M SAW W.Ir?i i f Jifi 1' il in 4 I" Pi t tf f f I m few 59 -. 1 : ww'iju1; "V' ''W'tt r r MtK W... miK ..JtV-T) .srt'K ",')' yt pennFive te HFH1LA. HAS LHAMLti I '-. FO SOCCER TROPHY1 p-vtreng Lecol Soccer Teams Entered in Ration-Wide ( Competition te Pick Bcst ! Eleven in Country S ( STLT FORWARD r.y i:i,mi:k a. scimeKi.r. SfCratury Ma-Mhem He' (lull rpWO years age when tlif Mr foot feet 's bell tnerulu of thli country cuti-ld- red sending ft f-eccer cloven abroad te repre'ent the Vnlted States In the' Olympic Gaines, there amw, nide from financial ilIiBniltle-. the iiue-f inn whether we were prepared te send a team of layers strictly nnintenr which could (-iieces,fnlly niid creditably tcp- ' resent us against the strong and well trained iimatcir eleven of I.urnpran nations. It , then vividly brought te the' attention of thee men tlint the greater tdinre of our best plniers h.pl joined the ranks of the H'ccer prefcssim-ai. Cengerjueiitl their Mnbes were let! I te such nn cniknve-, uud the-i who" were deeply iiiteresti d in tin project tvere fereud te admit tli.it no were 'in prepared us nmnteurs te meet tie ',"' rer team of ether nation" in mi in ternational nllileiie program -m-h its ! ihe world -famous 01inplc (inme. Theu wni n unanimous opinie!! that we were unprepared: tlur-- wn n tinnnliiwtis opinion that we should pre pare. These eat nest b adit's of .i n r who renin full laid i -.d,. tln-ir pl.m for 1010 ludicied rightly that Amdi . fhettlil hi"." a i rcHtable lure i Tl. Mectr program nf thin ':'.it in'.' run tlenul meet. TVUi:Y plrdijeii their r?erti ti that end. 7 hrrr rtviaiwl the wat fillfc nf Intrrf'l'nij ii'iin'.c' ji'ci.c ichn had llirnit' tn id-m K i'.'i t?.i7l te remain In ttinttrur tin'lri. KMablish Atnalrur Cup rpe THIS end. the ii-vr 1 eai'.ers w he attenile.l tlie n.inii'il m .'tin" of the T'nlteil States I'mirliall A nointien at Hosten last Ma. es,-ililisl..i the Airi teur ( linlliiir (''ip l'imp-':tlei'. Heretofore, there did n.M e-ci-t a u-i-tlen-wlde i-eecrr nuniietitien fr iiin.i teur players and itnat Mir clubs imlj . Se srreat was tlie ilesir if t'..csf ice-i lid se genuine their n. tenth. n te -Tip-pert nud fester iiin.'ft : i lid. a"" il iieecer. that t'-ey rileil th.it even nlnver wlie as new .imiiteur. bur v.h formerly w-i' a prnfes!nti:il. would net lie permitted t.i pl..y in thi" competi tion. 'JTie creut merit of this ne-r pi. in ! that for the t'rsf tine i'l "' r feet- lnll history the amateur c'iiIh from every pnrt of this count r will have nn opportunity te meet ewli e'l.er '-u an '(jual and fair basis. It will brim: into Iuv the greatest nmateur iRre? ituuis of the ceuntry: it will ch an : por per tunlty te raciHun their relative trenjthp. With th merits of th" p. an titer" liare com aVe mat v difTicii't ehstne'-s finaneml. c"ejraphieal and techni cal, which such en effort must entail rlth it first attempt. If it were mi: for the profeur.d it"..i".- and ti..-t tht wvc.t leader. !.a"e !" tV s're- -ill nd spfr1' of Mie r-'"" i" ""'' n "' "' cfeep-roe'tf-l amateur centi-M :.t ni tuanv clnba. : Jir-t ciancM. ,.. i...iti vmi.d Inde'd 'is-a nepei.s,. In order f fllti.I'.ste : .an the: !- It!-. as pi'ss.n n he. pi !' , rf e na 1 tl" ar tienal :s- .'lit rance.T- -cre of '.. rray ti- J ss-jp.H'T " ti -AiniTi : '.-"nc.irarv t"ii l.lt.' I" M"'.M'" ''. r.-'t " '' '"I ts ip. -lie In f'.i.- 'ft '!( rc::..!!! i: i- cr-'Il'7'" ' 'r J.Iy-Tn in Teem-y ens-rr-s-iv:, ,. -. VT V-. ce : !vr'I - f--cIoheiJ i -.- - -- : ' ..-. i: .' K cat- - I -.- Nmw Jer- tlTS 7- i. - p -. .' .nn'ii . -. -" '- -a NI..S- V . wes'.i ra stef 11-11 1 ....' s.c f I'l llll ..- 11. r.ei. and t f.-ra .ieh !' y.nr Y . Ofc, x: Iad.-j p.- 'is' i..s city v.. 3ta.T a-. : - feed i''T ' er. M' T '.riert'-.tilty tn x e i. ", - llei'.'ll ' of t',l ..-en teams ., XjtT -.-, - , i'pr."i't i.i'sru-Pr..-.T ti-. a ir- "ii Philin'-lphin ?., - ,4 k- r.tue .it I le .tr'I' ' ni.a ir--"---.'