Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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M ' - - - J ttmMmm MMWW "- MW'
7,.ri?7-vrrr p neID DiMDCPBTl PnClTlT RS AS
!MBc3fe ...... . - - J
Careline yaleniine, ana
Mrs. Geerge Earle, 3d, Are
Breeding and Selling of Rough-and-Ready Pe
lice Puppies and IVire-haired Terriers Is
Latest Avocation of Secial Elect
ALAS peer Fifi, we knew her well!
Pink-bowed and curly ns te hair alie sat en a velvet cushion and
Ucked her saucer of cream. Legien were her subjectB.
Cemes new news of her passing.
The day of the lapdep Is gene forever, announces Philadelphia's
nger &ct collectively. In its little pampered stead has come the
teuchest out-of-deer deg that ever had the geed luck te romp through a
unlit valley or bay into the reaches of a Gwyncdd Valley blue sky.
Net only has the latest activity of Philadelphia's debutantes and post pest
debutantes led te the raising of Doberman Pinschers, police dogs, wire
haired fox terriers and ether members of the rougher canine set. It has
led te the selling of them.
There you have it.
France herself has grandes dames who have invaded the Rue de la
paix. New in Philadelphia, stronghold of aristocracy, these young blue blue
bleeds who take possession of their fathers' garages invest real capital
in and put en a business basis this matter of deg fanciering.
Nine woolly puppies take a collective header into the dead leaves
long a garden path.
A girl, bright-cheeked and shin-j
ing-eyed, makes a quick tllve from
imenc them. She is as swift as the j . ."
irind, but they in their clumsy way
are swifter. Six are attached te her
plaid skirt as she arrives breath-
lets at tne oer 01 uiu garage.
One shies off, cocks his head en the t
lido and sends sharp little barks '
of rebellion at the far-off hills. The
test held en relentlessly with their
email white teeth. Cemes Mitzi, their
dignified, alertful mother. Sneezes
Spike fitfully en the sun-filtered
It's fun!
Party Dates Canceled
Fer Lure of Dogdem
Parties have been given up in
honor of this new avocation. Oat
meal pans have bcen surreptitiously
removed from under the new watch
ful eves of the cook. Alarm clocks
have been called into style in order j
that the young deg fanciers,
nay steal out te the "kennel" be-
fore the wintry sun is up and ad
minister this carefully prepared
breakfast exactly according te sched-'
trie, Se it's fun, but it a work, tee.
One brave young Philadclphian
ret out her hammer and taw and
did the actual building of the kennel j
within the garage herself. Ne man
mil.1 hn.A WVA n M4. . f AT VMA '
CVUIU llttu tiviiu ih ucibui jju ui wiv
wire partitioning than she. And
she has a little coal stove in the
corner te keep her young charges
warm. This she tends herself.
Anether young miss, a deb
utante of the season, fed eleven
police-deg puppies their bottles four
times a day. She ulmest cut off the i
telephone in the course of that job! j
These girls arc raising blue -blooded ;
de;i. Tliey will linve none but the
bfit mill will go te any lengths te
get their Bleck.
Take jeung Mrs. Geerge Enile, ."d.
for Instance. She, ti!sitcd by her
husband, is eik of the pioneers at doc
tilslng. A year and a half age when
tUy were abroad they bieughl Lord
Ven der Ileitsburg back with them.
He Is a n international Doberman Pin
idler thumplen. Alse he lias taken
tli' American and Canadian chnmplon chnmplen
blps. Twcntj-ene pups hired by this
member of the reyul house of dogdem
bre been sold by the Earles.
This fall Careline Valentine brought
tack from England two wire-haired
out and stand still tn front of that
fanny blnck box. Between half-shut
deg eyes he watched a pile of leaves fly
off like brown birds in a puff of wind.
Then he settled his fine bin hend com
fortably between hl paws. Life wan
mnrle of a number of things.
This youngest of the deg fanciers
didu t get iiur knowledge, of deg breed
ing fretr books. Her plan was te ask
questle; . of the elder folks, whose
bobby . hnd been for a long time. A
few minutes after the photographic
episode she sat en the bench and ex
plained that every one had been awfully
nlce about telling her anything she
wanted te knew.
