TW HrWAJfl 555 IPlfiM 'ap srm " , .1 M 'PKHR'giy: ,v NESDAY, 3R L3;- '1922 J'LXV.,.' . "V ;V' rxyxtrr jl'XjlxJ.u in i ixr juxa.) , m "SSSFiire?: IN MKMOMAM F Ul?mQM1-In,mfmenr of r flear l?pMIk w' BisTKB vjcnata. I'. catfjs .iMTneNO. -m 1023. Mill EST .. Awspwea Ul.tlye. end Ne. SO. S. of 3.1. ' V.inT.T. At ! MMnc. M7 M. 20m djv--: ,, 10e3. THUHAn . N11I.U...I 'A VJe-i'wTinMAH HltADI.Y, en Du r. Relat'lye. anfl friend... also ,.. Ne. sua. jr. ira a. i Miara vu . t a m.. and Bt. irmeny Cnapier. VM--. rf ft." . . ri.. nninmannrrii aiw . J.,. jnurmentprv... JEssm:. '?? jsa- s-m ffiSSBrl?1!?: gloved sJfe &J4P& Wft resWcnce. Kurt Billen ,12B Foulk Feulk liter'a resMcnce. "i Int. Magnelia Cem. ink-Dee. 1U IS??. ADB1.WJ .BERT O., i Mary E. Cade (noe Dych). ftge' S'tf.i0,'!.; ynd friend... also Chosei l?rtn1itlvM and friend.. oUe Ch lf ,?OnindNOfU,!e0ral WleS'. fcl fmltrd te hV. ,te reildince. 413 nlchr K ': ',5i North Ccd; Hill Cem. al no Chenen I'., ars Frl.. 2 nlchmend ,t'J..nTVH Dee. 12. 1022. WAI.TEU. ?? MaTv Cnand er. nelattvea and Wtn4.f J'a'jnKS,?n, if which he waa 53nS1' tiveftp: 'ma,n' may - "":. . it. at W renldenea. !?" u;j eijvia sHEnnnnn. widow J "jS li' Claihern. In her COlh year f jm ". Thura.. 2 P. M.. .t tha feT.'f Iirnry 'c. Bhurtlett. 38 B. 40th .t. "riAIlK-Dec. 10. WIU.IAM 151, CI.A1UC. hlu SSd ear? Itelatlve. and frh;nd. ara HJftd tc T attend funeral aervlces. Thura.. 2 invltja ,urna.n"lawfl re denee. Rebert M. Lmb'. 438 N Uth t. Int. private. rnrHrtANC On De 10. 1022. JANRT rCS"" of MSnJomery N. Cochrane. f-A-.TL1.. .V frieria are Invited te the ntlilivea ."""...,, .A.,. nftnrnenn at &' at the residence of her son-in-law. ffi?i E. Lehmiin. 214 Lexington aye.. lfK'T.VlAwn. Pa. Interment private, rONNOLI.V. Dee. ,10. HAnAi ltOLlVT (nee Harrlsan). widow of "' r"'.-. .. .- . , OATIATf fV. KOLLT (nee jierri w or winiam ', .mPT''w m RMlalltv. ara Invited te frlenaa. niae urn Invited te rnnrai Thurs., 8:30 A, M.. from her tats S.ianc 253 E. Cleardeld at. -Belernn r. ?5rm mass at Churjh of" the Nativity 10 fffi Int. at Cathedral Cem. nlvtqDee. 12. OHUcniar ei :. r and the late Abble vv. uavis. ftEJil service, private, Sat. 1 P. M.. at ffr late reTidence. 023S Irving .t. Friends fall Frl. evening. DB PERNENTER. Suddenly. Dee. 10, THEODOnE, husbnnd of Hannah De Per JJifer. ad SO. Relative- and friends. nle Warn "enn 1xlse. Ne. 7009. I. O. O F.: vu and Court Wensley. Ne 138. F. of '. piwer Leem Flxera Beneflclnl Union, 'itid ti funernl. Thura.. 2 P. M,, rel ATM i 780 I? Westmoreland at. Int. Oalt lira Cem Romelns may be viewed en Wed. after 7 P. M. rSLTOV. Dee. 8. t Oaklnnd, Calir , W. .PENCEIt FELTON. son of the late Walter .(.and Harriet Middle Felten. aged 34. Due tct'ee, HTCH. Dec. 10. at St. Petersburg. Fla.. JENNIE L. wife of Dr. Oeerge W. ritch. ternnrly of Daretown. N. J. Funeral jerv. jeeiat her tate home. St. Petersburg. Fla.. SSJs. Dec 11. Int. Preibyterlan Cem. rttewn. . J.. Thura., Dec. 14. 8 P.'M. FLAHEnTr. Dec. 11. 1022. MICHAEL J buibind of the late Julia M. Flaherty (lite Heward). Relatives and friends, alie Court Standard. Ne. 03. F. of A., are In rttfd te attend funeral. Thura.. 8:30 A. M . ruldance. 2B08 S. 03d at. Mass of requiem it ChVirch of St. Barnabas 10 A. M. Int. Nw cithedral. rmns Dcc- 12, W'7IAM A.. huband ef Ida rnes. i unerHi wi urea eai.. i r, M, t late rcldenre. Paell, Pa. Int. private it Doyletewn. Pa. i ef Ida Tries, runerni eervices sat.. I P, OAMt'.'NO. Suddrnly. Dec. 10. HEN- nir.TrA' n.. beloved wife of Felix Onmblne ' md dawhter of Ausuttus and the Inte Marie Bozzano. Hclntliea and friend", also Amerige Vtfpucrl circle rrt, 41. Lady Fer- S iters of America, Invited te funeral, en iturday. 8.30 A. M., from her late resl Mice. B724 Che.tnut st. Solemn requiem bum at Ht. Donate's Church 10 A. M. In Mrment Hely Cress Cemetery. OEHRI. Dec. 11. 1022. ADOLPH, beloved limhind of Lucy F. Qehrl. Relatives and frlinds are Invited te attend funeral aerv tff. Wed.. 2 P. M., at hie late residence. S. tv. cer, jireaa si. ana uuy i.ine. Remains ttiy be viewed Tues.-eve. i flEUTHER (nen Martin). Dec. 11. RAR. I BABA. wife of late Jehn CAGeuther. In her I 8th year. nelatlvea and friends, al'e Ijdles' Aid Society of St. .Michael's (lernuin luthernn t Huren, invited te sen ices, rrl . 