-i. ".. . ;oe'i rei'seli tn iti'iieri' .i pi.j,." -. .1 .eiierl-H have a H ','' iii e..r. - e bring the lir-t tr pay v . iec: ei th" Amateur ( 'ii i kt,;- ( -.p MXp'titien te this city. Pn h ' t. rrl team' Thirty -slit! War" V. -fendn Shere .i t'e . (Viitenn.a; Am. tie t bib. Kiirney Pr-.si, l'k s'.i-r Yuri' Puritan Yeung Men's I."iig',' arid 1'a'i- Mil is a strong comeiiia'sinn exhibit- Jn skillful sue. er The fir.t leurd of tl, ceii.petiiifin rfesed en If. t iiikr !i V. -I t .1 fni.d AVelfenden Slmn : ""ii's t. 1 (Vnt'-n- Dial elimtiritid P.'itun i- u- Mu.'s 3vatun. - goals te I. wlill. Tlim idith Ward, a scuml dl"isi,in. Allied Jiengue Club, surprised tin :m'( Harney Krnst iiggi"gaf.en of the i'--'. ' dlvibien by defenting fiem ," giink te 'J i'nirlilll. the seventh 'bib, ilrcv a k" e and will mak" its ileum m thia i,e, t-Oinpetltien in the seend t.iii.ui. William I'lilm. i P.iw.l Mntild and i Elmer Hehreeder liinc b.in sekitid hi the president et tin I'nst nm fV'iiiisi'l Mania and District Pimtbi'l A uitmu f te conduct und arrange the gamei ter tills district. The sihcdule ler tin.' sec ond round will be arranged nt a ,.g. Blur meeting nf this committee tmifjlit. It lin-i been ilei'ld'-d. Iiewevcr, th.it the second round of ll . oinpethioti taust be 'empkt"ii "H "i- ina,ri Jan uary 0 nud th" third round must he completed en or keine Pel i..nri .".. Th. national iissncmttieti 1m- minii tint each State ass.i mtien i .u-t ,k, nk n Winner no Inl.i than tl la.t Jny n. February. nUl creation of thr i,itnn AH' IjI 4(ii7e t'.ii ru i;i(i'i"ii '. " .ilei in the riyht diocfie, It fill '. r i fcur teccer : ' '' '" """(;' k'.iIIhI playing, nod ' m" "ll1 '' """'"" dues of nil milium uf tin country it 01 ffrfal tialiunul pieyiuin. Detroit Flah Fizzles utfala. N. V.. pre l'.l. Tem OlM,,iii -t II faiii. hneclitil out Jee rurlie of iidinit n'm minute or.,1 titty .ecrnlrt i.t tin) nrt Mundhore. Hurlie m xl holly with (lib- (Midi.' Hll. W1 ct-iiym ,-,,,, nt "iifi"!, .--. Klsl... U K.II.UVU 1 11.' V. . V ' ., J i.ti Oppose Drexel Tenjghtrp Daily Mevie Magazine Soccer Fans Witness Shet in a Millien Spectators at tin HcMicr-fair-hill same wen; Heated te an inci dent which they will preli.ildv never ii pit I ii s.(. in a game, rieklicr was pressing tlie 1'nlrlilll gml. Ciilnwny shot one fiein the shle .ind the kill l.inded en top (if the eresshar. lolled lilmilt two fe. t and stepped. It iruviiiied there ler .iheiit ten neiends, with both tutms jumped under i' rairhill's coal tender liuiilli mmped nnii sent the bill buck ler a corner kick. TUDrC PDIIl QTA DQ MK I lit Hill MlM MlnLL UlllU UiniiV; Hugliit, Boynton and Alex'incler Will Take Place of Injured Men en Saturday TO FLAY TOLEDO MAROONS ManairT IIr ard Hi wker. , .1,,. signed l'rankfi.i',1 vllew inch, ts. tlnee A!l-.r ..tn-in stntx te belsi. ( ills nipplej t'.im f M' tin Kiime wi! the 1'olede. (I.. M.'iri)eii. at rr.inkfe'.d. ! s'atnril.iy. All three men are ef tlie pissed tpe 1 riia- can Hand the humps nf independent football, and ar epeeti d t" ai.iply are for tin liertlis t.iml. im.uit 1 In- jnrie '1 hey are Temmy IIn?l l'.etiny i P.e' ntnti and Jee Aleiat'di-r ' I The newcomers ln, nil rippeiitej en 1 P-rewn's i, 'ill tliis s iis.-n vli'i ,p;,e- ( tietits i tli Ycllenj'ickets, 'tl mil ' tlieiv t H list veil. iltuihl" t d fe:i' j I'l inkfet.l leir indixidi.n'. w,.''l. iiimle tlie'ii per.ular witk 'li- f.i.i-. i Jluqeil, v "i,i f.i.li'd in!ieKi..te fame lit Ml.! '3.111. v i'l c.lll tin. sicui'. lb- ill ripl.ie Jeliiiny S.'ett. I'nitikferd's i Held jenei.'ll. W I e will be nut of the cinic liisru-" of sim or' injiirl s. H'i'.''i- it's kickin." ter the P.iiffiile All-Am . i I e.tt s 1-ist SMtiirday kept tl." '1I"W ijmkets lisI'-iiiR wit'.i thiir bad's i I their own Ceil, and lus iud pieiit i nd "' ti'nn'ii" llu. Ii!i't ill. it ',.. .,,i.1 1,'Til . ; Pninten piulviMr is i!ie cv i'e'c hncktield 'fir ter t.irtud out by Wil- linns ('ell.'ge. i Wlls. .!!UilW '1 I nun r. melts ilieii for All-Ann in .in I In mers. Hi any ts ,i .sensational open I lield tinnier II" i:iiiiimI nier" crnund acain't t! , Yellow uieki ts wliib play in,: 1 with Itneliester Jeffersons than any 'ether plner tin. heasim. Jne Alevander tieeil. nn intredtictii n te local f'dlewei. of independent foot ball. As -i member of the famous "one "one ten line" of Syrncuse. he g.ili.ed Al' American fain", l.a-t jenr be was a tower of stniicili In the iine of the l'hli'i lclpin.i (Junker- As inrer and captain of the ltei hester .leffer-etis tills seiisiiti he cave the strenu I'mnkferd fni ward line all kind- of trouble. With this" tlire" st.u's t, r'Tivctnti Lis ti.im. C Ii Heinle Mil'ir f"'ls t. at the eilnw.i .1 I,, t- eteis. Mey tilnt.. '.e in ndii.i'Mb'i at b it i ion In wl.leii thi. J.ii-i weak s,.),.e Jne I.ehei 1 e'lfs'K.i. t i, rap!,1' , nidi na i s. ,r. and i' t in ,':ai !. wit ", V ill I ti'tUM.Cil belll'M's, V ,U lill .iii'h'i'k. e jiosi jiesi 1 t'litn has been k.i w.is Inured ts rounding int, i- '. irtuadr cei -1 m S.ifirdai ' - K.-nne. Al''.ti'ii ! 