fivpfiS P'f.r. '- -' ' "'.r'v.'.! v"j5Tvn:Vmt vl f-tn'feWinqjfwir'-x '') w -" saw - m i- -IT-I CT' i. -J-n.' w TiSFW i,;MWWfni ' - l mmmFwmssKR i wmvr ! ' l ,v w.s sc- ,v V 1 32 TOU SAT.T; . ' . YOU LOSE If YOU De Net Cemn r.tifl Government & Fnctery Surplus tstecK TOOLS Fer AH Trades 305 CHERRY ST. M.tket 23 09 Open Until S 30 ALL SIZES HOT-WATER STOVES nxntATens r-Loen and wall ueilers from 30 qallenu 1 v S. W. COR. 12TH AND SPRING GARDEN STS. TYPEWRITERS RENTED VIKIIJLE 3 MOt 10 VND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters ALL MAKES Agents for Remington Portable American Writing Machine Ce. . 802 CHESTNUT ST wai.nut jjv; ILAlL-i?!!.8 OFFICE ':.i HL,.?.? DESKS special let from t amp Ills, bean iu.rtrl e.k churs etc PENNA. OFFICE FURN. CO. S1I WALNUT 1102 AR1"!! ONE Ed'"en tnltieecnpl mi n " T moter.'n'ti i r"ll top nk dt t "tin chair, 1 tlat top cn 11 f.xll th chair All 'iual f re Apply S irwrlnte ider' 1 Me'h nry .- Malt p urn j c Phtlidpi ANTIQUE 1' J Mahegans dek pl' eraet i.pd tV latins aie rn, chairs c Urn 3 condition mi-v reanW 121 N Mi COJIPLETE II. of nfCci furi ttir. d roll and flat np. chalie, e'eel fl InB cM nets clethej tre ctdce pa'l'lens tT writers at earrlfl'-" prices S u bofero buying 12it',a0S gp-inu Garden t II R0 AND UP'tYAr.P Verv Un ssrtmrt of nents oereoits mi cufeni tnad IlleJer'e Jleney Lean Oftw 12 MirVt ' erner n'de a, and Oxford s '..i nd Seuth ete A LADY S cnulr dlirneid n"2 " pma' ' parts n ih fin.t iui ' "iBl" ev carat c"r SIM lll 1 for 1210 "l"-T SELL a I Ueedlanl 4i.HI J from 0 A M I until p t . , run Delmsn snu p Tertian Pi Pelnnn cost J100 1 menlh ate j nrrifl e 'or I J2I! fti 1 li x'n srie fit n'r ern fa p. nenf n2 V . I BILLIARD MEADQI ARTER - B I'la-d tible n an 1 e -ml ban'" be n; aiiMs eni urr 11 imi fri'"iv ni m COI r rspFR '! l"i; Arch n "IIOWCA'-ES !TORn VTN.TI RE'S J A I kinds ni hurd a 'd md te erdr STAR SHOWCASE MPlJ LP 1 N 12 h phnp'uc4r REFRIGERATORS ivn FTVTt'nns Terms I desired. I R T RNDALL A CO 33 IN !J it FLRioet French al cuffa and cellsr trlrrmed tth nul-rei 111" alue 52" Rleder a Lean Of US Mjrket at RLrRluKKAT'iK flieloer bu r be- r frlp.-ater euntf rs -e-rp sea es 8 cts and aafes ,.0 ( al uuh 1 e IBO DIVMOND RIN'. Itled' n " ft i' rur wi . M r- i le n rtllccat !,unn mitr" 17 il i ine niedr a I Pin Of" c U'MTlK'i' IU0 DIMi)l ' n? la'j. J.7" Ul'lr"a lean Offc- 12 lUrk't l DEWER fjr rrN u-dj-" riti-i color arm ex'ra iir il rr 1-'17 B-Q'tg. HEATERS IIPP' ES CHKP i'lLMVir't CI OiK Orandfither 1 mshOijanv wonder ful chimes sn in te nulck bujer cien'ni er Sunday PhenUvimng lilQQ J I Ol'NDATION STONE for a an.,-UaF tlty, auarr at North' Phi a Ambler 3717 O i Yerk ri id T eKi 'VI CHRISTMAS wraih ar 1 d-coratier.a at whelesal tt -e. 3 N th st LADIES anj s'nt furnih1n atere inU't ba sold at en " 2 Mirier ObFICL pirn hi nxti-, ii ,a ' Pc fei qu ci te "11 nn nth " i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AEOLIAN PLAY! R-PIANO-s AND ri'NOLA PIANOS Mala b tia .r i Aeolian Company, of New Yerk rep-elucirg the s-erld a test nu.l- i '-i prf t , xresslen, free from inecranlcal no es and ja72 elfi-cs. free demon. trat en sour nune tanen as part pigment J411 an I ui wards Special EleuarJ Jules Plsser-Plane at 11,10 most end-rfu Instrunrent eqaal te man se 1 at $7'ie In some stores Ud Plar-Planes S-ral taen la chanca en nw Pianola Pianos la 1373 Needham Player-PUne cost IS50 new 1395 Story & Clarke Player, cost J70J new J373 AUemanua! Pl,leI cost S750 new 1421 Wh'leck Plareli cost J"30 rew. 1401 Wet-- Plares ejt ISIO nw. 1405 CinnlrshHm iratchless, cost 1300 new Rearenab monthly payr nen'a accepted Call ph".ne or wr e for area 1 utrataJ catale-u. art srr'sl pans e psrints. l'Eprr s i ptew n s-efirs con hth t, rtn tp. sts Opp rnln t'ptli Chrl.tmie $375 cnn pt no r- - t x ud , a oe1 condition J430 Melnw a uaen. cost pi'i new Larc a..ertment p . mlnlatur babv grand, w idlnc Hspi Ed euard Juki Henry F Miller a' JdV) and I upward Cemplaie list and Illustration! . maiiea anwnr ran or write :i HEPrE'l fPTOWN STORF 'H JI 'il I a- irviiu-aii-k ?1M Open Ei'ilnta Until