamor. Hut only for n moment.
The decent human soul of him recoiled
from an advantage taken at such n
"Net new, dash it, new new if
ever," he thought incoherently.
Here was n girl who hnd hia word,
given when he did net knew that lt
would be any saelrflcc te keep It.
"Of course it's going te be Hades,"
he realized new; then he found him
self full of shadowy, unreasoning hopes.
Perhaps, n geed deal later en, he might
Yes, he might find he could get her
te understand. After nil, hadn't they
started; three months age, with some
thing like plain rudeness? Hadn't thnt
developed into common courtesy nt
least? Later, hndn't n certain cool
friendliness been evolved? Se
mightn't he try his luck, much Inter
en, nt turning this into affection
and mere? He must school himself,
with nil the tenderness nnd tact of
which he was capable, te break down
gently, the barriers between them.
Of these, the first was her uncon
sciousness of the hituutleu. Khu sensed
nothing of it.
In perfect serenity, she stilled a little
yawn of drowsiness with ene hand,
with the ether she turned or the leaves
of the book.
"I've no head for telephone numbers
or anything," she murmured half te
herself. "Deublo L Llewelyn,
Colonel I Llewelyn, Mr.
Rebert "
She stenned. stnecate. nt the sudden
turn of Carmlchacl (who had premiM-d
himself te make no meiemcnt te sturtle
her). He (who had se very recently
resolved te use such gentlt'iicss, mii;1.
tact, such guile) exclaimed, almost
barked at her, "What nre you tele
phoning te that 'fellow about?"
In reul surprise, she looked up at him.
Carmichnel'e face was the darkest thing
imaginable the face of u very iair man,
auge'red. She uttered n quick, "Whnt?"
Inatnntlyhe pulled himself together.
no Teturne'd, politely but coolly, "I
only meant it was rather lute at night
te go ringing people up "
"He will (it)ly just have get back te
the Temple," from Clever, also with
grea.t politeness "and, nnyhew, Hebby
Llewelyn tilnnys Mts up very lute,
"Oh, does he?"
"What is it? Wiy de you
Why de you ndept that tene?" from
"I was net nware that I was 'ndept
ing' any partlculirr 'tone,' " returned
Carmlchael and it might bave been the
Ktcrnnl Jim, talking te Kebcmary, and
smarting with jealousy
A wemnn of nny leve experience nt
all would instantly liave recognized the
note. Net se Clever, be quick in ether
wnjs; in this se slew te understand.
"Only," he continued ns it' careless
ly, "I thought that's what eii used te
object te? Precisely one of th com
plaints jeu made te me?"
" 'Cempluiuta'? Whtit de you
"I mean that you ence mentioned te
me the nuisance of these incessant
telephone talks these peonle would drag
you mier uewever, in
you te it-
bat person's life.
25laM.WU Vmt Kt, mislaid; the
!W .k ftb'6,nPPei"tment that Is missed.
I tan. . ,,0,olt-'eom, with its telo tele
iremili "3 ,h.0 en,y rornmen meeting
CVnV10 '"habitants of that
divided in Orcen street.
llli,,iSm n.fl thnt "tension waa put
al,? Dever's bedroom there would be
"PJccae stny. Yea. I would rather
you did," she said, stlfCy. "Te see
thnt it is nothing I nra being 'dragged
into. It's merely hli geld cigarette-
case that Mr. Llewelyn left behind en
thu top of the piune. As I knew ifcjs
a prcbcntatlen thing that he rnlueil-1
tneugiit im inlelit feci anxious about it;
and se I'm letting him knew nt once
Hint it's qulte safe."
Sihe get the number. Apparently
Llowelyn himself niibwcred the call.
Carmlchacl, standing by the hearth.
heard the cool little busluesi-likc tene
(te which he had listened en that first
morning in her olTiee), giving the news
et Uie cignrctto-ense'a whereabouts.
Then, ''I will heve lt sent ever te you
the first thing In the morning
Oh, no, why should you? Ne trouble
Ne I Don't ceme Oh I If
you put it that way, no reason at nil.
"Come and fetch it if you like
I haven't get a 'day' Yes; prob
ably I shall be In. . Ceed-n
Vcs, I hepe ever body enjoyed them
sches. Geed-night!"
As she put down the receiver she
glanced at thu tall llgure en tlm hearth
rug. It was ns If she asked, "Have
you anything te say nbeut thnt?"
But Carmlchael had himself new well
in hand ever the inner tumult. Almest
goed-bumoredly he remarked, "I
couldn't help being a bit surprised te
see your young friend. Yeu knew I
thought it was for that very reason
that I that I was supposed te be here?
I thought he was ene of the men that
I'd get te keep out, as it were?"
"He Is 'out,' " returned Clever. "He
can't bother me te marry him new."
