:WfKwmm pp-fW -'W-f- F . ' ',. . EVENING PUBLIC 'bEMEM-PHlLABELtmA'; WEDfrE&DAY. DE6eMBER 13, 1022 ,. , REAL ESTATE yORSAZlSJ BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE -pENXSVM'A.MA HimmH N HEAL ESTATE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PF.NNBYr.VANIA BcnriiwAW. I'lXSlkVANjA Ht'llltniiAV l'KNNt I.V INf A HimtrniiAN. rKNfm,vANiA HirniTRnAw mrMvgyr.vANt mmriin s. mitwummimmmtaimm i iiiiimiiiiiraniiwiammi m nm imiinwi iiiiiiiiliiiiiiliwri'i nuaremnw iiim "mm m ammm IIHWBBBBWsMSPBWPrafWBHHBIWR REAL rSTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE v cz & vr yh &miUU2fil Residence A FEW OVERBROOK If an all-Mone renter linll Colonial trlili cntrl-.liMit bent arwali te von nt ibis scaeen of the jear, we laVO n prnvru .urwi iuai fenuu consideration. I'lne let nml ll-ct nerau-0. thoreurhly medern: eal bathn: wlilln ualiit iic. J.33,000 MERION An opportunity te purchase a nema vOt'i nil modern conveniences plus archltectuial iudlvlduallt. flltuited nn Hd around less tlinn half mile fro-i Merlen ntatlen The lone it wt-ll te-intruded and llu ited iiii'unc hemi e. euual or irrealer vniiie. l'rlced 10 soil nt 21.000 We tuve never effered this 1 ran Were. NARBERTH WAYNE A nlendld roomy, romfertable heme en a heautlful avenue, l'lne old shade and lanra let Keine tins IS rnrmi and 2 hatha: 2-cr ninit', An exceptionally irned buy for en" who uanta a fin I ome nt III COT STRAFFORD A laree old atone Cvlenlal heue. ideal loeatlen: 7 mlnuten from Fla tten. Thi-i hone his exceptionally larRe roema: 4 bedroema. 2 bathe en second floer: 4 bedroema and bath en third: ft acres. Thla la a bargain a' JIB "10. MELROSE PARK In the heart of til meat exclusive section between trnln and trolley. Situate en a lnrare let with Karaite, hade and shrubbery. On the first floer: living- room, enlrnnie hall. den dlnlnir room rantry. ldtchen and laundry: hardwood fleer!: "I hid chambers end 2 bnths en upper floeri: het-water heat: worthy of your consideration HAVERFORD Center hall Coleulnl resldr.ce In exclusive Club Section. A quiet nekhbortieod situated among Main Mne'B flnent properties nnd xtll! within a short vvnlk of station Conventional first fleer arrangement: 6 chambers and 8 hatha Prlce 127,000. uarace Included at net cost. MT. AIRY An all-ten 0-room residence en Deven street. A beautiful nelirh nelirh nelirh ho.heod convenient te lie elation and trolley. Xet has a frontase of 65 feet. 117.000, UPSAL Net a mansion nor an expensive residence, but Just a confertable home en Arbutus street. Including 6 bdchmbern and 3 bathe. All nelern conveniences. Will neil QJICKiy. TO IJiTrtiiBlM BBiwwrw colonial uwening rid Centalrlns 5 bedrooms and 2 baths, electric llcht. xaa het water heat, hardwood floors en first nnd second floors epti flieptacc, central hall: let lllxl.vu convinieni te rweuie aiatien and Old lark read trel.ejs. i'niut, iiu nuu Herkness & Stetson LAND TITLn HI.DO annnnrn u'lrnnm nnui renn Roosevelt Boulevard (nd vicinity, Olney te Vex Chase The choicest list of new homes and bulldlns iltej Call and see v Realteb.5 r Beulevard cer. lllslns Sun ave. Wjemlne OSCO Parlt 4070 iiiingiii'iwapniiiiinwiTO'iiinTici'mTai u wwa a ' Oak me Vicinity ff In Oak Lane, Melrose and Elklns Ptra u-e have the finest Hat et Hemes and Bulldlns Sites. Rua.T0R.q X1T OAK LANE. OPPOSITE STATION 0li Lane 2200. Melrose 18SS W. mam xmKwmmiumwM Jlulldlng tela wainus "uibui miMBni'iiBifl iiicxiuiiuiw v , Splendid BuildinR Site fe I .1Ul?.rl read: leasenahle price. !? HERKNESS & STETSON g. 