2 P. M . residence. 2441 N. 2d st. Int. trliatc, Mt. Vernen. GILLESPIE. Dec. 10, FRANCES R ittifhlrr of the late Themas nnd Snin Ollleipl. Relatives and friends, empleye of A. D Irwin ft Ce.. nnd all societies of wnicn eie na a memeer. invnea te rn- pnl srilces. Thurs.. 2 P. M.. nt Inte iwrne. iw u. uaupnin st. Friends may call Wed. eve. Int. private. lMrrWS' ?Jf.r.. " ind funeral service.. M.'vA? it rc.iaence 10 H, Oxford .t.,- Sepulchre .Cemetery ' " """"" "V ,M'rr"i"4,i: t'n.. Frl.. 3 ".."" "" vlled te attend H'E." Friends may "- CLINZ On Dec. 10. 1022. JACOB O. I , ORLE. Of 1430 S. B4th at., en Dec. 0UNZ of 4800 Wcstmlnater ave.. aged 78 J.2 1022. WILLIAM H.. husband of the late year.. Relatles and friends are lnlted te ?,ua1n Neble. Relatives and friends, also the unices, en Thursday afternoon, at 1 u' Pest. Ne. (127, of Bethlehem, Pa., clock, at the Oliver II. Btilr Bldg.. 1820 are Invited te the service, en Thursday eve Cheitnut st. Interment at Hillside Ceme- , VM'- t 8 o'clock, at tha Oliver II. Iltilr wr. I ,,'"t,,1812e Chestnut at. Interment at Nla- HAEFELIN. Dee, 11. 1022, EMIL C. KrM3 ', ''.Cemetery, Bethlehem. Pa., en Iflrtand of Elizabeth Hnefelln. formerly of r'. af,moen at 2:45 o'clock. Ctrmnatenn, 024 N. Bodlne at., aped H3 . O MEARA. Dec. II. 1022. WILLIAM J.. JMrs nlatle. and friends, and members pushand of Isabella A. O'Meara (nen Mr. ;r ail foeietles and ledges te which he be- l0",,"1' "r'.1";!1"1. te t"ni' tbi- fum-ml !.rl,,A,v '! i.- M" rrem J"" fun"nl parlera ''August P Kunzls. n0l):, Tlesa 8. rrlenl m.iv call Thursday evening. HANSKI.L On Dee. 12, 1022. SALT IE fRIEIt 1IAKKELL. widow of Cenrsn H,m JIL Itelailies anil friends nre Invited te tn soivlee. en Friday afternoon, nt 2:30 clock, at the residence of hsr daughter. Mrs Herbert T Lewis. 307 Gewen n.e., Mt. .. juiciiiieiu iTiviie. train fR'lliItrmlnal for Mt' Alry Station at PENNYPACKER. Dec. 12. 1022 VIR l. o'clock. OINIA EARI. Hnefiiiiii .7.1,. "....v.?. JIELLER.-Dec. 11. 1022. FORENCE R . ' fXJ w- . Pnnypacker." nelltlve. and JJ'sef aenrge A. Heller (nee Kerner). aged fl'tnd;,ar,e 'nvlte dte nttend funeral aerv-J,'- and friends, also empleyes of !""' Bt S" "'h residence. 0038 McCul- fC. F. rtumpp ft Sen. are Invited te attend 'um St.. Oermantewn ( Sta.). Frl.. 11 pnersl. Frl., 2 P. M., lute residence, 131 1 1 A'ni'e.LnJ' Dr'vate. Menlne st. Int. Oreenmeunt Cent. ' p.Pfc,f? R9AV.,?.r"brtrln "" '. rlndj my cal Thura. eve. Pa-' r'c- 12, WILLIAM II. H. PETERS. JtERSHEY Dee 10 inee pi tr-n T onlerinoit. Ja'ceb1 and1 Bn-rba'1!.!,!';- EmCATIOXAI, Reth Hues LANGUAGES gjrVd"S!?i?. isasK- aytnsK"" forming every week rC..'. "P"11'"". tlerman and Italian. Elementsrr Intermediate and Advaneed Trial Lcaaen Free BERLITZ IlMl Cbtnu, S,'. " "X'nV'spru,,, 4004 "IwERsW SCHOOL AT VINELAND, , ift i 1 '"t"1";, ""'nicli laboratory. STRAYER'S IJ Chestnut Stre.t ""i"i iiiiriiurnt. , '"" en.S.e,t-?.u!,'",,. S?hP?l ' ; -vina ULIDOL "" "J " 1IIHIH. WaI!pBBi.ft.S8tt!!ft!3i d. '!". ?i.. wuvibi ma.rar SCHOOL OF NURSING llOOMINaDALK HOSPITAL White Plains, N. V. Btm"50:le,y ?f '' V'w Yerk Hee. PI..".1"' W" . v. .h''Ne'Y Verk li'e.: eitlm. ti.r.. ; "" nre'i'' and u nur.m."' .If.-J''" '?V' ..In gem ttr- Wirslhir .-uS 7""" n genera Important n.M B,pec''"tlen In the Olsernera HLcuf.n'eu.J '"' '""ntal h... ...r.?' Krelstered kchoela. Eiuht. general S& ffS 'att twenty dollars wiiusun month. Hesnii.i .-""e."ll?nai advantages. Circular' s.nt'eue.t. HdrL". HLOOMINODAIJ5 IIOSriTAI., White riutni. N.w Ve,v RAG .oUe"Mer5h?.anKs'u'n,,:e"dgn.n,1N'or,'?nd8: W'''' TI. 2 P, M at his late reildnp iV i0, -'. ' V- XI are Invited te utteud Spruce st I . private. Friends may p.'m fun11lal services. '1'hurs.. 2 P. M. at the "loon. 8 te ie p M rlcnes may call icsldence of hu eon. Benlamln F. Price. ' ' 142. Wveniinir n Inl l ?,. --. - ung Vennfn nnd 01 rl e - i! M1IMQAL INSTHIIrTiny r Piane Plajriag Taught Beginner. in 20 Lessen. Ai.. lle.lnn.r. OPEN EVENINGS HptcTalty 3Ht!..BH:.u a. aw TIME tsKVmSmsm. iBSsvi.'Lffrfttg tw ConMrvatery Sj,? Unit . it, arsM '.tlOHO ;mie 93KSFASQSi 1 RUUrT i "" it PBATIM HEPWOHTH. Dec, 12. ma MART E, MM B2. Fnnen JTim OI "STJJtttMaSJiii. fc.r i.A .. i.' "A "'"?": .' B.l dim. vri.i a .t r. "Vi.'""'V. '" K, mV,' VSKSTffi sVle ?fi" .SRnn2ifi"B?c,l1' stJSAN (nee McClaf. Jlted Je attend funVral.Frldny. ?,"" M fem her lute residence. 