"Ne, no, I suppese net. Hut he
can, I imagine, go en bothering ou
bothering you about ether things."
"Meney, you mean?"
"Oh I" said Clever, impatiently.
"He won't. Of course he won't, new.
And ns for his coming here"
"Yes? I didn't knew you'd thoetht
of asking him tonight."
"But l Naturally he came to
night. It was he who took all the
trouble te get me Mistwhat waa
that girl's name who aang? A lovely
volce; didn't you think ae?"
".Sung Ty well," agreed Cannl
chael with n llttle nod, his thoughts
worlds away from the singer and her
songs. "A voryjine yoke, I thought.".
"Didn't you think the waa a very
pretty girl?"
"Yea, quit foe4-koklng,M aaid Car
S 8 9 ' 7 fl 9i!JlllltilL 7 2? ftflH. ue u k mx wwEWgJ'4 fl
M JcVS '2Bt '!?? 9wnmmim' .iS " II..'. ... -- " 7 UmlPlmA,' ' H
SOMEBODY'S STENOG Suspended Animation : : : : : mawr . rtnt em By Hayward !(
IstrfeW (gsaag fesS MPW I
The Yeung Lady Aereaa the Way One Mere Attempt te Selve the Mystery of Old Man Skln'a Hai-By Fontaine Fex SCHOOL DAYS -:- -:- -:- Bu DWIG HI
II J0 ' vf"t',' l JJ$T 9tr Y,U i VWOB TrtlS AftReW FAU1, sfftftQ
WVM- f IWVji PeHt KrtetK Mis HAT off.. TtM,T fe Be ButtteO. J BsSSS !
v ' VSevi ir aJt tttvm eee.H . " "fezA I
I Vin. P?? v "vmV'W i.u,tUVT- . if u f '"Sr "r "L, ' Li -4 .1
I xiASfSk. I yMDL -r " t . iFiOfirj. vrea. . . I . . I t ' V WW WW
1 - ' ' '" ! '" ' r r fh Vv 1-T i Blw 1bMbhlZ1 yJAaami: PJMmf' riy .M
'StMA, T rv r- kkMaVHHtVlliiVUIiiiiBI PMawW &M
The veuni? lndv nernsq the icst vfaf OlO . mCNv t- IrtfibSf . ?0E-li$imHr -i jPK Cm
rLL.r.j ' IU turCL a -sBi2t 37' m
says every ferclRn ship has te te :ic , t7 flL i Tr"""" " 'Pm
.. .. ........ . .. .. - Viv .v- v. zSJ' !&& i2s? m
into aryuecK immcuiateiy upon KeS J ' rTTPTO.irtaT'tMtM t i vm
reaching the three-mile limit. " Hgff5 .S kx. 1fC UctH OV RebN HO()D
PETEY-Mu! AM They Modest! : : : : By C. A. VelgTt l
1 Tfflf f usrNivsiusHarv If ' -&!- . I
I, 3V-3Br sr I WJH T HECE35AW IO WAIT f "' .-,. , IV?ttt y AVOUT I M
6E35-ri. J Sfitai' . ...t. 1ui.nt.m ae UaY a fiei -mJ A V J' i ' i 1 'rl- I Air:
m -'!, 9f m ymmtu I wnemiw " r - i i t i ,-tf irarnfil I ma;
? CPV sYH if ill 'VMliuh VI'N egwcu bjssvV v in
7 v Mm. 'W7L Vc ' ' f i H
'wWQm f i - . e ; wxk : B
-z&- mv. bvsv 's?k -"- i si w(m -r m
ii imma- y K Kj -TVjr :W ISXV - ' JfilrW - IWIAZZTK S UK
y- TyiifiT 'On - WA r Jti -ST wc. liv iSliti " 'til
ni iiHaiMMiat a inBH .wMHw....i....M9r!y nci ay nvvv 3Lsita..Y a i aaaaai tkaatL'ai 4 -j. u ti
v-iMifea mm " asam " )&,-l i mmr sm it
il sifejfc ffllss5 fc' UOMi nTvv3 ' IQKb II
GASOLINE ALLEY Still Bewaring the Tail Dark Man . ' ' :r:5
pna jti i . -r-r . - : By King 1 1
fiTMS lS WHO-? H OB.tMTN wamTST0 5EUMEa t N H S ' "'sggQ5SJl5HIBI I ' f
gjeMMfs no. ,'m cchmc I l "en-REF.LLABLE a5) s7lTS HERMANN IBMl Ar?Z? .E -tTM? Sri
Wl'STr-I? JfSti"7 r VCUN or gowemirie . V J Bfi T: - JPT f!
1 T'r' ' :-s yjr ' -4fr& ' 1
, bedii ivriv i,n i...i. . ,-a 1
jj " euu eauuiu eycr nnu
4 U be tiat aJme