.1 t ' f i ( F.r.i'f".ii . vj.-ji vzitryv; - "if -K-' I mTTXTO TAn t vm Am xja ATTITIXT (mill TIIIRm H IT WLt Zh'Z! I X5w tfmr CWfriVrtfjU .i..v....... ! l.i - ,T-w,( ,v , FIREMEN LOOK ON utnntly, drawing his own revolver nnd -.. .. ..(.,, it,n vnllftv nf. abort rntice. IntPmnvSgsnk RUINS OF LEATHER PLANT AT PENSAUKEN HM THIEVES FLEE Pntrelinnn anil tlileves etclinnged I shots, lleueeke emptying bin lcvelver lifter the spenling innchlne-. I'eneek" notified tin sllltien bellfe nnilreiinotercyc'Ii1 einergeney men were out In it few minutes. The cars and their lead of whisky lmd get out of the . ticlghboiheod, lievtiivt-r, anil i.-euld net I be traced. VWlOfl 9iAl,lAte Sb Mrv z'v f. ?'' V " At wtnfrMrwvfV&trif ry- '. ? A & i kSB-J'tfO - iT5TSry"-jyv"(JV!', y ; - V ft y ' A !" ",?' f ' $' ' .$ 'vm N ML BATTLE HHV.rlw.i(.fl Interest Loet Whisky Stock at Quarry Street Garage and Sheet at Patrolman i r - . ' i : ' ,JaftMH l . VDUH AS BUILDING BURNS '" t t' ,?$" a' ff-t. ' s ' ,v, . t ,,. x.,t . ?: i . ,r : ; . j ' '. '. ' i ." . s,r . ' m ' f . " ' i f . .r. . .. vs t j ,t f.y tt if wh I All - A-. II45 srjtnMt J I , ((A Ft .MiiH ft mtwc.m ry,v.f m I II I 1 II j 7.:'hHB nj w'it ;mm -; .wr- rm Unable te Save Leather Works I Near Camden as Water Sup ply Is Mile Away GAS BLAST HELPS FLAMES Firemrn enllfil out by a lire In the Ideal l.cntlifr Werlc, en Illvpr read, PcnffiuKcn Town-hip, nenr Caiwlcn. curly today. -teod by nnd witched tlie JwlldlnR burn t' tJie ground bctn'ice tfrcrc wet no witcr w'1'1 wlilcli ;n Hylit le flumes. The nearest fire plus N nlmest :i mllc from tlie bulldlns, nnd tTie water ttinply I'1' 'l0"cr mom lmd bcfn ells connected. The building nnd its eon een nts were destroyed in forty five min ute" Tli" ,ess wl" cxrc0(I S'-Ti.OO). At the lieisht of the tire nn ineli-.-ind-.niiartcr gas main burst nnd flmnus from the escaping k" leaped high into the nlr with h tenlfic rear. Telephone and electric Hul't poles near tli hulld in were nlwi burned. n were icvriil trees This fnlllng of live electric wires forced the oiileokiiiR firemen te rutre-it te r'aw ; safety. , , , , The lentlier works hail recently been beujd.t by the Jehn II. Eviwh Cmnnnny, of I'hlln'ilelphla and Camden. The plant hud net been In operation for several irenthn, but plans hnd been made te open It tomorrow nnd we -lemon were notified te report at that time. The factory wan situated in an unde veloped part of l'ensauken Tewuhip, four block", from the nearest hence. (instable Jehn Zeurit dWrevcirri I he lire at 0:"H o'clock and iient in .ntuui", Ahlcb called firemen out fteui ('amdf.n nnd Meirhantville. Several hundred resident!, of Glouces ter. IlnieKlawn nnd Falniew were com pelled te dri'bs and eat their tir':iljtn-t - in the dark this morning. The cum nt suppljinu the electric lights was turned off en account of the fire. MRS. JOHnTbROWN GAVE $50,000 TO AID SEAMEN Biiaar Boutique Added $10,000 te Fund for New Institute Building i The name of the anonymous donor of $50,000 for new bulldingx for the Sen men's Church Institute of Philadelphia was made known yesterday at the menthlj meeting of the Beard of Mnn users by Alba It. Jehnsen, clmirtnnn vi the Kv.cutlvu Committee, The Ijencfnetress Is Mrs. Jehn A. Urewn, Jr., -"1 Seuth Nineteenth street. The gift v,a made known in Novem ber, but at the request of Mrs. Itrewn her name was net made public. In rcoecnitinn of her contribution n reso lution