Chrletmae. UPRIGHT PIANOS tnclulln Stein way. Chlckrlnc Dsr.p lCpn 45 Paaae. etc Prices from tl23 tn js.nn rr. piano rebuilt and ruaranted, rayments $1 monthly and upward complete lists trailed anrwher Cam or write litrrr; k irnrav nienrH COR 1TH K THOwpqnv x3 Opn Eenln I'ntp Christmas LAKOE VICTROii MrDEl 111 with 12 records n' jour own selection beauttfu' .maheaany fnlsh al netnl isrls keM plated 4-aerlnB meter will puarantee Cnrtitmas dallvery, den t delay Cull write or phone for full particulars HFPIT 3 I PTOWN STORES Cerner Hth and Tbnmp.nn etre.ts Opn Fenlnra Until Christmas , $39.50 VirTROT a IT matierany Vlctreia wh fl 10 D P r.r erds of lour own se etii n ' mantJ accepted Ca' phere or vrita HFPP" S UPTDWV STORES I Cerner eth and Thnmp.nii .ir,,. .r-,. ....n. . Mul , nnstrnas $50 -y-nviLA vim h4. i.TS-J. ?.. 'pi'r.f nei0,;i w,th ' no i- Victer sound box fully ruaranteed. easy ravir lants arcented ' e' tayrnents arcrted HFPPf S t PTnwv STORFS Cerner 0th and Thmspen atresia Open Eienlnta Until Chrlsimi. 60WRA riniN'ii.jiAPH at half ,... ...I.. ri...j . . linn SS im.kq -.i'j ,.i ...i'i ingi. nas al imprevrmenia a real largdin or Dhone for f J ' Infnrmai rn HEPPI 1 t PTOII V STORES Cerner Htl and Thomp.en atresia OP'n Enlmrs Intl Christmas URl-NhWH K PIIi'-.qeHAfj, w, ... . m, nef?njV ca"v f ' . '." I "1'n. '1 remrds psy IB down ba an e s 'r, n , -.. ,.f ,". ..!.... ,. i i ... . li" !$-- ;-- - ca PHONOaUAPHt- ;era! -,r.l knew1M ru. mil r-, k1. .... . . - .w . .-.-' .. -.wr n.i uri- some u of these Instruments hae been used for !i demonstration nuriw.s hut n.i mnr...', H te be "In perfect mchanlcal order rrl es r J27.B0 $94 10 00 (console) an J up rw,i" ter "'- ti 'itir.u r rsrn rn 1710 12 U rinTM'T AT VICTROLAS'P-Uprljhts and the nswesTcen- soles spcciii fhrinma te ms en all in strumenta uav I, down r 1 ns lilt - a. at - .. ul,lu n Int.,.., , -1, n l -l thi-e rwF'.rii in " 171 0J I 14 fllErNt r st TIANO and rlajerpltne buers rn r veu the mennv te P& caal you saie 11 ' p.m. hi. ...a., u.i. v it. ua ivni little each mouth rr.F,i;ii- .-,"."' '" HOP Walnut us . .-..,..,., . nun e c e IIECORDS 10 000 late Issues 2 .hB for II will exthange a new r... rd Mr old enea and 10c, records beuht .s-lbtrfa El N Slh for Vletrelas cheap pherfe tllONOUIJAPH A carload ut li-nulne Sole- tones j. nu aana me world ever for I1B0 open from iu A 51. te 10 P II 2083 l.ehlgn ava PIANO Renowned Vhltmere Studie model" rnahejany uprlsht l.'lli. a Christmas spa rial Wl Itmere Piane Ce toil Lehlh ave Open from l'LAMte in p M " " " i LAYER IMANUb Free use fcr stnrara In your bem stuck In damp ware Jicuse mut be moved Aldress V n linx 4 11. Ph Uiii pbia VlCTROLA with (I "lO ln"rii"ii j r, r erus 130 ' i teal laira n Hut i HUH Arch u I 10"1 i-.uiii i i n . ,. PIANOS J7 . ..ah !i. tl i n f - "J,MU nlflceiil I 110 pin Imn ij. i ,i,i ba.alnl Jl T Id 13 ill lr h i , n .v.i 'I'LAYER I'I IMI It's lit ill i iu) J. in , inani'Kany ia.e cost new JOle n h 1'idl l.lOil Arch et Open iieulnus FEaaER-PIANj fcterey & C ik 1300 . note, cost J70U auarantced urma can be ar ranted II II Tedd 1300 Arch On.n nu, COLUMBIA Orafonela 100.10 (1126 model). with 8 10-ncn deuble.facel records (13 Mlec,), 11. Tedd. 1300 Arch. Open eves. 1 FEn30NAXS INT' formation rcunnllnir his heirs. Imoertinl. I wrlie. or wire Ocerce A. Knpel . 14 Straub I t Rochester N. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT Sticks tt Bend", Wnr Savlnra Stamps Treas. urv t-rpps rd ."ten or will make Jean l'lll-Trc N )1 LH. nnnnrler 111 H. 12th DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PS.WN TICKLTS rOR DIV.MOND3 KULLY t, CO 01.' Chestnut st Sulte 222 :J fleer jeer ChMds' Restaurant. IH.U PI Vf PLANS AM, KINDS L E. JH N N S 2 till CO LIMHIA A K MI.CHAMCAl. anl ft trlcit contractors. ru iwt I'll rar' 111 1114 N 7th at STORAGE AND MOVING "MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly ixi'U" for email nhlrment between rhlladelphti end Washington. The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. H7TH AVDMAnKFTTJ Plrlna 120t "" VICTORY STORAGE 20tt nt.BEKT P'inne Kotment 4(178 for Mlmv M"'"r xn 1 1 i illlll. SPr.CIAl -W' I moo ' rtn ' u-c In ur nelBhb i hecci 'U i.l n " 'ere cur nrnltiirl.rnnJir" ' I vhri ed 1 7 MONARCH STOR lBr" . s 0 I.WCA. TFIt AE- "l n 'ii'Kvic.'i; st 5TOR nn PACMV I iNO Pfv T NVE MOVINO MOVING ' HIUWi'u , U i ins auto an. 6 im $12 ft it rrl'e Pep le4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 0 IN - will 1 m i ih erter ) t i el ir ir ex I l ft.. ITU pi i I S for ue n n iimi t - 'uiv m i . iiirtnp rij - . 