Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 21, Image 21

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    i A Ml
!l !"
Princeton Players Predominate in
players Confident They
Will Win Intercollegiate
League Championship
This Afternoon; Same
THi: I'nlverslty of IVniiiUnnln wc
err tr-nni, thirteen i,treng, Mnnugpr
Hamilton nnil Coaches Htetvnrt untl
Gould left this morning for I'rlnccten, 1
i.r (he Rp'1 nnd Hlue meets- l'rinca-
ten 11118 niicriniuii in im- w m
tI,,, intprrellPRintc soccer ehamplemiliip.
lhp content tliis nftPrnoen imirkH the
nMenii titne in thrpe scasena Hint l'pnn
nil the Tigers hnvc been forced te
Slay nn extra game te decide the title.
?1 meii Mm two celleges: pln.tPil three
i",.ie decide the championship. tliPi
t nnv-tiff gninc rpsiiltinjr in n tin.
in the tinnl contest, lipid nt Havcrferd,
Venn wen the championship.
Before leaving this morning Conch
e.. inrt lmd the following te nay about
. . ..... "Afinr n mt n i -jiiciji-
l the flans that were apparent in
the Kame Inst nturciny, 1 leci mui t
will give the I'rlncpten tpnm tin even
S..P l,nttlc than in our last im-eting.
i.ci.v. --- ....,. ,.t,,in.,. 1,1, t i think
I.'.u ""l.r ", Tn he i'enn team is
mt every man en the Pc
. h.i nrpiiiiTi iiik tuiu.j, ... - --
FJmc eleven men that nent en the field
"MS'S&.rf thp pd and Biue
et n Beccer
rauy mm iuts"' n"i , -
te the plncr.
tl,f 1011 team.
SppncPr, tne ctipium u
l?ill. IJltln llllll cevriiu
,1. Ill" H'll'". ''" ", -.
ethers tniKtn vi '" '. -
...... .- i..i thn Tlcprs,
T VracicP ywtcriaj nfternoen
JL he direction of Dave. Gould,
SEunrfs assistant, the team all" we. 1 11
verM of simP and power, in n bcni -wte
wltb the junior vnrrity he regu
r showed bettpr effenshelv titan thp.v
did last Saturdny. Their passing,
whlcl 1 m weefu'ly weak fn the hpceiiiI
half Inst Saturday, showed a murked
riws Arc Cenfldcnt
Captain Amc w nnu "". i,i-'
fide.it tint tncy "re "V' '" "'"
Tn the title tonight. They contend
that Princeton was mere than lern -,te
te win last week, both their goals
mulling from peculiar plays. A pen-
tv tick that had a curve te It com. etl
he first, and the second came when the
I Ml vns knocked Inte the nets by n
rIWlthS Stfnsen working In regularly
the Tigers feel that they nre greatly
strengthened for the battle this after
noon. The football star plaed his
first came of the season last Sntunlnj
and In the real star of the centrs
Last enr he was one of the bright
lights of the championship team, but
toebtall kept him busy this season.
Fer the last few days Stii.sen has
been practicing like a beaver. Accen -inr
te Coach Ncis, of rrlneeten, his
team will be strong for this afternoon.
Tl.e same line-up thnt started last feut
urdav will be used this nfternoen.
Considerable betting is going the
rounds of the fraternity houses en the
result of the gnme. Princeton flushed
with its triumph of last week is offer
ing odds that their faeritcs will cap
ture the title this afternoon. And Penn
t-tudents ate accepting everything in
A small group of Penn students ac
companied the team te Tigertown for
tLc game, while n handful cheired as
the team left the Mntien.
The soccer season for the tnrsity
monies te a close en Saturdaj, when the
team mccta the Nay at Annapolis.
014 Gratis Flecking
While soccer is eccupjing n let of
attention in Penn circles today, Old
King Football icfusch te be downed.
The nlumi.i-wirsity game scheduled for
Saturday afternoon is receiving all berts
of attention. Graduate Manager of Ath
letics Cozzens has received additional
names of former stars who vunt te play
m the graduate team.
Andj Smith, of California, n star in
his dajs nt the Red and Hlue institu
tion, wired that he would come l.as if
the game were postponed a week. The
Lirgc number of the stais of jeerjear
who have signified their intention of
playing means that the fans who watch
the game will be seeing stars of the
!ait three decades in action.
According te I.eu Yeung, who is
managing the graduate Hum, he will
mahe frequent Mibstitutiens te keep his
Krads from getting all "mangled up."
The arsity mat be without the x-nlcci
if ex-Cnptniii Pes Miller, who is Mif
'erlr.a fn.m an Infected elbow. Hill
Merris, who Is looking after the arm,
thinks that Pes will lie in shape te pln
part of the game.
Tex Hanier, the new (aptnin, will
hc iter) member of the ursit squad
out en the field Saturday and will prob preb
ibly start in the bnikfleld alen with
haugilen, McGraw nnd Sullivan. Chid.
A'laim and Johnny Detn will alternate
at ceater, while the line will he the
same as started ugainst Cernell en
Thanksgiving Day.
Medical Tresh Win
The Medicos played a game uii
trnnkliii riehl jesteul.iy that Aiipplied
o'eiid mid hinl football. Stephens, the
former Callfeinl.t All-Amerhaii. wus
the stur of the tlrst-iiur men'i !) te ll
tiliiniih, Dunn, a former Penn junior
mriltj )ct former; Priestly, a scrub
lilajer at Penn, and Steihcns f.inue.1
'he thst-je.ir men's bnckllcld and thej
played hiilliuiitly, using it vat let et
P's And Sinilh hart maile fauuius.