1 ! .?, tie !,e',i S'lard. t .ad" ..u'.'it when ' .' . i is n:k '.I'l.- l'i'ini.f' rd mct". - iff j-,.,1 a I. ,i ti: In Ml il. I nil. mill. f r -..kin en Tie :i"ii.il ib'r ni Prankford's tin. nerg"d fmn .i'iirday '. mull., i . Ith n'y miner injur.,'., an', will !" .: i- lent eid:i! a .'imiiii this u.ei . ! '"r I'.- erdite.i li.s men te .in.lv --..'i.t !, ball park this w,"i . 'I u June nti Mri:rduj )ir,,ba(,' vi'l ! t n ''. ,'f t'n- . nmi. I'r.ii.kferd ha. wn '.".'n and tnd eiu guru, and lie' fni bw:s of th" team are anxious u, funs' undefeated .n Heinle la- unlet d the in ',, ins'l'l the 1'n te ti,e newcMi.e nl'.ferii s. style Amateur Sports I. , ' Hi- r i- n. . .!. ; r ( , i t.i i. W.inl i :' 1U-- r - I ,nl"li i t lull 2111 rh sm. imifr sefr-r tim -- - i na- Iw" . . r - . . r . ' i U C III . air.', -, rtn- i' '.. e. yiiiiifets -. r I , f '.,!', s r..- "IT l'.i rifii.. t,n Tli- rnnieri ( li.h, .. r, ' ffar it -h "r.r t. 1 1 II ill. 1 1' I r m j . ,. ' ,;, . Hi-. I.wii'iihnrst . ( Clll-'l t riii-ii-iiiiiiii v ll-,l lllll,,. ii, '1 In- liufceli ii, in- i j ? 'I N Ml, ri Tie Vll.liii V A In J C" '.irli'ii Tlie I .itnii'ir-. lut,. t-M-l ' i I !,-. i , h i. ,.n,r I T t, i i. lu'-rif . inii , r ' .!: .1 i. SU i i J iW ( mi lilnnl V. I -rt .11 ti ii-,, lb "U- t-i.iii i i.ij'1 n i-.ini'i , f Mi K',an li . (' , i fuilr. - ' l"l 4.11 1 1 1 111' J'l.ll st.iitiill II, I.' Hie M TR ,11 i'n d-'!, rmn"i r..i, . ri"- v r i, nil. . i-.n . of t' i riar i4i t -ni-ef. ; '. h ,s M.-r.'h Innler. a i'fi- .fi-iivlim . . , ' I ' . .I'll ll.r "I I' II I. ,ii. 1 .liujur., t i I i ,.t I irk .In il'irs i i i i i.- M 4- i rieiii It, ( ' . ' I 11,1 VII si lr. in -n i II' ' Mil In i in -Inrlil in II. ( t irt'"i I 't . 1 1,1.. n FRANKFORD SIGNS .'',.,'..."-.' ' ".' ""r "Ul,lllf4l) li PHI , rf . I.i p n r mm The IUk llnillrr-i Hiiib" CIiiIi l,a.s fMll team- tlila ia"ii raauliK from 73 tu 1.10 i,iun.!i Miimr"r Haiku lia'l. me Hii,tlur Iio' Club, 25 beiith Van iMt tr"' . , . , . . . M. I. nun is a i . j ,, in ma taiaeuc teur Willi in I'Vikuii. weuin UK ts rranin; truman Ural nnil i'i)nci clii" (wiiiib e(?rlntr I . lucui.ic.iU. Jllthii Wjauc, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA;. WEDNESDAY H MM Ml N I AK I Fermer Southern H. S. Star te Jump Center Against Drexel in Second Came FRESH WILL PLAY TEXTILE BILL M'OPOI.n. ti ern IHrIi Se'ioel i former Peilth- l.iisketlmll -tnr. FORPENNQUINTET who made an auspicious ilrliut nt center 'just vnllinc for you te toil them like for the VuUerslfj of IVunsylvniila 1 1 ,n. We'll he the fanatics. We'll aiMlmt St. Jeseph' 4 ('..liege last SiUiii- , ,)0 ,f11K(jcrnrtut. if he cnuei lieie. ,n,&t,,,,.,,1ret,e,,.h" " "" We'll .11 be waltin, te threw eu.ehcs Leepold Mioceeded Ilrew at center In j in hi- waj. I hope jeu meant he was the epenitiR Riime and. In nddltleti ( ceinius." plajiuc n Miinrt deer mnne. leciKteredi a unit' of t e il cons. 'Hie nuiKster is . fast nmi has mastered the' I'etin -tle!,!fni f play, both nlTenshely -nil defen-j iXdd kcVs"V'j! lU1 f.l, Kddle MeNiel.nl is -till e - . - . 1.. . il.... ..tsl. 1.... t. ..I i l.nen ( M piimentlnx with lus team, inel tneve is pfisiil)i!lly that ether il'ince- vili be mad" tmiii'lil mid M"r lit" t'rst of the jiir. Th" inllii of f,-ba.l playei. thit I- ixpeoteil tmmediateK utter tl," 'oil lays ulieubl enatly streintiln'i the send I'es Mlllei. Kelly. Sullnun, llryden and sneinl etliers ire working out a c uple of nights with the -ii'md tn krp in cnnd'.tien. Label (.eh'.blnf. who siilinl Inst ii'.'ii' tit ferwird. shi'Vld be th -' 'i the tenm tit'- M'lir. 'I'll InrniiT r-eulh-em Ilirh c!ioel star wni tin lcullns s.-nrer en Saturday with tlire ,n 1 1 i,n.i!s and thine mi fouls n'it .if :ifti"i Tie. All of hi. t!oer shots were et tl." s" s itieunl vat i ty . (Jeldbl'i should Irive li'tb trouble i ntiiiiriug the seurlni: imtieis in tin- In- t 'nib glut I.eaKii" tills s. asen ihilit tn snare tin one-ii( Mitel finm . tin, l.'-feni nirir!: is teminl.c. it of 'dike. Sweeny and lan McM, hoi. While tl." i'etiii tenlii tliis year will b" l.ght and tindirsliil in cempiirisnti i vitli s,.eral etli'T teams in tie t icu'. Mhe macho. 'pect tin l' d .in i C Sim in .e rlglii it tiierc ii ;! Pinning. Keii'-s 1. 1 ferwaid. ('.'i'iii.cl. m R'.'inl and I.i'opehl at 'ciitir uv" all n -w l '). Int v.iMi Vecitlln iti tli. gam" te - nl them tiiex should si ilititl.it t- nd sensor.. ' er n "in mi th" team I. iti a 'eur.ite sin e r and to'lev s the ball like Kind ....... .i . . i ucs.n.-.si u-i n in. i 'CI.. .'