7 rr r etit inj" pm' Is i iir it ei ion I "l ; - 1 i U p, rljt pr peri nf in e'al 1 ltd ertn ici I n n itd P "i I n I r.hP lun t " u-reh h -ei f or and "rs. I lr.. e f-.)ns veil lea'! In eM fn i - rTi n v i '" ' e mi. i c ai i j. w i. I -u r 'ij i ii I lll'lTJev netrt,.t.r r N ULL n iirl (. en tin R , nar retween i,rmanewn nnri t nsi mt h ' in r d-op but II tt vasli renjlrel J M 7620 tirmirfin ft I Priori" 4'i i'harit III I hUi ' LTORt 1101 I. Muh n nvc. te S feet a y it specuW e oppertjrit at a Kne l.leun price Se i 5n ilen 117 'J Jtt of I 1MT-H P t-I Miinni su"f.b"" for h.I inft "r T eatln hop , m l "-cult renenah li f-s' flas i-.n1tin , r N T't'' St K-'-sIn; en i 1 RESTAURANT ;:, f the best eip. 11 In C1T nlni! t -rj, in-rur'nn im v stii .i HOIl"nY m 1 Im-a ire.j b ortnnliatlen a ? en KHiicr ail j b"r in Nm I- in it I t rn eri .M 11.3 I.edter Olflce. r DOGS ANDJJIRDS rist-T n"i an rl tinrles which ttIM lli "I m (ir i' br'el.r own stock "2Q a mrl nn He ei nt 2117 I , AUCTION SALES TUT ntllA Art Oa,lrte 3 W Ce- 15ti and Chtnut sta R It Walrr.- auc tlcnr I'm- aimed burgage new tn poet. non it Ad!th i Ile'el lll be enld en. day Dec IS .1 at 12 e c eck. WANTED WE PAID A WOMAN" JH1 ,n for a le cf rrirv bh had hn c'. f"l Je fT e ewrre brine lour d amends nri i'u r i', u " i Kim a xu , lien j" at-pet- t -in aj nea 1 t 1 UL " R I-,:r & "' 1 712 Vrmtt rM r111- m si-Tea ns ciirpcfs r in 1 m 1 k nJ. of ne'i a tru k . in i-' p .tal - ul Diamond 33SS. ilerder L 21 P -le ai M-W-IMPFR- tl')c per inn rnan:n' rat. d-op t .'al 4" I J Markt si MOTOBCYCLFS-NI)BICYCLES r.l' Y LL. Medl Ir llan rnuin niumbla,, n en l-e itlrli l car. ctur $!" I t.. ,""' feriel tn n rl,1c rbulldlrj, epe 1 bu 1 1 '"II O'rnii' n ae REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rtTY iiiE m yv j iiriiuiiiiirfciiiniii rawraiiiTO Ln t T si 2iiFour-stery med- M 3 em r lenr e ct nlshborheod, j :1 petssli i i rooms j i ARfH T . 11' III Twe 8tent Ii 7i 1 n il r v-'e r. .. w ,q i en pj y rr bnti pp it en er tb sale of 5 e ti'ii t . ir 1 jusfhi'd 'u t it - g Incs r "S"" '"i 3 2D S r " 1'4 T ir "tnrv .'ote 3 anl d if 1 s 4 t i remlrK 3 kuslrs pr.t south cf th. nH H brMg pos.sslen unrf rnll bu. nca 3 pav S OKEEN ST "122 eifrdln.- tn WII. !il ut st Des r tb d stj- uVlinif U Kift 2 fronts i- a slight expnse 3 could ba t.rnecl !r e 3 apartments pi 11TH ST N 320 Three story eter 1 end fvi ns pes.s en Ins lecatn y t ri. dray store restaurant H I'TH T N . 4"12 T'eira Twe. a. t erj pe'ern brl"k c jrch front dwell. u 1-ff ena of tl"e best rprstmi ted 3 liises In I'll en side jirl with a tnr for care cenv te Legan -ta S I NCVNvcn AE 007 Leran I H r ie ster i-i k p h '-en' Cw inc j Iu "h I a f co e t en oennlnt I 5 te rr in iv terr-s I SUSTHUM Pit t Ft FISHER I 3 it;t i rr.NN i-ei.-hi: 1 I i rTii'wi r iii a "i i ,i iiiinir niiirsTpriii' W II UlIUi ffl L JIL kJilHUll Bj IUuULia.. iillUI . 1125 W. LEHIGH AVE. Fx' te "i i.r st S2x2oe f Three e-v wa,, ineLru td dwell , rt 13 roetrs he afr ha li rf i pj'.m ras nni i i r Kntma pa ce r' pruptrt te turn Inte apart ments a se amp ro-e-n in the rear te -srr a carffe t isi'en easv te-ms ar w riL In nu rn v a short ft Ci-tar e f e-n rjerrnantewn ae anl a Hread st mist b se d hence In 3 md ate act en 'i nr'ary Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher p 1424 S PENN SO t 7 I IH'llliTilllli Mill II lib 1 1 ii Willi ill i' ill.1 1 'I1 I 1311-13 Arch Street ' " 2-s'ery bUfc.n'sH bu rj 41121 ti rar a r ' i-m h e '-t-ll 1'sht who sc a or rT 1 r rd Te posses-1 n fl TTT-i r v--vi t" K j. I . uclck-Stm Tj. H ',tR EA" 1 V" 3 i"., . ' I'F-TM i fl III i IMH Hi -ii "i i $6000 "Simen-Bilt" $6000 SHIM- H 'IE" Twenty-Second St. 1JEI IV , i E (, T rfterr Tl" hi! ) oed f i r .....i. ... . . , . in ias!