20BS 'kmi " Clemen'. . r ."f".'."r' 2.r in- lit . che'lten lHll7.1' rXL ST.""!"10"'". v?1 int. Chelten Hilts Cem. Wed. ave. "" " mar can k.Mi .,";.' "'i '. rrv"""'""n inee unniii i arm " enns. hi. Francis Asslal's Hely Nam. niiciniv. iiiv rir n a . -.. - . . tren'd9fU!n,ra'r,fld0ay ?' JtreMnv,rn!lftV: realdncc. 4817 Qermamewn ave.fr0filimn requiem mM. at St rtJAn Church etery '"torment Hely Sepulchre Cem. M!VAf. On Dee. 11. 10"2 waiti.ii I.ITIIOOW. eir.,1 a Hi.'JIiS!"' vee ii, in:?. wtr.T.TAM neiatlvei and frlendi are invited te funeral, Frl.. 2 p. if rial, donen 9sn n nn.i.. .' i. Alt real Friend, "rniy call Thur,. eve. lnu VmM- I.YJIAN. Dec. 12. OEORan r. T vttA u Service. Thurs.. ,11 A. M . "t "i. hertl B r Asbury ave Oak Lane. Int. inSenle' A -V: Laurel Hill. I II t ' -.-. C.l MACKIE. Suddenl MACKIE. Suddenly, Dec. 11, WILLTAM friends, and. all organUatlena ef.Vi-h'CS wag "..nrS"""." 'BYJS6! ?. nt.te.nJ fu- ner.i services, xnura., 8:30 P. M.. lata rVi. dence. 302.1 N. 8th at. mi ' lV '.. '.'A1 dence. 3023 N. 8th at. uiinlaHA. f mI1.. ' VUII" TVI1I(II.Q ut tsilill.jr MANN. Dec. 11. RARRARA MANN, wife of late Christian Mann (nee Rocker), aa-ed 01. Relative and friends are Invited te attrnd funernl. Thura.. 7:30 A, M., from his residence. 2218 N. Delhi ,t. ItequlVm rHa?s" St. Denlfarlus' Church 0 A. M. Int. private McCLTINAaitAN . Suddenly, Dec ll' .701 IN P., husbnnd of Catharine MrClenai Khan (nee Mpfltnni. IlrlnfivAa nn.i e.i...... 'Invlted te attend funorel, Thurs . 8:30 A M., into. residence. 2043 S. Colerado st. lllch masa of requiem at Mt. Menica's Church. 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. """n. McCOLLlN. Suddenly, en Twelfth Menth. Twfi1, 1!7 hem'- Walllngferd. pa., Lvdla Kite, widow of Themas II. McCellln. rnea., 'il.x,hS?'!y' Twelfth Menth. Fifteenth. ?..? r' Jilt. Friends' Meeting Heuse, 20 3. 12th at., Phila. Int. private. McJJ.INN.Dee. 11. 1022. CATHARINE ?rVi!,8V,4 dau"jJt'r of Jehn T. and Julln MeQlInn (ne Conway). Relitlves and friends, also R. V. M. Sodality of Our M.lJlnf rl Re?rc,TK5. Church, are Invited te attend funernl, Frl.. 8'80 A. M., pnrents' reslrtenre, 41128 Westmlnstar ae. Solemn Heciulem Miai In Our Mether of fin-rows' Churrli. 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. MetNTYRE. Dee. 11. CECELIA, widow di uuKene eiciniyrfi inee vjampeeill, Iteia. tlve and frlendt, St. Ellznleth's Hen. So Se So eletv. are ,1nlted te attend the funernl. en Thurs.. 8:.10 A. M.. from een'a reitdence, 1713 ArllnrJen st. Selimn requiem mass (it Our Lady of, Mercv Church at 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. McMANUS. Dee. 10. MART McMANUS. Retatlea and frlenda Invited te funeral. Fri day. 8:30 A. M.. from the funeral parlera of E. L. Hoey 1210 N. 18th st. Selim" nigh mas. of roqulem at the Cathedral 10 A. M. Interment Hely Cress Cemetery. MMiFiF,rAN,TDec' !' t022. MARGARET ?IA il 'jushter of Katharine Conrey and JnelMe Jnnie. J. Meehan, nped 22. Rilu i..J?"i "25 friends are Invited te attend, fu-niai'i.rhur"-' J'ne A. M.. residence. 8040 Magnelia ave.. Oermantewn. Solemn requiem mass, imrnaculntn Cnnceptlnn Church, IU A M. Int. New Cathedral Cem. A',P,PJ.'.P.TO- Twelfth-month lOtli. FLORENCR r mnnirTev ,..i,. bneiana and recently resident at FrlendB' ' r" , " ' rcn hi., npea m. iienuves iiiui , frlenda milled te attend fMiieral, Flfth.d,iv at 2 P. St.. from, the reiidence of W. R. I'.n, mh ti . . l ... .. . . ...7 ... .. """" "-" en i. int. privaip. .. MOOR. Dee. II. Et.IAS N.. hushand ' rancea ?. Meer. Uclatlves and f r!end3 and membera of Dlsstnn Prenbvterlan Church and Sabbath Scheel, are Invited te attend funeral service.. Thurs.. 2 P. M., at his late residence. 3fl08 Dls-iten at.. Tneenv, T t nr'rn,' nelnalna may be lewed Wed. ervS0RR.I!0N' I"c. 10. JAMES MORRI ..:.... Relatives and friends, also empleyes of William Sellers & Ce.. nre Invited te funeral, Thurs., 10:30 A. M.. from his late residence.. 2222 Ellswerth st. Services 11 A. i1" at the Memerlnl Church of the Hely Lon"erter. Int. Wet Laurel Hill Cem. '"'""' "'" cn" ed.. 7 te O I'. M, ..JIQUNCE. Dec. 8. at T.