It was explained that MItzl had been
bred te Colonel Iloesevelt, a winner of
many cups and belonging te R. 0. Oon Oen
way. The subject of finances was gene
"I bought Mitzi with my own money,
and that s the way I mean te go en
doing. I mean te go ahead and en en
large the 'business' if you can call It
that, but I have te go t-lewly because
it takes a geed bit of capital and I
want nil invested te be my own. flood
nnnu neil troll. Ynn mil ut nil the
wnr from $40 te S200 for n police deg efDee if n person did decide te take up
puppy. It Just depends en hew young isoine regular occupation
you decide te sen tnem, wnctner you
have males or female te offer nnd then
of course en the breed of your dogs."
te Phannh's infinite distress, bath
night comes eftcner. ... ,,
"Yes, I give practically all my time
te It," Miss Valentine ld as she led
the efftte little dng family out en the
bread lawn at her home In Chestnut
Hill. "And I fed that's Just ns It
should be. because I'm taking it up
as a ngulnr business. It's mere in
teresting than Just running about and
never having nnylhtng te allow for your
time, and It s better than going in an
Lapdog and Ribbon
Days Gene Forever
Miss Huey believed firmly that the
day of the little deg is no mere. She
Is a stanch believer In police doge
and shows why she believes In them.
It's because they're one-man nnd faith
ful te the list inch te the ene who
raises them.
"Sometimes Just for fun nreund here
we wrestle just te oe what Mltzl will
In." f-Iic mill. hen anv one tries te
Of course It requires a great deal
of patience and perseverance and n
Hert of inipcrvlousness te disappoint
ment. It was a fearful blew te lese tin tin
deg en the way home.
"It was due te the heat In the boiler
room near wbcre the three were put.
We had get in touch with the steam
ship authorities weeks before, advis
ing them that three valuable dogs were
i te bei brought ei er en tuat certain
voyage. They premiseu te muni Ken
nels en tin. top ilecu. nur wiicn we get.
of our Utile tribe of livestock." Thin
verj pleii-unt jeung weinim person with
softly niiik rlieeks laughed. "We d d
l.lt ran rnn nneht te see what himncns ! I renllv linve 11 creat deal of livesfei
She's erv fend of my brother, tne, Yv had nineteen little African lint lies
nml nm. Hhv when the born were playing ' that we bought near Notre Il'iine
football here we just almost nan a riot
She thought some one was going te hurt
Henry." . , ,
And she loves them because they re
rough and tumble and hardy.
"They're regular wolves." she smil
ingly explained, "when It comes te
being able te stand exposure. They leek
t. ' ' '
A i - -
V; . $: - ,JA3i
am , " y ijpt- . 4..m& xrnix's -..., . w
-IB "A 'JBtK - r. y JT1 r. M tr JVi UBJI r I ' .U .rf.ljl 4H V f T . X T . M
SBL . JT IJI iJMB V" I tkXafLK' ' 1 - V v,7 irjri '', . -v i. m . t .f
i jmBmmt JL WWvMSmX',. .'M . mmmmM Yiwvim
jmtmt m'mmaEmmmmmmM a hk m IsHbsl.v9H '..;--,- iUMmsm.,'..: mm&ijiv--jmK 'wmmu .- &:
mr iHBBaiiinHkMiM tHHHunniBMHHHnBi 11 rsKaiK ' v-n immta "v aju-j v j S9 f.- v:ri..-.j -...i &-,siHr s- x .".' x ii-7.'.' u';' . !, ? r va ipbm. ': a- .,. '?;
tm) ' wWMM m&BRm&MwEm- -, ! w&rvvr r'wlfhl MStr', .r-MBBfl
Xa.-tl-i.ear'ia.s. XaA and her "WJr-ez. I JliBwipUPSIHBw '1 iB'M iSSk W" v ' 'nlll'fl
MHMMPRHi,-.,;l?v v?'.n-JaBiBSar ''JBgilaKaiMBgi MJwBafeMBaftdmaaMfiMBBBBmi aKSiP. . , Wn5H rambunctious, delightful little J TT7 7 z; : 1
B '.. r vK'Ti.f v. 9Bai iw r mrjtz. ry.' i r'ni- BBffncaiiRHHU'AMnMwrn?inBwH. THk wuKXA-mAzn uuk .
KikiV. etv'K.vv'HHK' dHUrriJr.v iS8K(mBBHHn rrf if i ff WMBralrTMnn TrriTnirrTrWBM I 1 1 1 i r flnWTM "l5it)tS3JW3 Vheu
Kii ,j.t i ii ' fjAwitt1lMKfBRBkWlBfi JiHHillllMiiiiiiiiiililll tmmWKBMmrnT X 93sBsWbPX ta - - , , .