-nc .mill, ti'ii "-i-niiii.-iQi.., BIJRT0N c SIMQN "in a .i . ;ji:a iramiriir hum nmir.mi'i n.ri IV LS TERES TED IN APARTMENT HOUSES CONSULT MORRIS A. SARSHIK sno.neo te st jO.ecu 905-00 Penn-jlan..i Bldg IlfPiHil W 1 'II E 302 S. I0IH STREET " CORNER OF CYPRESS Four story divel In It rem.s fully fUr. nlst.ed, te be s It n- udlnf f rniture JO-EPH KKLbMAN v.i cini-e r l- Uk MOVING PICTURE HOUSE" Beating ,,-epacuy 4 cencret modem bul dim. R'l mud rn equipment raw nrzan small amount of cash reqjir,.) .rt quidiiy HAIMILlUiN & lS.-''bK 21ST AMI IMHKV'Ar 191 fPARRISH STREET 10 r l-rf.rt " !"" I I r rsat l.e ci ni i -t ( If e J0H' I. MINNICK "-a INFORMATION dealted , remirdlnn Oeerge i V.'v,en Pf'" le called Georee Clavtnn I without .he Ureen). whu llvel In r llailel- , I hh and travelel for New Yerk or Phindel. MI1V I I If!. tflUAP n hnillN 11 rt" rime, unri i i . I , iind hnrt relatives in Rochester N Y.. or In. i i h imi i ,' hi r 3IS SOUTH 10'IH ST. 2024-26 SANSOM ST. Paul H MlllJ Merr I' ill. Sp i a m; Fer Sites en Fairmount Ave. 2000 te IB 000 sq ft bes HAMILTON & KAPNEK nl'"r c. PMIKWAY . BVENDtG PtJBUO !LEDGBB-PHILA1BLPHIA WEDNESDAY. SEAL ESTATE TOK SAM! CITY K'Wiinnra.irarariffliinrawj humm whim iimn nnsimnnnninninn m miimmmmamwm BUY A HOME GRIFFITH MANOR -.SA.8JJ?5J10D AND HHAWN VT. ( MINUTES FTtOM CITT HAI.L) tllOU SPEED LINE (rilFR TrtANSFEnq TO AVn ritOM) ritANKFORD 'X" HOMnPHRKLIIH AND tNVKSTORS Today l your opportunity te mke An Investment en term that may mean thousand for e In a. few ye are TITLE POLICY TOED Hew te Oct There l J2I2? ""- tT'rSVM tDe0Urrffi eV0'4 C,re,l tt,M BY STREET CAR nlnawnBBtrV.t?r""Uferd Avcnu8 O,fort w,, t8 BEE AOENTS ON mEMISES BOOKLET MAILED OLNEY REALTY CO. N H nMO N. RT1I temriaiiimiiiwiiM wiTiimiiiiMiiin'iiJiiiiiiiiiiii ww iiimi i: 12TH ST. & OLNEY AVE. Each Heme Accommodates TWO FAMILIES K r modern eemenlenc. . . Yeu can rent one ctlen and tn In coma ntll pay ail srine In conoec cenoec coneec Hon with the. entlrs bjlldlna OARAGE FOR TWO CARS A Few of the Apartments Are for Rent at $S5 per Menth Excellent tranaror'atlen All trelleya rumlntr north te Oltey avenue l.l transfer direct, or Ttiter station en Phila and Readily Railway wlthli three blocks BampU 2euM Ready or Tnnntlen Daniel Crawford, Jr. Builder igmici nw iiUBTiiJiiiiiiiWiiJiiiirKmTinrHraiiaiiira H 418 Arch Street entlO feet. 4 at clea cl" tri'" elealnr ( llent store and tcajorieiiea Arch & Juniper. Northeast Cerner "ti?5 te Applctrce ft. t sterlci rlcarl- tlpht, steam lieat .tore and ePIcen maenable 1717 Pine Street 1: room". 2 batha electric light het water blent hardwood floer3 1 14 S.19TH STREET I51n6,i toems, 2 bath?, electric llKllt 1 J. CUTLER FULLER M US laTH h TRKET -in 1 ' 'iirniiTiini'ii'jirTrinn,;niir9"iTim!i kn .ie iiltrrtl-cmenta In small tne In fnllnulnB columns. Factiirii-. irelieiieH.Maiiuficturliie rioera 1 ysffiiu. 1 it 1 'I m Li in I nlii1- ' 'IHIIPuJia Hi iliiiu FOR SALE Var ntranr t Delaware River Bridge pi:c STORY Left Building I VT Attractive Price 1 Barber. Hartman & Ce. 12 1 i HI -TM T C h IMI' I I I MITl r' FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES I 17 C T 1 I."-" LINCOLN CUI1.DISO S.. W. A uiiiiiiiJwut jf llpArTORIES flanea. fa terv Bltaa i I. L. Stevenson & Sen L"n:dUI , WAREHOUSES Focterle. Heors A Gr m 1 with sldlnt HERBERT RICC ULIi'iVn Oararea Market Street GARAGE FOR SALE Immediate Possession Capacity, 85 Cars Let 50x214 Twe Street Trents BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut St. 1HT PHILIDEI P1IIA Urterlfi U irelmiiMS llnniifactnrlnt Floers i l ' tery and office luhdiri r for most an klr! of i i -e business li e"are 1 fr rtilen N at seuthSHst gorier -i h d Mfti-k't str-Ms t-entin -ir'ett si?e 131x214 '. f" ira , Is ni ' fetor In hi flit of .i fila tlen with nurthe-n llKht unler luildlrf fcr ful lersth r t street ljnxJO ft anv I v r lin'a eoed hetMna tci - l sol i en account of aic i iv anl larger bull lire rresirt u ai abl fr occupancy abr jt te i I " bl f ras c- M cr i 1 1 1 n e Jlde C0U Fer f jrther ta- i irs address , i .ni.rj- cnnrANv rt ' (i' 41th t Phi adc rMa Pa Mmes nnil Duelllnci STORES HL vr 1 i xr " lr t a.1 -Mt v,eti f C MOSS & TAYLOR rtUILDERH AND OWNI RS iijth and Haddington Streets I NEW STORES 5i"'h and Oranway ae 2 corner stores nnl dwlinjra atrlct'y melarn In eierv leta 11 rooms rath sul'at. a for an hjn. with every cenven rf tern. i suit Fer further infert-atlnn apu i te " N FAMOUJ, en p-i-mlies c . 