-insfenl. Pa.. Vi"Vu. . JIOUNCIJ. Funernl services., J, Simmons Ce.. .109 Market "t.. Camden. ' fv ' '" mlatc. Egllngten Cem., Clarks. uore. iv. J, yiiUi1'; Pce- ti. 1022. ROSE (nee .''J'l w.lfe of William Mullcr. Itelatlies SD5.. i ?'' n'80 " v- M' Sodality nnd ?.? . MSSrt Society, are Inilted tn nttend .j i '"I".. "Mi A. ji from her lute reaiaence. 8C7 June t- Snlemn renulem """,", at Our Mether of Sen ewe Church 10 A. M. precisely. Int. Helv Creat Cem. i,r,Pn,n' "elntlies and friends Invited te ?nt,,'nd funernl Thura. 8:30 A. M.. from hla i ,,n.',,',,,lpncc. 1123 Dickinsen st. Solemn I lejulen, innts at fct. Rita's Church. 10 A. M ., ,nt- private ' I .NLILi.-Dec. 0, MART J. O'NKILI '.'.f, .'"'' 1'Cleved wife of James O'e II funeml"lK.? "I'M ."e,V'i.'1 ?...i'JV ! Ph.., .ui. "U s,0enn requiem mast inr s? A': S0"0'1 de Sales 10 A. M. .... ., vviliO CtU. V - i ";?. "',""' "me. inur... f. m. int 'ifc.Sft J""" ."!- "fh9w.n. I'a, .,it-ii,in may call eu. eve. HOSE. At Medford, N. J., Dec 12, 1022. MARY S ldew of Jehn Reb aged ? SerUcen nt the residence of Charles J'-. Wrl.J?t'Medrr''' N. J" Trl.. 2 P. M. Int. M. E, Cera. UYAN. Uec. 10. 1022. CATIICrtl:. daughter of Cntherlne and the' Mte FwiJ&K Itvan. Relatives and friends, also Aseen Aseon Asoen Ion Church U. V. M. Sodality, St. Ixe I. C. D. U.. are Invited te attend funeral, Thura.. 8.80 A. M.i late rerldenee. 708 K, lhayar at. High requiem mans, Asconslen Church. 10 A. M. Int St. Deminic's Cem. RYAN. Dec 10, DAVID N, RYAN, aged 84, Relathe. and friends Invited te funernl. Thura., 8 A. M., from residence of Jamei Diamond. 4404 I!. Thompson st.. RrldeBhurg. Requiem Ill.h Mass at All Saints' Church. 0 A. M. Int. New rnthednl Cem. HClIACFnit. Suddenly, Dee, 10. AUOt'ST liutNmd of late Karellne Schnefer (nee Ret teiir.aun), nged 77, Relatles nnd frlimds nlne members Herman I.edite, Ne. las, p ntll A if , Phlln Turnnnmalmln Ck...i .' i.-i..j . -:: -..... r .vw c,, .., lUneelent Society, bxferil and ll. ABs'n ' Directors of Steel Heddle Mfer Te., and all fc '"-c """"""i . inviicu ie tuuenii, inurs 1.30 P. M., residence, 1871 Wjnnewoed reed cer .?.'.. SI?,'rn .' 0eibrenlt. Int. CheN ten Hills Cem. Friends may call Wed, eve I,. SCIIAErEIl. N -MAIi II II ;n iiAi'.i' i.n Hiidilently Uec, 11, I.OLIIS SCIIAKri:il. Itelatliei and frl.nrt. .i2 ..II n,.,nl,nHnn. nf ...kl..u . - - .... .'..""u ,.,, u.b, ,,.., von w n.tiwit iiq wnn lueinper, am Invited te attend funeral services, Thura B P. M.. at his late residence. 410 W. Rrlngl hurst St.. Oermantewn (Penna It. R te Queen Lone Station or Reute 03 en 13th' st.) i Int. private. Remains may be viewed Wed. I 'VcHMITT. Dee. 11. HENRT. husbnnd of Anna O (nee Dnenges) nnd son of the lata I'hllln Sehm tt nnd Helena Sehmit. ...? Klein). Relathea and frlerdn Huniheldt Uidge, Ne 350. F. and A. M.: Freiman Clupter. Ne. 243, R. A. C: Marburger Vm Veieln and Sehul and I.leder Vereln iind llerm-in Hund. InMted te funernl eervlcen r,il 2 30 P. M nt his late residence, mti ! ,?"' "L Int' P1'1'";. "'estnilnster Cem. Vlenlnv ThurB., 8 P. M. ". snVRRNH Suddenly. Dec. le me, JOSEPIU.NB K. wife of. A. J. s.,l?; Relatlvus and frlenda. al.n ",'?ei'rn": O range, Ne. 00 P. ei II are nv ted te ntimnft funeral. Thura .11. yt i"uea te ... . - .. ........ , , ..... irnm h&a Inte residence.' Olender'a. N. ' J, R.rvl... i I'nnvvn ei, r.. vnurcn ai 2 j', may call yea. eve, Take Ti ave ferr" for Glendora. M V. . "I 1,'rlftnrt. "us at Kalehn 8III.MN. On Dec. II, 1012. T.inin a BIIINN, of 1810 tf. lth St. nelallve. Art friend, are Invited te the service. e"'hi?r.1 day afternoon, at 12;S o'clock, at ihl Oliver It Hair 11 d . 120 Chestnut at Interment at Mt, Ilellv. N. j """ t, PMTTira On Dec. II. m22. MAnna Itr.T PATtKKIt fe-MVTirE. widow 'of wiiiif,m 'HilUsFlowerShep 4405 trannjerd Avenue Call Prnnlcfnr.1 A7VA ' l.,k.r. ... .1 . I I "- -"" !, .07 llDJf 1 111 !'- PNDKRTAKERH PEATHg ..Bmr,'!S- R'!ve and friend, are In vltM te the aervlce. en Wednesday avenlnir. 5J.? o'clock, .t tha Oliver II. Dalr Old.., 1S20 Cheatnut at. Hum at B(. ti,hT ChapyU 10th and lembard ata. Thursday mernlrurat. 