'ND TITLU I1I.DG Fi wmBiiiiriiiiiiiiwiiiiH iP'iiniiiiin'iiip j virniinnmnnnp.iM HAi:Rrenn . i MOORE STiSl.'! ',nlniJ": te I'hlladelphli. new mey.rn i Lrcn t'euie. U rooms and bith, ifil mi ln'l"eeiiitnts 55S01I iav .?'"' M,!m,' ImiiRKlews; 5 rooms Muar .hn '.'p',n ,,r'.n ''" irenltast nueli, New i f"Hey .1000 lih ..Jf''1 luccn Imncalett, B rooms, epin h '"I" ttnJ t'lntr. het.water hmal. 14800. C0' Uun'"' tuba, let BOtlJO. riN'IC DUILDINO LOTS J. H.Allen, 819 Prospect Av. Monre, r Phene m.iietf r. ,i, m w ur, modem heuses: near te eta tlcn, centalnlntr D and 7 rooms and tie-! bith: cenerrui lets In the hnt nd iiet convenient neellen. l'rlce.l fr m 12 001 te 111,000 Urnnu' with u te ree these nev vhtln I 'ere aie different types te eejeu fiem Stmtltet &B$tmt p HAVERFORD H r?,!;rl00kJn"' tll Merlen Belf H tieu a'" ,3 "nn reldi.nces Yd H t.iS ?r.lnT "inpletlen. con- R (i Ll5,lnl!,u fims ,1 Imths and H H V c."eml,7". -ir Karace, with R U .'ri. n.f Kre'nl. mere If le- H Q ren H-s and rnrllcularu t UW McMULLIN A? V.:ST LND TKl'ST ULIXI.r' - MOORE n " - " ' -.. - -. i . i f He,iTV ".U, A V-d DINNta? -Xl3 AjT 0Rr .jj- rr" D.NNERC fT&- S. rWJuC:N,a irJ I H ,r,,er. -' i-Vih.; n'chambe'rs. H S FOR- VQCK. rw FOR TOOR -cssxS FOR. POOJ &- -L '" ' -"""... z.U I i I 1 &?T -S!hl fc FAMILIES' Wfe JS . PAMILItr W FAMIUtfc && CHRiibTMAgy ' ' JVJkim& nrTvfFFB X 3.A"rcM ;M ' - t -.. A X?w . CP ' JKV0 tJ ' ' SSMirh. I ' H2$K ' H' Va e?VZ& ' ' , -'-i"' .-5 I" , efiSCY. -' A i- T " - ' ". "inn'es .2rifflmni5 iSK v- ifsrMmkW VK W ' lB&Btfk !l JL " J J' a .&&& '. "' s - " ' ' (mA S( Ji WlSr wT wl 4- T ZP MM -J ftsr,ri,'C '- --'ly f r-.,r -n T l " P)Hl I S 'W W '' 4"" -" fv., iSS, - ' MV ftI T0V PIKE-ONE OP B B1 McMULLIN J? t Mi terWt r,H A - ) r '-' IfflS f, '' t: V.V' APPROACHES I 'WcxuTmiriiuji yfV k r-JSL J i I A 7i "- Vww, i WWF H '" ' H R DELAWARE I -sbmG"3&mx MJm j &2U. mt& r0$ r XLJ vTvJ- ' j? "H 1I1,10U(' the tract I ,-itt-t. ,... M i es i II . fea - A3 0 J$ I .I JV"T8WbpI Bis" js-i - ' v ' 4 ,-. - I -' pBHMBMMsMBslssssBssssBBBBBBMssTJsMsTa 5 ."J''l ' rfNv ' - L--,r tt" X -W, aH,.W ..Virt....'-ll ,-. L 1QMitre Jl-TOi E32. aas 4tiuri"ui,ii,w.JM-uzEft Property Headquarters SUGGESTIONS TOR THE HOME BUYER GERMANTOWN !f'ni,,,r I'l'l ft' le henid en a larxa corner Int. Hic-ptlen r'em, lliH room, lllirnrv etc. en the iirnt floer: tnmlKrn nnd 2 baMm nbeie. All mej-in lenvinleneei 1'rlCH recently rcilured tg n imur ih leprcEetiti nn etcdlent alt.e. GERMANTOWN Delacherl brick Colonial home of 10 roema ana 3 bains en nn avenue, truly calleil tie most lenutlfut In tapper O-rmantOKn. Over half an nrrn of rre'imis 2-car aarase: all modern conveniences. GERMANTOWN Detached nl.tone reeldence of 13 rooms en Wayne avenue. Deep