" ' mmiiiiiiii i i .w.v. "' ",-t--?ilvy& UtnKKKIKmSBB6imRh.yt&'tna'i - ,i
""MiiM. .
'Having Time of Their
Lives" in Their New and
Lucrative Pastime
mfschlcf nil by her little quivering ad
excited self. Hhe behaved as a modem
puppy Is uuppesed te bchavej lnd
'"J'hnt baby's earn ar wrong," the
nprrnlslng veIc, of the young deg
eipert said, 'Vhc's getting her teeth.
U'hen there was Keottle, the Scottish
terrier who wen the Wissahk'l.en medal.
Illnel; halted. low stung and friendly
he c)ed the camera proceedings. Once
he came ever nnd sniffed hlf mistress'
fur coat and once when there came the
iidwnliility of removing her lint he
trettid faithfully nutess the lawn I'
en ii fafely dreslftd en n bush and
net removed from the premises.
Mrs. Onrnett does net mean te let
the duties of n matron Interfere wltl
her interesting avocation. She mean,
te go right en with her kennel.
Mrs. Geerge Earle, 3d,
Finds Fun in Game
Out en the Main Line, near Hmer Hmer
ferd, i the establishment of the Oeerge
en the be'il no un seemed te have heard t '..i, .."',, r .... .. : ,, .. ,. t
1'arlc deperibed her half of the team
work wbii h gees into the management
of the"-" ratline affairs. "I'm awfully
fend of the dogs, and. although they re
big and hard te manage. I de every
thing for them when Mr. Parle is nway.
"We've bold every single ene of our
puppies and mean te keep right en rais
ing mere."
ICatherinn King who, with her
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, Irvin King,
spends most of the year nt Tip Tep
Karm, their p'ace in (Jwynedd Valley,
is an enthusiastic newcomer te this new
lielil that has switched conversation a
bridge parties te the desirability of
blnck or pink noses nnd the bivt vaiiety
of deg biscuits.
She lias brought Eliza Lee, her wira
lmired fe, into the Oermnntewn home
en Walnut lane for the winter. Thlf.
puppy i n daughter of Mrs. Carnett'b
"Wwilh'.ll Fidget."
"Yeh. I'm in It. tee." lie n'.rned tin
hnve dated only from September, when and then wanted te knew If HUzn Lee
she returend from her stay abroad, her, wasn't n nerulinr nnmn for
knowledge of deg leie has grown sur-I deg. Humer has it that the Lee is for
Cathedral in Paris. We kept the binls
in our stateroom nnd no one seemed
te make any complaint.
"These peer dogs, though!" She
stroked the brown ears of Ituffy's Vic Vic Vic
cole, who was nestling close under
her sport coat. "Piccole means
tiny," she snld, "that'n where ahe get
her name. She Is my prie. T get her
straight from Clonmel, Mr, Uucklev's
estate Just outside of nurnhani. Brick
was a gift that put the whole plan of n
kennel in my bend. I gave her that
name because seemed se timid and
( I thought it might inject a little cour ceur
j ugc into her."
.Miss aientine rends every book en
dogs thut she can lay her hands en.
Although her professional experiences I
-Kar. K-ucee C3ax-rcbt Usiih. "W3-:rxaVi-iVL
Picket ' fftcf Ae- Hvsre I:j-jspaes e &
Carolina Valentin.
daughter of Mrs. Ah ram S.
Valentine, went te England ten
mnnflia i.ee f. lnut filing l ,-., HiimJI T.I...V...... n ..' "'. "' . '
. ::vj..u" ..:.. iri.'' "..; ,v" -""" ueiten sauus.
"W'u "" "'- uuiiaiug nuilllll f j-t .. .
mi a. irarneu inherits
J.nl-. -sTT-i- -, .,- 1 -,
- -.u.iic. s C1.SJ v CU i" CVK7 r3 1 -Y Ipl -p.-. -y
vv3.-3rG. Jdaaeci Te: Ttrr-aej'
infTrJJ?X'l'- te h, bred te
Elateat.eillx Taacxceajst, Ivr- A Pelicse Te,HjppieW
fyxei of nettd stock, one sired by
England's noted Epplng Emblem.
Calling en the deg nrlntecrntfl, get
ling at the Inwardness of n movement
that bids fare te settle down as a
permanent Instltutii :i in Philadelphia,
was net a piece e' work at all. It
was sheer fun, with Its enlj drnwbnck
being a disinclination te leave wherever
one might happen te be.