. ..I.. ..... I.,-.. .111. n.i.uif.I ml 1 ' ' i.i i: ' -lllllllH .... ..... .. " tri'i'.iiph eM'i- t'n St. Ji'M,h'. Prep ipilii'.'t i .eh ihtled te liieei Ti-xtib Si Ik il tonight In the pr"liiiiinr.ry l'.iiii". Tin yearltnc- I av" ,i .pi-ed. mibinii- t'.uii tii'i- 'feeiii npiai tee rt-efiii i. i it yi an."'. 1!" ar's team that lest but two line- ip fni the isirsiiy game : H-.'i.l 1 1 a .ni i." .r -1-1 rw,ir 1 ;; i I'jcaa . ,n - i .".neil li.i. !- I I'mi'li ' - h'-le llH s- JO II III."-!! DOWNTOWN CAGS FANS TO SEE STATE TEAMS Seuth Phllly Hebrews Will Bring Streng Clubs Here i'1'h Ilnrrv Pas-en. numagi" of tin S' l'liiliidelnhi.i Hebrew As. leiiitmn Las I. ..... '..etb.ill team, anne'.tnees a in v.- pe'.n y for tie downtewners. Jleietntnre. tne Sp'ian have played nil local teams, hut beginning tomorrow nigi i tin .irnigcsi ei.ilis In New Jerjet and P. iii'iyham.i wi'l be the attraction-. j 111 vih'ling Ii , ,.t Sivcith strict an1 Styd: ,i'.ri- iiimrmw nigl.t wi'l ! c P. ii-rt,jw n. i h, ill. rmnis of Pennsyl i.'i,l , 1 i 'I , ':i-ii'i i ie i.'Ii pl.m i's a . M .bull, en, of th" 1,. t f ,rw ml-, in !' S " , Hnr' II. feriner'i if P,s. j(' of '. - it- . 1 II nn 7 ma .-n. in. who viis u-i tilel ti.e i.t!ir .e'k by .l.isp'i-, of t'le i;,i-'.nn. i Ig'II. P'.lhiwillg t'e lis.- .1 P.mcrtiWI. liiblgetnii will 'in, th.. s,,l is. 1 1.. ... tmnis are Invi'n h! no tlieir 1 -ni" . iii- and lie Sphn. nre cnnlidi'iit , i an " n nt this i',t l ii n"j tl e gain . p. ninh Pl.t'ij II"! r . lu pi'ij.d il, U.,lil',iW'i ll. InUI ;i.'l"s, t! e h,'. r.,ll i'l.t 'Ill' " Ii, tl , ,i ,'i ;iirv tun girl-' ti't"s. Ii i (ire. i S . .Hid W esiei-ti rieetr , ill i 'a'. I..i ir m tli sensen .Mvi ."" r I'liseii hi.- nrrang 1 f..r tlieliimi sl, i Ji'll. till- PlHIghters of ('el'.l.ib'ls f.,i il eni itiiiipienshlp. GIRARD IN BASKETBALL Tjrns te indoor Spcrt After cc-sful Fcctball Ssasen 'l1 i, !' i . A . ii i Inii l hat . Sue- , 'I- llll mi li.i- 1 1., i ll'lllll I'l' II h.is I eon n 'H .i I lid b: IS S. I I ! is M.i g. ml. n' Pcllll et Anil, il hiini'i I'.u f iiiiiik enter and "ii l' I , v mis are 1 agftii, et l, ni i i-il- i..s- ' Hi, i n nt Ita.nuiid ; Mi'llride, et r ttid ulli an. n former si 1 . Wnh tlirse men (signed (iir.ird eks gn a-- with Ylsltntlnn. St. A igu-iiu WiIiIvmii.iI. Oceun ily, nnd teinis 'his ''iil.ber. Address I'ldtu; II 111 W. it Allen s-treet. Soccer Games Wanted i- rm I)eembr ?" "' ' ''ar" ' i i,rni ter -."'l ..'u1 A lilr " i nn -11 H'e.lh f1''i ri". i i I'l.'.- "A" l''i'" 1 a' 'I ? 'I i'iii'K,j.,'i . i r ' tn- J .. ' "'.11 Kr "i- 1-. I'a'" " vj ' I. I, I s I M Xelss of the Seccerista w llerkli-r "s ' I , f IV ill MS' Ireii'miC'r. -. rni.'r. yirtfimi'i 1 t 'a. Hiil.ll r U i n I ' . jrr arl-1 i'iiK'i , f I ill ll I. . II. t I i. Iteitrrs t'n 1,V I'. eic ".' il i nor. In Itiipri,. lrp- i-ierv ru. r i.t eleHiKat Iila:r In tl.i -J 1 Intty rnlrhlll ' niakliw t'n- S e't ui s or Hi l'l m'.-HnV. Ir !'. I.i.st til ni r.li ,r. il -. !, in tfjy '.n t.'e nlil't-llr.t'a. Mli.n ihlflfsl "i linlfl-lielr ?''. ".ii-i.' ti. lulu V ,.-1 ".' Hi i.it runi.s h n i'T .itlr.t Kar'nj-'iti i, -5,,.,,. .le n l'iicnuir'i. , . . , i 1. rni' .. ,. f i :l n'i t 1 V, 'i e. i I r 1 ll.rn' 1 I'rnst u' I i. I lll ' l , . . s I V ,1 1 N Vl.l i.illlr). s-'llf-r fs', i ml .' Hi,,ir,a Wrt - w ImMi tlie a uli ii of u . V, . . r. I'lr.t itlvlatett msW'iH 'ni.l trf k'n tti.r s .i Den.Vi'J,' "' I.limtl.'iU".. Th UU filiijw teika te ti i ' Ih" t bio!" i areurl. - , Mnirell .lllllx s d'lll umliffttl It, th W4tt rhllnillptila "fcien .iml -a lurn'u hrck all of tin AI1I.-1 tlrai illvlalen leani they lie playeil cept en una utt-.n.i.n. nia - Allilen, of th Went Phlliilelr.hla fllrl1en, T.OUIll - ' "-si l teu.111 it ll HOUlU play (lie tm 11 ioer iml th man la. V-iVt i' THE MOVIE FANS LETTERBOX Hy TIEXRY M. NHKLT Judy write-": "Oh, Mr. Necly, tell us plene Is Hiuly really oeinlin; te l'lill Ij ' AVhen's he amine. Where's he Ruing le stny? Whnt'i" he coins te de? (Mi. tell us! Please! 1 rend UttnmieV letter and your answer and wrote te you richt awav. Oh, dear! Tin se ou'lted! Pleased don't keep us In bU9pcne. I jii't bet. all my Miter dappers are (Thenclit l lelil you net n. ri ev 1'lie idea ! ' , , , Jess .smith :: "J! Innlc.odlukte DiMe.ll l ,, lil0 til t J II' , oeil innrnini; I leine, In line and pa ticiic- te nail our Ins! attempt, we feel , i.e.nirn-Tisl te tl'V ngtlill. tllOllg'l We'lt'l trin. net te he mad this tiin-. "Talkative'. i"i didn t -ay half enough. We were J.ixt getting inter ested when Mm HUddenly stnppcd. "Yell sure tOOI UN MTllMiMj r." di-nihed, y c f It like Homebody aunt. when we .M.eilc.l 5"J ' ". 