Alertnes, en the part of Weed, who
wtinpeil up a fumble in the til bt pel led
"nil crossed the lliiii for u toutlnlewn,
'r.d a Held goal ftem the lS-jaid line
Jjy Stephens iniiieil ictery for the
itrst-jear men. The upper clas,sni"ii
Jtartiil .t determiiiid nltml. In the
leurtli pctied that scored a toiuhdewii
through the actinl teute, but the tl1 1.'
as tee short for another pes.iiil,'
Kliner Mel, me, the Ol.l.ihetimn luu
"r, was jesterday elected te lead the
yost-cetintrj team at Penn in HC't.
'He twem -year-old lilll-aud-dale
"inner piewd a sensiilieu from liin
J'traiice in Hed and Hlue alhktlcs.
'" tiist tall, Inst jnir be wen tli.
,1 .'"," i'ltPiiullegliiti. uoss-ceiintr.
,; leiismp mill Still led en the it.il-
tllli'l: team in ilUeinci. nii.nik.
In tl;
I. i !.. .
f. .. ,. -I"'". ni' wen a iniiee
011 r In-
1 , ' le.llll
""-nine ii e i ,n
net Mii (emIi'Iim!
f,,l V. . "'iiee iciini atiil ie,r, lllis
ii'l Mel.niiii tlnlt.n.i . 1 ... 11...
lit I ' ..i,,n,,., r.,-,-,,!),) ,, ,u,l
n,?,", "l "liiMibl.i. in tb nil-
rnfii I ' "'V'1' w,tl' '"rncll and D..11
1 ,' V' tber cutianl- In th.
' nplenNi,!,, ,,. (,, ,,.,., j, .
'""i" Ciesscl t. tllllsh line fluli.
urelt Adepts
Freshman Ru
ir.i, M-, , r
1 I'll I'llll'lz-
Ui KOi .'' """Ut Ihv fr.-eiip.m ni' at
,,.......'!. 'V '' l''U K feelllll s-ii i l
Im. iV"1.0" 'd.i li imlwikie nulla 1 1
-"It, y
(' '
h li urn limn r . .. i
Line-up for the Penn
Princeton Title Game
,. I'Tin-ylvanln,
..I. (.' i'Kip"r
eft fulllmrn lturdlth
linrrvn, .
Anirtin . ,
Vellimr .
I.lurllj h
.VIclillny. , ,
'llme nf
. lift (ullliick . ..Marl In
rljlu halriinck .seldi'imtlclier
icntir hnlfbuik .. ...Hniiirt
lctt hnlfluiil I)avti
umnlili' rlBlit ....Tnwnlcv
limlile rlKht .1. W Cooper
writer (nrrturd ..Hilnneii
" left .... Thern 11
euttriih leff . . . .
halvm 45 tnlnutua
Red and Black Quintet Wins
Third Straight League
y PAUL ritKi
finnlK flMUIlnirt'l lm Innfl ft !. II. .1.
lip High Scheel ITnskethall League race
IN I ' 1 1 ' ' " " lm IIU"
aim irem the brilliant nhetilng mml.
lv (,le ,lountewlIers u Int(,nJs t0 Htay
Je reach the top pedestal the1 nl
nnd Hlnck quintet lind te oiprpenic n
I'UKhty tough oppenpnt in thp (tprinan (tprinan
tewn High Scheel. hi,-li lmd n record
of two gnmcH wen nnd none lest prier
teestprdnv' frnv.
lhp finnl count." whirh wiin 14 te 27.
IniHentps the superiority of Conch MupI
,JT,H w"rri(n"M ever their opponents.
iins count wns cwplleil hv t hi. inni.r
"nun caiipii nRnin.t (.ermantewn. hut
ii iimr neuriiprn (illlS'nri'H
I tin lifiMm
icani irem tliu tieKI by ele-cn two
pointers te six.
It was the third .tr.iiht league vic
tory and the fifth win of the season for
the Hp(1 nnd IJIuck, who Iiiir ut te lie
defeated. It i out te better the rec rec
eid of the 1021-22 team and it has made
a unlcndid stnrt.
One tiling bothers" Coach Mueller. He
loses four of liis live regulars after thp
February graduation. All but Lieher-
rann depart from the school. The see-
entl team Is n fair seuad te nick from.
but it will net fill with much success
the experienced men s places thnt grad
, uate.
The Intcrschelastic Leacue race, liew-
ecr, will close before thest men depart.
se that this will net hinder their chances
for 11 second straight title in the lengue
Yesterday thesnme e'd Rterv was told.
The Cllvedens were beaten before live
minutes of piny had elapsed. The win
item started out with thplr usual whirl
wind nttack, nnd although net dropping
the ball into the basket, started passing
nil around the home team.
Heffman Tut Out
At half-time Southern High was en
the long end of a 2-ltl score. Hoff Heff
man was removed from the pnstime
about three minutes before its end vin
the personal foul route. This epidemic
hit the Germantown bunch in the sec
ond half. Three of the regulars were
teineved, which helped Southern con
siderably in running up the large score.
llngy, Harris nnd Dietcrle were the
plnjerh removed from the game.
Hagv and DIeterle started their first
game for the tanqulshed. The former
played excellently, getting four field
goals nr.d pluying n fast fleer game.
Goldblatt added twenty-eight points
te hia already long list and new has a
"nfe lend for the indlililu.il sceiing
honors of the league. He snared live
field goals and mude eighteen fouls out
of twentv-six.
With Getniuntewn's defent and tic tic
teries for West Philadelphia High nnd
Central High, there Is a triple dead
lock for second place. The speedbevs
humb'eil rrnnkferd High at the loser's
gym. .'17 te 2.'l. and Centtnl nosed out
Northeast High In an extra-period
Walker and Matthews were the high
scorers in tin West Philly victory. The
terirtT snared seven two-pointers,
while the latter ciiuie through with n
half dozen and made eleen fouls.
Central Wins. Thriller
It was the fecend stiaight timn that
Northeast High bus been nosed out.