let r..,l.n .'i10'1 .r'"?"taKe Particularly milted for doctor. Prlce la reason reasen ab.e QUEEN LANE MANOR r.ie of thee attractive nlene and. Muccq horn's ilch lend such charm Je this delrnblii eoctlen Central ha'l arrangement en Hrst fleer with 2.S"r.chamber" nl'd 2 baths above. $15,000. DREXEL HILL An attractive etrjia-nnd-i'ucce horn conveniently slti atrrt. tenter '.mil aid U'l'JM first fleo, roema: 4 bed rooms nnd bath. Very reasonably priced at $11 e '. CYNWYD A new and attractive IbUnn, con venient te trains, echoeli and stores; p red ehatnbera and 2 bath: llv. Inrt room rilnlmr room, kitchen, pantry and laundry: saraje, geed let, main street. SOUTH ARDMORE Attractive 7 ree-n heue. Mrlctly modern. Oarace chicken house (inner leavlnr country will sell furnished at J 1000 for quick sale. LANSDOWNE Met desirable corner 3--terv stone-and-stucco lioune 4 Udroems and bnth en second fleer. Third fleer can be converted Inte 2 lam bed bed bed reoma. K-car rra-aae. linoleum, Bcrtuis. etc . Included. OAK LANE An unusual opportunity te purchase a larire roomy house at a bargain. T.ie let has n frontage of 11J feet: 2 bulldlnit altea could be sold te re. duce cost of home te a minimum: 7 chambers nnd n baths. 1'arn.uetry floors. Tel-phone for Intercatlnir price and particulars. LOGAN 4240 N. Franklin street: O rcems and bath In tine condition Modern, het-water heat, electricity. SK-(10. Owner open tn nrfer for eulck sale. BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE 1206-11 LlbLRT BUILDING. BROAD & CHESTNUT PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE. LOCUST 7100 .m-.,.-, ... LAKbL bhKMAlMlUWN TRACT at a Lew Price We offer ,nevv nt an attractive jirlce a level tract of Rreund sultabla for BuUdtaB Sites that a rapidly BrewlnK In value. Convenient te train and near projected trolley, the completion of which will immediately place tills ground en u ETcatly increased price baslg. We also have a number of individual lets ripe for immediate improvement. BUY YOUR GROUND THRU Liberty BldK., Bread & Chestnut Sts. ? iiu jwmmm imnn pi tiiwm et it wnu mmiiw um wm n mm i: r '- ? mm nn ira r II AiUU'il !!!l lillllilllli I! illiBU'FT'railWi'llilUMI'llJllR DELAWARE CO. Property Buyers Ne matter what kind of a Heme you want or what amount yen vv nut te par, we have lunt the one you have been leeklnR for. Our lirir lltt of avail able pr pertles cover Lin tonne. lire! Hill, IInend, Ilroekllne, Oakmont filli 8tr-et Hoctlen and all ether districts of Bdaware County. Property Owners Wh net let us Hiibmlt vmir preixTty ti our Ism" number nf ell nt cld-li1nn homes In tlie above Sections? VmH.WlLS0N&03. 1617 WALNUT ST. ritONB LOL'l'ST 73S0 fpmiHiraii'iT'npiii'inrawii'eira1 AI.DIN ALDAN MIRACLE HOMES Price $6000 English Colonial architecture, ijutlnt side entrnice TiciicIi doers, unluue I iiirler foer plan Lela i'.lx'Oe e-irare prlvl'eira IB MINUT1.3 PltOVI (19TH ST ('llftf'i ave at Magnelia ve. David H Hilirman. Mauri Lichtman 111 C Ifton ave, Colentul Trust INg, ll"i Pa "ith . Vkt Ihllu. RUFUS McGOOFUSSte'p Around for Dinner --- . OAK LANE In these daja nt fuel sherlaste there la the distinct ndvnHarjn of coal economy In a buncnlew type of home, A splendid llvlmt rncm with llreplace entenillnu across the front of the hours with lnclesd perch, dlntns room, kltrfien. 