An Armful of Puppies
And a Pretty Girl
Let'e begin with Eltznbetk Pancoast
Iluey, becuuse there's where the cross cress cross
eountry excursion did really begin.
MUs Huev (a a debutante and the
daughter of Mrs. J. Cerbtt Davis. She
U also the proud possessor of that
lawnful of petlce deg puppies afore
mentioned. "They are nine weeks old," she aald
as best she could under the circum
stances. Five puppies were playing
merry-go -round en her plaid skirt; a
mere philosophical member of the
group was in her arras chewing at the
black pompon en her hat.
"There were eleven in h iifr
but one hnd te be chloroformed," Mie
continued, making In r wny through tin
wild uml woell.v eiiert te tli.' ni.irhb
' bench where she could nt least Hit
I down. "Then ene was given awav,
and here am mj nlne that are left.
ve, ui V.-UUIDU, uwp iiu.t! join ei my
time, but It'a great sport and it's a
very nice way te make pecket money,
"When they were lery little I had
te glve up almost everything." Eliza
beth Iluey is nice te leek upon. Her
cheeks glowed and her dimple deepened
as she owned up that for two solid
weeks she had te give theso deg babies
a bottle every four hours.
"When the telephone would ring and
se!1r l lie WOlll'l link !llt til Klllk'0 llll !'.
gagcnii'ut I juet had te say, 'Ne; can't
get out of Ihin place for ilaH.' As
It is new, the have te be fnl thrie
tlmeu a dnv. Mether sa.vs it takes
mere te teed my dogs than it does te
feed the family,"
She I'M'i.iiiied the ritual of their
meals. Oatmeal every morning taken
out te the garage at a certain early
time which had been put en the stove
the night before, be that it would be
cooked thoroughly. Hamburger steak
at neon (that was where the butcher
bill figured), a sort of 5 o'clock tea in
the Bhiine of bones te nibble en In tlm
late afternoon and a Bupper of deg ' nes the kennel-vvlthln-the-gnrage she
uiscuits ami nuiK nmsues eir a perluct la nue te xnnvv, nuiit witn ncr own
duy. hands. Well bred, but decidedly ear
Taking the puppies' pictures for their de.K f"(,ps Pressed close te t-
first uppeatauru in print was about as v', 'ence and in pollte fox-terrier
easy ns sheeting a scene In the movies '""''Ian did net dlseHtnlnate tee mark-
for two tenyiernmental film stars, I r"'v between her mlstrces nnd n visitor.
After s'l hands joined in something Outside the pale of the wire snt a
thnr reimMed n wild West cowlvev net bit forlornly little Phnnnh, a five-
and repeutid aln.it hit linieN, the' deed ' months-old Wit Highland wlilte
wiif dime i.i:tif isey, nig nev, Hunt, puppy, itome ieius
was going Inte tne deg btn-I-ness.
The chnnce gift of a fine
wired -hatred for terrier made
while he was ever there started the
Idea. She decided te bring n pair back
home with her, nnd the plan was ex
tended te bringing three. Unfortunately
ene died the ilrst clay out from Eng
land. There are left nw Kuft'y's Brlek
and Unity's Pici el i, i'ie 'itter being
tired by Englnnl's neied Kppmg Em
blem and bought fre.n Hel'nnd Buckley,
firent Ilritnin's fnum is I idgp of Aire
dales nnd wire-hnired terriers, who I
expected Mmrtlv in this mutitry te at
tend the Madisen Square Onrden Shew.
IHiss Valentine Builds
Kennel All by Lonesome
It was Miss Valentine, who once
having decided te be a deg raiser de
emed te be ene nil the way. Wit
Leve of Deg-Raising
ii verv faiieus general once known In
j the Seuth. At any rate, hnvww
L'i7ii Lee gathered her name when th
cnmer.iinan came te take her picture
u is lunted ulif hail been especially
vi .. n V the red 'fm the preent'K' v . I,,r.n,u experience.
Ulentliie home in Chestnut Hill leads , , N"'l1" II,l,,M" " , - . Martins
l!"le, lune- "here en the lteiiiuIs l "'" "al iuiiiiiering te ine
of the home of her father, William u!" ls et f""r 'ne-d.i.v-eId puppies
I Lyttleton Bnrclav. romp the wire- "'"'" ' "' cml "f ,h" """'"-' deg mm
i haired leies of Mrs. Mimoee Oarnett tfl,r !"' '" ,!" "Padou- stable en thi
I'' .1,1... IIIIITI I.1UT 1 . . .1. .. .... Lll '. ,11 111.. ITIT.lii.t III ill in l.ri m.i
Jinrcln. mdh
ii r i
flir. ,.;..,.. I. i.i . " ,l '"' "rf,i of
''""'"" ' nnieipi,ini.8 te take
" 11UMI1V.
th i
impi ii
. 1 1 . !