Friday afternoon (irrinunteuii High
fcered a outpoint win ever the Arch
hen in the final minute of plaj. Central
High, after trtiling the major part of
the frny, tied the ,cnre in the regular
forty minutes and wen out In the exti-j
1 One minute before the dose of the
fr.iy, with Northeast In front, 24 te 21
IMwards. the Central colored plater,
I dropped in a field goal, and he added
the foul trv which made tnci".sar.t the
'extra llte-mlnute petli.d. In the mid-
'die of this session, Selielaian, who bad
, substituted for Hill Fl-eher earlier in
the game, broke uwat irem McCurdy,
drihbld! the entire lingth of the lloer
and sent the ball spinning through ths
(old, for the winning points.
Panthers Werk In a
I'll txlxiri.li. Di 13.- in the rnce or n tst
the IMIt 1M ithTn romped Hreunl the Treen
iltadluni lurx. unriiliidful ul the fart thnt
It win, th eldi'it day of tin h.mueii, Ihciiuui
of thflr desire te ki cp In idiiue for the IiIk
lt ' iien itime wlili stnnfnrd CnKemlty
nt JMIri Alie un Pidtnlier tie Coach 'llli nn
ttarrer hnd them t iirl.liur nt ten spurt,
mid i'n oii'ecj n taert n' rliniuni,a iK.rliid,
Twe Yankees Reinstated
( hlr.iKi. l"'-. I'l Twe firmer mcinltrs
?..t,,S.uV.u-Tij,;V VSim .U'nV? ,",?!
t'emtiii'f! miir K VI T.ninllii Tliu plnjerM
.iiinii . wrniunir .ei i rennes AKtien '
lletli worn i'
1....1 I....II. Ji. .. rit...
t'Lii iii'-ri.iu i liii i ji 1 1 li i in
. neri In lust. The, iui' s ni -i hup,. .
liaskelball Statistics
i:asti:hn i.k.vui'i:
v. ' J''" VV I,. J-c
rm'iii l" " s-tt fe.iv.'hi. ;t s as-
I'ni.i'l'ii 10 .1 TItJ lu'iner J s 'n,i
V'.l. ''1 J "' " 1 IT lleihnif .1 li "5d
Twin wt.ucs scin:ni'i.i;
t t'lliK'til e IleidltiK it furiilen
Miirkdat -Atliintlc 'liy 'it Jmimi
1'ilJi - Tabf".' i.t 'lnr.leii C'enteiv'
.Vtmiitle I'lty.
Haiurl.e Trirtni ut ll'iidlis
MVNl'!'.V,,TL'Ili:il.S' l.i:,vcil I
VV I.. 1 C w .
K ; i t .1 1 7.VU Wllliur 1 J
t II .11 If'" llterliliink 1 l!
1' (I t. P.. I! 1 Ml V'l IMe 1 -t
(uli.l.tui - " !'" !(. I II . U J!
TONMi.ii'i i cia:,ii:r
Uillar is I'arfjin. (,'uttllili it: i, ,
H.ii.i m ,') hi ni, i iii, AincrU'.in ltnli
i.xi .ev ki I u' Kcwtine KliU, car
' I'M ' Kill" -.-.. llliiillll IflCIN
I I e olelphli V ..Uiir I 1'iiL'Uii- M t iuI's
i lr lutinsJ i t Vdtiiciile A A
K.tst :.'i(iirr i net t.-i-
1 li
I in n I e nii'iril ,..! 1( !', j..,
'..i'l'"" i.wuii.ui.i.TB ie i; hi liiliinna
I tli lllri "ll .VIllliKMltiiu , Un. "I
- ' t ii i ' ni ll ii ntf li l i,n i
3 1
i.li. I t .imp nn ie, I'lriuia llajii'st
, r, Vlilt.. '.'I mint It teri t.l 17
i.e'i'. 1 I.". Us; sn ms ;
S'llien '.'I llelj Ninn-, Ii
1 .ii nn mil Tiun l.paieii I'liAlJeiii.
l i n tli lu il is
i'i It-iils" ijulld I.caKUc lluttcintteuj.
Slitrl, Id s
I' " ll. tilth, 3J) Fronren. m
p li Hi i Jtaile t i 1 1.
i (
mm&H'ifirt w wwMjmwr r'WWM
w -'-' ' V .
tntriAXTT.xrin TtTlVtT.Tft .I'tATUimn TWTT.AtrVEi,.TD'HTA'l
JUJLt JLU.1 VT JC7 vy eXJLfKJlJUJXii x ju.i,jjfxxrini.
Germantown Team 'B' Favored
te Take Lead in Interclub
League Race
The triple tie between the Itnciiuet
(lull's "A" team, the Oernmntewn
Cilcket Club's "II" cemblnnthm nnd
Wallace .Tiilinsen's t'jnwyd outfit for
the lender.shipef the Interclub Siptnbh
IlncqiiPtH ARSciatifin, will be fractured
tonight and the chances arc that when
the Nmekc ban cleared awa the Man
heimcrs will he sltt?ng pretty tit the
top of the heap.
t''er Captain Kmncis llradley's co ce co
herts draw the Huntingdon Valley team
as their opponent!) today and should, 011
form, grab the sixth straight without
very much effort. The Neble phijeis
show fine sportsmanship in entering the
lengue rnce, for they h:ue no ouMnwl euMnwl
iug stars out there, and trest of the
members of the team haven't the tieie
for the hard practice newsman te suc
cess. The Racquet Club "A's." en the
ether hand, face the Overbrnek Gelf
uiud's "A" squad, wlileh I. fulrlv
strong and very evenly balanced. It is'
Ollite llkelv tlie I.minmfiM. utm,,,., ,,i, ,.
will take a match or two. The ('.nw.d
Club tnckies S. V. (lark's Geniui'ntewn
"A" team nnd will de well te break
even, for the mutch will be singed at
Mnuhelm mid the Gerinpniewn outfits
are ulwajn at their bet en their own
I'rlnccten Club Weak
The Mprien CrlpUet CiubV tntiies
play ttie rrlneeten Club and should '
have a cry pleasant time of it. a the I
Tlsers have net shown much strength -e !
far this sensen. I
Ovet brook's "I!" team, led In the '
redoubtable "Hill" Hurrit. meets the
renovated Haciiuet Club "II" t.-nm. .if 1
which Jee Dexter, the Ice heckej etur.
has recently been made captain nnd of
wlucli Alex Tliajer, (lie former l't nn 1
baseball and tennib luminary
is a mem-
Unless the ether clubs get busi seen
nnd fellow Ovcrbroek's exumple 111
encouraging the teunger memliei. te
take up and learn .squash, it is haul te
figure out whuw the platers of the
future are coining fieui. What Is
needed is concerted effetr by the speits
committees of the tarieu- clubs with
a tournament for the jiintei cliampien-
siup et tlie city ter tilt tiejs te leek
ferwnrd te.