2 bed cham lers and tiled ba.h, 3 liedroems and bnth en- second fleo-: frvracri ex rellent condition Priced low at U7.0OO. FRANKFORD Several hlthly rentrteted bulldlna Ieta at Cat ter ave. nnd Arrett etreet opposite Norihweod Park. Where could one select a mnre dellehtful lite for nliome? Priced at 18500 up. JENKINTOWN Well-located home en Yerk Read. I.lvlnar room (open fireplace), hell, dtnlnc room, pantry, kllchen and refrlfeVatef room en first fler In cludes 7 be1 chembers. Ooed-slsed le', J12 COO. OVERBROOK SECTION DON'T Mi 83 PHONO tlil bind mnn corner piepertv tteual ilrst Teer plan with brea'tfaft roem: n larce. cheerful ted chnmbeis and 2 buths: nare' 510 ena 3 OPPORTUNITIES n w ceu. ran t juprnnseN sts. n c con. can t, t RnANN Avn. 707 N III Hlll.'inT All thafl preperllea are In excellent condition and are priced te sell Permit us te show them te ou CENTRAL CITY KPRVCi: STREET 17x114 feet. At present prlce an excellent lnvet ment: will help finance the rlslit party. fcPnucn STREET 18 room. .1 baths; hardwood floors. lie'-watr "eat, electricity, very elaborate reme paneled in walnut We n-n-eldar this one of the flneit homes In the central part of the cltv Rultebl" for profeselenal man an I naaptah'e for apartment" WEST PHILA. Attractlve center hall Colonial house let BCalOB feet, southeastern epejure. I.arf;e llvlnir rfiem wlt'i open flreplare. sun parlor, dining room, breakfast room, kltcrcn and pnntrv; 4 larce chambera nnd i baths en the second floer: stall shewer: 3 chambers and fceth en third floer: hardwood floors, flnls'ied In vrhlti and mahogany, elaborate electric fixtures; garaxe. Abundance cf fine shrubbery. An exceptionally fine home worthy of your Inspection 010 S. 00TH QT. baa been reduced In price for quick sale 1210 8. 41TII STREET 8 roema. modern. Owner solicits offer. U030 cenni CREEK rlvd. Any ?".?.. i i?e.'lfln . ". fPrty In this locality Is mlssln a treat oppor eppor opper tunl y by net teln thla before purchannc cltewhere. The price Is Interesting Ih.lK.'-'nrPT V4500 ynch; l rooms. 2n.Vtm;n.n h')uJ' '?r alt(,r'nc Inte apartmenta and la reasonably ! )AM IJIIIIil IKiaWlMOJl IIIIKllWmWIIimn.lJIW.milimrminmn ,..' ITT' Pinwm imtm r .,.... 'TUMI a ' ' I 1 i , .. iihumi Hiuiraiu.-iuu a i 'ii-uiBa'i nii uuuieu j uun uial .fe A XMAS SUGGESTION H 0Vtt itni'itr.sENTATivrwn.L call lven m-Qcrix , 1 A-n"t wymwt en our suburban fi I'UOND T 3 h?nl9 new Our list offers you a 0 . , . I a I "JJ, nnd che'CH aeectlen In any of U t 11 1 O IJ 11 i I :&55Tau;S I Gallagher & Kelly f I I At.X,S'liiliiJSi? I 2017 NORTH 63D STREET ' l,H urban home town." OnlTa .Sili B OVERBROOK 1618 WH3T 10S7 'E B pi "mount of ca.h required and terms 0 Member Fhlta. Real Estate Beard vw-al ius7 l I . gj te suit purchaser. K ' r3 1 I m noem I0S. (leth Ht Thestre nidc fi I CTfWYll i!AI,A 'a ; .pri CYNWYD lr bala Ai I ST . , "G -Xll?TiA E , -All store house, containing i.v W fl I -Attractive Bungalow A fe . 