0:80 o'clock. .Interment private at Mt. Helly N. J. BNTDEIl. Dec. 11 ,1022. CIIAm.RB Hi ftSt -A--A, f!E51 " '.!?. reld1ence..8I-0 rrifndll inVltid lO Hf titnrl fnn.Ka I nova iu niicim I from hid intA nicnmena ti Beimn requiem rnas- at n immml.te CMMMlea fchurch ie" A. SI. Inl! Y.lim . TSffirKO . L ift'Stlys. '"an !?',"', rl'' "'(1',n:'1 I8J . n. Albert at. Int. Oakland Cem. Viewing Thurf. eve. THOMASzDef. 11, at Heverly, N. J WILLIAM PAVIKS. Funeral nt convenience of family. Brooklyn. N. v.. paper, please copy. THOOTPstm. uer . in. inn. sameri. II.. TO." Ilelatlvaa and friends .?. Invited tS attena funeral. Thura . 2 P. M,. from hli huaMna or tarrie e. Thompaen, axed attend runerai. inura., s p m,. from hla lata residence 20 Tth nve,. Itadden Heiirhu? N. J, int. Everareen Cem. Frrend. may int. Kverareen .. 7 te 0 P. call Wed.. 7 te 0 P. M, TRAPP. On Dec. .10. 1022. MART F. TrtAPP (noe Eeek) wife nf n. ir - !..' ckl of llroekllne. Mnsi. Service en Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30 o'cleok. at the residence nf her father. Ambroee Derk, 38 S. 48th st iniermeni t .n. ,inn cemetery. TYROUT. D-c. 11, 1022, at Drexel Hill nntillCHJ MAXWELL, Infant eon of R rlmrj Raymond and Lillian Alten Tybeui. Sorvleea and Int. private at St. Geerge's Cem., Del,, en Thursi WANAMAKER. J On Dee. 12. Hen JOHN WANAMAKER. Funeral services will hh held at Hethariy Presbyterian Church. "2d and Dalnbrldae at... en Thursday, the 14th Inat.. at 2 P. M. interment private. n WARD. Dec. 11. RERT1IA. f et T, Albert Ward (nee psarr). aired 10. Relative Thura.. 2 P. M.. from her father-ln-Iav?a realdenee. Jamea E. Ward, 4631 Dlttman at.. Frankford. Int. at North Cedar Hill CenY Remains may be viewed Wed., from 8 te le 'WARD.Dee. . 11. 1022, HOUSTON M. WARD. Funeral services nt his Inte ril dence, 233 nenezet at.. Chestnut Hill, rrl.. 8 P. M. Int. private, Friends may caff Thursday eve. WEST. On Dec. 4. 1022. at Seattle Wash.. SHIPPEN DECATUR WEST. Fui neral aervlces at home of parente, 2131 De Lancy pi., will, be private. Interment nt North Laurel Hill Cemetery. W1DDOES. JOHN A. WIDDOES, 73 venra, died at 10 P. M., Dec. 11, m22 Relatives and friends, also Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen lnlted te services, nt residence of hla son. Jehn O. Wlddeea, 215 W. Oarfleld iave.. Norwood. Del. Ce.. Wed. eve., at 8:30, Interment private, nt nrlck Meetln Heuse, CeUert, Md.. en Thura. WILSON. On Dec. 11. 1022, ELIZA-, ei oue njnTniiMj read, Overbroek. Service, en Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, at the Oliver It, Hair Bldg.; 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. WOLFE At Salt Lnite City. Utah, en Dee. 8, 1022. EMMA S.. wife of Dr. Samuel Wolfe. Servlce en Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Oliver I. Hair Bid?., 1820 Chestnut it., Phlla. Interment at Sellers vllle. Pa., en Friday. WOOD. Dec. 11, AT.MIRA. widow of Wll. Ham J. Weed (nee Fordney). Relatives and frlenda arc Invited te ntttend funeral t.rv Ices. Thurs.. 1:30 P. M. nt reldcnce, 1323 K. Hewsen st. Int. Mt, I'oeco Cem. Friends may call Wed. aftr 7 P. M. PARCEL POST Trade ATTENTION taark 64-PAOE CATAXOO FREE! Our Stere la Open Evening. Until 0 P. H, O0NTC0TIONESY 6e Cornucopia, (for Xmaa. T.) dez. S .31 Emu. Claus Bexes 120'. .60 4-oz. As.t, Choe dez. .80 i-lb. Choe dez, 1.85 j.ii lb. Chec... .dez. 4,25 I Unto 1.1b. Aist. Choe dez. 6.75 Royal Mall, Mb. As.t. Chec... dez. 8.00 'Henry's 2-lb. Ant. Cliee dez. 11.62 tewnev's 2-lb. Fem. iisit. Ch...ilez. 11,70 "American" Reck Cull 6 1b. .81 Mllbeuina Asst. Chce 6 lb. 1.2- Henry's Atst. Choe , .5 lb. 1.08 Henry's UJollcteus" At. Ch,.5 lb. 1.88 Henri ' Cnsc. Bonbenny ilig...5 lb. 2.25 Lowney's Acst. Chec S lb. 2.01 Herihey Bres. Sllrer Bell..,.. 8 lb. 1.74 'Chec. Bonbeuny Tkg 2 lb, 1,10 Rens Bena 30-lb, Palls 3.00 Royal Mixtures 30-lb. Pall. 3,00 Manhattan Asst, Choe 30-lb. Pail. 3.00 Dal.v Atst. Chec,.. 30-lb. Falls 6,40 "American" Reck Cut. 30-lb. Pail. 3.08 Hand-Made Tey. 6-lb. .02 Chinese Ba.kets (Choe. filled). ..dez. 0.90 CHRISTMAS GOODS. ETC. Xmis Pe.t Card. (12 de.lgnil.,,100 $ .47 Xma. Seal., 6e-pkg 100 pkri. 2.55 New. Year Pest Csrdi 100 .47 Ne. 871 :Cmu Bells gross 1.00 Ne. 888 Xnui Bell. (Large) ....dez. 1.23 Ne. 750 Xm Decoration dez, .43 Santa Claus (Snice for Oindv) .43 Santa Claus Balloons (Large).,. greas d.jn Sjuawker Eftlloena (Ohr.t br.)