Cup riuy Needed
If some public-spiriled speUsta.in '
should come forward with the offer of
11 really haud'-euie cun te lie wen thue1
times, net necehiaril in succession,
and an Individual pnu for the wlmici
each .tear, there would he some Inueii- I
live for the boys te take if. up.
As it is new, few of them mail I
themselves of the prit liege of becom
ing junior niembeis of iten such few
clubs n.s hate hud the feiesight te
cstublish such a class.
At the Racquet Club, for instance.
Tetls Huhn, new winning runs ter
Oxford, after his course at Piinic-
ten, giablied the opiieriunltv often d I
by the junior memhei:hip plan theie.
He is j nil odds the best of thu
jeunger placers in this ceiiutit. :iud J
once gave Stanle.t W. Peaisen, the na
tional champion, a memorable battle, I
only losing after lite ten id games. I
Hut Huhn was the exception. Nene
of the ether l.uls appear te dire te,
bother with squash or ieall7c tvhiil e- '
pert coaching would de fei the m. Hut
if there ttaH the chance 1 1' tt inning a'
title and a cup the whole coiupiiMen
of the situation would change and
there would be 11 great nwuhinlng of
interest in squash. 1
Cage Five Hopes te Duplicate
Success of Gridiron
Eleven l
Willi a brilliant grhliien lecerd a
matter of the past, Nonlstewn High
has turned i- i (Torts toward haskpt
bu'l. Practice hi' been going en for
a month, but as scwral Kgulars id.ijed
en the football team, t'let were unable
te de an.t iiincttcing until a week age.
Sevcnt-tie c.iinliiliites hate been
laboring daily in .in effort te till ten
positions, tthiih make up the two
tianis. With this l.uge number te
select fieui, Couches iiiiuiermaii and
(....li I
(iiuoee are net meiii. .
Tlie coaches lull nil te carry twentj-
four men in the squad. Four letter
men are back fimit last siasen Cap
tain We.ind. Gettvnls, Smith and
Pauieus. SlHlleiilierger. flic star of
tills season's liain pIens.li Ip football
team, will nrnb.iblt be elecud te till the
vacant forward position.
The pla.tcis ihnt eeuipcise squad A
are vVennd, Smith, Geitvnls. Famous,
ShePfiibciger. I.nvvsen. Alcade, Sherld,
Hoxtterth, Welfendi'ii. Pugh, Slainth.
lleniittlgs, Hiniit, Cl.lt K. Pllitt. Raiubfl,
Shninllne llcunliigs. 'lagga.t S.,,le..
(tiiuser. Sc hull. Vltirle and dlainllug.
" ,. ueeii tut giilne Is sciiimIIIIci for
i ' riiiui
night wnli I'.ii.ningiettn nun.
The probable line up f"f this (jauie is
i v Ptiiiii nun niicii'ii'Tihi-ii
... - . , .,1 ..n....i..........
fei waul
Gotwals, ccntei : Nuilli am
guards. ,
The schedule I dlews:
Di-vcnil er 1." -li ii nil Btewii liome.
I)i.einbcr a.' llcellinc mtai
li". eii.ticr S! I'm ' uliurB, honie
I teinhcr "7 I'Mlidiln'ili ' I'll
llct'diitier 110 t I'l f !'' home
a iv a
,lniiuii "- Itic'ri " iv ' '
.Innuiry il- r.ii " i home
,linniv I'J VVft i'V'1'1, aw.
Jtiuaiy 13 1'UI'i 1'll'lila NjitliJasr
.lenuary e-Mm1 li line
Jnnunry 5(1 Unit
Jutiunry "7 Itenlih li nw
IVIininry 1 I'nitiiewn nm
IVhiunry II AMn'en lienie
IMirunry ll C'eei Im-Ih, itwiiy
IVl.ruirj 10 W inn' id'ni, le"i i
IVhiiliiu' 1.1 !( ,ill H ill MP
1'eliruiry in- villi. mn i I'r.p
IVIininry !!.'--VVI'i' "l inn:
IVluuir" Jl rittl " h I
Viircli .1 Lfliiin I In it p
Mure'i ft Mt din in n
.Mniih iti- -C'ji tent ll. li r
Raymond te Lead Tiger
ITliurtftii rt J.. .' I - He I'rli.
en ,
.n.iinaitr ipiiiii t ' nn itiet - j
lla in md of Ki.ni in ' m VI" i 'Mil i(n i
''l eni The im liu'hi lei di i i in lil
I'rit iikv fui I'r.tn i i m lad It, inn
1 1 ' rst .N ii'l in in ii lei .'i In i ie ri
I ! Ilar ml V li till i i id 'i i i a. i ,
eieal ii, nnh-'i n Hi" I linn inii-M
lie"! lie t i irieinl i, i In rl, k in '.'
and ni (pa imI fe. i 'I'M' n' lunrtiie m.Ii
World's Heckey Champs Beaten
I uIt ir .