was adopted te extend te Mrs. Brown thr privilege of naming u part (if the new building as a memeiial. Iler rcpene will be made public at the next meeting in January. Alexander Van Uens'-elner. president of the Heard of Managers, said the proceeds from the Iluznar I?o I?e tlque. conducted in the Ilellevtiu Ilellevtiu 8tratferd by the Junier Club of ilia Institute, amounted te mere than $10,-000. NEW BLOOD AIDS STUDENT ' Improvement Shown by U. of P. Sophomore After Transfusion , Ian Christie, the University nf I Peniifijlvnnln sophomore, te hvc whose life eighty-five students volunteered for a b'onii-transfusien operation Mon day. as reported today tu he resUni: ' easily in the University Hospital. I Immediately after the operation Christie suffered n rclap'e. and for a time bis condition scmed critical. 15iit" Dr. Jehn Harvey, plesielnn in chnrire of the operation, said such an effect wa te be "pected. Knny esteni:iy Chribtle rnllied and showed li ucirhed Inpruvemcut. In n further effort te improve his bleed an Injection of iron vrs made In his leg ycterdn. Dr. ' Harvey was unable te ay as jet j whether nddltienal transfusions would be iccavaiy as a luat lesert te save I the life. ! OLD STARS TWINKLE . Favorites of Bygone Days Are Guests at Matinee A CluhfMias partv for seven "lend '"S, lij'lcs" of lii)R gene by wim neld thiv nilfiKieii at the matinee of "Geed Morning, liearle," at the Tor Ter rfst Theatre. They were the guests f Louise liroedy, featured pla.ve.- of the pkiv. Tlie former stnge favorites who at tended the p.Tfurmiiiici. arc: Mis Amv l.te, Mr-. Maggie Kirhpatriik, Mr.-". Jehn .Inch, Km,. ,,j,s.)M. Mr.-.. Mur Mail., Ml-s Kmily Lewis and Mits repiiie Jenes. Thy all nre residents of the lMv.in ferrr-t Heme. LAWYER TO BE DISBARRED William I iui,nn m.fAMMA cH.iKit Disappeared Frrm City Year Age ' Wllllnm M. L.v.vsen. law.ver wlm 'Iwapptared from thin eity nbeut a vcar "Se. nt n time when hi was .egarded I'hilndelpliiii'h greatest "dhnrce fpcchlUt," will he (lUlmrrcd fiem Practice in this eeuntv. Tiiti .i. .i : :, i . ..... .. ... i .I,., linn nrrivcii ni verier 'ley l Court nf Coininen Pleas Ne. 1 nter the n.p,.ri nf the l',imrl of tVnwii-, !..!,' 1"',w sHoi-'utlen IiimI been sub inttcd j, p(,1Itill, ,.. ,C4 t,,,!,,.,,. leibieiml eenduLt. A, i jS A' ' !' v.liiiHiCBSiHlHQEr7iMBH9HK. .H ,'bmBLmLr.7mjfmmmrmmam P!ilHnMKMbn!iiwiBnPHni: &' ff r mu , r Ifi iTiifllHliilT IT i'P ' r 2HHBHH BURGLARS FLEE IN AUTO AFTER DODGING SHOTS Discovered In W. C. Fitzgerald Heme Before Getting Loet ISurglars were discovered last night In the W. C. litz'ernld rtsldenec, for merly known ns the Henry C. Ilejer property, ei) the Urushtewn read near Sfiring Heuse, by the enretnkcr. The property adjoins the ipsidencc of Liinries i-.. ingerseu, a ijnnker, am: l.eerge . Merris, governor of the Fed eral Ueserve bnnh. The eaietakcr summoned neighbors, but the burglars "escaped from u n-nr cellarway which was left uncinrilnl. Hugh Shle'ds. gardener at tlie Iin;erell jilnee. and Flejd Schneider, emp'nved b Mr. Nerrls, opened lire ei. them, but they succeeded In read ing an auto altlng nbeut -100 yaids nway. ' A skeleton key was u-ul. Seme brie- t n-brau wns gathered ready for removal, but the burglars were discovered be- l fore they had time te collect mere ' plunder. I AUTO HITS COAL TRUCK ON ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD Five Persons Hurt, Twe Seriously. Beth Drivers