1,lt;i,", or put tu i'i "ur nl.n'". "' Heunt. Miu'll de it seen, i' or later. J " "Man tii'inks for your ndvice-as, I '.l,,.n ,,.. Hill" gOOll ll"lllll"1. wrh'be u.imi inn and enjoy thein ll the mm'.' l.-.-tt.l-e .-l .v",IffI,,"t V" si.,,,-, or .it b'l.st. well try te. ic- n ., I ..1.1 ,',s .elllie sniie-,"",.' .....i"..l f.l.;,i'" i'l he joy out of nf,.. LiinckiiiR ei r cntb'i i.imu an into f ,ili- ninl s nil. lug us In v, dumb we ,., i ii , l, I re In HI." sccil inn. . . . "What tin. - I'ltfi. ii'-iiic. ;.; .,M,t 'I'ewn te ll.e Ni m Hups . Wu.4 that all bun!-. t".' '''' , K. ". pUU.ie: Never hop" - t.e 'J;I nier. of its kind IS iy :... Mckee .,..... .i n.i ..a tell hed hair nnil it' wkknl eye te pull Slici!.'" ntt.'iisplieie, (harming'.v naleril linn ilitmigli, r Mis-, I'oiiriet was swi.t .ml pi city, 'n'cietythii'R. , ., ,, ,, . "Hi,. -si,al-.iug of 'elnusibllity -imagine that iiumpie fu'lu' !"7 ",1"' 'lle-aged bictlier for - 'I'-d,'," f?,lr 'Z Suppose till iiwni ' I . ...' II... inn, U"CI I llll" .s,"iiv. tin picture ter Out". ""''' ,'"' It nui-t Inn" uuitc nn'i .li.idi.we.l tin f-dendul feats of Mr. M. kee and the etliers. who didn't stint aieiind in ..II.. .....I -..in,. nit WIle linsst ..,.,, :u. t'.uent manlioe.l ii in worti-eu' tog ,.,,.. .,1- nmi atuicai and we.ithcr-btntcn i, .r itid i oinpleiers. .1 I .. It.llnd lk.,1' IS i in - waes--er .irint tlie iu-i 'eiuiiig lie te Inw and order or Me, t iir.l ri --.ten t.i.N. .Hid "Itat why "pnil a g"ii v ith i. nipl.untt alieut men I that", .nisi why. ! "Wc"ii sick f all tin. petiy ng- al 'MnnskiugliU'i'.' dj ' ,.!., nor learn net I"" i elid ph k- selll" ii'ii a pii'tui" simply beciuse they ' ii, . nliit! Surch. tln'i'e i'i de net like s.iln,. oilier fi.-ltuies llbellt eicn th , wuri.t te merit i let 'it nl.ini wlien Mr. Mci'.'han wa;i se . perfectly pelfeit ill his mil lpl'olatlen . ,. l it,. I u-nrti r iwe. . u- ...,. . ...-,- . . . , ... .. --.lie ...,.,, T,l. l.ieli. t s a long wan i'i'""".. i '- f" tines. ITeiviie seunu HI llgiunt' . i tin ( : en n i ni that noun about , i,..,, 0i,.t Wliv bntlier about lnlliiii; ' ii'inket Win mi" ei er n bri-ad line. si up line, or was u n .i'-.--e.n..'-line ''--sine. we'" snli h sti"kle.-s for detail, and facts. . "When (hi "'tl w.is g.n. . tul inter . in i'fe wa. gem for P.i'i (I'Knn- .. .. ....... ii,in.iiiiiM'i ii ir i 'hi ,,w in'ii ",f licit nas ii uillv 1 ipp.-tiid i in. or tw. e .luring lie ,, -I'llt'lis. I ViOlllll lie 'Willi II si- ,.'i when she had ken .l.iui'illy u' '" irieii' As we said In ''etc. P"n- p' mi.sl pan ili.'i.i ."Ll t nn I nit.l- l,,.mal and high bi'"i. "i- they pmb abh nen't sniin,! iii"' if ih'.v get any pVasiii i of n ik.ni. il.".' ' incline ami ie nn l i ii,e i ir.u;siii-in' liiiin.s I' mil. P.i-ii liiitienug "Hi: flll'S it e I 1'i'W 11 IllU'lllgi Hi i epn- n. i"r.il run. but gi'.e.s tliey'r. all l.i.'.nise th" iiat" le.ill.lik with us or t.ild u i'ust tliat liheil 'MllUSl.Hlgiltei'.' Net etic imneelli like .mr-'v-, but "nine i agie they etl er hirti or fmty, who new lenlle wuai li.ttin ,i ulgmetit w" " 'I into. Ik inc. prn erly n.lekhed. I in .unlll' i II' We bin. . ii ' That I i,v lieulil fee1 nukes three who won't s,-, tl.iy like Mnn-l.iuglit ,i, n't lielieM M"I In '" ' r, but we a yeuiM'h.'s. ni. i a kick scat' 'kit you didn't eiing it mere lb t -,.,'1 didn't 'sini ., s, e i','i : nkii b . i.s jniirs. iw -h.iu ' in .' I" iii'duliti i.ii'diii;' i" i.'it"l. '! 'he t . il . "I .. all . cla'tii int I be plissllile, t' i In i is i i,i mil. nn . i.n ciini ni.. Mm ere. lie 'St. ir.au nu'iiUkd ilk" T. M li.... ., ... lliel tn i gu-'-seil 1-it.lit . a !u Slop- ' struck ri I- being f.inv ti, ...,, urn '' I- 'il an. mi I iiln. w noting with tli' IiliUII i Mill lll'ill'"'l"i i I ptl'l'l et .Hi' .i.i i ,nch from . .Mel.ue i expecieii whnlliiK Unry ! me In b"en v hilling, nnd net for i in s. oitiier. nnd 1 knew what its peshibilitn . aie. i li tne. is. s me te hare Teil boil with ',in nirnlii.t neenle who lliek miner mini I I'.'ills 'II pictilics and then nee , I pl'k t llll I "no I in hi the kiddle mid .1.1 f.ith. iid I ni'i it noticed T'e I I It l tl.ll! al' , P.!!' ' I' ns'iip ium confused me t !. rn.r, 1 K.- gh' the obi eii- ll l ! 'I i Ui'.l , i I Unit V'liid . dad ll;." "1. 1st night aiei moll."