4 . --.,. ra F, '""' 8 baths. chamber. n f; J & 10 room, 3 bath, I cham- S 1 4 500 1 H - """"me'S'.Vl, ".ffieuitf B t 8 a hers, eltrtncliy uarage for VJ. ffl UJ I T,yUU J3 H ruf ta: 000 '" "' tnreuxh- E li H ! cars, old sprlnr house water by Q ' s -.. . , w V ... A i i H mm 3V4 acres, old shade and R I J3 Sinflle llOUSO, VOry near Ki A HIRST & MrMT'TTTVf J3 - U R fruit trees, lake owner wan-s p g cfntinn w!Mi lnre-n Int 9-cnr Wl Wi-it rvi .... UL,l: v f? , H OJUk sale will sell furnished or f Blnuen "ll iaVKC lOC; J-car Kj I . w -S1 n.ND TRUST lll.DQ Ay ' j '" nm W HIRST & McMULLIN $ Q , "P fe "f e.I beemi; l.rB. j ZimnTrm vv wkst end Tixt'SiT tiLUO ,& f tilcl bath, punnv dinlnr; room, si il -' v rrv, ..u-rTlV 11int1ei'n kitchen. la-Re living i - -yrRi15 , i k OTTTrD ulllUP W room, pverv conmience. Js xS5 5222?'w I I iiciPiiiKf SH. t Immediate possession; evn- $ & "KaV-" ?v ? UJJJ 1 rr'"13 nr-"ved- , u U & N'W OFFERING , ' ft v.v . our, H Unusual opportunity at K & 0n ,nr, .... ltn X g , .!xv,;,v,;,,,,r,l;1v,.,.,xi v GORDON SMITH H H rjlFv a , kTREAT-S-TREAlJ 'oXrrSeKST 1 t&&J I RvsX WAYNE l'F.NN5VLVANIA yZfrfl J1 Qrr .rt-rpYf,' .-fly R Attractive Suburban Hemes ALONG THE PENNA. MAIN OVERBROOK , Detached Kllsubethan-style residence; spjcteus first fleer plan, 8 bedrooms B baths en upper Deers; entral-nl!i beat: atlractlve let l).a.cl."0: old shade; convenient te t:uln and trolley. MERION Htone reshlcnce, red slate reef, center hall plan: 0 bedrooms, 3 baths. nun nun Parler, modern In every reipect: ta raire: 1 aero nreund. planted. Flne residential section ARDMORE nnrlli'.i-tIe realdencc nnd 2-meter Raraae en let K)xl7A well piantrd: euse has center hall nrranrement en flrst floer: fl bedrooms. 3 baths, sleeplnir perch en upper floors All modern appointments. BALA All-slei.e reeldence en corner let. about 1 sere rreund: e'd fhade, house contains a well-arrarujed flrat-floer Rtan; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths en second oer: 4 bedrooms and bath en mini fleer; het-water heat, elec rle llahn combination stable and Bainne: an excellent purchise with early posies pesies posies slen. Samtu&e! C. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING LOCUST 2871 WYNNEFIELD At Bryn Mam Ave. and Ovcrbroek Ave. Mr. Themas F. Rcilly has completed three new separate houses. This is an unusual location, protected by the ownership of all adjoining lands. First fleer containing a larrrc center hall, customary rooms, lavatory and inclesed perch. Second Fleer, four bedrooms, 2 baths, perch. Third Fleer, two rooms, bath, storage. Garage Separate heated stone garage for two cars, (slate reef.) Let 65x175, high lancl, convenient te Bala and Philadelphia Country Clubs, train and trelley. Terms conveniently arranged without cost te purchasers. Possession in, thirty days. Cen be inspected daily. Agent en premises Sunday. JAMES E. D0LAN CYNWYD, PENNA. ovrnnneoK 4383 exclusive aeknts ctn-wtd 7.12 ITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTlllll DEVON In an unusually desirable location near Deven Station atande a mono ard p'aster house, thf Prepertj oi ei cupin; lli acres. Tin house coi cei talna 12 looms 7 ldroeTis at d 2 baths, Incle-ed perch Thla Is a. ne e'tf-rlnr; with early posaeeslon. l'rl'-e $;u 000, HAVERFORD ."il .jni!.u,.,,v '"Irahle hv-itlen nn a pnva'e line, near the Crlck-t n ib iVi","eniru"'1: a H'""r a"'1 rblii-l.. Iieush vvlrti creunds ISOtSDi rover-I iiLii "S "Id rhnde tree On the I'rst fleer treie Is a hall. Iiur.w room ?i,?'