1 i heitnut SMITTY '' "' ii- - L ZZ'rJJ? TlsirOaTDLOOK ( BTri6 80CS! ( GvVrMvj'VeRN " 1 CK- Uify . DIGIFIED'-HBSlUff f S ) WrVlT? f VWftNTS TO TALK V 5SNOW (BOSS IN? J v J I TOyeuM J f I "rESSIR i V.. S ( V-L REAL ESTATE EOR 8MB CITY SITE TODAY AT ST. WTO WiO pi irawnij im m iwMiniiTT-mn-eii,i,riiiiiiijiaiiiiiiiii inwrvl Wl-ST xa PJC )Wim GARAGE ibfinOO Financed Free of Charge 7 rooms, hardwood floors, hot het water heat, full tile bath 5419 N. MARVINE 2 BQl-ARES EAST OF YORK HOAD Agent en Premises Reed & Templcten 57th & Florence Woedl. 9410 24 TW0-ST0RY APARTMENT HOUSES ' ft foenn and bath each apartment, also percha. 6 1ST & JEFFERSON rirst-elaea residential eectien, rent 1183 per month prlc ytry reaaenable. eoed Investment. u JOSEPH FELDMAN 201 LINCOLN RLDO. 5100 WARRINGTON AVE. '1 rAnf. rmrtj-1lrt lit K !. 1 1 ;.:,"",";,-, ;". " 'r-..l"r. v- ...vjr .., fc . hi. nu(iirr neai, eiectrle ll-thts. rrquetr) floors, Colenlil llln hall, breikfiat room, .1 laren bdroema and bath spot easlv fit'in mid beautifully arranged lth tara-ce prU Icji, only JODOO. leek at It an) cempire th etheie, ou will find the iinauer veurslf DONALD V. REDDING 52d and Chester Ave. nam: immuunwa wii i iw mucin wm 6040-52 Pine St., Inc. 407-409 S. 61st St. Nina 2-atery brick houses 18 apart ments of i rooms and bath each, hot het water heat, most excellent Invest ent. Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 3 H24 S TENN SQUARE . w iniir mniiB rw hi r, iiiniiiiiniiiiiiiTmaiTiiiraii KIWI WllilWWIiU LI I'WIIIItt Wi'il A most prict'cul -ma clft and one that le most aura te l ippre clattd Nei- cnttnKe tvp. homes ut rath and "A an Inetnn a (In the, heirt of the beautiful SneruoeJ eec tiun) II W. EARL Y0NKER i. nuiiner. en premi"s Mat st aben Ualtlmere aa. Woodland 3145. Pt irn " jir'TrrTnnrTmrprqi.rnjiinninni iiLii,''"T'rpf!M m .. , ?i West Philadelphia Hemes or Investments Wm. H. W. Quick & Bre.. Inc. 8 Seuth 40th St. SHERWOOD NEW HOMES .'l'h st I'nren te rr isten un- 1 oil up s. uerb finish i, room, unl bath fai.isc must bi sen te be appreclatd '-1 foil In 30 daja Onlj 4 lift Marshall, Maleney & Wallace HI II I3ERS 1341 S. PAXS0N DUPLEX HOME Six reemi and bith may be purcn&ra-i aa It is e- wj will rcriQ''-! te u t jeu. one of our u"i ml bcnip r ''1 UPiMr 1-500 DONALD V. REDDING effi Investment Piopesitions US I?1" A.rr"'" 1",rm". l"' -'"KS J20 ene 4sftfir. cr- 't i 11 . fam ,v apta 12d -.On T I N 1 ' I.I I 1 t.r 1 -. Mil 'I' i I ' i li art b ise ' 11 en i Kfl M 11.' N IHh ' ri.,f,a 00 00,1 BARRY & BARRY &?; m 4922 CEDAR AVE. Three ste,-, twin H roerra 3 baths, attl- th reiiRMi rredrn Dutch ball, ele'trl nardwoel floors financed. E. R. FRENCH 117 S 38th Prston 13T Real Values! Loek Them Over " n hilt rbest , eml dn let aOxlBO J2S non tl' blk Cbest 12 r 2 I let 17x100 14,000 ""Ohlk s IP'h Or : b . let 10x07 11 000 i'fibx S 4H'h. Or 2 b, 82x00 10 SOU Or!reek i nil Atw "d rd , 8 i , b c .... 8.000 BARRY & BARRY 4441 chestnut Prtsten 47J4 $9500 OFFER a nea- 431 1 atnrv twin. mc ptiej hall, electric. 