Alls rlu, P . I.I -The m
'loiento rln'n linekm rhnm
dlfl'llll 1 hi fl lu
u' i' "U la
I'llrlilin, jit
I li wile
.1rV - - u,
the All-Star
He Seeks Title
Indianapolis llglit-heavytveiglit,
who 'has come Kast te le for
rrark at Harry Greb's American
1 Imniplensblp. Wiggins Is te niake
his Philadelphia debut In .1 bout
with Sergeant Huy Smith tonight
at the Chestnut Street Arena, anil
he also is matched te inert Art
SI0110 at the Arena Christmas
Haven A. C. Closes Season
Trouncing Wilbur's
The Hell Haven A. C. closed the 1J122
football season with n one-sided tietert
ever Wilbur A. C. fiS te 0.
Ten guinea were pla.tetli durli.g tin
season untl six were victories nnd font
defeats. Seme of the best eleven'' were
numbered among the victims. 1 Ik
son's record fellow n:
set- I
' ;
u, it!
J? Jf'
11. it!
. II
Ii)' Profs.
Merrier .
H. I'lilla. A
MolrnMe .
Ft.ir.i 11
. . . n
.11. At tin A. (J
. .2S 1'aii.halt A. r
U'K 2S
11. IT.
n h.
n. 11.
A (
. f
A. I .
Knirhts il
Si f..TJ
Wllb"1,1 All siwtMi
Alabama te Meet Syracuse
fllUcr.lt.i. Ala.. 1ec. 13 Arnnun er-
i .n in.t.te leuny in.it me i niM m.i
Alnln'i.i will ni'et Pruci"i fnullMll i
ri SrniUrt. re V . en Oct' lp 13
. 1
teir Iiurln tlif Inst twn i"H AInl) mi
nas -Mm rmm or iim une- wru'mi i n mi
iii lPi'i 1. (We.iuil !!. Siiui'i tn n "nt. !
i" ., e. nnil 1M1 tiir tt'ij fr ! i !-,
11 f T '
Williams Captains F. and M.
I 4 . a. !. rim 11 I .. It'll. .
of vik, !ii tiin n.un .1 i-ipiain or 1,1.. t'l.'.i '
liniikiln and Mar-h-ill fi thill mi i .,
llains U oil" of the fi.'1'rt 1 1 ,i h tl at
. (r wure the niue and v'hi'e y r,.
ii iin ri i 1'iv iii L'ii.iiti:iii
it : VV''' - , 'h
r.m. '-. ?, ''t ';,- 'a ,, ,' ,J
Three Penn Soccer men
Picked for
Douglas Stewart Selects Four Princeton Players and
Tive Each Frem Harvard and Cernell Intercelle-
gare Game Notable for Number of Geed Players
Right f'llllwck...
Left fullback....
Right halfback...
Center halfback..
Left halfback...,
Outside right.. ,
Inside tight
Ci'Vtir tei ward...
Inside left
, . Cooj er
. . Smntt, aptnin
. .Thompson ... .
. .Righter
. . Woodbridge , .
, .Ileiser
, . . .Themas
wiiisiue ten .Mel.liej
Substitutes I'erv.aul, llunsukep,
ford; back. Martin, of Princeton; goal,
IVrui farcer Cnu'i mill I'rpkldrnt l.iistcrii IlUtrlct sn.!.nlr
-- tea
easen has been rem.iikalile for thcizitieus
large number of icnllj geed plajtrs in I
ine nilli.s ei ine teams oeinc ei me
sinine of tb..
daerH are stars In theii imrlicular
positions, irrcsiu'ctite of the suiqiett i
Ihet hate received from their team-
males; ethers h.ivc shown that In com-
pntij with geed jiheeis the.t bee.in e i
adept, mem) requiring tne supsirt te i
which diet are cntl.l.d te enable them i
te use their
alillit.t t . the gnalesi (-.-
The caliber of the platen en the
.. 1...1 . r . . I. 1. ......
teani', us a wiieie i inj iinii-u eenei (
than has lieretoleti-
been the cane untl
gltes sound basis for the .statement I
thnt In a verv few tears' time the cel- I
legiate tenma'vt 111 rank with any of the '
j elevens net made up et past or pics-i
I ent culleglans.
, The qualitv of the freshmen new
i coming te college is se gecd that a
mediocre freshman team is unusual.
The frpshni'in imp is embodied in the
'squad, the geed plajers are mere or
1 less banded together and the best of
thrse are shnted up te the tennis which
Hire plajing iniistantlt luilnst mere c
tierlenced il.ijeis, and in Ibis tva.t
tiled out.
Of (eurse, s due fall by the tt.ij
side en the leii'h mad uii in the var
sity tiaiii, hut the iiualit.t of the-e wh
' I each the tarsi't eleten is ten liign.
and when it i nines u, an nil -i.ttir com cem com
blnitleii sell eti d from the best of the;
tlltsin tc.lllls I .ill of the otiinleii that I
It would held Us et.n with (lie bct,i
In the eiiiiiitr.t. ,
TtfpMr ej tin rulUiie fitiiij tMiii i
" hi) it nc u prcKini.'en in the
intricelli'i"it iiiiik flfien iij) ci'i
ii ckicA .mi eve triinn if I'Juhi
d(;iii'ii, in leifc ami flic vtr'.ultii
. ahtrcvtr t!n') die luiulni. i
i Miimiil Teams
flMIIl spirit et the college tea
- esspiill.tllt .iiimtx'ir, both 'n
till is
nl i
aim i"oiitieriuieiir en ami oil the lull
ami ii is only i mitler of i mr l ter,
'Mich one of the huge "iiilti rs ,s
Hiri-i.n..1'1'" '"t-t "'" i'"u' "'' alu.unl 'i un.
" i' I-,,, i , ,. i 1. i-, i
t.inl ir.niii'i l.itllnu e'leh e h. r r
nil . I i.llci.r i li.uii'Ui ic-hlp.