Iiet (1 ,
, has been trnl'-blaer, fei
i' tune i :b r w ii e-liuirei
in.ikiii.' turt.ve dali s at tb
i k in 1 fi it lias been bulL
r te the stahle.
father ":ri'U'ru;-v tn,m r-Hy from her
fatlier, who hah long teen an exu, rt
ferl's? 7d" t'lrreung 7i fejhat Is Her Reason
bring $30 or SA( ..,,! .. i. . In her yellow snort coat and n hit-or
estimated the attendant "inceme was '.'Ss 'j.at """ eevered her beblsl bal
no meager amateurish affair i " biiuveur sat en an old wheelbar
Thni .1.. .. .
i... jiiT'." "l aneus ages one n
and a wicked leek In his eye romped
about this October brlde'a feet as r,he
'nr '- - ..ursl un,j xUvHf
Kabv an' nil l'ie ti'U'pernrllv nam.' i
little fiinny-factil eiImtn liad been tit
miiitiiliri'i' under gieut stiusa for pub
lication pui posies.
Neaihv watchful and ready te defend
her litter, if necessnry, steed Mitzi.
On the perch In the little Bquares of
nun that laced the afternoon shadows
blinked Splke, named that because
one day be vvandercd In te thorn from
a splke mill. He was big and bread
and curlv and kind -looking. He looked
nut nt the picture-taking process quia
Blcally. Ne one bad asked him te come
High ever her hed am' nenUv tixed
te the wall Is what was utiee an
orange crate. New n mu-ht be soled
the vanit box of the est lMlNhment,
Here are brushes of varims sizes,
S'jveral little JarH and soma fluffs of
cotton. A row of neat blue and white
Turkish towels hniigs nearby.
Wire-haired foxes de net get bathed
except when the event can no longer
be postponed, it was explained, but
little Phanab has te have her regular
Saturday night session, and sometimes,
for me try my hand in ,. ..
m u.i.ewP,Inin(V.,' ,ber has been "he
much intj.rcHte.I-I've heard deg nil n,v
lie. It s never been anv m,rt f
e., ,heuS, . ",hS,;v;;;,T!Tri.,er
nr.1 . K "" V " X"" "l " ''ii-
and net the sort v,,u m. ,,, ,,,,1,11,,
around the file. u,m., the li,..
Mrs. Onrnett.
win t.e mother w is
.u nun linn new nnw nan eetij a
fniinle lust spring for Sl.V). IivlnK
puppies is the reason alie giv-a fei
tuning te raise them It did mean
giving up n let, she confessed, but still .
net ci erv thing, for In spite of the new
arrivals she wun going te a bridge purty 1
' verj nfti rnoen.
Vtiier," one of MIkh Sanveur'e
d'gs, wen at M.inlinim Kenui'l Clul
last uprmj "Little Cherry Ii r.-,6uin,'
sirid . Hilten Sinuls, is an. .'her ei
lll'l Ipll'lllls
Mi i Sauveiir. Ilk- most of the ethnre
w!u 'm. -i.ti in f,,i ,ll(. mlHliig, Is net
III' I ll Mill i-sled III ill,,. hIhiiM,.
'I In n w is 11 coil uf inw.iidiii.i 1 iibeut
Anne ister. ventured thnt the er'i ..f ll"s "utvviml exprcMsien that came from
me pnmpereii lajsleg has pa-sed M """ or the glrlH who have thrown
en and that the tendency new iiinnui. ,l)"ir efforts into thin iutercHtlng nnd
hum m iu ku in ier tne tug, nut-of-
meiner deg, I ved mi te her
type. Wyndhill Ktdgei
noer Bturuy typ
noted mother d
name, nnd fidgeted nbeut en the bread
1 in" Jlsner lress talked. Wynd
1 I 5?Jltalre. her tvvo-menths-old
tty, did net hover by, but found some
novel project.
I here h nothing superficial or faddish,
ini-ii iiiu'iiuuil. 1 nev Imvn mnn
about their deg raisin" mileil intelli
gently and have sparwl no effort te IItij
up te the highest standsrd of surf-1
denv. '
i 'X6
13 J?
1 f!u
S .- f.1 t! ,