!' gun-' t" ' n inc r i . i . , 'I " ' ' . . pem ii,': i' ii'.'n.iiii i -!' anil tier i i'i th lung I'X'iii. I hud le s. If. I,, I made a dive for I'i nt ti' 1. mil ni and set- til" l. LMn tie'! in s. ', i 'iji.. i. fc' niillli.4 nt tn I tree-te d light lentlnu and In ' P..."li'(.irl 'Then 1 nn.l vm.r euinmeiit "jr ' .,i., ibl I -in ie'Miii.1,1.'" en Hi Hie t. h I 'otter. Mr Nielv, I'm for nnd wltii v.,n' i'i il'-soive a Hike: KlipeelillU , did I I.!"' tii" nii si'iitcneeM: 'We slieuld j-l 1 1 -- li.nl tn light the tenilil.l- lien te lit i,.' -i In- be nitiixlciiteil by ' the phi i''.. iiidiibbial perseimlitj. Hint liitiiM.'i.tii.n will roll in of geed jiulg- ',! nn'ii I" , '. , I in.' Ilmi, t'e in ' i I O I i.n i'l, ,r f, f! i .si like taking :.ii lleme' muttii II I I'l I III. Hit -in ni Valentine, i .ii ,i I" 1 thud ilu- n Mi' i,l piiti, , ' I sf ll I sll ' I I VV is IV ill. I.' I I I . 1 I. ll Mli'i 1 I I f .1 I Hi' fan (Ig ill . '. ' MC 'ill Willi his pct'sell- '.ir , mil y. mi' word-., , . i , I nn mlll'M Willi ,1 ,. i, . i i -.ell i-n well. "-,'. i,. " Ien' I i-cc Vulen- I i y, ln- ii.. m r in wave Ihe i-Iicl .11 Lis, iiintn n ever i. Will " "s I-' '" a. bet'iin 1 rmlized tlun that wim wlmt he k doing. . , , ,, . "Although I hnii seen Hudulpll "1 "1 eiitine in futir or live iic f mei-, in nom has he appealed te the better 8ldu or my nature. I hope you uudemtiind me. "Mn. I inake n comparison? Jr were a. ked tr de ;e. I could give nil my trunt nnd lulth. even my love, te a 'Svvwi M SHE MAY BE A Here Is Reginald penny with Ins uose in piep.'ir.itien ter :i man like Tliem.is Meiv'b.m and be nb nb seluti Iy cenlldent in him. Km I could nn lnnri put i he Hiui't trust in a man like Ynleutiiie limn I i. mid dislike I .Wi llie. Je. I told tin bisi I'n I ii lib tn In able I.. se ',ind i nd Sand" "As H. Prances mhI. Yaleiitinu lael nobility nnd stiengtli. Well. I hope that Pe ltcchrfeft li.is these tvn e.sentlals plus i.uily'.L'oed ti.iints. An I I de hope tlie Letter P.e tan. g! lilm a chance before tltcy " -.." n inn in- .ni ' breadca.st their niunieii.. JMiHK'4 ' S Mil '"Ynmi-WyyWfmPW'' (HC.MIlshl sttt fjif35w SMC B mmK dm mJMMlWMmJr'mm mWm aBTmWMu Wm, ImWrnmWEm Then, t tn iii. ei "iiat 1 1. you thii'K m n. I.. f .unl the dish- l.le.i of lliid and Neinu tegi ther'.' ,..i.-. . .- , i ., i t....i. ' .M . .lerniii s m ine.ii aim hu'ij well, 'you knew tv 'ti- Faithful I'Vrd v.iiles. "Mil.. the last time 've wiitten tn wm I've scen s'ltni line p!cttri". for you i' ntiii.e. Yeu certainly are a wendei lnl fellow, and jet hew funny jmi i.i. '. oil love in ciiticli willi cw'i- nne mil can. 1, , ut I'm sure we all enjoy it, at least I tl "New for n little i hat. lYmt see It Is always customary m giie a link 'inlro-ilucte,-y unto.' ) ' l'lri.t of all. w might start with some fellows I admin eej tnmh. Tliey j in. Richard Karihelines.. Wall. Reid. ', Themas Meighan, Jeseph Str.ker Mini ainatc'ir working for the tepi nnd j etliers. 'The II 1 Key' had. I be- I Hele, some of ihe best :n lllg ill It I'w seen for a long v.hik. 'Pick' cer- ', tatnly Is u ieal acte.-. 'liai is bis nexl . picture tn be'' Wallv is just nilenib'e. I I think. lie's sn wenneifiil handsome lily ila way. I wiiile t ii. in ii Cheer I p" Pay. i ' Wlmt i. I, - ium idctui" te l,i V Pid yen lie.'ir h" lie wa. lati ly ? Tleiii.'s .ji jfjlm'i. tl" n.in who mill tnlk I rmii e.pi ri"m i - Ii" . venderful.' ten. What', hi n. M .' What oilier pi. Ii lies a- Jne Striker m besides Wi'iliii-s. ,if Ye'itlt' and 'Silver I Wings": I m'IH n leltii' te Wully and1 Jee ami ii ipiarier in eaui about two nr mole lie mil. age and liiiven t nc.irti from iilliei .wt. Wh.n . ,,u iln Will inn kindly iw me ihe '"st nt Wh..''s Ymir P.C't Prkii.P:' Vliat k Antim'.e Meri nn's hile-t plctuii and i. In -.fill with Itimiaph'.' What is I'.aile Wi'lums' latest ; Wheie is h" at pn . int? Is it true that Kinlii'ph Valciitiin. played with lilui at one lime':" ll Cub i till'. . llctg. I ii, -h 1 1. I'.lltlielmess .s te take si em s I," "Tin P. right SI -iiciiui i ' i'lilm f. 1 ' d "I'lii'i. ' w.ih ',u lus way Ie hi i latest ) n i v. 1 . ' Jiifiph t.cy lie ii, r ii.ri.th.v ( -h playing opposite hnr I it that h isn't re.'n lied bete yet. I iin'iia. Mciglinn la. ' Itin k I Ionic and I'r.ikc' stniy written for linn bv .It l- I'linieied IhtU lie 1 l:e Ite.l.h s "N I'.r-n. . ' Jeseph .striker's most re - nnc" Is in "Wlmt I'imiIs 1 1 in nppi ii M.ii An. I with I'nlrc liinney. i -n'esiim. jeu mean .mir P "'Kr!tnd" l'"i .udnn plavs hei u-'i "auitlur" inie in It, and the inher lln the cist n.e Dure lm. iil-nn, liirry j ' P.enhiiin, H' lit- Jluinctt niid P,eth .ln ' ion ml Antonie Morene 1? no lunger with the, Vitiigrnpli, li" new vvitn i niiieiis lt:IPlners nnd is t k.vmg opposite Gleria i SwatiM.n in rei' liitesi picture, iv ' Am. rle.'in Wife ' IK is cike tn p'uy iftcr-Dinner Tricks ll,, reth. i C -li i'l VkA just i.t .