?iT.re'- "Vl."'0'' """tf. hitmen nnd laund.y and mnlrtj1 .lnlnK rwm V.ii1' " .T '. thie ero 4 imster LcIioeihh, a baths Knd den. 2 Mrvanta vTp'Sr' r'eat.bcRle,ctrl?n.iht. 'h'rJ' b-ruems' Lal" "J r.recmT ' Vaculm This U an excli3lve offering which 301TV fJ ffr can be seen only through this office. rlMlC. cpnZ.UUU A.D.WARN0CK, 112 S. 16th St. ljwm JJJJ-I 1 1 1 1 H H 1 1 1 1 SUBSTANTIAL INQUIRIES ARE BEING MADE FOR DWELLINGS AND GROUND ALONG PENNA. MAIN LINE BALA-CYNWYD, GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL WE SOLICIT YOUR LISTINGS ' IB U-'liluliillPllilU'iid bUlkSUiliKUJ u Wll li 'l.iii KIimT tlUMXii'93iUiilIlIIiEi!LBti. i-LLLU- iUJJJJ- t LINE AND BALA-CYNWYD OVERBROOK Htena Colonial reetdence, 2-mntnr pa rage: center hall plan: perch In In In cjo"iire, ett en first fleer, 4 bil bil recms, S bathn en enrid: 3 bed tenms lath en third, central-plan heat; tcteeni, awnings Included; let ilxll2 lm pactien Invited, HAVERFORD New stone nnd-hlnsle residence In desirable nertlmlde aettlnti, I'onvtn I'envtn lent te train tint Cricket Club un usual rrreund fleer plan, 4 bedroom, 2 bath en second, 2 bedrooms, bath en third, vapor hat electric llht. Let 100x110. Price $27,0iJ CYNWYD Vttractlvn atone-and-tucce retldence iind rta'aKe, well planned flrt fleer erranitement, 5 bedrooms, 5 baths en upper floors het-water v.iat. electrlt. Ilg-nts convenient te nation and In desirable neighborhood Let 00x175, Prlce IJO.OOO BUILDING SITES n are eh" rin nntii desirable billld- Itm altrs netii tTe Main Line and I l),ala-Cynwd sctlone Kully lm 1 proved and ready for bulldlns Wag'3me20 Jf p atb ttti WYNNEW00D g A ston-ar.d-ntucce reldnce nearir eon-pletlen will centaf-v u rooms 7 bedrooms and 3 baths. caraiM. It le located in lent neighborhood. Price 23 000 Twe-car an excel- 1 f JLUJJ JJJXLJ-LLJL1 ' ' f f F I ' 'TTTTTT : IEX.NSW.VANIA HI lU'IlHAN rKNVKVf.V NI S r.rtlimiAN PF.NNBYr.VANIA HPBIHB1 . i'MWi I ffBtiy Before Sprini J JS atfl Why delay cheesing the Heme you have ulways wanted? We will supply your want. Call us en the telephone or write, stating where you would like te live nnd hew much you wish te invest. We have n Heme for every buyer. All sizes, prices and locations. Let us prove this te your satisfaction. Here arc a few of our many preperties: Wynncfield 0Arnn? ",!? desirable -fCtlnnj of this teautlful Funuib. the heue Is of s'ere detached, excellent rmtru'tlen througheut: het. water heat well planted -round 1(10x200 feet, lare Karaite with man's room. An tin--nedlatc aale la desired by rlie ewnir. Lincoln Drive ,,.? house; 12 roem: 3 bathe, saraire for one ear. Lincoln D.lve f-cc-Uen tiwy painted and rede rated. Priced ry r'a'etahlv A charmlntr beuse: pleaslmr locality. HvaveI 14' An eiceptlenal