2 r r n ni r-n TAYLOR 6c SON 27 and 20 4HTH ST $13,500 r" n-r, 2 I ftlr tf ri n i I t aie 34th 1- j twin peich frunt, 12 I s ele wly papired anl i i riunlti. TAYLOR & SON iT inn x , 4CTH ST 4155 GIRARD AVE. T,f.a i, n t eris bath modern lm- ireiieis t ri e very reasenabl) , fee , j i n-r ( n pren .e. DONALD V. KliDUlMi chV.t.5 . $8500 Sai pnei st near 44th, 3-story, rer fr nt let te rear St.: a- i rse pr,Ut. 1 poe. apartniint, i 27 AND 30 I SO 40TII ST I TAYLOR & SON le see adu rt'ar-nente In small true In fellow lnc relunina. & AM M3 . t HEAL ESTATE FOB 8AX.E WFST PHILADELPHIA riniiiuiMiiiniiDiiniism "Killough Built It" Come Down and See the Cellar! leugh built homes en Overhill Read Belew Sansom St 60th Street Section Built of stucco-evcr-brlck and stone cool in summer, warm in winter 6 rooms and bath and a stere room and laundry In the basement. Plenty of room for your own garage, tee, and yet enjy 15 minutes te Elevated te 69th St. Terminal or Millbeume One block south. ' ROBERT KILLOUGH Builder of Hemes that Please and Last WAYNE AND DUVAL STREETS fcfiBiw eHiairMrircrii! mini lumnnnwiii n iiiwwTHnra raiiwirnicirrmrraiiiw MiFTiircirrmsnmiM HI 0cIb Sample tousle "e 3Luxc" of the Spanish style of architecture with its beautiful furnishings Is open today for inspection. At Jt622 Pine Street SatreasRp mmt Phenes Weed. 0409 Weed. 1026J West 4707 Builder of 47th n u OF.RMANTOWN ir,IIIU'liMiffl!i!llllllini.ll' GERM AN1 OWN THE IDEAL SUBURB TWIN hTuNK $1100 Three-story twin r I tipe with room for rirace het in heat Inn Baa anl eleetrtUu n IIeiu lien, near train and tiellej. inndl- NEAR I P." A I. , Owrer will accept for quick ala J51 000 fer fine detachd stone resi dence. 10 rooms nnil 4 baths. 4-car laraca. dellahtful southern exposure. TWIN ALL STONE NEAR UP8AL Southern exposure, b bedrooms and 2 baths, hot-weter heat, iraa and al3trlcltyj hardwned floera: open fire place, 12,&00, brand new. posaaa pesaaa posaaa elen. WEST SIDE 18000 Beadtlful section, twin, T roetns. bith, rn.a and elestrlclty; deep let, near Upeal. I'ULHAH Twin dwelling eeuthrn expeaitre, icem for Bareae 10 rooms and bath. me ri hat from central plant, eleo elee tru H, hirdwoed floors n"r Car Car lun'er Sntieii, pr m, JIS 000. queen lam: manor MO non,, Altractle twin riinllsh tvr dwell dwell lrer, near Queen .Lane Statien: room for ara(re. medrn In oery detail, a home of Individuality May we send ieu our aalea llrt of up-udat properties? SMITH, DALGLIESH & BUSS 6801 '.KP.MAN1 OWN AVE. Qerinantuwn (049 H fcj fl ?1 rii niimiMiir mini iuthi 1 Tine miiiPimi teww? GerraRntewn Realty" We specialize In the abeie section If are thlnk'n of bajlns; or eelllnc a hone It would piy seu te consult us Our 40 ! of experience enablea us te Klv you eNPert ardca B. 3 Lister O. Sen B012 Oermantewn a" Telephone. Oermantewn 11301 0112 5855 CR1HENDEN ST. 8 tery. perch fronts Vr anl bath Iteni NEW Heater Prtlllta Paper Elec llBhts $6000 Property Is w n no see It Take Ctulten a car te H'n r.ast Pruterti just aieurd tha corner. Donald V. Redding rherr: k ter ave. 1 uiLi! i JiiiiWriiicipjniiMcrijiiiiiiiTiiiiaiiii'iiaiiin'ciiiraiiijrf g EAST GERMANTOWN H Churrh lane A Stentrn Ai f! T' i' ti ndern well bul t homes 0 M lane rooms, bath, laundry, tarare Ij One squiii i tmm Chew at cats, H s-hoels, stores HERBERT HOPE tt 6104 N. Dread st Wje. 468T fa n n raeraraw ifliniti iiiiiM'OMiraiEijisjs DECEMBEB 13. REAL ESTATE TOR 8 ALB west rHii.nri.rniA Right down these bread, light steps, see that big closet for brooms and things and here's the laundry. Just a step te the clothes line in the yard or plenty of room for drying wash en bad days. Toilet down here, tee, and here's a big, airy store-room, and a het-water heater, tee. Yes. everything's comnlete In these Kil uity ttau. But come out today and see them the sample house is open. At $8700 they are a wonderful value and the terms can be arranged te suit. i ! Artistic Hemes and Larchivoed Ave. Ges'masate'wia 1.1" i'Pi wii mii 1 iMiiimjiaiie mvu Stene jnd plaster ("nlenlal strln rej. den 1 a of mui'i. illy fine construe censtrue L.i i.T'"1 "Cl r contains center jail, mil j room, muk rum, den dlnlnc HKini. etc. Second fleer. 4 bed clinmbers. a tiled bjths Ucp. iSJ r-M,,. .'Ihra Jn1 "Hilar 1 room Thirl fl ier. 1 bedrooms bath, 2 Earn? .""? fr.T,'"ltllUrt Oi 4 rooms and bnth Tlier are 2 Isrieepm perches en th flrat fleer rer 4 cars Cerier let 112'xlOO' In premlmnt location. This iTrepert? Is unusually well adapted for a rh..T.cUn "I'ntlst op would fend P?lcc Decidedly attractui V A UlcklC nrt M2 . I IMY wie LUte ffiMi LAND TfTLE BLOG Ct Queen Lane Maner Thr-ste.ry twin house with b.I HI room, jncl S baths a-parate W heat-1 from beuse, let 15x115 K"r"B'! H Westview Street h i ,In w'll9 I-In:0ln . DrUn aactlr-: ,j,. U ,-( t ached heuee en let lOOxUO, includes 5 ' J Udrcems 8 baths electric liht U house in perfect condition through- Mi 1 out tT. ' $1000 g cash will huv a hm.. al..