Are Held Five persons were in hired, two of them seriously, in a, collision between nn nutomeuiie nun n eon l truck en Koesevelt Houlevard lit Seventh street late last night, The Injured are Mrs. Mary Powell,. HI." West Uoescvelt lleulcwird. fracture! of the skull ; her husband. Kdwurd . Powell, cuts and bruises ; Mrs. Jehn Armstrong, fifty-four jears old, 131 j Hast Washington lane, (iermnntewn. ' fractures of both wrists and internnl I injuries, nnd Careline nnd Kdwurd ' Powell, Jr., nine and six jc.ars old,' bruisis and cuts. All the injuied were occupants of i the automobile, ubleh was driven bv , Powell. They were taken te St. Lute's I Hospital. Powell and Samuel Codd, 12.'l(j Cabet i street, driver of the truck, were both held by Magistrate I.lndell, nt the Hrnnchtewn police station, this morning in SOOO hail for a further heaiing until detectives can determine who was ut fault In causing the collision. iffx-" visssaBS!-' at: -;y;:. iMWM .''.J. XX?'-.'.?Sf?SX. . Fire early today destroyed luo-stery building at Pensaulicii. just across Caindcii city line, owned by tlie Evans Leather Company. Upper picture shows havoc wrought by bkie. Lewer picture shows remnants of what once was boiler room Lhnmr thieves, who stele a large quiintlty of whisky early thin morning from a garage fin (Juarry street below' Twentieth, tried te sheet Pntrelinnn Hinecke. of the Fifteenth nnd Vine streets station. I The pntrnlumn exchanged shots with (In- thieves, who were hi two machines. . He thinks he hit one of them. Ites- ldtals and physicians hnvc been notified te watch for and arrest u man applying for treatment for a gunshot wound. The robbery uncovered what the po lice believe was n Inrge depot for the1 handling of contraband liquor. A raid- i ing s'liuid visited the plnccj nfter the leiiiiery was reported and found n stniui iutititity cf whisky in bottles, which the thieves had left behind. The ap pearance of tlie place, the police my, gave evidence that u lurge. business was carried en there in liquor. The attack en the patrolman " "' sudden and unprovoked. The thieves were at least six In ni':.meiv and hnd a hifge and a small touring car. They had forced the lock en the gaiage deer, and working quickly, hnd leaded up both cars with heavy cargoes of liquor. Whj they dbl net clean the plnce out completely the police de net knew, unless it wiim that they hnd taken en all they could .ifely carry and uiitku their getaway, Patielman Henecke came along Twentieth street n few minutes after the thieves had started their machines. They had swung into Twentieth street from Ouarr.v. running close together, i and passed the patrolman at high speed. It was about H:Ht o'clock, and the street deserted. llefere the patrolman could tiy te slop them te sis what thev were do ing, th. men in tlie automobiles opened lire. Hvidently thej had seen lleueeke and draw n their pistols, rady for a battle, and in their nervousness tired even before they were called en te halt. The bullets sped harmlessly p.it tin patrolman. He returned tlie lire in- mi u&& ,UVEn:nm,s Stat, The radiance of the Polished Girdle Diamond will be mere fully appreciated by dlreet comparison with ether diamer.dj told only by this Establishment PERSONAL GIFTS or LEATHER Travel Bac nnq eaqs Fitted and Plain Hand Bags Writing Cases Leather Desk Seti Mh : ,!.flW U '.&. r iix m ! 