-i. .1 M " an eik-, I. a1 fib c.'eig, ,i. JSt . neil t li Will " A C 31 s B D JJ5 .Se. t'.l.l ll I .il ur i I" .lllilgllli'tlt ( ''. ' mi I I '.i ilieM' d! igl. . i . ' it te iuir li ' d- Ai l tie a I i , fill tli. i p.n I Me iwu I" in In -Villi ( '-i , ... .1 I III . I'll'. I I I i i' 'I Iii u il, p, nlnthl. - , ,ih, IT'lilli or a ipiaitir of all inch All. I .ill Inc g. lessen h,IV" '. meiisiil" tin dn-tance nt Ihe cud wi. a bit of paper ur n ruler. Tlien mea-iin Ihi'dkt.ini'is at tlie center. It i. evac'lv tin) home! The i.hln, Inti'ii-eciing inn (iiusc ii rcntai kuhUi optleiit illusion and even uftd iiuasurcinent It is hard le u. lleve that the heavy linen are i.tralglil and net curved Capvrlfht. 155, lu Public Lcttetr i emganv .Irl.. v'M , MJJ- DEOEMBgSK , JgJggL STAR SOME DAY little danghler. lie 1-, powdering tryettt before tlie nu.ie c.imer.i her opposite Miry Miles Mintcrlii "Ihe Tin II of tin !.. tie-. mi" Pine." Karle Williams' latest is "Pertiine s Must"; he Is new weiking en " I'liu Kiddle and the King " Ik's in Heljy -weed wilh the lest ..i the bunch. .(, It's true l'jilelph "iih'iitliiii did linc i mlnnr pmt In one nf I :.n I-" pleiureti. It was cilled "A 1'i.gne" Keinniicc." Wnlh Rciil has i leicd and, nf- I eerdlng tn an niiiieiuiu meiit 1 print.'il inember IT, was '.iiting work en "Mr. Hillings Spends His Plrne." New comes nn iiniiniinccment from the pro ducers that this film will he the llrst starring .chicle for Wain.- Hlepi. Takn your i helee. I don't knew any lr.ut about it new than jeu de.) "ci.r.riK ni: arihtbr" xx-l.et I. .ludcr. I..1H llts -aiDrlme rbtt4r I of lianthnll or Ju-t a li gt.ly Hklnilitl clerk? Cullen i iiln dlHCiiie-eH lli re, cnt flariue i uhlc.i. lnilsniriennt ui It may tie. Ii Ustln i v iw hiri'rsui wi nil" 'uun- n i ,.,., ,..,. w I Hem itnulvMs of M-erti nltutitliini. rcifl tin j, Mperii. I'mp. or inn i-lui.il. Hrerti. I'rp or this I'Liaiu i.uds.d. ".Mam It it Habit II 1A IIIIL'11 s-Al.V. rri ai-.c d AP!PRQ COHIPEL SUCCESS Unchtchcd WASTE In paring vftbls Ii Extravafune Continued Cxlriv cgance meant failure CLAD'e PARF.R tiimi WASTE ir.te WEALTH Kitcl.cn Eijeipainl for Hetel and rteitaeKilt VICTOR V. CLAD CO 119 & 121 S. 11th St. Office DaBkSixfipSag Appropriate kllj Artistic Cards ten r l&m -Le irisXiinv 329 NM St-cctJ I'towtetheHill .U Bay en the Mill Fleat el Rttl Mill Prim HUE SEAMLESS WII.TOHS 0ll2 "6J 90 anil $00 M (3x10 t4K.60 unit T.i UI0K FILE AXKINBTEnS Bxia 7.e tsziec nsoe U'OUBTrD SEAMI.EE3 nUC3tLS 0x13-10 75 8x10 ft H it WOOL BEAHU:83 VEtVETS lis J20 CO e 3iiq ti- --Vl'OI) Tu-ct Rwi'4, nunn-n, Oarpata ly ttui Tcrd let al I rruiti I tee; ImiKr anil 0'1-trn a")vi CiutiWIa 3t. Tihr, r.cvti. 3 or 0 t Crnila.a 3t., or rrmufii-sl ' L' te aonuriet 8t fita, ant .71... un. . 1.3.1 ast te Jaiiier Qt, t-ij 2 m: -xt ein e factory S'I30 N 0,n Mir Wis! 1'r Unttl 10 P. M Oli'li tit m' e'W ilArj iniUl Urn V -I Oni f '.1 'rc An e Dellr.-y THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE J A boeh that titty thild tieuM own f.ii,iiiiini in niiupi" i.iiyiiiii iiv iir.NUY A HllllllMAN Ull'l ( HAIII I h Hliriill uv.yr witii iw t'.''iiif'ii full ibi llluilrutliMU iu full culur mul iluotent, 13.50 At all boehsloTtt OBABLEB BOniDNrR'i B0N, 3, T. -,yvfrCI' -4 ?i? JO" tnmm MM "vt&m mmk y miij9 ipmmmmmm'mmmMwmwHmmtq W5!T!p GAS Soldering Furnae$ and Appliances I L. D I Hell. l .. j-,....... ,,, . Bergcr Ce., 59 N. 2d St. M-...WI nil. 7flJfOrtC ""l' ""1 RUPTU mi- t.t,.t itii. i.te "Mh Av1' "", .. ' im I i'i. writ "1 nm tU te ttlfT fJ It i bVnJnt V? " t-rMle.1 petnen;. 