-. UI Il fnanced S roema bath, hot-wetrr i beat, electric lleht, newly tapial r hTli-I tn-'nt-irl fhrAn art- hi and painted throughout P LYNDON PRIESTMAM 1 UE R M A N T 0 wN 6007 OTN AVE Tel atn 0(10 Membtr Phila. Real Evate Hearl liisiliiniiii.i irawiiiiiinuKii,,,, tsuuhi ru mil iiwrairaiMimaira n vm lan HEIST-BUILT HOMES :teii $6500 iteiieiti isTpr Cj'r FORMERLY BTENTON AT!. NORTH OF CHELTEN AVE These attractive new homes are built en the Alrllte plan and contain a 'j rooms ana tue enin. nei-waier neat ras nnl idectrlctty harluiel floors throughout anl Karafe, Open for inspection Twe Choice Corners Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ B601 OERIIANTOWN AVENUH Oermantewn 0048 a irimiiiiujiiiui misiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi ii i luraaiiiri'iHi Alse are adwrtlermentti In email true In fulleulnc celumnt. I OKnilANTOWN m LLLM M U ! in m m s Plf ll'T l.f pf'Vi S. f' j. J I. J 1 Jj POT A UMflic rvarP Q--fialidxa gu wwiii in mil iru iiidii'irPL'iiuiiiiauutitrajiiitiiiiB.11 rsimiiunu-jii iannniias Fv fJ 1922 REAL ESTATE EOH SALE OFRMANTIXVN ft Jehn H . M?Clatch Vs Mneeh Drive Homed T MEW single corner homes en I dential drive. Up the famous Wissahlcken Drive ty auto te your home, a succession of twisHnff. winding wavs through vistas of rocks and trees and water. The neiiy city teems miles and miles nWay -yet It's just around the corner. By train from Bread St. Station te Allen Lane, one block away en Lincoln Drive at Mt. Airy Ave. are these homes. TIIESE new homes stand alcne and are "distinctive." Located en Lincoln Drive at Mt. Airy Ave., Germantown. They have in them all the needed things plus the hoped-for things you never expect ed! Open today for your inspection. v3w' m Jehn H. Builder cf Lincoln Drive and Mt. Airy Ave. ?S a mmmimmm nmm iiiiuiirimr.itiiimircrr lUimnm'niiiiiiiri i HANDSOME COLONIAL GERMANTOWN HOME Detached, all-stone ronstructleo, 2-car garaie. Heuse consists of 13 rooms. Including S batht, center tiall. first fleer plan, nlch location. Near Carpenter etatlen, mnnv tntereatlnv features. INSPECT THEM TODAY T000 block HcCallum btreet. 125,000. SMULLEN . BARRY Liberty Bldg., Bread and Chestnut Sts., Phila. jmiiiiiraiiBii?ii.Tiiia inMiiiimBnmraCTiiigTiiTirirr'iY7T mmmit umun mm 1 wwimireiiiiifiia IHINTINO tark SCT10N Ciii!iiimHiii!i'iiJiiiiiiiiuii in 'iiiiiiiifflTiiaHi iiiiiiu iui m NOW BEING BUILT Anether Rew of the New Lew-Priced Hemes In HUNTING PARK SECTION 600 BLOCK BRISTOL STREET 8lx rooms and a modern bath larfe perch, refrigerator shed, laundry het-water hent. electricity, -as kltchrn. mahogany and whtts finish. Plenty of closet room and parage prli I pre Onlv a nmnll Initial payment Is required, and the carrvlne; charpjea are $35 00 per month Near schools and churchee SAMPLE HOUSE 4233 N. MARSHALL STREET Take Heme 4; or 50 te Hunting Park Aicnus FRANCIS B. -T'tt r.T-T kiirniiPi nitfiiu iwiiwiiiii: iiii'iiiru OTRSHMOWV JIM lllll'Ullllllllllll IUIIII LMiV hi1 1 iHUUlL! I'i iHlllilllll UL I llilillillOU! a GERMANTOWN New 3-story brick and stucco Mini. detached dwelllnss, PRICE .ST. AND 13 McMAHON AVE hirdwoed floors fi nrei tin eecena noem, 2 baths, ga- n rai prlillese t; Aient en premises Sunday from n B i te e 1'. .H CHELTEN TRUST CO. 8014 OERMI.NTOUN AVE ii mmu inn roil, 1 1 mm i w i n,i m .n . ..imi i mi ,, TKK. ii in mill ii ' ii niiiiiiiiii'i l'liiiiw r ii i'iiiiii' ," iii , 1 1 n inn ii imi ii mm nt tui; aALtu ut'iiJWN N. HROAD ST 11 0U HI.OLK 1 ats., stialaht front unrestrlciei runa te rear at , het water bent, elec , $20 000. N LROVD KT 1215 Pira S-stj modern diva rarlj Kiss.ssleii N HROAD SI 4141 -s la , ,rd 20 ft front, tinreslncn-d II'. 