The ilmirs n- a whole iiud n , i
a g " I, hi tilth1 . robust gnme tl 1 h
din cuipicss iiu.i an hour and a linit
ue'iith nlnscil .nn. mental ivtiti
laeiit Ie last the. a for ii tuck.
The gnme Is i nt ii,v anj means, a
gentle divert Inn, nor is it a centesi
vvheie a pbiver. it he keeps himself in
shape, u I be iiiiurid,
Th"' nil di'li 1. 1 ti.liu I have Neleeleil
Nheqlil be geiid eiieugh Ie held the
College Soccer Selections of Douglas Stewart
Link9Wemen May Play Tourney
at That Club Next Season.
Mrs. Murphy Stars
N1CW golf teiitnaments for next sea sea
ten bloom thtfce das like llewers
In M10. or tiiie net, but out that W
purtl.t p.onilsed is a liandhep for j
women nt Arenimlnk. This li, one of j
the plans of the match cet.imitte" tin re j
which tirtually jiremlses u teurnc of
Ibis smt for venun as seen ns the'
ceure "Is properly playable." I
'Tin al'e said that all weintn con-
1 innt'i.iiu (vin. luivi. net hail a liaeMi- '
cap established will play in the event
from scratch. J li'te ellglil te ne picmj
of scratching around for a handicap be-
I cause this leeks liku a tourney mat
1 can't be missed.
The lat issue of the "Arenlm-Ink-
I llnps." the club's monthly bulletin,
Ms called the "wnmen number," and it
Ms filled with intPiesting data about
1 the ladies. There is considerable data
therein about the Hue golf showing of
Mrs. ll. V. Murphy, who wen the club
championship nt Arenlminl, when she
heat Mi. P. H. fremm in the Itnnl
round of the first eight.
The medal for low gross te qualify
was captured by Mrs. 12. C. Miller
with a sceic of 10".
Promote Competitive Spirit
In piometlng the cempetitite spirit
among tin Arenlinink women tli mutch
letnmittee has establlhed a method of
rating the golf pis en the average of fuc
The ratings nnd liandicnpi fel-
M'rs! i:. V. Murphy, lit; Mr. V. C.
Miller. 22: Mrs. Victer Fret. 27; Mrs.
P. II. Fromm, 80; Mrs. D. V. H. Y il
kie, 30; Mrs. J. II. Chcteimnn, :1V ;
Mrs. h. J. Hall. W; Miss Kdtthe
Ueger. K ; Mrs. II. h. Hey.-r, 10: Mrs.
Prank X. Heriediu. -10; .Mis. Kobett
r Aims, !(); Mrs. ('. V Jl.unei.r, 10;
Mrs. James D. Dillen. 10; Mrs. Guy
Gundaker, '10; MrN. G. W. Stntz.ll.
Sr., HI: and Miss Mar.t M. P.rewti, -10.
Meantime the club thai rltnl. the
Winter Steve League, which gate n
roast nig dinner nt McKinle.t, Pa., this
ttiek, is )lntinlt'L' te singe such n feed
etery meniii in tne iiiiun.
It arqiears thnt ilr's eaten the ether
. , . i e .. i i, .. .. i : i. i
night have fourteen rinltlren wl.icli. Is
Kli,j te be better than par. or double
'Hie club beasts of mnii.i geli inetn-
bers. lucltiililig Wr.lter Ilulten. I.n hu,
and Reb'-rl Ransfeid. .li., Wliiti mardi.
There were feity jiresent ni the party
t)js w,,Pi. , nI ,,v,, Jri:i.,. U'reng is
, , . . "I
looked for next time. i
- -1
All-Star Team
. Princeton
. . Peiinsjltaiiia
. Hnit.it. !
. . lVnii' j'tnni.i
, . I'llucptnll
. .1 'ull.eil
. .Cernell
. . Pinecleti
. . I Iin van!
. . Prlnct ten
. . Pennsyltnni.i
of Hnurfeid;
half, Ileag. of Haver-
Cew i crtb wait, of Peunsjhunui
i..t ict.-ur and nrefessi,,,,..,! r.r.nnt.
t " I er, .f Princeton, u- i BlJ.il-
"I"1" ',,"".'.."-- "'iii.seu as n putter
... ; ..i.ni.' .. ... , .'
, rience and coaching. In the fuilbr.'c'l
liii" Il'iml. of Pinn, anil Sullivan, 'et
ill til i urn i ll nil i i v iiiiiiLini. I tin I . ...
,"'1 "' '"' " , "' n"ii m goeil ha,
Dt leas in 'r tut if pett ih e tititiclit
tir,n ninl ionseeiii.il .On.i.,,.. I.? .. 1.1
,,,i ,!,,im.v;. using geed judgnient" in
it iiin.r uieit let warns and work
"'!' ,'"lr l""u,'i d gall.i cper.-
a i
'"' ' -"P 'rung their h-iltes.
lu ih 'talfbt.'l; line Surirt of Pr nc .
ten, 'Mints out ,is i enter hnif ;,j,q
c-iiptniri Ills f,.ed(n' .mil c iiitniiui.i'
!''".''' .'"hitiliitil with Ins nlulit ie
hi.nmc IPs nciense or attack te the
dctiin.i lit in' I, is oiipeut lit-. .1111! (!.,
""' ll '' ''iH tenm Is abumiinitl.t dem
iiiisri.iiin. .taieiia, et I'liin,
Thi'i.ips.iii, .,! Cirni'll, leil.iinlt
esp.'tiiici and alillilt i no .gh ti,
tith Smart and si lengthen ant
be ii ipIu ta.tke.
I. 'hi
i or'
i. ii, i'
V III! fuurarJ line the ,.',).,
le . linn Ae ipii then (niiv y.
.en, "..il, ( i 'in iti net, inth tin
I'vtism I'OeiZ.iiuii' tihiUty ,, form
ll .'ill. ' J' 'l I'Ulllil Jli'ni itf niuillHl
(in ill fence eeujiri; ii (' a ' eA- i'i .
yi. i a i in ii',('((".