..Rre. 8 10 Ne, 34 Drum. (Medium) dez, ,71 Ni. 120 Plain Drams (Larse) . . . .der. 1 'i0 Hsv Wanens dez. 1.10 icuiiaiuc-u iiemiai aes, x r,i Xinia Tree Hl:s. (30 te i)ex)..';-gr.b. 1.10 Xmas Tree Ball... dez, up .2"' "e. a ,'ca ateckings dez. Ne, B Flll-d Stockings dez, mn Tree. dez. 5Uvir TJn,eL'i'r trm. trees)... dez. Ly.Ptckferd Dells Kcwple lii,.ln.dez. gufcber Fi.h (Thev Fleat) ...... ,dez. Rub, Hula Dells (They Shlm'e) dez. .78 2 00 .85 .40 6.50 4.60 8.50 60e Children. bMg.'"Dik..'"dei.'".et. 2'.26 Manicure Seta (17 pos.) 1.65 43 nr.S nsnn.10 n .ts-'est oreattena In Punch Beards and Punch Osrds. , .C70ARS, CIOARETTES. ETC. Hand-made Seconds 60's $1.8, l"nl Cigar. ... BK', 3.65 Nermjdas Cigars, (6 in long) 60's 3 0 lStI1Ti BVj!er 0s"ar' 80's 3.GS Piedmont 10'a MOO 5.20 Camls men 6 81 Items w'th stir (i "entiln Crtldcite3 vu- piVu'! &.of MS-t-Wea. tW.E.PhII.fTh.r. i N.Vi .Phils., Otn. & C-tniln: W. Pbih.,ait 1 Lakoff Bres, 322 Market St., Phila., Pa. WHOL1SALE OENEEAL MERCHAIIDISE 4 . i AT 0"T PRICES Out-of-town orders will recelre prompt attention if acoemp.n'ed by romlttinee.. lembard 6073.5074-0430 Main 8174 WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY Xmas Suggestions Beautiful Polychrome Uahegany Electric Fleer Lamps Silk Shade and Cord $30 Complete Uiuil Value $15 Quality Electrio lamps, Fleer Lamps, Reading Lamps, Boudoir Lamps, stenu Lamps, eiace Shades, beautiful dnsfm.. at nrfees that cannot be dunllent,4. A eall te our showroom will eon. Tince you, Eleotrle Washing Ha. chines and Retina Cleaner, alwaj. en hand- BALTIC NOVELTY CO. 208 Seuth 11th St., Phila. Open Men,, Wed. Sc Sat. Evening. Practical Xmas Gift Genuine White Celluloid Toilet Seats With heavy nickel-plated bar binge. tufl Indefinitely Our Prim. $6.25 Pareel Pcii. ifn r!rtr FOR THIS M0WTH ONLY ReguUr $12.50 Seat Anything, in Plumbing We Hare It Prompt Attention Given Mail Order. Gitemcr-IVIiller & Ce. "0r.AhpB,- KEEP WARM With Osnelse REZN0R Gas Heater Special $2-25 sfc EACH DeUrerr within 1"fl mlle 1 2le extra ite. 0, 0. d. ennEits M. BATEMAN 302 E. Mt. Airy Ave. riillsrtelphla cJiWJMWffi J g lijaT m SHAVING SET Something wonderful Something new Called the Beautlfier Preierra complexion of youth IOJ5 prevents wrinkle. 1 full get,... Order by sending postcard te P. UIXI.CTt. 8510 Oreenwav Ave.. W. Phlla., and pay peitnun un delivery. mammammm as i a i lis n.ini.i -- - is saaaaiai aaaa-ea-e---1 i 1 1 ' s I, PARCEL POST ' , PAickL POST WMhilelbuPaiA f iH fMfvfSr Send us JnIy 1 y fc'um mall we'll' send I 5 UipjJlla- i$ MiXy y,0Un.OM of thPH,, eutlfui (Jcntilne Pin- . J Ok gfvW men(1 Wrier". EXACTLY THE mailT OIFT v3 IMWFOn CHUWTMAB! When It reach"? Veu. and J M PIe,r- P,",n. ImSSJ you ar1 entirely pleaded with It. kccii It. and MW t rlayer TianOS Im'y you. "ee'Jen'y send ub $2.00 a. month for 10 Miff fa MmC1CC f .W .months. Price of ninK J30.00. Any Blzccl Ai$mr J irOHl dlOD i m .vu uimnuim enn no iurnuneu at equally low fWF ki laivN,rlccs .nnd terms equally rcnaenublc. jQSSSW J$ 1 1 VVl rr"naftl"n Strictly CeniMeiitlnt. "'lau,mulc'VVr Jfft Ivl The Ideal Engagement Ring vfXr $ mvCV Bparkllna;. blue-nlilte. perfectly ,ciit Iilj. Vvi J d-W-'... 1 lgl l lnend Met In iriif,fnl tumintlnn nF i ,. !Jr Jsa .sgalgr m ''"l1'' fieM. Uiuirdiitt'P Viilim iiumi SULWjilP 'Vv a 71T1717 1 Send for a copy of our De Luxe Diamond Boek. 98 J JKJCiJCi paces in colors, showing our wonderful assortment of amazing values In beautiful Diamonds, Watcheg and Jewelry beau tiful rifts you'll be proud te rIvc. Send for Copy Ne. 1642-T. gal'sgal'sgal'sgCvBTlli'flVl'STngaVSVgaVSVgTgrW F R E E Thl. Xmas Heuse Ab solutely Free With Every Order. We like te call veur special attention te the following articles, unusually ndapted ns Xmns prtrents. Illi'gest values ever offered for the money. Genuine Rogers Silverware s3.65 0 Knive. 