000 4ujii n irmsi . J1B, ;,.,, yard dwes . leta .Sw i ri n nu dern neat lit bit ail buns 2 i-ir kiiul 1732 V, FNAM.. sT cl io ie cated 8 nty home het is iti heat elec ml house en mln street Only JOOOO "' M'PI Y only te EDWARD T. PI.OOD & SON B fillll BIT li I1 illillli'lliWIIi'l'l Jill " 1 1' I II i'M 1 1 1 i II ' t, 1 1 1 1 ,, O 75 nnuaji i cM,e S l bW,iin Win 1 1 iwi ri ft f i "i i i'IlI i ' , 1 1 i ii i v, iiirvn , m 1519 W. ERIE AVENUE Three-fterf well cuisir i-tt i.rtn. H dweHlnn 12 rooms m irn posses. tt dentist, mill nery shop beiuiy pjrler H or apnrtmtnts. fl Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher . EJ 14"4 II I'K'.V vrtf Ann r -i Uli"'" w mi i ' i . i ' w n i1 TniN iv lint ; VJWraPTJIIEIDI'illlffl S! ORR'S TACONY HOMES ONLY 1 I F.FT l'Itl..lT10S AVE r,!.,n-Nr'l 3412 I'ale Sani eeiacneii ucreh fr..... ut i nrrn. looms uid modern but mi i preiemnts, earrnia prlil)rt i.r. et. phen for appointment, iVn .In. ten 0000 u'n HARRY E. THOMSON AOENT, ZD21 FRANKFenD Avn jkwswmiimwfinmnmsn miwiMs Always Respect the Bess Hie "! I 3 1 1 9 I'i REAL ESTATE POR SALg -n (1KRMANTOWN PhifarlelDhla most noted resi THREE single houses, two of them desirable corners, just being completed. 2-car garage: center halls; Ave bedrooms; 8 baths; lets 1R0 feet In depth. Priced at $24,G00 and $25,600. McClatchy Hemes nupiiiii ji mi nHriHi'inHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiimn munim i'hiiiww 1 Heck est of Lincoln Drive: prlca IH'.NTINQ PARK BFCTION iimu miwuru iiiu'in,iii.nuiiyiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiuiIiiijjiiii'dh J. BRANAGAN nv HDMRS Hi in niHfl'iii'iiiirM'iiiOTrni iui n n minin wa QK I.ANH iWiii iJi'ii i Wii ijiii mil uifeiiiMi uiiujiiiiiiiiiwliiiiniuia OAK LANE 8300 BLOCK N. ISTH ST. neautlful new modern hemes: t rooms, bath, det. aruge 513.500. HERBERT HOPE t35J N. BROAD ST. WVOJII.VO 4580, nir a w Cm ri i ii 'i wi'i'iiriiiiTi'iTii i ni iihiph nrniMiwnl i' i "i i ri rin ii.ni1, n iiii i iii" i in ii lii1 ii iLi'iiiiiiiiiiri'iimMiBM NEW BROAD ST. HOMES . Medem Colonial S and 0 rooms. 3 baths, 1 square below Chelten ave. HERBERT HOPE E004 N Bread st. Wye. 4537 smniHiiii'iiii ptiii'i 'ii mifiTrnwiriiipiiii' wiriffl iraja rn NitreRn yUlllllHllHllllllllll'llllllll'IIIIII'llll: iruii , 4363 Frankford Ave. H E COR UNITY ST Three-sterj atore and dnelllnc with a atom ficlnu en L'nltj at , fine In. vestment, iosseslen one of tha belt ra ceinara en thla (.rowing- bualnecs H aenue, act auiutu I Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher j3 u.'i .s rc.vN se hiiiffiir-jiTO' 'i mm hi i -r wnm m iiriHiwunm OIMIV , Miirami urn ii liTi iiivi ij i iiiiiih iii mil limn li .'i hi in Jin v4 OLNEY llth st and Oln ave new opera tion I) rms , tile bnth, Incesel peirh, KuniKe laundry, hardwood floors rerv nlant te tra.n and tielley, J6500 New nprrtlen 4th and Cavuea sts . 1 r-emi bth laundrv , (' iu f) H Li HERBERT HOPE net N HROAD bT '0 4157 llliW'lll' lJlllll,M,',ilMllWiiMIII"ll,i,JllHI! Pl'NNv.viM-M,HI KinS , L ' i ii1 mi nit iii't ii'i . n j i win mi i1 i,'i 1 1 'i iw ,'ii' li i Ml u QlimiRRAM DDnDITPTIFN li in All the Leading Suburbs OVERBROOK $23,H00 New modern stone hou'e Jjst lelnf cempletnl, 0433 ihcrwoel read, lire center hall, brtnl.fnat room 5 bed rooms, 3 hubs cixcoptlenally oei valu, lieute open for Insiectlen te- WYNNT.WOOD $25,000 New Cel nlil slj Iu house center entrance- hall, 0 bedrooms, 3 baths, modern In eury resrtct, 2 car !' rose, Uri.ii let. etcellent value We have several thoroughly modern and up-te-date uttrnctlie efferlncs In this section from 121,000 and upward m ARDMORE $20,500 All stone Colen al house, center en trance hall, Hi tnr room, illnlnn room, Ireakfaet room, latte grounds with shade trees WAYNE- -15,r.0O Ergllsh stile hui je, ft bd.oems, ii laths anl lava'Mrj hurdnenl floors first and iscund Deers, 2 car garage. let 81x210, one of the U-sl valusi H uelng uflcred en the M.ln Line WK HAVE A I.AROI3 AND COM-PI.E-IE LIST Or PROPI'liriEfl IN ALL HIE HUIIURU3 ADJ.VCWNT TO PHILADELPHIA. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Merris nidr.) 1421 Chestnut at 3vJ8Mt9UT 4s9ui ijUZH ii iPTwrariwifflfflwifi , & ";J IJiV. -i.
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