Londen Clethes
for Men
-i i t F i.' rui-i t American tle
- itii thtr rienilns, Londen LaunK(,
Suit" ' imvi tnr ana
515 u.i
1314 Walnut St
Spruce BU30
"icrttj Kcretene
i i . i . ii
v i ll,
e nil i ll n.li t.
VI in M i i e,u. (
4 ' I inn ii I. t' j
1 ' d nstrail n
ciiiitvci,fiiiA, PA,
SENDS27.50 '?f '""""bati .llr.rn.nt,
vmsx i .
Eit'iir" v
de6embei 13 '1022
Majer Daly Quits
as Coach of Army
West Point. N. Y.. Dec. 13.
Anueutmment lias Ixen made that
Majer Clmrles D. Dulv ha ' ul Ids
own ifqiiest been relleveil of the
duties 1, in ml mi I of tbr iiriu.t
football squad. Cipiln hihh 1
Melltt u lias li. -i ippolne'd bead
peach for next season. Majer fbil.t,
hating ceiiclude.l a long and suc
cessful carer r as p'uyer. assistant
ceiteh alid hi.nl couch of the Uct
Point rleten. voluntarily relin
quishes the job of chief mentor of
iirmj football ut the ml of one of
the mol intcrcdlng nnd vmi'b
fill gridiron snasePH thnt the Milli
tnrj eadcniy has etcr enjejed
Paul Costelle, Jack Kelly and
Nine Others Resign, Fellow- '
ing Fermer's Suspension
Tntern.il 'trifc 1 as rer.t risiindri
1 iiinks of the Vrsjicr !ent Club.
j I'leven taciiilcrs, iiicludiiig Paul V
J Costelle. national 'ingles scull ehatn-
pien, ami Jehn H Kelly, former world's
1 champion slngh 'etilltr, h.ite resigned.
1 Crwtelle and Kcllj wen the Oljmple
doubles ihnmpietishi'i n' 1'iusscls in
j 1H20.
I The Vpsit C '1I1 is practiiMl ruined
bv the rpslanatletis. for beside these
mentioned th ether, who bate resigned
include Frank l.nllj. member of the
senior "igh ; Themas Mngtilre, of the
four and eigh e.ircil n-ptts; Jad. Cos Ces Cos
teleo and Samuel M 001 eh end, foiir feiir
1 nred sin 11; Geergt Pilloen, si nter
deuhlep; Chnihs Mplltuinu. junior !
islnglts ehnmiden ; J. HpiiiiN, four and
I cisht-narcd shrlls Fled Gutseg.ill. (tip- ,
I fain of thp club. Ilmi limit) Walker, of I
.tin junior doubles ( l.ai qiienshi'i Midi,
and W. Frul Ferd. "
I Riming (irclis are all up.t eter the 1
. aiineuncement and it is the biggest un-I
Ihentnl titneiig oarsmen is ihts city fort
ninnv .tears. Hi, nu-n .ml thej bnd
revolt tsl against what thev termed un
inf.iir rilling mfiilnst i'.mi t;,iolle, who '
at cording te "ie efriieri of tin clu! ,
was suspend! ifti"- being found guilt.t
of lnfrnd'e'i of the elnb ruleJ. '
Mnnj 1 leiniueut Vcper niembcts, in
cluding Ke'lj and Fled Giisi-i;,i1I. the
captain, protested, inn. the decision
.. . .
went thre tgii. tiencp tin n ignal.ens.
, , ,
PaskC3 and Burke Draw
Ilr-iiilnit. ! 11 l.ntt "i, I'ivm .-. ij
lint I' Hurl. iii in or Hi iO'ic, 'eubH an
Bh' r iU'i 1 ili'i'i Y(t" Hi. 'illlieni rf
ltudlriK. ' fi Mn' Inniiv i". lliiii of
i'1'i-i.i'r i .ml" Mr.u' of l'lilliid-liM
iitpelnie.t Tli' ci'h of I an oust i". 1 !i
I Ml s.ncd 'l.i fi. I ,ler ..' ItnTtli - v.hi
vnn f(iiii'l of it'i II' i s, nu it
. Ill 11'. I V 1,1'. I ' ll i "I l III 111 i ' ll,
nnl J. vt'il'i'i' . ai M., " ta,t.i n
III. A."
Latest Styles
1 ifV
I'-rm t'lk. t W nr r
T Oft Vd-- r l. r y". nil
rt CO v f-s ' - S" IIP
-, l ll s, f f t ,M
$-, I i iei r - -,'I.Vl
G. Ervir. Donevan, 135 S. 10th Street ,
Dre:c! Institute vs. Pennsylvania
Y.Y'1 , D ten'hi.. li. rw it 8 00 P M
Ki-scrti.il s-itk SI 00 un' 71
:;et' c i tsln ..t Ath'.c'. c t'.iu;.ell OP C01
"X-:nii. Str'et
Trust Says We Can't Run!
We'll Prove That We Can Run!
vi.p,,rsuv Drcr.MBi:n n
Chuck Wiggins vs. Sgt. Ray Smith .
IidlaiiBLPel!' Cm! Oinilen 3Ic-e
Bebby Lyens vs. Recky Marien
I.'ev. Ve-1 H'ei.,. r1. Va
ItV'"' r1.
j ' '.i
l no I 0 52 CO
atxaKEsaaBEagatEOK lan nil uu
Ideal for a
Radie Batfieries
U hi tlu i v i u
plin i mt '
K'.'iuuful nn s
O Litt !iv ,t
vim v . 1. 1,
r' """ii
li'4.'-13-17 Hnuulj wine St.