11V) 9 . ' i t PERRY'S V ' i i i Jewel Bexes Overnight Bags Vanity CeLses Cellar Bexe3 Picture Frames The tea that never disappoints BtraL Tea cea-tetally Different for fourteen vears. He succeeded tin late Jacob Olmbel, who was the fust WIMflJV as teaifinast elude i:i is . ster. 'The speakers will in-IH A. tiimbel. Albert M. (Ireen- E lead of the erganied Jewish charities J Held, Jacob Millikepf. Samuel S. Pels, S Colonel Samuel I). Lit will preside ! Jeseidi X. Snellenhiirg. Ur. Cvrus Adleri . i . i w u - . . . - . ..... - i r n I mil iiirmniiinci luiini. iiiiii. ; ., .. .....i i ; .. ii...n uimi tun iiiiiuiiiur immv kiuiiiiv in'ui iiiiu tiuiin i . tumuli 'ii'iBBb! ''iiia"',!': MaijijB c 'm-z- $175.00 Beautiful hand earvtil plat inum ting mounting en? laryt iflameirf and four smaller diamonds. Distinctive Gifts Tbetwhtful ncepl tnisl. It th!r Im at Chrlttr.i t'.iui !e . t dlttlnctive rifts. We innnt a Mltihetl Dlntnsrd In one of our clivrlr d!jnfil told or clttlnum msunttnei. A imitll drpetit uUl rcitnt tour rlrf((ti until Vhrltlma. Diamond Cetalig rn l'2;t'Z usan rreufif. Mitchell's Established 1878 Diamond Stere 37 S. 8th St. nnrann THE DREKA COMPANY STARTING IN BUSINESS AT THE SAME TIME AS Jehn Wanamaker HONOR AND REVERE HIS MEMORY 1121 Chestnut Street ft PERRY'S Super-Values in SUITS for JUNIORS First Leng Treuscr uits 14 te 18 Years $20 $23 & $25 Single and double breasted Norfelksand plain coats, with and without belts. Smart lines and snap that young fellows like. Cheviots, Flannels, Tweeds, Hemespuns Sta II lull M One Mere Only T,l""'"v 4 ! p; ' n KILLED BY LOCOMOTIVE i Watchman Struck at Eighth and Willow Streets Last Night Dinlel f'nilalian. flflj-ihe enr.s old i of 7S5 Xeith Twenl -lifth stree . was i truck and killed b a I'hllailclpliin and I Heading freight tiain at Klghtb and Willow stiei'ts at !) o'clock last night. The victim was cmnhned ,mm a waleh- i man. He wis walkliii; along lu track), when tlie engine hit him. lie uas taken te tin Hahnemann 1 1. pl t ,-i 1. hut the surgeons said th.it death had conic i nlmest instantly. TO HONOR LEWIS WOLF ' FOR HIS CHARITY WORK, Members of Federation te Give Din-' nor tp Its President , JpwMi leaders tenigbt will honor, Leuis Wolf, prchidciit of the Federation of Jewish dimities, at the Mercantile! flub. Mr. Wolf, who reeenlK returned from' a tour of I.'urepe, bas be n president of the local lYdeiatleii of Jewihh Chnritiea ' Just 'cause you're play ing Santa Claus is no reason you shouldn't play safe ! Here everything's ex changeable after Christmas if net just right. Shirts, socks, gloves, un derwear, smoking jackets, dressing gowns the sort men really want and appre ciate. High quality, wide selec tion, moderate price. Stere Hours S:J0 te 0 FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper Reported Missing mi ,".!'?. 'ahnjirj. veiny. live .war-. OW. 1.101 Cilllushiiin ftreet, liu fen even i,,,.,,,., ,,,,, , ,- )M)llll(N Bll, wmpb'vinii, suhimIIi face, khi.x hair mid , em st a,,,) eviTi'iiat and derby Charles lYnneelli. fourteen, of T')2 ''re, S,n,t lw, fp,,t t,u,, ,,, tIt1l ,'LlTn'U' '"'""" V1'" ,1"l'1 lilr iin'1 ..'"I1, hhuh oceieeai, Run treu- S "r" vttl' l,!'' Meckinga mid ""'nil sliefif, .mf1",'' ,,l"-iihls. fifteen, of ls7 2 , i I-," :4,l',01' " feet tull, III' ,,0mN',hi 1. hair, blue e.u-s, hr.mii Jnj!J ","1 lll('. black Lime-, and sie.lt. VVf?"iC'r ""''bison, sixty, of ll.'iir. fall it.