new UICJI.KI Hill ,trne . and - stucco beuse: near completion Situated en a prominent cerrr. Ten rooms and 2 bailie 2-ear uaraTe. A -enderful oppe-turliv for some one Pwllaim An all-tone "eaehed (.1I1UI1I house llxeeptlenallv well built I.ar;e let, . d r ni", irsraee. Price reaenble A little mentv spent In renovation vvl I transform thl heu e Inte a con venlent and aitrnctle home MAt-iin Heautlful stone and and erien piaster house of central ball type In meat desirable tecllen Vnrv accc"lb, 3 bedroema, sleep In pe.c' ant bath en second f.rer Twe ed-eems and bath en third I.et 70al70 feet Possession Immediately. -i if I WM. He WILSON CD, CO. IL S17 Walnut Street Jm II jjtew jvr.'v.v-T.xmieBr. nf.w .tpiv-;i:a.ihrk new jkbskt wrjtwneRB I miktii muiwoei). y. .1. NORTH WH IWOO. N. J. NORTH WILD WOOD, h, jt TJ ll ll One of the most desirably located properties in any of the New Jersey resorts is new being offered for sale 608 LOTS with 2800 feet of ocean front with the riparian grant. North Wildwood, N. J. This property can be improved new and every let should easily be sold this year. Here is a preposition that is really offered nt a ridiculously low price, and the above estimate of profit is based en selling these lets at prices several hundred dollars less than adjoining leta. The owners are inexperienced in developing property and wish te sell it as a whole. There is a substantial turnover te be made if the property is net improved but the big money will be made in improving the property and selling the lets in small blocks of ten or mere. An attractive financial arrangement can be made with reliable people. Fer iv.ll particulars telephone JOHN M. SIMON Tel Uittenheuse I98 Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania qrnrRnAN - nriraramiiiBiia mm miiersiiisra ci Germairktewn BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME , t .. v tt wM tho-er7hlv modern nil in exre"ent condition contains luce iv 'it e im w it r I'retilnce dln lnir ree i kl'C-en flvj beJchambera. t e bjil kui parur unj awrort-em I'rlce J Id ecg NEW STONE RESIDENCE vv Ith stone rnraue -li-1 red very nttncilve nnd cinven'eM contains trv.. irirh I In.' - T" .r'.'i H-e- i lee dlnlnc rwn lltrhn four bed r en a id t i h I'r . ' i l) u - a,m: list or .- II 'MI3S IN' p-n it din T ' 1"I'W'T A me r Tiir rtKST lHJHMV.VTOUV l ALL VIIK.STNLT AT 1RTII FlLirE tT 4'i'J HACK 807 mmirrwLBVwmmATn C. D In Ambler a beautiful rer nent ,n.,tnll colonial house only It jears old. I.lvjn room library, dlnlnir roeme en first fleer; 4 bedrooms and 2 baths en second fleer, nddltlenal bedrooms and batli en third. CJaraqre Hent 1160 far month unfurnished, Germantown tAoea,fe0dnVtnennt'eV. and-brlck heue Ten roema and 2 baths. This property I Chin ere block of heautlful Cliveden Park and tbe price Is only tSSOO. Me nm-n knMn.-fllA icnuii ninsier house w th 5 In pnAmK A rhbmhem. !! nathu. oeen country near station. teat CHI147 feet Price 124 fiOO. we urte an examination Imme llately PIe!JA Desirable brick Dutch VjlCnSlue rnlenlal house. les Hian 2 years old t.lvln room has flreelace Veur bedrooms and bath Awninrrs and screens Included. Prlc 112,000, very low for a house of this character. Invetlat thla. Germantown A sroed-tookln. k.anJl.tllW mall detached house with carare en a aroed let In an attractive neighbor hood Modern. I'lr llvlnir retmi with fireplace. 