Ofllcial PrcBt-O-Lite Distributors
mTmuf i f . i 1 . i" xfn
mtLy ma
Veteran Shortstop Named
Succeed Clyde Milan as Wash-
ingten Pilet
WV.liliigten, Dec. VI. Owen (Don (Den
nip 1 Hush, vptprnn infiehlfr. will guldi
the fortun-ef the' -a I American.Ipngne
baseball club ns jjk.iinircr in the 1!I2."
pennnnt race, since'sllng Cl.tile Milan,
whose iptlrpiiteni ns t.innager was mnde
known at the conclusion of Inst season
The former Detroit Infield star, whom
Clarke (irltllth, president of the local
1 1 lull rates aa one of "the "craftiest in-
B1 field is and best )rnln the gnme h' s
,eter known," came te Washington as
a utility plnjcr the luttir part of tin
.1H2I season, when waivm were nskrd
,011 him by Detroit. He hail
Ht ' ,-ltr
Talt'ivull Bres.
Cigar Manufacturers
!. Columbia Ave.
Make Your New
V Dadj,'er ( alifernm Stdr.n wil, niake your new car
the ncir.L' cf dosed cvi" luxury without sacrificing open
i"-.r iliibilitv and crtiiemy.
StrikinifJv beautiful;
.' ime liKht, ein.unei.tul coach irons,
s Je curtains. .Neihi'lcss
for the hf "i i sir.
AjI: any dealer selling t''e filleAinir cars: Stude
i.ikcr, Paitfi', Iluicl:, 'ash, De-i; e, iHnar.t. Overland,
illy--Kiiiirht, Oakland, Rce, IT'ipi, Chi.:.dler.
CS7 N. Bread Street Poplar 2550
Open .si ii 1 1 "i nuimi
c mdi:n distributor
&. I-rent &. Arch Streets
Wl.AlVi,C-JV W.
ls.s) c. s , ,V. ,M .1
of teyi,
A small (K'UemI will te.crve an ttrticle until Christma
TS lrt it
-neri ( - T '
ulre u 1 i f
I n-it
V 1 II Is J.
tr 1 v s'li'
II if '1 Id . .
la t 'I 10 1 - I t 1
SS.00 l
$11.25 ll'
sr'frf-i: is, '
Gelf Set, $10.00
R''IM ft W m fal tl'l 1
i'r . h ut l fty rjuh I
tMt.rftt iitrtai tug 1
r ki
-e- r 1
c f. r I
' " I re t I' ciU " r, r. an I t
s ' st tnii, t 1i' 1 1
Pege Sticks
Ol'l. , K . U.
wmm &
v i -y;
(.i. (. .lVrt in. nn l ' rtr-
VC r "'Klfcl'eU. 1. 11 k 1 t ls
-' s 11 . U . "
I." i i"ene it inn j I f f ji
inr.' freTi 1.V 0(, f?
m .43. n cbv vtbv i , st a its. r-rmm mm
Jiicjuuii i?m
' I
' shortstop nnd second bnse there fint
1II0S. Hush filled lu at third base tbt
the local club during it number 0t
games last suiseii.
"Pontile V nppelntnient te the mj
ngerlal berth cniiie tR 1111 almost com
plete surprise te Washington fandeM,
I his name neter hm Ins been lireuglit out ,
Il,,.n iiii.litinlll.il UH DOS.SllnlltlPtf.
ii.il", H ..' " -.-. iLr
including Mike Kelley. mnnngcr of tn-s,
St. Paul American tssiKiiiinin wm
tO When talked te eter the telephony
l-... il,ill',tl,'u nnliillllicellieilt. ItUWl
iwa reticent m making predictions, but
..... 11 .1 I ...I.I. Ik. nl.V.Fl
(MH'inreil lie liencteii tviui m- i.r.
011 the present roster et the flub n win
ning combination urn be whipped into
"hope." Ife is understood te have ac
cepted the position only en the con
dition that In lie given an absolutely,
fiee lrand in managing the club.
Georgetown Plekn Captain
HK-hltiRtmi. P. (. n , Taul PlerraM.
f.i-eiBt .n e 'eft iu1 h3 b'n elJ4
iidiiIii "I Hi- inilti Hltv'n fniitlmll team
fir i.t " iH wnt etii ypnr of
mm ami . i'ii l iIiuik len ntmr trriidiMU
ln nt I.OMili Acidnm, ut Chit .m He n
nln .1 I'l en'l for (,ieri?t wti two -ear
uril h.se itarril lit l nskcll nil fcii'J l)sbH.
Keppi3eh Re-elected Celumbln Cpt
Nw It!.. !)- 13 -Cnptnln Walter P.
Km i r h "f tne ..luinliln 1 el erltv toot teot toet
niirtn.p linn ti"i r. e. p, te If ad Ilia
in. mi I While u-rlt Found for the 1B28
s. r' I.nntil'ih, Who Will In"
nenler net
j . -i hri li'Ti Hi.
emit hrilllnnt flftter en
tin. 1"
ul tniiii durlns the last te fn,
On Sale at All
the Better Clubs
I j. ,..-...,,.,.. JjJ
Car Luxuriously
fu'l cqi'ipmen'.,
Cnnidcn IU00
Sporting Goods
mcludir.:; visor, fe
bt'vcleil p ate trlas , K
nt'ilii'd "'uarantced e1
ISP? w
think of it! 30,000
space devoted c:iclni
aqjare feet
civ te (he
ipertins fjoedi and redie juppl
hihkp your tcircttnn tere !
1 ren llir Trt
' " I' .l In , ,,
" 1 V II AT ' J 1
nil (iiiarantced
hi i.t. i, M
- :
(().t0 I ri
Itf in,
iri-f t
ll-!!! if
(i'.)c t,i 5,2."i
WW 1
id ulrli
i" niir
1: 311
$4.35 te ?38.50
'lull Or-lrr. l"leii,p,,x tmA
--" ht'mni Utfil4
' W,r'.i AHV tit 1
u -I uu ft
N. 0.) , m - . . . ' i'
. . . '
'.. .A I
r '? x .am
3 .
t"" Vy TJ?
Ul i
r.f Ifkr !l '
vtv." '