- Mn'"f' ,lv'' f,"' 'cieu Iii-hes .tl."1"'"."1"'' ,l'"l '"'' 'lark sui) V17""' '"en,, fell bat, hhl.'k hh.,'s. rl .." ' ""'"''' '"".. en, f tld l.ui l.ui reuni"'"' ','v" r'" ,l"" 1,"1 ",'1' s" Ml ' SUt 'OIliphMeii. blue i)C l mur. 'Hinder hinped hliiit, hic.wii ' i ir iii ,.iVh. ,U1. eif.dU . .at ..ml Jr1 I'ghi .up, hlncl. shoes tri.l 'kiiiu jj,Iu hlevle. 'An!.1.''' ' ,0N n VI-H.lMMriOV I ' tlctuil- iUI ''HM'HH l.iujlit ty tlie uh.. '1ul lull.l'l" L,ht ,hlU S Wl"" "'" .""" I',-Ul ...II .'," t bHt IH WllUt III.) ll ff'ivire t ,'h1"1 of nljiur.H In tlie Het" Hihlii! l" '" "."-''t I baM ta le a.ee.n- v "' ''" ' Mile It u ll.iuli ' ( i f ! H A i iMn i, iiBBT KBLcJ iris miHrnPf ' t ih;iWjiU ; '- VU vH 9 m IP' JACOB RE i ,i ijfllV ' U ( Jill j j ; Why Waste in Futile Search f tj If you want a real overcoat at a fair price, make your se- ecuen from the thousands of landseme garments in our new Overcoat Salesroom, where you will find the choic est assortments of exclusive and thoroughly well-tailored garments in Philadelphia. $30 te $95 Especially notable values in our .splendid collection at the popu pepu lar prices, ?J0, $15, 50 and Se.-). OMS J424-2(& CHESTNUT ST. ED'S S I i I i , Time 1 1 i 1 'lit FINE STATIONERS Imported Calendars and Christmas Cards Beautiful Hand-Painted Hunting and Sporting Designs J 121 Chestnut Street Clever Santa Claus "Well, the old saying, 'Christmas conies but once a year,' is going te be upset at our house. 1 just bought a Moen for the whole family and Christmas is going te last the whole year with us." Prices V. O. It. Factory SUM, $1GM, S17S3, $248.'. MACKIN MOTORS, INC. J. Jay VandereTift, Pres. 8:0 .erth Hi-cud St Plien PspUr 73SC Display Itejtr.i Open Ewnlnca f .mjE &m Moter Cars Tne cr of the ten proven unit The cur of the fnmeui ten proven units Authorized Dealers: ihrkpatrick & Hnyler WettmerUnd Moter R0, ScLeffr Stlct Bali 'Ave , Csiivvi 3322 1,'crth Bread S:. .... .. v ... Arcide Moter, Cerp. Mln Ln W?" Me,0 4121 Frankfort Ave Ervn Mlwr Uniterl Moten Sales Ce. Kinc Moter Salct HB Curiiintir s 4030 Chestnut St. H34 Mark' "t. Sampscn & Helbtrf Sales Ce. I'iTUli .'. II I I' C fl. , Jch'i Morrison Slln l. lm n i O u r Super-Value Policy applies te every single gar ment in this big, progressive store. It means a definite, concrete saving of $5 te $12 and mere en every Suit and Overcoat, and a pro portionate s a ving en anything else you buy here. We urge you te find this out for yourself. Loek Everywhere and Compare! Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER-VALUES in Clethes for Men BONWIT TELLER &XQ mourns the death of Philadelphia's Foremost Citizen Jehn Wanamaker whose love for humanity, whose public-spirited movements, w hose philanthropic activities, whose fine personality and whose unparalleled attainments as the Merchant Prince of America have made him net only a figure of City and State, but a national and an t Persistent, efficient" publicity brings signa tures te the dotted line. m The Helmes Press. 9Vintm I J 15.29 Cherrv Street Philadelphia s.. International Persona I I I i 1 Ml'l- 2 rVhat 's in a Name? NethniK1 -utiles thci product t K.t -lis unjpr that n.-iin' is n , 'aht'j preduc ' Take l.eucllu i a case in point thu nnnm 1 dn't rnaku thi butter fnmeu"; it was the butler that ma Ic the nai. i famnis Trnnifii 5QJ3 Butter 63( ii). In all iur Stores i iS I 'f fl WW m m i' (' l:i n wi Mi. M m ! I flBTpillYe'll f: . .-,,., M,
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