8 bedroema and bath, maids' room and bath We Can Selve Your Real Estate Problems $300,000.00 PROFIT rKyNsiLVAviA mnrnnAv OVKKIIKOOK rax nmiiinraj'c win tvj)in,Kira',i!i!jri!'nrriMii ji OVERBROOK DurlnR cona'ructlen this house was uder the care ful ind ccntnnt .upor .uper v r'-'n -! xY,- owner Jart rcntly been completed Iw lei.at en Is dea rable liccausi of U ennvn' enm te trains snd trellev. There are v erHi ehuri'heB in the near neighborhood The hnuse, 1 nn attrac tive stone Colonial with central hall and rod red nlz'd llvli'B an ' r t tg rooms On th.v sicend fleer tVe am four hd hd hd roems and two t'le ' th.s Additional bedroemj and one tile bath en tli. t' lr ! fleer llarase for two cars vfeH.ViLS0N&Ca 1617 WALNUT ST. I HONK I.OCLhT 78M) tenmxvsvmmm By Jee Cunningham Ovcrbroek A beautiful alone Colonial house. The let Is of font sice The lmu ! reanllfuPy arranged and Is verr convenient In all vva, Inclesed perches ( bedrooms and 3 bath Stene arace for 2 cir: man room Immediate tale desired. Ellcins Parlr. AAh,," "IS!: - ano-siucce nnus Iti In a very convenient loestlen. There Ipd are 12 room with 3 baths: modern lea appeinimenis ana in aroea cenuiuun. Twe-car Rarane. Citm, A S-tterr htnm In beat rl v'llv dence district. Oeuia Mslly le ecnverled Inte apartmentt. This frewny Is well worth Investlratln. nformatlen upon lmiutrr. Dt. M..ir A wenarful op Bryn IVIaWT pftUnltr Is beln offered In a bvilldln sit of 4 ae.ret The rur-eundlnta are excellent lil property Is one that Is In beau tiful open country; fine views. This will suit you. Jenkintown Ucce "hn? or sale Situated en hlh around with u maannifleant view Seven looms and bath, all conveniences At the. rr rice we quuln worm any aiccsrn- n perwn s lnveatiatien. EgjyVJMLtNTA-WrntTMlAV irnAi. nciic!njisixw.i3!3iBniwiii MODERN ENGLISH ALL-STONE RESIDENCE ffe"11 Cleverlv l.ne south of ceS?al'n.n(Lr0.d.' ,nVUU th nr ., centalna center ln:var artr lvln J '', dinlnt wm, r.ntrV" thlr,i .?," I?m" J14 a bathroernsi bathcim?,a.'," s nn wirai i?e r7. an1 tortreorn. ererr mod med I'eht CheS':,nc' k InHjW ewrne BinmMJl"v,Jr h'' rn'drn ep.n th sa..!?4! ,ev,,rl "n flreplacss: sp1clflLatBnL, 'nllllKbtillt after Sefan V?i" "n1 "'-',"41n te th STi "-aU'T0 Trumbausr; lmm. elate rosiesslen HERKNESS & STETSON UAJS-D titlx: I1LDO ftjjjwrri! wmxmwmammKtmt H'AK ANK lntnnlefla . .. . . i ---; in ricri n inrr ii r!Mt.. i- a y- i.i. i riai-. mtuntcl a f mn r '-. ii irnni stai r n. irmi. riiuri rift t v - ...". .-.---. non juU car. make Inspecttnn. vTDFAT.r-.TnrAT cxv' ,VL,MI M.ni XvX't PENNSYLVANIA NKII JKKMRl UIltrRIIAV r iyJj 's etwi ur .vwiR'ff'jii'aifra i.i fPTrmwmKL SPECULATORS INVESTORS OWNER MUST SELL vN ei pr.n wiTHOtT a l-rtEi rnrs'T 00 Acres in AU Will Divide Itn.l with the creaUit rlhllltles It thrown O' ICK BAI. ON KINGS HIGHWAY vV 'I I : &li m V T I
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