0 Ferk. 6 Speen. S Tea Spoons 1 Sugar Shell 1 Butter Xnife This Is the well' kneHn set which rpfnlU nt Sinnn Our Price t 215-plece Set rempliti- In plain box.... $3.85 Leatherette Cae nlt'i drawer 60 PARCEL 1'O.vr. la,. EXTRA Manicuring ' Set at 5p JLa93 This Beautiful Ladies' Manicuring Set, 21 Pieces '-iltnilen iverT , In n h!sh. (rradn ljathorette e a a e. R ocular value, $500 Our Price $1,03 Parrel Pest, 7c extra De net confine this manleiirlnir set with ethers sold for a few pennies less. MANICURING SET, 21 PIECES MOTHER OF PEARL . In high grade velvet caw. Ark 4 p Regular value 7.S0. I S Our price tpeJ.AeJ PARCEL POST. 7a EXTRA Pen and Pencil Set $9.43 14-Karat Geld Filled Tlln 1'nuntuln ln iu Lui.nii.. L. afetT cln.p and a SOMD cnr.n i"i.i...5 I m,? l"'n'' Pmell has extra leads, eraser uu .arctr clip. n i V inest magnrtleent sift. HiM PX AO as high ns JIB, en,, iirli-u eJeTa"aJ ud PAJlfTI. I'ORT.7rEXTnA CARVING SET;..B" Cl& q".ii,lr:.v.i,,tei?ta.,'ii guard fork set. In flnu cloth an na box. Our price 3tU.Se PAIlCKr I'OST. 12eKXTnA SHEFFIELD-STEEL Carving Set I'd. . W'"n'-le,i,r " "f'tj ael ltegular value t7.R0 fiU.e8 , .urn. 1Xl. J5XTp;. I A. W. POMEAN X. nr 1640 Germantown Ave., Phila.,Pa. Play all the "HITS" ail the "HITS" with tl.i. . lemon, ree of net.. "mmm arts bIi-u. 11. .1 . ei "eg. BENNER&"C0..UB:;tXW3' " ' 4. Kxpert Watch Reimirinl? . AMERIOAN bw,1.:..'-1? A?. DATCMTC and TRADEMARKS ft U ll J LJ i Phen er call touamsen tmSSSSS fnpHrs 1325 ARCH ST.. PHILA llr. te Si am. and Thw" Ve 7 te i wuuurea l)g&fiLR JnypE j jgfyypa.' lAjj&'.r . i ... ,."' wafrav vXcu UjkLj-' 'Tn"ffrTpra''IWplssSpiJlrl 'sWgsVgsMSSBSSKIHBBSSjmsa' Igfea At mm. W All wrk guafi ,V3 w?OHES .-W material, used. llia.ft,,.M,,,,t of ii iijl W":k b" H wl Irccel'. 'funded ft'.-iTrHJ attiutlm " rPCC" urumpt i&r fc. mxi m Solitaires from 25 te $1,000 Electrical Gifts Are Practical Gifts and Inspire Instant Jey te All Special Pecemtetl T.x elusive Design Camea Finish Kliade In :i col ors, pink, bine and tan. Beg. 17.60, Sale Trice $4.75 P. P. SOe Genuine Mazda Lamps,$2.23 P. P. 15c Fnry Nets, Fig- ares, etc., CS.riO. P.P. 15c. Tungaten Sets, 81.05, P.P. 15c Adjustable Desk Light Vv 2 Heg. $5, Special 3. r. p. ise Verd. green and statuary Hrenre 101 Size 514 square, 5" high. Bright finish, 400 J Watts. Reg. $1.75.1 Special $1.45 P. P. 15c wide. 0" lone, n" finish 100 mils. t-Ii.SO, aperlnl S. p. Electric Iren Unconditional guarantee for manufacturer with eaih Iren Reg. 90.00 Special $4.75 P. P. 25c Imported Electric Irons Complete with cord and te nf ; ping &.C.O P. T. 2fie HEAT PROBLEM SOLVED BY USING RAY-GLO Guaranted Odorless Perfect Oas Fire 10 Glecrg $22.50 7 Gleem $15.00 WITH HOOD 10 Oleers. . ..$22 60 7 Oleers . ..tlS.OO ADELPHIA SALES CO. 235 Market St., Phlla., Pa. Open Every livening 'Till 10 P. M. tit; Set of (l limp extra ?. FREE) -fl.lO , 10 ligbts (2 Ump, extra TREE) .. 43.t)U e i.ncy iigure., 09 1 C Colored Light... $4.15 urn Mltmlen of electrie I rult and animal en fj'.ljrn., each . JUC Bend esh or mener crd'r or wn will send 0, O. ri Every Item we sell it giiatantjed. " " Send for Illustrated Xni. !!". O.ft Catalcitue . ...1 T.lffhtlner future Ce.. Inn.. 290 p tv HowYerkClO.Dept,629 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS IVreimlit Iren I'leur and llrldce I, iniiis. riener, ItlrU Ciike uml II lumlnntiil Aqiinrlum Simula direct from iiuimif ucturcr te you at a sub atnntlil aalnr. Ne entnlesa. rOMK LOOK THKM OVKR AT The Wrought Metal Shep t NORTH .lUNII'EB ST. HUPERT'S "EZY" I'stJIICil Window Shade Bracket 7t rufnn'urect liv HARRY W. HUPERT 2P(17 N 15th Street PHILADELPHIA. "a. Silesmea Wanted 10c Pair 0" jie at All Stores Razor Blades Re-iharpened lleiul.r Its son Oroend A Honed an.. 1220 nib.rt St., ratla,. Pa. ' VsbLSmw HrreAj .102 5" ilumlnum IllBll, Her. 3 P. 0e. ! BS T 4? . I PARCEL POST MJji3.,iJjliMi5iJj.,JlJj) HOWARD VINCENT Special Christmas Sale of Pianos. Player-Pianos Phonographs piano sisting msk- ?. rsS. EL ,ii.W I. 1 . V x.kk (nilM3MPJ psJgyU.lsBilJsggslgssJsjsjJO IBM STEINWAY MASON & HAMLIN CHICKERING VOSE HALLET & DAVIS VINCENT WEBERFIELD Uprights from $55 HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-?46 N. 6th St. This Old Piane Heuse Established I860 f&&&S?&&&&S?&S? ? f ; Pittas; tf t for tfje Heme t Swing Spout Sink Fixture I With Seap Dish 1 -,.:" .'"VS? . Delivers het, cold or tempered water te almost any part jt , of sink, as the spout swings. Spout has leak-proei $j tsp greunu joint, rer regulation siiiKS, e incnes ctiuer ie gs m center. Rnnn rllsVi of rlnr.iWfl vitrpnnn rViinn Vina rlr.iJn nnnnf Ht WM' .. - . .