1 In J h' , r nfiir? for "'. i-nH en,! were triiijen wltlie"' I.?ifitli.i imi:i I iireeiireil e fn-nley ncHn-te rm'tiiti' c'l t"'i nientln -. n.l new I m lmit enreil," iUnlinS'tfeTeP W&'&lXb- I. B. SEELEY S. E. Cor. 11th nrtd Sanson SU. ' Ter 30 -mm xt 1B.T Wnlmtt St. Tfl. rilbert 4497, Cut out una HMD ler nirreni:), -mmm ( I RE t i ""p I Oakland Dnwer OOStltmi. cCpYescmitei f0ik Sa-tFiricwSx Orii-tdCiT-ijc-v J V. X 9 J S i , ' ' ' there is every out-eP-doors reason for taking your family te. rre and every travel-comfort re axon fbr gbing via- the Janta Fes Orange groves and snow-capped mountain bordering a summer sea. Perfect meter reads and well-kept golf links. Excellent schools for your children. Cozy inns and luxurious resort hotels, or, rent a bungalow and enjoy your own rose garden. Beautiful Yesemitc is open all the year. 4 daily California trains via the Santa Fe Twe of them carry Pullmans via Grand Canyon Nat'l Park. Fred Hnrrey scrres all the meals "all the way." VIII (ladt-r arrange details of your trip and acrid you nur picture feUact. I It. C. Smith, O. C. Dilluii. Bisi. Gtsnd Cannen Line I'lIOTOPLAYS The following theatrcs obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA 12TH AND MOnitlS 'J t . 7 & U I M SPECIAI. PRODITTIOJ. "At Stroke of Mitlnighl" APHI I O "s-J - tiiiimpm'.s .vrs Al .JL.L-J MMINUi: U.V1LY LEAK BAIltD .n "Don't Doubt Your Wife" ARDMORE LAN,A,p,,,;,,ri'.v MABEL NORMAND In "HEAD 0VEII HEEI.3 A-ATOR i-tl'HTll . tli,iD AV15 "-"wil MVII'MI i,mi. HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAN HEARTS" RI UFRIRD 11'en'1 ''luftiann HOUSE rETFJlS anil PL 'IT WtNDSOtt In "THE STORM" COLONIAL win. A Mnplpiiueii Ave. 1117 '.'.I !l I M THOMAS MEIGHAN "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" in r A RMDI NT "' .'.rti.l.'anl Av.. - -. 1IVI1M i'.ll DA It A' ' HAROLD LLOYD laJ'ORANDMA S BOV hTu err "--';. T!.'- i.-.v nv Hpruct vit.r V. 4 . - . . -,A r,Nl , ANITA STEVART In "Tlir. WOMAN Hr JIAI'.l'.IED liKhAl MJKIHLKiN!1 l. MIRIAM COOPER i.i i.n. i I' u in "KitinntD or ":ir riucr IMPERIAL .V-YYT THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THL MAN WHO SAW T1M0PH0V" i LIBERTY IIIM-AI,i ', I..av HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAir HEAH.1S ' ORIFNT Ww'H.i';i ak m h.,i st' DOROTHY PHILLIPS In "HURRICANE""- OAL" OVERBROOK r,3,) ;;'"' DET-rv COPS0N and 1FRT 'vn'i ie nave antl te Held" I'-ALM n' I'sKlelllJ I i vp ' I'l I s vi iii.irT DOROTHY DAI.TON '?n' irr c i .nDEP suni'iiis r ,- "n; .-u : i REGENT m-';"',"m !:,';r1 JEWEL CARMEN In ' NOBODY PIAI TO "IMA IHUN L1 0 '" ",J?,V - - THOMAS MEIGHAN In "WANbLAUOHTirt' SAVOY -' M.VIIKKTHIIIHI'I' . .. V M tu MlJnlsijt LON CHANEY in.JSHAD0WS" 333 MARKET mTUBATO? 1 Cf X iN9HAM PRODt.'fi'Vii'" ' U' "The Prisoner of Zenda" EASE RHEUMATISM WITH RED PEPPER When you nrc stiltcring ni jhcmimtlctii no yen can hardly nreund, just try lied Pepper IM nnd you wil linve n quick relief. Nothing ban audi concentrated penetrating hent ns red peppeii' Juit ns wen ns you nnn1 n5 Pepper Ilnl; yetl feci the tinglin heat. In three minute it vtltat the tore spot through nnd threurt Trees the bleed tdrctilntien, brtil. up the congestion und ths e4 rheumatism tertus Is gene. Uewles Red 1'onper Rub, nkit from red peppers, costs little t tn drug store. Oet a jnr nt one T't-e it for lumbace, neuritis, back, ache, Htlff neck, nore muscles, cola in chest. Almest instant relief nwnltN you. He. sure te tn tB genuine, with the name llewlet en each packng. Adv. winter n. Ajeat, A. T. iV S. F. Rjr Pa-a. Ait.. A. T. (V S, Ry. forma W2 Vinince Bid.. i'hiWelpbla, Ta. Phene: LKUit 6124. , rnOTOI'I.AY The NIXON-NIRDLINGER CM THEATRES Mxe.N-8 AMBASSADOR "Xfiftl?' THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THE MAN WHO hAW TOftOItnOW'' BALTIMORE s,g?,L GEORGE ARLISS in "THE MAN WHO PLAYED OOP" RFI MONT ''-'s AnevK jluikct QE0I1QE HELrOnD'S PRODUCT-OH "EBB TIDE" CEDAR C0TH A CEDAR AVENUM 1 1" nni !: 7 ant 0 P. U. HERBERT RAWLINSON .. in 'JC0NT1DEKCE"" j COLISEUM -terk?tWBTiii Ota P.M. t-UGENE O'BRIEN Jn "CHANNNO OF THE ..'OltTHWZST' IUiv1R(j -'"-f st. & ainAiiD av " -, .lummi June, nn IrunkfCKd "L Alma Rubens & Lew Cedy In "THE VALLEY Of BILENT MEN" LEADFR 1Hr ' I.ANCASTEII ..Va ll-.-U'C.l m , R. 7 ,0 ,, p n, riETTY C0MP20N en J TIE-IT LYT7CLL In "Te Have and te Held" LOCUST m. M) I.Otl'.ST STllCII I llll. lIlLT.. 1)15 te 11 i ,iu a : 1 HOMAS MEIGHAN In "Till: MAN WHO fiAW TOMORROW" NIXON -u A;u -u-rK'?f3B-f.'Bll FRANK MAYO liOWOLFJAW' RIVOI F -'JD BANSOM BT8. .'VV,l l.-H..3:1tnlir. tt WILLIAM FARNUM in WITHOUT COMPROMIgE" 151 IERWOOD "h, &. tU THOMAS MEIGHAN In "MANSLAUOHTER" 69T1-I ST. """-.'."wl X-Tji'W THOMAS MEIGHAN 'n 'THE 1'AN VH0 S'VV TOMORROW" STRAND ,"'"!,",' """ '" icntm t THOMAS MEIGHAN In ' Till MAN V'HO SAW TOMORROW , ,1 AT OTHF MEMBERS ' ' - IEf-l THEATRES OF M.P.T.O.A. (IKRMANTOWN ''?. WWVWiti' JOHNNY HINES In "SUItE HRE TLINI" . P.RAMT iOa il.' (11HAHD AVB. llal. TmlaT! Kl KTa-a. T WTT.T.TAM xnv TuirrfrHTl r 'HIS HONOR FIRST" I cflrtwr. 1 ,Tr,u-sjT.Jn( nnc... '.Vi',
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