-. preventing accumulation of cleaned in its fixed position. "Full Line of Plumbing Supplies" I Central Plumbing Supply Ce. g S. W. Cor. 12th & Spring Garden Sts. J Phila., Pa. fflaSiaSSj-Srg WALL PAPER 8c, 10c, 15c, Deuble Rell Sample Beoh Sent Free Fine Paints ,xra,0'ut $ Gal. Best Paints Jfeit $2.25 Gal. Best Flat White $2 Gal. Window Shades AU, 45c Wall Paper DiDtributing Ce. 52 N. Second (Above Market). Patla. ROOFING- MAYS' RED ELASTIC. GUM PAINT Make Old Tin, Shingle, Slate-surfaee, Subbereul and Concrete Roefi BETTER THAN NEW $1.25 per gal. or 5 gals. $5 Write for ClreuUr ROBERT A. MAYS Expert n RoefiM UHg.m N, 16th Bt, Phene PepUr SOU Wjn I 6 ataieU a AM caff eSg "i miw UKTrT frl if yS pirun, n- sf aeUl. JlULVtnv' t, rtiinmnts, ta WltfcMJSEND NO MONEY KU3fOxAi reur films rd iddnwi A dBSgsgs&B,'B,n PtUTA irrlv.1 pay peu 9ajnrBMana aely 11.71. w. p.y pe.uv I yr 44 4tt Am. Bl E, Ns Vera Olr I "Bi4hgMI'lrTitriflfiO PARCEL POST We always de something extraordinary at Christmas time. This year we present a player- combination offer that is greatest bargain ever offered te the ever offered te the public, con- $295 of an 88- note full - size, double- action player-piano with metal tubing, for Be Sure te Call Today Net until-you have actually seen one of these splendid players can you have the slightest conception of their exceptional values. mt IMPORTANT NOTICE Only a limited iff number of these Players are te be sold at this price. ' The list below will give you some idea of a few of the many makes we are offering from TERMS Will Gladly BLASIUS CUNNINGHAM LUDWIG LESTER STORY & CLARK HEPPE KRANICH & BACH These instruments have all been taken in ex change for the famous Heward Vincent Pianos, Players, Grands and Reproducing Pianos. Open Every Evening - rj Price I ft SJe Extra Firesl Pest, GENinNE" QgC-PfiEI0N m st M v. ....., ,.Mw v... wfiwi.v, water. Seap dish is easily fa fa fa ft 1.29 7t 3 assertea Hen tnr vt iwn.tti ii ani , ..... . 3 aiSe'pi-Vin" sV. 'X K"' f s 'i f! Pend no money r.v. find nn.fva .. k 8' tin si 'ju i-aj peitman J1 20 t'f Si SatlaJSJiVn'n9 "h'n H" a.. deVni ."d. "J, jj natlafaetlnn Guaranteed . . s ruBL c TRADING CO fij 40MTII AVE.. Ii,n. .- vL .' ftftWSmiWfljtW4BIM VXtXfeAr waiter'. P.iwn.hep ei Vlui et. Ilended le ih.Vi.. "u V' i -.. Vf fa" n V. '".A 'I DIAMONDS BOUGHT ft) worth, mteur p?lci. iVette y'euy.ii,bw " II YenfiV.VniilA,ft' 3' W'J1 ' 1 h' PARCEL POST positively the public, con Player Grands from $950 .JgigV B aHglgiigKill. : Be One of the Ludky Ones BJ Up TO SUIT Be Arranged Grands from $275 g ,Add Te Your Reputation Fer Geed Coffee The Ne. 231 ViDROClOff ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR brings out that rich flavor of the coffee bean as no ordinary coffee pet can de. This pure alu minum electric percolator holds 9 cups Price $7.25. Postage 25c. Chas. J. Lenihan, 17 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. am z. CANDY Whe'e vrTr,1 AND OIHEB MDBE. it 0UH "TEST PRICE LIST ALL Q00DS GUARANTEED FRESU XMAS GOODS ar OeS..: "!5' oempl,tB " " CIOARETTES. CIOAna r-m ewc-u a i-ucay Binae 30 I !"" i-ueay QtriKs 12 1 -ts , 1000 6 00 .dez 81 1000 5,81 1000 7.00 Camels l timas "'."dm ,?.',' 10 ?W'rt,lU20''' Hrnrljtta Pepiilare. Pest ; Clear. (Sp-clall . '" Lord I ckfeid Cigar. ' Ms'iueU " C iuniill"rs Chops Tobacco S-ifttv Ilex Matches 1000 0 89 1000 . . 80 . 28 . 60 tt dez 8 27 8 04 1 2 1 7 3 f,5 J 7e .0 gross .71 LOUIS NEWHOFF WHOLESALE CONFECTIOMrn t. OENERAL MERCHANmSE 255 Market St.. Phila P. OPEN EVENINGS TOOp'u M.rket6ll8 P.. i.e. ?.'.. -. -- . , niiin hi FULL DRRSS TUXEDO SUITS Te Hire FOIl ALL OCCASIONS iMILLER'S S. E. cer. 13th and Bainbridee ribrt 08 2fer25c Key. Duplicad WHIM' vnti .. jfjxy jEC BrrSecdriWop.e.iie?e'rib'. l Ib-.s-Mj'!0 rfVhleKt V : ..ewheST Tan-v Wb'te PaCcage 5 lb. ' lam us Mixtures 30-lb p"l lh' lii Bmken H,r,j c.ndy. 30-lb Pall lb It!' CnrstalJelly Drep, Bit,.'. ' .70 ic Cand? Cams, Bpecl.l tt .68 I i r n,'sOreunajilUal .'"ty Bl.daa Sharpened, go, , Oempleu L,ii W TUkert Strut MTAYLO CO.. ill m M 8 IF - ..... .., .5Kti. j. ,